Exemplo n.º 1
 * Call this repeatedly, with successively higher values for "iteration",
 * to sleep for a period of time not to exceed "maxTotalSleep".
 * For example, when called with iteration==0 we will sleep for a very
 * brief time.  On the next call we will sleep for a longer time.  When
 * the sum total of all sleeps reaches "maxTotalSleep", this returns false.
 * The initial start time value for "relStartTime" MUST come from the
 * dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec call.  On the device this must come from the
 * monotonic clock source, not the wall clock.
 * This should be used wherever you might be tempted to call sched_yield()
 * in a loop.  The problem with sched_yield is that, for a high-priority
 * thread, the kernel might not actually transfer control elsewhere.
 * Returns "false" if we were unable to sleep because our time was up.
bool dvmIterativeSleep(int iteration, int maxTotalSleep, u8 relStartTime)
     * Minimum sleep is one millisecond, it is important to keep this value
     * low to ensure short GC pauses since dvmSuspendAllThreads() uses this
     * function.
    const int minSleep = 1000;
    u8 curTime;
    int curDelay;

     * Get current time, and see if we've already exceeded the limit.
    curTime = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
    if (curTime >= relStartTime + maxTotalSleep) {
        LOGVV("exsl: sleep exceeded (start=%llu max=%d now=%llu)",
            relStartTime, maxTotalSleep, curTime);
        return false;

     * Compute current delay.  We're bounded by "maxTotalSleep", so no
     * real risk of overflow assuming "usleep" isn't returning early.
     * (Besides, 2^30 usec is about 18 minutes by itself.)
     * For iteration==0 we just call sched_yield(), so the first sleep
     * at iteration==1 is actually (minSleep * 2).
    curDelay = minSleep;
    while (iteration-- > 0)
        curDelay *= 2;
    assert(curDelay > 0);

    if (curTime + curDelay >= relStartTime + maxTotalSleep) {
        LOGVV("exsl: reduced delay from %d to %d",
            curDelay, (int) ((relStartTime + maxTotalSleep) - curTime));
        curDelay = (int) ((relStartTime + maxTotalSleep) - curTime);

    if (iteration == 0) {
        LOGVV("exsl: yield");
    } else {
        LOGVV("exsl: sleep for %d", curDelay);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void callMethod(Thread *self, Object *obj, Method *method)
    JValue unused;

    /* Keep track of the method we're about to call and
     * the current time so that other threads can detect
     * when this thread wedges and provide useful information.
    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerInterpStartTime = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerInterpCpuStartTime = dvmGetThreadCpuTimeUsec();
    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerCurrentMethod = method;
    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerCurrentObject = obj;

    /* Call the method.
     * Don't hold the lock when executing interpreted
     * code.  It may suspend, and the GC needs to grab
     * heapWorkerLock.
    if (false) {
        /* Log entry/exit; this will likely flood the log enough to
         * cause "logcat" to drop entries.
        char tmpTag[16];
        sprintf(tmpTag, "HW%d", self->systemTid);
        LOG(LOG_DEBUG, tmpTag, "Call %s\n", method->clazz->descriptor);
        dvmCallMethod(self, method, obj, &unused);
        LOG(LOG_DEBUG, tmpTag, " done\n");
    } else {
        dvmCallMethod(self, method, obj, &unused);

    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerCurrentObject = NULL;
    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerCurrentMethod = NULL;
    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerInterpStartTime = 0LL;

    /* Exceptions thrown during these calls interrupt
     * the method, but are otherwise ignored.
    if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
        LOGI("Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer (will be discarded):\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
/* See documentation comment in header. */
int dvmRawDexFileOpen(const char* fileName, const char* odexOutputName,
    RawDexFile** ppRawDexFile, bool isBootstrap)
     * TODO: This duplicates a lot of code from dvmJarFileOpen() in
     * JarFile.c. This should be refactored.

    DvmDex* pDvmDex = NULL;
    char* cachedName = NULL;
    int result = -1;
    int dexFd = -1;
    int optFd = -1;
    u4 modTime = 0;
    u4 adler32 = 0;
    size_t fileSize = 0;
    bool newFile = false;
    bool locked = false;

    dexFd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY);
    if (dexFd < 0) goto bail;

    /* If we fork/exec into dexopt, don't let it inherit the open fd. */

    if (verifyMagicAndGetAdler32(dexFd, &adler32) < 0) {
        ALOGE("Error with header for %s", fileName);
        goto bail;

    if (getModTimeAndSize(dexFd, &modTime, &fileSize) < 0) {
        ALOGE("Error with stat for %s", fileName);
        goto bail;

     * See if the cached file matches. If so, optFd will become a reference
     * to the cached file and will have been seeked to just past the "opt"
     * header.

    if (odexOutputName == NULL) {
        cachedName = dexOptGenerateCacheFileName(fileName, NULL);
        if (cachedName == NULL)
            goto bail;
    } else {
        cachedName = strdup(odexOutputName);

    ALOGV("dvmRawDexFileOpen: Checking cache for %s (%s)",
            fileName, cachedName);

    optFd = dvmOpenCachedDexFile(fileName, cachedName, modTime,
        adler32, isBootstrap, &newFile, /*createIfMissing=*/true);

    if (optFd < 0) {
        ALOGI("Unable to open or create cache for %s (%s)",
                fileName, cachedName);
        goto bail;
    locked = true;

     * If optFd points to a new file (because there was no cached
     * version, or the cached version was stale), generate the
     * optimized DEX. The file descriptor returned is still locked,
     * and is positioned just past the optimization header.
    if (newFile) {
        u8 startWhen, copyWhen, endWhen;
        bool result;
        off_t dexOffset;

        dexOffset = lseek(optFd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
        result = (dexOffset > 0);

        if (result) {
            startWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
            result = copyFileToFile(optFd, dexFd, fileSize) == 0;
            copyWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();

        if (result) {
            result = dvmOptimizeDexFile(optFd, dexOffset, fileSize,
                fileName, modTime, adler32, isBootstrap);

        if (!result) {
            ALOGE("Unable to extract+optimize DEX from '%s'", fileName);
            goto bail;

        endWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
        ALOGD("DEX prep '%s': copy in %dms, rewrite %dms",
            (int) (copyWhen - startWhen) / 1000,
            (int) (endWhen - copyWhen) / 1000);

     * Map the cached version.  This immediately rewinds the fd, so it
     * doesn't have to be seeked anywhere in particular.
    if (dvmDexFileOpenFromFd(optFd, &pDvmDex) != 0) {
        ALOGI("Unable to map cached %s", fileName);
        goto bail;

    if (locked) {
        /* unlock the fd */
        if (!dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(optFd)) {
            /* uh oh -- this process needs to exit or we'll wedge the system */
            ALOGE("Unable to unlock DEX file");
            goto bail;
        locked = false;

    ALOGV("Successfully opened '%s'", fileName);

    *ppRawDexFile = (RawDexFile*) calloc(1, sizeof(RawDexFile));
    (*ppRawDexFile)->cacheFileName = cachedName;
    (*ppRawDexFile)->pDvmDex = pDvmDex;
    cachedName = NULL;      // don't free it below
    result = 0;

    if (dexFd >= 0) {
    if (optFd >= 0) {
        if (locked)
            (void) dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(optFd);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Open a Jar file.  It's okay if it's just a Zip archive without all of
 * the Jar trimmings, but we do insist on finding "classes.dex" inside
 * or an appropriately-named ".odex" file alongside.
 * If "isBootstrap" is not set, the optimizer/verifier regards this DEX as
 * being part of a different class loader.
int dvmJarFileOpen(const char* fileName, const char* odexOutputName,
    JarFile** ppJarFile, bool isBootstrap)
     * TODO: This function has been duplicated and modified to become
     * dvmRawDexFileOpen() in RawDexFile.c. This should be refactored.

    ZipArchive archive;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex = NULL;
    char* cachedName = NULL;
    bool archiveOpen = false;
    bool locked = false;
    int fd = -1;
    int result = -1;

    /* Even if we're not going to look at the archive, we need to
     * open it so we can stuff it into ppJarFile.
    if (dexZipOpenArchive(fileName, &archive) != 0)
        goto bail;
    archiveOpen = true;

    /* If we fork/exec into dexopt, don't let it inherit the archive's fd.

    /* First, look for a ".odex" alongside the jar file.  It will
     * have the same name/path except for the extension.
    fd = openAlternateSuffix(fileName, "odex", O_RDONLY, &cachedName);
    if (fd >= 0) {
        ALOGV("Using alternate file (odex) for %s ...", fileName);
        if (!dvmCheckOptHeaderAndDependencies(fd, false, 0, 0, true, true)) {
            ALOGE("%s odex has stale dependencies", fileName);
            cachedName = NULL;
            fd = -1;
            goto tryArchive;
        } else {
            ALOGV("%s odex has good dependencies", fileName);
            //TODO: make sure that the .odex actually corresponds
            //      to the classes.dex inside the archive (if present).
            //      For typical use there will be no classes.dex.
    } else {
        ZipEntry entry;

         * Pre-created .odex absent or stale.  Look inside the jar for a
         * "classes.dex".
        entry = dexZipFindEntry(&archive, kDexInJarName);
        if (entry != NULL) {
            bool newFile = false;

             * We've found the one we want.  See if there's an up-to-date copy
             * in the cache.
             * On return, "fd" will be seeked just past the "opt" header.
             * If a stale .odex file is present and classes.dex exists in
             * the archive, this will *not* return an fd pointing to the
             * .odex file; the fd will point into dalvik-cache like any
             * other jar.
            if (odexOutputName == NULL) {
                cachedName = dexOptGenerateCacheFileName(fileName,
                if (cachedName == NULL)
                    goto bail;
            } else {
                cachedName = strdup(odexOutputName);
            ALOGV("dvmJarFileOpen: Checking cache for %s (%s)",
                fileName, cachedName);
            fd = dvmOpenCachedDexFile(fileName, cachedName,
                    dexGetZipEntryModTime(&archive, entry),
                    dexGetZipEntryCrc32(&archive, entry),
                    isBootstrap, &newFile, /*createIfMissing=*/true);
            if (fd < 0) {
                ALOGI("Unable to open or create cache for %s (%s)",
                    fileName, cachedName);
                goto bail;
            locked = true;

             * If fd points to a new file (because there was no cached version,
             * or the cached version was stale), generate the optimized DEX.
             * The file descriptor returned is still locked, and is positioned
             * just past the optimization header.
            if (newFile) {
                u8 startWhen, extractWhen, endWhen;
                bool result;
                off_t dexOffset;

                dexOffset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
                result = (dexOffset > 0);

                if (result) {
                    startWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
                    result = dexZipExtractEntryToFile(&archive, entry, fd) == 0;
                    extractWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
                if (result) {
                    result = dvmOptimizeDexFile(fd, dexOffset,
                                dexGetZipEntryUncompLen(&archive, entry),
                                dexGetZipEntryModTime(&archive, entry),
                                dexGetZipEntryCrc32(&archive, entry),

                if (!result) {
                    ALOGE("Unable to extract+optimize DEX from '%s'",
                    goto bail;

                endWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
                ALOGD("DEX prep '%s': unzip in %dms, rewrite %dms",
                    (int) (extractWhen - startWhen) / 1000,
                    (int) (endWhen - extractWhen) / 1000);
        } else {
            ALOGI("Zip is good, but no %s inside, and no valid .odex "
                    "file in the same directory", kDexInJarName);
            goto bail;

     * Map the cached version.  This immediately rewinds the fd, so it
     * doesn't have to be seeked anywhere in particular.
    if (dvmDexFileOpenFromFd(fd, &pDvmDex) != 0) {
        ALOGI("Unable to map %s in %s", kDexInJarName, fileName);
        goto bail;

    if (locked) {
        /* unlock the fd */
        if (!dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(fd)) {
            /* uh oh -- this process needs to exit or we'll wedge the system */
            ALOGE("Unable to unlock DEX file");
            goto bail;
        locked = false;

    ALOGV("Successfully opened '%s' in '%s'", kDexInJarName, fileName);

    *ppJarFile = (JarFile*) calloc(1, sizeof(JarFile));
    (*ppJarFile)->archive = archive;
    (*ppJarFile)->cacheFileName = cachedName;
    (*ppJarFile)->pDvmDex = pDvmDex;
    cachedName = NULL;      // don't free it below
    result = 0;

    /* clean up, closing the open file */
    if (archiveOpen && result != 0)
    if (fd >= 0) {
        if (locked)
            (void) dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(fd);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void *compilerThreadStart(void *arg)
    dvmChangeStatus(NULL, THREAD_VMWAIT);

     * If we're not running stand-alone, wait a little before
     * recieving translation requests on the assumption that process start
     * up code isn't worth compiling.  We'll resume when the framework
     * signals us that the first screen draw has happened, or the timer
     * below expires (to catch daemons).
     * There is a theoretical race between the callback to
     * VMRuntime.startJitCompiation and when the compiler thread reaches this
     * point. In case the callback happens earlier, in order not to permanently
     * hold the system_server (which is not using the timed wait) in
     * interpreter-only mode we bypass the delay here.
    if (gDvmJit.runningInAndroidFramework &&
        !gDvmJit.alreadyEnabledViaFramework) {
         * If the current VM instance is the system server (detected by having
         * 0 in gDvm.systemServerPid), we will use the indefinite wait on the
         * conditional variable to determine whether to start the JIT or not.
         * If the system server detects that the whole system is booted in
         * safe mode, the conditional variable will never be signaled and the
         * system server will remain in the interpreter-only mode. All
         * subsequent apps will be started with the --enable-safemode flag
         * explicitly appended.
        if (gDvm.systemServerPid == 0) {
            ALOGD("JIT started for system_server");
        } else {
             * TUNING: experiment with the delay & perhaps make it
             * target-specific
                                 &gDvmJit.compilerLock, 3000, 0);
        if (gDvmJit.haltCompilerThread) {
             return NULL;


     * Since the compiler thread will not touch any objects on the heap once
     * being created, we just fake its state as VMWAIT so that it can be a
     * bit late when there is suspend request pending.
    while (!gDvmJit.haltCompilerThread) {
        if (workQueueLength() == 0) {
            int cc;
            cc = pthread_cond_signal(&gDvmJit.compilerQueueEmpty);
            assert(cc == 0);
        } else {
            do {
                CompilerWorkOrder work = workDequeue();
#if defined(WITH_JIT_TUNING)
                 * This is live across setjmp().  Mark it volatile to suppress
                 * a gcc warning.  We should not need this since it is assigned
                 * only once but gcc is not smart enough.
                volatile u8 startTime = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
                 * Check whether there is a suspend request on me.  This
                 * is necessary to allow a clean shutdown.
                 * However, in the blocking stress testing mode, let the
                 * compiler thread continue doing compilations to unblock
                 * other requesting threads. This may occasionally cause
                 * shutdown from proceeding cleanly in the standalone invocation
                 * of the vm but this should be acceptable.
                if (!gDvmJit.blockingMode)
                /* Is JitTable filling up? */
                if (gDvmJit.jitTableEntriesUsed >
                    (gDvmJit.jitTableSize - gDvmJit.jitTableSize/4)) {
                    bool resizeFail =
                        dvmJitResizeJitTable(gDvmJit.jitTableSize * 2);
                     * If the jit table is full, consider it's time to reset
                     * the code cache too.
                    gDvmJit.codeCacheFull |= resizeFail;
                if (gDvmJit.haltCompilerThread) {
                    ALOGD("Compiler shutdown in progress - discarding request");
                } else if (!gDvmJit.codeCacheFull) {
                    jmp_buf jmpBuf;
                    work.bailPtr = &jmpBuf;
                    bool aborted = setjmp(jmpBuf);
                    if (!aborted) {
                        bool codeCompiled = dvmCompilerDoWork(&work);
                         * Make sure we are still operating with the
                         * same translation cache version.  See
                         * Issue 4271784 for details.
                        if ((work.result.cacheVersion ==
                             gDvmJit.cacheVersion) &&
                             codeCompiled &&
                             !work.result.discardResult &&
                             work.result.codeAddress) {
                            dvmJitSetCodeAddr(work.pc, work.result.codeAddress,
                                              false, /* not method entry */
#if defined(WITH_JIT_TUNING)
                gDvmJit.jitTime += dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec() - startTime;
            } while (workQueueLength() != 0);

     * As part of detaching the thread we need to call into Java code to update
     * the ThreadGroup, and we should not be in VMWAIT state while executing
     * interpreted code.
    dvmChangeStatus(NULL, THREAD_RUNNING);

    if (gDvm.verboseShutdown)
        ALOGD("Compiler thread shutting down");
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void resetCodeCache(void)
    Thread* thread;
    u8 startTime = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
    int inJit = 0;
    int byteUsed = gDvmJit.codeCacheByteUsed;

    /* If any thread is found stuck in the JIT state, don't reset the cache  */
    for (thread = gDvm.threadList; thread != NULL; thread = thread->next) {
         * Crawl the stack to wipe out the returnAddr field so that
         * 1) the soon-to-be-deleted code in the JIT cache won't be used
         * 2) or the thread stuck in the JIT land will soon return
         *    to the interpreter land
        crawlDalvikStack(thread, false);
        if (thread->inJitCodeCache) {
        /* Cancel any ongoing trace selection */
        dvmDisableSubMode(thread, kSubModeJitTraceBuild);

    if (inJit) {
        ALOGD("JIT code cache reset delayed (%d bytes %d/%d)",
             gDvmJit.codeCacheByteUsed, gDvmJit.numCodeCacheReset,

    /* Lock the mutex to clean up the work queue */

    /* Update the translation cache version */

    /* Drain the work queue to free the work orders */
    while (workQueueLength()) {
        CompilerWorkOrder work = workDequeue();

    /* Reset the JitEntry table contents to the initial unpopulated state */

    UNPROTECT_CODE_CACHE(gDvmJit.codeCache, gDvmJit.codeCacheByteUsed);
     * Wipe out the code cache content to force immediate crashes if
     * stale JIT'ed code is invoked.
    dvmCompilerCacheClear((char *) gDvmJit.codeCache + gDvmJit.templateSize,
                          gDvmJit.codeCacheByteUsed - gDvmJit.templateSize);

    dvmCompilerCacheFlush((intptr_t) gDvmJit.codeCache,
                          (intptr_t) gDvmJit.codeCache + gDvmJit.codeCacheByteUsed);

    PROTECT_CODE_CACHE(gDvmJit.codeCache, gDvmJit.codeCacheByteUsed);

    /* Reset the current mark of used bytes to the end of template code */
    gDvmJit.codeCacheByteUsed = gDvmJit.templateSize;
    gDvmJit.numCompilations = 0;

    /* Reset the work queue */
    memset(gDvmJit.compilerWorkQueue, 0,
           sizeof(CompilerWorkOrder) * COMPILER_WORK_QUEUE_SIZE);
    gDvmJit.compilerWorkEnqueueIndex = gDvmJit.compilerWorkDequeueIndex = 0;
    gDvmJit.compilerQueueLength = 0;

    /* Reset the IC patch work queue */
    gDvmJit.compilerICPatchIndex = 0;

     * Reset the inflight compilation address (can only be done in safe points
     * or by the compiler thread when its thread state is RUNNING).
    gDvmJit.inflightBaseAddr = NULL;

    /* All clear now */
    gDvmJit.codeCacheFull = false;


    ALOGD("JIT code cache reset in %lld ms (%d bytes %d/%d)",
         (dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec() - startTime) / 1000,
         byteUsed, ++gDvmJit.numCodeCacheReset,
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Lock a monitor.
static void lockMonitor(Thread* self, Monitor* mon)
    ThreadStatus oldStatus;
    u4 waitThreshold, samplePercent;
    u8 waitStart, waitEnd, waitMs;

    if (mon->owner == self) {
    if (dvmTryLockMutex(&mon->lock) != 0) {
        oldStatus = dvmChangeStatus(self, THREAD_MONITOR);
        waitThreshold = gDvm.lockProfThreshold;
        if (waitThreshold) {
            waitStart = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();

        const Method* currentOwnerMethod = mon->ownerMethod;
        u4 currentOwnerPc = mon->ownerPc;

        if (waitThreshold) {
            waitEnd = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
        dvmChangeStatus(self, oldStatus);
        if (waitThreshold) {
            waitMs = (waitEnd - waitStart) / 1000;
            if (waitMs >= waitThreshold) {
                samplePercent = 100;
            } else {
                samplePercent = 100 * waitMs / waitThreshold;
            if (samplePercent != 0 && ((u4)rand() % 100 < samplePercent)) {
                const char* currentOwnerFileName = "no_method";
                u4 currentOwnerLineNumber = 0;
                if (currentOwnerMethod != NULL) {
                    currentOwnerFileName = dvmGetMethodSourceFile(currentOwnerMethod);
                    if (currentOwnerFileName == NULL) {
                        currentOwnerFileName = "no_method_file";
                    currentOwnerLineNumber = dvmLineNumFromPC(currentOwnerMethod, currentOwnerPc);
                logContentionEvent(self, waitMs, samplePercent,
                                   currentOwnerFileName, currentOwnerLineNumber);
    mon->owner = self;
    assert(mon->lockCount == 0);

    // When debugging, save the current monitor holder for future
    // acquisition failures to use in sampled logging.
    if (gDvm.lockProfThreshold > 0) {
        mon->ownerMethod = NULL;
        mon->ownerPc = 0;
        if (self->interpSave.curFrame == NULL) {
        const StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);
        if (saveArea == NULL) {
        mon->ownerMethod = saveArea->method;
        mon->ownerPc = (saveArea->xtra.currentPc - saveArea->method->insns);
Exemplo n.º 8
int dvmJarFileOpen(const char* fileName, const char* odexOutputName,
    JarFile** ppJarFile, bool isBootstrap)

    ZipArchive archive;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex = NULL;
    char* cachedName = NULL;
    bool archiveOpen = false;
    bool locked = false;
    int fd = -1;
    int result = -1;

    if (dexZipOpenArchive(fileName, &archive) != 0)
        goto bail;
    archiveOpen = true;


    fd = openAlternateSuffix(fileName, "odex", O_RDONLY, &cachedName);
    if (fd >= 0) {
        ALOGV("Using alternate file (odex) for %s ...", fileName);
        if (!dvmCheckOptHeaderAndDependencies(fd, false, 0, 0, true, true)) {
            ALOGE("%s odex has stale dependencies", fileName);
            cachedName = NULL;
            fd = -1;
            goto tryArchive;
        } else {
            ALOGV("%s odex has good dependencies", fileName);
    } else {
        ZipEntry entry;

        entry = dexZipFindEntry(&archive, kDexInJarName);
        if (entry != NULL) {
            bool newFile = false;

            if (odexOutputName == NULL) {
                cachedName = dexOptGenerateCacheFileName(fileName,
                if (cachedName == NULL)
                    goto bail;
            } else {
                cachedName = strdup(odexOutputName);
            ALOGV("dvmJarFileOpen: Checking cache for %s (%s)",
                fileName, cachedName);
            fd = dvmOpenCachedDexFile(fileName, cachedName,
                    dexGetZipEntryModTime(&archive, entry),
                    dexGetZipEntryCrc32(&archive, entry),
                    isBootstrap, &newFile, /*createIfMissing=*/true);
            if (fd < 0) {
                ALOGI("Unable to open or create cache for %s (%s)",
                    fileName, cachedName);
                goto bail;
            locked = true;

            Generate the optimized DEX.
            if (newFile) {
                u8 startWhen, extractWhen, endWhen;
                bool result;
                off_t dexOffset;

                dexOffset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
                result = (dexOffset > 0);

                if (result) {
                    startWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
                    result = dexZipExtractEntryToFile(&archive, entry, fd) == 0;
                    extractWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
                if (result) {
                    result = dvmOptimizeDexFile(fd, dexOffset,
                                dexGetZipEntryUncompLen(&archive, entry),
                                dexGetZipEntryModTime(&archive, entry),
                                dexGetZipEntryCrc32(&archive, entry),

                if (!result) {
                    ALOGE("Unable to extract+optimize DEX from '%s'",
                    goto bail;

                endWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
                ALOGD("DEX prep '%s': unzip in %dms, rewrite %dms",
                    (int) (extractWhen - startWhen) / 1000,
                    (int) (endWhen - extractWhen) / 1000);
        } else {
            ALOGI("Zip is good, but no %s inside, and no valid .odex "
                    "file in the same directory", kDexInJarName);
            goto bail;

    if (dvmDexFileOpenFromFd(fd, &pDvmDex) != 0) {
        ALOGI("Unable to map %s in %s", kDexInJarName, fileName);
        goto bail;

    if (locked) {
        /* unlock the fd */
        if (!dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(fd)) {
            /* This process needs to exit or we'll wedge the system O_O */
            ALOGE("Unable to unlock DEX file");
            goto bail;
        locked = false;

    ALOGV("Successfully opened '%s' in '%s'", kDexInJarName, fileName);

    *ppJarFile = (JarFile*) calloc(1, sizeof(JarFile));
    (*ppJarFile)->archive = archive;
    (*ppJarFile)->cacheFileName = cachedName;
    (*ppJarFile)->pDvmDex = pDvmDex;
    cachedName = NULL;      // don't free it below
    result = 0;

    if (archiveOpen && result != 0)
    if (fd >= 0) {
        if (locked)
            (void) dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(fd);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Perform in-place rewrites on a memory-mapped DEX file.
 * This happens in a short-lived child process, so we can go nutty with
 * loading classes and allocating memory.
static bool rewriteDex(u1* addr, int len, u4* pHeaderFlags,
    DexClassLookup** ppClassLookup)
    u8 prepWhen, loadWhen, verifyOptWhen;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex = NULL;
    bool doVerify, doOpt;
    bool result = false;

    *pHeaderFlags = 0;

    /* if the DEX is in the wrong byte order, swap it now */
    if (dexSwapAndVerify(addr, len) != 0)
        goto bail;
    *pHeaderFlags |= DEX_OPT_FLAG_BIG;

    if (gDvm.classVerifyMode == VERIFY_MODE_NONE)
        doVerify = false;
    else if (gDvm.classVerifyMode == VERIFY_MODE_REMOTE)
        doVerify = !gDvm.optimizingBootstrapClass;
    else /*if (gDvm.classVerifyMode == VERIFY_MODE_ALL)*/
        doVerify = true;

    if (gDvm.dexOptMode == OPTIMIZE_MODE_NONE)
        doOpt = false;
    else if (gDvm.dexOptMode == OPTIMIZE_MODE_VERIFIED)
        doOpt = doVerify;
    else /*if (gDvm.dexOptMode == OPTIMIZE_MODE_ALL)*/
        doOpt = true;

    /* TODO: decide if this is actually useful */
    if (doVerify)
        *pHeaderFlags |= DEX_FLAG_VERIFIED;
    if (doOpt)

     * Now that the DEX file can be read directly, create a DexFile struct
     * for it.
    if (dvmDexFileOpenPartial(addr, len, &pDvmDex) != 0) {
        LOGE("Unable to create DexFile\n");
        goto bail;

     * Create the class lookup table.  This will eventually be appended
     * to the end of the .odex.
    *ppClassLookup = dexCreateClassLookup(pDvmDex->pDexFile);
    if (*ppClassLookup == NULL)
        goto bail;

     * If we're not going to attempt to verify or optimize the classes,
     * there's no value in loading them, so bail out early.
    if (!doVerify && !doOpt) {
        result = true;
        goto bail;

    /* this is needed for the next part */
    pDvmDex->pDexFile->pClassLookup = *ppClassLookup;

    prepWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();

     * Load all classes found in this DEX file.  If they fail to load for
     * some reason, they won't get verified (which is as it should be).
    if (!loadAllClasses(pDvmDex))
        goto bail;
    loadWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();

     * Verify and optimize all classes in the DEX file (command-line
     * options permitting).
     * This is best-effort, so there's really no way for dexopt to
     * fail at this point.
    verifyAndOptimizeClasses(pDvmDex->pDexFile, doVerify, doOpt);
    verifyOptWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();

    const char* msgStr = "???";
    if (doVerify && doOpt)
        msgStr = "verify+opt";
    else if (doVerify)
        msgStr = "verify";
    else if (doOpt)
        msgStr = "opt";
    LOGD("DexOpt: load %dms, %s %dms\n",
        (int) (loadWhen - prepWhen) / 1000,
        (int) (verifyOptWhen - loadWhen) / 1000);

    result = true;

    /* free up storage */

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 10
/* Make sure that the HeapWorker thread hasn't spent an inordinate
 * amount of time inside a finalizer.
 * Aborts the VM if the thread appears to be wedged.
 * The caller must hold the heapWorkerLock to guarantee an atomic
 * read of the watchdog values.
void dvmAssertHeapWorkerThreadRunning()
    if (gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerCurrentObject != NULL) {
        static const u8 HEAP_WORKER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT = 10*1000*1000LL; // 10sec

        u8 heapWorkerInterpStartTime = gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerInterpStartTime;
        u8 now = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
        u8 delta = now - heapWorkerInterpStartTime;

        if (delta > HEAP_WORKER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT &&
            (gDvm.debuggerActive || gDvm.nativeDebuggerActive))
             * Debugger suspension can block the thread indefinitely.  For
             * best results we should reset this explicitly whenever the
             * HeapWorker thread is resumed.  Unfortunately this is also
             * affected by native debuggers, and we have no visibility
             * into how they're manipulating us.  So, we ignore the
             * watchdog and just reset the timer.
            LOGI("Debugger is attached -- suppressing HeapWorker watchdog\n");
            gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerInterpStartTime = now;   /* reset timer */
        } else if (delta > HEAP_WORKER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT) {
             * Before we give up entirely, see if maybe we're just not
             * getting any CPU time because we're stuck in a background
             * process group.  If we successfully move the thread into the
             * foreground we'll just leave it there (it doesn't do anything
             * if the process isn't GCing).
            Thread* thread = dvmGetThreadByHandle(gDvm.heapWorkerHandle);

            if (thread != NULL) {
                int priChangeFlags, threadPrio;
                SchedPolicy threadPolicy;
                priChangeFlags = dvmRaiseThreadPriorityIfNeeded(thread,
                        &threadPrio, &threadPolicy);
                if (priChangeFlags != 0) {
                    LOGI("HeapWorker watchdog expired, raising priority"
                         " and retrying\n");
                    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerInterpStartTime = now;

            char* desc = dexProtoCopyMethodDescriptor(
            LOGE("HeapWorker is wedged: %lldms spent inside %s.%s%s\n",
                    delta / 1000,
                    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerCurrentMethod->name, desc);

            /* try to get a debuggerd dump from the target thread */

            /* abort the VM */
        } else if (delta > HEAP_WORKER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT / 2) {
            char* desc = dexProtoCopyMethodDescriptor(
            LOGW("HeapWorker may be wedged: %lldms spent inside %s.%s%s\n",
                    delta / 1000,
                    gDvm.gcHeap->heapWorkerCurrentMethod->name, desc);