Exemplo n.º 1
EAPI E_Obj_Dialog *
e_obj_dialog_new(E_Container *con, char *title, char *class_name, char *class_class)
   E_Obj_Dialog *od;
   E_Manager *man;
   Evas_Object *o;
   if (!con)
	man = e_manager_current_get();
	if (!man) return NULL;
	con = e_container_current_get(man);
	if (!con) con = e_container_number_get(man, 0);
	if (!con) return NULL;
   od = E_OBJECT_ALLOC(E_Obj_Dialog, E_OBJ_DIALOG_TYPE, _e_obj_dialog_free);
   if (!od) return NULL;
   od->win = e_win_new(con);
   if (!od->win)
	return NULL;
   e_win_delete_callback_set(od->win, _e_obj_dialog_cb_delete);
   e_win_resize_callback_set(od->win, _e_obj_dialog_cb_resize);
   od->win->data = od;
   e_win_dialog_set(od->win, 1);
   e_win_name_class_set(od->win, class_name, class_class);
   e_win_title_set(od->win, title);
   o = edje_object_add(e_win_evas_get(od->win));
   od->bg_object = o;
   e_win_centered_set(od->win, 1);
   od->cb_delete = NULL;
   return od;
Exemplo n.º 2
E_Win *
e_int_config_theme_import(E_Config_Dialog *parent)
   Evas *evas;
   E_Win *win;
   Evas_Object *o, *ofm;
   Import *import;
   E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata;
   Evas_Modifier_Mask mask;
   Evas_Coord w, h;
   Eina_Bool kg;

   import = E_NEW(Import, 1);
   if (!import) return NULL;

   win = e_win_new(parent->con);
   if (!win)
        return NULL;

   evas = e_win_evas_get(win);

   cfdata = E_NEW(E_Config_Dialog_Data, 1);
   import->cfdata = cfdata;
   import->win = win;
   import->parent = parent;

   e_win_title_set(win, _("Select a Theme..."));
   e_win_delete_callback_set(win, _theme_import_cb_delete);
   e_win_resize_callback_set(win, _theme_import_cb_resize);
   e_win_dialog_set(win, 1);
   e_win_name_class_set(win, "E", "_theme_import_dialog");

   o = edje_object_add(evas);
   import->bg_obj = o;
   e_theme_edje_object_set(o, "base/theme/dialog", "e/widgets/dialog/main");
   evas_object_move(o, 0, 0);

   o = e_widget_list_add(evas, 1, 1);
   e_widget_on_focus_hook_set(o, _theme_import_cb_wid_focus, import);
   import->box_obj = o;
   edje_object_part_swallow(import->bg_obj, "e.swallow.buttons", o);

   o = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas);
   import->event_obj = o;
   mask = 0;
   kg = evas_object_key_grab(o, "Tab", mask, ~mask, 0);
   if (!kg)
     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to redirect \"Tab\" key events to object %p.\n", o);
   mask = evas_key_modifier_mask_get(evas, "Shift");
   kg = evas_object_key_grab(o, "Tab", mask, ~mask, 0);
   if (!kg)
     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to redirect \"Tab\" key events to object %p.\n", o);
   mask = 0;
   kg = evas_object_key_grab(o, "Return", mask, ~mask, 0);
   if (!kg)
     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to redirect \"Return\" key events to object %p.\n", o);
   mask = 0;
   kg = evas_object_key_grab(o, "KP_Enter", mask, ~mask, 0);
   if (!kg)
     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to redirect \"KP_Enter\" key events to object %p.\n", o);
   evas_object_event_callback_add(o, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN,
                                  _theme_import_cb_key_down, import);

   o = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 0);
   import->content_obj = o;

   ofm = e_widget_fsel_add(evas, e_user_homedir_get(), "/",
                           NULL, NULL,
                           _theme_import_cb_selected, import,
                           _theme_import_cb_changed, import, 1);
   import->fsel_obj = ofm;
   e_widget_list_object_append(o, ofm, 1, 1, 0.5);

   e_widget_size_min_get(o, &w, &h);
   evas_object_size_hint_min_set(o, w, h);
   edje_object_part_swallow(import->bg_obj, "e.swallow.content", o);

   import->ok_obj = e_widget_button_add(evas, _("OK"), NULL,
                                        _theme_import_cb_ok, win, cfdata);
   e_widget_list_object_append(import->box_obj, import->ok_obj, 1, 0, 0.5);

   import->cancel_obj = e_widget_button_add(evas, _("Cancel"), NULL,
                                            win, cfdata);
   e_widget_list_object_append(import->box_obj, import->cancel_obj, 1, 0, 0.5);

   e_widget_disabled_set(import->ok_obj, 1);

   e_win_centered_set(win, 1);

   o = import->box_obj;
   e_widget_size_min_get(o, &w, &h);
   evas_object_size_hint_min_set(o, w, h);
   edje_object_part_swallow(import->bg_obj, "e.swallow.buttons", o);

   edje_object_size_min_calc(import->bg_obj, &w, &h);
   evas_object_resize(import->bg_obj, w, h);
   e_win_resize(win, w, h);
   e_win_size_min_set(win, w, h);
   e_win_size_max_set(win, 99999, 99999);
   e_win_border_icon_set(win, "preferences-desktop-theme");

   win->data = import;

   return win;