Exemplo n.º 1
  // Gets the hue/sat/val for areas that we believe are license plate characters
  // Then uses that to filter the whole image and provide a mask.
  void ColorFilter::findCharColors()

    if (this->debug)
      cout << "ColorFilter::findCharColors" << endl;

    this->colorMask = Mat::zeros(charMask.size(), CV_8U);
    bitwise_not(this->colorMask, this->colorMask);

    Mat erodedCharMask(charMask.size(), CV_8U);
    Mat element = getStructuringElement( 1,
                                         Size( 2 + 1, 2+1 ),
                                         Point( 1, 1 ) );
    erode(charMask, erodedCharMask, element);

    vector<vector<Point> > contours;
    vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
    findContours(erodedCharMask, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

    vector<float> hMeans, sMeans, vMeans;
    vector<float> hStdDevs, sStdDevs, vStdDevs;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
      if (hierarchy[i][3] != -1)

      Mat singleCharMask = Mat::zeros(hsv.size(), CV_8U);

      drawContours(singleCharMask, contours,
                   i, // draw this contour
                   cv::Scalar(255,255,255), // in

      // get rid of the outline by drawing a 1 pixel width black line
      drawContours(singleCharMask, contours,
                   i, // draw this contour
                   cv::Scalar(0,0,0), // in


      Scalar mean;
      Scalar stddev;
      meanStdDev(hsv, mean, stddev, singleCharMask);

      if (this->debug)
        cout << "ColorFilter " << setw(3) << i << ". Mean:  h: " << setw(7) << mean[0] << " s: " << setw(7) <<mean[1] << " v: " << setw(7) << mean[2]
             << " | Std: h: " << setw(7) <<stddev[0] << " s: " << setw(7) <<stddev[1] << " v: " << stddev[2] << endl;

      if (mean[0] == 0 && mean[1] == 0 && mean[2] == 0)


    if (hMeans.size() == 0)

    int bestHueIndex = this->getMajorityOpinion(hMeans, .65, 30);
    int bestSatIndex = this->getMajorityOpinion(sMeans, .65, 35);
    int bestValIndex = this->getMajorityOpinion(vMeans, .65, 30);

    if (sMeans[bestSatIndex] < MINIMUM_SATURATION)

    bool doHueFilter = false, doSatFilter = false, doValFilter = false;
    float hueMin, hueMax;
    float satMin, satMax;
    float valMin, valMax;

    if (this->debug)
      cout << "ColorFilter Winning indices:" << endl;
    if (bestHueIndex != -1)
      doHueFilter = true;
      hueMin = hMeans[bestHueIndex] - (2 * hStdDevs[bestHueIndex]);
      hueMax = hMeans[bestHueIndex] + (2 * hStdDevs[bestHueIndex]);

      if (abs(hueMin - hueMax) < 20)
        hueMin = hMeans[bestHueIndex] - 20;
        hueMax = hMeans[bestHueIndex] + 20;

      if (hueMin < 0)
        hueMin = 0;
      if (hueMax > 180)
        hueMax = 180;

      if (this->debug)
        cout << "ColorFilter Hue: " << bestHueIndex << " : " << setw(7) << hMeans[bestHueIndex] << " -- " << hueMin << "-" << hueMax << endl;
    if (bestSatIndex != -1)
      doSatFilter = true;

      satMin = sMeans[bestSatIndex] - (2 * sStdDevs[bestSatIndex]);
      satMax = sMeans[bestSatIndex] + (2 * sStdDevs[bestSatIndex]);

      if (abs(satMin - satMax) < 20)
        satMin = sMeans[bestSatIndex] - 20;
        satMax = sMeans[bestSatIndex] + 20;

      if (satMin < 0)
        satMin = 0;
      if (satMax > 255)
        satMax = 255;

      if (this->debug)
        cout << "ColorFilter Sat: " << bestSatIndex << " : " << setw(7) << sMeans[bestSatIndex] << " -- " << satMin << "-" << satMax << endl;
    if (bestValIndex != -1)
      doValFilter = true;

      valMin = vMeans[bestValIndex] - (1.5 * vStdDevs[bestValIndex]);
      valMax = vMeans[bestValIndex] + (1.5 * vStdDevs[bestValIndex]);

      if (abs(valMin - valMax) < 20)
        valMin = vMeans[bestValIndex] - 20;
        valMax = vMeans[bestValIndex] + 20;

      if (valMin < 0)
        valMin = 0;
      if (valMax > 255)
        valMax = 255;

      if (this->debug)
        cout << "ColorFilter Val: " << bestValIndex << " : " << setw(7) << vMeans[bestValIndex] << " -- " << valMin << "-" << valMax  << endl;

    Mat imgDebugHueOnly = Mat::zeros(hsv.size(), hsv.type());
    Mat imgDebug = Mat::zeros(hsv.size(), hsv.type());
    Mat imgDistanceFromCenter = Mat::zeros(hsv.size(), CV_8U);
    Mat debugMask = Mat::zeros(hsv.size(), CV_8U);
    bitwise_not(debugMask, debugMask);

    for (int row = 0; row < charMask.rows; row++)
      for (int col = 0; col < charMask.cols; col++)
        int h = (int) hsv.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[0];
        int s = (int) hsv.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[1];
        int v = (int) hsv.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[2];

        bool hPasses = true;
        bool sPasses = true;
        bool vPasses = true;

        int vDistance = abs(v - vMeans[bestValIndex]);

        imgDebugHueOnly.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[0] = h;
        imgDebugHueOnly.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[1] = 255;
        imgDebugHueOnly.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[2] = 255;

        imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[0] = 255;
        imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[1] = 255;
        imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[2] = 255;

        if (doHueFilter && (h < hueMin || h > hueMax))
          hPasses = false;
          imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[0] = 0;
          debugMask.at<uchar>(row, col) = 0;
        if (doSatFilter && (s < satMin || s > satMax))
          sPasses = false;
          imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[1] = 0;
        if (doValFilter && (v < valMin || v > valMax))
          vPasses = false;
          imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[2] = 0;

        //if (pixelPasses)
        //  colorMask.at<uchar>(row, col) = 255;
        //imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[0] = hPasses & 255;
        //imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[1] = sPasses & 255;
        //imgDebug.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[2] = vPasses & 255;

        if ((hPasses) ||  (hPasses && sPasses))//(hPasses && vPasses) || (sPasses && vPasses) ||
          this->colorMask.at<uchar>(row, col) = 255;
          this->colorMask.at<uchar>(row, col) = 0;

        if ((hPasses && sPasses) || (hPasses && vPasses) || (sPasses && vPasses))
          vDistance = pow(vDistance, 0.9);
          vDistance = pow(vDistance, 1.1);
        if (vDistance > 255)
          vDistance = 255;
        imgDistanceFromCenter.at<uchar>(row, col) = vDistance;

    vector<Mat> debugImagesSet;

    if (this->debug)
      debugImagesSet.push_back(addLabel(charMask, "Charecter mask"));
      Mat maskCopy(colorMask.size(), colorMask.type());
      debugImagesSet.push_back(addLabel(maskCopy, "color Mask Before"));

    Mat bigElement = getStructuringElement( 1,
                                            Size( 3 + 1, 3+1 ),
                                            Point( 1, 1 ) );

    Mat smallElement = getStructuringElement( 1,
                       Size( 1 + 1, 1+1 ),
                       Point( 1, 1 ) );

    morphologyEx(this->colorMask, this->colorMask, MORPH_CLOSE, bigElement);
    //dilate(this->colorMask, this->colorMask, bigElement);

    Mat combined(charMask.size(), charMask.type());
    bitwise_and(charMask, colorMask, combined);

    if (this->debug)
      debugImagesSet.push_back(addLabel(colorMask, "Color Mask After"));

      debugImagesSet.push_back(addLabel(combined, "Combined"));

      //displayImage(config, "COLOR filter Mask", colorMask);
      debugImagesSet.push_back(addLabel(imgDebug, "Color filter Debug"));

      cvtColor(imgDebugHueOnly, imgDebugHueOnly, CV_HSV2BGR);
      debugImagesSet.push_back(addLabel(imgDebugHueOnly, "Color Filter Hue"));

      equalizeHist(imgDistanceFromCenter, imgDistanceFromCenter);
      debugImagesSet.push_back(addLabel(imgDistanceFromCenter, "COLOR filter Distance"));

      debugImagesSet.push_back(addLabel(debugMask, "COLOR Hues off"));

      Mat dashboard = drawImageDashboard(debugImagesSet, imgDebugHueOnly.type(), 3);
      displayImage(config, "Color Filter Images", dashboard);
  // Tries to find a rectangular area surrounding most of the characters.  Not required
  // but helpful when determining the plate edges
  void PlateMask::findOuterBoxMask( vector<TextContours > contours )
    double min_parent_area = pipeline_data->config->templateHeightPx * pipeline_data->config->templateWidthPx * 0.10;	// Needs to be at least 10% of the plate area to be considered.

    int winningIndex = -1;
    int winningParentId = -1;
    int bestCharCount = 0;
    double lowestArea = 99999999999999;

    if (pipeline_data->config->debugCharAnalysis)
      cout << "CharacterAnalysis::findOuterBoxMask" << endl;

    for (unsigned int imgIndex = 0; imgIndex < contours.size(); imgIndex++)
      //vector<bool> charContours = filter(thresholds[imgIndex], allContours[imgIndex], allHierarchy[imgIndex]);

      int charsRecognized = 0;
      int parentId = -1;
      bool hasParent = false;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contours[imgIndex].goodIndices.size(); i++)
        if (contours[imgIndex].goodIndices[i]) charsRecognized++;
        if (contours[imgIndex].goodIndices[i] && contours[imgIndex].hierarchy[i][3] != -1)
          parentId = contours[imgIndex].hierarchy[i][3];
          hasParent = true;

      if (charsRecognized == 0)

      if (hasParent)
        double boxArea = contourArea(contours[imgIndex].contours[parentId]);
        if (boxArea < min_parent_area)

        if ((charsRecognized > bestCharCount) ||
            (charsRecognized == bestCharCount && boxArea < lowestArea))
          //(boxArea < lowestArea)
          bestCharCount = charsRecognized;
          winningIndex = imgIndex;
          winningParentId = parentId;
          lowestArea = boxArea;

    if (pipeline_data->config->debugCharAnalysis)
      cout << "Winning image index (findOuterBoxMask) is: " << winningIndex << endl;

    if (winningIndex != -1 && bestCharCount >= 3)

      Mat mask = Mat::zeros(pipeline_data->thresholds[winningIndex].size(), CV_8U);

      // get rid of the outline by drawing a 1 pixel width black line
      drawContours(mask, contours[winningIndex].contours,
                   winningParentId, // draw this contour
                   cv::Scalar(255,255,255), // in

      // Morph Open the mask to get rid of any little connectors to non-plate portions
      int morph_elem  = 2;
      int morph_size = 3;
      Mat element = getStructuringElement( morph_elem, Size( 2*morph_size + 1, 2*morph_size+1 ), Point( morph_size, morph_size ) );

      //morphologyEx( mask, mask, MORPH_CLOSE, element );
      morphologyEx( mask, mask, MORPH_OPEN, element );

      //morph_size = 1;
      //element = getStructuringElement( morph_elem, Size( 2*morph_size + 1, 2*morph_size+1 ), Point( morph_size, morph_size ) );
      //dilate(mask, mask, element);

      // Drawing the edge black effectively erodes the image.  This may clip off some extra junk from the edges.
      // We'll want to do the contour again and find the larges one so that we remove the clipped portion.

      vector<vector<Point> > contoursSecondRound;

      findContours(mask, contoursSecondRound, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
      int biggestContourIndex = -1;
      double largestArea = 0;
      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < contoursSecondRound.size(); c++)
        double area = contourArea(contoursSecondRound[c]);
        if (area > largestArea)
          biggestContourIndex = c;
          largestArea = area;

      if (biggestContourIndex != -1)
        mask = Mat::zeros(pipeline_data->thresholds[winningIndex].size(), CV_8U);

        vector<Point> smoothedMaskPoints;
        approxPolyDP(contoursSecondRound[biggestContourIndex], smoothedMaskPoints, 2, true);

        vector<vector<Point> > tempvec;
        //fillPoly(mask, smoothedMaskPoints.data(), smoothedMaskPoints, Scalar(255,255,255));
        drawContours(mask, tempvec,
                     0, // draw this contour
                     cv::Scalar(255,255,255), // in

      if (pipeline_data->config->debugCharAnalysis)
        vector<Mat> debugImgs;
        Mat debugImgMasked = Mat::zeros(pipeline_data->thresholds[winningIndex].size(), CV_8U);

        pipeline_data->thresholds[winningIndex].copyTo(debugImgMasked, mask);


        Mat dashboard = drawImageDashboard(debugImgs, CV_8U, 1);
        displayImage(pipeline_data->config, "Winning outer box", dashboard);

      hasPlateMask = true;
      this->plateMask = mask;
	} else {
	  hasPlateMask = false;
	  Mat fullMask = Mat::zeros(pipeline_data->thresholds[0].size(), CV_8U);
	  bitwise_not(fullMask, fullMask);
	  this->plateMask = fullMask;
Exemplo n.º 3
  void CharacterAnalysis::analyze()
    timespec startTime;

    pipeline_data->thresholds = produceThresholds(pipeline_data->crop_gray, config);

    timespec contoursStartTime;


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pipeline_data->thresholds.size(); i++)
      TextContours tc(pipeline_data->thresholds[i]);


    if (config->debugTiming)
      timespec contoursEndTime;
      cout << "  -- Character Analysis Find Contours Time: " << diffclock(contoursStartTime, contoursEndTime) << "ms." << endl;
    //Mat img_equalized = equalizeBrightness(img_gray);

    timespec filterStartTime;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pipeline_data->thresholds.size(); i++)
      this->filter(pipeline_data->thresholds[i], allTextContours[i]);

      if (config->debugCharAnalysis)
        cout << "Threshold " << i << " had " << allTextContours[i].getGoodIndicesCount() << " good indices." << endl;

    if (config->debugTiming)
      timespec filterEndTime;
      cout << "  -- Character Analysis Filter Time: " << diffclock(filterStartTime, filterEndTime) << "ms." << endl;

    PlateMask plateMask(pipeline_data);

    pipeline_data->hasPlateBorder = plateMask.hasPlateMask;
    pipeline_data->plateBorderMask = plateMask.getMask();

    if (plateMask.hasPlateMask)
      // Filter out bad contours now that we have an outer box mask...
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pipeline_data->thresholds.size(); i++)

    int bestFitScore = -1;
    int bestFitIndex = -1;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pipeline_data->thresholds.size(); i++)

      int segmentCount = allTextContours[i].getGoodIndicesCount();

      if (segmentCount > bestFitScore)
        bestFitScore = segmentCount;
        bestFitIndex = i;
        bestThreshold = pipeline_data->thresholds[i];
        bestContours = allTextContours[i];

    if (this->config->debugCharAnalysis)
      cout << "Best fit score: " << bestFitScore << " Index: " << bestFitIndex << endl;

    if (bestFitScore <= 1)
      pipeline_data->disqualified = true;
      pipeline_data->disqualify_reason = "Low best fit score in characteranalysis";

    //getColorMask(img, allContours, allHierarchy, charSegments);

    if (this->config->debugCharAnalysis)
      Mat img_contours = bestContours.drawDebugImage(bestThreshold);

      displayImage(config, "Matching Contours", img_contours);

    LineFinder lf(pipeline_data);
    vector<vector<Point> > linePolygons = lf.findLines(pipeline_data->crop_gray, bestContours);

    vector<TextLine> tempTextLines;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < linePolygons.size(); i++)
      vector<Point> linePolygon = linePolygons[i];

      LineSegment topLine = LineSegment(linePolygon[0].x, linePolygon[0].y, linePolygon[1].x, linePolygon[1].y);
      LineSegment bottomLine = LineSegment(linePolygon[3].x, linePolygon[3].y, linePolygon[2].x, linePolygon[2].y);

      vector<Point> textArea = getCharArea(topLine, bottomLine);

      TextLine textLine(textArea, linePolygon, pipeline_data->crop_gray.size());


    filterBetweenLines(bestThreshold, bestContours, tempTextLines);

    // Sort the lines from top to bottom.
    std::sort(tempTextLines.begin(), tempTextLines.end(), sort_text_line);

    // Now that we've filtered a few more contours, re-do the text area.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tempTextLines.size(); i++)
      vector<Point> updatedTextArea = getCharArea(tempTextLines[i].topLine, tempTextLines[i].bottomLine);
      vector<Point> linePolygon = tempTextLines[i].linePolygon;
      if (updatedTextArea.size() > 0 && linePolygon.size() > 0)
        pipeline_data->textLines.push_back(TextLine(updatedTextArea, linePolygon, pipeline_data->crop_gray.size()));


    pipeline_data->plate_inverted = isPlateInverted();

    if (pipeline_data->textLines.size() > 0)
      int confidenceDrainers = 0;
      int charSegmentCount = this->bestContours.getGoodIndicesCount();
      if (charSegmentCount == 1)
        confidenceDrainers += 91;
      else if (charSegmentCount < 5)
        confidenceDrainers += (5 - charSegmentCount) * 10;

      // Use the angle for the first line -- assume they'll always be parallel for multi-line plates
      int absangle = abs(pipeline_data->textLines[0].topLine.angle);
      if (absangle > config->maxPlateAngleDegrees)
        confidenceDrainers += 91;
      else if (absangle > 1)
        confidenceDrainers += (config->maxPlateAngleDegrees - absangle) ;

      // If a multiline plate has only one line, disqualify
      if (pipeline_data->isMultiline && pipeline_data->textLines.size() < 2)
        if (config->debugCharAnalysis)
          std::cout << "Did not detect multiple lines on multi-line plate" << std::endl;
        confidenceDrainers += 95;

      if (confidenceDrainers >= 90)
        pipeline_data->disqualified = true;
        pipeline_data->disqualify_reason = "Low confidence in characteranalysis";
        float confidence = 100 - confidenceDrainers;
        pipeline_data->confidence_weights.setScore("CHARACTER_ANALYSIS_SCORE", confidence, 1.0);
        pipeline_data->disqualified = true;
        pipeline_data->disqualify_reason = "No text lines found in characteranalysis";

    if (config->debugTiming)
      timespec endTime;
      cout << "Character Analysis Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl;

    // Draw debug dashboard
    if (this->pipeline_data->config->debugCharAnalysis && pipeline_data->textLines.size() > 0)
      vector<Mat> tempDash;
      for (unsigned int z = 0; z < pipeline_data->thresholds.size(); z++)
        Mat tmp(pipeline_data->thresholds[z].size(), pipeline_data->thresholds[z].type());
        cvtColor(tmp, tmp, CV_GRAY2BGR);


      Mat bestVal(this->bestThreshold.size(), this->bestThreshold.type());
      cvtColor(bestVal, bestVal, CV_GRAY2BGR);

      for (unsigned int z = 0; z < this->bestContours.size(); z++)
        Scalar dcolor(255,0,0);
        if (this->bestContours.goodIndices[z])
          dcolor = Scalar(0,255,0);
        drawContours(bestVal, this->bestContours.contours, z, dcolor, 1);
      displayImage(config, "Character Region Step 1 Thresholds", drawImageDashboard(tempDash, bestVal.type(), 3));
Exemplo n.º 4
  void PlateLines::processImage(Mat inputImage, vector<TextLine> textLines, float sensitivity)
    if (this->debug)
      cout << "PlateLines findLines" << endl;

    timespec startTime;

    // Ignore input images that are pure white or pure black
    Scalar avgPixelIntensity = mean(inputImage);
    if (avgPixelIntensity[0] >= 252)
    else if (avgPixelIntensity[0] <= 3)

    // Do a bilateral filter to clean the noise but keep edges sharp
    Mat smoothed(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type());
    adaptiveBilateralFilter(inputImage, smoothed, Size(3,3), 45, 45);

    int morph_elem  = 2;
    int morph_size = 2;
    Mat element = getStructuringElement( morph_elem, Size( 2*morph_size + 1, 2*morph_size+1 ), Point( morph_size, morph_size ) );

    Mat edges(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type());
    Canny(smoothed, edges, 66, 133);

    // Create a mask that is dilated based on the detected characters

    Mat mask = Mat::zeros(inputImage.size(), CV_8U);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textLines.size(); i++)
      vector<vector<Point> > polygons;
      fillPoly(mask, polygons, Scalar(255,255,255));

    dilate(mask, mask, getStructuringElement( 1, Size( 1 + 1, 2*1+1 ), Point( 1, 1 ) ));
    bitwise_not(mask, mask);

    // AND canny edges with the character mask
    bitwise_and(edges, mask, edges);

    vector<PlateLine> hlines = this->getLines(edges, sensitivity, false);
    vector<PlateLine> vlines = this->getLines(edges, sensitivity, true);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hlines.size(); i++)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vlines.size(); i++)

    // if debug is enabled, draw the image
    if (this->debug)
      Mat debugImgHoriz(edges.size(), edges.type());
      Mat debugImgVert(edges.size(), edges.type());

      for( size_t i = 0; i < this->horizontalLines.size(); i++ )
        line( debugImgHoriz, this->horizontalLines[i].line.p1, this->horizontalLines[i].line.p2, Scalar(0,0,255), 1, CV_AA);

      for( size_t i = 0; i < this->verticalLines.size(); i++ )
        line( debugImgVert, this->verticalLines[i].line.p1, this->verticalLines[i].line.p2, Scalar(0,0,255), 1, CV_AA);

      vector<Mat> images;

      Mat dashboard = drawImageDashboard(images, debugImgVert.type(), 1);
      displayImage(pipelineData->config, "Hough Lines", dashboard);

    if (pipelineData->config->debugTiming)
      timespec endTime;
      cout << "Plate Lines Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl;

Exemplo n.º 5
CharacterSegmenter::CharacterSegmenter(Mat img, bool invertedColors, Config* config)

  this->config = config;
  this->confidence = 0;
  if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
    cout << "Starting CharacterSegmenter" << endl;
  //CharacterRegion charRegion(img, debug);
  timespec startTime;

  Mat img_gray(img.size(), CV_8U);
  cvtColor( img, img_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );
  //normalize(img_gray, img_gray, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX );
  medianBlur(img_gray, img_gray, 3);
  if (invertedColors)
    bitwise_not(img_gray, img_gray);
  charAnalysis = new CharacterAnalysis(img_gray, config);
  if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
      displayImage(config, "CharacterSegmenter  Thresholds", drawImageDashboard(charAnalysis->thresholds, CV_8U, 3));


  if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
    Mat img_contours(charAnalysis->bestThreshold.size(), CV_8U);
    cvtColor(img_contours, img_contours, CV_GRAY2RGB);
    vector<vector<Point> > allowedContours;
    for (int i = 0; i < charAnalysis->bestContours.size(); i++)
	if (charAnalysis->bestCharSegments[i])
    drawContours(img_contours, charAnalysis->bestContours,
	    -1, // draw all contours
	    cv::Scalar(255,0,0), // in blue
	    1); // with a thickness of 1
    drawContours(img_contours, allowedContours,
	    -1, // draw all contours
	    cv::Scalar(0,255,0), // in green
	    1); // with a thickness of 1
    if (charAnalysis->linePolygon.size() > 0)
      line(img_contours, charAnalysis->linePolygon[0], charAnalysis->linePolygon[1], Scalar(255, 0, 255), 1);
      line(img_contours, charAnalysis->linePolygon[3], charAnalysis->linePolygon[2], Scalar(255, 0, 255), 1);
    Mat bordered = addLabel(img_contours, "Best Contours");
  // Figure out the average character width
  float totalCharWidth = 0;
  float totalCharHeight = 0;
  if (charAnalysis->linePolygon.size() > 0)
    this->top = LineSegment(charAnalysis->linePolygon[0].x, charAnalysis->linePolygon[0].y, charAnalysis->linePolygon[1].x, charAnalysis->linePolygon[1].y);
    this->bottom = LineSegment(charAnalysis->linePolygon[3].x, charAnalysis->linePolygon[3].y, charAnalysis->linePolygon[2].x, charAnalysis->linePolygon[2].y);
    for (int i = 0; i < charAnalysis->bestContours.size(); i++)
	if (charAnalysis->bestCharSegments[i] == false)
	Rect mr = boundingRect(charAnalysis->bestContours[i]);
	totalCharWidth += mr.width;
	totalCharHeight += mr.height;
    int numSamples = charAnalysis->bestCharSegmentsCount;
    float avgCharWidth = totalCharWidth / numSamples;
    float avgCharHeight = totalCharHeight / numSamples;
    removeSmallContours(charAnalysis->thresholds, charAnalysis->allContours, avgCharWidth, avgCharHeight);
    // Do the histogram analysis to figure out char regions
    timespec startTime;

    vector<Mat> allHistograms;
    vector<Rect> allBoxes;
    for (int i = 0; i < charAnalysis->allContours.size(); i++)

      Mat histogramMask = Mat::zeros(charAnalysis->thresholds[i].size(), CV_8U);

      fillConvexPoly(histogramMask, charAnalysis->linePolygon.data(), charAnalysis->linePolygon.size(), Scalar(255,255,255));
      VerticalHistogram vertHistogram(charAnalysis->thresholds[i], histogramMask);

      if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
	Mat histoCopy(vertHistogram.debugImg.size(), vertHistogram.debugImg.type());
	cvtColor(vertHistogram.debugImg, histoCopy, CV_GRAY2RGB);

      float score = 0;
      vector<Rect> charBoxes = getHistogramBoxes(vertHistogram.debugImg, avgCharWidth, avgCharHeight, &score); 
      if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
	for (int cboxIdx = 0; cboxIdx < charBoxes.size(); cboxIdx++)
	    rectangle(allHistograms[i], charBoxes[cboxIdx], Scalar(0, 255, 0));
	Mat histDashboard = drawImageDashboard(allHistograms, allHistograms[0].type(), 3);
	displayImage(config, "Char seg histograms", histDashboard);
      for (int z = 0; z < charBoxes.size(); z++)

    float biggestCharWidth = avgCharWidth;
    // Compute largest char width
    for (int i = 0; i < allBoxes.size(); i++)
      if (allBoxes[i].width > biggestCharWidth)
	biggestCharWidth = allBoxes[i].width;

    if (config->debugTiming)
      timespec endTime;
      cout << "  -- Character Segmentation Create and Score Histograms Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl;
    //ColorFilter colorFilter(img, charAnalysis->getCharacterMask());    
    vector<Rect> candidateBoxes = getBestCharBoxes(charAnalysis->thresholds[0], allBoxes, biggestCharWidth);
    if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
	// Setup the dashboard images to show the cleaning filters
      for (int i = 0; i < charAnalysis->thresholds.size(); i++)
	Mat cleanImg = Mat::zeros(charAnalysis->thresholds[i].size(), charAnalysis->thresholds[i].type());
	Mat boxMask = getCharBoxMask(charAnalysis->thresholds[i], candidateBoxes);
	bitwise_and(cleanImg, boxMask, cleanImg);
	cvtColor(cleanImg, cleanImg, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	for (int c = 0; c < candidateBoxes.size(); c++)
	  rectangle(cleanImg, candidateBoxes[c], Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);
    filterEdgeBoxes(charAnalysis->thresholds, candidateBoxes, biggestCharWidth, avgCharHeight);
    candidateBoxes = filterMostlyEmptyBoxes(charAnalysis->thresholds, candidateBoxes);
    candidateBoxes = combineCloseBoxes(candidateBoxes, biggestCharWidth);

    cleanCharRegions(charAnalysis->thresholds, candidateBoxes);
    cleanMostlyFullBoxes(charAnalysis->thresholds, candidateBoxes);
    //cleanBasedOnColor(thresholds, colorFilter.colorMask, candidateBoxes);
    candidateBoxes = filterMostlyEmptyBoxes(charAnalysis->thresholds, candidateBoxes);
    this->characters = candidateBoxes;
    if (config->debugTiming)
      timespec endTime;
      cout << "  -- Character Segmentation Box cleaning/filtering Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl;
    if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
      Mat imgDash = drawImageDashboard(charAnalysis->thresholds, CV_8U, 3);
      displayImage(config, "Segmentation after cleaning", imgDash);
      Mat generalDash = drawImageDashboard(this->imgDbgGeneral, this->imgDbgGeneral[0].type(), 2);
      displayImage(config, "Segmentation General", generalDash);
      Mat cleanImgDash = drawImageDashboard(this->imgDbgCleanStages, this->imgDbgCleanStages[0].type(), 3);
      displayImage(config, "Segmentation Clean Filters", cleanImgDash);
  if (config->debugTiming)
    timespec endTime;
    cout << "Character Segmenter Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl;