Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	/* Check for minimal arguments. */
	if (argc < 3)

	/* User wants to embed a message. */
	if (_stricmp(argv[1], "embed") == 0)
		doEmbed(argc, argv);
	/* User wants to extract a message. */
	else if (_stricmp(argv[1], "extract") == 0)
		doExtract(argc, argv);
	/* Incorrect value so we show usage. */

Exemplo n.º 2
RKCaughtX11Window::RKCaughtX11Window (WId window_to_embed, int device_number) : RKMDIWindow (0, X11Window) {

	commonInit (device_number);
	embedded = window_to_embed;

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
	// unfortunately, trying to get KWindowInfo as below hangs on windows (KDElibs 4.2.3)
	WINDOWINFO wininfo;
	wininfo.cbSize = sizeof (WINDOWINFO);
	GetWindowInfo (embedded, &wininfo);

	// clip off the window frame and menubar
	xembed_container->setContentsMargins (wininfo.rcWindow.left - wininfo.rcClient.left, wininfo.rcWindow.top - wininfo.rcClient.top,
				wininfo.rcClient.right - wininfo.rcWindow.right, wininfo.rcClient.bottom - wininfo.rcWindow.bottom);
	// set a fixed size until the window is shown
	xembed_container->setFixedSize (wininfo.rcClient.right - wininfo.rcClient.left, wininfo.rcClient.bottom - wininfo.rcClient.top);
	setGeometry (wininfo.rcClient.left, wininfo.rcClient.right, wininfo.rcClient.top, wininfo.rcClient.bottom);	// see comment in X11 section
	move (wininfo.rcClient.left, wininfo.rcClient.top);		// else the window frame may be off scree on top/left.
#elif defined Q_WS_X11
	KWindowInfo wininfo = KWindowSystem::windowInfo (embedded, NET::WMName | NET::WMGeometry);
	RK_ASSERT (wininfo.valid ());

	// set a fixed size until the window is shown
	xembed_container->setFixedSize (wininfo.geometry ().width (), wininfo.geometry ().height ());
	setGeometry (wininfo.geometry ());	// it's important to set a size, even while not visible. Else DetachedWindowContainer will assign a default size of 640*480, and then size upwards, if necessary.
	setCaption (wininfo.name ());

	// somehow in Qt 4.4.3, when the RKCaughtWindow is reparented the first time, the QX11EmbedContainer may kill its client. Hence we delay the actual embedding until after the window was shown.
	// In some previous version of Qt, this was not an issue, but I did not track the versions.
	QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (doEmbed()));
Exemplo n.º 3
void RKCaughtX11Window::reEmbed () {

#ifdef Q_WS_X11
	if (!capture) return;
// somehow, since some version of Qt, the QX11EmbedContainer would loose its client while reparenting. This allows us to circumvent the problem.
	capture->discardClient ();
	capture->deleteLater ();
	RKWardApplication::getApp ()->unregisterNameWatcher (embedded);
	QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT(doEmbed()));
Exemplo n.º 4
RKCaughtX11Window::RKCaughtX11Window (RKGraphicsDevice* rkward_device, int device_number) : RKMDIWindow (0, X11Window) {

	commonInit (device_number);
	rk_native_device = rkward_device;
	xembed_container->setFixedSize (rk_native_device->viewPort ()->size ());
	resize (xembed_container->size ());
	rk_native_device->viewPort ()->setParent (xembed_container);
	connect (rkward_device, SIGNAL (captionChanged(QString)), this, SLOT (setCaption(QString)));
	connect (rkward_device, SIGNAL (goingInteractive(bool,QString)), this, SLOT (deviceInteractive(bool,QString)));
	stop_interaction->setVisible (true);
	stop_interaction->setEnabled (false);
	setCaption (rkward_device->viewPort ()->windowTitle ());

	QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (doEmbed()));