Exemplo n.º 1
static void	get_lum(double *col, t_scene *s, t_intersect *inter, int m)
  t_vec3	l;
  t_vec3	r;
  double	ln;
  int		i;
  double	is;
  double	id;
  double	dist;
  double	rv;
  double	tmp;
  t_ray		ray;
  t_intersect	shadow;

  i = -1;
  if (s->lights[m].light.type == DIRECTIONNAL)
      while (++i < 3)
	  ln = dot_vec3(inter->norm, s->lights[m].light.dir);
	  col[i] =  MAX(ln, 0) * s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0 *
      return ;
  l = sub_vec3(s->lights[m].pos, inter->pos);
  dist = vec3_len(l);
  l = div_vec3(l, dist);
  dist -= s->lights[m].light.radius;
  ln = dot_vec3(l, inter->norm);
  ln = MAX(ln, 0.0);
  r = vec3_normalize(sub_vec3(mult_vec3(inter->norm, 2 * ln), l));
  is = s->lights[m].light.power / dist;
  id = s->lights[m].light.radius * is;
  rv = -dot_vec3(r, inter->dir);
  rv = MAX(rv, 0.0);
  ray.pos = add_vec3(inter->pos, mult_vec3(inter->norm, 0.00001));
  ray.dir = l;
  ray.env = NULL;
  scene_intersect(s, &ray, &shadow);
  if (shadow.dist < dist - 0.0001)
    return ;
  while (++i < 3)
      tmp = inter->mat->diffuse * MAX(ln, 0) * id *
      	s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0;
      col[i] += MAX(tmp, 0);
      tmp = inter->mat->specular * pow(rv, inter->mat->shininess)
	* is * s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0;
      col[i] += MAX(tmp, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
* Fragment shader for surface lighting. One directional light source, phong shading.
static void fragment_shader_light(int y, int x, struct fragment_input *input, struct uniform_variables *vars){

    if(input->frag_coord[VAR_Z] >= read_depth(y, x)){
    float *light_dir = &(vars->uniform_float[0]);
    vec3 eye_normal, object_normal;
    object_normal[VAR_X] = input->attributes[0] / input->frag_coord[VAR_W];
    object_normal[VAR_Y] = input->attributes[1] / input->frag_coord[VAR_W];
    object_normal[VAR_Z] = input->attributes[2] / input->frag_coord[VAR_W];
    eye_normal[VAR_X] = input->attributes[3] / input->frag_coord[VAR_W];
    eye_normal[VAR_Y] = input->attributes[4] / input->frag_coord[VAR_W];
    eye_normal[VAR_Z] = input->attributes[5] / input->frag_coord[VAR_W];
    if(input->front_facing == ER_FALSE){
        eye_normal[VAR_X] = -eye_normal[VAR_X];
        eye_normal[VAR_Y] = -eye_normal[VAR_Y];
        eye_normal[VAR_Z] = -eye_normal[VAR_Z];
        object_normal[VAR_X] = -object_normal[VAR_X];
        object_normal[VAR_Y] = -object_normal[VAR_Y];
        object_normal[VAR_Z] = -object_normal[VAR_Z];
    float diffuse_term = max(0.0f, dot_vec3(light_dir, eye_normal) );
    float specular_term = 0.0f;
    vec3 view_vector;
    vec3 half_vector;
    view_vector[VAR_X] = 0.0f;
    view_vector[VAR_Y] = 0.0f;
    view_vector[VAR_Z] = 1.0f;
    if(diffuse_term > 0.0f){
        half_vector[VAR_X] = light_dir[VAR_X] + view_vector[VAR_X];
        half_vector[VAR_Y] = light_dir[VAR_Y] + view_vector[VAR_Y];
        half_vector[VAR_Z] = light_dir[VAR_Z] + view_vector[VAR_Z];
        specular_term = pow( max(0.0f, dot_vec3(half_vector, eye_normal)), 50.0f );

    float red, green, blue, light_intensity;
    light_intensity = 0.6f * diffuse_term + 0.4f * specular_term;
    red = (object_normal[VAR_X] * 0.5f + 0.5f) * light_intensity;
    red = clamp(red, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    green = (object_normal[VAR_Y] * 0.5f + 0.5f) * light_intensity;
    green = clamp(green, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    blue = (object_normal[VAR_Z] * 0.5f + 0.5f) * light_intensity;
    blue = clamp(blue, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    write_color(y, x, red, green, blue, 1.0f);
    write_depth(y, x, input->frag_coord[VAR_Z]);

Exemplo n.º 3
s_mat4 fps_view_rh(s_vec3 eye, float pitch, float yaw)
  float cosPitch = cos(pitch);
  float sinPitch = sin(pitch);
  float cosYaw = cos(yaw);
  float sinYaw = sin(yaw);

  s_vec3 xaxis = vec3(cosYaw, 0, -sinYaw);
  s_vec3 yaxis = vec3(sinYaw * sinPitch, cosPitch, cosYaw * sinPitch);
  s_vec3 zaxis = vec3(sinYaw * cosPitch, -sinPitch, cosPitch * cosYaw);

  // Create a 4x4 view matrix from the right, up, forward and eye position vectors
  return mat4(xaxis.i, xaxis.j, xaxis.k, -dot_vec3(xaxis, eye),
              yaxis.i, yaxis.j, yaxis.k, -dot_vec3(yaxis, eye),
              zaxis.i, zaxis.j, zaxis.k, -dot_vec3(zaxis, eye),
              0, 0, 0, 1);