Exemplo n.º 1
float Noise2D::operator()(float x, float y) 
	x *= freq;
	y *= freq;
	int ix = (int)floor(x);
	int iy = (int)floor(y);
	float fx = x - ix;
	float fy = y - iy;
	ix %= freq; if(ix<0) ix += freq;
	iy %= freq; if(iy<0) iy += freq;
	int ix1 = (ix+1) % freq;
	int iy1 = (iy+1) % freq;
	float s = grads[ix][iy].Dot(CVector2D_Maths(fx, fy));
	float t = grads[ix1][iy].Dot(CVector2D_Maths(fx-1, fy));
	float u = grads[ix][iy1].Dot(CVector2D_Maths(fx, fy-1));
	float v = grads[ix1][iy1].Dot(CVector2D_Maths(fx-1, fy-1));
	float ex = easeCurve(fx);
	float ey = easeCurve(fy);
	float a = s + ex*(t-s);
	float b = u + ex*(v-u);
	return (a + ey*(b-a)) * .5 + .5;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // bilinear interpolation
    float bilerp(float x0y0, float x1y0, float x0y1, float x1y1, float x, float y)
        float tx = easeCurve(x);
        float ty = easeCurve(y);

        float u = lerp(x0y0, x1y0, tx);
        float v = lerp(x0y1, x1y1, tx);

        return lerp(u, v, ty);
Exemplo n.º 3
float Noise3D::operator()(float x, float y, float z) 
	x *= freq;
	y *= freq;
	z *= vfreq;
	int ix = (int)floor(x);
	int iy = (int)floor(y);
	int iz = (int)floor(z);
	float fx = x - ix;
	float fy = y - iy;
	float fz = z - iz;
	ix %= freq; if(ix<0) ix += freq;
	iy %= freq; if(iy<0) iy += freq;
	iz %= vfreq; if(iz<0) iz += vfreq;
	int ix1 = (ix+1) % freq;
	int iy1 = (iy+1) % freq;
	int iz1 = (iz+1) % vfreq;
	float s0 = grads[ix][iy][iz].Dot(CVector3D(fx, fy, fz));
	float t0 = grads[ix1][iy][iz].Dot(CVector3D(fx-1, fy, fz));
	float u0 = grads[ix][iy1][iz].Dot(CVector3D(fx, fy-1, fz));
	float v0 = grads[ix1][iy1][iz].Dot(CVector3D(fx-1, fy-1, fz));
	float s1 = grads[ix][iy][iz1].Dot(CVector3D(fx, fy, fz-1));
	float t1 = grads[ix1][iy][iz1].Dot(CVector3D(fx-1, fy, fz-1));
	float u1 = grads[ix][iy1][iz1].Dot(CVector3D(fx, fy-1, fz-1));
	float v1 = grads[ix1][iy1][iz1].Dot(CVector3D(fx-1, fy-1, fz-1));
	float ex = easeCurve(fx);
	float ey = easeCurve(fy);
	float ez = easeCurve(fz);
	float a0 = s0 + ex*(t0-s0);
	float b0 = u0 + ex*(v0-u0);
	float c0 = a0 + ey*(b0-a0);
	float a1 = s1 + ex*(t1-s1);
	float b1 = u1 + ex*(v1-u1);
	float c1 = a1 + ey*(b1-a1);
	return (c0 + ez*(c1-c0)) * .5 + .5;
Exemplo n.º 4
//! renders the node.
void Sky::render()
	video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
	scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = SceneManager->getActiveCamera();

	if (!camera || !driver)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Sky::render()", SPT_AVG);

	// draw perspective skybox

	core::matrix4 translate(AbsoluteTransformation);

	// Draw the sky box between the near and far clip plane
	const f32 viewDistance = (camera->getNearValue() + camera->getFarValue()) * 0.5f;
	core::matrix4 scale;
	scale.setScale(core::vector3df(viewDistance, viewDistance, viewDistance));

	driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, translate * scale);
		float sunsize = 0.07;
		video::SColorf suncolor_f(1, 1, 0, 1);
		suncolor_f.r = 1;
		suncolor_f.g = MYMAX(0.3, MYMIN(1.0, 0.7+m_time_brightness*(0.5)));
		suncolor_f.b = MYMAX(0.0, m_brightness*0.95);
		video::SColorf suncolor2_f(1, 1, 1, 1);
		suncolor_f.r = 1;
		suncolor_f.g = MYMAX(0.3, MYMIN(1.0, 0.85+m_time_brightness*(0.5)));
		suncolor_f.b = MYMAX(0.0, m_brightness);

		float moonsize = 0.04;
		video::SColorf mooncolor_f(0.50, 0.57, 0.65, 1);
		video::SColorf mooncolor2_f(0.85, 0.875, 0.9, 1);
		float nightlength = 0.41;
		float wn = nightlength / 2;
		float wicked_time_of_day = 0;
		if(m_time_of_day > wn && m_time_of_day < 1.0 - wn)
			wicked_time_of_day = (m_time_of_day - wn)/(1.0-wn*2)*0.5 + 0.25;
		else if(m_time_of_day < 0.5)
			wicked_time_of_day = m_time_of_day / wn * 0.25;
			wicked_time_of_day = 1.0 - ((1.0-m_time_of_day) / wn * 0.25);
		/*std::cerr<<"time_of_day="<<m_time_of_day<<" -> "

		video::SColor suncolor = suncolor_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor suncolor2 = suncolor2_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor mooncolor = mooncolor_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor mooncolor2 = mooncolor2_f.toSColor();

		const f32 t = 1.0f;
		const f32 o = 0.0f;
		static const u16 indices[4] = {0,1,2,3};
		video::S3DVertex vertices[4];

			float mid1 = 0.25;
			float mid = (wicked_time_of_day < 0.5 ? mid1 : (1.0 - mid1));
			float a_ = 1.0 - fabs(wicked_time_of_day - mid) * 35.0;
			float a = easeCurve(MYMAX(0, MYMIN(1, a_)));
			//std::cerr<<"a_="<<a_<<" a="<<a<<std::endl;
			video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
			float y = -(1.0 - a) * 0.2;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1,-0.05+y,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1,-0.05+y,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.2+y,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.2+y,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				if(wicked_time_of_day < 0.5)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

		// Draw sun
		if(wicked_time_of_day > 0.15 && wicked_time_of_day < 0.85)
			float d = sunsize * 1.7;
			video::SColor c = suncolor;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
				vertices[i].Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

			d = sunsize * 1.2;
			c = suncolor;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
				vertices[i].Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

			d = sunsize;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
				vertices[i].Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

			d = sunsize * 0.7;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor2, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor2, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor2, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor2, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
				vertices[i].Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
		// Draw moon
		if(wicked_time_of_day < 0.3 || wicked_time_of_day > 0.7)
			float d = moonsize * 1.9;
			video::SColor c = mooncolor;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
				vertices[i].Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
			d = moonsize * 1.3;
			c = mooncolor;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
				vertices[i].Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
			d = moonsize;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
				vertices[i].Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
			float d2 = moonsize * 0.6;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor2, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d2,-d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor2, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d2, d2,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor2, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d2,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor2, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
				vertices[i].Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
		// Stars
			float starbrightness = MYMAX(0, MYMIN(1,
					(0.285 - fabs(wicked_time_of_day < 0.5 ?
					wicked_time_of_day : (1.0 - wicked_time_of_day))) * 10));
			float f = starbrightness;
			float d = 0.007;
			video::SColor starcolor(255, f*90,f*90,f*90);
			if(starcolor.getBlue() < m_skycolor.getBlue())
			u16 indices[SKY_STAR_COUNT*4];
			video::S3DVertex vertices[SKY_STAR_COUNT*4];
			for(u32 i=0; i<SKY_STAR_COUNT; i++){
				indices[i*4+0] = i*4+0;
				indices[i*4+1] = i*4+1;
				indices[i*4+2] = i*4+2;
				indices[i*4+3] = i*4+3;
				v3f p = m_stars[i];
				core::CMatrix4<f32> a;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,1,0), v3f(d,1+d/2,0));
				v3f p1 = p;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,1,0), v3f(d,1,d));
				v3f p2 = p;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,1,0), v3f(0,1-d/2,d));
				v3f p3 = p;
				p.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p1.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p2.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p3.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				vertices[i*4+0].Pos = p;
				vertices[i*4+0].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i*4+1].Pos = p1;
				vertices[i*4+1].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i*4+2].Pos = p2;
				vertices[i*4+2].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i*4+3].Pos = p3;
				vertices[i*4+3].Color = starcolor;
			driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList(vertices, SKY_STAR_COUNT*4,
					indices, SKY_STAR_COUNT, video::EVT_STANDARD,
					scene::EPT_QUADS, video::EIT_16BIT);
		for(u32 j=0; j<2; j++)
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1,-1.0,-1, 0,0,1, m_skycolor, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1,-1.0,-1, 0,0,1, m_skycolor, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1,-0.02,-1, 0,0,1, m_skycolor, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1,-0.02,-1, 0,0,1, m_skycolor, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				//if(wicked_time_of_day < 0.5)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
Exemplo n.º 5
void Camera::update(LocalPlayer* player, f32 frametime, f32 busytime, f32 tool_reload_ratio)
	// Get player position
	// Smooth the movement when walking up stairs
	v3f old_player_position = m_playernode->getPosition();
	v3f player_position = player->getPosition();
	if (player->isAttached && player->parent)
		player_position = player->parent->getPosition();
	//if(player->touching_ground && player_position.Y > old_player_position.Y)
	if(player->touching_ground &&
			player_position.Y > old_player_position.Y)
		f32 oldy = old_player_position.Y;
		f32 newy = player_position.Y;
		f32 t = exp(-23*frametime);
		player_position.Y = oldy * t + newy * (1-t);

	// Set player node transformation
	m_playernode->setRotation(v3f(0, -1 * player->getYaw(), 0));

	// Get camera tilt timer (hurt animation)
	float cameratilt = fabs(fabs(player->hurt_tilt_timer-0.75)-0.75);

	// Fall bobbing animation
	float fall_bobbing = 0;
	if(player->camera_impact >= 1 && m_camera_mode < CAMERA_MODE_THIRD)
		if(m_view_bobbing_fall == -1) // Effect took place and has finished
			player->camera_impact = m_view_bobbing_fall = 0;
		else if(m_view_bobbing_fall == 0) // Initialize effect
			m_view_bobbing_fall = 1;

		// Convert 0 -> 1 to 0 -> 1 -> 0
		fall_bobbing = m_view_bobbing_fall < 0.5 ? m_view_bobbing_fall * 2 : -(m_view_bobbing_fall - 0.5) * 2 + 1;
		// Smoothen and invert the above
		fall_bobbing = sin(fall_bobbing * 0.5 * M_PI) * -1;
		// Amplify according to the intensity of the impact
		fall_bobbing *= (1 - rangelim(50 / player->camera_impact, 0, 1)) * 5;

		fall_bobbing *= m_cache_fall_bobbing_amount;

	// Calculate players eye offset for different camera modes
	v3f PlayerEyeOffset = player->getEyeOffset();
	if (m_camera_mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIRST)
		PlayerEyeOffset += player->eye_offset_first;
		PlayerEyeOffset += player->eye_offset_third;

	// Set head node transformation
	m_headnode->setRotation(v3f(player->getPitch(), 0, cameratilt*player->hurt_tilt_strength));

	// Compute relative camera position and target
	v3f rel_cam_pos = v3f(0,0,0);
	v3f rel_cam_target = v3f(0,0,1);
	v3f rel_cam_up = v3f(0,1,0);

	if (m_cache_view_bobbing_amount != 0.0f && m_view_bobbing_anim != 0.0f &&
		m_camera_mode < CAMERA_MODE_THIRD) {
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim * 2);
		f32 bobdir = (m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

		#if 1
		f32 bobknob = 1.2;
		f32 bobtmp = sin(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * M_PI);
		//f32 bobtmp2 = cos(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * M_PI);

		v3f bobvec = v3f(
			0.3 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * M_PI),
			-0.28 * bobtmp * bobtmp,

		//rel_cam_pos += 0.2 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.03 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(0.02 * bobdir * bobtmp * M_PI);
		float f = 1.0;
		f *= m_cache_view_bobbing_amount;
		rel_cam_pos += bobvec * f;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.995 * bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target += bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target.Z -= 0.005 * bobvec.Z * f;
		//rel_cam_target.X -= 0.005 * bobvec.X * f;
		//rel_cam_target.Y -= 0.005 * bobvec.Y * f;
		rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(-0.03 * bobdir * bobtmp * M_PI * f);
		f32 angle_deg = 1 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * M_PI);
		f32 angle_rad = angle_deg * M_PI / 180;
		f32 r = 0.05;
		v3f off = v3f(
			r * sin(angle_rad),
			r * (cos(angle_rad) - 1),
		rel_cam_pos += off;
		//rel_cam_target += off;


	// Compute absolute camera position and target
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().transformVect(m_camera_position, rel_cam_pos);
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(m_camera_direction, rel_cam_target - rel_cam_pos);

	v3f abs_cam_up;
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(abs_cam_up, rel_cam_up);

	// Seperate camera position for calculation
	v3f my_cp = m_camera_position;

	// Reposition the camera for third person view
	if (m_camera_mode > CAMERA_MODE_FIRST)
		if (m_camera_mode == CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_FRONT)
			m_camera_direction *= -1;

		my_cp.Y += 2;

		// Calculate new position
		bool abort = false;
		for (int i = BS; i <= BS * 2.75; i++) {
			my_cp.X = m_camera_position.X + m_camera_direction.X * -i;
			my_cp.Z = m_camera_position.Z + m_camera_direction.Z * -i;
			if (i > 12)
				my_cp.Y = m_camera_position.Y + (m_camera_direction.Y * -i);

			// Prevent camera positioned inside nodes
			INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_client->ndef();
			MapNode n = m_client->getEnv().getClientMap()
				.getNodeNoEx(floatToInt(my_cp, BS));

			const ContentFeatures& features = nodemgr->get(n);
			if (features.walkable) {
				my_cp.X += m_camera_direction.X*-1*-BS/2;
				my_cp.Z += m_camera_direction.Z*-1*-BS/2;
				my_cp.Y += m_camera_direction.Y*-1*-BS/2;
				abort = true;

		// If node blocks camera position don't move y to heigh
		if (abort && my_cp.Y > player_position.Y+BS*2)
			my_cp.Y = player_position.Y+BS*2;

	// Update offset if too far away from the center of the map
	m_camera_offset.X += CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP*
			(((s16)(my_cp.X/BS) - m_camera_offset.X)/CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP);
	m_camera_offset.Y += CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP*
			(((s16)(my_cp.Y/BS) - m_camera_offset.Y)/CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP);
	m_camera_offset.Z += CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP*
			(((s16)(my_cp.Z/BS) - m_camera_offset.Z)/CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP);

	// Set camera node transformation
	m_cameranode->setPosition(my_cp-intToFloat(m_camera_offset, BS));
	// *100.0 helps in large map coordinates
	m_cameranode->setTarget(my_cp-intToFloat(m_camera_offset, BS) + 100 * m_camera_direction);

	// update the camera position in front-view mode to render blocks behind player
	if (m_camera_mode == CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_FRONT)
		m_camera_position = my_cp;

	// Get FOV
	f32 fov_degrees;
	if (player->getPlayerControl().zoom && player->getCanZoom()) {
		fov_degrees = m_cache_zoom_fov;
	} else {
		fov_degrees = m_cache_fov;
	fov_degrees = rangelim(fov_degrees, 7.0, 160.0);

	// FOV and aspect ratio
	const v2u32 &window_size = RenderingEngine::get_instance()->getWindowSize();
	m_aspect = (f32) window_size.X / (f32) window_size.Y;
	m_fov_y = fov_degrees * M_PI / 180.0;
	// Increase vertical FOV on lower aspect ratios (<16:10)
	m_fov_y *= MYMAX(1.0, MYMIN(1.4, sqrt(16./10. / m_aspect)));
	m_fov_x = 2 * atan(m_aspect * tan(0.5 * m_fov_y));

	if (m_arm_inertia)

	// Position the wielded item
	//v3f wield_position = v3f(45, -35, 65);
	v3f wield_position = v3f(m_wieldmesh_offset.X, m_wieldmesh_offset.Y, 65);
	//v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	wield_position.Y += fabs(m_wield_change_timer)*320 - 40;
	if(m_digging_anim < 0.05 || m_digging_anim > 0.5)
		f32 frac = 1.0;
		if(m_digging_anim > 0.5)
			frac = 2.0 * (m_digging_anim - 0.5);
		// This value starts from 1 and settles to 0
		f32 ratiothing = pow((1.0f - tool_reload_ratio), 0.5f);
		//f32 ratiothing2 = pow(ratiothing, 0.5f);
		f32 ratiothing2 = (easeCurve(ratiothing*0.5))*2.0;
		wield_position.Y -= frac * 25.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.7f);
		//wield_position.Z += frac * 5.0 * ratiothing2;
		wield_position.X -= frac * 35.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.1f);
		wield_rotation.Y += frac * 70.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.X -= frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.Z += frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.0f);
	if (m_digging_button != -1)
		f32 digfrac = m_digging_anim;
		wield_position.X -= 50 * sin(pow(digfrac, 0.8f) * M_PI);
		wield_position.Y += 24 * sin(digfrac * 1.8 * M_PI);
		wield_position.Z += 25 * 0.5;

		// Euler angles are PURE EVIL, so why not use quaternions?
		core::quaternion quat_begin(wield_rotation * core::DEGTORAD);
		core::quaternion quat_end(v3f(80, 30, 100) * core::DEGTORAD);
		core::quaternion quat_slerp;
		quat_slerp.slerp(quat_begin, quat_end, sin(digfrac * M_PI));
		wield_rotation *= core::RADTODEG;
	} else {
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim);
		wield_position.X -= sin(bobfrac*M_PI*2.0) * 3.0;
		wield_position.Y += sin(my_modf(bobfrac*2.0)*M_PI) * 3.0;


	// Set render distance

	// If the player is walking, swimming, or climbing,
	// view bobbing is enabled and free_move is off,
	// start (or continue) the view bobbing animation.
	const v3f &speed = player->getSpeed();
	const bool movement_XZ = hypot(speed.X, speed.Z) > BS;
	const bool movement_Y = fabs(speed.Y) > BS;

	const bool walking = movement_XZ && player->touching_ground;
	const bool swimming = (movement_XZ || player->swimming_vertical) && player->in_liquid;
	const bool climbing = movement_Y && player->is_climbing;
	if ((walking || swimming || climbing) &&
			(!g_settings->getBool("free_move") || !m_client->checkLocalPrivilege("fly"))) {
		// Start animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 1;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = MYMIN(speed.getLength(), 70);
	else if (m_view_bobbing_state == 1)
		// Stop animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 2;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = 60;
Exemplo n.º 6
void Camera::update(LocalPlayer* player, f32 frametime, f32 busytime,
		v2u32 screensize, f32 tool_reload_ratio)
	// Get player position
	// Smooth the movement when walking up stairs
	v3f old_player_position = m_playernode->getPosition();
	v3f player_position = player->getPosition();
	if (player->isAttached && player->parent)
		player_position = player->parent->getPosition();
	//if(player->touching_ground && player_position.Y > old_player_position.Y)
	if(player->touching_ground &&
			player_position.Y > old_player_position.Y)
		f32 oldy = old_player_position.Y;
		f32 newy = player_position.Y;
		f32 t = exp(-23*frametime);
		player_position.Y = oldy * t + newy * (1-t);

	// Set player node transformation
	m_playernode->setRotation(v3f(0, -1 * player->getYaw(), 0));

	// Get camera tilt timer (hurt animation)
	float cameratilt = fabs(fabs(player->hurt_tilt_timer-0.75)-0.75);

	// Fall bobbing animation
	float fall_bobbing = 0;
	if(player->camera_impact >= 1)
		if(m_view_bobbing_fall == -1) // Effect took place and has finished
			player->camera_impact = m_view_bobbing_fall = 0;
		else if(m_view_bobbing_fall == 0) // Initialize effect
			m_view_bobbing_fall = 1;

		// Convert 0 -> 1 to 0 -> 1 -> 0
		fall_bobbing = m_view_bobbing_fall < 0.5 ? m_view_bobbing_fall * 2 : -(m_view_bobbing_fall - 0.5) * 2 + 1;
		// Smoothen and invert the above
		fall_bobbing = sin(fall_bobbing * 0.5 * M_PI) * -1;
		// Amplify according to the intensity of the impact
		fall_bobbing *= (1 - rangelim(50 / player->camera_impact, 0, 1)) * 5;

		fall_bobbing *= g_settings->getFloat("fall_bobbing_amount");

	// Set head node transformation
	m_headnode->setRotation(v3f(player->getPitch(), 0, cameratilt*player->hurt_tilt_strength));

	// Compute relative camera position and target
	v3f rel_cam_pos = v3f(0,0,0);
	v3f rel_cam_target = v3f(0,0,1);
	v3f rel_cam_up = v3f(0,1,0);

	if (m_view_bobbing_anim != 0)
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim * 2);
		f32 bobdir = (m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

		#if 1
		f32 bobknob = 1.2;
		f32 bobtmp = sin(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * M_PI);
		//f32 bobtmp2 = cos(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * M_PI);

		v3f bobvec = v3f(
			0.3 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * M_PI),
			-0.28 * bobtmp * bobtmp,

		//rel_cam_pos += 0.2 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.03 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(0.02 * bobdir * bobtmp * M_PI);
		float f = 1.0;
		f *= g_settings->getFloat("view_bobbing_amount");
		rel_cam_pos += bobvec * f;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.995 * bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target += bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target.Z -= 0.005 * bobvec.Z * f;
		//rel_cam_target.X -= 0.005 * bobvec.X * f;
		//rel_cam_target.Y -= 0.005 * bobvec.Y * f;
		rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(-0.03 * bobdir * bobtmp * M_PI * f);
		f32 angle_deg = 1 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * M_PI);
		f32 angle_rad = angle_deg * M_PI / 180;
		f32 r = 0.05;
		v3f off = v3f(
			r * sin(angle_rad),
			r * (cos(angle_rad) - 1),
		rel_cam_pos += off;
		//rel_cam_target += off;


	// Compute absolute camera position and target
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().transformVect(m_camera_position, rel_cam_pos);
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(m_camera_direction, rel_cam_target - rel_cam_pos);

	v3f abs_cam_up;
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(abs_cam_up, rel_cam_up);

	// Set camera node transformation
	// *100.0 helps in large map coordinates
	m_cameranode->setTarget(m_camera_position + 100 * m_camera_direction);

	// Get FOV setting
	f32 fov_degrees = g_settings->getFloat("fov");
	fov_degrees = MYMAX(fov_degrees, 10.0);
	fov_degrees = MYMIN(fov_degrees, 170.0);

	// FOV and aspect ratio
	m_aspect = (f32)screensize.X / (f32) screensize.Y;
	m_fov_y = fov_degrees * M_PI / 180.0;
	// Increase vertical FOV on lower aspect ratios (<16:10)
	m_fov_y *= MYMAX(1.0, MYMIN(1.4, sqrt(16./10. / m_aspect)));
	m_fov_x = 2 * atan(m_aspect * tan(0.5 * m_fov_y));

	// Position the wielded item
	//v3f wield_position = v3f(45, -35, 65);
	v3f wield_position = v3f(55, -35, 65);
	//v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	if(m_wield_change_timer < 0)
		wield_position.Y -= 40 + m_wield_change_timer*320;
		wield_position.Y -= 40 - m_wield_change_timer*320;
	if(m_digging_anim < 0.05 || m_digging_anim > 0.5){
		f32 frac = 1.0;
		if(m_digging_anim > 0.5)
			frac = 2.0 * (m_digging_anim - 0.5);
		// This value starts from 1 and settles to 0
		f32 ratiothing = pow((1.0f - tool_reload_ratio), 0.5f);
		//f32 ratiothing2 = pow(ratiothing, 0.5f);
		f32 ratiothing2 = (easeCurve(ratiothing*0.5))*2.0;
		wield_position.Y -= frac * 25.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.7f);
		//wield_position.Z += frac * 5.0 * ratiothing2;
		wield_position.X -= frac * 35.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.1f);
		wield_rotation.Y += frac * 70.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.X -= frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.Z += frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.0f);
	if (m_digging_button != -1)
		f32 digfrac = m_digging_anim;
		wield_position.X -= 50 * sin(pow(digfrac, 0.8f) * M_PI);
		wield_position.Y += 24 * sin(digfrac * 1.8 * M_PI);
		wield_position.Z += 25 * 0.5;
		// Euler angles are PURE EVIL, so why not use quaternions?
		core::quaternion quat_begin(wield_rotation * core::DEGTORAD);
		core::quaternion quat_end(v3f(80, 30, 100) * core::DEGTORAD);
		core::quaternion quat_slerp;
		quat_slerp.slerp(quat_begin, quat_end, sin(digfrac * M_PI));
		wield_rotation *= core::RADTODEG;
	else {
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim);
		wield_position.X -= sin(bobfrac*M_PI*2.0) * 3.0;
		wield_position.Y += sin(my_modf(bobfrac*2.0)*M_PI) * 3.0;
	m_wieldlight = player->light;

	// Render distance feedback loop
	updateViewingRange(frametime, busytime);

	// If the player seems to be walking on solid ground,
	// view bobbing is enabled and free_move is off,
	// start (or continue) the view bobbing animation.
	v3f speed = player->getSpeed();
	if ((hypot(speed.X, speed.Z) > BS) &&
		(player->touching_ground) &&
		(g_settings->getBool("view_bobbing") == true) &&
		(g_settings->getBool("free_move") == false ||
		// Start animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 1;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = MYMIN(speed.getLength(), 40);
	else if (m_view_bobbing_state == 1)
		// Stop animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 2;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = 60;
Exemplo n.º 7
void Camera::update(LocalPlayer* player, f32 frametime, v2u32 screensize,
		f32 tool_reload_ratio)
	// Set player node transformation
	m_playernode->setRotation(v3f(0, -1 * player->getYaw(), 0));

	// Set head node transformation
	m_headnode->setRotation(v3f(player->getPitch(), 0, 0));

	// Compute relative camera position and target
	v3f rel_cam_pos = v3f(0,0,0);
	v3f rel_cam_target = v3f(0,0,1);
	v3f rel_cam_up = v3f(0,1,0);

	if (m_view_bobbing_anim != 0)
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim * 2);
		f32 bobdir = (m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

		#if 1
		f32 bobknob = 1.2;
		f32 bobtmp = sin(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * PI);
		//f32 bobtmp2 = cos(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * PI);

		v3f bobvec = v3f(
			0.3 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * PI),
			-0.28 * bobtmp * bobtmp,

		//rel_cam_pos += 0.2 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.03 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(0.02 * bobdir * bobtmp * PI);
		float f = 1.0;
		f *= g_settings->getFloat("view_bobbing_amount");
		rel_cam_pos += bobvec * f;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.995 * bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target += bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target.Z -= 0.005 * bobvec.Z * f;
		//rel_cam_target.X -= 0.005 * bobvec.X * f;
		//rel_cam_target.Y -= 0.005 * bobvec.Y * f;
		rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(-0.03 * bobdir * bobtmp * PI * f);
		f32 angle_deg = 1 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * PI);
		f32 angle_rad = angle_deg * PI / 180;
		f32 r = 0.05;
		v3f off = v3f(
			r * sin(angle_rad),
			r * (cos(angle_rad) - 1),
		rel_cam_pos += off;
		//rel_cam_target += off;


	// Compute absolute camera position and target
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().transformVect(m_camera_position, rel_cam_pos);
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(m_camera_direction, rel_cam_target - rel_cam_pos);

	v3f abs_cam_up;
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(abs_cam_up, rel_cam_up);

	// Set camera node transformation
	// *100.0 helps in large map coordinates
	m_cameranode->setTarget(m_camera_position + 100 * m_camera_direction);

	// Get FOV setting
	f32 fov_degrees = g_settings->getFloat("fov");
	fov_degrees = MYMAX(fov_degrees, 10.0);
	fov_degrees = MYMIN(fov_degrees, 170.0);

	// FOV and aspect ratio
	m_aspect = (f32)screensize.X / (f32) screensize.Y;
	m_fov_y = fov_degrees * PI / 180.0;
	m_fov_x = 2 * atan(0.5 * m_aspect * tan(m_fov_y));

	// Position the wielded item
	//v3f wield_position = v3f(45, -35, 65);
	v3f wield_position = v3f(55, -35, 65);
	//v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	if(m_digging_anim < 0.05 || m_digging_anim > 0.5){
		f32 frac = 1.0;
		if(m_digging_anim > 0.5)
			frac = 2.0 * (m_digging_anim - 0.5);
		// This value starts from 1 and settles to 0
		f32 ratiothing = pow((1.0f - tool_reload_ratio), 0.5f);
		//f32 ratiothing2 = pow(ratiothing, 0.5f);
		f32 ratiothing2 = (easeCurve(ratiothing*0.5))*2.0;
		wield_position.Y -= frac * 25.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.7f);
		//wield_position.Z += frac * 5.0 * ratiothing2;
		wield_position.X -= frac * 35.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.1f);
		wield_rotation.Y += frac * 70.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.X -= frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.Z += frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.0f);
	if (m_digging_button != -1)
		f32 digfrac = m_digging_anim;
		wield_position.X -= 30 * sin(pow(digfrac, 0.8f) * PI);
		wield_position.Y += 15 * sin(digfrac * 2 * PI);
		wield_position.Z += 5 * digfrac;

		// Euler angles are PURE EVIL, so why not use quaternions?
		core::quaternion quat_begin(wield_rotation * core::DEGTORAD);
		core::quaternion quat_end(v3f(90, -10, -130) * core::DEGTORAD);
		core::quaternion quat_slerp;
		quat_slerp.slerp(quat_begin, quat_end, sin(digfrac * PI));
		wield_rotation *= core::RADTODEG;
	else {
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim);
		wield_position.X -= sin(bobfrac*PI*2.0) * 3.0;
		wield_position.Y += sin(my_modf(bobfrac*2.0)*PI) * 3.0;
	m_wieldlight = player->light;

	// Render distance feedback loop

	// If the player seems to be walking on solid ground,
	// view bobbing is enabled and free_move is off,
	// start (or continue) the view bobbing animation.
	v3f speed = player->getSpeed();
	if ((hypot(speed.X, speed.Z) > BS) &&
		(player->touching_ground) &&
		(g_settings->getBool("view_bobbing") == true) &&
		(g_settings->getBool("free_move") == false))
		// Start animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 1;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = MYMIN(speed.getLength(), 40);
	else if (m_view_bobbing_state == 1)
		// Stop animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 2;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = 60;
Exemplo n.º 8
//! renders the node.
void Sky::render()

	video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
	scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = SceneManager->getActiveCamera();

	if (!camera || !driver)
	//ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Sky::render()", SPT_AVG);

	// draw perspective skybox

	core::matrix4 translate(AbsoluteTransformation);

	// Draw the sky box between the near and far clip plane
	const f32 viewDistance = (camera->getNearValue() + camera->getFarValue()) * 0.5f;
	core::matrix4 scale;
	scale.setScale(core::vector3df(viewDistance, viewDistance, viewDistance));

	driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, translate * scale);

		float sunsize = 0.07;
		video::SColorf suncolor_f(1, 1, 0, 1);
		suncolor_f.r = 1;
		suncolor_f.g = MYMAX(0.3, MYMIN(1.0, 0.7+m_time_brightness*(0.5)));
		suncolor_f.b = MYMAX(0.0, m_brightness*0.95);
		video::SColorf suncolor2_f(1, 1, 1, 1);
		suncolor_f.r = 1;
		suncolor_f.g = MYMAX(0.3, MYMIN(1.0, 0.85+m_time_brightness*(0.5)));
		suncolor_f.b = MYMAX(0.0, m_brightness);

		float moonsize = 0.04;
		video::SColorf mooncolor_f(0.50, 0.57, 0.65, 1);
		video::SColorf mooncolor2_f(0.85, 0.875, 0.9, 1);
		float nightlength = 0.415;
		float wn = nightlength / 2;
		float wicked_time_of_day = 0;
		if(m_time_of_day > wn && m_time_of_day < 1.0 - wn)
			wicked_time_of_day = (m_time_of_day - wn)/(1.0-wn*2)*0.5 + 0.25;
		else if(m_time_of_day < 0.5)
			wicked_time_of_day = m_time_of_day / wn * 0.25;
			wicked_time_of_day = 1.0 - ((1.0-m_time_of_day) / wn * 0.25);
		/*std::cerr<<"time_of_day="<<m_time_of_day<<" -> "

		video::SColor suncolor = suncolor_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor suncolor2 = suncolor2_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor mooncolor = mooncolor_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor mooncolor2 = mooncolor2_f.toSColor();

		// Calculate offset normalized to the X dimension of a 512x1 px tonemap
		float offset=(1.0-fabs(sin((m_time_of_day - 0.5)*irr::core::PI)))*511;

		if (m_sun_tonemap){
			u8 * texels = (u8 *)m_sun_tonemap->lock();
			if (!texels)
			video::SColor* texel = (video::SColor *)(texels + (u32)offset * 4);
			video::SColor texel_color (255,texel->getRed(),texel->getGreen(), texel->getBlue());
			m_materials[3].EmissiveColor = texel_color;
		if (m_moon_tonemap){
			u8 * texels = (u8 *)m_moon_tonemap->lock();
			if (!texels)
			video::SColor* texel = (video::SColor *)(texels + (u32)offset * 4);
			video::SColor texel_color (255,texel->getRed(),texel->getGreen(), texel->getBlue());
			m_materials[4].EmissiveColor = texel_color;

		const f32 t = 1.0f;
		const f32 o = 0.0f;
		static const u16 indices[4] = {0,1,2,3};
		video::S3DVertex vertices[4];
		//video::SColor cloudyfogcolor(255,255,255,255);
		video::SColor cloudyfogcolor = m_bgcolor;
		//video::SColor cloudyfogcolor = m_bgcolor.getInterpolated(m_skycolor, 0.5);

		v3POS player_position = floatToInt(camera->getPosition(), BS)+camera_offset;
		float shift1 = -(float)player_position.Y / MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT;
		float shifty = shift1 * 0.4;
		// Draw far cloudy fog thing
		for(u32 j=0; j<4; j++)
			video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor.getInterpolated(m_skycolor, 0.45);
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.08+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.08+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.12+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.12+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Don't switch
				else if(j==1)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
				else if(j==2)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -Z (north)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
		for(u32 j=0; j<4; j++)
			video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1,-1.0, 0, 0,0,0, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1,-1.0, 0, 0,0,0, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.08+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.08+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Don't switch
				else if(j==1)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
				else if(j==2)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -Z (north)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);


			float mid1 = 0.25 + 0.06 * shift1;
			float mid = (wicked_time_of_day < 0.5 ? mid1 : (1.0 - mid1));
			float a_ = 1.0 - fabs(wicked_time_of_day - mid) * 35.0;
			float a = easeCurve(MYMAX(0, MYMIN(1, a_)));
			//std::cerr<<"a_="<<a_<<" a="<<a<<std::endl;
			video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
			float y = -(1.0 - a) * 0.2;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1,-0.05+y+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1,-0.05+y+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.2+y+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.2+y+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				if(wicked_time_of_day < 0.5)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

		bool sun_light_drawed = false;
		// Draw sun
		if(wicked_time_of_day > 0.15 && wicked_time_of_day < 0.85){
			if (!m_sun_texture){
				float d = sunsize * 1.7;
				video::SColor c = suncolor;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::SUN, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = sunsize * 1.2;
				c = suncolor;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::SUN, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = sunsize;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::SUN, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = sunsize * 0.7;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor2, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor2, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor2, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, suncolor2, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::SUN, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
			} else {
				float d = sunsize * 1.7;
				video::SColor c;
				if (m_sun_tonemap)
					c = video::SColor (0,0,0,0);
					c = video::SColor (255,255,255,255);
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::SUN, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

			if (sun_moon_light) {
				auto light_vector = core::vector3df(0, MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT*BS*2, 0);
				sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::SUNLIGHT, wicked_time_of_day, light_vector);
				if (light_vector.Y > 0) {
					sun_light_drawed = true;


		// Draw moon
		if(wicked_time_of_day < 0.3 || wicked_time_of_day > 0.7)
			if (!m_moon_texture){
				float d = moonsize * 1.9;
				video::SColor c = mooncolor;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::MOON, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
				d = moonsize * 1.3;
				c = mooncolor;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::MOON, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = moonsize;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::MOON, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				float d2 = moonsize * 0.6;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor2, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d2,-d,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor2, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d2, d2,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor2, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d2,-1, 0,0,1, mooncolor2, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::MOON, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
			} else {
				float d = moonsize * 1.9;
				video::SColor c;
				if (m_moon_tonemap)
					c = video::SColor (0,0,0,0);
					c = video::SColor (255,255,255,255);
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d,-d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d, d,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
				for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::MOON, wicked_time_of_day, vertices[i].Pos);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

			if (!sun_light_drawed && sun_moon_light) {
				auto light_vector = core::vector3df(0, -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT*BS*2, 0);
				sky_rotate(camera, SKY_ROTATE::MOONLIGHT, wicked_time_of_day, light_vector);
				if (light_vector.Y > 0)


		// Stars
			float starbrightness = MYMAX(0, MYMIN(1,
					(0.285 - fabs(wicked_time_of_day < 0.5 ?
					wicked_time_of_day : (1.0 - wicked_time_of_day))) * 10));
			float f = starbrightness;
			float d = 0.007;
			video::SColor starcolor(255, f*90,f*90,f*90);
			if(starcolor.getBlue() < m_skycolor.getBlue())
			u16 indices[SKY_STAR_COUNT*4];
			video::S3DVertex vertices[SKY_STAR_COUNT*4];
			for(u32 i=0; i<SKY_STAR_COUNT; i++){
				indices[i*4+0] = i*4+0;
				indices[i*4+1] = i*4+1;
				indices[i*4+2] = i*4+2;
				indices[i*4+3] = i*4+3;
				v3f p = m_stars[i];
				core::CMatrix4<f32> a;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,1,0), v3f(d,1+d/2,0));
				v3f p1 = p;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,1,0), v3f(d,1,d));
				v3f p2 = p;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,1,0), v3f(0,1-d/2,d));
				v3f p3 = p;
				p.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p1.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p2.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p3.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				vertices[i*4+0].Pos = p;
				vertices[i*4+0].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i*4+1].Pos = p1;
				vertices[i*4+1].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i*4+2].Pos = p2;
				vertices[i*4+2].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i*4+3].Pos = p3;
				vertices[i*4+3].Color = starcolor;
			driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList(vertices, SKY_STAR_COUNT*4,
					indices, SKY_STAR_COUNT, video::EVT_STANDARD,
					scene::EPT_QUADS, video::EIT_16BIT);

		for(u32 j=0; j<2; j++)
			//video::SColor c = m_skycolor;
			video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1,-1.0,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1,-1.0,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1,-0.02+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1,-0.02+shifty,-1, 0,0,1, c, t, o);
			for(u32 i=0; i<4; i++){
				//if(wicked_time_of_day < 0.5)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

Exemplo n.º 9
void Sky::render()
	if (!m_visible)

	video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
	scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = SceneManager->getActiveCamera();

	if (!camera || !driver)

	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Sky::render()", SPT_AVG);

	// Draw perspective skybox

	core::matrix4 translate(AbsoluteTransformation);

	// Draw the sky box between the near and far clip plane
	const f32 viewDistance = (camera->getNearValue() + camera->getFarValue()) * 0.5f;
	core::matrix4 scale;
	scale.setScale(core::vector3df(viewDistance, viewDistance, viewDistance));

	driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, translate * scale);

	if (m_sunlight_seen) {
		float sunsize = 0.07;
		video::SColorf suncolor_f(1, 1, 0, 1);
		//suncolor_f.r = 1;
		//suncolor_f.g = MYMAX(0.3, MYMIN(1.0, 0.7 + m_time_brightness * 0.5));
		//suncolor_f.b = MYMAX(0.0, m_brightness * 0.95);
		video::SColorf suncolor2_f(1, 1, 1, 1);
		// The values below were probably meant to be suncolor2_f instead of a
		// reassignment of suncolor_f. However, the resulting colour was chosen
		// and is our long-running classic colour. So preserve, but comment-out
		// the unnecessary first assignments above.
		suncolor_f.r = 1;
		suncolor_f.g = MYMAX(0.3, MYMIN(1.0, 0.85 + m_time_brightness * 0.5));
		suncolor_f.b = MYMAX(0.0, m_brightness);

		float moonsize = 0.04;
		video::SColorf mooncolor_f(0.50, 0.57, 0.65, 1);
		video::SColorf mooncolor2_f(0.85, 0.875, 0.9, 1);

		float nightlength = 0.415;
		float wn = nightlength / 2;
		float wicked_time_of_day = 0;
		if (m_time_of_day > wn && m_time_of_day < 1.0 - wn)
			wicked_time_of_day = (m_time_of_day - wn) / (1.0 - wn * 2) * 0.5 + 0.25;
		else if (m_time_of_day < 0.5)
			wicked_time_of_day = m_time_of_day / wn * 0.25;
			wicked_time_of_day = 1.0 - ((1.0 - m_time_of_day) / wn * 0.25);
		/*std::cerr<<"time_of_day="<<m_time_of_day<<" -> "

		video::SColor suncolor = suncolor_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor suncolor2 = suncolor2_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor mooncolor = mooncolor_f.toSColor();
		video::SColor mooncolor2 = mooncolor2_f.toSColor();

		// Calculate offset normalized to the X dimension of a 512x1 px tonemap
		float offset = (1.0 - fabs(sin((m_time_of_day - 0.5) * irr::core::PI))) * 511;

		if (m_sun_tonemap) {
			u8 * texels = (u8 *)m_sun_tonemap->lock();
			video::SColor* texel = (video::SColor *)(texels + (u32)offset * 4);
			video::SColor texel_color (255, texel->getRed(),
				texel->getGreen(), texel->getBlue());
			m_materials[3].EmissiveColor = texel_color;

		if (m_moon_tonemap) {
			u8 * texels = (u8 *)m_moon_tonemap->lock();
			video::SColor* texel = (video::SColor *)(texels + (u32)offset * 4);
			video::SColor texel_color (255, texel->getRed(),
				texel->getGreen(), texel->getBlue());
			m_materials[4].EmissiveColor = texel_color;

		const f32 t = 1.0f;
		const f32 o = 0.0f;
		static const u16 indices[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
		video::S3DVertex vertices[4];


		video::SColor cloudyfogcolor = m_bgcolor;

		// Draw far cloudy fog thing blended with skycolor
		for (u32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor.getInterpolated(m_skycolor, 0.45);
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.08, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.08, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.12, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.12, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
			for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
				if (j == 0)
					// Don't switch
				else if (j == 1)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
				else if (j == 2)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +Z (north)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

		// Draw far cloudy fog thing
		for (u32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -1.0, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -1.0, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.08, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.08, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
			for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
				if (j == 0)
					// Don't switch
				else if (j == 1)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
				else if (j == 2)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +Z (north)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

		// Draw bottom far cloudy fog thing
		video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor;
		vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -1.0, -1, 0, 1, 0, c, t, t);
		vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -1.0, -1, 0, 1, 0, c, o, t);
		vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -1.0, 1, 0, 1, 0, c, o, o);
		vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -1.0, 1, 0, 1, 0, c, t, o);
		driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

		// If sun, moon and stars are (temporarily) disabled, abort here
		if (!m_bodies_visible)


		// Draw sunrise/sunset horizon glow texture (textures/base/pack/sunrisebg.png)
			float mid1 = 0.25;
			float mid = wicked_time_of_day < 0.5 ? mid1 : (1.0 - mid1);
			float a_ = 1.0f - std::fabs(wicked_time_of_day - mid) * 35.0f;
			float a = easeCurve(MYMAX(0, MYMIN(1, a_)));
			//std::cerr<<"a_="<<a_<<" a="<<a<<std::endl;
			video::SColor c(255, 255, 255, 255);
			float y = -(1.0 - a) * 0.22;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -0.05 + y, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -0.05 + y, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1,   0.2 + y, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1,   0.2 + y, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
			for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
				if (wicked_time_of_day < 0.5)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

		// Draw sun
		if (wicked_time_of_day > 0.15 && wicked_time_of_day < 0.85) {
			if (!m_sun_texture) {
				float d = sunsize * 1.7;
				video::SColor c = suncolor;
				c.setAlpha(0.05 * 255);
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = sunsize * 1.2;
				c = suncolor;
				c.setAlpha(0.15 * 255);
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = sunsize;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, suncolor, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, suncolor, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, suncolor, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, suncolor, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = sunsize * 0.7;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, suncolor2, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, suncolor2, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, suncolor2, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, suncolor2, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
			} else {
				float d = sunsize * 1.7;
				video::SColor c;
				if (m_sun_tonemap)
					c = video::SColor (0, 0, 0, 0);
					c = video::SColor (255, 255, 255, 255);
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

		// Draw moon
		if (wicked_time_of_day < 0.3 || wicked_time_of_day > 0.7) {
			if (!m_moon_texture) {
				float d = moonsize * 1.9;
				video::SColor c = mooncolor;
				c.setAlpha(0.05 * 255);
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = moonsize * 1.3;
				c = mooncolor;
				c.setAlpha(0.15 * 255);
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				d = moonsize;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, mooncolor, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, mooncolor, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, mooncolor, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, mooncolor, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

				float d2 = moonsize * 0.6;
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d,  -1, 0, 0, 1, mooncolor2, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d2,-d,  -1, 0, 0, 1, mooncolor2, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d2, d2, -1, 0, 0, 1, mooncolor2, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d2, -1, 0, 0, 1, mooncolor2, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
			} else {
				float d = moonsize * 1.9;
				video::SColor c;
				if (m_moon_tonemap)
					c = video::SColor (0, 0, 0, 0);
					c = video::SColor (255, 255, 255, 255);
				vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
				vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( d, -d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
				vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
				vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-d,  d, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
				for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
					vertex.Pos.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);

		// Draw stars
		do {
			float starbrightness = MYMAX(0, MYMIN(1,
				(0.285 - fabs(wicked_time_of_day < 0.5 ?
				wicked_time_of_day : (1.0 - wicked_time_of_day))) * 10));
			float f = starbrightness;
			float d = 0.007;
			video::SColor starcolor(255, f * 90, f * 90, f * 90);
			if (starcolor.getBlue() < m_skycolor.getBlue())
			u16 indices[SKY_STAR_COUNT * 4];
			video::S3DVertex vertices[SKY_STAR_COUNT * 4];
			for (u32 i = 0; i < SKY_STAR_COUNT; i++) {
				indices[i * 4 + 0] = i * 4 + 0;
				indices[i * 4 + 1] = i * 4 + 1;
				indices[i * 4 + 2] = i * 4 + 2;
				indices[i * 4 + 3] = i * 4 + 3;
				v3f p = m_stars[i];
				core::CMatrix4<f32> a;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0, 1, 0), v3f(d, 1 + d / 2, 0));
				v3f p1 = p;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0, 1, 0), v3f(d, 1, d));
				v3f p2 = p;
				a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0, 1, 0), v3f(0, 1 - d / 2, d));
				v3f p3 = p;
				p.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p1.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p2.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				p3.rotateXYBy(wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
				vertices[i * 4 + 0].Pos = p;
				vertices[i * 4 + 0].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i * 4 + 1].Pos = p1;
				vertices[i * 4 + 1].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i * 4 + 2].Pos = p2;
				vertices[i * 4 + 2].Color = starcolor;
				vertices[i * 4 + 3].Pos = p3;
				vertices[i * 4 + 3].Color = starcolor;
			driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList(vertices, SKY_STAR_COUNT * 4,
				indices, SKY_STAR_COUNT, video::EVT_STANDARD,
				scene::EPT_QUADS, video::EIT_16BIT);
		} while(false);

		// Draw far cloudy fog thing below east and west horizons
		for (u32 j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
			video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor;
			vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -1.0,  -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
			vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -1.0,  -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
			vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -0.02, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
			vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -0.02, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
			for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
				//if (wicked_time_of_day < 0.5)
				if (j == 0)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
					// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
			driver->drawIndexedTriangleFan(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
Exemplo n.º 10
void Camera::update(LocalPlayer* player, f32 frametime, v2u32 screensize,
		f32 tool_reload_ratio)
	// Get player position
	// Smooth the movement when walking up stairs
	v3f old_player_position = m_playernode->getPosition();
	v3f player_position = player->getPosition();
	//if(player->touching_ground && player_position.Y > old_player_position.Y)
	if(player->touching_ground &&
			player_position.Y > old_player_position.Y)
		f32 oldy = old_player_position.Y;
		f32 newy = player_position.Y;
		f32 t = exp(-23*frametime);
		player_position.Y = oldy * t + newy * (1-t);

	// Set player node transformation
	m_playernode->setRotation(v3f(0, -1 * player->getYaw(), 0));

	// Get camera tilt timer (hurt animation)
	float cameratilt = fabs(fabs(-(player->hurt_tilt_timer_max/2)+player->hurt_tilt_timer)-player->hurt_tilt_timer_max/2)/5;

	v3f campos(player->getEyeOffset());
	v3f camrot(player->getPitch(), 0, 0);
	//f32 incr = 0.3/m_sprinting_fov_states;
	/*if(m_sprinting_fov_state <= 0)
		m_sprinting_fov_state = incr;
	else if(m_sprinting_fov_state < 0.3)
		m_sprinting_fov_state += incr;
	if(player->sprinting_timer != -10 && player->sprinting_timer != -20 && player->sprinting_timer != -30)
		m_sprinting_fov_state = 0.3-player->sprinting_timer;

	if(cameratilt > 0)
		campos += v3f(0, cameratilt * -13, 0);
		camrot += v3f(0, 0, cameratilt * 13 * BS);
		campos += v3f(0, -player->camera_sneak_state*BS, 0);
		if (player->camera_sneak_state < 0.18)
			player->camera_sneak_state += 0.02;
	else if (player->camera_sneak_state > 0)
			player->camera_sneak_state -= 0.02;
	campos += v3f(0, 0, m_sprinting_fov_state * BS);

	// Set head node transformation

	// Compute relative camera position and target
	v3f rel_cam_pos = v3f(0,0,0);
	v3f rel_cam_target = v3f(0,0,1);
	v3f rel_cam_up = v3f(0,1,0);

	if (m_view_bobbing_anim != 0)
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim * 2);
		f32 bobdir = (m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

		#if 1
		f32 bobknob = 1.2;
		f32 bobtmp = sin(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * PI);
		//f32 bobtmp2 = cos(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * PI);

		v3f bobvec = v3f(
			0.3 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * PI),
			-0.28 * bobtmp * bobtmp,

		//rel_cam_pos += 0.2 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.03 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(0.02 * bobdir * bobtmp * PI);
		float f = 1.0;
		f *= g_settings->getFloat("view_bobbing_amount");
		rel_cam_pos += bobvec * f;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.995 * bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target += bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target.Z -= 0.005 * bobvec.Z * f;
		//rel_cam_target.X -= 0.005 * bobvec.X * f;
		//rel_cam_target.Y -= 0.005 * bobvec.Y * f;
		rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(-0.03 * bobdir * bobtmp * PI * f);
		f32 angle_deg = 1 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * PI);
		f32 angle_rad = angle_deg * PI / 180;
		f32 r = 0.05;
		v3f off = v3f(
			r * sin(angle_rad),
			r * (cos(angle_rad) - 1),
		rel_cam_pos += off;
		//rel_cam_target += off;


	// Compute absolute camera position and target
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().transformVect(m_camera_position, rel_cam_pos);
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(m_camera_direction, rel_cam_target - rel_cam_pos);

	v3f abs_cam_up;
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(abs_cam_up, rel_cam_up);

	// Set camera node transformation
	// *100.0 helps in large map coordinates
	m_cameranode->setTarget(m_camera_position + 100 * m_camera_direction);

	// Get FOV setting
	f32 fov_degrees = g_settings->getFloat("fov");
	fov_degrees = MYMAX(fov_degrees, 10.0);
	fov_degrees = MYMIN(fov_degrees, 170.0);

	// FOV and aspect ratio
	m_aspect = (f32)screensize.X / (f32) screensize.Y;
	m_fov_y = fov_degrees * PI / 180.0;
	// Increase vertical FOV on lower aspect ratios (<16:10)
	m_fov_y *= MYMAX(1.0, MYMIN(1.4, sqrt(16./10. / m_aspect)));
	// WTF is this? It can't be right
	m_fov_x = 2 * atan(0.5 * m_aspect * tan(m_fov_y));
	m_fov_x += m_sprinting_fov_state;
	m_fov_y += m_sprinting_fov_state;

	// Position the wielded item
	//v3f wield_position = v3f(45, -35, 65);
	v3f wield_position = v3f(55, -35, 65);
	//v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	if(m_digging_anim < 0.05 || m_digging_anim > 0.5)
		f32 frac = 1.0;
		if(m_digging_anim > 0.5)
			frac = 2.0 * (m_digging_anim - 0.5);
		// This value starts from 1 and settles to 0
		f32 ratiothing = pow((1.0f - tool_reload_ratio), 0.5f);
		//f32 ratiothing2 = pow(ratiothing, 0.5f);
		f32 ratiothing2 = (easeCurve(ratiothing*0.5))*2.0;
		wield_position.Y -= frac * 25.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.7f);
		//wield_position.Z += frac * 5.0 * ratiothing2;
		wield_position.X -= frac * 35.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.1f);
		wield_rotation.Y += frac * 70.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.X -= frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.Z += frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.0f);
	if(m_digging_button != -1)
		if(m_digging_button == 0 && m_eatable)
			m_is_eating = true;
			wield_position.X = 0;
			wield_position.Y = -20 + m_eating_anim;
			wield_position.Z = 65;
			wield_rotation.X = 0;
			wield_rotation.Y = 0;
			wield_rotation.Z = 0;
			m_is_eating = false;
			f32 digfrac = m_digging_anim;
			wield_position.X -= 50 * sin(pow(digfrac, 0.7f) * PI);
			wield_position.Y += 24 * sin(digfrac * 1.8 * PI);
			wield_position.Z += 25 * 0.5;

			// Euler angles are PURE EVIL, so why not use quaternions?
			core::quaternion quat_begin(wield_rotation * core::DEGTORAD);
			core::quaternion quat_end(v3f(80, 30, 100) * core::DEGTORAD);
			core::quaternion quat_slerp;
			quat_slerp.slerp(quat_begin, quat_end, sin(digfrac * PI));
			wield_rotation *= core::RADTODEG;
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim);
		wield_position.X -= sin(bobfrac*PI*2.0) * 3.0;
		wield_position.Y += sin(my_modf(bobfrac*2.0)*PI) * 3.0;
	m_wieldlight = player->light;

	// Render distance feedback loop

	// If the player seems to be walking on solid ground,
	// view bobbing is enabled and the player is not flying,
	// start (or continue) the view bobbing animation.
	v3f speed = player->getSpeed();
	if ((hypot(speed.X, speed.Z) > BS) &&
		(player->touching_ground) &&
		(g_settings->getBool("view_bobbing") == true) &&
		(!player->is_flying ||
		// Start animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 1;
		//m_view_bobbing_speed = MYMIN(speed.getLength(), 40);
		m_view_bobbing_speed = speed.getLength()*0.7;
	else if (m_view_bobbing_state == 1)
		// Stop animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 2;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = 60;