Exemplo n.º 1
PassRefPtr<LegacyWebArchive> LegacyWebArchive::create(Node* node, FrameFilter* filter)
    if (!node)
        return create();

    Frame* frame = node->document().frame();
    if (!frame)
        return create();

    // If the page was loaded with javascript enabled, we don't want to archive <noscript> tags
    // In practice we don't actually know whether scripting was enabled when the page was originally loaded
    // but we can approximate that by checking if scripting is enabled right now.
    OwnPtr<Vector<QualifiedName>> tagNamesToFilter;
    if (frame->page() && frame->page()->settings().isScriptEnabled()) {
        tagNamesToFilter = adoptPtr(new Vector<QualifiedName>);
    Vector<Node*> nodeList;
    String markupString = createMarkup(*node, IncludeNode, &nodeList, DoNotResolveURLs, tagNamesToFilter.get());
    Node::NodeType nodeType = node->nodeType();
    if (nodeType != Node::DOCUMENT_NODE && nodeType != Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
        markupString = documentTypeString(node->document()) + markupString;

    return create(markupString, frame, nodeList, filter);
Exemplo n.º 2
RefPtr<LegacyWebArchive> LegacyWebArchive::createFromSelection(Frame* frame)
    if (!frame)
        return nullptr;

    Document* document = frame->document();
    if (!document)
        return nullptr;

    StringBuilder builder;

    Vector<Node*> nodeList;
    RefPtr<Range> selectionRange = frame->selection().toNormalizedRange();
    if (selectionRange)
        builder.append(createMarkup(*selectionRange, &nodeList, AnnotateForInterchange));

    String markupString = builder.toString();
    RefPtr<LegacyWebArchive> archive = create(markupString, *frame, nodeList, nullptr);
    if (!document->isFrameSet())
        return archive;
    // Wrap the frameset document in an iframe so it can be pasted into
    // another document (which will have a body or frameset of its own). 
    String iframeMarkup = "<iframe frameborder=\"no\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" width=\"98%%\" height=\"98%%\" src=\"" + frame->loader().documentLoader()->response().url().string() + "\"></iframe>";
    RefPtr<ArchiveResource> iframeResource = ArchiveResource::create(utf8Buffer(iframeMarkup), blankURL(), "text/html", "UTF-8", String());

    return create(iframeResource.release(), Vector<RefPtr<ArchiveResource>>(), Vector<RefPtr<LegacyWebArchive>> { archive });
Exemplo n.º 3
RefPtr<LegacyWebArchive> LegacyWebArchive::create(Range* range)
    if (!range)
        return nullptr;
    Document& document = range->startContainer().document();

    Frame* frame = document.frame();
    if (!frame)
        return nullptr;
    // FIXME: This is always "for interchange". Is that right? See the previous method.
    Vector<Node*> nodeList;
    String markupString = documentTypeString(document) + createMarkup(*range, &nodeList, AnnotateForInterchange);

    return create(markupString, *frame, nodeList, nullptr);
Exemplo n.º 4
RefPtr<LegacyWebArchive> LegacyWebArchive::create(Node& node, std::function<bool (Frame&)> frameFilter)
    Frame* frame = node.document().frame();
    if (!frame)
        return create();

    // If the page was loaded with javascript enabled, we don't want to archive <noscript> tags
    // In practice we don't actually know whether scripting was enabled when the page was originally loaded
    // but we can approximate that by checking if scripting is enabled right now.
    std::unique_ptr<Vector<QualifiedName>> tagNamesToFilter;
    if (frame->page() && frame->page()->settings().isScriptEnabled()) {
        tagNamesToFilter = std::make_unique<Vector<QualifiedName>>();

    Vector<Node*> nodeList;
    String markupString = createMarkup(node, IncludeNode, &nodeList, DoNotResolveURLs, tagNamesToFilter.get());
    Node::NodeType nodeType = node.nodeType();
    if (nodeType != Node::DOCUMENT_NODE && nodeType != Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
        markupString = documentTypeString(node.document()) + markupString;

    return create(markupString, *frame, nodeList, WTFMove(frameFilter));