void WIZARD_3DSHAPE_LIBS_DOWNLOADER::OnWizardFinished( wxWizardEvent& aEvent )
    // we download a localy copy of the libraries
    wxString error;

    if( !downloadGithubLibsFromList( m_libraries, &error ) )
        DisplayError( GetParent(), error );
void WIZARD_FPLIB_TABLE::OnWizardFinished( wxWizardEvent& aEvent )
    // Shall we download a localy copy of the libraries
    if( GetLibSource() == GITHUB && m_downloadGithub->GetValue() )
        wxString error;
        wxArrayString libs;

        // Prepare a list of libraries to download
        for( std::vector<LIBRARY>::const_iterator it = m_libraries.begin();
                it != m_libraries.end(); ++it )
            wxASSERT( it->GetPluginType() == IO_MGR::GITHUB );

            if( it->GetStatus() != LIBRARY::INVALID )
                libs.Add( it->GetAbsolutePath() );

        if( !downloadGithubLibsFromList( libs, &error ) )
            DisplayError( this, error );
            // Now libraries are stored locally, so update the paths to point to the download folder
            for( std::vector<LIBRARY>::iterator it = m_libraries.begin();
                    it != m_libraries.end(); ++it )
                wxString path = it->GetAbsolutePath();
                path.Replace( GetGithubURL(), getDownloadDir() );
                it->setPath( path );
                it->setPluginType( IO_MGR::KICAD );