Exemplo n.º 1
int PSLQ::getZeroComponent(const BigRealVector &y) const {
  if(m_verbose&VERBOSE_Y) {
    tcout << _T("y:") << dparam(8) << y << endl;
  BigReal minimum, maximum;
  maximum = minimum = fabs(y[0]);
  int result = 0;
  for(UINT i = 1; i < y.getDimension(); i++) {
    const BigReal tmp = fabs(y[i]);
    if(tmp < minimum) {
      minimum = tmp;
      result = i;
    } else if(tmp > maximum) {
      maximum = tmp;
  const BigReal q = rQuot(minimum,maximum,10);

  if(m_verbose&VERBOSE_DATA) {
    tcout << _T("min:")         << dparam(8) << minimum 
          << _T("  |min/max|:") << dparam(8) << q
          << _T("  Min Bound:") << dparam(8) << getMinBound()
          << endl;

  if(q < 1e-7) {
    return result;
  return -1;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void findIntegerPolynomial(const BigReal &r, int digits, int verbose) {
  const int xdigits = (int)r.getDecimalDigits()+1;
  bool solutionFound = false;
  for(int degree = 2; !solutionFound && (degree <= 30); degree++) {
    BigRealVector x(degree+1);
    x[0] = BIGREAL_1;
    for(int i = 1; i <= degree; i++) {
      x[i] = rProd(r,x[i-1],xdigits);

    if(verbose&VERBOSE_DATA) {
      tcout << _T("Trying degree ") << iparam(2)       << degree << endl;
      tcout << _T("x:")             << dparam(xdigits) << x      << endl;

    PSLQ pslq(x,digits,verbose);

    if(pslq.solve(6)) {
      tcout << _T("Found integer polynomial of degree ") << iparam(2) << degree << _T(".")
            << _T(" c(0)..c(") << degree << _T("):")
            << iparam(1) << pslq.getSolution() << endl;

      solutionFound = true;
    } else {
      if(verbose) {
        tcout << _T("No solution of degree ") << iparam(1) << degree << endl;
  if(!solutionFound)  {
    tcout << _T("No solution of degree [2..30] found.") << endl;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* This routine integrates the physical values */
void Integrate_CNAM(int Je, double dt, Element_List *U, Element_List *Uf,
                    double **uf)
	register  int i;
	int       nq;
	double    theta = dparam("THETA");

	nq = U->htot*U->nz;
	dcopy(nq, Uf->base_h, 1, uf[0], 1);

	/* multiply u^n by theta factor */
	dscal(nq, 1.0/(1-theta),U->base_h,1);
	for(i = 0; i < Je; ++i)
		daxpy(nq, Beta_Int[i]*dt,  uf[i], 1, U->base_h,1);

Exemplo n.º 4
static double searchGeom (Point a, Point p, Geometry *g)
  Vector   ap;
  double   tol = dparam("TOLCURV"), s[3], f[3];
  register int ip;

  /* start the search at the closest point */

  ap   = setVector (a, p);
  s[0] = g -> arclen[ip = closest (p, g)];
  s[1] = g -> arclen[ip + 1];

  bracket (s, f, g, a, ap);
  if (fabs(f[1]) > tol)
    brent (s, g, a, ap, tol);

  return s[1];
Exemplo n.º 5
bool PSLQ::solve(UINT maxDigits) {
  const BigReal       maxNorm = rSqrt(sqr(e(1,maxDigits+1)-1)*m_x.getDimension(),10);
  const BigRealMatrix H       = createH();
  m_A                         = createHermiteReducingMatrix(H);
  BigRealMatrix       AHQ     = m_A * H; // N x (N-1)-matrix

  tcout << _T("Digits in calculation           :") << iparam(3) << m_digits  << endl
        << _T("Max number of digits in solution:") << iparam(3) << maxDigits << endl
        << _T("Max bound                       :") << dparam(5) << maxNorm   << endl;

  for(;;) {
    m_minBound = rQuot(BIGREAL_1, getMaxDiagElement(AHQ), 10);
    if(m_minBound > maxNorm) {
      return false; // we are out of digits

    const int r = findPivotRow(AHQ); // Step 1: Exchange. r = [0..N-2]

    if(m_verbose&VERBOSE_PIVOT) {
      tcout << _T("Pivotrow:") << r << endl;

    m_A.swapRows(r, r+1);
    AHQ.swapRows(r, r+1);

    if(r != m_n - 2) {   // Step 2: Corner
      BigRealMatrix AHQTest = AHQ;
      AHQTest *= RotationMatrix1(AHQTest, r);
      AHQ *= RotationMatrix(AHQ, r);

    // Step 3: Reduction
    if(m_verbose&VERBOSE_MATRIX) {
      const BigRealMatrix D0    = createHermiteReducingMatrix0(AHQ);
      const BigRealMatrix D0AHQ = D0 * AHQ;
      tcout << _T("Hermite reducing Matrix D0:") << endl << dparam(8) << D0;
      tcout << _T("D0*AHQ:")                     << endl << dparam(8) << D0AHQ;

    const BigRealMatrix D = createHermiteReducingMatrix(AHQ);
    if(m_verbose&VERBOSE_MATRIX) {
      tcout << _T("Hermite reducing Matrix D:") << endl << iparam(6) << D;

    m_A = D * m_A;
    AHQ = D * AHQ;

    if(m_verbose&VERBOSE_MATRIX) {
      tcout << _T("AHQ:") << endl << dparam(8)  << AHQ;
      tcout << _T("A:"  ) << endl << iparam(16) << m_A;

    // Step 4: check Termination
    try {
      const BigRealMatrix Ainv = round(inverse(m_A));
      const BigRealVector y    = m_x * Ainv;
      const int           z    = getZeroComponent(y);
      if(z >= 0) {
        if(m_verbose&VERBOSE_INVA) {
          tcout << _T("inv(A):") << endl << iparam(12) << Ainv;
        if(m_verbose&VERBOSE_DATA) {
          tcout << _T("column:") << z << endl;
        m_solution = Ainv.getColumn(z);
        return true;
    } catch(Exception e) {
      return false; // Occurs when m_A is singular (Exception comes from inverse(m_A))
Exemplo n.º 6
static void _php_imap_add_body(Object &ret, BODY *body, bool do_multipart) {

  if (body->type <= TYPEMAX) {
   ret.o_set("type", body->type);

  if (body->encoding <= ENCMAX) {
    ret.o_set("encoding", body->encoding);

  if (body->subtype) {
    ret.o_set("ifsubtype", 1);
    ret.o_set("subtype", String((const char*)body->subtype, CopyString));
  } else {
    ret.o_set("ifsubtype", 0);

  if (body->description) {
    ret.o_set("ifdescription", 1);
      String((const char*)body->description, CopyString));
  } else {
    ret.o_set("ifdescription", 0);

  if (body->id) {
    ret.o_set("ifid", 1);
    ret.o_set("id", String((const char*)body->id, CopyString));
  } else {
    ret.o_set("ifid", 0);

  if (body->size.lines) {
    ret.o_set("lines", (int64_t)body->size.lines);

  if (body->size.bytes) {
    ret.o_set("bytes", (int64_t)body->size.bytes);

  if (body->disposition.type) {
    ret.o_set("ifdisposition", 1);
      String((const char*)body->disposition.type, CopyString));
  } else {
    ret.o_set("ifdisposition", 0);

  if (body->disposition.parameter) {
    PARAMETER *dpar;
    dpar = body->disposition.parameter;
    ret.o_set("ifdparameters", 1);

    Array dparametres(Array::Create());
    do {
      Object dparam(SystemLib::AllocStdClassObject());
        String((const char*)dpar->attribute, CopyString));
      dparam.o_set("value", String((const char*)dpar->value, CopyString));
    } while ((dpar = dpar->next));
    ret.o_set("dparameters", dparametres);
  } else {
    ret.o_set("ifdparameters", 0);

  Array parametres(Array::Create());

  if ((par = body->parameter)) {
    ret.o_set("ifparameters", 1);
    do {
      Object param(SystemLib::AllocStdClassObject());
      OBJ_SET_ENTRY(param, par, "attribute", attribute);
      OBJ_SET_ENTRY(param, par, "value", value);
    } while ((par = par->next));
    ret.o_set("parameters", parametres);
  } else {
    ret.o_set("ifparameters", 0);

  if (do_multipart) {
    /* multipart message ? */
    if (body->type == TYPEMULTIPART) {
      PART *part;
      for (part = body->nested.part; part; part = part->next) {
        Object param(SystemLib::AllocStdClassObject());
        _php_imap_add_body(param, &part->body, do_multipart);
      ret.o_set("parts", parametres);

    /* encapsulated message ? */
    if ((body->type == TYPEMESSAGE) && (!strcasecmp(body->subtype, "rfc822"))) {
      body = body->nested.msg->body;
      Object param(SystemLib::AllocStdClassObject());
      _php_imap_add_body(param, body, do_multipart);
      ret.o_set("parts", parametres);
Exemplo n.º 7
static void  Bsolve_Stokes_PCR(Element_List **V, Bsystem **B, double *p){
  int    eDIM = V[0]->flist[0]->dim();
  const  int nsolve  = B[eDIM]->nsolve;
  const  int nglobal = B[eDIM]->nglobal;
  int    iter = 0;
  double tolcg, alpha, beta, eps, Aps, epsfac;
  static double *u  = (double*)0;
  static double *s  = (double*)0;
  static double *r1 = (double*)0;
  static double *r2 = (double*)0;
  static double *Ap = (double*)0;
  static double *Ar = (double*)0;
  static double *z  = (double*)0, **wk;
  static int nsol = 0, nglob = 0;

  if(nsolve > nsol){
      free(u); free(s); free(r1); free(z); free_dmatrix(wk,0,0);

    /* Temporary arrays */
    u   = dvector(0,nsolve-1);          /* Solution                        */
    s   = dvector(0,nsolve-1);
    r1  = dvector(0,nsolve-1);          /* residual                        */
    z   = dvector(0,nsolve-1);          /* precondition solution           */

    if(eDIM == 2)
      wk = dmatrix(0,1,0,eDIM*4*LGmax);
      wk = dmatrix(0,1,0,eDIM*6*LGmax*LGmax);

    nsol = nsolve;
  if(nglobal > nglob){
      free(Ar); free(Ap); free(r2);
    Ar = dvector(0,nglobal-1);      /* A*r Search direction    */
    Ap = dvector(0,nglobal-1);      /* A*p Search direction    */
    r2 = dvector(0,nglobal-1);          /* residual                        */
    nglob = nglobal;

  dzero (B[eDIM]->nglobal, Ap, 1);
  dzero (B[eDIM]->nglobal, Ar, 1);
  dzero (B[eDIM]->nglobal, r2, 1);
  dzero (nsolve, u, 1);
  dcopy (nsolve, p, 1, r1, 1);

  tolcg  = dparam("TOLCG");
  epsfac = 1.0;
  eps    = sqrt(ddot(nsolve,r1,1,r1,1))*epsfac;

  if (option("verbose") > 1)
    printf("\t %3d iterations, error = %#14.6g %lg %lg\n",
     iter, eps/epsfac, epsfac, tolcg);

  /* =========================================================== *
   *            ---- Conjugate Gradient Iteration ----           *
   * =========================================================== */

  while (eps > tolcg && iter++ < MAX_ITERATIONS ){

    if (iter > 1) {                         /* Update search direction */
      beta = -ddot(nsolve,Ar,1,s,1)/Aps;
      dsvtvp (nsolve,beta,p,1,r2,1,p,1);
      dsvtvp (nsolve,beta,Ap,1,Ar,1,Ap,1);
    else {
      dcopy (nsolve, r2, 1, p, 1);

    Aps   = ddot(nsolve,s,1,Ap,1);
    alpha = ddot(nsolve,r2,1,Ap,1)/Aps;

    daxpy(nsolve, alpha, p , 1, u, 1);            /* Update solution...   */
    daxpy(nsolve,-alpha, Ap, 1, r1, 1);           /* ...and residual      */
    daxpy(nsolve,-alpha, s , 1, r2, 1);           /* ...and residual      */

    eps = sqrt(ddot(nsolve, r1, 1, r1, 1))*epsfac; /* Compute new L2-error */

    fprintf(stdout,"%d %lg %lg\n",iter,eps,sqrt(ddot(nsolve,r2,1,r2,1)));

  /* =========================================================== *
   *                        End of Loop                          *
   * =========================================================== */

  /* Save solution and clean up */

  if (iter > MAX_ITERATIONS){
    error_msg (Bsolve_Stokes_CG failed to converge);
  else if (option("verbose") > 1)
    printf("\t %3d iterations, error = %#14.6g %lg %lg\n",
     iter, eps/epsfac, epsfac, tolcg);

Exemplo n.º 8
static void  Bsolve_Stokes_PCG(Element_List **V, Bsystem **B, double *p){
  int    eDIM = V[0]->flist[0]->dim();
  const  int nsolve = B[eDIM]->nsolve;
  int    iter = 0;
  double tolcg, alpha, beta, eps, rtz, rtz_old, epsfac;
  static double *u0 = (double*)0;
  static double *u  = (double*)0;
  static double *r  = (double*)0;
  static double *w  = (double*)0;
  static double *z  = (double*)0, **wk;
  static int nsol = 0, nglob = 0;

  if(nsolve > nsol){
      free(u0); free(u); free(r); free(z); free_dmatrix(wk,0,0);

    /* Temporary arrays */
    u0 = dvector(0,B[eDIM]->nglobal-1);/* intial divergence-free solution */
    u  = dvector(0,nsolve-1);          /* Solution                        */
    r  = dvector(0,nsolve-1);          /* residual                        */
    z  = dvector(0,nsolve-1);          /* precondition solution           */

    if(eDIM == 2)
      wk = dmatrix(0,1,0,eDIM*4*LGmax);
      wk = dmatrix(0,1,0,eDIM*6*LGmax*LGmax);

    nsol = nsolve;
  if(B[eDIM]->nglobal > nglob){
    w  = dvector(0,B[eDIM]->nglobal-1);      /* A*Search direction    */
    nglob = B[eDIM]->nglobal;


  dzero (B[eDIM]->nglobal, w, 1);
  dzero (nsolve, u, 1);
  dcopy (nsolve, p, 1, r, 1);

  tolcg  = dparam("TOLCG");
  epsfac = 1.0;
  eps    = sqrt(ddot(nsolve,r,1,r,1))*epsfac;

  if (option("verbose") > 1)
    printf("\t %3d iterations, error = %#14.6g %lg %lg\n",
     iter, eps/epsfac, epsfac, tolcg);

  rtz = eps;
  /* =========================================================== *
   *            ---- Conjugate Gradient Iteration ----           *
   * =========================================================== */

  while (eps > tolcg && iter++ < MAX_ITERATIONS ){
    /* while (sqrt(rtz) > tolcg && iter++ < MAX_ITERATIONS ){*/
    rtz  = ddot (nsolve, r, 1, z, 1);

    if (iter > 1) {                         /* Update search direction */
      beta = rtz / rtz_old;
      dsvtvp(nsolve, beta, p, 1, z, 1, p, 1);
      dcopy(nsolve, z, 1, p, 1);


    alpha = rtz/ddot(nsolve, p, 1, w, 1);

    daxpy(nsolve, alpha, p, 1, u, 1);            /* Update solution...   */
    daxpy(nsolve,-alpha, w, 1, r, 1);            /* ...and residual      */

    rtz_old = rtz;
    eps = sqrt(ddot(nsolve, r, 1, r, 1))*epsfac; /* Compute new L2-error */

    fprintf(stdout,"%d %lg %lg\n",iter,eps,sqrt(rtz));

  /* =========================================================== *
   *                        End of Loop                          *
   * =========================================================== */

  /* Save solution and clean up */


  /* add back u0 */

  if (iter > MAX_ITERATIONS){
    error_msg (Bsolve_Stokes_CG failed to converge);
  else if (option("verbose") > 1)
    printf("\t %3d iterations, error = %#14.6g %lg %lg\n",
     iter, eps/epsfac, epsfac, tolcg);
