int get_job_time() { struct timeval t1, t2; gettimeofday(&t1, NULL); do_job(); gettimeofday(&t2, NULL); int job_time = 1000 * (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec) / 1000; return job_time; }
void* vina_worker(void* arg) { struct para* work_para = (struct para*)arg; char work_path[MAX_PATH]; int my_job; while ((my_job = get_job(work_para->jp, work_para->t)) != NO_JOB) { get_workpath(work_para->home_path, my_job, work_path); setup(work_para->cf, work_para->home_path, my_job, work_para->t); do_job(my_job, work_para->t, work_path); cleanup(work_path, work_para->cf->gather_loc, work_para->t, work_para->cf->outfile, my_job); } printf("Done!"); free(work_para); return NULL; }
void* dispatch_job () { struct job *job; while(1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); job = get_job(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); if (job) { do_job(job); free(job); } else { pthread_exit(NULL); } } }
int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) { struct stat sb; int ubootsize; char *uboot; int fd, ofd; char *buf; int bytes; printf(" open file : %s \n", argv[1]); if ((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY, (mode_t)(0))) == -1){ perror("Cannot open filen"); } if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1) { /* To obtain file size */ return -1; } if((buf = malloc(sb.st_size)) == NULL){ perror("malloc error!"); } printf(" read file \n"); bytes = read(fd, buf, sb.st_size); if ( bytes != sb.st_size){ perror("partial read or error!"); } printf(" do job \n"); uboot = do_job(&ubootsize, buf); printf("save uboot to uboot.bin\n"); if ((ofd = open("uboot.bin", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, (mode_t)(S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH))) == -1){ perror("Cannot open filen"); } bytes = write(ofd, uboot, ubootsize); if (bytes != ubootsize) { perror("can't save uboot.bin"); } return 0; }
/** * Iterates through job list and calls do_job for each job. * @param _work Handle work object. */ static void work_func( void * _work ) { hb_work_t * work = _work; hb_job_t * job; hb_log( "%d job(s) to process", hb_list_count( work->jobs ) ); while( !*work->die && ( job = hb_list_item( work->jobs, 0 ) ) ) { hb_list_rem( work->jobs, job ); job->die = work->die; *(work->current_job) = job; InitWorkState( job->h ); do_job( job ); *(work->current_job) = NULL; } *(work->error) = HB_ERROR_NONE; free( work ); }
int mpi_main(int argc, char **argv, job_t (send_jobs)(filter_t *, unsigned char **, int, int), job_t (get_job)(filter_t *)) { int rank, image_width, image_height; filter_t filter; job_t job; double starttime; unsigned char ** result; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); starttime = MPI_Wtime(); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); // Init if (rank == 0) { // Read in image and filter and send to workers if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s filter.txt input.pnm [output.pnm]\n", argv[1]); return 1; } const char * filter_path = argv[1]; const char * image_path = argv[2]; const char * output_path = argv[argc == 3 ? 2 : 3]; unsigned char ** image; filter.filter = read_filter(filter_path, &filter.width, &filter.height); image = read_image(image_path, &image_width, &image_height); send_filter(&filter); job = send_jobs(&filter, image, image_width, image_height); result = do_job(&job, &filter); LOG("Fetching results."); fetch_results(result, image_width); LOG("Writing output"); write_image(output_path, result, job.width, job.height); } else { // Receive filter and job filter = get_filter(); job = get_job(&filter); result = do_job(&job, &filter); LOG("Sending results"); send_result(&job, result); } // Cleanup /* free_filter(filter.filter, filter.height); */ /* free_image(job.image); */ /* free_image(result); */ starttime = MPI_Wtime() - starttime; if (rank == 0) printf("%f\n", starttime); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
int main() { struct timeval t1, t2; printf("Input a number representing the number of timers for factorial: "); scanf("%d",&ROUND); printf("Input a number representing the rate of period over processing: "); scanf("%d",&PERIOD_PRO_RATIO); printf("Input a number representing the number of repeating jobs: "); scanf("%d",&JOB_NUM); // estimate the job time int comp_time = get_job_time(); int period = PERIOD_PRO_RATIO * comp_time; printf("cal job time: %d ms \n", comp_time); // register in the module int pid = register_proc(period, comp_time); printf("computation time: %d ms, period: %d ms \n", comp_time,period); // verify the process was admitted if (!verify(pid)) { printf("process %d was not admitted!\n", pid); exit(1); } yield(pid); // real-time loop int i; for (i=0; i<JOB_NUM; i++){ system("cat /proc/mp2/status"); gettimeofday(&t1,NULL); printf("Start Time of this job with ID %d : %d sec \n",pid,t1.tv_sec); do_job(); gettimeofday(&t2,NULL); printf("End Time of this job with ID %d : %d sec \n",pid,t2.tv_sec); yield(pid); } deregister(pid); // read the list of processes //system("cat /proc/mp2/status"); printf("Test application ends.\n"); return 0; }
/* The public routine for compression. See blosc.h for docstrings. */ int blosc_compress(int clevel, int doshuffle, size_t typesize, size_t nbytes, const void *src, void *dest, size_t destsize) { uint8_t *_dest=NULL; /* current pos for destination buffer */ uint8_t *flags; /* flags for header. Currently booked: - 0: shuffled? - 1: memcpy'ed? */ uint32_t nbytes_; /* number of bytes in source buffer */ uint32_t nblocks; /* number of total blocks in buffer */ uint32_t leftover; /* extra bytes at end of buffer */ uint32_t *bstarts; /* start pointers for each block */ uint32_t blocksize; /* length of the block in bytes */ uint32_t ntbytes = 0; /* the number of compressed bytes */ uint32_t *ntbytes_; /* placeholder for bytes in output buffer */ uint32_t maxbytes = (uint32_t)destsize; /* maximum size for dest buffer */ /* Check buffer size limits */ if (nbytes > BLOSC_MAX_BUFFERSIZE) { /* If buffer is too large, give up. */ fprintf(stderr, "Input buffer size cannot exceed %d MB\n", BLOSC_MAX_BUFFERSIZE / MB); exit(1); } /* We can safely do this assignation now */ nbytes_ = (uint32_t)nbytes; /* Compression level */ if (clevel < 0 || clevel > 9) { /* If clevel not in 0..9, print an error */ fprintf(stderr, "`clevel` parameter must be between 0 and 9!\n"); return -10; } /* Shuffle */ if (doshuffle != 0 && doshuffle != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "`shuffle` parameter must be either 0 or 1!\n"); return -10; } /* Check typesize limits */ if (typesize > BLOSC_MAX_TYPESIZE) { /* If typesize is too large, treat buffer as an 1-byte stream. */ typesize = 1; } /* Get the blocksize */ blocksize = compute_blocksize(clevel, (uint32_t)typesize, nbytes_); /* Compute number of blocks in buffer */ nblocks = nbytes_ / blocksize; leftover = nbytes_ % blocksize; nblocks = (leftover>0)? nblocks+1: nblocks; _dest = (uint8_t *)(dest); /* Write header for this block */ _dest[0] = BLOSC_VERSION_FORMAT; /* blosc format version */ _dest[1] = BLOSCLZ_VERSION_FORMAT; /* blosclz format version */ flags = _dest+2; /* flags */ _dest[2] = 0; /* zeroes flags */ _dest[3] = (uint8_t)typesize; /* type size */ _dest += 4; ((uint32_t *)_dest)[0] = sw32(nbytes_); /* size of the buffer */ ((uint32_t *)_dest)[1] = sw32(blocksize);/* block size */ ntbytes_ = (uint32_t *)(_dest+8); /* compressed buffer size */ _dest += sizeof(int32_t)*3; bstarts = (uint32_t *)_dest; /* starts for every block */ _dest += sizeof(int32_t)*nblocks; /* space for pointers to blocks */ ntbytes = (uint32_t)(_dest - (uint8_t *)dest); if (clevel == 0) { /* Compression level 0 means buffer to be memcpy'ed */ *flags |= BLOSC_MEMCPYED; } if (nbytes_ < MIN_BUFFERSIZE) { /* Buffer is too small. Try memcpy'ing. */ *flags |= BLOSC_MEMCPYED; } if (doshuffle == 1) { /* Shuffle is active */ *flags |= BLOSC_DOSHUFFLE; /* bit 0 set to one in flags */ } /* Populate parameters for compression routines */ params.compress = 1; params.clevel = clevel; params.flags = (int32_t)*flags; params.typesize = (uint32_t)typesize; params.blocksize = blocksize; params.ntbytes = ntbytes; params.nbytes = nbytes_; params.maxbytes = maxbytes; params.nblocks = nblocks; params.leftover = leftover; params.bstarts = bstarts; params.src = (uint8_t *)src; params.dest = (uint8_t *)dest; if (!(*flags & BLOSC_MEMCPYED)) { /* Do the actual compression */ ntbytes = do_job(); if ((ntbytes == 0) && (nbytes_+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD <= maxbytes)) { /* Last chance for fitting `src` buffer in `dest`. Update flags and do a memcpy later on. */ *flags |= BLOSC_MEMCPYED; params.flags |= BLOSC_MEMCPYED; } } if (*flags & BLOSC_MEMCPYED) { if (nbytes_+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD > maxbytes) { /* We are exceeding maximum output size */ ntbytes = 0; } else if (((nbytes_ % L1) == 0) || (nthreads > 1)) { /* More effective with large buffers that are multiples of the cache size or multi-cores */ params.ntbytes = BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD; ntbytes = do_job(); } else { memcpy((uint8_t *)dest+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD, src, nbytes_); ntbytes = nbytes_ + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD; } } /* Set the number of compressed bytes in header */ *ntbytes_ = sw32(ntbytes); assert((int32_t)ntbytes <= (int32_t)maxbytes); return ntbytes; }
/* The public routine for decompression. See blosc.h for docstrings. */ int blosc_decompress(const void *src, void *dest, size_t destsize) { uint8_t *_src=NULL; /* current pos for source buffer */ uint8_t *_dest=NULL; /* current pos for destination buffer */ uint8_t version, versionlz; /* versions for compressed header */ uint8_t flags; /* flags for header */ int32_t ntbytes; /* the number of uncompressed bytes */ uint32_t nblocks; /* number of total blocks in buffer */ uint32_t leftover; /* extra bytes at end of buffer */ uint32_t *bstarts; /* start pointers for each block */ uint32_t typesize, blocksize, nbytes, ctbytes; _src = (uint8_t *)(src); _dest = (uint8_t *)(dest); /* Read the header block */ version = _src[0]; /* blosc format version */ versionlz = _src[1]; /* blosclz format version */ flags = _src[2]; /* flags */ typesize = (uint32_t)_src[3]; /* typesize */ _src += 4; nbytes = sw32(((uint32_t *)_src)[0]); /* buffer size */ blocksize = sw32(((uint32_t *)_src)[1]); /* block size */ ctbytes = sw32(((uint32_t *)_src)[2]); /* compressed buffer size */ _src += sizeof(int32_t)*3; bstarts = (uint32_t *)_src; /* Compute some params */ /* Total blocks */ nblocks = nbytes / blocksize; leftover = nbytes % blocksize; nblocks = (leftover>0)? nblocks+1: nblocks; _src += sizeof(int32_t)*nblocks; /* Check that we have enough space to decompress */ if (nbytes > destsize) { return -1; } /* Populate parameters for decompression routines */ params.compress = 0; params.clevel = 0; /* specific for compression */ params.flags = (int32_t)flags; params.typesize = typesize; params.blocksize = blocksize; params.ntbytes = 0; params.nbytes = nbytes; params.nblocks = nblocks; params.leftover = leftover; params.bstarts = bstarts; params.src = (uint8_t *)src; params.dest = (uint8_t *)dest; /* Check whether this buffer is memcpy'ed */ if (flags & BLOSC_MEMCPYED) { if (((nbytes % L1) == 0) || (nthreads > 1)) { /* More effective with large buffers that are multiples of the cache size or multi-cores */ ntbytes = do_job(); } else { memcpy(dest, (uint8_t *)src+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD, nbytes); ntbytes = nbytes; } } else { /* Do the actual decompression */ ntbytes = do_job(); } assert(ntbytes <= (int32_t)destsize); return ntbytes; }
static ERL_NIF_TERM do_job(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { state_t *state = NULL; ErlNifBinary input; size_t block_size; int is_eof; size_t input_size; char *input_data; rs_result res; if (!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], state_r, (void *) &state)) return enif_make_badarg(env); if (argc == 1) { is_eof = 1; input_size = 0; input_data = NULL; } else { if (!enif_inspect_iolist_as_binary(env, argv[1], &input)) return enif_make_badarg(env); is_eof = 0; input_size = input.size; input_data = (char *); } block_size = MAX(state->in_size + input_size, RS_JOB_BLOCKSIZE); if (input_size) { state->in = realloc(state->in, state->in_size + input_size); memcpy(state->in + state->in_size, input_data, input_size); } state->in_size += input_size; state->out_size = 0; while (1) { state->out = realloc(state->out, state->out_size + block_size); rs_buffers_t buf = {.next_in = state->in, .avail_in = state->in_size, .eof_in = is_eof, .next_out = state->out + state->out_size, .avail_out = block_size}; res = rs_job_iter(state->job, &buf); state->in_size = buf.avail_in; state->out_size += block_size - buf.avail_out; if (res == RS_BLOCKED) { if (buf.avail_in > 0) { state->in = realloc(state->in, buf.avail_in); memcpy(state->in, buf.next_in, buf.avail_in); } if (!is_eof) return mk_output(env, state); } else if (res == RS_DONE) { return mk_output(env, state); } else { return mk_error(env, res); } } } static ERL_NIF_TERM job_iter(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { return do_job(env, argc, argv); } static ERL_NIF_TERM job_done(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { return do_job(env, argc, argv); } static ErlNifFunc nif_funcs[] = { {"sig_init", 0, sig_init}, {"loadsig_init", 0, loadsig_init}, {"delta_init", 1, delta_init}, {"patch_init", 1, patch_init}, {"format_error_nif", 1, format_error}, {"job_iter", 2, job_iter}, {"job_done", 1, job_done} }; ERL_NIF_INIT(rsync, nif_funcs, load, NULL, NULL, NULL)
//BACKWARD X X ; void backward(int energy) { printf("BACKWARD "); do_job(energy); }
//FRONT X X ; void front(int energy) { printf("FRONT "); do_job(energy); }
//RIGHT X X ; void right(int energy) { printf("RIGHT "); do_job(energy); }
//LEFT X X ; void left(int energy) { printf("LEFT "); do_job(energy); }