Font::Font(QString image_path, QString xml_path) { QFile f(xml_path); QString errorStr(""); int errorLine(0); int errorColumn(0); QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root; if (! | QFile::Text)) { qCritical("ERROR: Failed to open config file \"%s\": %s", xml_path.toUtf8().constData(), f.errorString().toUtf8().constData() ); return; } if (!doc.setContent(&f, false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { qCritical("ERROR: Failed to parse config file \"%s\" at line %d, column %d:\n%s", xml_path.toUtf8().constData(), errorLine, errorColumn, errorStr.toUtf8().constData() ); return; } root = doc.documentElement(); if (root.tagName() != "Font") { qCritical("ERROR: Unexpected root element \"%s\" at line %d, column %d", root.tagName().toUtf8().constData(), root.lineNumber(), root.columnNumber()); return; } this->size = root.attribute("size").toInt(); this->family = root.attribute("family"); this->height = root.attribute("height").toInt(); this->style = root.attribute("style"); // qDebug("Font: %d, %s, %d, %s", this->size, this->family.toUtf8().constData(), this->height, this->style.toUtf8().constData()); _minChar = 127; _maxChar = 0; QDomElement childElement = root.firstChildElement(); while (!childElement.isNull()) { QString tagName = childElement.tagName(); if (tagName == "Char") { Char *c = new Char(childElement); this->_chars[c->code] = c; if (c->code > _maxChar) _maxChar = c->code; if (c->code < _minChar) _minChar = c->code; } childElement = childElement.nextSiblingElement(); } QImageReader image_reader(image_path); this->_image =; }
//Simple systemc thread which keeps on generating interrupts; //the number of the interrupt is printed to the screen before sending it to //the processor void generateIrq() { while(true) { //An interrupt transaction is composed of a data pointer (containing //0 if the interrupt has to be lowered, different if raised) and an //address, corrisponding to the ID of the interrupt if(this->lastIrq == -1) { unsigned char data = 1; tlm::tlm_generic_payload trans; boost::uniform_int<> degen_dist(0x1, 0xe); boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand&, boost::uniform_int<> > deg(this->generator, degen_dist); this->lastIrq = deg(); std::cerr << "Sending out IRQ id=" << std::hex << std::showbase << this->lastIrq << std::endl; trans.set_address(this->lastIrq); trans.set_data_ptr(&data); trans.set_data_length(0); trans.set_byte_enable_ptr(0); trans.set_dmi_allowed(false); trans.set_response_status( tlm::TLM_INCOMPLETE_RESPONSE ); sc_time delay; this->init_socket->b_transport(trans, delay); if(trans.is_response_error()) { std::string errorStr("Error in generateIrq, response status = " + trans.get_response_string()); SC_REPORT_ERROR("TLM-2", errorStr.c_str()); } } wait(this->latency); } }
//Method used for receiving acknowledgements of interrupts; the ack consists of //uninteresting data and the address corresponds to the interrupt signal to //be lowered //As a response, I lower the interrupt by sending a NULL pointer on the init_socket void b_transport(tlm::tlm_generic_payload& trans, sc_time& delay) { if(this->lastIrq < 0) { THROW_EXCEPTION("Error, lowering an interrupt which hasn't been raised yet!!"); } tlm::tlm_command cmd = trans.get_command(); sc_dt::uint64 adr = trans.get_address(); unsigned char* ptr = trans.get_data_ptr(); if(trans.get_command() == tlm::TLM_READ_COMMAND) { THROW_EXCEPTION("Error, the read request is not currently supported by external PINs"); } else if(cmd == tlm::TLM_WRITE_COMMAND) { if(this->lastIrq != adr) { THROW_EXCEPTION("Error, lowering interrupt " << std::hex << std::showbase << (unsigned)adr << " while " << std::hex << std::showbase << this->lastIrq << " was raised"); } else { //finally I can really lower the interrupt: I send 0 on //the initSocked unsigned char data = 0; trans.set_data_ptr(&data); trans.set_dmi_allowed(false); trans.set_response_status( tlm::TLM_INCOMPLETE_RESPONSE ); sc_time delay; this->init_socket->b_transport(trans, delay); if(trans.is_response_error()) { std::string errorStr("Error in b_transport of PIN, response status = " + trans.get_response_string()); SC_REPORT_ERROR("TLM-2", errorStr.c_str()); } this->lastIrq = -1; } } trans.set_response_status(tlm::TLM_OK_RESPONSE); }
void VETypeList::DoNoCPPbSupportDialog( ConstStringPtr inFileName ) { StApplicationContext appContext; StDialogHandler dialog(PPob_NoCPPbSupport, LCommander::GetTopCommander()); // make the error string LStr255 errorStr(STRx_NoCPPbSupport, NoCPPb_StringFirst); if ( inFileName[0] > 0 ) { errorStr += inFileName; } errorStr += LStr255(STRx_NoCPPbSupport, NoCPPb_StringSecond); LStaticText *theCaption = dynamic_cast<LStaticText *> (dialog.GetDialog()->FindPaneByID(NoCPPb_Caption)); theCaption->SetDescriptor(errorStr); dialog.GetDialog()->Show(); MessageT theMessage; do { theMessage = dialog.DoDialog(); } while ( (theMessage != msg_OK) && (theMessage != msg_Cancel) ); LCommander::SetUpdateCommandStatus(true); }
base::FileStatus HdfsFile::stat() { if(!configured_) { throw std::runtime_error("Need to configure first"); } if (!fileStatCache_->contains(filename_)) { char *error = NULL; webhdfs_fstat_t *stat = webhdfs_stat(fs_, filename_.c_str(), &error); if(stat == NULL) { std::string errorStr(error); if (error) { free(error); } throw std::runtime_error(errorStr); } base::FileStatus s; s.blockSize = stat->block; s.length = stat->length; s.replicationFactor = stat->replication; webhdfs_fstat_free(stat); fileStatCache_->set(filename_, s); } return boost::any_cast<base::FileStatus>(fileStatCache_->get(filename_)); }
void Flashlight::setEnabled(bool newState) { Q_D(Flashlight); if (d->camHandle == CAMERA_HANDLE_INVALID) { qDebug("Flashlight error: invalid camera handle"); return; } auto lightMode = CAMERA_VIDEOLIGHT_OFF; if (newState) { lightMode = CAMERA_VIDEOLIGHT_ON; } auto err = camera_config_videolight(d->camHandle, lightMode); d->lightOn = !d->lightOn; if (err != CAMERA_EOK) { auto action = "disabling"; if (newState) { action = "enabling"; } qDebug("Flashlight error: failed to %s flashlight: %s", action, errorStr(err).c_str()); } }
/// @return >0 for FD, -1 means error. int CorosyncCpg::getFd() { int fd = -1; cs_error_t cs; if (ready && handle != 0 && CS_OK != (cs = cpg_fd_get(handle, &fd))) { LOG(ERROR)<< errorStr(cs, "Cannot get CPG file descriptor"); return -1; } return fd; }
void Widget::ftpCommandFinished(int, bool error) { int id = ftp->currentCommand(); QString errorStr(ftp->errorString()); if(id == QFtp::ConnectToHost) { if(error) qDebug() << tr("连接到服务器出现错误:%1").arg(errorStr); else qDebug() << tr("连接到服务器成功"); } else if(id == QFtp::Login) { if(error) qDebug() << tr("登录出现错误:%1").arg(errorStr); else { qDebug() << tr("登录成功"); ui->fileListTreeWidget->setEnabled(true); ui->downloadPushButton->setEnabled(true); clearAndAddCdParentItem(); ftp->list(); } } else if(id == QFtp::Get) { if(error) qDebug() << tr("下载出现错误:%1").arg(errorStr); else { qDebug() << tr("已经完成下载"); file->close(); // ui->textBrowser->setText(ftp->readAll()); } // ui->downloadPushButton->setEnabled(true); } else if(id == QFtp::Close) { if(error) qDebug() << tr("关闭连接出现错误:%1").arg(errorStr); else qDebug() << tr("已经关闭连接"); } else if(id == QFtp::List) { if(isDirectory.isEmpty()) { // ui->fileListTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem( // new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList()<<tr("<empty>"))); // ui->fileListTreeWidget->setEnabled(false); qDebug() << tr("该目录为空"); } } else qDebug() << "ftpCommandFinished() if else"; return; }
void PrintError(const wxString& msg, int err) { char errbuf[128]; const char *errbuf_ptr = errbuf; if (av_strerror(err, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)) < 0) errbuf_ptr = strerror(AVUNERROR(err)); wxString errorStr(errbuf_ptr, wxConvUTF8); wxLogError(msg + wxT(": ") + errorStr); }
void JagunMSNConnection::addContact(QString loginAdd, QString message) { if (!logged) { return; } qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: adicionando contato " << userLogin << " - " << loginAdd << " - " << message; db.createNewConnection(); if ( ! db.searchUser(loginAdd) ) { if ( db.checkContacts(userLogin,loginAdd) || db.checkContacts(loginAdd, userLogin) ) { db.addContact(userLogin,loginAdd,message); quint32 idConnectionContact = db.getIdConnection(loginAdd); JagunMSNConnection *connectionContact = getOtherConnection(idConnectionContact); if (connectionContact) { QString xml = parserToXML.requestAddContact(userLogin,message); QByteArray messageSend; messageSend.append(xml); connectionContact->send(&messageSend); } } else { qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: ja estava adicionado"; JagunMSNContact *contact = db.getData(loginAdd); JagunMSNContact *user = db.getData(userLogin); QString xml = parserToXML.changeStatusContact(contact->getLogin(),contact->getNickname(), contact->getMessage(),contact->getImage(), (int) contact->getStatus()); QByteArray messageSend; messageSend.append(xml); send(&messageSend); quint32 idConnectionContact = db.getIdConnection(loginAdd); JagunMSNConnection *connectionContact = getOtherConnection(idConnectionContact); if (connectionContact) { qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: outro online"; QString xmlTo = parserToXML.changeStatusContact(user->getLogin(), user->getNickname(), user->getMessage(), user->getImage(), (int) user->getStatus() ); QByteArray messageSendTo; messageSendTo.append(xmlTo); connectionContact->send(&messageSendTo); } } } else { QString errorStr(tr("Usuário não existe")); QString xml = parserToXML.addContactError(errorStr); QByteArray messageSend; messageSend.append(xml); send(&messageSend); } //db.closeConnection(); }
void JagunMSNConnection::loginUser(QString login, QString password) { qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: logando usuario"; //db.createNewConnection(); QString xml; if ( db.loginUser(login, password) ) { qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: usuario on"; //Logado // pega os ultimos dados do usuario e armazena o id da conexao db.setIdConnection(login, getIdConnection()); JagunMSNContact *userData = db.getData(login); QString nickname = userData->getNickname(); QString message = userData->getMessage(); QString image = userData->getImage(); int status = (int) userData->getLastStatus(); if ( status == (int) JagunMSNContact::ECSOffline ) { status = (int) JagunMSNContact::ECSOnline; } xml = parserToXML.logOn(login,nickname,message,image,status); logged = true; userLogin = login; userStatus = status; } else { qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: usuario error"; // Erro QString errorStr(tr("Login ou Senha inválida")); xml = parserToXML.loginUserError(errorStr); } QByteArray messageSend; messageSend.append(xml); send(&messageSend); if (logged) { JagunMSNContact *userData = db.getData(login); QString nickname = userData->getNickname(); QString message = userData->getMessage(); QString image = userData->getImage(); int status = (int) userData->getLastStatus(); if ( status == (int) JagunMSNContact::ECSOffline ) { status = (int) JagunMSNContact::ECSOnline; } QStringList sendToo; sendAllRequestAddContact(); changeStatus(nickname,message,image,status,sendToo); } else { close(); } //db.closeConnection(); }
FlashlightPrivate::~FlashlightPrivate() { if (camHandle != CAMERA_HANDLE_INVALID) { auto error = camera_close(camHandle); if (error != CAMERA_EOK) { qDebug("Failed to close camera: %s.", errorStr(error).c_str()); } } }
void Log::LogWarn(logLevel level, const char* logMessage, const char* file, int line) { Glib::ustring errorStr(logMessage); time_t raw_time; time(&raw_time); switch(level){ case LEVEL_LOG_ERROR: Log::errorDialog->set_default_response(GTK_RESPONSE_OK); Log::errorDialog->set_secondary_text(errorStr); if(errno != 0) Log::errorDialog->set_message(strerror(errno)); Log::errorDialog->run(); Log::errorDialog->hide(); errorStr.append(" in file "); errorStr.append(file); errorStr.append(" in line "); errorStr.append(std::to_string(line)); writeMessageLogFile (asctime(gmtime(&raw_time)) << ": ERROR " << strerror(errno) << "! ", logMessage, file, line); writeMessageTerminal(asctime(gmtime(&raw_time)) << ": ERROR " << strerror(errno) << "! ", logMessage, file, line); errno = 0; /* resets errno to zero */ exit(1); break; case LEVEL_LOG_WARNING: Log::warnDialog->set_default_response(GTK_RESPONSE_OK); Log::warnDialog->set_secondary_text(errorStr); if(errno != 0) Log::warnDialog->set_message(strerror(errno)); Log::warnDialog->run(); Log::warnDialog->hide(); errorStr.append(" in file "); errorStr.append(file); errorStr.append(" in line "); errorStr.append(std::to_string(line)); writeMessageLogFile (asctime(gmtime(&raw_time)) << ": WARNING " << strerror(errno) << "! ", logMessage, file, line); writeMessageTerminal(asctime(gmtime(&raw_time)) << ": WARNING " << strerror(errno) << "! ", logMessage, file, line); errno = 0; /* Resets errno to zero */ break; case LEVEL_LOG_INFO: Log::infoDialog->set_default_response(GTK_RESPONSE_OK); Log::infoDialog->set_secondary_text(errorStr); Log::infoDialog->run(); Log::infoDialog->hide(); writeMessageLogFile (asctime(gmtime(&raw_time)) << ": INFO ", logMessage, file, line); writeMessageTerminal(asctime(gmtime(&raw_time)) << ": INFO ", logMessage, file, line); break; case LEVEL_LOG_SILENT: writeMessageLogFile (asctime(gmtime(&raw_time)) << ": INFO ", logMessage, file, line); writeMessageTerminal(asctime(gmtime(&raw_time)) << ": INFO ", logMessage, file, line); break; default: *(Log::logFile) << "Error message not found ! Please repport this incident in the Issue Tracker at github" << std::endl; exit(1); } }
FlashlightPrivate::FlashlightPrivate() : camHandle { CAMERA_HANDLE_INVALID }, lightOn { false } { auto error = camera_open(CAMERA_UNIT_REAR, CAMERA_MODE_PREAD | CAMERA_MODE_PWRITE, &camHandle); if (error == CAMERA_EOK) { auto hasLight = camera_can_feature(camHandle, CAMERA_FEATURE_VIDEOLIGHT); if (!hasLight) { qDebug("Flashlight error: video light not available."); error = camera_close(camHandle); if (error != CAMERA_EOK) { qDebug("Flashlight error: failed to close camera: %s.", errorStr(error).c_str()); } camHandle = CAMERA_HANDLE_INVALID; } } else { qDebug("Flashlight error: failed to open camera: %s.", errorStr(error).c_str()); } }
/*static*/ v8::Handle<v8::Value> wxNodeObject::extendCallHandler(const v8::Arguments& args) { v8::HandleScope scope; v8::Local<v8::Object> result; v8::Local<v8::Object> argsData = args.Data()->ToObject(); v8::Handle<v8::Object> baseClass = argsData->Get(v8::String::New("baseClass"))->ToObject(); v8::Handle<v8::Object> subClass = argsData->Get(v8::String::New("subClass"))->ToObject(); // create new object v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[0]; result = v8::Object::Cast(*baseClass->CallAsConstructor(0, argv)); v8::Function* superWrapMethod = v8::Function::Cast(*v8::Context::GetCurrent()->Global()->Get(v8::String::New("__superWrapMethod"))); // copy subClass methods v8::Local<v8::Array> subClassPropNames = subClass->GetPropertyNames(); for(uint32_t i=0; i<subClassPropNames->Length(); i++) { v8::Local<v8::String> propName = subClassPropNames->Get(i)->ToString(); v8::Local<v8::Value> propVal = subClass->Get(propName); v8::Local<v8::Value> basePropVal = result->Get(propName); if(propVal->IsFunction()) { v8::Local<v8::Value> superWrapArgv[2]; superWrapArgv[0] = propVal; superWrapArgv[1] = basePropVal; propVal = superWrapMethod->Call(result, 2, superWrapArgv); result->Set(propName, propVal); } else { result->Set(propName, propVal); } } // call init int argc = args.Length(); v8::Handle<v8::Value>* initArgs = new v8::Handle<v8::Value>[argc]; for(int i=0; i<argc; i++) { initArgs[i] = args[i]; } v8::Local<v8::Value> initObj = result->Get(v8::String::New("init")); v8::Function *initFn = v8::Function::Cast(*initObj); v8::TryCatch tryCatch; initFn->Call(result, argc, initArgs); if(tryCatch.HasCaught()) { v8::String::AsciiValue errorStr(tryCatch.Exception()); printf("%s\n", *errorStr); return scope.Close(tryCatch.Exception()); // TODO: causes Seg fault } return scope.Close(result); }
void EtherApp::CheckLinkStatus(GLuint program) { GLint isLinked = 0; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &isLinked); GLint maxLength = 0; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength); if (maxLength > 0) { std::vector<GLchar> errorLog(maxLength); glGetProgramInfoLog(program, maxLength, &maxLength, &errorLog[0]); std::string errorStr(errorLog.begin(), errorLog.end()); EtherLog::GetInstance()->LogError(errorStr); } }
JParseResult JParseAsNumericVariable ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JSize origLength, const JVariableList* theVariableList, JFunction** theFunction, const JBoolean allowUIF ) { *theFunction = NULL; // remove enclosing parentheses const JCharacter* expr = origExpr; const JSize length = JStripParentheses(&expr, origLength); // try to parse the expression as a single variable JIndex varIndex; JFunction* arrayIndex = NULL; const JParseResult result = JParseVariable(expr, length, theVariableList, &varIndex, &arrayIndex, allowUIF); if (result == kJParsedOK && !theVariableList->IsNumeric(varIndex)) { delete arrayIndex; JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is not a numeric variable"; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJParseError; } else if (result == kJParsedOK) { *theFunction = new JVariableValue(theVariableList, varIndex, arrayIndex); assert( *theFunction != NULL ); return kJParsedOK; } else { return result; } }
/*********************************************************** call lua function ***********************************************************/ std::string LuaHandlerBase::CallLua(const std::string & functioname, ScriptEnvironmentBase* env) { try { if(env) luabind::call_function<void>(m_LuaState, functioname.c_str(), env); else luabind::call_function<void>(m_LuaState, functioname.c_str()); } catch(const std::exception &error) { std::string errorStr("Exception calling lua function "); errorStr += functioname + std::string(" : ") + error.what() + std::string(" : ") + lua_tostring(m_LuaState, -1); LogHandler::getInstance()->LogToFile(errorStr, 0); return errorStr; } return "Success"; }
void HdfsFile::configure(base::ConfigurationMap &conf) { GET_PARAMETER(hdfsConfigurationFile_, std::string, "hdfsConfigurationFile"); try { overwrite_ = boost::any_cast<bool>(conf["overwrite"]); } catch(...) { // PASS //LOG(INFO) << "overwrite not specified. Defaulting to false"; } /* Setup webhdfs config */ DLOG(INFO) << "Reading HDFS config: " << hdfsConfigurationFile_; char *error = NULL; conf_ = webhdfs_conf_load(hdfsConfigurationFile_.c_str(), &error); if(!conf_) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Error reading hdfs config: " << hdfsConfigurationFile_ << " : "; std::string errorStr(os.str()); if (error) { errorStr += std::string(error); free(error); } throw std::runtime_error(errorStr); } /* Connect to WebHDFS */ fs_ = webhdfs_connect(conf_); if(!fs_) { throw std::runtime_error("error in webhdfs_connect"); } f_ = webhdfs_file_open(fs_, filename_.c_str()); if(!f_) { throw std::runtime_error("error in webhdfs_file_open"); } GET_PARAMETER(fileStatCache_, boost::shared_ptr<base::Cache>, "fileStatCache"); configured_ = true; }
ConfigFileParser::ConfigFileParser(const std::string filename) : FILENAME(filename), PARSERS(fillParsers()) { foundCutter = foundStock = foundPoints = false; std::ifstream ifs; FileUtils::openFile(filename, ifs); while(ifs.good() && !foundAll()) { std::string str = FileUtils::readNextValidLine(ifs).validLine; // checks if given line is a section string of type: [SMTHNG] boost::smatch matcher; boost::regex expression("\\[(\\w+)\\]"); if (!boost::regex_match(str, matcher, expression)) { abortParsing("'" + str + "' is not a valid section"); } std::string section(matcher[1]); ParsersMap::const_iterator it; it = PARSERS.find(section); if (it == PARSERS.end()) { // no parsers registered to dissect given section abortParsing("unknown section '" + section + "'"); } // invoke parser in order to dissect section (this->*(it->second))(ifs); // then continue to the next section } if (!foundAll()) { std::string errorStr("missing section[s]: "); if (!foundCutter) errorStr += "tool "; if (!foundPoints) errorStr += "point "; if (!foundStock) errorStr += "product "; abortParsing(errorStr); } }
void EtherApp::CompileShader(GLuint shader, const std::string& shaderPath) { std::string assetsDir = EtherPlatform::GetInstance()->GetAssetsDirectory(); if (assetsDir.empty()) { return; } std::string tmpShaderPath = assetsDir + "shaders/" + shaderPath; std::string shaderString; std::ifstream sourceFile(tmpShaderPath.c_str()); if (sourceFile) { shaderString.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator< char >(sourceFile)), std::istreambuf_iterator< char >()); } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Error loading file contents from " << shaderPath << std::endl; EtherLog::GetInstance()->LogError(ss.str()); return; } const GLchar* shaderSource = shaderString.c_str(); // load/compile shader glShaderSource(shader, 1, (const GLchar**)&shaderSource, NULL); glCompileShader(shader); GLint isCompiled = 0; glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &isCompiled); GLint maxLength = 0; glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength); if(maxLength > 0) { std::vector<GLchar> errorLog(maxLength); glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, maxLength, &maxLength, &errorLog[0]); std::string errorStr(errorLog.begin(), errorLog.end()); EtherLog::GetInstance()->LogError(errorStr); } }
bool QstProtocol::waitForConnected( int timeout ) { QTime t; t.start(); bool ok = false; QTime t2; t2.start(); while (t.elapsed() < timeout && !ok) { ok = QTcpSocket::waitForConnected(timeout); if (!ok) { wait(100); if (t2.elapsed() > 1000) { t2.start(); reconnect(); } } } if (ok) { if (debug_on) { qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::waitForConnected(%2, %3) ...") .arg(uniqueId()).arg(timeout).arg(stateStr()).toLatin1(); } t2.start(); while (t.elapsed() < timeout && !isConnected()) { wait(10); if (!isConnected() && t2.elapsed() > 500) { postMessage( QstMessage(QLatin1String("QTEST_NEW_CONNECTION")) ); t2.start(); } } ok = isConnected(); } if (debug_on) { qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::waitForConnected() ... %2 (%3 ms)").arg(uniqueId()).arg(ok ? "OK" : "FAILED" ).arg(t.elapsed()).toLatin1(); if (!ok) qDebug() << errorStr(); } return ok; }
void AnimationReader::run() { DependencyManager::get<StatTracker>()->decrementStat("PendingProcessing"); CounterStat counter("Processing"); PROFILE_RANGE_EX(resource_parse, __FUNCTION__, 0xFF00FF00, 0, { { "url", _url.toString() } }); auto originalPriority = QThread::currentThread()->priority(); if (originalPriority == QThread::InheritPriority) { originalPriority = QThread::NormalPriority; } QThread::currentThread()->setPriority(QThread::LowPriority); try { if (_data.isEmpty()) { throw QString("Reply is NULL ?!"); } QString urlname = _url.path().toLower(); bool urlValid = true; urlValid &= !urlname.isEmpty(); urlValid &= !_url.path().isEmpty(); if (urlValid) { // Parse the FBX directly from the QNetworkReply HFMModel::Pointer hfmModel; if (_url.path().toLower().endsWith(".fbx")) { hfmModel = FBXSerializer().read(_data, QVariantHash(), _url.path()); } else { QString errorStr("usupported format"); emit onError(299, errorStr); } emit onSuccess(hfmModel); } else { throw QString("url is invalid"); } } catch (const QString& error) { emit onError(299, error); } QThread::currentThread()->setPriority(originalPriority); }
void JagunMSNConnection::newUser(QString login, QString password, QString email) { qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: criando nova conta"; //db.createNewConnection(); QString xml; if ( db.insertNewUser(login,email,password) ) { // Conta criada qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: conta criada"; QDateTime date = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); xml = parserToXML.userCreated(login,date); } else { //Conta nao criada qDebug() << "JagunMSNConnection :: conta nao criada"; QString errorStr( tr("Não foi possível criar conta") ); xml = parserToXML.userNotCreated(errorStr); } QByteArray message; message.append(xml); send(&message); //db.closeConnection(); close(); }
JBoolean JRecurseDecision ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JSize origLength, const JVariableList* theVariableList, JDecision** theDecision ) { *theDecision = NULL; // remove enclosing parentheses const JCharacter* expr = origExpr; const JSize length = JStripParentheses(&expr, origLength); if (length == 0) { (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError("You specified an empty decision"); return kJFalse; } // check for a constant if (JIsBoolConstant(expr, length, theDecision)) { return kJTrue; } // search for an operator JDecisionType type; JSize start,end; if (JContainsBooleanOperator(expr, length, &type, &start, &end)) { JDecision* arg1 = NULL; JDecision* arg2 = NULL; if (!JRecurseDecision(expr, start, theVariableList, &arg1) || !JRecurseDecision(expr + end, length - end, theVariableList, &arg2)) { delete arg1; delete arg2; return kJFalse; } if (type == kJBooleanANDType) { *theDecision = new JBooleanAND(arg1, arg2); } else if (type == kJBooleanORType) { *theDecision = new JBooleanOR(arg1, arg2); } else if (type == kJBooleanXORType) { *theDecision = new JBooleanXOR(arg1, arg2); } else { cerr << "JRecurseDecision: unknown boolean operator" << endl; delete arg1; delete arg2; return kJFalse; } assert( *theDecision != NULL ); return kJTrue; } // check for negation JParseResult result = JParseAsNegation(expr, length, theVariableList, theDecision); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for "is unknown" result = JParseAsUnknown(expr, length, theVariableList, theDecision); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for discrete variable result = JParseAsDiscreteComparison(expr, length, theVariableList, theDecision); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for numeric comparison if (JContainsComparisonOperator(expr, length, &type, &start, &end)) { JFunction* arg1 = NULL; JFunction* arg2 = NULL; if (!JRecurseFunction(expr, start, theVariableList, &arg1) || !JRecurseFunction(expr + end, length - end, theVariableList, &arg2)) { delete arg1; delete arg2; return kJFalse; } if (type == kJFunctionEqualityType) { *theDecision = new JFunctionEquality(arg1, arg2); } else if (type == kJLessThanType) { *theDecision = new JLessThan(arg1, arg2); } else if (type == kJLessEqualThanType) { *theDecision = new JLessEqualThan(arg1, arg2); } else if (type == kJGreaterThanType) { *theDecision = new JGreaterThan(arg1, arg2); } else if (type == kJGreaterEqualThanType) { *theDecision = new JGreaterEqualThan(arg1, arg2); } else { cerr << "JRecurseDecision: unknown comparison operator" << endl; delete arg1; delete arg2; return kJFalse; } assert( *theDecision != NULL ); return kJTrue; } // this string is not a decision JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is not a valid boolean expression"; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJFalse; }
JParseResult JParseAsFunctionWithArgs ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JSize origLength, const JVariableList* theVariableList, JFunction** theFunction, const JBoolean allowUIF ) { *theFunction = NULL; // remove enclosing parentheses const JCharacter* expr = origExpr; const JSize length = JStripParentheses(&expr, origLength); // check if expr starts with a function name const JSize fnCount = JPGetStdFunctionCount(); const JStdFunctionInfo* fnInfo = JPGetStdFunctionInfo(); JBoolean found = kJFalse; JFunctionType type = kJSquareRootType; const JCharacter* argsStart = NULL; JSize argsLength = 0, argCount = 0, nameLength = 0; for (JIndex i=1; i<=fnCount; i++) { if (JStringBeginsWith(expr, length, fnInfo[i-1].name)) { found = kJTrue; type = fnInfo[i-1].type; argCount = fnInfo[i-1].argCount; nameLength = strlen(fnInfo[i-1].name); argsStart = expr + nameLength; argsLength = length - nameLength - 1; break; } } if (!found) { return kJNotMyProblem; } // check if the argument block is correctly closed if (!((*(expr + nameLength-1) == '(' && *(expr + length-1) == ')') || (*(expr + nameLength-1) == '[' && *(expr + length-1) == ']')) ) { return kJNotMyProblem; } // create the appropriate object JFunctionWithArgs* stdFunction = NULL; if (type == kJSquareRootType) { stdFunction = new JSquareRoot(); } else if (type == kJAbsValueType) { stdFunction = new JAbsValue(); } else if (type == kJSignType) { stdFunction = new JAlgSign(); } else if (type == kJRoundType) { stdFunction = new JRoundToInt(); } else if (type == kJTruncateType) { stdFunction = new JTruncateToInt(); } else if (type == kJLog10Type) { stdFunction = new JLogB(); // will set base later } else if (type == kJLogEType) { stdFunction = new JLogE(); } else if (type == kJLog2Type) { stdFunction = new JLogB(); // will set base later } else if (type == kJSineType) { stdFunction = new JSine(); } else if (type == kJCosineType) { stdFunction = new JCosine(); } else if (type == kJTangentType) { stdFunction = new JTangent(); } else if (type == kJArcSineType) { stdFunction = new JArcSine(); } else if (type == kJArcCosineType) { stdFunction = new JArcCosine(); } else if (type == kJArcTangentType) { stdFunction = new JArcTangent(); } else if (type == kJHypSineType) { stdFunction = new JHypSine(); } else if (type == kJHypCosineType) { stdFunction = new JHypCosine(); } else if (type == kJHypTangentType) { stdFunction = new JHypTangent(); } else if (type == kJArcHypSineType) { stdFunction = new JArcHypSine(); } else if (type == kJArcHypCosineType) { stdFunction = new JArcHypCosine(); } else if (type == kJArcHypTangentType) { stdFunction = new JArcHypTangent(); } else if (type == kJRealPartType) { stdFunction = new JRealPart(); } else if (type == kJImagPartType) { stdFunction = new JImagPart(); } else if (type == kJPhaseAngleType) { stdFunction = new JPhaseAngle(); } else if (type == kJConjugateType) { stdFunction = new JConjugate(); } else if (type == kJLogBType) { stdFunction = new JLogB(); } else if (type == kJArcTangent2Type) { stdFunction = new JArcTangent2(); } else if (type == kJRotateType) { stdFunction = new JRotateComplex(); } else if (type == kJMaxFuncType) { stdFunction = new JMaxFunc(); } else if (type == kJMinFuncType) { stdFunction = new JMinFunc(); } else if (type == kJParallelType) { stdFunction = new JParallel(); } else { cerr << "JParseAsFunctionWithArgs: unknown function type" << endl; return kJParseError; } assert( stdFunction != NULL ); // parse each argument const JCharacter* argSeparatorStr = JPGetArgSeparatorString(); const JSize argSeparatorLength = JPGetArgSeparatorStringLength(); if (argCount == 1) { // parse the entire string as the single argument JFunction* arg = NULL; const JBoolean ok = JRecurseFunction(argsStart, argsLength, theVariableList, &arg, allowUIF); if (ok && (type == kJLog10Type || type == kJLog2Type)) { JConstantValue* base = NULL; if (type == kJLog10Type) { base = new JConstantValue(10.0); } else if (type == kJLog2Type) { base = new JConstantValue(2.0); } assert( base != NULL ); stdFunction->SetArg(1, base); stdFunction->SetArg(2, arg); *theFunction = stdFunction; return kJParsedOK; } else if (ok) { stdFunction->SetArg(1, arg); *theFunction = stdFunction; return kJParsedOK; } else { delete stdFunction; return kJParseError; } } else if (argCount != kJUnlimitedArgs) { // parse all but the last argument by searching forward // for commas with JFindFirstOperator const JCharacter* argStart = argsStart; JSize remainderLength = argsLength; for (JIndex i=1; i<argCount; i++) { JSize offset; if (!JFindFirstOperator(argStart, remainderLength, argSeparatorStr, &offset)) { JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" has too few arguments"; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); delete stdFunction; return kJParseError; } JFunction* arg = NULL; if (!JRecurseFunction(argStart, offset, theVariableList, &arg, allowUIF)) { delete stdFunction; return kJParseError; } stdFunction->SetArg(i, arg); argStart += offset + argSeparatorLength; remainderLength -= offset + argSeparatorLength; } // make sure that there is only one argument left JSize offset; if (JFindFirstOperator(argStart, remainderLength, argSeparatorStr, &offset)) { JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" has too many arguments"; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); delete stdFunction; return kJParseError; } // parse the last argument in the list JFunction* arg = NULL; if (!JRecurseFunction(argStart, remainderLength, theVariableList, &arg, allowUIF)) { delete stdFunction; return kJParseError; } stdFunction->SetArg(argCount, arg); *theFunction = stdFunction; return kJParsedOK; } else // argCount == kJUnlimitedArgs { // parse all the arguments by searching forward // for commas with JFindFirstOperator JIndex i=1; const JCharacter* argStart = argsStart; JSize remainderLength = argsLength; JBoolean foundArgSeparator = kJTrue; while (foundArgSeparator) { JSize offset; foundArgSeparator = JFindFirstOperator(argStart, remainderLength, argSeparatorStr, &offset); if (!foundArgSeparator) { offset = remainderLength; } JFunction* arg = NULL; if (!JRecurseFunction(argStart, offset, theVariableList, &arg, allowUIF)) { delete stdFunction; return kJParseError; } stdFunction->SetArg(i, arg); i++; argStart += offset + argSeparatorLength; remainderLength -= offset + argSeparatorLength; } *theFunction = stdFunction; return kJParsedOK; } }
JBoolean JRecurseFunction ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JSize origLength, const JVariableList* theVariableList, JFunction** theFunction, const JBoolean allowUIF ) { *theFunction = NULL; // remove enclosing parentheses const JCharacter* expr = origExpr; const JSize length = JStripParentheses(&expr, origLength); if (length == 0) { (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError("You specified an empty function"); return kJFalse; } // check for summation (+,-) JParseResult result = JParseAsSummation(expr, length, theVariableList, theFunction, allowUIF); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for product before division // so we correctly parse x/y*z as (x/y)*z result = JParseAsProduct(expr, length, theVariableList, theFunction, allowUIF); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for division result = JParseAsDivision(expr, length, theVariableList, theFunction, allowUIF); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for exponentiation result = JParseAsExponentiation(expr, length, theVariableList, theFunction, allowUIF); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for standard function result = JParseAsFunctionWithArgs(expr, length, theVariableList, theFunction, allowUIF); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for function of discrete variable result = JParseAsFunctionOfDiscrete(expr, length, theVariableList, theFunction, allowUIF); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for named constant if (JIsNamedConstant(expr, length, theFunction)) { return kJTrue; } // check for variable name result = JParseAsNumericVariable(expr, length, theVariableList, theFunction, allowUIF); if (result == kJParsedOK) { return kJTrue; } else if (result == kJParseError) { return kJFalse; } // check for empty JUserInputFunction if (allowUIF && JStringsEqual(expr, length, JUserInputFunction::GetEmptyString())) { *theFunction = new JUserInputFunction(theVariableList, JGetCurrFontManager(), JGetCurrColormap()); assert( *theFunction != NULL ); return kJTrue; } // check for constant, must occupy entire string JString valueStr(expr, length); JBoolean isPercentage = kJFalse; if (valueStr.GetLastCharacter() == '%') { isPercentage = kJTrue; valueStr.RemoveSubstring(valueStr.GetLength(), valueStr.GetLength()); valueStr.TrimWhitespace(); } JFloat value; if (valueStr.ConvertToFloat(&value)) { if (isPercentage) { value /= 100.0; } *theFunction = new JConstantValue(value); assert( *theFunction != NULL ); return kJTrue; } else if (jerrno() == ERANGE) { JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is too large to be represented."; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJFalse; } // this string is not a function JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is not a valid function."; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJFalse; }
JParseResult JParseVariable ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JSize origLength, const JVariableList* theVariableList, JIndex* varIndex, JFunction** arrayIndex, const JBoolean allowUIF ) { *arrayIndex = NULL; // remove enclosing parentheses const JCharacter* expr = origExpr; JSize length = JStripParentheses(&expr, origLength); // strip off array index first JSize offset; if (JStringContains(expr, length, "[", &offset) && JStringEndsWith(expr, length, "]")) { const JCharacter* indexExpr = expr + offset + 1; // move past [ JSize indexLength = length - offset - 2; // ignore trailing ] if (!JRecurseFunction(indexExpr, indexLength, theVariableList, arrayIndex, allowUIF)) { return kJParseError; } length = offset; } // look for variable name if (theVariableList->ParseVariableName(expr, length, varIndex)) { const JBoolean isArray = theVariableList->IsArray(*varIndex); if (*arrayIndex == NULL && isArray) { JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is an array"; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJParseError; } if (*arrayIndex != NULL && !isArray) { delete *arrayIndex; *arrayIndex = NULL; JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is not an array"; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJParseError; } return kJParsedOK; } else if (*arrayIndex != NULL) { delete *arrayIndex; *arrayIndex = NULL; JString errorStr(expr, length); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is not a variable"; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJParseError; } else { return kJNotMyProblem; } }
JParseResult JParseAsFunctionOfDiscrete ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JSize origLength, const JVariableList* theVariableList, JFunction** theFunction, const JBoolean allowUIF ) { *theFunction = NULL; // remove enclosing parentheses const JCharacter* expr = origExpr; const JSize length = JStripParentheses(&expr, origLength); // check if expr starts with a function name const JSize fnCount = JPGetFnOfDiscreteCount(); const JFunctionOfDiscreteInfo* fnInfo = JPGetFnOfDiscreteInfo(); JBoolean found = kJFalse; JFunctionType type = kJSquareRootType; const JCharacter* argStart = NULL; JSize argLength = 0, nameLength = 0; for (JSize i=1; i<=fnCount; i++) { if (JStringBeginsWith(expr, length, fnInfo[i-1].name)) { found = kJTrue; type = fnInfo[i-1].type; nameLength = strlen(fnInfo[i-1].name); argStart = expr + nameLength; argLength = length - nameLength - 1; } } if (!found) { return kJNotMyProblem; } // check if the argument block is correctly closed if (!((*(expr + nameLength-1) == '(' && *(expr + length-1) == ')') || (*(expr + nameLength-1) == '[' && *(expr + length-1) == ']')) ) { return kJNotMyProblem; } // parse the argument as a discrete variable name JIndex varIndex; JFunction* arrayIndex = NULL; const JParseResult result = JParseVariable(argStart, argLength, theVariableList, &varIndex, &arrayIndex, allowUIF); if (result != kJParsedOK || !theVariableList->IsDiscrete(varIndex)) { delete arrayIndex; JString errorStr(argStart, argLength); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is not a discrete variable"; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJParseError; } // create the appropriate object if (type == kJDiscVarValueIndexType) { *theFunction = new JDiscVarValueIndex(theVariableList, varIndex, arrayIndex); } else if (type == kJDiscVarValueType) { *theFunction = new JDiscVarValue(theVariableList, varIndex, arrayIndex); } else { cerr << "JParseAsFunctionOfDiscrete: unknown function type" << endl; delete arrayIndex; return kJParseError; } assert( *theFunction != NULL ); return kJParsedOK; }
JParseResult JParseAsDiscreteComparison ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JSize origLength, const JVariableList* theVariableList, JDecision** theDecision ) { *theDecision = NULL; // remove enclosing parentheses const JCharacter* expr = origExpr; const JSize length = JStripParentheses(&expr, origLength); // search for equal sign JSize offset; if (!JStringContains(expr, length, JPGetEqualityString(), &offset)) { return kJNotMyProblem; } // check front part for a single variable name // if it doesn't work, we assume it's a function JIndex varIndex; JFunction* arrayIndex = NULL; const JParseResult result = JParseVariable(expr, offset, theVariableList, &varIndex, &arrayIndex); if (result != kJParsedOK) { return result; } // check last part for a legal variable value const JSize valueOffset = offset + JPGetEqualityStringLength(); const JCharacter* valueStart = expr + valueOffset; const JSize valueLength = JStripParentheses(&valueStart, length - valueOffset); JIndex value; if (theVariableList->IsNumeric(varIndex)) { // check for comparison with appropriate equivalent of "unknown" const JString& unknownName = theVariableList->GetUnknownValueSymbol(varIndex); if (JStringsEqual(valueStart, valueLength, unknownName)) { // return JValueUnknown object *theDecision = new JValueUnknown(theVariableList, varIndex, arrayIndex); assert( *theDecision != NULL ); return kJParsedOK; } else { delete arrayIndex; return kJNotMyProblem; } } else if (theVariableList->ParseDiscreteValue(valueStart, valueLength, varIndex, &value)) { // return JDiscreteEquality object *theDecision = new JDiscreteEquality(theVariableList, varIndex, arrayIndex, value); assert( *theDecision != NULL ); return kJParsedOK; } // check for another discrete variable JIndex varIndex2; JFunction* arrayIndex2 = NULL; const JParseResult result2 = JParseVariable(valueStart, valueLength, theVariableList, &varIndex2, &arrayIndex2); if (result2 == kJParsedOK && theVariableList->IsDiscrete(varIndex2) && theVariableList->HaveSameValues(varIndex, varIndex2)) { // return JDiscreteVarEquality object *theDecision = new JDiscreteVarEquality(theVariableList, varIndex, arrayIndex, varIndex2, arrayIndex2); assert( *theDecision != NULL ); return kJParsedOK; } delete arrayIndex; delete arrayIndex2; if (result2 == kJParsedOK) { // it parsed, but the variables can't be compared JString errorStr = theVariableList->GetVariableName(varIndex); errorStr += " cannot be compared with "; errorStr += JString(valueStart, valueLength); (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJParseError; } else if (result2 == kJParseError) { return kJParseError; } else { // we couldn't make sense of the second half, so it's an error JString errorStr(valueStart, valueLength); errorStr.Prepend("\""); errorStr += "\" is not a possible value of "; errorStr += theVariableList->GetVariableName(varIndex); (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(errorStr); return kJParseError; } }