Exemplo n.º 1
//! @brief Constructor.
//! The constructor is responsible for constructing the graph given {\em
//! theModel}. It creates the vertices of the graph, one for every
//! equation  (each DOF that has not been constrained out by the
//! constraint handler)  in the model and adds all edges based on the
//! FE\_Element connectivity. For this reason the model must be fully
//! populated with the DOF\_Group and FE\_Element objects before
// the constructor is called.
XC::DOF_GroupGraph::DOF_GroupGraph(const AnalysisModel &theModel)
    const int numVertex= myModel->getNumDOF_Groups();

        const DOF_Group *dofGroupPtr= nullptr;

        // now create the vertices with a reference equal to the DOF_Group number.
        // and a tag which ranges from 0 through numVertex-1
        DOF_GrpConstIter &dofIter2 = myModel->getConstDOFs();
        while((dofGroupPtr = dofIter2()) != 0)
	    const int DOF_GroupTag = dofGroupPtr->getTag();
            const int DOF_GroupNodeTag = dofGroupPtr->getNodeTag();
	    const int numDOF = dofGroupPtr->getNumFreeDOF();
            Vertex vrt(DOF_GroupTag, DOF_GroupNodeTag, 0, numDOF);

        // now add the edges, by looping over the Elements, getting their
        // IDs and adding edges between DOFs for equation numbers >= START_EQN_NUM
        const FE_Element *elePtr= nullptr;
        FE_EleConstIter &eleIter = myModel->getConstFEs();
        while((elePtr = eleIter()) != 0)
	    const ID &id= elePtr->getDOFtags();
	    const int size = id.Size();
            for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
	        int dof1 = id(i);
	        for(int j=0; j<size; j++)
                  if(i != j)
		      const int dof2 = id(j);
Exemplo n.º 2
Graph &
  if (myGroupGraph == 0) {
    int numVertex = this->getNumDOF_Groups();

    if (numVertex == 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING AnalysisMode::getGroupGraph";
	opserr << "  - 0 vertices, has the Domain been populated?\n";

    //    myGroupGraph = new Graph(numVertex);
    MapOfTaggedObjects *graphStorage = new MapOfTaggedObjects();
    myGroupGraph = new Graph(*graphStorage);

    if (numVertex == 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING AnalysisMode::getGroupGraph";
	opserr << "  - out of memory\n";
    DOF_Group *dofPtr;

    // now create the vertices with a reference equal to the DOF_Group number.
    // and a tag which ranges from 0 through numVertex-1

    DOF_GrpIter &dofIter2 = this->getDOFs();
    int count = START_VERTEX_NUM;
    while ((dofPtr = dofIter2()) != 0) {
	int DOF_GroupTag = dofPtr->getTag();
	int DOF_GroupNodeTag = dofPtr->getNodeTag();
	int numDOF = dofPtr->getNumFreeDOF();
	Vertex *vertexPtr = new Vertex(DOF_GroupTag, DOF_GroupNodeTag, 0, numDOF);

	if (vertexPtr == 0) {
	    opserr << "WARNING DOF_GroupGraph::DOF_GroupGraph";
	    opserr << " - Not Enough Memory to create ";
	    opserr << count << "th Vertex\n";
	    return *myGroupGraph;

    // now add the edges, by looping over the Elements, getting their
    // IDs and adding edges between DOFs for equation numbers >= START_EQN_NUM
    FE_Element *elePtr;
    FE_EleIter &eleIter = this->getFEs();

    while((elePtr = eleIter()) != 0) {
	const ID &id = elePtr->getDOFtags();
	int size = id.Size();
	for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
	    int dof1 = id(i);
	    for (int j=0; j<size; j++) 
		if (i != j) {
		    int dof2 = id(j);

  return *myGroupGraph;