Exemplo n.º 1
 bool equals(Left const& left, value const& right)
     return boost::apply_visitor(std::bind(equality_visitor(), std::ref(left), std::placeholders::_1), right);
Exemplo n.º 2
 bool equals(value const& left, Right const& right)
     return boost::apply_visitor(std::bind(equality_visitor(), std::placeholders::_1, std::ref(right)), left);
 * Checks for equality of the attribute values when viewed as strings.
 * Exception: Boolean synonyms can be equal ("yes" == "true").
 * Note: Blanks have no string representation, so do not equal "" (an empty string).
bool config_attribute_value::operator==(const config_attribute_value& other) const
	return boost::apply_visitor(equality_visitor(), value_, other.value_);