Exemplo n.º 1
void Missile::frameMove(float dt)


    Vector cur_dir = getGlobalLinearVel();

    Vector target_dir = target_ - getPosition();
    float l = target_dir.length();
    if (equalsZero(l)) return;
    target_dir /= l;

    float alpha = acosf(vecDot(&cur_dir, &target_dir));

    if (alpha > agility_*dt )
        Matrix m;
        Vector axis;
        vecCross(&axis, &target_dir, &cur_dir);
        if (!equalsZero(axis.length()))
            m.loadRotationVector(agility_*dt, axis);
            target_dir = m.transformVector(cur_dir);
        } else target_dir = cur_dir;
Exemplo n.º 2
// sets q equal to the polynomial s.t. a = bq + r
void eucDiv(float a[], float b[], float q[]) {
    if (equalsZero(a) == 1) {
        printf("You are calling eucDiv with a equal to the zero vector\n");
    if (equalsZero(b) == 1) {
        printf("You are calling a division by 0\n");

    // printf("a in eucdiv call: ");
    // printPoly(a);

    // printf("b in eucdiv call: ");
    // printPoly(b);
    int i;
    // printf("\narg1 of eucdiv: ");
    // printPoly(a);
    // printf("\narg2 of eucdiv: ");
    // printPoly(b);
    int degA = degree(a);
    int degB = degree(b);
    //printf("\ndeg arg1: %d, deg arg2: %d\n", degA, degB);

    int d = degA - degB;
    if (d < 0) {
        printf("This is a nonsensical call of eucDiv\n");

    float tempQ;

    // creates tempA as a clone of a
    float tempA[maxDegree+1];
    setEquals(tempA, a);
    float tempB[maxDegree+1];
    setEquals(tempB, b);
    // float tempPoly[maxDegree+1];

    // algorithm for euclidean division
    for (i = d; i >= 0; --i) {
        tempQ = tempA[degA + i - d] / tempB[degB];
        q[i] = tempQ;
        if (tempQ != 0) {
            scale(tempB, tempQ);
            polyTimesXn(tempB, i);
            subtract(tempA, tempB);
            polyTimesXn(tempB, -i);
            scale(tempB, 1.0/tempQ);
Exemplo n.º 3
int dividesRowAndCol(float A[][M][maxDegree+1], int tempN, int tempM) {
    int m, n;
    int ret = 1;
    if (equalsZero(A[tempN][tempM]) == 1) {
        printf("You have called this with A[i][j] = the zero vector\n");
        return 0;
    if (tempN == -1 || tempM == -1) {
        printf("You have called this with tempN = -1 or tempM = -1\n");
        return 0;
    for(n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
        if (n != tempN) {
            if (dividesPoly(A[n][tempM], A[tempN][tempM]) == 0) {
                ret = 0;

    for(m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
        if (m != tempM) {
            if (dividesPoly(A[tempN][m], A[tempN][tempM]) == 0) {
                ret = 0;
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
void findLeastEntry(float A[][M][maxDegree+1], int finishedRows[], int finishedColumns[], int *tempN, int *tempM, int *finished) {
    int m, n;
    int boole = 0;
    *finished = 0;
    int tempMin = -1; // stores a minimum degree

    // find one element that does not equal zero
    for(n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
        for(m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
            if(contains(finishedRows, N, n) == 0 || contains(finishedColumns, M, m) == 0) {
                if(equalsZero(A[n][m]) == 0) {
                    *tempN = n;
                    *tempM = m;
                    tempMin = degree(A[n][m]);
                    boole = 1;
                if (boole == 1) {

    if (tempMin == -1) {
        printf("There is no valid least entry\n");
        *finished = 1;

    for(n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
        for (m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
            if(contains(finishedRows, N, n) == 0 || contains(finishedColumns, M, m) == 0) {
                if (equalsZero(A[n][m]) == 0) {
                    if(degree(A[n][m]) < tempMin) {
                        *tempN = n;
                        *tempM = m;
                        tempMin = degree(A[n][m]);
    if (*tempM == -1 || *tempN == -1) {
        *finished = 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
// sets q equal to the polynomial s.t. a = bq + r
void eucDiv(float a[], float b[], float q[]) {
	if (equalsZero(a) == 1) {
		printf("You are calling eucDiv with a equal to the zero vector\n");
	if (equalsZero(b) == 1) {
		printf("You are calling a division by 0\n");


	int i;
	int degA = degree(a);
	int degB = degree(b);
	int d = degA - degB;
	if (d < 0) { 
		printf("This is a nonsensical call of eucDiv\n");

	float tempQ;

	// creates tempA as a clone of a
	float tempA[maxDegree+1];
	setEquals(tempA, a);
	float tempB[maxDegree+1];
	setEquals(tempB, b);

	// algorithm for euclidean division of polynomials
	for (i = d; i >= 0; --i) {
		tempQ = tempA[degA + i - d] / tempB[degB];
		q[i] = tempQ;
		// runs iff |tempQ| < 0.001
		if (isAboutZero(tempQ) == 0) {
			scale(tempB, tempQ);
			polyTimesXn(tempB, i);
			subtract(tempA, tempB);
			polyTimesXn(tempB, -i);
			scale(tempB, 1.0/tempQ);
Exemplo n.º 6
void updateFinishedColumns(float A[][M][maxDegree+1], int finishedColumns[]) {
	int tempCount, m, n;
	for(m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
		tempCount = 0;
		for(n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
			if(equalsZero(A[n][m]) == 0) { ++tempCount; }
		if(tempCount < 2) { finishedColumns[m] = m; }
		else { finishedColumns[m] = -1; }
Exemplo n.º 7
void orderHelper(float A[][M][maxDegree+1], int *tempN, int *tempM, int counter) {
    int m, n;
    int tempMin = -1;
    int boole = 0;

    for(n = counter; n < N; ++n) {
        for(m = counter; m < M; ++m) {
            if(equalsZero(A[n][m]) == 0) {
                *tempN = n;
                *tempM = m;
                tempMin = degree(A[n][m]);
                boole = 1;
            if (boole == 1) {
    if (tempMin == -1) {
        printf("This should not execute Error in orderHelper.\n");

    for(n = counter; n < N; ++n) {
        for (m = counter; m < M; ++m) {
            if (equalsZero(A[n][m]) == 0) {
                if(degree(A[n][m]) < tempMin) {
                    *tempN = n;
                    *tempM = m;
                    tempMin = degree(A[n][m]);

    if(*tempN == -1 || *tempM == -1) {
        printf("tempN or tempN is equal to -1\n");
    // }
Exemplo n.º 8
// calculates the rank of a matrix where there is only one entry per row and one entry per column
int getRank(float A[][M][maxDegree+1]) {
	int rank = 0;
	int n, m;
	for (n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
		for(m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
			if (equalsZero(A[n][m]) == 0) {
	return rank;
Exemplo n.º 9
// helper method for printDiff
void printDiffRow(float p[][maxDegree+1]) {
	int n;
	for(n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
		if (equalsZero(p[n]) == 0) {	
			printPoly(p[n], 0);
			printf("*f_%d", n);
			if (n + 1 < N) {
				printf(" + ");
Exemplo n.º 10
 *  Converts the relative probabilities for instance models into
 *  absolute ones, taking into account the instance density of the
 *  underlying terrain type.
 *  \param instance_probability [in,out] The probability for a model occuring
 *  as specified in Grome. First vector are different terrain types,
 *  second is model type. Doesn't sum up to one, doesn't reflect
 *  different densities of terrain types yet.
 *  \param max_density The maximum instance density of any terrain
 *  type. This will determine the number of actual instance prototypes
 *  allocated per toroidal buffer cell.
 *  \param tex_info Description of the different terrain types.
void InstancePlacer::normalizeProbabilities(std::vector<std::vector<float> > & instance_probability,
                                            float max_density,
                                            const std::vector<bbm::DetailTexInfo> & tex_info) const
    assert(instance_probability.size() == tex_info.size());
    for (unsigned i=0; i<instance_probability.size(); ++i)
        float sum = 0.0f;
        for (unsigned j=0; j<instance_probability[i].size(); ++j)
            sum += instance_probability[i][j];

        for (unsigned j=0; j<instance_probability[i].size(); ++j)
            float density = tex_info[i].grass_density_;
            if (!equalsZero(sum)) instance_probability[i][j] *= density / (max_density * sum);
Exemplo n.º 11
int dividesPoly(float a[], float b[]) {
    int i;
    // creates tempA as a clone of a
    float tempA[maxDegree+1];
    setEquals(tempA, a);
    float tempB[maxDegree+1];
    setEquals(tempB, b);
    float q[maxDegree+1];

    int degA = degree(a);
    int degB = degree(b);
    int d = degA - degB;

    float tempQ;

    // algorithm for euclidean division
    for (i = d; i >= 0; --i) {
        tempQ = tempA[degA + i - d] / tempB[degB];
        q[i] = tempQ;
        if (tempQ != 0) {
            scale(tempB, tempQ);
            polyTimesXn(tempB, i);
            subtract(tempA, tempB);
            polyTimesXn(tempB, -i);
            scale(tempB, 1.0/tempQ);
    multiply(b, q, tempA);
    subtract(tempA, a);
    if(equalsZero(tempA) == 1) {
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
void leastEntryAlgo(float A[][M][maxDegree+1], float P[][N][maxDegree+1], float Pinv[][N][maxDegree+1], float Q[][M][maxDegree+1], float Qinv[][M][maxDegree+1]) {
	int n, m; // used in for loops over rows, columns respectively
	int p; // used in for loops over polynomial array
	int tempN, tempM, tempMin; //used to store temporary locations in A
	int finished = 0; // bool to decide if while loop is over
	int tempRowEntry, tempColEntry, tempMult, tempEntry;
	int diag = 0;
	float q[maxDegree+1];
	// for finishedRows and finishedColumns,
	// set entry i to -1 if row/col i is not finished, or
	// set entry i to i if row/col i is finished
	int finishedRows[N];
	int finishedColumns[M];

	//initializes finishedRows and finishedColumns
	for(n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
		finishedRows[n] = -1;
	for(m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
		finishedColumns[m] = -1;

	// begin the least entry algorithm
	while (finished == 0) {

		// resets tempM and tempN to -1
		tempM = -1;
		tempN = -1;

		// finds least non-zero entry, stores it in tempN, tempM
		findLeastEntry(A, finishedRows, finishedColumns, &tempN, &tempM, &finished);
		/* the loop should never break here; this if statement 
		is more or less a "just in case" used when developing */
		if(finished == 1) { break; }
		// resets tempRowEntry and tempColEntry to -1
		tempRowEntry = -1;
		tempColEntry = -1;

		/* checks if we can do row operations. by convention established
		   (arbitrarily) in this program, we do row oeprations when we can */
		if(contains(finishedColumns, M, tempM) == 0) {

			// finds an entry for the least entry to reduce
			for(n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
				if(equalsZero(A[n][tempM]) == 0 && n != tempN) {
					tempRowEntry = n;

			/* if there is no good entry to operate on, break the loop
			   in practice this would never happen, but convienient for dev. */
			if (tempRowEntry == -1) { break; }
			/* sets the vector q (in the sense of a = b*q + r)
			   so we can use it to do row operations */
			eucDiv(A[tempRowEntry][tempM], A[tempN][tempM], q);
			rowOperations2(A, P, Pinv, tempRowEntry, tempN, q);

		// if we cannot do row operations, we do column operations
		else {
			for(m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
				if(equalsZero(A[tempN][m]) == 0 && m != tempM) {
					tempColEntry = m;
			if (tempColEntry == -1) { break; }
			eucDiv(A[tempN][tempColEntry], A[tempN][tempM], q);
			columnOperations2(A, Q, Qinv, tempColEntry, tempM, q);

		// updates rows and colums that are finished
		updateFinishedRows(A, finishedRows);
		updateFinishedColumns(A, finishedColumns);
		finished = done(finishedRows, finishedColumns, N, M);

	// now we can compute the rank
	rank = getRank(A);

	/* perform type 3 operations to order the 
	   non-zero elements onto the diagonals
	orderDiagonals(A, P, Pinv, Q, Qinv);
	// make all polynomials monic
	makeAllMonic(A, P, Pinv);

	// computation trick: transpose Q and Pinv so they are correct