Exemplo n.º 1
std::vector<cv::DMatch> GraphManager::processNodePair(Node& new_node, Node& old_node, bool& edge_added,Eigen::Matrix4f& ransac_transform, Eigen::Matrix4f& final_trafo) {

    std::clock_t starttime=std::clock();
    const unsigned int hit_threshold = 50; // minimal number of hits to be a valid candidate for a link
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> initial_matches;
    Eigen::Matrix4f icp_trafo;
    Eigen::Matrix4f icp_trafo2;

    AIS::LoadedEdge3D edge;
    float rmse;
    new_node.findPairsFlann(old_node, &initial_matches);
    ROS_DEBUG("found %i inital matches",(int) initial_matches.size());
    if (initial_matches.size() >= hit_threshold) {
        bool valid_trafo = new_node.getRelativeTransformationTo(old_node,&initial_matches, ransac_transform, rmse, matches_);
        if (!valid_trafo) {
            ROS_INFO("GraphManager: Found no valid trafo, but had initially %d hits",(int) initial_matches.size());
            edge_added = false;
        else  {

            // improve transformation by using the generalized ICP
            // std::clock_t starttime_gicp = std::clock();
            //  new_node.getRelativeTransformationTo_ICP(old_node,icp_trafo, &ransac_transform);
            //  cout << "complete time for ICP: " << ((std::clock()-starttime_gicp*1.0) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << endl;

            //   cout << "old icp " << icp_trafo << endl;
            //   starttime_gicp = std::clock();
            //new_node.getRelativeTransformationTo_ICP2(old_node,icp_trafo2, &ransac_transform);
            //   cout << "complete time for ICP2: " << ((std::clock()-starttime_gicp*1.0) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << endl;

            //cout << "new icp " << icp_trafo2 << endl;

            //  ROS_INFO_STREAM("zzz  icp trafo: " << endl << icp_trafo << endl);
            //  ROS_INFO_STREAM("zzz  icp trafo2: " << endl << icp_trafo2 << endl);

            final_trafo = ransac_transform ; //*icp_trafo2;

            edge.id1 = old_node.id_;//and we have a valid transformation
            edge.id2 = new_node.id_; //since there are enough matching features,
            edge.mean = eigen2Hogman(final_trafo);//we insert an edge between the frames
            edge.informationMatrix = Matrix6::eye(1.0); //TODO: What do we do about the information matrix? Scale with rmse? inlier_count)

            edge_added = addEdgeToHogman(edge, isBigTrafo(final_trafo));

            if (edge_added) {
                ROS_DEBUG("Adding Edge between %i and %i. Inlier: %i, error: %f",edge.id1,edge.id2,(int) matches_.size(),rmse);
    ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(( (std::clock()-starttime) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) > 0.01, "timings", "function runtime: "<< ( std::clock() - starttime ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC  <<"sec");
    return initial_matches;
Exemplo n.º 2
void PoseGraph::addConstraint( const envire::FrameNode* fn1, const envire::FrameNode* fn2, const envire::TransformWithUncertainty& transform )
	*v1 = optimizer->hogman->vertex( fn1->getUniqueIdNumericalSuffix() ),
	*v2 = optimizer->hogman->vertex( fn2->getUniqueIdNumericalSuffix() );

    assert( v1 && v2 );

	    eigen2Hogman( transform.getTransform() ),
	    envireCov2HogmanInf( transform.getCovariance() )
Exemplo n.º 3
void PoseGraph::addNode( envire::FrameNode* fn, const envire::TransformWithUncertainty& transform )
    // get the vertex id
    long id = fn->getUniqueIdNumericalSuffix();

    // make sure the node is not already registered
	*v = optimizer->hogman->vertex( id );
    assert( !v );

    // create a sensor maps object
    getSensorMaps( fn );

    // create a new hogman vertex for this node
	    eigen2Hogman( transform.getTransform() ),
	    envireCov2HogmanInf( transform.getCovariance() ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
 * associate two framenodes, if they are within a feasable distance
 * between each other and have overlapping bounding boxes.
 * @return true if an association has been added
bool PoseGraph::associateNodes( envire::FrameNode* a, envire::FrameNode* b )
    // discard if distance between is too high
    // TODO: this is potentially dangerous as it doesn't take the
    // uncertainty into account... see how to make this safer, but still
    // fast.
    if( (a->getTransform().translation() - b->getTransform().translation()).norm() > max_node_radius )
	return false;

    // get the sensor map objects for both frameNodes
	*sma = getSensorMaps( a ), 
	*smb = getSensorMaps( b );

    // check if the bounding boxes have a common intersection
    // and return false if not
    if( sma->bounds.intersection( smb->bounds ).isEmpty() )
	return false;

    std::vector<envire::TransformWithUncertainty> constraints;
    sma->associate( smb, constraints );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < constraints.size(); i++ )
	// add the egde to the optimization framework 
	// this will update an existing edge
		optimizer->hogman->vertex( a->getUniqueIdNumericalSuffix() ),
		optimizer->hogman->vertex( b->getUniqueIdNumericalSuffix() ),
		eigen2Hogman( constraints[i].getTransform() ),
		envireCov2HogmanInf( constraints[i].getCovariance() )

    // TODO store both successful and unsuccessful associations
    // since it doesn't make sense to try to associate twice
    return !constraints.empty();
Exemplo n.º 5
//TODO: Merge this with processNodePair
MatchingResult Node::matchNodePair(const Node* older_node){
  MatchingResult mr;
  const unsigned int min_matches = 16; // minimal number of feature correspondences to be a valid candidate for a link
  // std::clock_t starttime=std::clock();

  this->findPairsFlann(older_node, &mr.all_matches); 
  ROS_DEBUG("found %i inital matches",(int) mr.all_matches.size());
  if (mr.all_matches.size() < min_matches){
    ROS_INFO("Too few inliers: Adding no Edge between %i and %i. Only %i correspondences to begin with.",
  else {
    if (!getRelativeTransformationTo(older_node,&mr.all_matches, mr.ransac_trafo, mr.rmse, mr.inlier_matches) ){ // mr.all_matches.size()/3
      ROS_INFO("Found no valid trafo, but had initially %d feature matches",(int) mr.all_matches.size());
    } else  {

      mr.final_trafo = mr.ransac_trafo;
      getRelativeTransformationTo_ICP_code(older_node,mr.icp_trafo, &mr.ransac_trafo);
#ifdef USE_ICP_BIN
      // improve transformation by using the generalized ICP
      // std::clock_t starttime_gicp1 = std::clock();
      bool converged = getRelativeTransformationTo_ICP_bin(older_node,mr.icp_trafo, &mr.ransac_trafo);
      //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Paper: ICP1: " << ((std::clock()-starttime_gicp1*1.0) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC));

      ROS_INFO("icp: inliers: %i", mr.inlier_matches.size());
      if (!converged)
        ROS_INFO("ICP did not converge. No Edge added");
        return mr;

      mr.final_trafo = mr.ransac_trafo * mr.icp_trafo;

      MatchingResult mr_icp;
      vector<double> errors;
      double error;
      std::vector<cv::DMatch> inliers;
      // check if icp improves alignment:
      computeInliersAndError(mr.inlier_matches, mr.final_trafo,
          this->feature_locations_3d_, older_node->feature_locations_3d_,
          inliers, error, errors, 0.04*0.04); 

      for (uint i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
        cout << "error: " << round(errors[i]*10000)/100 << endl;

      cout << "error was: " << mr.rmse << " and is now: " << error << endl;

      double roll, pitch, yaw, dist;
      mat2components(mr.ransac_trafo, roll, pitch, yaw, dist);
      cout << "ransac: " << roll << " "<< pitch << " "<< yaw << "   "<< dist << endl;

      mat2components(mr.icp_trafo, roll, pitch, yaw, dist);
      cout << "icp: " << roll << " "<< pitch << " "<< yaw << "   "<< dist << endl;

      mat2components(mr.final_trafo, roll, pitch, yaw, dist);
      cout << "final: " << roll << " "<< pitch << " "<< yaw << "   "<< dist << endl;

      cout << "ransac: " << endl << mr.ransac_trafo << endl;
      cout << "icp: " << endl << mr.icp_trafo << endl;
      cout << "total: " << endl << mr.final_trafo << endl;

      if (error > (mr.rmse+0.02))
        cout << "#### icp-error is too large, ignoring the connection" << endl;
        return mr;


#ifndef USE_ICP_BIN
#ifndef USE_ICP_CODE      
      mr.final_trafo = mr.ransac_trafo;    

      mr.edge.id1 = older_node->id_;//and we have a valid transformation
      mr.edge.id2 = this->id_; //since there are enough matching features,
      mr.edge.mean = eigen2Hogman(mr.final_trafo);//we insert an edge between the frames
      mr.edge.informationMatrix =   Matrix6::eye(mr.inlier_matches.size()*mr.inlier_matches.size()); //TODO: What do we do about the information matrix? Scale with inlier_count. Should rmse be integrated?)
  // Paper
  // ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(( (std::clock()-starttime) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) > global_min_time_reported, "timings", "processNodePair runtime: "<< ( std::clock() - starttime ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC  <<"sec"); 
  return mr;