Exemplo n.º 1
static inline Region computeOcclusionBehindLayer(const LayerType* layer, const TransformationMatrix& transform, const IntRect& scissorRect, bool usePaintTracking)
    Region opaqueRegion;

    bool clipped;
    FloatQuad unoccludedQuad = CCMathUtil::mapQuad(transform, FloatQuad(layer->visibleLayerRect()), clipped);
    bool isPaintedAxisAligned = unoccludedQuad.isRectilinear();
    // FIXME: Find a rect interior to each transformed quad.
    if (clipped || !isPaintedAxisAligned)
        return opaqueRegion;

    if (layer->opaque())
        opaqueRegion = enclosedIntRect(unoccludedQuad.boundingBox());
    else if (usePaintTracking && transform.isIdentity())
        opaqueRegion = layer->visibleContentOpaqueRegion();
    else if (usePaintTracking) {
        Region contentRegion = layer->visibleContentOpaqueRegion();
        Vector<IntRect> contentRects = contentRegion.rects();
        // We verify that the possible bounds of this region are not clipped above, so we can use mapRect() safely here.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < contentRects.size(); ++i)
    return opaqueRegion;
Exemplo n.º 2
void TiledLayerChromium::addSelfToOccludedScreenSpace(Region& occludedScreenSpace)
    if (m_skipsDraw || drawOpacity() != 1 || !isPaintedAxisAlignedInScreen())

    if (opaque()) {

    IntRect visibleRect = visibleLayerRect();
    TransformationMatrix contentTransform = contentToScreenSpaceTransform();

    // FIXME: Create/Use a FloatRegion for the occludedScreenSpace, instead of a Region based on ints, to avoid this step and get better accuracy between layers in target space.
    Region tileRegion;
    int left, top, right, bottom;
    m_tiler->layerRectToTileIndices(visibleLayerRect(), left, top, right, bottom);
    for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) {
        for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
            UpdatableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j);
            if (tile) {
                IntRect visibleTileOpaqueRect = intersection(visibleRect, tile->m_opaqueRect);
                FloatRect screenRect = contentTransform.mapRect(FloatRect(visibleTileOpaqueRect));
                IntRect screenIntRect = enclosedIntRect(screenRect);
                if (!screenIntRect.isEmpty())
Exemplo n.º 3
void CCOcclusionTrackerBase<LayerType, RenderSurfaceType>::markOccludedBehindLayer(const LayerType* layer)
    ASSERT(layer->targetRenderSurface() == m_stack.last().surface);
    if (m_stack.isEmpty())

    if (!layerOpacityKnown(layer) || layer->drawOpacity() < 1)

    IntRect scissorInTarget = layerScissorRectInTargetSurface(layer);
    if (layerTransformsToTargetKnown(layer))
        m_stack.last().occlusionInTarget.unite(computeOcclusionBehindLayer<LayerType>(layer, contentToTargetSurfaceTransform<LayerType>(layer), scissorInTarget, m_usePaintTracking));

    // We must clip the occlusion within the layer's scissorInTarget within screen space as well. If the scissor rect can't be moved to screen space and
    // remain rectilinear, then we don't add any occlusion in screen space.

    if (layerTransformsToScreenKnown(layer)) {
        TransformationMatrix targetToScreenTransform = m_stack.last().surface->screenSpaceTransform();
        FloatQuad scissorInScreenQuad = targetToScreenTransform.mapQuad(FloatQuad(FloatRect(scissorInTarget)));
        if (!scissorInScreenQuad.isRectilinear())
        IntRect scissorInScreenRect = intersection(m_scissorRectInScreenSpace, enclosedIntRect(CCMathUtil::mapClippedRect(targetToScreenTransform, FloatRect(scissorInTarget))));
        m_stack.last().occlusionInScreen.unite(computeOcclusionBehindLayer<LayerType>(layer, contentToScreenSpaceTransform<LayerType>(layer), scissorInScreenRect, m_usePaintTracking));
Exemplo n.º 4
static inline Region computeOcclusionBehindLayer(const LayerType* layer, const TransformationMatrix& transform, bool usePaintTracking)
    Region opaqueRegion;

    FloatQuad unoccludedQuad = transform.mapQuad(FloatQuad(layer->visibleLayerRect()));
    bool isPaintedAxisAligned = unoccludedQuad.isRectilinear();
    if (!isPaintedAxisAligned)
        return opaqueRegion;

    if (layer->opaque())
        opaqueRegion = enclosedIntRect(unoccludedQuad.boundingBox());
    else if (usePaintTracking && transform.isIdentity())
        opaqueRegion = layer->opaqueContentsRegion();
    else if (usePaintTracking) {
        Region contentRegion = layer->opaqueContentsRegion();
        Vector<IntRect> contentRects = contentRegion.rects();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < contentRects.size(); ++i)
    return opaqueRegion;
void RotationViewportAnchor::setAnchor()
    // FIXME: Scroll offsets are now fractional (DoublePoint and FloatPoint for the FrameView and VisualViewport
    //        respectively. This path should be rewritten without pixel snapping.
    IntRect outerViewRect = m_rootFrameView->layoutViewportScrollableArea()->visibleContentRect(IncludeScrollbars);
    IntRect innerViewRect = enclosedIntRect(m_rootFrameView->getScrollableArea()->visibleContentRectDouble());

    m_oldPageScaleFactor = m_visualViewport->scale();
    m_oldMinimumPageScaleFactor = m_pageScaleConstraintsSet.finalConstraints().minimumScale;

    // Save the absolute location in case we won't find the anchor node, we'll fall back to that.
    m_visualViewportInDocument = FloatPoint(m_rootFrameView->getScrollableArea()->visibleContentRectDouble().location());

    m_anchorNodeBounds = LayoutRect();
    m_anchorInNodeCoords = FloatSize();
    m_normalizedVisualViewportOffset = FloatSize();

    if (innerViewRect.isEmpty())

    // Preserve origins at the absolute screen origin
    if (innerViewRect.location() == IntPoint::zero())

    // Inner rectangle should be within the outer one.

    // Outer rectangle is used as a scale, we need positive width and height.

    m_normalizedVisualViewportOffset = FloatSize(innerViewRect.location() - outerViewRect.location());

    // Normalize by the size of the outer rect
    m_normalizedVisualViewportOffset.scale(1.0 / outerViewRect.width(), 1.0 / outerViewRect.height());

    FloatSize anchorOffset(innerViewRect.size());
    anchorOffset.scale(m_anchorInInnerViewCoords.width(), m_anchorInInnerViewCoords.height());
    const FloatPoint anchorPoint = FloatPoint(innerViewRect.location()) + anchorOffset;

    Node* node = findNonEmptyAnchorNode(flooredIntPoint(anchorPoint), innerViewRect, m_rootFrameView->frame().eventHandler());
    if (!node)

    m_anchorNode = node;
    m_anchorNodeBounds = node->boundingBox();
    m_anchorInNodeCoords = anchorPoint - FloatPoint(m_anchorNodeBounds.location());
    m_anchorInNodeCoords.scale(1.f / m_anchorNodeBounds.width(), 1.f / m_anchorNodeBounds.height());
Exemplo n.º 6
static inline Region transformSurfaceOpaqueRegion(const RenderSurfaceType* surface, const Region& region, const TransformationMatrix& transform)
    // Verify that rects within the |surface| will remain rects in its target surface after applying |transform|. If this is true, then
    // apply |transform| to each rect within |region| in order to transform the entire Region.

    bool clipped;
    FloatQuad transformedBoundsQuad = CCMathUtil::mapQuad(transform, FloatQuad(region.bounds()), clipped);
    // FIXME: Find a rect interior to each transformed quad.
    if (clipped || !transformedBoundsQuad.isRectilinear())
        return Region();

    Region transformedRegion;

    Vector<IntRect> rects = region.rects();
    // Clipping has been verified above, so mapRect will give correct results.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i)
    return transformedRegion;
Exemplo n.º 7
static inline Region transformSurfaceOpaqueRegion(const RenderSurfaceType* surface, const Region& region, const TransformationMatrix& transform)
    // Verify that rects within the |surface| will remain rects in its target surface after applying |transform|. If this is true, then
    // apply |transform| to each rect within |region| in order to transform the entire Region.

    IntRect bounds = region.bounds();
    FloatRect centeredBounds(-bounds.width() / 2.0, -bounds.height() / 2.0, bounds.width(), bounds.height());
    FloatQuad transformedBoundsQuad = transform.mapQuad(FloatQuad(centeredBounds));
    if (!transformedBoundsQuad.isRectilinear())
        return Region();

    Region transformedRegion;

    IntRect surfaceBounds = surface->contentRect();
    Vector<IntRect> rects = region.rects();
    Vector<IntRect>::const_iterator end = rects.end();
    for (Vector<IntRect>::const_iterator i = rects.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        FloatRect centeredOriginRect(-i->width() / 2.0 + i->x() - surfaceBounds.x(), -i->height() / 2.0 + i->y() - surfaceBounds.y(), i->width(), i->height());
        FloatRect transformedRect = transform.mapRect(FloatRect(centeredOriginRect));
    return transformedRegion;
Exemplo n.º 8
void CCQuadCuller::cullOccludedQuads(CCQuadList& quadList, bool haveDamageRect, const FloatRect& damageRect, CCOverdrawCounts* overdrawMetrics)
    if (!quadList.size())

    CCQuadList culledList;

    Region opaqueCoverageThusFar;

    for (int i = quadList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        CCDrawQuad* drawQuad = quadList[i].get();

        FloatRect floatTransformedRect = drawQuad->quadTransform().mapRect(FloatRect(drawQuad->quadRect()));
        if (haveDamageRect)
        // Inflate rect to be tested to stay conservative.
        IntRect transformedQuadRect(enclosingIntRect(floatTransformedRect));

        IntRect transformedVisibleQuadRect = rectSubtractRegion(opaqueCoverageThusFar, transformedQuadRect);
        bool keepQuad = !transformedVisibleQuadRect.isEmpty();

        // See if we can reduce the number of pixels to draw by reducing the size of the draw
        // quad - we do this by changing its visible rect.
        bool didReduceQuadSize = false;
        if (keepQuad) {
            if (transformedVisibleQuadRect != transformedQuadRect && drawQuad->isLayerAxisAlignedIntRect()) {
                didReduceQuadSize = true;

            // When adding rect to opaque region, deflate it to stay conservative.
            if (drawQuad->isLayerAxisAlignedIntRect() && !drawQuad->opaqueRect().isEmpty()) {
                FloatRect floatOpaqueRect = drawQuad->quadTransform().mapRect(FloatRect(drawQuad->opaqueRect()));


        if (overdrawMetrics) {
            TRACE_EVENT("CCQuadCuller::cullOccludedQuads_OverdrawMetrics", 0, 0);
            // We compute the area of the transformed quad, as this should be in pixels.
            float area = quadArea(drawQuad->quadTransform().mapQuad(FloatQuad(drawQuad->quadRect())));
            if (keepQuad) {
                if (didReduceQuadSize) {
                    float visibleQuadRectArea = quadArea(drawQuad->quadTransform().mapQuad(FloatQuad(drawQuad->quadVisibleRect())));
                    overdrawMetrics->m_pixelsCulled += area - visibleQuadRectArea;
                    area = visibleQuadRectArea;
                IntRect visibleOpaqueRect(drawQuad->quadVisibleRect());
                FloatQuad visibleOpaqueQuad = drawQuad->quadTransform().mapQuad(FloatQuad(visibleOpaqueRect));
                float opaqueArea = quadArea(visibleOpaqueQuad);
                overdrawMetrics->m_pixelsDrawnOpaque += opaqueArea;
                overdrawMetrics->m_pixelsDrawnTransparent += area - opaqueArea;
            } else
                overdrawMetrics->m_pixelsCulled += area;
    quadList.clear(); // Release anything that remains.

Exemplo n.º 9
void TouchActionTest::runTestOnTree(ContainerNode* root,
                                    WebView* webView,
                                    TouchActionTrackingWebViewClient& client) {
  // Find all elements to test the touch-action of in the document.
  TrackExceptionState es;

  // Oilpan: see runTouchActionTest() comment why these are persistent
  // references.
  Persistent<StaticElementList> elements =
      root->querySelectorAll("[expected-action]", es);

  for (unsigned index = 0; index < elements->length(); index++) {
    Element* element = elements->item(index);

    std::string failureContext("Test case: ");
    if (element->hasID()) {
    } else if (element->firstChild()) {
    } else {
      failureContext += "<missing ID>";

    // Run each test three times at different positions in the element.
    // Note that we don't want the bounding box because our tests sometimes have
    // elements with multiple border boxes with other elements in between. Use
    // the first border box (which we can easily visualize in a browser for
    // debugging).
    Persistent<ClientRectList> rects = element->getClientRects();
    ASSERT_GE(rects->length(), 0u) << failureContext;
    Persistent<ClientRect> r = rects->item(0);
    FloatRect clientFloatRect =
        FloatRect(r->left(), r->top(), r->width(), r->height());
    IntRect clientRect = enclosedIntRect(clientFloatRect);
    for (int locIdx = 0; locIdx < 3; locIdx++) {
      IntPoint framePoint;
      std::stringstream contextStream;
      contextStream << failureContext << " (";
      switch (locIdx) {
        case 0:
          framePoint = clientRect.center();
          contextStream << "center";
        case 1:
          framePoint = clientRect.location();
          contextStream << "top-left";
        case 2:
          framePoint = clientRect.maxXMaxYCorner();
          framePoint.move(-1, -1);
          contextStream << "bottom-right";
          FAIL() << "Invalid location index.";

      IntPoint windowPoint =
      contextStream << "=" << windowPoint.x() << "," << windowPoint.y() << ").";
      std::string failureContextPos = contextStream.str();

      LocalFrame* mainFrame =
      FrameView* mainFrameView = mainFrame->view();
      IntRect visibleRect = windowClipRect(*mainFrameView);
          << failureContextPos
          << " Test point not contained in visible area: " << visibleRect.x()
          << "," << visibleRect.y() << "-" << visibleRect.maxX() << ","
          << visibleRect.maxY();

      // First validate that a hit test at this point will really hit the
      // element we intended. This is the easiest way for a test to be broken,
      // but has nothing really to do with touch action.  Note that we can't use
      // WebView's hit test API because it doesn't look into shadow DOM.
      IntPoint docPoint(mainFrameView->frameToContents(windowPoint));
      HitTestResult result = mainFrame->eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(
          docPoint, HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active);
      ASSERT_EQ(element, result.innerElement())
          << "Unexpected hit test result " << failureContextPos
          << "  Got element: \""
          << result.innerElement()
          << "\"" << std::endl
          << "Document render tree:" << std::endl
          << externalRepresentation(root->document().frame()).utf8().data();

      // Now send the touch event and check any touch action result.
      sendTouchEvent(webView, WebInputEvent::TouchStart, windowPoint);

      AtomicString expectedAction = element->getAttribute("expected-action");
      if (expectedAction == "auto") {
        // Auto is the default - no action set.
        EXPECT_EQ(0, client.touchActionSetCount()) << failureContextPos;
        EXPECT_EQ(WebTouchActionAuto, client.lastTouchAction())
            << failureContextPos;
      } else {
        // Should have received exactly one touch action.
        EXPECT_EQ(1, client.touchActionSetCount()) << failureContextPos;
        if (client.touchActionSetCount()) {
          if (expectedAction == "none") {
            EXPECT_EQ(WebTouchActionNone, client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else if (expectedAction == "pan-x") {
            EXPECT_EQ(WebTouchActionPanX, client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else if (expectedAction == "pan-y") {
            EXPECT_EQ(WebTouchActionPanY, client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else if (expectedAction == "pan-x-y") {
            EXPECT_EQ((WebTouchActionPan), client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else if (expectedAction == "manipulation") {
            EXPECT_EQ((WebTouchActionManipulation), client.lastTouchAction())
                << failureContextPos;
          } else {
            FAIL() << "Unrecognized expected-action \""
                   << expectedAction.ascii().data() << "\" "
                   << failureContextPos;

      // Reset webview touch state.
      sendTouchEvent(webView, WebInputEvent::TouchCancel, windowPoint);
      EXPECT_EQ(0, client.touchActionSetCount());