Exemplo n.º 1
int findPositiveMedian(double *data, int count, double minVal)
/* Find median of positive numbers in data. */
double *sorted;
int i, realCount = 0;
double median = -1;
AllocArray(sorted, count);
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
    if (data[i] >= minVal)
	sorted[realCount] = data[i];
if (realCount > 2)
    median = doubleMedian(realCount, sorted);
return median;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void processResult(struct hash *chrHash, struct hash *coordHash,
	char *accName, unsigned querySize, int partsConsidered)
struct hashCookie cookie;
struct hashEl *hashEl;
int highCount = 0;
int secondHighest = 0;
char *ctgName = (char *)NULL;
char *secondHighestName = (char *)NULL;
struct hashEl *coords;
int coordCount;
int i;
unsigned lowMark = BIGNUM;
unsigned highMark = 0;
unsigned range = 0;
struct coordEl *coord;
struct coordEl **coordListPt = (struct coordEl **) NULL;
double *midPoints;
double sum;
double sumData = 0.0;
double sumSquares = 0.0;
double variance;
double stddev;
unsigned median;
unsigned mean;
int strandSum;

/*	find highest count chrom name */
while ((hashEl = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    int count = ptToInt(hashEl->val);
verbose(2,"# %s %d\n", hashEl->name, count);
    if (count >= highCount)
	secondHighest = highCount;
	if (secondHighestName)
	highCount = count;
	if (ctgName)
	    secondHighestName = cloneString(ctgName);
	ctgName = cloneString(hashEl->name);
verbose(2,"# %s %d highest count, next: %s %d\n", ctgName, highCount, secondHighestName, secondHighest);

if (highCount == 0)

if (highCount == secondHighest)
    int baseCount0 = 0;
    int baseCount1 = 0;
    /*	Try to break the tie by examining the number of bases covered in
     *	each and take the one with the most
    baseCount0 = countBases(coordHash, ctgName);
    baseCount1 = countBases(coordHash, secondHighestName);
    if (baseCount0 == baseCount1)
verbose(1,"# ERROR TIE for high count %s %d highest count, next: %s %d  TIE *\n", ctgName, highCount, secondHighestName, secondHighest);
verbose(1,"# ERROR TIE base count0: %d, base count1: %d\n", baseCount0, baseCount1);
    else if (baseCount1 > baseCount0)	/*	switch the names */
	char *t;
	t = cloneString(ctgName);
	ctgName = cloneString(secondHighestName);
	secondHighestName = cloneString(t);

/*	for that highest count chrom, examine its coordinates, find high
 *	and low */
coords = hashLookup(coordHash, ctgName);

if (coords) coordListPt = coords->val;
else coordListPt = NULL;

if (coordListPt) coord = *coordListPt;
else coord = NULL;

coordCount = 0;
sum = 0.0;
sumData = 0.0;
sumSquares = 0.0;
strandSum = 0;
while (coord != NULL)
    double midPoint;
    if (coord->start < lowMark) lowMark = coord->start;
    if (coord->end > highMark) highMark = coord->end;
    midPoint = (double) coord->start +
	(double)(coord->end - coord->start) / 2.0;
    sum += midPoint;
    strandSum += coord->strand;
    sumData += midPoint;
    sumSquares += midPoint * midPoint;
    verbose(2,"# %d %s %u - %u %u %c\n", ++coordCount, coord->name, coord->start, coord->end, coord->qSize, (coord->strand == 1) ? '+' : '-');
    coord = coord->next;
range = highMark - lowMark;
variance = 0.0;
stddev = 0.0;

if (coordCount > 0)
    unsigned usStdDev;
    unsigned startExtended;
    unsigned endExtended;
    int partsUsed = 0;

    mean = (unsigned) (sum / coordCount);
    if (coordCount > 1)
	variance = (sumSquares - ((sumData*sumData)/coordCount)) /
	    (coordCount - 1);
	if (variance > 0.0)
	    stddev = sqrt(variance);
    usStdDev = (unsigned) stddev;
    verbose(2,"# range: %u:%u = %u,   Mean: %u, stddev: %u\n", lowMark, highMark, range, mean, usStdDev);
    midPoints = (double *) needMem(coordCount * sizeof(double));

    coordListPt = coords->val;
    coord = *coordListPt;
    i = 0;
    while (coord != NULL)
	midPoints[i++] = (double) coord->start +
	    (double)(coord->end - coord->start) / 2.0;
	coord = coord->next;
    median = (unsigned) doubleMedian(coordCount, midPoints);
    partsUsed = extendLimits(coordListPt, median, querySize,
	&startExtended, &endExtended, ctgName, partsConsidered);
	"# qSize: %u, Median: %u implies %u-%u %s\n#\textended to %u-%u\n",
	querySize, median, median - (querySize/2), median+(querySize/2),
	accName, startExtended, endExtended);
    verbose(2,"# %s total parts %d, parts used %d, percent used %% %7.2f\n",
	accName, partsConsidered, partsUsed,
	100.0 * (double) partsUsed / (double) partsConsidered);
    /*	if BED output, output the line here, AGP was done in extendLimits */
    if (!agp)
    printf("%s\t%u\t%u\t%s\t%c\n", ctgName, startExtended, endExtended,
	accName, strandSum > (coordCount/2) ? '+' : '-');
    verbose(1,"# ERROR %s - no coordinates found ? %s\n", accName, ctgName);

/*	free the chrom coordinates lists	*/
while ((hashEl = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    coords = hashLookup(coordHash, hashEl->name);

    if (coords) coordListPt = coords->val;
    else coordListPt = NULL;

    if (coordListPt) coord = *coordListPt;
    else coord = NULL;

    while (coord != NULL)
	coord = coord->next;

    if (coordListPt)
}	/*	static void processResult()	*/