int traverseDFS(Graph graph, int start, Dllist close) { Dllist node, stack; JRB visited; int output[100]; int temp; int i, n, counter = 0; visited = make_jrb(); stack = new_dllist(); dll_prepend(stack, new_jval_i(start)); while(!dll_empty(stack)) { node = dll_first(stack); temp = jval_i(node->val); dll_delete_node(node); if(jrb_find_int(visited, temp) == NULL) { counter++; // reportFunc(temp); dll_append(close, new_jval_i(temp)); jrb_insert_int(visited, temp, new_jval_i(temp)); n = outdegree(graph, temp, output); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(jrb_find_int(visited, output[i]) == NULL) { dll_prepend(stack, new_jval_i(output[i])); } } } } return counter; }
main() { IS is; Queue q; Stack s; Dllist l; int i; Jval j; is = new_inputstruct(NULL); while (get_line(is) > 0) { q = new_queue(); s = new_stack(); l = new_dllist(); for (i = 0; i < strlen(is->fields[0]); i++) { queue_enqueue(q, new_jval_c(is->fields[0][i])); stack_push(s, new_jval_c(is->fields[0][i])); dll_append(l, new_jval_c(is->fields[0][i])); dll_prepend(l, new_jval_c(is->fields[0][i])); } while (!queue_empty(q)) { j = queue_dequeue(q); printf("%c", j.c); j = stack_pop(s); printf("%c", j.c); printf("%c", l->flink->val.c); dll_delete_node(l->flink); printf("%c", l->flink->val.c); dll_delete_node(l->flink); printf(" "); } printf("\n"); free_queue(q); free_stack(s); free_dllist(l); } }
int solution(Graph graph, Jval start, Jval stop, Dllist stackVisit, Jval (*cloneFunc)(Jval), int (*compare)(Jval, Jval), void (*reportFunc)(Jval)) { Dllist stackRes; Dllist node; Jval nowNode, temp; int counter = 0; stackRes = new_dllist(); node = dll_first(stackVisit); nowNode = cloneFunc(node->val); dll_delete_node(node); dll_prepend(stackRes, nowNode); while(!dll_empty(stackVisit)) { if(isAdjacent(graph, nowNode, start, compare)) { dll_prepend(stackRes, start); counter++; break; } do { node = dll_first(stackVisit); temp = cloneFunc(node->val); dll_delete_node(node); if(isAdjacent(graph, nowNode, temp, compare)) { dll_prepend(stackRes, temp); nowNode = temp; counter++; break; } } while(!dll_empty(stackVisit)); } printf("Solution: The shortest path between two node: \n"); while(!dll_empty(stackRes)) { node = dll_first(stackRes); reportFunc(node->val); dll_delete_node(node); } free_dllist(stackVisit); return counter; }
void DFS(Graph graph, Jval start, Jval stop, Jval (*cloneFunc)(Jval), int (*compare)(Jval, Jval), void (*reportFunc)(Jval)) { Dllist node, stack; JRB visited; Jval *output; Jval temp, tmp; int i, n; visited = make_jrb(); stack = new_dllist(); dll_prepend(stack, start); if((output = myMalloc(sizeof(Jval), 100)) == NULL) { return; } while(!dll_empty(stack)) { node = dll_first(stack); temp = cloneFunc(node->val); dll_delete_node(node); if(jrb_find_gen(visited, temp, compare) == NULL) { reportFunc(temp); jrb_insert_gen(visited, temp, temp, compare); if(compare(temp, stop) == 0) { jrb_free_tree(visited); free_dllist(stack); free(output); return; } n = getAdjacentVertices(graph, temp, output, compare); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(jrb_find_gen(visited, output[i], compare) == NULL) { dll_prepend(stack, output[i]); } } } } }
int deepFirstSearch(Graph graph, int start, int stop, Dllist close) { Dllist node, stack; JRB visited; int output[100]; int temp; int i, n; visited = make_jrb(); stack = new_dllist(); dll_prepend(stack, new_jval_i(start)); while(!dll_empty(stack)) { node = dll_first(stack); temp = jval_i(node->val); dll_delete_node(node); if(jrb_find_int(visited, temp) == NULL) { // reportFunc(temp); dll_append(close, new_jval_i(temp)); jrb_insert_int(visited, temp, new_jval_i(temp)); if(compare(temp, stop) == 0) { jrb_free_tree(visited); free_dllist(stack); return 1; } n = outdegree(graph, temp, output); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(jrb_find_int(visited, output[i]) == NULL) { dll_prepend(stack, new_jval_i(output[i])); } } } } jrb_free_tree(visited); free_dllist(stack); return 0; }
int main(void) { A* a = malloc(sizeof(A)), *b = malloc(sizeof(A)), *c = NULL; List* l = list_init(); Stack* s = stack_init(); Queue* q = queue_init(); DoubleLinkedList* d = dll_init(); printf("a: %d\nB: %d\nc: %d\n", (int)a, (int)b, (int)c); a->a1 = 1; a->a2 = 'c'; b->a1 = 2; b->a2 = 'a'; printf("\n=== LIST TEST ===\n"); list_add(l, a, 0); list_append(l, b); list_remove(l, 0); list_print(l); c = list_get(l, 0); printf("c: %d\n", (int)c); list_delete(l); printf("\n=== STACK TEST ===\n"); stack_push(s, b); stack_push(s, a); stack_pop(s); stack_print(s); c = stack_peek(s); printf("c: %d\n", (int)c); stack_delete(s); printf("\n=== QUEUE TEST ===\n"); queue_push(q, a); queue_push(q, b); queue_pop(q); queue_print(q); c = queue_peek(q); printf("c: %d\n", (int)c); queue_delete(q); printf("\n=== DOUBLE LINKED LIST TEST ===\n"); dll_add(d, b, 0); dll_prepend(d, a); dll_remove(d, 1); dll_print(d); c = dll_get(d, 0); printf("c: %d\n", (int)c); dll_delete(d); free(a); free(b); return 0; }
int UShortestPath(Graph graph, Jval start, Jval stop, Jval (*cloneFunc)(Jval), int (*compare)(Jval, Jval), void (*reportFunc)(Jval)) { Dllist node, queue, stackVisit; JRB visited; Jval *output; Jval temp, tmp; int i, n; visited = make_jrb(); queue = new_dllist(); stackVisit = new_dllist(); dll_append(queue, start); if((output = myMalloc(sizeof(Jval), 100)) == NULL) { return 0; } while(!dll_empty(queue)) { node = dll_first(queue); temp = cloneFunc(node->val); dll_delete_node(node); if(jrb_find_gen(visited, temp, compare) == NULL) { jrb_insert_gen(visited, temp, temp, compare); dll_prepend(stackVisit, temp); if(compare(temp, stop) == 0) { return solution(graph, start, stop, stackVisit, cloneFunc, compare, reportFunc); } n = getAdjacentVertices(graph, temp, output, compare); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(jrb_find_gen(visited, output[i], compare) == NULL) { dll_append(queue, output[i]); } } } } return -1; }
int UShortestPath(Graph graph, int start, int stop, Dllist close) { Dllist node, queue, stackVisit; JRB visited; int output[100]; int temp; int i, n; visited = make_jrb(); queue = new_dllist(); stackVisit = new_dllist(); dll_append(queue, new_jval_i(start)); while(!dll_empty(queue)) { node = dll_first(queue); temp = jval_i(node->val); dll_delete_node(node); if(jrb_find_int(visited, temp) == NULL) { jrb_insert_int(visited, temp, new_jval_i(temp)); dll_prepend(stackVisit, new_jval_i(temp)); if(temp == stop) { return solution(graph, start, stop, stackVisit, close); } n = outdegree(graph, temp, output); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(jrb_find_int(visited, output[i]) == NULL) { dll_append(queue, new_jval_i(output[i])); } } } } return -1; }
/* Get flow ring ID, if not present try to create one */ static INLINE int dhd_flowid_lookup(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, uint8 ifindex, uint8 prio, char *sa, char *da, uint16 *flowid) { uint16 id; flow_ring_node_t *flow_ring_node; flow_ring_table_t *flow_ring_table; unsigned long flags; DHD_INFO(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!dhdp->flow_ring_table) return BCME_ERROR; flow_ring_table = (flow_ring_table_t *)dhdp->flow_ring_table; id = dhd_flowid_find(dhdp, ifindex, prio, sa, da); if (id == FLOWID_INVALID) { if_flow_lkup_t *if_flow_lkup; if_flow_lkup = (if_flow_lkup_t *)dhdp->if_flow_lkup; if (!if_flow_lkup[ifindex].status) return BCME_ERROR; id = dhd_flowid_alloc(dhdp, ifindex, prio, sa, da); if (id == FLOWID_INVALID) { DHD_ERROR(("%s: alloc flowid ifindex %u status %u\n", __FUNCTION__, ifindex, if_flow_lkup[ifindex].status)); return BCME_ERROR; } /* register this flowid in dhd_pub */ dhd_add_flowid(dhdp, ifindex, prio, da, id); } ASSERT(id < dhdp->num_flow_rings); flow_ring_node = (flow_ring_node_t *) &flow_ring_table[id]; DHD_FLOWRING_LOCK(flow_ring_node->lock, flags); if (flow_ring_node->active) { DHD_FLOWRING_UNLOCK(flow_ring_node->lock, flags); *flowid = id; return BCME_OK; } /* Init Flow info */ memcpy(flow_ring_node->, sa, sizeof(flow_ring_node->; memcpy(flow_ring_node->flow_info.da, da, sizeof(flow_ring_node->flow_info.da)); flow_ring_node->flow_info.tid = prio; flow_ring_node->flow_info.ifindex = ifindex; flow_ring_node->active = TRUE; flow_ring_node->status = FLOW_RING_STATUS_PENDING; DHD_FLOWRING_UNLOCK(flow_ring_node->lock, flags); DHD_FLOWID_LOCK(dhdp->flowid_lock, flags); dll_prepend(&dhdp->bus->const_flowring, &flow_ring_node->list); DHD_FLOWID_UNLOCK(dhdp->flowid_lock, flags); /* Create and inform device about the new flow */ if (dhd_bus_flow_ring_create_request(dhdp->bus, (void *)flow_ring_node) != BCME_OK) { DHD_ERROR(("%s: create error %d\n", __FUNCTION__, id)); return BCME_ERROR; } *flowid = id; return BCME_OK; }