Exemplo n.º 1
static void createscores(int score) {
   FILE *handle;
   int i,j;
   score_t scores[NUMSCORES];
   char header[strlen (SCORE_HEADER)+1];
   if (score == 0) return;	/* No need saving this */
   for (i = 1; i < NUMSCORES; i++)
		strcpy (scores[i].name,"None");
		scores[i].score = -1;
		scores[i].timestamp = 0;
   getname (scores[0].name);
   scores[0].score = score;
   scores[0].timestamp = time (NULL);
   if ((handle = fopen (scorefile,"w")) == NULL) err1 ();
   strcpy (header,SCORE_HEADER);
   i = fwrite (header,strlen (SCORE_HEADER),1,handle);
   if (i != 1) err2();
   for (i = 0; i < NUMSCORES; i++)
		j = fwrite (scores[i].name,strlen (scores[i].name) + 1,1,handle);
		if (j != 1) err2();
		j = fwrite (&(scores[i].score),sizeof (int),1,handle);
		if (j != 1) err2();
		j = fwrite (&(scores[i].timestamp),sizeof (time_t),1,handle);
		if (j != 1) err2();
   fclose (handle);

   fprintf (stderr,"%s",scoretitle);
   fprintf (stderr,"\t  1* %7d        %s\n\n",score,scores[0].name);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
read_bidi_mirroring ()
    char s[500];
    unsigned int i, j;
    FILE *f;

    for (i = 0; i < 0x110000; i++)
        table[i] = 0;
    mirroring_count = 0;
    printf ("Reading `BidiMirroring.txt'\n");
    if (!(f = fopen (bidi_mirroring_file, "rt")))
        err2 ("cannot open `%s' for reading", bidi_mirroring_file);
    /*  fgets (s, sizeof s, f);
      sscanf (s, "# BidiMirroring-%s.txt", bidi_mirroring_version = malloc (20));*/
    while (fgets (s, sizeof s, f))
        if (s[0] == '#' || s[0] == '\0' || s[0] == '\n')
        sscanf (s, "%x; %x", &i, &j);
        table[i] = j;
        table[j] = i;
    fclose (f);
static void
write_char_type (char *file,
		 int max_depth)
  int i;
  FILE *f;
  char *FILENAME = headermacro (file);

  printf ("Writing `%s', it may take a few minutes\n", file);
  if (!(f = fopen (file, "wt")))
    err2 ("error: cannot open `%s' for writing", file);
  fprintf (f, "/*\n"
	   "  This file was automatically created from UnicodeData.txt version %s\n"
	   "  by fribidi_create_char_types\n*/\n\n", FRIBIDI_UNICODE_VERSION);

  fprintf (f, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n\n#include \"fribidi.h\"\n\n",

  for (i = 0; i < type_names_count; i++)
    if (names[i])
      fprintf (f, "#define %s FRIBIDI_PROP_TYPE_%s\n", names[i], names[i]);
  fprintf (f, "\n");

  fprintf (f, "#define PACKTAB_UINT8 fribidi_uint8\n");
  fprintf (f, "#define PACKTAB_UINT16 fribidi_uint16\n");
  fprintf (f, "#define PACKTAB_UINT32 fribidi_uint32\n");

  if (!pack_table
      (table, FRIBIDI_UNICODE_CHARS, SIZEOF_CHAR, max_depth, 3, names,
       key_type_name, table_name, macro_name, f))
    err ("error: insufficient memory, decrease max_depth");

  for (i = type_names_count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if (names[i])
      fprintf (f, "#undef %s\n", names[i]);

  fprintf (f,
	   " *  %s() returns the bidi type of a character.\n"
	   " *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n"
	   "%s %s\n"
	   "%s (%s uch)\n"
	   "  if (uch < 0x%x)\n"
	   "    return %s[(unsigned char)%s (uch)];\n"
	   "  else\n"
	   "    return FRIBIDI_TYPE_%s;\n"
	   "  /* Non-Unicode chars */\n"
	   function_name, export_api, char_type_name, function_name,
	   char_name, FRIBIDI_UNICODE_CHARS, prop_to_type_name, macro_name,
  fprintf (f, "\n#endif /* %s */\n", FILENAME);

  fclose (f);
static char
get_type (char *s)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < type_names_count; i++)
    if (!strcmp (s, type_names[i].name))
      return type_names[i].key;
  err2 ("type name `%s' not found", s);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
void doit(const char *name, const char *d0, const char *d) {

    char *s;

    s = env_get(d0);

    if (!s) {
        if (d) err(name, "env_get find existing variable");

    if (!s) err(name, "env_get didn't find existing variable");
    if (strcmp(s, d)) err2(name, s, d);
Exemplo n.º 6
void repel_use(){
        case ITEM_SCHUTZ:
            *var_access(0x4020) = 100;
        case ITEM_SUPERSCHUTZ:
            *var_access(0x4020) = 200;
        case ITEM_TOP_SCHUTZ:
            *var_access(0x4020) = 250;
            err2(ERR_NO_REPEL_ITEM, *var_access(0x800E));
static void
read_unicode_data ()
  char s[500], tp[10];
  unsigned int i;
  FILE *f;

  printf ("Reading `UnicodeData.txt'\n");
  if (!(f = fopen (unidata_file, "rt")))
    err2 ("error: cannot open `%s' for reading", unidata_file);
  while (fgets (s, sizeof s, f))
      sscanf (s, "%x;%*[^;];%*[^;];%*[^;];%[^;]", &i, tp);
      table[i] = get_type (tp);
  fclose (f);
Exemplo n.º 8
static void
write_mirror (char *file)
    int i;
    FILE *f;
    char *FILENAME = headermacro (file);

    printf ("Writing `%s'\n", file);
    if (!(f = fopen (file, "wt")))
        err2 ("cannot open `%s' for writing", file);
    fprintf (f, "/*\n"
             "  This file was automatically created from BidiMirroring.txt, version %s\n"
             "  by fribidi_create_mirroring\n*/\n\n", FRIBIDI_UNICODE_VERSION);
    fprintf (f, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n\n#include \"fribidi.h\"\n\n",
             FILENAME, FILENAME);
    fprintf (f, "/*\n"
             "  Mirrored characters include all the characters in the Unicode list\n"
             "  that have been declared as being mirrored and that have a mirrored\n"
             "  equivalent.\n"
             "  There are lots of characters that are designed as being mirrored\n"
             "  but do not have any mirrored glyph, e.g. the sign for there exist.\n");
    fprintf (f,
             "  Are these used in Arabic? That is are all the mathematical signs\n"
             "  that are assigned to be mirrorable actually mirrored in Arabic?\n"
             "  If that is the case, we'll change the below code to include also\n"
             "  characters that mirror to themself. It will then be the responsibility\n"
             "  of the display engine to actually mirror these.\n" "*/\n\n");
    fprintf (f, "/* *INDENT-OFF" "* */\n\n");
    fprintf (f, "static const struct\n"
             "  FriBidiChar ch, mirrored_ch;\n"
             "}\n" "FriBidiMirroredChars[] =\n" "{\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 0x110000; i++)
        if (table[i])
            fprintf (f, "  {0x%04X, 0x%04X},\n", i, table[i]);
    fprintf (f, "} ;\n\n");
    fprintf (f, "/* *INDE" "NT-ON* */\n\n");
    fprintf (f, "static const int nFriBidiMirroredChars = %d;\n\n", mirroring_count);
    fprintf (f, "\n#endif /* %s */\n", FILENAME);
    fclose (f);
main (int argc,
      char **argv)
  int max_depth;
  char file[50], *p;
  if (argc < 2)
    err ("usage: fribidi_create_char_types max_depth [UnicodeData.txt path]");
  p = (argc >= 3) ? argv[2] : "unidata";
  unidata_file = malloc (50 + strlen (p));
  sprintf (unidata_file, "%s/UnicodeData.txt", p);
  max_depth = atoi (argv[1]);
  if (!max_depth)
    err ("invalid depth");
  if (max_depth < 2 || max_depth > 9)
    err2 ("invalid max_depth `%s', max_depth should be between 2 and 9",
  sprintf (file, "fribidi_tab_char_type_%d.i", max_depth);
  init_table ();
  read_unicode_data ();
  write_char_type (file, max_depth);
  return 0;
Stokhos::ProductLanczosPCEBasis<ordinal_type, value_type>::
  ordinal_type p,
  const Teuchos::Array< Stokhos::OrthogPolyApprox<ordinal_type, value_type> >& pce,
  const Teuchos::RCP<const Stokhos::Quadrature<ordinal_type, value_type> >& quad,
  const Teuchos::RCP< const Stokhos::Sparse3Tensor<ordinal_type, value_type> >& Cijk,
  const Teuchos::ParameterList& params_) :
  name("Product Lanczos PCE Basis"),
  Teuchos::RCP<const Stokhos::OrthogPolyBasis<ordinal_type,value_type> > pce_basis = pce[0].basis();
  ordinal_type pce_sz = pce_basis->size();

  // Check if basis is a product basis
  Teuchos::RCP<const Stokhos::ProductBasis<ordinal_type,value_type> > prod_basis = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<const Stokhos::ProductBasis<ordinal_type,value_type> >(pce_basis);
  Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::RCP<const OneDOrthogPolyBasis<ordinal_type,value_type> > > coord_bases;
  if (prod_basis != Teuchos::null)
    coord_bases = prod_basis->getCoordinateBases();

  // Build Lanczos basis for each pce
  bool project = params.get("Project", true);
  bool normalize = params.get("Normalize", true);
  bool limit_integration_order = params.get("Limit Integration Order", false);
  bool use_stieltjes = params.get("Use Old Stieltjes Method", false);
  Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::RCP<const Stokhos::OneDOrthogPolyBasis<int,double > > > coordinate_bases;
  Teuchos::Array<int> is_invariant(pce.size(),-2);
  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<pce.size(); i++) {

    // Check for pce's lying in invariant subspaces, which are pce's that
    // depend on only a single dimension.  In this case use the corresponding
    // original coordinate basis.  Convention is:  -2 -- not invariant, -1 --
    // constant, i >= 0 pce depends only on dimension i
    if (prod_basis != Teuchos::null)
      is_invariant[i] = isInvariant(pce[i]);
    if (is_invariant[i] >= 0) {

    // Exclude constant pce's from the basis since they don't represent
    // stochastic dimensions
    else if (is_invariant[i] != -1) {
      if (use_stieltjes) {
	    new Stokhos::StieltjesPCEBasis<ordinal_type,value_type>(
	      p, Teuchos::rcp(&(pce[i]),false), quad, false,
	      normalize, project, Cijk)));
      else {
	if (project) 
	      new Stokhos::LanczosProjPCEBasis<ordinal_type,value_type>(
		p, Teuchos::rcp(&(pce[i]),false), Cijk,
		normalize, limit_integration_order)));
	      new Stokhos::LanczosPCEBasis<ordinal_type,value_type>(
		p, Teuchos::rcp(&(pce[i]),false), quad,
		normalize, limit_integration_order)));
  ordinal_type d = coordinate_bases.size();

  // Build tensor product basis
  tensor_lanczos_basis = 
      new Stokhos::CompletePolynomialBasis<ordinal_type,value_type>(
	params.get("Cijk Drop Tolerance", 1.0e-15),
	params.get("Use Old Cijk Algorithm", false)));

  // Build reduced quadrature
  Teuchos::ParameterList sg_params;
  sg_params.sublist("Basis").set< Teuchos::RCP< const Stokhos::OrthogPolyBasis<ordinal_type,value_type> > >("Stochastic Galerkin Basis", tensor_lanczos_basis);
  sg_params.sublist("Quadrature") = params.sublist("Reduced Quadrature");
  reduced_quad = 

  // Build Psi matrix -- Psi_ij = Psi_i(x^j)*w_j/<Psi_i^2>
  const Teuchos::Array<value_type>& weights = quad->getQuadWeights();
  const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<value_type> >& points = 
  const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<value_type> >& basis_vals = 
  ordinal_type nqp = weights.size();
  SDM Psi(pce_sz, nqp);
  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<pce_sz; i++)
    for (ordinal_type k=0; k<nqp; k++)
      Psi(i,k) = basis_vals[k][i]*weights[k]/pce_basis->norm_squared(i);

  // Build Phi matrix -- Phi_ij = Phi_i(y(x^j))
  ordinal_type sz = tensor_lanczos_basis->size();
  Teuchos::Array<value_type> red_basis_vals(sz);
  Teuchos::Array<value_type> pce_vals(d);
  Phi.shape(sz, nqp);
  for (int k=0; k<nqp; k++) {
    ordinal_type jdx = 0;
    for (int j=0; j<pce.size(); j++) {

      // Exclude constant pce's
      if (is_invariant[j] != -1) {

	// Use the identity mapping for invariant subspaces
	if (is_invariant[j] >= 0)
	  pce_vals[jdx] = points[k][is_invariant[j]];
	  pce_vals[jdx] = pce[j].evaluate(points[k], basis_vals[k]);


    tensor_lanczos_basis->evaluateBases(pce_vals, red_basis_vals);
    for (int i=0; i<sz; i++)
      Phi(i,k) = red_basis_vals[i];

  bool verbose = params.get("Verbose", false);
  // Compute matrix A mapping reduced space to original
  A.shape(pce_sz, sz);
  ordinal_type ret = 
    A.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS, Teuchos::TRANS, 1.0, Psi, Phi, 0.0);
  TEUCHOS_ASSERT(ret == 0);
  //print_matlab(std::cout << "A = " << std::endl, A);

  // Compute pseudo-inverse of A mapping original space to reduced
  // A = U*S*V^T -> A^+ = V*S^+*U^T = (S^+*V^T)^T*U^T where 
  // S^+ is a diagonal matrix comprised of the inverse of the diagonal of S
  // for each nonzero, and zero otherwise
  Teuchos::Array<value_type> sigma;
  SDM U, Vt;
  value_type rank_threshold = params.get("Rank Threshold", 1.0e-12);
  ordinal_type rank = svd_threshold(rank_threshold, A, sigma, U, Vt);
  Ainv.shape(sz, pce_sz);
  TEUCHOS_ASSERT(rank == Vt.numRows());
  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<Vt.numRows(); i++)
    for (ordinal_type j=0; j<Vt.numCols(); j++)
      Vt(i,j) = Vt(i,j) / sigma[i];
  ret = Ainv.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS, Teuchos::TRANS, 1.0, Vt, U, 0.0);
  TEUCHOS_ASSERT(ret == 0);
  //print_matlab(std::cout << "Ainv = " << std::endl, Ainv);

  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "rank = " << rank << std::endl;
    std::cout << "diag(S) = [";
    for (ordinal_type i=0; i<rank; i++)
      std::cout << sigma[i] << " ";
    std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

    // Check A = U*S*V^T
    SDM SVt(rank, Vt.numCols());
    for (ordinal_type i=0; i<Vt.numRows(); i++)
      for (ordinal_type j=0; j<Vt.numCols(); j++)
	SVt(i,j) = Vt(i,j) * sigma[i] * sigma[i];  // since we divide by sigma 
                                                   // above
    SDM err_A(pce_sz,sz);
    ret = err_A.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, -1.0, U, SVt, 
    TEUCHOS_ASSERT(ret == 0);
    std::cout << "||A - U*S*V^T||_infty = " << err_A.normInf() << std::endl;
    //print_matlab(std::cout << "A - U*S*V^T = " << std::endl, err_A);
    // Check Ainv*A == I
    SDM err(sz,sz);
    for (ordinal_type i=0; i<sz; i++)
      err(i,i) = 1.0;
    ret = err.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, Ainv, A, 
    TEUCHOS_ASSERT(ret == 0);
    std::cout << "||Ainv*A - I||_infty = " << err.normInf() << std::endl;
    //print_matlab(std::cout << "Ainv*A-I = " << std::endl, err);

    // Check A*Ainv == I
    SDM err2(pce_sz,pce_sz);
    for (ordinal_type i=0; i<pce_sz; i++)
      err2(i,i) = 1.0;
    ret = err2.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, A, Ainv, -1.0);
    TEUCHOS_ASSERT(ret == 0);
    std::cout << "||A*Ainv - I||_infty = " << err2.normInf() << std::endl;
    //print_matlab(std::cout << "A*Ainv-I = " << std::endl, err2);
Exemplo n.º 11
static void savescores(int score) {
    FILE *handle;
    int i,j,ch;
    score_t scores[NUMSCORES];
    char header[strlen(SCORE_HEADER)+1];
    time_t tmp = 0;
    if ((handle = fopen(scorefile,"r")) == NULL)
    i = fread(header,strlen (SCORE_HEADER),1,handle);
    if ((i != 1) || (strncmp (SCORE_HEADER,header,strlen (SCORE_HEADER)) != 0)) {
        createscores (score);
    for (i = 0; i < NUMSCORES; i++) {
        j = 0;
        while ((ch = fgetc(handle)) != '\0') {
            if ((ch == EOF) || (j >= NAMELEN - 2)) {
            scores[i].name[j++] = (char) ch;
        scores[i].name[j] = '\0';
        j = fread(&(scores[i].score),sizeof (int),1,handle);
        if (j != 1) {
            createscores (score);
        j = fread(&(scores[i].timestamp),sizeof (time_t),1,handle);
        if (j != 1) {
            createscores (score);
    if (score > scores[NUMSCORES - 1].score) {
        getname(scores[NUMSCORES - 1].name);
        scores[NUMSCORES - 1].score = score;
        scores[NUMSCORES - 1].timestamp = tmp = time (NULL);
    qsort(scores,NUMSCORES,sizeof (score_t),cmpscores);
    if ((handle = fopen(scorefile, "w")) == NULL) {
    strcpy(header, SCORE_HEADER);
    i = fwrite(header, strlen(SCORE_HEADER), 1, handle);
    if (i != 1) {
    for (i = 0; i < NUMSCORES; i++) {
        j = fwrite(scores[i].name,strlen (scores[i].name) + 1,1,handle);
        if (j != 1) {
        j = fwrite(&(scores[i].score),sizeof (int),1,handle);
        if (j != 1) {
        j = fwrite(&(scores[i].timestamp),sizeof (time_t),1,handle);
        if (j != 1) {

    i = 0;
    while ((i < NUMSCORES) && (scores[i].score != -1)) {
        j = scores[i].timestamp == tmp ? '*' : ' ';
        fprintf (stderr,"\t %2d%c %7d        %s\n",i + 1,j,scores[i].score,scores[i].name);