int CCAMMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &actionkey) { std::string::size_type loc; int slot; printf("CCAMMenuHandler::exec: actionkey %s\n", actionkey.c_str()); if (parent) parent->hide(); if ((loc = actionkey.find("ca_ci_reset", 0)) != std::string::npos) { slot = - '0'; if(ca && ca->ModulePresent(CA_SLOT_TYPE_CI, slot)) ca->ModuleReset(CA_SLOT_TYPE_CI, slot); } else if ((loc = actionkey.find("ca_ci", 0)) != std::string::npos) { slot = - '0'; printf("CCAMMenuHandler::exec: actionkey %s for slot %d\n", actionkey.c_str(), slot); return doMenu(slot, CA_SLOT_TYPE_CI); } else if ((loc = actionkey.find("ca_sc_reset", 0)) != std::string::npos) { slot = - '0'; if(ca && ca->ModulePresent(CA_SLOT_TYPE_SMARTCARD, slot)) ca->ModuleReset(CA_SLOT_TYPE_SMARTCARD, slot); } else if ((loc = actionkey.find("ca_sc", 0)) != std::string::npos) { slot = - '0'; printf("CCAMMenuHandler::exec: actionkey %s for slot %d\n", actionkey.c_str(), slot); return doMenu(slot, CA_SLOT_TYPE_SMARTCARD); } if(!parent) return 0; return doMainMenu(); }
int CCAMMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &actionkey) { printf("CCAMMenuHandler::exec: actionkey %s\n", actionkey.c_str()); if (parent) parent->hide(); if(actionkey == "cam1") { return doMenu(0); } else if(actionkey == "cam2") { return doMenu(1); } return doMainMenu (); }
int CHDDMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &actionkey) { if (parent) parent->hide(); return doMenu (); }
int CAudioSelectMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &actionkey) { int sel= atoi(actionkey.c_str()); if(sel >= 0) { #ifdef EVOLUX if (g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.selected_apid != (unsigned int) sel ) { g_Zapit->setVolumePercent((unsigned int) g_settings.current_volume_percent); g_RemoteControl->setAPID(sel); g_Zapit->getVolumePercent((unsigned int *) &g_settings.current_volume_percent); audioDecoder->setPercent(g_settings.current_volume_percent); } #else if (g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.selected_apid!= (unsigned int) sel ) { g_RemoteControl->setAPID(sel); } #endif return menu_return::RETURN_EXIT; } if (parent) parent->hide(); return doMenu (); }
// 0 on exit, 1 on success int doCatalogMenu(char* insertText, char* title, int category) { MenuItem* menuitems = (MenuItem*)alloca(sizeof(MenuItem)*CAT_COMPLETE_COUNT); int cur = 0; int curmi = 0; while(cur<CAT_COMPLETE_COUNT) { if(completeCat[cur].category == category || category == CAT_CATEGORY_ALL) { menuitems[curmi].type = MENUITEM_NORMAL; menuitems[curmi].color = TEXT_COLOR_BLACK; menuitems[curmi].isfolder = cur; // little hack: store index of the command in the full list in the isfolder property (unused by the menu system in this case) menuitems[curmi].text = completeCat[cur].name; curmi++; } cur++; } Menu menu; menu.items=menuitems; menu.numitems=curmi; menu.scrollbar=1; menu.scrollout=1; menu.selection=1; menu.scroll=0; menu.title = title; int sres = doMenu(&menu); if(sres == MENU_RETURN_SELECTION) { strcpy(insertText, completeCat[menuitems[menu.selection-1].isfolder].insert); return 1; } return 0; }
void totpClient() { RTCunadjustedWizard(1); if(isRTCunadjusted()) { mMsgBoxPush(6); multiPrintXY(3, 2, "The OATH TOTP\nauthenticator\ncan't work with\nthe clock\nunadjusted.", TEXT_MODE_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND, TEXT_COLOR_BLACK); closeMsgBox(0, 7); return; } totp ts[MAX_DAY_EVENTS]; Menu menu; menu.type = MENUTYPE_FKEYS; MenuItem items[MAX_DAY_EVENTS]; menu.items = items; reload: menu.numitems = loadTOTPs(ts); for(int i = 0; i < menu.numitems; i++) { items[i].text = ts[i].name; } menu.title = (char*)"TOTP authenticator"; menu.scrollout = 1; menu.height = 7; menu.nodatamsg = (char*)"No tokens - press F2"; menu.returnOnRight = 1; while(1) { drawFkeyLabels(0, 0x0186, 0, 0, 0, 0x012A); // NEW, TIME if(menu.numitems) { drawFkeyLabels(0x0235, -1, 0x0188, 0x0038); // FACTOR, RENAME, DELETE } int res = doMenu(&menu); switch(res) { case MENU_RETURN_EXIT: return; case KEY_CTRL_F1: if(!menu.numitems) break; case MENU_RETURN_SELECTION: viewTOTPcode(&ts[menu.selection-1]); break; case KEY_CTRL_F2: if(menu.numitems >= MAX_DAY_EVENTS) { AUX_DisplayErrorMessage(0x2E); } else { if(addTOTPwizard()) goto reload; } break; case KEY_CTRL_F3: if(menu.numitems && renameTOTPscreen(menu.selection-1, ts[menu.selection-1].name)) goto reload; break; case KEY_CTRL_F4: case KEY_CTRL_DEL: if(menu.numitems && deleteTOTPprompt(menu.selection-1)) goto reload; break; case KEY_CTRL_F6: setTimezone(); break; } } }
void masterControl() { MenuItem menuitems[10]; menuitems[0].text = (char*)"SS"; menuitems[1].text = (char*)"LS"; menuitems[2].text = (char*)"Lk0"; menuitems[3].text = (char*)"Lk1"; #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG menuitems[4].text = (char*)"Dbg0"; menuitems[5].text = (char*)"Dbg1"; menuitems[6].text = (char*)"Ac0"; menuitems[7].text = (char*)"Ac1"; menuitems[8].text = (char*)"Rst"; #endif Menu menu; menu.items=menuitems; #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG menu.numitems=9; #else menu.numitems=4; #endif menu.scrollout=1; #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG menu.title = (char*)"CTRL"; #endif while(1) { int res = doMenu(&menu); if(res == MENU_RETURN_EXIT) return; else if(res == MENU_RETURN_SELECTION) { switch(menu.selection) { case 1: saveSettings(); break; case 2: loadSettings(); break; case 3: case 4: // do not autosave, to allow full control of the operator setSetting(SETTING_ENABLE_LOCK, menu.selection-3, 0); break; #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG case 5: case 6: setDebugMode(menu.selection-5); break; case 7: case 8: // do not autosave, to allow full control of the operator setSetting(SETTING_ACTIVATION_STATUS, menu.selection-7, 0); break; case 9: Restart(); break; #endif } } } }
int CAudioSelectMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget * parent, const std::string &/*actionKey*/) { int res = menu_return::RETURN_REPAINT; if (parent) parent->hide(); doMenu(); return res; }
int CAudioSelectMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &actionkey) { int sel = -1; if (AudioSelector) { sel = AudioSelector->getSelected(); sel -= apid_offset; if (sel < 0 || sel >= p_count) return menu_return::RETURN_NONE; } if (actionkey == "-" || actionkey == "+") { if (actionkey == "-") { if (perc_val[sel] == 0) return menu_return::RETURN_NONE; perc_val[sel]--; } else { if (perc_val[sel] == 999) return menu_return::RETURN_NONE; perc_val[sel]++; } perc_str[sel] = to_string(perc_val[sel]) + "%"; #if !HAVE_SPARK_HARDWARE && !HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE int vol = CZapit::getInstance()->GetVolume(); /* keep resulting volume = (vol * percent)/100 not more than 115 */ if (vol * perc_val[sel] > 11500) perc_val[sel] = 11500 / vol; #endif CZapit::getInstance()->SetPidVolume(chan, apid[sel], perc_val[sel]); if (sel == sel_apid) CZapit::getInstance()->SetVolumePercent(perc_val[sel]); return menu_return::RETURN_REPAINT; } if (actionkey == "s") { if (mp->Playing()) { mp->setAPID(sel); } else if (g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.selected_apid != (unsigned int) sel ) { g_RemoteControl->setAPID(sel); } return menu_return::RETURN_EXIT; } if (actionkey == "x") return menu_return::RETURN_EXIT; if (mp->Playing()) playback = mp->getPlayback(); if (parent) parent->hide(); return doMenu (); }
int CEPGMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &) { int res = menu_return::RETURN_EXIT_ALL; if (parent) { parent->hide(); } doMenu (); return res; }
int CAudioSelectMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &actionkey) { int res = menu_return::RETURN_EXIT_ALL; if (parent) { parent->hide(); } doMenu (); return res; }
int CAudioSelectMenuHandler::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &actionkey) { int sel= atoi(actionkey.c_str()); if(sel >= 0) { if (g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.selected_apid!= (unsigned int) sel ) { g_RemoteControl->setAPID(sel); } return menu_return::RETURN_EXIT; } if (parent) parent->hide(); return doMenu (); }
int CSubChannelSelectMenu::exec(CMenuTarget* parent, const std::string &actionKey) { int res = menu_return::RETURN_EXIT_ALL; if (parent) parent->hide(); if (actionKey != "-1") { unsigned sel = atoi(actionKey.c_str()); g_RemoteControl->setSubChannel(sel); g_InfoViewer->showSubchan(); return res; } res = doMenu(); return res; }
static void _hLoadModelLayout() { if (KEYINIT) mnuMLayout.marked = Config.MixerIndex; if (elementIndex == 0) { if (doMenu(&mnuMLayout)) { lcdClear(); lcdSetPos(3, 18); lcdWriteString_P(strAreYouSure); writeSoftkeys(_skCANCELYES); elementIndex = 1; } } else if (KEY4) // YES { mixerLoadModel(mnuMLayout.marked); //configSave(); loadPage(PAGE_SHOW_LAYOUT); } }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { time_t startTime, stopTime; clock_t startCPU, stopCPU; double elapsedCPUsecs; int capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY; int count =0; char **dictionary = malloc( capacity * sizeof(char *) ); if (dictionary == NULL ) { printf("Initial malloc of dictionary failed. Program exiting\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; /* EXIT_FAILURE defined as non zero in stdlib.h */ } if (argc < 3 ) { printf("usage: ./%s <infileName> <outFilename>\n",argv[0]); /* you gotta put in & out file names on cmd line! */ return EXIT_FAILURE; } startTime = time( NULL ); printf("\nStarting load of %s at %s", argv[1], ctime( &startTime) ); printf("each '*' represents 10,000 words loaded into dictionary\n"); startCPU = clock(); loadDictionary( argv[1], &dictionary, &count, & capacity ); stopCPU = clock(); stopTime = time( NULL ); printf("\nFinished load of %s at %s", argv[1], ctime( &stopTime) ); printf("%d words loaded in %lu seconds\n", count, stopTime-startTime ); elapsedCPUsecs = ((double)(stopCPU-startCPU)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Elapsed CPU seconds: %f\n", elapsedCPUsecs ); doMenu( argv[2], &dictionary, &count, &capacity ); freeAllMemory( dictionary, count ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* EXIT_SUCCESS defined as 0 in stdlib.h */ }
int fileBrowserSub(char* browserbasepath, char* filename, char* filter, char* filter2, char* title) { Menu menu; MenuItemIcon icontable[12]; buildIconTable(icontable); // first get file count so we know how much to alloc GetFiles(NULL, NULL, browserbasepath, &menu.numitems, filter, filter2); MenuItem* menuitems = NULL; File* files = NULL; if(menu.numitems > 0) { menuitems = (MenuItem*)alloca(menu.numitems*sizeof(MenuItem)); files = (File*)alloca(menu.numitems*sizeof(File)); // populate arrays GetFiles(files, menuitems, browserbasepath, &menu.numitems, filter, filter2); menu.items = menuitems; } char titleBuffer[120]; char titleBufferBuf[120]; int smemfree; unsigned short smemMedia[10]={'\\','\\','f','l','s','0',0}; Bfile_GetMediaFree_OS( smemMedia, &smemfree ); char friendlypath[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; strcpy(friendlypath, browserbasepath+6); friendlypath[strlen(friendlypath)-1] = '\0'; //remove ending slash like OS does // test to see if friendlypath is too big int jump4=0; while(1) { int temptextX=7*18+10; // px length of menu title + 10, like menuGUI goes. int temptextY=0; PrintMini(&temptextX, &temptextY, (char*)friendlypath, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE, 0, 0); // fake draw if(temptextX>LCD_WIDTH_PX-6) { char newfriendlypath[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; shortenDisplayPath(friendlypath, newfriendlypath, (jump4 ? 4 : 1)); if(strlen(friendlypath) > strlen(newfriendlypath) && strlen(newfriendlypath) > 3) { // check if len > 3 because shortenDisplayPath may return just "..." when the folder name is too big // shortenDisplayPath still managed to shorten, copy and continue jump4 = 1; //it has been shortened already, so next time jump the first four characters strcpy(friendlypath, newfriendlypath); } else { // shortenDisplayPath can't shorten any more even if it still // doesn't fit in the screen, so give up. break; } } else break; } menu.subtitle = friendlypath; menu.type = MENUTYPE_MULTISELECT; menu.scrollout=1; menu.nodatamsg = (char*)"No Data"; menu.title = title; menu.height=7; while(1) { Bdisp_AllClr_VRAM(); drawFkeyLabels((menu.numitems ? 0x03B1 : 0), -1, -1, -1, -1, 0x03DF); // OPEN, VERSION itoa(smemfree, (unsigned char*)titleBuffer); LocalizeMessage1( 340, titleBufferBuf ); //"bytes free" strncat((char*)titleBuffer, (char*)titleBufferBuf, 65); menu.statusText = (char*)titleBuffer; int res = doMenu(&menu, icontable); switch(res) { case MENU_RETURN_EXIT: if(!strcmp(browserbasepath,"\\\\fls0\\")) { //check that we aren't already in the root folder //we are, return 0 so we exit //return 0; // in this add-in, the file browser shouldn't return } else { int i=strlen(browserbasepath)-2; while (i>=0 && browserbasepath[i] != '\\') i--; if (browserbasepath[i] == '\\') { char tmp[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] = ""; memcpy(tmp,browserbasepath,i+1); tmp[i+1] = '\0'; strcpy(browserbasepath, tmp); } return 1; //reload at new folder } break; case KEY_CTRL_F1: case MENU_RETURN_SELECTION: if(!menu.numitems) break; if(menuitems[menu.selection-1].isfolder) { strcpy(browserbasepath, files[menu.selection-1].filename); //switch to selected folder strcat(browserbasepath, "\\"); return 1; //reload at new folder } else { strcpy(filename,files[menu.selection-1].filename); return 2; } break; case KEY_CTRL_F6: showAbout(); break; } } return 1; }
int main( void ) { long result = 0; // initialize for carbon & QuickTime InitCursor(); if ( IsQuickTimeInstalled() ) EnterMovies(); else goto bail; GetQDGlobalsScreenBits( &screenBits ); Gestalt(gestaltMenuMgrAttr, &result); if (result & gestaltMenuMgrAquaLayoutMask) { // Mmmmmm...X SetMenuBar(GetNewMBar(129)); if (AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, NewAEEventHandlerUPP(doAEQuit), 0, false)) goto bail; } else { SetMenuBar(GetNewMBar(128)); } DrawMenuBar(); while (gDone == false) { EventRecord theEvent; WindowPtr pWhichWindow; short windowPart; Boolean SIOUXHandledEvent = false; WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &theEvent, 0, NULL); #ifndef __MACH__ SIOUXHandledEvent = SIOUXHandleOneEvent(&theEvent); #endif if ( !SIOUXHandledEvent ) { switch (theEvent.what) { case updateEvt: pWhichWindow = (WindowPtr)theEvent.message; // we don't do anything for this simple sample BeginUpdate(pWhichWindow); EndUpdate(pWhichWindow); break; case keyDown: if (theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) { doMenu(MenuKey(theEvent.message & charCodeMask)); } break; case mouseDown: windowPart = FindWindow(theEvent.where, &pWhichWindow); switch (windowPart) { case inDrag: DragWindow(pWhichWindow, theEvent.where, &screenBits.bounds); break; case inGoAway: if (TrackGoAway(pWhichWindow, theEvent.where)) DisposeWindow( pWhichWindow ); //gDone = true; break; case inContent: SelectWindow(pWhichWindow); break; case inMenuBar: doMenu(MenuSelect(theEvent.where)); break; } break; } } } bail: return 0; }
/* bShowChannelList default to true, returns new bouquet or -1/-2 */ int CBouquetList::show(bool bShowChannelList) { neutrino_msg_t msg; neutrino_msg_data_t data; int res = CHANLIST_CANCEL; int icol_w, icol_h; int w_max_text = 0; int w_max_icon = 0; int h_max_icon = 0; favonly = !bShowChannelList; for(unsigned int count = 0; count < sizeof(CBouquetListButtons)/sizeof(CBouquetListButtons[0]);count++){ int w_text = g_Font[SNeutrinoSettings::FONT_TYPE_INFOBAR_SMALL]->getRenderWidth(g_Locale->getText(CBouquetListButtons[count].locale)); w_max_text = std::max(w_max_text, w_text); frameBuffer->getIconSize(CBouquetListButtons[count].button, &icol_w, &icol_h); w_max_icon = std::max(w_max_icon, icol_w); h_max_icon = std::max(h_max_icon, icol_h); } int need_width = sizeof(CBouquetListButtons)/sizeof(CBouquetListButtons[0])*(w_max_icon + w_max_text + 20); CVFD::getInstance()->setMode(CVFD::MODE_MENU_UTF8, ""); fheight = g_Font[SNeutrinoSettings::FONT_TYPE_CHANNELLIST]->getHeight(); width = w_max (need_width, 20); height = h_max (16 * fheight, 40); footerHeight = std::max(h_max_icon+8, g_Font[SNeutrinoSettings::FONT_TYPE_INFOBAR_SMALL]->getHeight()+8); theight = g_Font[SNeutrinoSettings::FONT_TYPE_MENU_TITLE]->getHeight(); listmaxshow = (height - theight - footerHeight)/fheight; height = theight + footerHeight + listmaxshow * fheight; // recalc height x = frameBuffer->getScreenX() + (frameBuffer->getScreenWidth() - width) / 2; y = frameBuffer->getScreenY() + (frameBuffer->getScreenHeight() - height) / 2; int lmaxpos= 1; int i= Bouquets.size(); while ((i= i/10)!=0) lmaxpos++; COSDFader fader(g_settings.theme.menu_Content_alpha); fader.StartFadeIn(); paintHead(); paint(); frameBuffer->blit(); int oldselected = selected; int firstselected = selected+ 1; int zapOnExit = false; unsigned int chn= 0; int pos= lmaxpos; uint64_t timeoutEnd = CRCInput::calcTimeoutEnd(g_settings.timing[SNeutrinoSettings::TIMING_CHANLIST]); bool loop=true; while (loop) { g_RCInput->getMsgAbsoluteTimeout( &msg, &data, &timeoutEnd ); if ( msg <= CRCInput::RC_MaxRC ) timeoutEnd = CRCInput::calcTimeoutEnd(g_settings.timing[SNeutrinoSettings::TIMING_CHANLIST]); if((msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_TIMER) && (data == fader.GetFadeTimer())) { if(fader.FadeDone()) loop = false; } else if ((msg == CRCInput::RC_timeout ) || (msg == (neutrino_msg_t)g_settings.key_channelList_cancel) || ((msg == CRCInput::RC_favorites) && (CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->GetChannelMode() == LIST_MODE_FAV))) { selected = oldselected; if(fader.StartFadeOut()) { timeoutEnd = CRCInput::calcTimeoutEnd( 1 ); msg = 0; } else loop=false; } else if(msg == CRCInput::RC_red || msg == CRCInput::RC_favorites) { if (!favonly && CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->GetChannelMode() != LIST_MODE_FAV) { CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(LIST_MODE_FAV); hide(); return CHANLIST_CHANGE_MODE; } } else if(msg == CRCInput::RC_green) { if (!favonly && CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->GetChannelMode() != LIST_MODE_PROV) { CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(LIST_MODE_PROV); hide(); return CHANLIST_CHANGE_MODE; } } else if(msg == CRCInput::RC_yellow || msg == CRCInput::RC_sat) { if(!favonly && bShowChannelList && CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->GetChannelMode() != LIST_MODE_SAT) { CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(LIST_MODE_SAT); hide(); return CHANLIST_CHANGE_MODE; } } else if(msg == CRCInput::RC_blue) { if(!favonly && bShowChannelList && CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->GetChannelMode() != LIST_MODE_ALL) { CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(LIST_MODE_ALL); hide(); return CHANLIST_CHANGE_MODE; } } else if ( msg == CRCInput::RC_setup) { if (!favonly && !Bouquets.empty()) { int ret = doMenu(); if(ret > 0) { res = CHANLIST_NO_RESTORE; loop = false; } else if(ret < 0) { paintHead(); paint(); } } } else if ( msg == (neutrino_msg_t) g_settings.key_list_start ) { if (!Bouquets.empty()) updateSelection(0); } else if ( msg == (neutrino_msg_t) g_settings.key_list_end ) { if (!Bouquets.empty()) updateSelection(Bouquets.size()-1); } else if (msg == CRCInput::RC_up || (int) msg == g_settings.key_pageup || msg == CRCInput::RC_down || (int) msg == g_settings.key_pagedown) { int new_selected = UpDownKey(Bouquets, msg, listmaxshow, selected); updateSelection(new_selected); } else if(msg == (neutrino_msg_t)g_settings.key_bouquet_up || msg == (neutrino_msg_t)g_settings.key_bouquet_down) { if(bShowChannelList) { int mode = CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->GetChannelMode(); mode += (msg == (neutrino_msg_t)g_settings.key_bouquet_down) ? -1 : 1; if(mode < 0) mode = LIST_MODE_LAST - 1; else if(mode >= LIST_MODE_LAST) mode = 0; CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(mode); hide(); return CHANLIST_CHANGE_MODE; } } else if ( msg == CRCInput::RC_ok ) { if(!Bouquets.empty() /* && (!bShowChannelList || !Bouquets[selected]->channelList->isEmpty())*/) { zapOnExit = true; loop=false; } } else if (CRCInput::isNumeric(msg)) { if (!Bouquets.empty()) { if (pos == lmaxpos) { if (msg == CRCInput::RC_0) { chn = firstselected; pos = lmaxpos; } else { chn = CRCInput::getNumericValue(msg); pos = 1; } } else { chn = chn * 10 + CRCInput::getNumericValue(msg); pos++; } if (chn > Bouquets.size()) { chn = firstselected; pos = lmaxpos; } int new_selected = (chn - 1) % Bouquets.size(); // is % necessary (i.e. can firstselected be > Bouquets.size()) ? updateSelection(new_selected); } } else if (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_SERVICESCHANGED || msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_BOUQUETSCHANGED) { g_RCInput->postMsg(msg, data); loop = false; res = CHANLIST_CANCEL_ALL; } else if (msg > CRCInput::RC_MaxRC) { if ( CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->handleMsg( msg, data ) & messages_return::cancel_all ) { loop = false; res = CHANLIST_CANCEL_ALL; } } frameBuffer->blit(); } hide(); fader.StopFade(); CVFD::getInstance()->setMode(CVFD::MODE_TVRADIO); if (save_bouquets) { save_bouquets = false; #if 0 if (CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->GetChannelMode() == LIST_MODE_FAV) g_bouquetManager->saveUBouquets(); else g_bouquetManager->saveBouquets(); #endif if (g_settings.epg_scan == CEpgScan::SCAN_SEL) CEpgScan::getInstance()->Start(); } if(zapOnExit) return (selected); return (res); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int frameLimit; int go, i, mapID, loadSlot, recordingID, replayingID; int joystick, showCredits, languageID; go = TRUE; loadSlot = -1; game.fps = 1000 / 60; languageID = mapID = recordingID = replayingID = -1; joystick = 0; showCredits = FALSE; /* Load the resources */ for (i=1;i<argc;i++) { if (strcmpignorecase("-record", argv[i]) == 0) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { printf("You must specify a file to record to\n"); printf("Type %s -h for help\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (recordingID == -1) { recordingID = i + 1; } i++; } else if (strcmpignorecase("-playback", argv[i]) == 0) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { printf("You must specify a file to playback from\n"); printf("Type %s -h for help\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (replayingID == -1) { replayingID = i + 1; } i++; } else if (strcmpignorecase("-load", argv[i]) == 0) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { printf("You must specify a slot to load from\n"); printf("Type %s -h for help\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } loadSlot = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i++; } else if (strcmpignorecase("-nojoystick", argv[i]) == 0) { game.disableJoystick = TRUE; } else if (strcmpignorecase("-joystick", argv[i]) == 0) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { printf("You must specify a joystick slot to use\n"); printf("Type %s -h for help\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } joystick = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i++; } else if (strcmpignorecase("-showcredits", argv[i]) == 0) { showCredits = TRUE; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-lang") != NULL) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { printf("You must specify a language to use\n"); printf("Type %s -h for help\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } languageID = i + 1; i++; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-h") != NULL || strstr(argv[i], "-help") != NULL) { printf("The Legend of Edgar options\n\n"); printf("\t-record <filename>: Captures keyboard input\n"); printf("\t-playback <filename>: Replays keyboard input\n"); printf("\t-load <save_slot>: Loads the game in slot <save_slot>. Slots start at 0\n"); printf("\t-nojoystick: Disables the joystick\n"); printf("\t-joystick <joystick_slot>: Use joystick <joystick_slot>. Slots start at 0\n"); printf("\t-showcredits: Shows the end credits\n"); printf("\t-language <language_code>: Use language <language_code>. e.g. en_US, es, pl\n\n"); exit(0); } #if DEV == 1 else if (strcmpignorecase("-saveonexit", argv[i]) == 0) { game.saveOnExit = TRUE; } else if (strcmpignorecase("-bmpwrite", argv[i]) == 0) { setScreenshotDir(argv[i + 1]); i++; } else { mapID = i; } #endif } setLanguage("edgar", languageID == -1 ? NULL : argv[languageID]); printf("Numeric is %s\n", setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); printf("atof(2.75) is %f\n", atof("2.75")); /* Call the cleanup function when the program exits */ atexit(cleanup); /* Start up SDL */ init(_("The Legend of Edgar"), joystick); loadRequiredResources(); if (replayingID != -1 && recordingID != -1) { showErrorAndExit("Cannot record and replay at the same time"); } #if DEV == 0 verifyVersion(); #endif /* Initialise the game variables */ freeGameResources(); initGame(); if (loadSlot == -1) { if (recordingID != -1) { setRecordData(argv[recordingID]); setMapFile(mapID == -1 ? "map01" : argv[mapID]); } else if (replayingID != -1) { setReplayData(argv[replayingID], TRUE); setMapFile(mapID == -1 ? "map01" : argv[mapID]); } if (mapID != -1) { startOnMap(argv[mapID]); } else if (game.firstRun == TRUE) { tutorial(); } else { game.status = IN_TITLE; } } else { if (recordingID != -1) { game.gameType = RECORDING; } else if (replayingID != -1) { game.gameType = REPLAYING; } if (loadGame(loadSlot) == FALSE) { showErrorAndExit("No saved game in slot %d", loadSlot); } if (recordingID != -1) { setRecordData(argv[recordingID]); setMapFile(getMapFilename()); } else if (replayingID != -1) { setReplayData(argv[replayingID], TRUE); } } /* Loop indefinitely for messages */ game.startTicks = SDL_GetTicks(); #if DEV == 1 printf("DEV Version\n"); #else printf("Production Version\n"); #endif frameLimit = SDL_GetTicks() + game.fps; if (showCredits == TRUE) { game.status = IN_CREDITS; } while (go == TRUE) { getInput(game.gameType); switch (game.status) { case IN_TITLE: doTitle(); break; case IN_GAME: freeCollisionGrid(); clearDrawLayers(); doGame(); doPlayer(); doInventory(); doMap(); doEntities(); doDecorations(); doCollisions(); doHud(); doDialogBox(); processMedals(); break; case IN_INVENTORY: doInventoryMenu(); break; case IN_MENU: doMenu(); break; case IN_CREDITS: freeCollisionGrid(); clearDrawLayers(); doGame(); doCredits(); doDecorations(); doCollisions(); break; default: doMenu(); break; } draw(); /* Sleep briefly to stop sucking up all the CPU time */ delay(frameLimit); frameLimit = SDL_GetTicks() + game.fps; game.frames++; } /* Exit the program */ exit(0); }
void M11ComboLabel::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { doMenu(e->pos()); ::QLabel::mousePressEvent(e); }
int main() { long int savedfreq = 0; int s, c; unsigned char sw=0; // PORTB output for LCD DDRB = 0xff; PORTB = 0xff; #ifdef BOARD2 // PORTC PC0-4 output, PC5 input DDRC = 0x1f; PORTC = 0x00; sbi(PORTC, MUTE); #endif #ifdef BOARD1 // PORTC PC0,2-5 output, PC1 input DDRC = 0x3d; PORTC = 0x00; sbi(PORTC, MUTE); #endif // PORTD is input with pullup DDRD = 0x00; PORTD = 0xff; initLcd(); initADC(); // set reference freq fref = eeprom_read_word((unsigned int *)0x00); if (fref < 2000 || (fref % 100) != 0) { fref = 12000; eeprom_write_word((unsigned int *)0x00, fref); } // read squelch level from eeprom muteval = eeprom_read_word((unsigned int *)0x0c); if (muteval < 0 || muteval > 100) { muteval = 0; eeprom_write_word((unsigned int *)0x0c, muteval); } // read last frequency from eeprom freq = eeprom_read_dword((unsigned long int *)0x10); if (freq < 1240000UL || freq > 1300000UL) { freq = 1298375UL; eeprom_write_dword((unsigned long int *)0x10, freq); } // read shift from eeprom shift = eeprom_read_word((unsigned int *)0x18); if (shift < 60000UL || shift > 60000UL) { shift = -28000UL; eeprom_write_word((unsigned int *)0x18, shift); } // read tone (*10) from eeprom tone = eeprom_read_word((unsigned int *)0x1c); if (tone < 650 || tone > 1500) { tone = 650; eeprom_write_word((unsigned int *)0x1c, tone); } initInterrupts(); initPLL(freq - IF); update(); sprintf(str, "JPD 23cm v%s", version); lcdCmd(0x80); lcdStr(str); _delay_ms(500); for (;;) { lcdCmd(0x80); lcdStr("VFO "); lcdCmd(0xc0); lcdStr(" "); update(); for (;;) { // read switches on PORTD sw = PIND; // switch from tx to rx?? if (tx && (sw & (1<<PTT) )) { cbi(PORTC, TXON); // switch TX off tx = FALSE; // TCCR2A &= ~(1<<COM2A1); update(); } // switch from rx to tx? else if (!tx && !(sw & (1<<PTT) )) { tx = TRUE; displaySmeter(0); // switch TX on sbi(PORTC, TXON); sbi(PORTC, MUTE); // if (tone > 650) { // TCCR2A |= (1<<COM2A1); // } update(); } if (!tx) { s = readSmeter(); displaySmeter(s); if (s > muteval) cbi(PORTC, MUTE); else sbi(PORTC, MUTE); } // switch shift off if ( (shiftSwitch == TRUE) && (sw & (1<<SHIFTKEY) )) { shiftSwitch = FALSE; update(); } // switch shift on else if ( (shiftSwitch == FALSE) && !(sw & (1<<SHIFTKEY) )) { shiftSwitch = TRUE; update(); } // save vfo frequency in eeprom after ~2 secs inactivity if (tick > 200) { if (freq != savedfreq) { eeprom_write_dword((unsigned long int *)0x10, freq); savedfreq = freq; } } // handle encoder pulses c = handleRotary(); if (c!=0) { if (c>0) { freq += step; } else { freq -= step; } tick = 0; update(); } if (rotaryPushed()) { doMenu(); break; } } } }
/* bShowChannelList default to true, returns new bouquet or -1/-2 */ int CBouquetList::show(bool bShowChannelList) { neutrino_msg_t msg; neutrino_msg_data_t data; int res = -1; //if(Bouquets.size()==0) // return res; CVFD::getInstance()->setMode(CVFD::MODE_MENU_UTF8, ""); width = w_max (500, 0); height = h_max (440, 40); buttonHeight = 7 + std::min(16, g_Font[SNeutrinoSettings::FONT_TYPE_INFOBAR_SMALL]->getHeight()); theight = g_Font[SNeutrinoSettings::FONT_TYPE_MENU_TITLE]->getHeight(); fheight = g_Font[SNeutrinoSettings::FONT_TYPE_CHANNELLIST]->getHeight(); listmaxshow = (height - theight - buttonHeight)/fheight; height = theight + buttonHeight + listmaxshow * fheight; // recalc height x = frameBuffer->getScreenX() + (frameBuffer->getScreenWidth() - width) / 2; y = frameBuffer->getScreenY() + (frameBuffer->getScreenHeight() - height) / 2; int maxpos= 1; int i= Bouquets.size(); while ((i= i/10)!=0) maxpos++; paintHead(); paint(); int oldselected = selected; int firstselected = selected+ 1; int zapOnExit = false; unsigned int chn= 0; int pos= maxpos; unsigned long long timeoutEnd = CRCInput::calcTimeoutEnd(g_settings.timing[SNeutrinoSettings::TIMING_CHANLIST]); bool loop=true; while (loop) { g_RCInput->getMsgAbsoluteTimeout( &msg, &data, &timeoutEnd ); if ( msg <= CRCInput::RC_MaxRC ) timeoutEnd = CRCInput::calcTimeoutEnd(g_settings.timing[SNeutrinoSettings::TIMING_CHANLIST]); if ((msg == CRCInput::RC_timeout ) || (msg == (neutrino_msg_t)g_settings.key_channelList_cancel)) { selected = oldselected; loop=false; } else if(msg == CRCInput::RC_red || msg == CRCInput::RC_favorites) { CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(LIST_MODE_FAV); hide(); return -3; } else if(msg == CRCInput::RC_green) { CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(LIST_MODE_PROV); hide(); return -3; } else if(msg == CRCInput::RC_yellow || msg == CRCInput::RC_sat) { CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(LIST_MODE_SAT); hide(); return -3; } else if(msg == CRCInput::RC_blue) { CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->SetChannelMode(LIST_MODE_ALL); hide(); return -3; } else if(Bouquets.size() == 0) continue; //FIXME msgs not forwarded to neutrino !! else if ( msg == CRCInput::RC_setup) { int ret = doMenu(); if(ret) { res = -4; loop = false; } else paint(); } else if ( msg == (neutrino_msg_t) g_settings.key_list_start ) { selected=0; liststart = (selected/listmaxshow)*listmaxshow; paint(); } else if ( msg == (neutrino_msg_t) g_settings.key_list_end ) { selected=Bouquets.size()-1; liststart = (selected/listmaxshow)*listmaxshow; paint(); } else if (msg == CRCInput::RC_up || (int) msg == g_settings.key_channelList_pageup) { int step = 0; int prev_selected = selected; step = ((int) msg == g_settings.key_channelList_pageup) ? listmaxshow : 1; // browse or step 1 selected -= step; if((prev_selected-step) < 0) // because of uint selected = Bouquets.size()-1; paintItem(prev_selected - liststart); unsigned int oldliststart = liststart; liststart = (selected/listmaxshow)*listmaxshow; if(oldliststart!=liststart) paint(); else paintItem(selected - liststart); } else if (msg == CRCInput::RC_down || (int) msg == g_settings.key_channelList_pagedown) { unsigned int step = 0; int prev_selected = selected; step = ((int) msg == g_settings.key_channelList_pagedown) ? listmaxshow : 1; // browse or step 1 selected += step; if(selected >= Bouquets.size()) { if (((Bouquets.size() / listmaxshow) + 1) * listmaxshow == Bouquets.size() + listmaxshow) // last page has full entries selected = 0; else selected = ((step == listmaxshow) && (selected < (((Bouquets.size() / listmaxshow) + 1) * listmaxshow))) ? (Bouquets.size() - 1) : 0; } paintItem(prev_selected - liststart); unsigned int oldliststart = liststart; liststart = (selected/listmaxshow)*listmaxshow; if(oldliststart!=liststart) paint(); else paintItem(selected - liststart); } else if ( msg == CRCInput::RC_ok ) { if(!bShowChannelList || Bouquets[selected]->channelList->getSize() > 0) { zapOnExit = true; loop=false; } } else if (CRCInput::isNumeric(msg)) { if (pos == maxpos) { if (msg == CRCInput::RC_0) { chn = firstselected; pos = maxpos; } else { chn = CRCInput::getNumericValue(msg); pos = 1; } } else { chn = chn * 10 + CRCInput::getNumericValue(msg); pos++; } if (chn > Bouquets.size()) { chn = firstselected; pos = maxpos; } int prevselected=selected; selected = (chn - 1) % Bouquets.size(); // is % necessary (i.e. can firstselected be > Bouquets.size()) ? paintItem(prevselected - liststart); unsigned int oldliststart = liststart; liststart = (selected/listmaxshow)*listmaxshow; if(oldliststart!=liststart) { paint(); } else { paintItem(selected - liststart); } } else { if ( CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->handleMsg( msg, data ) & messages_return::cancel_all ) { loop = false; res = -2; } }; } hide(); CVFD::getInstance()->setMode(CVFD::MODE_TVRADIO); if(zapOnExit) { return (selected); } else { return (res); } }
int balanceManagerChild(Menu* menu, char* currentWallet) { Currency balance; getWalletBalance(&balance, currentWallet); char balanceStr[15]; currencyToString(balanceStr, &balance); char subtitle[21]; strcpy(subtitle, (char*)"Balance: "); strcat(subtitle, balanceStr); Transaction txs[MAX_DAY_EVENTS]; char menulabels[MAX_DAY_EVENTS][44]; menu->numitems = getWalletTransactions(currentWallet, txs); MenuItem items[menu->numitems]; for(int i = 0; i < menu->numitems; i++) { char amount[15]; currencyToString(amount, &txs[i].amount); // build menu item so that the text is cut and the values aligned on the right column // independently of the description containing multibyte chars and their location char* s = txs[i].description; int len = 0, glen = 0; while(*s) { len++; glen++; if(MB_IsLead(*s)) glen--; if(glen >= 14) { // this way we only care about the section that is to be displayed break; } s++; } memset(menulabels[i], ' ', 43); // blank parts that would not be touched int offset = len-glen; memcpy(menulabels[i], txs[i].description, (glen > 14 ? 14+offset : len)); if(MB_IsLead(menulabels[i][14+offset])) menulabels[i][14+offset] = ' '; // eliminate half-MB char strncpy(menulabels[i]+15+offset, amount, 6); menulabels[i][21+offset] = 0; if(txs[i].credit) items[i].color = TEXT_COLOR_GREEN; else items[i].color = TEXT_COLOR_RED; items[i].text = menulabels[i]; } menu->items = items; while(1) { Bdisp_AllClr_VRAM(); drawScreenTitle("Balance Manager", subtitle); // VIEW, INSERT, EDIT, DELETE, empty, LOAD drawFkeyLabels(-1, 0x03B4, -1, -1, -1, 0x03B7); if(menu->numitems > 0) drawFkeyLabels(0x049F, -1, 0x0038); int res = doMenu(menu); switch(res) { case MENU_RETURN_EXIT: return 0; break; case KEY_CTRL_F1: case MENU_RETURN_SELECTION: if(menu->numitems) viewTransaction(&txs[menu->selection-1]); break; case KEY_CTRL_F2: if(addTransactionWizard(currentWallet)) { return 1; } break; case KEY_CTRL_F3: case KEY_CTRL_DEL: if(menu->numitems && deleteTransactionPrompt(txs, currentWallet, menu->numitems, menu->selection-1)) { return 1; } break; case KEY_CTRL_F6: if(changeWalletScreen(currentWallet)) { menu->selection = 0; menu->scroll = 0; return 1; } break; } } return 0; }
void _hMenu() { if (doMenu(&mnuMain)) loadPage(mnuMain.marked + 2); }
int addTransactionWizard(char* wallet) { Transaction tx; = getCurrentYear(); = getCurrentMonth(); = getCurrentDay(); tx.time.hour = getCurrentHour(); tx.time.minute = getCurrentMinute(); tx.time.second = getCurrentSecond(); strcpy(tx.description, (char*)""); int curstep = 0; while(1) { SetBackGround(0x0A); drawScreenTitle("Add transaction"); // < (first label), SELECT of on date step, and Next or Finish (last label) drawFkeyLabels(curstep>0 ? 0x036F : -1, curstep == 2 ? 0x000F : 0, 0, 0, 0, curstep==4 ? 0x04A4 : 0x04A3); if(curstep == 0) { MenuItem menuitems[5]; menuitems[0].text = (char*)"Debit"; menuitems[1].text = (char*)"Credit"; Menu menu; menu.items=menuitems; menu.type=MENUTYPE_FKEYS; menu.numitems=2; menu.height=2; menu.startY=3; menu.pBaRtR=1; int inloop=1; while(inloop) { // this must be here, inside this loop: SetBackGround(0x0A); drawScreenTitle("Add transaction", "Select type:"); drawFkeyLabels(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0x04A3); int res = doMenu(&menu); if(res == MENU_RETURN_EXIT) return 0; else if(res == KEY_CTRL_F6 || res == MENU_RETURN_SELECTION) { = menu.selection == 2; curstep++; break; } } } else if(curstep == 1) { drawScreenTitle(NULL, "Amount:"); char samount[20] = ""; if(tx.amount.val) { currencyToString(samount, &tx.amount); } textInput input; input.charlimit=12; input.acceptF6=1; input.symbols = 0; // allow the decimal separator input.forcetext = 1; input.buffer = (char*)samount; input.type = INPUTTYPE_NUMERIC; while(1) { input.key=0; int res = doTextInput(&input); if (res==INPUT_RETURN_EXIT) return 0; // user aborted else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_CONFIRM) { if(!stringToCurrency(&tx.amount, samount)) { if(!tx.amount.val) { AUX_DisplayErrorMessage(0x4B); } else { curstep++; } break; } else AUX_DisplayErrorMessage(0x43); } else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_KEYCODE && input.key == KEY_CTRL_F1) { curstep--; break; } } } else if(curstep == 2) { drawScreenTitle(NULL, "Date:"); mPrintXY(7, 4, getInputDateFormatHint(), TEXT_MODE_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND, TEXT_COLOR_BLACK); textInput input; input.x=7; input.width=8; input.charlimit=8; input.acceptF6=1; input.type=INPUTTYPE_DATE; char datebuffer[15]; fillInputDate(&, datebuffer); input.buffer = (char*)datebuffer; while(1) { input.key=0; int res = doTextInput(&input); if (res==INPUT_RETURN_EXIT) return 0; // user aborted else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_CONFIRM) { int len = strlen(datebuffer); if(len == input.charlimit) { int yr,m,d; stringToDate(datebuffer, &yr, &m, &d); if(isDateValid(yr, m, d)) { = yr; = m; = d; curstep++; break; // continue to next step } else invalidFieldMsg(0); } else invalidFieldMsg(0); } else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_KEYCODE) { if(input.key==KEY_CTRL_F1) { curstep=curstep-1; break; } else if(input.key==KEY_CTRL_F2) { int ey=0, em=0, ed=0; if(!selectDateScreen(&ey, &em, &ed, (char*)"Select transaction date:", NULL, 1)) { = ey; = em; = ed; curstep++; break; // continue to next step } break; //redraw } } } } else if(curstep == 3) { drawScreenTitle(NULL, "Time:"); mPrintXY(8, 4, "HHMMSS", TEXT_MODE_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND, TEXT_COLOR_BLACK); textInput input; input.x=8; input.width=6; input.charlimit=6; input.acceptF6=1; input.type=INPUTTYPE_TIME; char tbuffer[15]; fillInputTime(&tx.time, tbuffer); input.buffer = (char*)tbuffer; while(1) { input.key=0; int res = doTextInput(&input); if (res==INPUT_RETURN_EXIT) return 0; // user aborted else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_CONFIRM) { if((int)strlen(tbuffer) == input.charlimit) { int h, m, s; stringToTime(tbuffer, &h, &m, &s); if(isTimeValid(h, m, s)) { tx.time.hour = h; tx.time.minute = m; tx.time.second = s; curstep++; break; // continue to next step } else invalidFieldMsg(1); } else invalidFieldMsg(1); } else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_KEYCODE && input.key==KEY_CTRL_F1) { curstep--; break; } } } else if(curstep == 4) { drawScreenTitle(NULL, "Description:"); textInput input; input.charlimit=128; input.acceptF6=1; input.buffer = (char*)tx.description; int inloop = 1; while(inloop) { input.key=0; int res = doTextInput(&input); if (res==INPUT_RETURN_EXIT) return 0; // user aborted else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_CONFIRM) inloop = 0; // all fields complete, continue with transaction adding else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_KEYCODE && input.key == KEY_CTRL_F1) { curstep--; break; } } if(!inloop) break; } } addTransaction(&tx, wallet); return 1; }
int changeWalletScreen(char* currentWallet) { // returns 1 if user changes to another wallet char* currentWalletNice = filenameToName(currentWallet); Menu menu; menu.title = (char*)"Wallet List"; menu.scrollout=1; menu.type=MENUTYPE_FKEYS; menu.height = 7; MenuItem items[MAX_WALLETS]; int mustRefresh = 0; while(1) { char wallets[MAX_WALLETS][MAX_WALLETNAME_SIZE]; // build wallet list: unsigned short path[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE+1], found[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE+1]; char buffer[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE+1]; // make the buffer strcpy(buffer, BALANCEFOLDER"\\*"); file_type_t fileinfo; int findhandle; Bfile_StrToName_ncpy(path, buffer, MAX_FILENAME_SIZE+1); int ret = Bfile_FindFirst_NON_SMEM((const char*)path, &findhandle, (char*)found, &fileinfo); int i = 0; while(!ret) { Bfile_NameToStr_ncpy(buffer, found, MAX_FILENAME_SIZE+1); if(fileinfo.fsize == 0 && !(strcmp((char*)buffer, "..") == 0 || strcmp((char*)buffer, ".") == 0)) { // find folders strcpy(wallets[i], buffer); items[i].text = wallets[i]; i++; if(!strcmp(buffer, currentWalletNice)) menu.selection = i; if(i == MAX_WALLETS) break; } ret = Bfile_FindNext_NON_SMEM(findhandle, (char*)found, (char*)&fileinfo); } menu.items = items; menu.numitems = i; Bfile_FindClose(findhandle); drawFkeyLabels(0x000F, 0x0186, 0x0188, 0x0038, 0, 0); // SELECT, NEW, RENAME, DELETE int res = doMenu(&menu); switch(res) { case MENU_RETURN_EXIT: return mustRefresh; break; case KEY_CTRL_F1: case MENU_RETURN_SELECTION: if(strcmp(currentWalletNice, wallets[menu.selection-1])) { walletNameToPath(buffer, wallets[menu.selection-1]); setCurrentWallet(buffer); return 1; } return mustRefresh; break; case KEY_CTRL_F2: if(menu.numitems >= MAX_WALLETS) { AUX_DisplayErrorMessage( 0x2E ); } else { createWalletWizard(0); } break; case KEY_CTRL_F3: char newWallet[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; if(renameWalletScreen(wallets[menu.selection-1], newWallet)) { walletNameToPath(buffer, wallets[menu.selection-1]); if(!strcmp(currentWallet, buffer)) { // if the renamed wallet was the current one, we must set the current wallet to the // new name. setCurrentWallet(newWallet); mustRefresh = 1; } } break; case KEY_CTRL_F4: case KEY_CTRL_DEL: walletNameToPath(buffer, wallets[menu.selection-1]); if(deleteWalletPrompt(buffer)) { if(menu.numitems <= 1) { // this was the only wallet: delete pointer file too, so that user is prompted to create // a new wallet. unsigned short path[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE+1]; strcpy(buffer, BALANCEFOLDER"\\Wallet"); Bfile_StrToName_ncpy(path, buffer, MAX_FILENAME_SIZE); Bfile_DeleteEntry(path); return 1; } if(!strcmp(currentWallet, buffer)) { // if the deleted wallet was the current one, we must set the current wallet to the // first one on the list that is not the deleted one. // (by now we know there is more than one wallet in the list) for(int i = 0; i < menu.numitems; i++) { walletNameToPath(buffer, wallets[i]); if(strcmp(currentWallet, buffer)) break; } setCurrentWallet(buffer); mustRefresh = 1; } } break; } } }
void passwordGenerator() { Menu menu; menu.type = MENUTYPE_FKEYS; menu.title = (char*)"Password Generator"; menu.height = 7; MenuItem items[6]; int length = 10; int seed = RTC_GetTicks() * (GetMainBatteryVoltage(1) % 100); char lstr[10]; items[1].text = (char*)"Include symbols"; items[1].type = MENUITEM_CHECKBOX; items[2].text = (char*)"Include numbers"; items[2].type = MENUITEM_CHECKBOX; items[2].value = MENUITEM_VALUE_CHECKED; items[3].text = (char*)"Include uppercase"; items[3].type = MENUITEM_CHECKBOX; items[3].value = MENUITEM_VALUE_CHECKED; items[4].text = (char*)"Include confusable"; items[4].type = MENUITEM_CHECKBOX; items[4].value = MENUITEM_VALUE_CHECKED; items[5].text = (char*)"Memorable vowel mix"; items[5].type = MENUITEM_CHECKBOX; menu.numitems = 6; menu.items = items; while(1) { drawFkeyLabels(0x03B3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0184); // FILE, EXE (white) itoa(length, (unsigned char*)lstr); char t[20]; strcpy(t, "Length: "); strcat(t, lstr); items[0].text = t; switch(doMenu(&menu)) { case MENU_RETURN_EXIT: return; case MENU_RETURN_SELECTION: if(menu.selection > 1) items[menu.selection-1].value = !items[menu.selection-1].value; else { Selector sel; sel.min = 6; sel.value = length; sel.max = 30; sel.cycle = 1; sel.title = (char*)"Password Generator"; sel.subtitle = (char*)"Length"; if(doSelector(&sel) == SELECTOR_RETURN_SELECTION) { length = sel.value; } } break; case KEY_CTRL_F1: { Selector sel; sel.min = 1; sel.value = 10; sel.max = 1000; sel.cycle = 1; sel.title = (char*)"Generate to file"; sel.subtitle = (char*)"Number of passwords"; if(doSelector(&sel) != SELECTOR_RETURN_SELECTION) break; SetBackGround(10); drawScreenTitle("Generate to file", "Filename:"); char newname[MAX_NAME_SIZE]; newname[0] = 0; textInput input; input.forcetext=1; input.symbols = 0; input.charlimit=MAX_NAME_SIZE; input.buffer = (char*)newname; int inscreen = 1; while(inscreen) { input.key=0; int res = doTextInput(&input); if (res==INPUT_RETURN_EXIT) break; // user aborted else if (res==INPUT_RETURN_CONFIRM) { inscreen = 0; } } if(inscreen) break; char newfilename[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; strcpy(newfilename, SMEM_PREFIX); strcat(newfilename, newname); strcat(newfilename, ".txt"); unsigned short pFile[0x10A]; Bfile_StrToName_ncpy(pFile, newfilename, 0x10A); unsigned int size = 1; int ntry = 0; while(ntry < 2) { ntry++; int BCEres = Bfile_CreateEntry_OS(pFile, CREATEMODE_FILE, &size); if(BCEres >= 0) { int hFile = Bfile_OpenFile_OS(pFile, READWRITE, 0); // Get handle if(hFile >= 0) { char password[35]; char line[37]; for(int i = 0; i < sel.value; i++) { generateRandomString(password, length, items[1].value, items[2].value, items[3].value, items[4].value, items[5].value, &seed); sprintf(line, "%s\r\n", password); Bfile_WriteFile_OS(hFile, line, length+2); } Bfile_CloseFile_OS(hFile); } else AUX_DisplayErrorMessage(0x2B); break; } else if(ntry < 2) { // File creation probably failed due to the presence of a file with the same name if(overwriteFilePrompt(newfilename)) Bfile_DeleteEntry(pFile); else break; } else AUX_DisplayErrorMessage(0x2B); } break; } case KEY_CTRL_F6: int inscreen = 1; while(inscreen) { Bdisp_AllClr_VRAM(); drawScreenTitle("Password Generator", "Generated passwords:"); textArea text; text.type = TEXTAREATYPE_INSTANT_RETURN; text.scrollbar = 0; text.y = 48+3; text.lineHeight = 20; textElement e[5]; char passwords[5][35]; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { generateRandomString(passwords[i], length, items[1].value, items[2].value, items[3].value, items[4].value, items[5].value, &seed); e[i].text = passwords[i]; if(i) e[i].newLine = 1; } text.elements = e; text.numelements = 5; doTextArea(&text); drawFkeyLabels(0x036F, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02B9); // <, REPEAT (white) while(1) { int key; mGetKey(&key); if(key == KEY_CTRL_F6) break; if(key == KEY_CTRL_F1 || key == KEY_CTRL_EXIT) { inscreen = 0; break; } } } break; } } }
void main(void) { // initialise the RTC communication line I2C_Init() ; // initialise the LCD display LCDInit(LS_NONE); // initialise the actual RTC DS1307_Init() ; //clear the display LCDClear(); // read back our running time DS1307_readRam(&runningMinutes,0,2) ; DS1307_readRam(&runningHours,2,2) ; LCDWriteString("Starting counter"); LCDGotoXY(0,1) ; LCDWriteString("at "); LCDWriteInt(runningHours,1); LCDWriteString(":"); LCDWriteInt(runningMinutes,1); __delay_ms(750) ; __delay_ms(750) ; __delay_ms(750) ; __delay_ms(750) ; // compensate for our handling on the first run of the readClock routine runningMinutes-- ; LCDClear(); // infinite loop, read the clock, display on the LCD, check for the button, and if needed, process the menus while(1) { readClock(); showClock() ; readInputs() ; if (bButton) doMenu(); else if (state & 0x30) { // rotate the encoder to select a menu function, well, that was the aim, but encoder reading // seems a tad slow or inaccurate. // // there is a timeout if the button isn't pressed after selecting the menu option if (state & DIR_CW) { menuFunction++ ; if (menuFunction == MENU_LAST) menuFunction = MENU_NONE ; } else if (state & DIR_CCW) { menuFunction-- ; if (menuFunction < MENU_NONE) menuFunction = MENU_LAST-1 ; } if (menuFunction != MENU_NONE) { next_menu_clear = minute * 60 + seconds + 20 ; LCDGotoXY(9,0); if (menuFunction == MENU_TIME) LCDWriteString("Time ?"); if (menuFunction == MENU_DATE) LCDWriteString("Date ?"); } else clearPrompt(); } else if (next_menu_clear && ((minute * 60 + seconds) > next_menu_clear)) { clearPrompt(); } } }
int showCatalog(char* insertText) { int ret; // returns 0 on failure (user exit) and 1 on success (user chose a option) MenuItem menuitems[9]; menuitems[0].text = (char*)"All"; menuitems[1].text = (char*)"Complex number"; menuitems[2].text = (char*)"Linear algebra"; menuitems[3].text = (char*)"Calculus"; menuitems[4].text = (char*)"Polynomial"; menuitems[5].text = (char*)"Special"; menuitems[6].text = (char*)"Program and logic"; menuitems[7].text = (char*)"Trigonometry"; menuitems[8].text = (char*)"Other"; Menu menu; menu.items=menuitems; menu.numitems=9; menu.scrollbar=1; menu.scrollout=1; menu.selection=1; menu.scroll=0; menu.title = (char*)"Function Catalog"; int incat = 1; while(incat) { int sres = doMenu(&menu); ret=0; if(sres == MENU_RETURN_SELECTION) { switch(menu.selection) { case 1: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[0].text, CAT_CATEGORY_ALL)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; case 2: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[1].text, CAT_CATEGORY_COMPLEXNUM)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; case 3: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[2].text, CAT_CATEGORY_LINEARALG)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; case 4: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[3].text, CAT_CATEGORY_CALCULUS)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; case 5: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[4].text, CAT_CATEGORY_POLYNOMIAL)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; case 6: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[5].text, CAT_CATEGORY_SPECIAL)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; case 7: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[6].text, CAT_CATEGORY_PROG)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; case 8: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[7].text, CAT_CATEGORY_TRIG)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; case 9: if(doCatalogMenu(insertText, menuitems[8].text, CAT_CATEGORY_OTHER)) { ret=1; incat = 0; } break; } } else { incat = 0; } } return ret; }