Exemplo n.º 1
int GzBeginRender(GzRender *render)
- setup for start of each frame - init frame buffer color,alpha,z
- compute Xiw and projection xform Xpi from camera definition 
- init Ximage - put Xsp at base of stack, push on Xpi and Xiw 
- now stack contains Xsw and app can push model Xforms when needed 
	if(render == NULL){
		errorCall("GzBeginRender","render is null");
		return GZ_FAILURE;
	//setup for start of each frame, only one frame

	//init matlevel
	render->matlevel = -1;
	//Compute Xsp
	//compute Xiw
	//compute Xpi
	//push Xsp Xpi Xiw
	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 2
int GzPopMatrix(GzRender *render)
- pop a matrix off the Ximage stack
- check for stack underflow
	if(render->matlevel == 0)
		errorCall("GzPopMatrix","app try to pop up a matrix when render->matlevel == 0");
		 AfxMessageBox( "Matrix is empty\n" );
	}else if(render->matlevel > 0 )
		render->matlevel -= 1;
		errorCall("GzPopMatrix","render->matlevel < 0!!!");
	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 3
int GzPushMatrix(GzRender *render, GzMatrix	matrix)
- push a matrix onto the Ximage stack
- check for stack overflow
	//init if render->matlevel = -1
	if(render->matlevel == -1){
		(render->Ximage[0])[0][0] = 1;
		(render->Ximage[0])[1][1] = 1;
		(render->Ximage[0])[2][2] = 1;
		(render->Ximage[0])[3][3] = 1;
		render->matlevel += 1;
	if(render->matlevel > -1)
		if (render->matlevel < MATLEVELS - 1)
			//GzMatrix tempMatrix;
			//matrixCopy(matrix, &tempMatrix,4,4);
			render->matlevel += 1;
			matrixMul(render->Ximage[render->matlevel-1], matrix, &(render->Ximage[render->matlevel]),4,4,4);
			errorCall("GzPushMatrix","matlevel >= MATLEVELS");
			AfxMessageBox( "Matrix has full\n" );
			return GZ_FAILURE;
		errorCall("GzPushMatrix", "render->matlevel < -1");
		//return GZ_FAILURE;

	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 4
int GzPutCamera(GzRender *render, GzCamera *camera)
- overwrite renderer camera structure with new camera definition
	if(render ==NULL|| camera == NULL)
		errorCall("GzPutCamera","render or camera is null");

	render->camera = *camera;

	return GZ_SUCCESS;	
Exemplo n.º 5
// Begin main functions
int GzNewRender(GzRender **render, GzDisplay	*display)
- malloc a renderer struct 
- setup Xsp and anything only done once 
- save the pointer to display 
- init default camera 
	//init a renderer struct
	if(render == NULL || display == NULL){
		errorCall("GzNewRender" , "render == NULL or display == NULL");
		return GZ_FAILURE;
	*render = (GzRender*)malloc(sizeof(GzRender));
	(*render)->display = display;
	//init default camera
	initCamera((*render) -> camera);
	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  int numPoints = 1;

  double qMax = 0.;
  // Sets format of output: 4 decimal places

  void (*boundaryCondition)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &);

  if (argc !=1 ) {
    cerr << "GAUGE/GRAVITY" << endl; 
    cerr << "SOFTSUSY" << VERSION << endl;
    cerr << "B.C. Allanach, Comput. Phys. Commun. 143 (2002) 305-331,";
    cerr << " hep-ph/0104145\n";
    cerr << "Low energy data in SOFTSUSY: MIXING=" << MIXING << " TOLERANCE=" 
	 << TOLERANCE << endl;
    cerr << "G_F=" << GMU << " GeV^2" << endl;

  // RANDOM SEED /////////////////////
    time_t seconds;
    time( &seconds); 
    srand( (unsigned int) seconds ); 

  double mgutGuess = 2.0e16, mbmb = MBOTTOM, mtau = MTAU;
  int sgnMu = 1;
  bool gaugeUnification = false, ewsbBCscale = false, altEwsb = false;
  bool flag = false; 

  double M_moduli_start, M_moduli_end ;
  double M_gauge_start, M_gauge_end ; 
  double M_mess_start, M_mess_end ; 
  double M_moduli, M_gauge, M_mess ;
  double tanb_start, tanb_end ; 
  double tanb = 10; 
  DoubleVector pars(3); 
  // My modification 
  cout << "argc = " << argc << endl; 
  cout << flush ; 

  if(argc != 3 ) {
    errorCall() ;
    exit(-1) ;
  /*   if (!strcmp(argv[1], "g-gmsb")) {
    cout << "SOFTSUSY Gauge/Gravity calculation" << endl;
    cout << flush;  */

  if( argc == 3 ) { 

    ifstream inputfile(argv[1]); 
    ofstream outputfile(argv[2]); 

    string varname; 
    inputfile >> varname >> l1 ; 

    cout << varname << endl; 

    inputfile >> varname >> l2 ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> l3 ; 

    inputfile >> varname >> nQ ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> nU ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> nD ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> nL ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> nE ;
    inputfile >> varname >> nHu ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> nHd ; 

    inputfile >> varname >> N ;
    inputfile >> varname >> numscan;
    inputfile >> varname >> M_moduli_start ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> M_moduli_end ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> M_gauge_start ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> M_gauge_end ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> M_mess_start   ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> M_mess_end   ; 
    inputfile >> varname >> tanb_start     ;
    inputfile >> varname >> tanb_end    ;

    inputfile >> varname >> sgnMu    ;

    cout << "l1 = " << l1 << endl 
	 << "l2 = " << l2 << endl
	 << "l3 = " << l3 << endl 
	 << "nQ = " << nQ << endl 
       	 << "nU = " << nU << endl 
	 << "nD = " << nD << endl
	 << "nL = " << nL << endl 
	 << "nE = " << nE << endl 
	 << "nHu = " << nHu << endl 
	 << "nHd = " << nHd << endl 
	 << "N = " << N << endl 
	 << "numscan = " << numscan << endl
	 << "M_moduli_start = " << M_moduli_start << endl
	 << "M_moduli_end = " << M_moduli_end << endl
	 << "M_gauge_start = " << M_gauge_start << endl 
	 << "M_gauge_end = " << M_gauge_end << endl 
	 << "M_mess_start = " << M_mess_start << endl 
	 << "M_mess_end = " << M_mess_end << endl 
	 << "tanb_start =  " << tanb_start << endl 
	 << "tanb_end = " << tanb_end << endl
	 << "sgnMu = " << sgnMu << endl; 

    for( int i = 0 ; i < numscan ; i++ ) { 
      QedQcd oneset0, oneset1, oneset2;

      M_moduli = randomgenerator( M_moduli_start, M_moduli_end ) ; 
      M_gauge  = randomgenerator( M_gauge_start,  M_gauge_end ) ; 
      M_mess   = lograndomgenerator( M_mess_start,   M_mess_end ) ;
      tanb     = randomgenerator( tanb_start,     tanb_end ) ; 
      cout << i << "th run : " << endl ;  
      cout << "M_moduli = " << M_moduli << endl 
	   << "M_gauge  = " << M_gauge  << endl 
	   << "M_mess   = " << M_mess   << endl 
	   << "tanb     = " << tanb     << endl ; 
      mgutGuess = 2e16;
      gaugeUnification = false;
      pars(1) = M_moduli; pars(2) = M_gauge; pars(3) = M_mess;
      //      r = &m;
      //      if (flag) oneset0.calcPoleMb();
      //      ofstream  rgefile; 
      //    rgefile.open("rge.dat"); 
      //   ofstream  spectrumfile; 
      //   spectrumfile.open("spectrum.dat") ;
      //      cout << "Here comes r1 " << endl; 
      MssmSoftsusy r0 ; 
      cout << "Starting" << endl; 
      r0.N= 0 ; 
      r0.Nflag = true; 
      r0.beta2() ;
      r0.Nflag = false; 
      double mgut =  r0.lowOrg(gaugegravityBcs0, mgutGuess, pars, sgnMu,
			       tanb, oneset0, gaugeUnification, ewsbBCscale);
      r0.runto( M_mess );
      cout << "starting phase 2 " << endl; 
      r0.N = N ;
      r0.Nflag = true; 
      r0.beta2() ; 
      r0.Nflag = false; 
      r0.runto( mgutGuess ) ; 
      global_g1 = r0.displayGaugeCoupling(1); 
      global_g2 = r0.displayGaugeCoupling(2); 
      global_g3 = r0.displayGaugeCoupling(3); 

      MssmSoftsusy r1 ; //, r2;// MssmSoftsusy2 l;
      r1.N = N ; 
      r1.Nflag = true; 
      r1.Nflag = false ; 
      mgut =  r1.lowOrg(gaugegravityBcs1, mgutGuess, pars, sgnMu,
			tanb, oneset1, gaugeUnification, ewsbBCscale);
        cout << "Here comes r1" << endl; 
        cout << r1 ; 
    //  RGRUN( rgefile, r1 , log(mgutGuess) / log(10) , log( M_mess) / log( 10 ) , 20 ) ; 
      r1.runto( M_mess );
      global_g1 = r1.displayGaugeCoupling(1); 
      global_g2 = r1.displayGaugeCoupling(2); 
      global_g3 = r1.displayGaugeCoupling(3); 
      inter_gaugino1 = r1.displayGaugino(1); 
      inter_gaugino2 = r1.displayGaugino(2); 
      inter_gaugino3 = r1.displayGaugino(3); 
      inter_massmQl = r1.displaySoftMassSquared(mQl) ;
      inter_massmUr = r1.displaySoftMassSquared(mUr) ;
      inter_massmDr = r1.displaySoftMassSquared(mDr) ;
      inter_massmLl = r1.displaySoftMassSquared(mLl) ;
      inter_massmEr = r1.displaySoftMassSquared(mEr) ;
      inter_massmHu = r1.displayMh2Squared(); 
      inter_massmHd = r1.displayMh1Squared(); 
      inter_A_HuQU(1,1) = r1.displaySoftA( UA, 1, 1); 
      inter_A_HuQU(2,2) = r1.displaySoftA( UA, 2, 2); 
      inter_A_HuQU(3,3) = r1.displaySoftA( UA, 3, 3); 
      inter_A_HdQD(1,1) = r1.displaySoftA( DA, 1, 1); 
      inter_A_HdQD(2,2) = r1.displaySoftA( DA, 2, 2); 
      inter_A_HdQD(3,3) = r1.displaySoftA( DA, 3, 3); 
      inter_A_HdLE(1,1) = r1.displaySoftA( EA, 1, 1); 
      inter_A_HdLE(2,2) = r1.displaySoftA( EA, 2, 2); 
      inter_A_HdLE(3,3) = r1.displaySoftA( EA, 3, 3); 
      mgutGuess = M_mess ;
      cout << "Here comes r2" << endl; 
      MssmSoftsusy r2 ;
      r2.N = 0; 
      r2.Nflag = true; 
      r2.Nflag = false ;
      mgut =  r2.lowOrg(gaugegravityBcs2, mgutGuess, pars, sgnMu, 
			tanb, oneset2, gaugeUnification, ewsbBCscale); 
      //    cout << r2 ; 
      //      RGRUN( rgefile, r2 , log(M_mess) / log(10),  log(100) / log(10), 20 ) ; 
      //spectrumrecord( spectrumfile, r2 ) ;
      // spectrumfile.close(); 
      cout << r2 ; 
      //  sPhysical p = r2.displayPhys() ;
      //  cout << p ; 
      ofstream tempfile("LesHouches.dat"); 
      streambuf* strm_buffer = cout.rdbuf(); 
      cout.rdbuf( tempfile.rdbuf() ) ; 
      r2.lesHouchesAccordOutput("nonUniversal", pars, 
				sgnMu, tanb, 0, 1, mbmb, 
				mtau, MGUTSCALE , 0 ) ; 
      cout << flush; 

      if (r2.displayProblem().test()) {
	cout << "# SOFTSUSY problem with point: " << r2.displayProblem();

      if( checktheresult( r2 ) ) { 
	//                micrOmegas                    //
	double Xf, Omega, Omega2, bsg_value, bsmumu_value, gmuon_value; 
	string mess; 
	double mtop ;
	int err ; 
	int fast = 1; 
	double Beps = 1E-6 ; 
	double cut = 0.01; 
	err = readLesH("LesHouches.dat",1); 
	//  printVar(stdout); 
	char messtemp[20]; 
	mess = messtemp; 
	//	HiggsMasses(stdout);     
	//	printMasses(stdout,1);
	bsg_value= bsgnlo_(); 
	bsmumu_value = bsmumu_(); 
	gmuon_value = gmuon_(); 
	recordphysics( outputfile, r2, M_moduli, M_gauge, M_mess, tanb, 
		       bsg_value, gmuon_value, bsmumu_value, Omega ) ; 
      else {
	recordphysics( outputfile, r2, M_moduli, M_gauge, M_mess, tanb,
		       0, 0 , 0, 0 ) ; 

