Exemplo n.º 1
INT16 dlm_cholfC(COMPLEX64* Z, const COMPLEX64* A, INT32 nXD) {
  integer info = 0;
  integer n = (integer) nXD;
  char uplo[1] = { 'U' };
#ifdef __MAX_TYPE_32BIT
  extern int clacpy_(char*,integer*,integer*,complex*,integer*,complex*,integer *ldb);
  extern int cpotrf_(char*,integer*,complex*,integer*,integer*);
  extern int zlacpy_(char*,integer*,integer*,doublecomplex*,integer*,doublecomplex*,integer *ldb);
  extern int zpotrf_(char*,integer*,doublecomplex*,integer*,integer*);

  /* Declare variables */
  DLPASSERT(Z != A);                                                            /* Assert input is not output        */
  DLPASSERT(dlp_size(Z) >= nXD * nXD * sizeof(FLOAT64));                        /* Check size of output buffer       */
  DLPASSERT(dlp_size(A) >= nXD * nXD * sizeof(FLOAT64));                        /* Check size of input buffer        */

  /* ... computation ... *//* --------------------------------- */
#ifdef __MAX_TYPE_32BIT
  cpotrf_(uplo, &n, (complex*)A, &n, &info);
  clacpy_(uplo, &n, &n, (complex*)A, &n, (complex*)Z, &n);
  zpotrf_(uplo, &n, (doublecomplex*)A, &n, &info);
  zlacpy_(uplo, &n, &n, (doublecomplex*)A, &n, (doublecomplex*)Z, &n);
  return (info == 0) ? O_K : NOT_EXEC; /* All done successfully             */
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Computes the complex (inverse) fast Fourier transform.
 * @param RE
 *          Pointer to an array containing the real part of the input, will be
 *          overwritten with real part of output.
 * @param IM
 *          Pointer to an array containing the imaginary part of the input, will
 *          be overwritten with imaginary part of output.
 * @param nXL
 *          Length of signals, must be a power of 2 (otherwise the function will
 *          return an <code>ERR_MDIM</code> error)
 * @param bInv
 *          If non-zero the function computes the inverse complex Fourier
 *          transform
 * @return <code>O_K</code> if successfull, a (begative) error code otherwise
 * <h4>Remarks</h4>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>The function creates the tables by its own, stores them in static arrays and
 *   reuses them for all subsequent calls with the same value of <code>nXL</code>.</li>
 * </ul>
INT16 dlm_fft
  FLOAT64*       RE,
  FLOAT64*       IM,
  INT32          nXL,
  INT16          bInv
  extern int ifft(FLOAT64*,FLOAT64*,const int);
  extern int fft(FLOAT64*,FLOAT64*,const int);
  INT16  order;

  /* Initialize */                                                               /* --------------------------------- */
  order = (INT16)dlm_log2_i(nXL);                                                /* Compute FFT order                 */
  if (order<=0) return ERR_MDIM;                                                 /* nXL is not power of 2 --> ://     */
#ifndef __NOXALLOC
  DLPASSERT(dlp_size(RE)>=nXL*sizeof(FLOAT64));                                  /* Assert RE has the right length    */
  DLPASSERT(dlp_size(IM)>=nXL*sizeof(FLOAT64));                                  /* Assert IM has the right length    */

  if(bInv) {
    if(ifft(RE,IM,nXL) != 0) return NOT_EXEC;
  } else {
    if(fft(RE,IM,nXL) != 0) return NOT_EXEC;

  return O_K;                                                                    /* All done                          */
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Composed state hash map node allocation function. Hash nodes are taken from
 * a pool: {@link grany m_nGrany} nodes are allocated at a time to save memory
 * allocations.
hnode_t* CFst_Cps_HashAllocNode(void* lpContext)
  CFst*    _this = NULL;
  INT32    nPool = 0;
  INT32    nItem = 0;
  hnode_t* lpRet = NULL;

  /* Get this pointer and locate next hash node */
  _this = (CFst*)lpContext;
  nPool = _this->m_nCpsHnpoolSize / _this->m_nGrany;
  nItem = _this->m_nCpsHnpoolSize - nPool*_this->m_nGrany;

  /* Grow size of hash node pool table if necessary */
  if (nPool>=(INT32)(dlp_size(_this->m_lpCpsHnpool)/sizeof(hnode_t*)))
    _this->m_lpCpsHnpool =

  /* Allocate a new hash node pool if necessary */
  if (_this->m_lpCpsHnpool[nPool]==NULL)
    ((hnode_t**)_this->m_lpCpsHnpool)[nPool] =

  /* Increment pool size and return pointer to new hash node */
  lpRet = &((hnode_t**)_this->m_lpCpsHnpool)[nPool][nItem];
  return lpRet;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Addition operation of the symbol string semiring (longest common prefix).
 * @param lpST Pointer to a string table data structure (returned by
 *             {@link Ssr_Init CFst_Ssr_Init})
 * @param nS1  Index of first string
 * @param nS2  Index of second string
 * @return Index of result string or -1 if no matching prefixes
  INT32 nL1 = 0;
  INT32 nL2 = 0;
  INT32 nLr = 0;

  if (nS1==nS2          ) return nS1;  /* Args are identical                  */
  if (nS1==-2           ) return nS2;  /* Arg. 1 is the infinite string       */
  if (nS2==-2           ) return nS1;  /* Arg. 2 is the infinite string       */
  if (nS1==-1 || nS2==-1) return -1;   /* Either argument is the empty string */

  nL1  = CFst_Ssr_Len(lpST,nS1);
  nL2  = CFst_Ssr_Len(lpST,nS2);

  for (nLr=0; nLr<nL1 && nLr<nL2; nLr++)
    if (ST_LP(lpST,nS1)[nLr]!=ST_LP(lpST,nS2)[nLr]) break;
    if (ST_LP(lpST,nS1)[nLr]==-1 || ST_LP(lpST,nS2)[nLr]==-1) break;

  if (nLr==0) return -1;

  if ((INT32)dlp_size(lpST->lpBuf)<nLr)


  return CFst_Ssr_Store(lpST,lpST->lpBuf);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Updates the statistics with one vector. There are no checks performed!
 * @param _this
 *          Pointer to this CStatistics instance
 * @param lpX
 *          Pointer to a buffer containing the vector to update the statistics
 *          with (is expected to contain <i>N</i> = <code>{@link dat}.dim</code>
 *          double values)
 * @param c
 *          Index of class this vector belongs to (0 &le; <code>k</code> &lt;
 *          <i>C</i> = <code>{@link dat}.nblock</code>)
INT16 CGEN_PROTECTED CStatistics_UpdateVector
  CStatistics* _this,
  FLOAT64*      lpX,
  INT32         c,
  FLOAT64       w
  INT32    i     = 0;                                                            /* Mixed sum index                   */
  INT32    k     = 0;                                                            /* Order loop counter (for k>2)      */
  INT32    n     = 0;                                                            /* 1st dimension loop couner         */
  INT32    m     = 0;                                                            /* 2nd dimension loop couner         */
  INT32    K     = 0;                                                            /* Statistics order                  */
  INT32    N     = 0;                                                            /* Statistics dimensionality         */
  FLOAT64* lpSsz = NULL;                                                         /* Ptr. to class' c sample size      */
  FLOAT64* lpMin = NULL;                                                         /* Ptr. to class' c minimum vector   */
  FLOAT64* lpMax = NULL;                                                         /* Ptr. to class' c maximum vector   */
  FLOAT64* lpSum = NULL;                                                         /* Ptr. to class' c sum vector       */
  FLOAT64* lpMsm = NULL;                                                         /* Ptr. to class' c mixed sum matrix */
  FLOAT64* lpKsm = NULL;                                                         /* Ptr. to class' c k-th ord.sum vec.*/

  /* Validate */                                                                /* --- DEBUG ONLY ------------------ */
  DLPASSERT(_this);                                                             /* Check this pointer                */
  DLPASSERT(_this->m_idDat);                                                    /* Check statistics data table       */
  DLPASSERT((INT32)(dlp_size(lpX)/sizeof(FLOAT64)) == CStatistics_GetDim(_this)); /* Check update vector buffer        */
  DLPASSERT(c>=0 && c<CStatistics_GetNClasses(_this));                          /* Check class index                 */

  /* Initialize */                                                              /* --------------------------------- */
  K = CStatistics_GetOrder(_this);                                              /* Get statistics order              */
  N = CStatistics_GetDim(_this);                                                /* Get statistics dimensionality     */
  DLPASSERT((lpSsz = CStatistics_GetPtr(_this,c,STA_DAI_SSIZE)));               /* Get ptr. to class' c sample size  */
  DLPASSERT((lpMin = CStatistics_GetPtr(_this,c,STA_DAI_MIN  )));               /* Get ptr. to class' c min. vector  */
  DLPASSERT((lpMax = CStatistics_GetPtr(_this,c,STA_DAI_MAX  )));               /* Get ptr. to class' c max. vector  */
  DLPASSERT((lpSum = CStatistics_GetPtr(_this,c,STA_DAI_SUM  )));               /* Get ptr. to class' c sum vector   */
  DLPASSERT((lpMsm = CStatistics_GetPtr(_this,c,STA_DAI_MSUM )));               /* Get ptr. to class' c mix.sum.matr.*/
  DLPASSERT((lpKsm = CStatistics_GetPtr(_this,c,STA_DAI_KSUM )) || K<=2);       /* Get ptr. to class' c k-th ord.sum.*/

  /* Update */                                                                  /* --------------------------------- */
  (*lpSsz)+=w;                                                                  /* Increment sample size             */
  for (n=0,i=0; n<N; n++)                                                       /* Loop over dimensions              */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    if (lpMin[n] > lpX[n]) lpMin[n] = lpX[n];                                   /*   Track minimum                   */
    if (lpMax[n] < lpX[n]) lpMax[n] = lpX[n];                                   /*   Track maximum                   */
    lpSum[n] += lpX[n]*w;                                                       /*   Update sum                      */
    for (m=0; m<N; m++,i++) lpMsm[i] += lpX[n]*lpX[m]*w;                        /*   Update mixed sum                */
    for (k=3; k<=K; k++) lpKsm[(k-3)*N+n] += dlm_pow(lpX[n],k)*w;               /*   Update k-th order sums          */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  return O_K;                                                                   /* Done                              */
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Multiplication operation of the symbol string semiring (concatentation).
 * @param lpST Pointer to a string table data structure (returned by
 *             {@link Ssr_Init CFst_Ssr_Init})
 * @param nS1  Index of first (left) string
 * @param nS2  Index of second (right) string
 * @return Index of result string
  INT32 nL1 = 0;
  INT32 nL2 = 0;

  if (nS1<0) return nS2;
  if (nS2<0) return nS1;

  nL1 = CFst_Ssr_Len(lpST,nS1);
  nL2 = CFst_Ssr_Len(lpST,nS2);

  if ((INT32)dlp_size(lpST->lpBuf)<nL1+nL2+1)

  dlp_memmove( lpST->lpBuf     ,ST_LP(lpST,nS1),nL1*sizeof(FST_STYPE));

  return CFst_Ssr_Store(lpST,lpST->lpBuf);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Deletes auxiliary components created by CFst_Cps_AddSdAux from the state table.
 * @param _this Pointer to automaton instance
 * @see Cps_AddSdAux CFst_Cps_AddSdAux
 * @see Cps_SetSdAux CFst_Cps_SetSdAux
 * @see Cps_FindState CFst_Cps_FindState
void CGEN_PRIVATE CFst_Cps_DelSdAux(CFst* _this)
  INT32 i = 0;

  /* Destroy composed state hash map */
  /* NOTE: MUST be done before deleting auxiliary state components! */
  _this->m_lpCpsHash = NULL;

  /* Destroy hash node pool */
  if (_this->m_lpCpsHnpool)
    for (i=0; i<(INT32)(dlp_size(_this->m_lpCpsHnpool)/sizeof(hnode_t*)); i++)
  _this->m_lpCpsHnpool    = NULL;
  _this->m_nCpsHnpoolSize = 0;

  /* Delete auxiliary components from state table */
  _this->m_nIcSdAux = -1;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Difference (division) operation of the symbol string semiring (residual
 * of longest common prefix).
 * @param lpST Pointer to a string table data structure (returned by
 *             {@link Ssr_Init CFst_Ssr_Init})
 * @param nS1  Index of first string
 * @param nS2  Index of second string
 * @return Index of result string or -1 if strings identical
  FST_ITYPE nSs = -1;
  INT32      nL1 = 0;

  if (nS1==nS2          ) return -1;   /* Args are identical                 */
  if (nS1==-1           ) return -1;   /* Arg. 1 is the empty string         */
  if (nS2==-1           ) return nS1;  /* Arg. 2 is the empty string         */
  if (nS1==-2 || nS2==-2) return -1;   /* Either arg. is the infinite string */

  nL1 = CFst_Ssr_Len(lpST,nS1)+1;
  if (nL1==0) return -1;

  nSs = CFst_Ssr_Add(lpST,nS1,nS2);
  if (nSs<0) return nS1;

  if ((INT32)dlp_size(lpST->lpBuf)<nL1)


  return CFst_Ssr_Store(lpST,&lpST->lpBuf[CFst_Ssr_Len(lpST,nSs)]);
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Copies the one field from iSrc to this instance
 * @param _this  This (destination) instance
 * @param lpWord Pointer to a SWord structure identifying the field to copy
 * @param iSrc   The source instance to copy the field from
 * @return O_K if successful, an error code otherwise
 * HACK: This implementation copies simple types and strings only!!!
 * TODO: Implement instance and pointer copying
INT16 CDlpObject_CopyField(CDlpObject* _this, SWord* lpWord, CDlpObject* iSrc)
  SWord* lpWordSrc = NULL;

  /* Validate input */
  if (!lpWord) return NOT_EXEC;
  if (!iSrc  ) return NOT_EXEC;
  if (lpWord->nFlags & (FF_NONAUTOMATIC|FF_NOSAVE)) return NOT_EXEC;

  /* Get source word */
  lpWordSrc = CDlpObject_FindWord(iSrc,lpWord->lpName,WL_TYPE_FIELD);
  DLPASSERT(lpWordSrc);                                     /* Instance type?     */
  DLPASSERT(lpWord->nWordType   ==lpWordSrc->nWordType   ); /* Field overwritten? */
  DLPASSERT(lpWord->ex.fld.nType==lpWordSrc->ex.fld.nType); /* Field overwritten? */

  /*printf("\n Copy field %s.%s --> %s.%s",BASEINST(iSrc)->m_lpInstanceName,lpWord->lpName,BASEINST(_this)->m_lpInstanceName,lpWord->lpName);*/

  /* Copy data */
  switch (lpWord->ex.fld.nType)
  case T_BOOL   : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(     BOOL)); return O_K;
  case T_UCHAR  : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(    UINT8)); return O_K;
  case T_CHAR   : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(     INT8)); return O_K;
  case T_USHORT : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(   UINT16)); return O_K;
  case T_SHORT  : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(    INT16)); return O_K;
  case T_UINT   : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(   UINT32)); return O_K;
  case T_INT    : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(    INT32)); return O_K;
  case T_ULONG  : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(   UINT64)); return O_K;
  case T_LONG   : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(    INT64)); return O_K;
  case T_FLOAT  : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(  FLOAT32)); return O_K;
  case T_DOUBLE : dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(  FLOAT64)); return O_K;
  case T_COMPLEX: dlp_memmove(lpWord->lpData,lpWordSrc->lpData,sizeof(COMPLEX64)); return O_K;
  case T_STRING :
  case T_CSTRING:
  case T_TEXT   :
    *(char**)lpWord->lpData = NULL;
    if (*(char**)lpWordSrc->lpData)
      *(char**)lpWord->lpData = (char*)dlp_malloc(dlp_size(*(char**)lpWordSrc->lpData));
    return O_K;
  case T_INSTANCE:
    if (*(CDlpObject**)lpWordSrc->lpData)
      if (*(CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData==NULL)
      #ifdef __cplusplus
        *(CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData = CDlpObject_CreateInstanceOf(lpWordSrc->ex.fld.lpType,lpWordSrc->lpName);
        *(CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData = *(CDlpObject**)CDlpObject_CreateInstanceOf(lpWordSrc->ex.fld.lpType,lpWordSrc->lpName);
        if (!*(CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData)
    #ifdef __cplusplus
      return (*(CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData)->Copy(*(CDlpObject**)lpWordSrc->lpData);
      return (*(CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData)->Copy(*(CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData,*(CDlpObject**)lpWordSrc->lpData);
    else if (*(CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData)
    if (lpWord->ex.fld.nType>0 && lpWord->ex.fld.nType<=255)
      return O_K;
    return NOT_EXEC;