Exemplo n.º 1
void ShaderEditASM::FormatCompileErrorLocation(const string &programSource, GLint errorPos, string &retLog)
  //Get the number of lines
  uint lineNum = 1;
  uint charNum = 1;
  for(GLint i=0; i<errorPos && i<(int)programSource.size(); i++)
    //Count the number of new lines
    if(programSource[i] == '\n')
      charNum = 1;

  //Copy five characters near the error
  string errorData(programSource,errorPos,5);

  //Append the error string data
  string buffer;
  StringPrintF(buffer,"line %u, column %u: Compile error near >%s< char (%d)\n", lineNum, charNum, errorData.c_str(), errorPos);
  retLog += buffer;

Exemplo n.º 2
void FrameLoaderClientBlackBerry::dispatchDidFailProvisionalLoad(const ResourceError& error)
    if (isMainFrame()) {
        m_loadError = error;

        if (error.domain() == ResourceError::platformErrorDomain
                && (error.errorCode() == BlackBerry::Platform::FilterStream::StatusErrorAlreadyHandled)) {
            // Error has already been displayed by client.

        if (error.domain().isEmpty() && !error.errorCode() && error.failingURL().isEmpty() && error.localizedDescription().isEmpty()) {
            // Don't try to display empty errors returned from the unimplemented error functions in FrameLoaderClientBlackBerry - there's nothing to display anyway.

    if (m_webPagePrivate->m_dumpRenderTree)

    if (!isMainFrame())

    String errorPage = m_webPagePrivate->m_client->getErrorPage(error.errorCode()
            , error.localizedDescription().isEmpty() ? "" : error.localizedDescription().utf8().data()
            , error.failingURL().isEmpty() ? "" : error.failingURL().utf8().data());

    // Make sure we're still in the provisionalLoad state - getErrorPage runs a
    // nested event loop while it's waiting for client resources to load so
    // there's a small window for the user to hit stop.
    if (m_frame->loader()->provisionalDocumentLoader()) {
        SubstituteData errorData(utf8Buffer(errorPage), "text/html", "utf-8", KURL(KURL(), error.failingURL()));

        ResourceRequest originalRequest = m_frame->loader()->provisionalDocumentLoader()->originalRequest();

        // Loading using SubstituteData will replace the original request with our
        // error data. This must be done within dispatchDidFailProvisionalLoad,
        // and do NOT call stopAllLoaders first, because the loader checks the
        // provisionalDocumentLoader to decide the load type; if called any other
        // way, the error page is added to the end of the history instead of
        // replacing the failed load.
        // If this comes from a back/forward navigation, we need to save the current viewstate
        // to original historyitem, and prevent the restore of view state to the error page.
        if (isBackForwardLoadType(m_frame->loader()->loadType())) {
            m_frame->loader()->history()->provisionalItem()->viewState().shouldSaveViewState = false;
        m_loadingErrorPage = true;
        m_frame->loader()->load(originalRequest, errorData, false);
Exemplo n.º 3
XMLTree::XMLTree(bool validate, const char *docBuffer, std::size_t bufferLen)
: docPtr(NULL) {
    if (static_cast<const char *> (NULL) == docBuffer) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("XMLTree(docBuffer) is NULL");

    if (0 == bufferLen) {
        bufferLen = std::strlen(docBuffer);
        if (0 == bufferLen) {
            throw std::invalid_argument("XMLTree(docBuffer) is empty");

    if (INT_MAX < bufferLen) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("XMLTree(docBuffer) too long");

    docPtr = xmlReadMemory(docBuffer, static_cast<int> (bufferLen), NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_NONET);
    if (static_cast<xmlDocPtr> (NULL) == docPtr) {
        throw ParseException("XMLTree() unable to parse docBuffer");

    if (validate) {
        // Now, try to validate the document.
        XMLErrorData errorData("XMLTree() ");
        xmlValidCtxt cvp;

        cvp.userData = &errorData;
        cvp.error = reinterpret_cast<xmlValidityErrorFunc> (XMLErrorHandler);
        cvp.warning = reinterpret_cast<xmlValidityErrorFunc> (XMLErrorHandler);

        if (!xmlValidateDocument(&cvp, docPtr)) {
            if (errorData.errorDetected) {
                throw ParseException(errorData.message);
            } else {
                throw ParseException("XMLTree() docBuffer does not validate");

    if (static_cast<xmlNodePtr> (NULL) == xmlDocGetRootElement(docPtr)) {
        throw ParseException("XMLTree() empty document");
Exemplo n.º 4
bool QJsonRpcMessage::operator==(const QJsonRpcMessage &message) const
    if (message.d == d)
        return true;

    if (message.type() == type()) {
        if (message.type() == QJsonRpcMessage::Error) {
            return (message.errorCode() == errorCode() &&
                    message.errorMessage() == errorMessage() &&
                    message.errorData() == errorData());
        } else {
            if (message.type() == QJsonRpcMessage::Notification) {
                return (message.method() == method() &&
                        message.params() == params());
            } else {
                return (message.id() == id() &&
                        message.method() == method() &&
                        message.params() == params());

    return false;