Exemplo n.º 1
qreal BezierCurve::findDistance(BezierCurve curve, int i, QPointF P, QPointF& nearestPoint, qreal& t)   //finds the distance between a cubic section and a point
    //qDebug() << "---- INTER CUBIC SEGMENT";
    int nSteps = 24;
    int k0 = 0;
    QPointF Q;
    Q = curve.getVertex(i-1);
    qreal distMin = eLength(Q-P);
    nearestPoint = Q;
    t = 0;
    for(int k=1; k<=nSteps; k++)
        qreal s = (k+0.0)/nSteps;
        Q = curve.getPointOnCubic(i, s);
        qreal dist = eLength(Q-P);
        if (dist <= distMin)
            distMin = dist;
            nearestPoint = Q;
            t = s;
            k0 = k;
    //QPointF Q1 = curve.getPointOnCubic(i, t);
    return distMin;
Exemplo n.º 2
void BezierCurve::normalise(QPointF& point)
    qreal length = eLength(point);
    if (length > 1.0e-6)
        point = point/length;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Photon::move()
    Float rnd;
    Float theta = symmetrizeTheta(Angle(s_i, Optics::director).theta);

    Float meanFreePath = (channel == Optics::OCHANNEL) ? oLength(theta) : eLength(theta);

    Float c1 = (s_i.z() >= 0) ? 1. : -expm1((pos.z()/s_i.z())/meanFreePath);

    rnd = random();

    Float d = -log1p(-c1*rnd)*meanFreePath;

    pos += d*s_i;
Exemplo n.º 4
void BezierCurve::smoothCurve()
    QPointF c1, c2, c2old, tangentVec, normalVec;
    int n = vertex.size();
    c2old = QPointF(-100,-100); // bogus point
    for(int p=0; p<n-1; p++)
        QPointF D = getVertex(p);
        QPointF Dprev = getVertex(p-1);
        QPointF Dnext = getVertex(p+1);
        qreal L1 = mLength(D-Dprev);
        qreal L2 = mLength(D-Dnext);

        tangentVec = 0.4*(Dnext - Dprev);
        normalVec = QPointF(-tangentVec.y(), tangentVec.x())/eLength(tangentVec);
        if (  ((D-Dprev).x()*(D-Dnext).x()+(D-Dprev).y()*(D-Dnext).y())/(1.0*L1*L2) < 0  )
            // smooth point
            c1 =  D - tangentVec*(L1+0.0)/(L1+L2);
            c2 =  D + tangentVec*(L2+0.0)/(L1+L2);
            // sharp point
            c1 = 0.6*D + 0.4*Dprev;
            c2 = 0.6*D + 0.4*Dnext;

        if (p==0)
            c2old  = 0.5*(vertex.at(0)+c1);

        this->c1[p] = c2old;
        this->c2[p] = c1;
        //appendCubic(c2old, c1, D, pressureList->at(p));
        c2old = c2;
    if (n>2)
        this->c1[n-1] = c2old;
        this->c2[n-1] = 0.5*(c2old+vertex.at(n-1));
Exemplo n.º 5
bool BezierCurve::findIntersection(BezierCurve curve1, int i1, BezierCurve curve2, int i2, QList<Intersection>& intersections)   //finds the intersection between two cubic sections
    bool result = false;
    //qDebug() << "---- INTER CUBIC CUBIC"  << i1 << i2;
    QPointF P1, Q1, P2, Q2;
    QLineF L1, L2;
    QRectF R1;
    QRectF R2;

    P1 = curve1.getVertex(i1-1);
    Q1 = curve1.getVertex(i1);
    P2 = curve2.getVertex(i2-1);
    Q2 = curve2.getVertex(i2);
    L1 = QLineF(P1, Q1);
    L2 = QLineF(P2, Q2);

    //qDebug() << "-------------------- ";


    QPointF intersectionPoint = QPointF(50.0, 50.0); // bogus point
    QPointF* cubicIntersection = &intersectionPoint;
    if ( R1.intersects(R2) || L2.intersect(L1, cubicIntersection) == QLineF::BoundedIntersection )
        //if (L2.intersect(L1, intersection) == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) {
        //qDebug() << "                   FOUND rectangle intersection ";
        //if (intersectionPoint != curve1.getVertex(i1-1) && intersectionPoint != curve1.getVertex(i1)) {
        //	qDebug() << "                   it's not one of the points ";
        // find the cubic intersection
        int nSteps = 24;
        P1 = curve1.getVertex(i1-1);
        for(int i=1; i<=nSteps; i++)
            qreal s = (i+0.0)/nSteps;
            Q1 = curve1.getPointOnCubic(i1, s);
            P2 = curve2.getVertex(i2-1);
            for(int j=1; j<=nSteps; j++)
                qreal t = (j+0.0)/nSteps;
                Q2 = curve2.getPointOnCubic(i2, t);
                L1 = QLineF(P1, Q1);
                L2 = QLineF(P2, Q2);
                if (L2.intersect(L1, cubicIntersection) == QLineF::BoundedIntersection)
                    QPointF intersectionPoint = *cubicIntersection;
                    if (intersectionPoint != curve1.getVertex(i1-1) && intersectionPoint != curve1.getVertex(i1))
                        qreal fraction1 = eLength(intersectionPoint-Q1)/(0.0+eLength(Q1-P1));
                        qreal fraction2 = eLength(intersectionPoint-Q2)/(0.0+eLength(Q2-P2));
                        qreal t1 = (i - fraction1)/nSteps;
                        qreal t2 = (j - fraction2)/nSteps;
                        Intersection intersection;
                        intersection.point = intersectionPoint;
                        intersection.t1 = t1;
                        intersection.t2 = t2;
                        intersections.append( intersection );
                        result = true;
                        //qDebug() << "FOUND cubic interesection " << intersectionPoint << i << j;
                P2 = Q2;
            P1 = Q1;
        //return false; // approximation to speed up the calculation
    //qDebug() << "------";
    return result;