Exemplo n.º 1
 * dlp_sprintx w/o space padding.
INT32 __sprintx(char* sBuf, const void* nData, INT16 nType, BOOL bExact)
  return strlen(sBuf);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Manual page at process.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CProcess::Status()
  CData* d;
  char   s[L_INPUTLINE];
  INT32   i;

  printf("\n"); dlp_fprint_x_line(stdout,'-',dlp_maxprintcols());               // Protocol
  printf("\n   Status of instance");                                            // Protocol
  printf("\n   process %s",BASEINST(_this)->m_lpInstanceName);                  // Protocol
  printf("\n"); dlp_fprint_x_line(stdout,'-',dlp_maxprintcols());               // Protocol
  printf("\n   State       : 0x%04X",m_nState);                                 // Protocol
  if (m_nState!=0)                                                              // In any but the maiden state
  {                                                                             // >>
    BOOL b = 0;                                                                 //   Comma flag
    printf(" (");                                                               //   Protocol
    if (m_nState&PRC_DATASENT    ) { if(b) printf(", "); printf("data sent"    ); b=1; }//...
    if (m_nState&PRC_RUNNING     ) { if(b) printf(", "); printf("running"      ); b=1; }//...
    if (m_nState&PRC_COMPLETE    ) { if(b) printf(", "); printf("complete"     ); b=1; }//...
    if (m_nState&PRC_KILLED      ) { if(b) printf(", "); printf("killed"       ); b=1; }//...
    if (m_nState&PRC_DATARECEIVED) { if(b) printf(", "); printf("data received"); b=1; }//...
    printf(")");                                                                //   Protocol
  }                                                                             // <<
  printf("\n   Return value: %ld",(long)m_nRetVal  );                           // Protocol
  if (dlp_strlen(m_psTmpFile)) printf("\n   Temp. files : %s*",m_psTmpFile);    // Protocol
  dlp_strcpy(s,m_psCmdLine); dlp_strreplace(s,m_psTmpFile,"<tmpfile>");         // Abbreviate command line
  if (dlp_strlen(m_psCmdLine)) printf("\n   Command line: %s" ,s);              // Protocol

  // Show transferred data                                                      // ------------------------------------
  if (m_iDto)                                                                   // Have data transfer object
  {                                                                             // >>
    printf("\n"); dlp_fprint_x_line(stdout,'-',dlp_maxprintcols());             //   Protocol
    printf("\n   Transferred data");                                            //   Protocol
    d = (CData*)CDlpObject_FindInstanceWord(m_iDto,PRC_S_IDSIGN,NULL);          //   Get signature table
    printf("\n   - function  : %s",(char*)CData_XAddr(d,0,0));                  //   Protocol (job function name)
    for (i=1; i<CData_GetNRecs(d); i++)                                         //   Loop over function arguemnts
      printf("\n   %13s %s",i==1?"- arguments :":"",(char*)CData_XAddr(d,i,0)); //     Protocol (job function arg.)
    d = (CData*)CDlpObject_FindInstanceWord(m_iDto,PRC_S_IDGLOB,NULL);          //   Get list of global instances
    if (d)                                                                      //   Have one
      for (i=0; i<CData_GetNRecs(d); i++)                                       //     Loop over entries
        printf("\n   %13s %-8s %s",i==0?"- globals   :":"",                     //       Protocol (global instance)
          (char*)CData_XAddr(d,i,0),(char*)CData_XAddr(d,i,1));                 //       |
    printf("\n"); dlp_fprint_x_line(stdout,'-',dlp_maxprintcols());             //   Protocol
    printf("\n   Transferred program");                                         //   Protocol
    for (i=0; dlp_strlen(__sSlaveScript[i]); i++)                               //   Loop over slave script lines
    {                                                                           //   >>
      dlp_strcpy(s,__sSlaveScript[i]);                                          //     Get a line
      if (strstr(s,"##"))*(strstr(s,"##"))='\0';                                //     Truncate at comment
      printf("\n     (%02ld) %s",i,dlp_strtrimright(s));                        //     Protocol (script line)
    }                                                                           //   <<
  }                                                                             // <<

  printf("\n"); dlp_fprint_x_line(stdout,'-',dlp_maxprintcols()); printf("\n"); // Protocol
  return O_K;                                                                   // All done
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Create an absolute or full path name for the specified relative path name.
 * @param lpsAbsPath
 *          Pointer to a buffer to be filled with the absolute path.
 * @param lpsRelPath
 *          Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the relative path.
 * @param nMaxLen
 *          Maximum length of the absolute path name buffer
 *          (<code>lpsAbsPath</code>).
 * @return <code>lpsAbsPath</code> if successful, <code>NULL</code> in case of
 *         errors.
char* dlp_fullpath(char* lpsAbsPath, const char* lpsRelPath, INT32 nMaxLen)
  char        lpsCwd [L_PATH+1];                                                /* Saved current working directory   */
  char        lpsDir [L_PATH+1];                                                /* Directory part of lpsRelPath      */
  char        lpsFile[L_PATH+1];                                                /* Filename part of lpsRelPath       */
  struct stat filestat;                                                         /* File status struct                */
  if (!lpsAbsPath || nMaxLen<=0) return NULL;                                   /* No buffer, no service!            */
  *lpsAbsPath='\0';                                                             /* Initialize result to empty string */
  dlp_splitpath(lpsRelPath,lpsDir,lpsFile);                                     /* Split relative path               */
  if (!dlp_strlen(lpsDir)) dlp_strcpy(lpsDir,".");                              /* No directory -> use current one   */
  if(getcwd(lpsCwd,L_PATH)==NULL) return NULL;                                  /* Save current working directory    */
  if (dlp_chdir(lpsDir,FALSE)!=0) { dlp_chdir(lpsCwd,FALSE); return NULL;  }    /* Change to relative directory ...  */
  if(getcwd(lpsDir,L_PATH)==NULL) return NULL;                                  /* ... and determine its full path   */
  dlp_chdir(lpsCwd,FALSE);                                                      /* Change back to saved working dir. */
  if (nMaxLen<(INT32)(dlp_strlen(lpsDir)+dlp_strlen(lpsFile)+2)) return NULL;   /* Check return buffer size          */
  sprintf(lpsAbsPath,"%s%c%s",lpsDir,C_DIR,lpsFile);                            /* Create absolute path              */
#ifdef _WINDOWS                                                                 /* -- WINDOZE -->                    */
  dlp_strreplace(lpsAbsPath,"\\","/");                                          /* Replace backslashes by slashes    */
/*  dlp_strlwr(lpsAbsPath); */                                                    /* Convert to lower case             */
#endif                                                                          /* <--                               */
  if (stat(lpsAbsPath,&filestat)!=0) return NULL;                               /* Check file status (must exist)    */
  return lpsAbsPath;                                                            /* Return pointer to buffer          */
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Prints the content of one record formatted as columns. If printing requires
 * more than <a href="dlp_base.html#cfn_dlp_maxprintcols">dlp_maxprintcols</a>
 * characters the listing will be continued on the next line(s).</p>
 * @param _this
 *          Pointer to data instance
 * @param nRec
 *          Index of record to print
 * @param nIcFirst
 *          Index of first component to print
 * @param nComps
 *          Number of components to print
 * @param nIndent
 *          Indentation (spaces) at beginning of lines (<b>Note</b>: the first
 *          line will <em>not</em> be indented!)
 * @return The number of lines printed
  CData* _this,
  INT32    nRec,
  INT32    nIcFirst,
  INT32    nComps,
  INT16   nIndent
  INT16 nLines = 1;
  INT16 nCol   = nIndent;
  INT32  nXC    = 0;
  INT32  nC     = 0;
  INT16 i      = 0;
  INT16 I      = 0;
  char  sBuf[L_SSTR+1];

  nXC = CData_GetNComps(_this);

  if (nIcFirst<0 || nIcFirst>=nXC) return 1; /* NOTE: This is still one line! */
  if (nIcFirst+nComps>nXC) nComps=nXC-nIcFirst;
  if (nRec>=CData_GetNRecs(_this)) return 0;

  for (nC=nIcFirst,nCol=nIndent; nC<nIcFirst+nComps; nC++)
    if (nRec<0)
      /* Heading */
      strcpy(sBuf," ");
      for (i=I-(INT16)dlp_strlen(CData_GetCname(_this,nC))-1; i>0; i--) strcat(sBuf," ");
      if(CData_CompIsMarked(_this,nC)) sBuf[dlp_strlen(sBuf)-2]='*';
      nCol+=dlp_printlen(CData_GetCompType(_this,nC)); /* Count standard width (!) */
      /* Print values */
      nCol+=dlp_printlen(CData_GetCompType(_this,nC)); /* Count standard width (!) */

    if ((nC<nIcFirst+nComps-1)                                               &&
        (nCol+dlp_printlen(CData_GetCompType(_this,nC+1))>dlp_maxprintcols()) )
      /* Line break */
      for (i=nIndent-(nIndent>7?7:0); i>0;i--) strcat(sBuf," ");
      if (nIndent>7) printf("%5ld  ",(long)(nC+1));

  return nLines;