Exemplo n.º 1
DSTATUS disk_initialize (void)
	BYTE n, cmd, ty, ocr[4];
	UINT tmr;

	if (CardType && MMC_SEL) disk_writep(0, 0);	/* Finalize write process if it is in progress */

	init_spi();		/* Initialize ports to control MMC */
	for (n = 100; n; n--) rcv_spi();	/* 80*10 dummy clocks with CS=H */

	ty = 0;
	if (send_cmd(CMD0, 0) == 1) {			/* Enter Idle state */

		if (send_cmd(CMD8, 0x1AA) == 1) {	/* SDv2 */

			for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) ocr[n] = rcv_spi();		/* Get trailing return value of R7 resp */
			if (ocr[2] == 0x01 && ocr[3] == 0xAA) {			/* The card can work at vdd range of 2.7-3.6V */
				for (tmr = 10000; tmr && send_cmd(ACMD41, 1UL << 30); tmr--) dly_100us();	/* Wait for leaving idle state (ACMD41 with HCS bit) */
				if (tmr && send_cmd(CMD58, 0) == 0) {		/* Check CCS bit in the OCR */

					for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) ocr[n] = rcv_spi();

					ty = (ocr[0] & 0x40) ? CT_SD2 | CT_BLOCK : CT_SD2;	/* SDv2 (HC or SC) */
		} else {							/* SDv1 or MMCv3 */
			if (send_cmd(ACMD41, 0) <= 1) 	{
				ty = CT_SD1; cmd = ACMD41;	/* SDv1 */
			} else {
				ty = CT_MMC; cmd = CMD1;	/* MMCv3 */
			for (tmr = 10000; tmr && send_cmd(cmd, 0); tmr--) dly_100us();	/* Wait for leaving idle state */
			if (!tmr || send_cmd(CMD16, 512) != 0)			/* Set R/W block length to 512 */
				ty = 0;

	CardType = ty;

	//full speed SPI
	SPCR = (1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPE);
	SPSR = 0x01;				/* SPI clk 2X */

	return ty ? 0 : STA_NOINIT;
Exemplo n.º 2
DSTATUS disk_initialize (void)
    BYTE n, cmd, ty, ocr[4];
    UINT tmr;

    init_spi();							/* Initialize ports to control MMC */
    for (n = 100; n; n--) dly_100us();	/* 10ms delay */
    for (n = 10; n; n--) deselect();	/* 80 Dummy clocks with CS=H */

    ty = 0;
    if (send_cmd(CMD0, 0) == 1) {			/* Enter Idle state */
        if (send_cmd(CMD8, 0x1AA) == 1) {	/* SDv2 */
            for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) ocr[n] = rcv_spi();		/* Get trailing return value of R7 resp */
            if (ocr[2] == 0x01 && ocr[3] == 0xAA) {			/* The card can work at vdd range of 2.7-3.6V */
                for (tmr = 10000; tmr && send_cmd(ACMD41, 1UL << 30); tmr--) dly_100us();	/* Wait for leaving idle state (ACMD41 with HCS bit) */
                if (tmr && send_cmd(CMD58, 0) == 0) {		/* Check CCS bit in the OCR */
                    for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) ocr[n] = rcv_spi();
                    ty = (ocr[0] & 0x40) ? CT_SD2 | CT_BLOCK : CT_SD2;	/* SDv2 (HC or SC) */
        } else {							/* SDv1 or MMCv3 */
            if (send_cmd(ACMD41, 0) <= 1) 	{
                ty = CT_SD1;
                cmd = ACMD41;	/* SDv1 */
            } else {
                ty = CT_MMC;
                cmd = CMD1;	/* MMCv3 */
            for (tmr = 10000; tmr && send_cmd(cmd, 0); tmr--) dly_100us();	/* Wait for leaving idle state */
            if (!tmr || send_cmd(CMD16, 512) != 0)			/* Set R/W block length to 512 */
                ty = 0;
    CardType = ty;

    return ty ? 0 : STA_NOINIT;
Exemplo n.º 3
DRESULT disk_writep (
	const BYTE *buff,	/* Pointer to the bytes to be written (NULL:Initiate/Finalize sector write) */
	DWORD sa			/* Number of bytes to send, Sector number (LBA) or zero */

//    BYTE buf;

	WORD bc;
	static WORD wc;

	res = RES_ERROR;

	if (buff) {		/* Send data bytes */
		bc = (WORD)sa;
		while (bc && wc) {		/* Send data bytes to the card */
			wc--; bc--;
		res = RES_OK;
	} else {
		if (sa) {	/* Initiate sector write process */
			if (!(CardType & CT_BLOCK)) sa *= 512;	/* Convert to byte address if needed */
			if (send_cmd(CMD24, sa) == 0) {			/* WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK */
				xmit_spi(0xFF); xmit_spi(0xFE);		/* Data block header */
				wc = 512;							/* Set byte counter */
				res = RES_OK;
		} else {	/* Finalize sector write process */
			bc = wc + 2;
			while (bc--) xmit_spi(0);	/* Fill left bytes and CRC with zeros */
			if ((rcv_spi() & 0x1F) == 0x05) {	/* Receive data resp and wait for end of write process in timeout of 500ms */
//				for (bc = 5000; buf!= 0xFF && bc; bc--){
//                                    dly_100us();	/* Wait ready */
//                                    buf=rcv_spi() ;
//                                }
                                for (bc = 5000; rcv_spi() != 0xFF && bc; bc--) dly_100us();	/* Wait ready */
				if (bc) res = RES_OK;

	return res;