Exemplo n.º 1
int storage_readInfilParams(int j, char* tok[], int ntoks, int n)
    int       i, k;
    double    x[3];
    TGrnAmpt* infil;

    // --- read Grenn-Ampt infiltration parameters from input tokens
    if ( ntoks < n + 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[n+i], &x[i]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[n+i]);

    // --- create a Green-Ampt infiltration object for the storage node
    k = Node[j].subIndex;
    infil = Storage[k].infil;
    if ( infil == NULL )
        infil = (TGrnAmpt *) malloc(sizeof(TGrnAmpt));
        if ( infil == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_MEMORY, "");
        Storage[k].infil = infil;

    // --- add the infiltration parameters to the Green-Ampt object
    if ( !grnampt_setParams(infil, x) ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, "");
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int infil_readParams(int m, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   m = infiltration method code
//           tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: sets infiltration parameters from a line of input data.
//  Format of data line is:
//     subcatch  p1  p2 ...
    int   i, j, n, status;
    double x[5];

    // --- check that subcatchment exists
    j = project_findObject(SUBCATCH, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- number of input tokens depends on infiltration model m
    if      ( m == HORTON )       n = 5;
    else if ( m == MOD_HORTON )   n = 5;
    else if ( m == GREEN_AMPT )   n = 4;
    else if ( m == MOD_GREEN_AMPT )   n = 4;                                   //(5.1.010)
    else if ( m == CURVE_NUMBER ) n = 4;
    else return 0;
    if ( ntoks < n ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- parse numerical values from tokens
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) x[i] = 0.0;
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[i], &x[i-1]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i]);

    // --- special case for Horton infil. - last parameter is optional
    if ( (m == HORTON || m == MOD_HORTON) && ntoks > n )
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[n], &x[n-1]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[n]);

    // --- assign parameter values to infil. object
    Subcatch[j].infil = j;
    switch (m)
      case HORTON:
      case MOD_HORTON:   status = horton_setParams(&HortInfil[j], x);
      case GREEN_AMPT:
      case MOD_GREEN_AMPT:                                                     //(5.1.010)
                         status = grnampt_setParams(&GAInfil[j], x);
      case CURVE_NUMBER: status = curvenum_setParams(&CNInfil[j], x);
      default:           status = TRUE;
    if ( !status ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, "");
    return 0;
int readControl(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads a line of input for a control rule.
    int index;
    int keyword;

    // --- check for minimum number of tokens
    if ( ntoks < 2 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- get index of control rule keyword
    keyword = findmatch(tok[0], RuleKeyWords);
    if ( keyword < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[0]);

    // --- if line begins a new control rule, add rule ID to the database
    if ( keyword == 0 )
        if ( !project_addObject(CONTROL, tok[1], Mobjects[CONTROL]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, Tok[1]);

    // --- get index of last control rule processed
    index = Mobjects[CONTROL] - 1;
    if ( index < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_RULE, "");

    // --- add current line as a new clause to the control rule
    return controls_addRuleClause(index, keyword, Tok, Ntokens);
Exemplo n.º 4
int  createStorageExfil(int k, double x[])
//  Input:   k = index of storage unit node
//           x = array of Green-Ampt infiltration parameters
//  Output:  returns an error code.
//  Purpose: creates an exfiltration object for a storage node.
//  Note: the exfiltration object is freed in project.c.
    TExfil*   exfil;

    // --- create an exfiltration object for the storage node
    exfil = Storage[k].exfil;
    if ( exfil == NULL )
        exfil = (TExfil *) malloc(sizeof(TExfil));
        if ( exfil == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_MEMORY, "");
        Storage[k].exfil = exfil;

        // --- create Green-Ampt infiltration objects for the bottom & banks
        exfil->btmExfil = NULL;
        exfil->bankExfil = NULL;
        exfil->btmExfil = (TGrnAmpt *) malloc(sizeof(TGrnAmpt));
        if ( exfil->btmExfil == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_MEMORY, "");
        exfil->bankExfil = (TGrnAmpt *) malloc(sizeof(TGrnAmpt));
        if ( exfil->bankExfil == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_MEMORY, "");

    // --- initialize the Green-Ampt parameters
    if ( !grnampt_setParams(exfil->btmExfil, x) )
        return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, "");
    grnampt_setParams(exfil->bankExfil, x);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
int gwater_readAquiferParams(Project* project, int j, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   j = aquifer index
//           tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns error message
//  Purpose: reads aquifer parameter values from line of input data
//  Data line contains following parameters:
//    ID, porosity, wiltingPoint, fieldCapacity,     conductivity,
//    conductSlope, tensionSlope, upperEvapFraction, lowerEvapDepth,
//    gwRecession,  bottomElev,   waterTableElev,    upperMoisture
//    (evapPattern)
    int   i, p;
    double x[12];
    char *id;

    // --- check that aquifer exists
    if ( ntoks < 13 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
	id = project_findID(project, AQUIFER, tok[0]);
    if ( id == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- read remaining tokens as numbers
    for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) x[i] = 0.0;
    for (i = 1; i < 13; i++)
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[i], &x[i-1]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i]);

    // --- read upper evap pattern if present
    p = -1;
    if ( ntoks > 13 )
		p = project_findObject(project, TIMEPATTERN, tok[13]);
        if ( p < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[13]);

    // --- assign parameters to aquifer object
    project->Aquifer[j].ID = id;
    project->Aquifer[j].porosity       = x[0];
    project->Aquifer[j].wiltingPoint   = x[1];
    project->Aquifer[j].fieldCapacity  = x[2];
	project->Aquifer[j].conductivity = x[3] / UCF(project, RAINFALL);
    project->Aquifer[j].conductSlope   = x[4];
	project->Aquifer[j].tensionSlope = x[5] / UCF(project, LENGTH);
    project->Aquifer[j].upperEvapFrac  = x[6];
	project->Aquifer[j].lowerEvapDepth = x[7] / UCF(project, LENGTH);
	project->Aquifer[j].lowerLossCoeff = x[8] / UCF(project, RAINFALL);
	project->Aquifer[j].bottomElev = x[9] / UCF(project, LENGTH);
	project->Aquifer[j].waterTableElev = x[10] / UCF(project, LENGTH);
    project->Aquifer[j].upperMoisture  = x[11];
    project->Aquifer[j].upperEvapPat   = p;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
int gwater_readFlowExpression(Project* project, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads mathematical expression for lateral or deep groundwater
//           flow for a subcatchment from a line of input data.
//  Format is: subcatch LATERAL/DEEP <expr>
//     where subcatch is the ID of the subcatchment, LATERAL is for lateral
//     project->GW flow, DEEP is for deep project->GW flow and <expr> is any well-formed math
//     expression. 
    int   i, j, k;
    char  exprStr[MAXLINE+1];
    MathExpr* expr;

    // --- return if too few tokens
    if ( ntoks < 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check that subcatchment exists
	j = project_findObject(project, SUBCATCH, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- check if expression is for lateral or deep project->GW flow
    k = 1;
    if ( match(tok[1], "LAT") ) k = 1;
    else if ( match(tok[1], "DEEP") ) k = 2;
    else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);

    // --- concatenate remaining tokens into a single string
    strcpy(exprStr, tok[2]);
    for ( i = 3; i < ntoks; i++)
        strcat(exprStr, " ");
        strcat(exprStr, tok[i]);

    // --- delete any previous flow eqn.
    if ( k == 1 ) mathexpr_delete(project->Subcatch[j].gwLatFlowExpr);
    else          mathexpr_delete(project->Subcatch[j].gwDeepFlowExpr);

    // --- create a parsed expression tree from the string expr
    //     (getVariableIndex is the function that converts a project->GW
    //      variable's name into an index number) 
    expr = mathexpr_create(project,exprStr, getVariableIndex);
    if ( expr == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_TREATMENT_EXPR, "");

    // --- save expression tree with the subcatchment
    if ( k == 1 ) project->Subcatch[j].gwLatFlowExpr = expr;
    else          project->Subcatch[j].gwDeepFlowExpr = expr;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int rdii_readUnitHydParams(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads parameters of an RDII unit hydrograph from a line of input.
    int i, j, m, g;
    float x[9];

    // --- check that RDII UH object exists in database
    j = project_findObject(UNITHYD, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);
    // --- assign UH ID to name in hash table
    if ( UnitHyd[j].ID == NULL )
        UnitHyd[j].ID = project_findID(UNITHYD, tok[0]);

    // --- line has 2 tokens; assign rain gage to UH object
    if ( ntoks == 2 )
        g = project_findObject(GAGE, tok[1]);
        if ( g < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[1]);
        UnitHyd[j].rainGage = g;
        return 0;

    // --- line has 11 tokens; retrieve & save UH params.
    if ( ntoks == 11 )
        // --- find which month UH params apply to
        m = datetime_findMonth(tok[1]);
        if ( m == 0 )
            if ( !match(tok[1], w_ALL) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);

        // --- read 3 sets of r-t-k values
        for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
            if ( ! getFloat(tok[i+2], &x[i]) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i+2]);

        // --- save UH params
        setUnitHydParams(j, m, x);
        return 0;
    else return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
Exemplo n.º 8
int rdii_readRdiiInflow(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads properties of an RDII inflow from a line of input.
    int   j, k;
    float a;
    TRdiiInflow* inflow;

    // --- check for proper number of items
    if ( ntoks < 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check that node receiving RDII exists
    j = project_findObject(NODE, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);
    // --- check that RDII unit hydrograph exists
    k = project_findObject(UNITHYD, tok[1]);
    if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[1]);

    // --- read in sewer area value
    if ( !getFloat(tok[2], &a) || a < 0.0 )
        return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[2]);

    // --- create the RDII inflow object if it doesn't already exist
    inflow = Node[j].rdiiInflow;
    if ( inflow == NULL )
        inflow = (TRdiiInflow *) malloc(sizeof(TRdiiInflow));
        if ( !inflow ) return error_setInpError(ERR_MEMORY, "");

    // --- assign UH & area to inflow object
    inflow->unitHyd = k;
    inflow->area = a / UCF(LANDAREA);

    // --- assign inflow object to node
    Node[j].rdiiInflow = inflow;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
int junc_readParams(int j, int k, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   j = node index
//           k = junction index
//           tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error message
//  Purpose: reads a junction's properties from a tokenized line of input.
//  Format of input line is:
//     nodeID  elev  maxDepth  initDepth  surDepth  aPond 
    int    i;
    double x[6];
    char*  id;

    if ( ntoks < 2 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    id = project_findID(NODE, tok[0]);
    if ( id == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- parse invert elev., max. depth, init. depth, surcharged depth,
    //     & ponded area values
    for ( i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )
        x[i-1] = 0.0;
        if ( i < ntoks )
            if ( ! getDouble(tok[i], &x[i-1]) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i]);

    // --- check for non-negative values (except for invert elev.)
    for ( i = 1; i <= 4; i++ )
        if ( x[i] < 0.0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i+1]);

    // --- add parameters to junction object
    Node[j].ID = id;
    node_setParams(j, JUNCTION, k, x);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
int  treatmnt_readExpression(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads a treatment expression from a tokenized line of input.
    char  s[MAXLINE+1];
    char* expr;
    int   i, j, k, p;
    MathExpr* equation;                // ptr. to a math. expression           //(5.0.010 - LR)

    // --- retrieve node & pollutant
    if ( ntoks < 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    j = project_findObject(NODE, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);
    p = project_findObject(POLLUT, tok[1]);
    if ( p < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[1]);

    // --- concatenate remaining tokens into a single string
    strcpy(s, tok[2]);
    for ( i=3; i<ntoks; i++)
        strcat(s, " ");
        strcat(s, tok[i]);

    // --- check treatment type
    if      ( UCHAR(s[0]) == 'R' ) k = 0;
    else if ( UCHAR(s[0]) == 'C' ) k = 1;
    else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[2]);

    // --- start treatment expression after equals sign
    expr = strchr(s, '=');
    if ( expr == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, "");
    else expr++;

    // --- create treatment objects at node j if they don't already exist
    if ( Node[j].treatment == NULL )
        if ( !createTreatment(j) ) return error_setInpError(ERR_MEMORY, "");

    // --- create a parsed expression tree from the string expr
    //     (getVariableIndex is the function that converts a treatment
    //      variable's name into an index number)
    equation = mathexpr_create(expr, getVariableIndex);
    if ( equation == NULL )
        return error_setInpError(ERR_TREATMENT_EXPR, "");

    // --- save the treatment parameters in the node's treatment object
    Node[j].treatment[p].treatType = k;
    Node[j].treatment[p].equation = equation;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
int readGageSeriesFormat(char* tok[], int ntoks, double x[])
    int m, ts;
    DateTime aTime;

    if ( ntoks < 6 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- determine type of rain data
    m = findmatch(tok[1], RainTypeWords);
    if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);
    x[1] = (double)m;

    // --- get data time interval & convert to seconds
    if ( getDouble(tok[2], &x[2]) ) x[2] = floor(x[2]*3600 + 0.5);
    else if ( datetime_strToTime(tok[2], &aTime) )
        x[2] = floor(aTime*SECperDAY + 0.5);
    else return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[2]);
    if ( x[2] <= 0.0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[2]);

    // --- get snow catch deficiency factor
    if ( !getDouble(tok[3], &x[3]) )
        return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[3]);;

    // --- get time series index
    ts = project_findObject(TSERIES, tok[5]);
    if ( ts < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[5]);
    x[0] = (double)ts;
    strcpy(tok[2], "");
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
int  setActionSetting(char* tok[], int nToks, int* curve, int* tseries,        //(5.0.012 - LR)
                      int* attrib, double values[])                            //(5.0.012 - LR)
//  Input:   tok = array of string tokens containing action statement
//           nToks = number of string tokens
//  Output:  curve = index of controller curve
//           tseries = index of controller time series
//           attrib = r_PID if PID controller used                             //(5.0.012 - LR)
//           values = values of control settings                               //(5.0.012 - LR)
//           returns an error code
//  Purpose: identifies how control actions settings are determined.
    int k, m;

    // --- see if control action is determined by a Curve or Time Series
    if (nToks < 6) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    k = findmatch(tok[5], SettingTypeWords);
    if ( k >= 0 && nToks < 7 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    switch (k)

    // --- control determined by a curve - find curve index
    case r_CURVE:
        m = project_findObject(CURVE, tok[6]);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[6]);
        *curve = m;

    // --- control determined by a time series - find time series index
    case r_TIMESERIES:
        m = project_findObject(TSERIES, tok[6]);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[6]);
        *tseries = m;
        Tseries[m].refersTo = CONTROL;                                         //(5.0.019 - LR)

    // --- control determined by PID controller                                //(5.0.012 - LR)
    case r_PID:                                                                //(5.0.012 - LR)
        if (nToks < 9) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");                //(5.0.012 - LR)
        for (m=6; m<=8; m++)                                                   //(5.0.012 - LR)
        {                                                                      //(5.0.012 - LR)
            if ( !getDouble(tok[m], &values[m-6]) )                            //(5.0.012 - LR)
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[m]);                  //(5.0.012 - LR)
        }                                                                      //(5.0.012 - LR)
        *attrib = r_PID;                                                       //(5.0.012 - LR)
        break;                                                                 //(5.0.012 - LR)

    // --- direct numerical control is used
        if ( !getDouble(tok[5], &values[0]) )                                  //(5.0.012 - LR)
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[5]);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
int subcatch_readInitBuildup(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads initial pollutant buildup on subcatchment from 
//           tokenized line of input data.
//  Data has format:
//    Subcatch  pollut  initLoad .... pollut  initLoad
    int     j, k, m;
    double  x;

    // --- check for enough tokens
    if ( ntoks < 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check that named subcatch exists
    j = project_findObject(SUBCATCH, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- process each pair of pollutant - init. load items
    for ( k = 2; k <= ntoks; k = k+2)
        // --- check for valid pollutant name and loading value
        m = project_findObject(POLLUT, tok[k-1]);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[k-1]);
        if ( k+1 > ntoks ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[k], &x) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[k]);

        // --- store loading in subcatch's initBuildup property
        Subcatch[j].initBuildup[m] = x;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
int exfil_readStorageParams(int k, char* tok[], int ntoks, int n)
//  Input:   k = storage unit index
//           tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//           n = last token processed
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads a storage unit's exfiltration parameters from a
//           tokenized line of input.
    int       i;
    double    x[3];    //suction head, Ksat, IMDmax

    // --- read Ksat if it's the only remaining token
    if ( ntoks == n+1 )
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[n], &x[1]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[n]);
        x[0] = 0.0;
        x[2] = 0.0;

    // --- otherwise read Green-Ampt infiltration parameters from input tokens
    else if ( ntoks < n + 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    else for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[n+i], &x[i]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[n+i]);

    // --- no exfiltration if Ksat is 0
    if ( x[1] == 0.0 ) return 0;

    // --- create an exfiltration object
    return createStorageExfil(k, x);
Exemplo n.º 15
int subcatch_readLanduseParams(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads assignment of landuses to subcatchment from a tokenized 
//           line of input data.
//  Data has format:
//    Subcatch  landuse  percent .... landuse  percent
    int     j, k, m;
    double  f;

    // --- check for enough tokens
    if ( ntoks < 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check that named subcatch exists
    j = project_findObject(SUBCATCH, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- process each pair of landuse - percent items
    for ( k = 2; k <= ntoks; k = k+2)
        // --- check that named land use exists and is followed by a percent
        m = project_findObject(LANDUSE, tok[k-1]);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[k-1]);
        if ( k+1 > ntoks ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[k], &f) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[k]);

        // --- store land use fraction in subcatch's landFactor property
        Subcatch[j].landFactor[m].fraction = f/100.0;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
int snow_readMeltParams(Project* project, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads snow melt parameters from a tokenized line of input data.
//  Format of data are:
//   Name  SubArea   Cmin  Cmax  Tbase  FWF  SD0  FW0  SNN0/SD100
//	 Name  REMOVAL   SDplow Fout Fimperv Fperv Fimelt Fsubcatch (Subcatch)
    int i, j, k, m, n;
    double x[7];
    if ( ntoks < 8 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- save snow melt parameter set name if not already done so
	j = project_findObject(project, SNOWMELT, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);
    if ( project->Snowmelt[j].ID == NULL )
		project->Snowmelt[j].ID = project_findID(project, SNOWMELT, tok[0]);

    // --- identify data keyword
    k = findmatch(tok[1], SnowmeltWords);
    if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);

    // --- number of parameters to read
    n = 7;                             // 7 for subareas
    if ( k == SNOW_REMOVAL ) n = 6;    // 6 for Removal
    if ( ntoks < n + 2 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    for (i=0; i<7; i++) x[i] = 0.0;

    // --- parse each parameter
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[i+2], &x[i]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i+2]);

    // --- parse name of subcatch receiving snow plowed from current subcatch
    if ( k == SNOW_REMOVAL )
        x[6] = -1.0;
        if ( ntoks >= 9 )
			m = project_findObject(project, SUBCATCH, tok[8]);
            if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[8]);
            x[6] = m;

    // --- save snow melt parameters
	setMeltParams(project, j, k, x);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
int  landuse_readParams(Project* project, int j, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   j = land use index
//           tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads landuse parameters from a tokenized line of input.
//  Data format is:
//    landuseID  (sweepInterval sweepRemoval sweepDays0)
    char *id;
    if ( ntoks < 1 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    id = project_findID(project,LANDUSE, tok[0]);
    if ( id == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);
    project->Landuse[j].ID = id;
    if ( ntoks > 1 )
        if ( ntoks < 4 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[1], &project->Landuse[j].sweepInterval) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[1]);
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[2], &project->Landuse[j].sweepRemoval) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[2]);
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[3], &project->Landuse[j].sweepDays0) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[3]);
        project->Landuse[j].sweepInterval = 0.0;
        project->Landuse[j].sweepRemoval = 0.0;
        project->Landuse[j].sweepDays0 = 0.0;
    if ( project->Landuse[j].sweepRemoval < 0.0
            || project->Landuse[j].sweepRemoval > 1.0 )
        return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[2]);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
int table_readCurve(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads a tokenized line of data for a curve table.
    int    j, m, k, k1 = 1;
    double x, y;

    // --- check for minimum number of tokens
    if ( ntoks < 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check that curve exists in database
    j = project_findObject(CURVE, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- check if this is first line of curve's data
    //     (curve's ID will not have been assigned yet)
    if ( Curve[j].ID == NULL )
        // --- assign ID pointer & curve type
        Curve[j].ID = project_findID(CURVE, tok[0]);
        m = findmatch(tok[1], CurveTypeWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);
        Curve[j].curveType = m;
        k1 = 2;

    // --- start reading pairs of X-Y value tokens
    for ( k = k1; k < ntoks; k = k+2)
        if ( k+1 >= ntoks ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[k], &x) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[k]);
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[k+1], &y) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[k+1]);
        table_addEntry(&Curve[j], x, y);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
int readGageFileFormat(char* tok[], int ntoks, double x[])
    int   m, u;
    DateTime aDate;
    DateTime aTime;

    // --- determine type of rain data
    m = findmatch(tok[1], RainTypeWords);
    if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);
    x[1] = (double)m;

    // --- get data time interval & convert to seconds
    if ( getDouble(tok[2], &x[2]) ) x[2] *= 3600;
    else if ( datetime_strToTime(tok[2], &aTime) )
        x[2] = floor(aTime*SECperDAY + 0.5);
    else return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[2]);
    if ( x[2] <= 0.0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[2]);

    // --- get snow catch deficiency factor
    if ( !getDouble(tok[3], &x[3]) )
        return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[3]);
    // --- get rain depth units
    u = findmatch(tok[7], RainUnitsWords);
    if ( u < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[7]);
    x[6] = (double)u;

    // --- get start date (if present)
    if ( ntoks > 8 && *tok[8] != '*')
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(tok[8], &aDate) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[8]);
        x[4] = (float) aDate;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
int  subcatch_readParams(int j, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   j = subcatchment index
//           tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads subcatchment parameters from a tokenized  line of input data.
//  Data has format:
//    Name  RainGage  Outlet  Area  %Imperv  Width  Slope CurbLength  Snowpack  
    int    i, k, m;
    char*  id;
    double x[9];

    // --- check for enough tokens
    if ( ntoks < 8 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check that named subcatch exists
    id = project_findID(SUBCATCH, tok[0]);
    if ( id == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- check that rain gage exists
    k = project_findObject(GAGE, tok[1]);
    if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[1]);
    x[0] = k;

    // --- check that outlet node or subcatch exists
    m = project_findObject(NODE, tok[2]);
    x[1] = m;
    m = project_findObject(SUBCATCH, tok[2]);
    x[2] = m;
    if ( x[1] < 0.0 && x[2] < 0.0 )
        return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[2]);

    // --- read area, %imperv, width, slope, & curb length
    for ( i = 3; i < 8; i++)
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[i], &x[i]) || x[i] < 0.0 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i]);

    // --- if snowmelt object named, check that it exists
    x[8] = -1;
    if ( ntoks > 8 )
        k = project_findObject(SNOWMELT, tok[8]);
        if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[8]);
        x[8] = k;

    // --- assign input values to subcatch's properties
    Subcatch[j].ID = id;
    Subcatch[j].gage        = (int)x[0];
    Subcatch[j].outNode     = (int)x[1];
    Subcatch[j].outSubcatch = (int)x[2];
    Subcatch[j].area        = x[3] / UCF(LANDAREA);
    Subcatch[j].fracImperv  = x[4] / 100.0;
    Subcatch[j].width       = x[5] / UCF(LENGTH);
    Subcatch[j].slope       = x[6] / 100.0;
    Subcatch[j].curbLength  = x[7];

    // --- create the snow pack object if it hasn't already been created
    if ( x[8] >= 0 )
        if ( !snow_createSnowpack(j, (int)x[8]) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_MEMORY, "");
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
int project_readOption(char* s1, char* s2)
//  Input:   s1 = option keyword
//           s2 = string representation of option's value
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads a project option from a pair of string tokens.
//  NOTE:    all project options have default values assigned in setDefaults().
    int      k, m, h, s;
    double   tStep;
    char     strDate[25];
    DateTime aTime;
    DateTime aDate;

    // --- determine which option is being read
    k = findmatch(s1, OptionWords);
    if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s1);
    switch ( k )
      // --- choice of flow units
      case FLOW_UNITS:
        m = findmatch(s2, FlowUnitWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        FlowUnits = m;
        if ( FlowUnits <= MGD ) UnitSystem = US;
        else                    UnitSystem = SI;

      // --- choice of infiltration modeling method
      case INFIL_MODEL:
        m = findmatch(s2, InfilModelWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        InfilModel = m;

      // --- choice of flow routing method
      case ROUTE_MODEL:
        m = findmatch(s2, RouteModelWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) m = findmatch(s2, OldRouteModelWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        if ( m == NO_ROUTING ) IgnoreRouting = TRUE;
        else RouteModel = m;
        if ( RouteModel == EKW ) RouteModel = KW;

      // --- simulation start date
      case START_DATE:
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(s2, &StartDate) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- simulation start time of day
      case START_TIME:
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &StartTime) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- simulation ending date
      case END_DATE:
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(s2, &EndDate) ) 
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- simulation ending time of day
      case END_TIME:
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &EndTime) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- reporting start date
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(s2, &ReportStartDate) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- reporting start time of day
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &ReportStartTime) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);

      // --- day of year when street sweeping begins or when it ends
      //     (year is arbitrarily set to 1947 so that the dayOfYear
      //      function can be applied)
      case SWEEP_START:
      case SWEEP_END:
        strcpy(strDate, s2);
        strcat(strDate, "/1947");
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(strDate, &aDate) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);
        m = datetime_dayOfYear(aDate);
        if ( k == SWEEP_START ) SweepStart = m;
        else SweepEnd = m;

      // --- number of antecedent dry days
      case START_DRY_DAYS:
        StartDryDays = atof(s2);
        if ( StartDryDays < 0.0 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);

      // --- runoff or reporting time steps
      //     (input is in hrs:min:sec format, time step saved as seconds)
      case WET_STEP:
      case DRY_STEP:
      case REPORT_STEP:
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &aTime) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, s2);
        datetime_decodeTime(aTime, &h, &m, &s);
        h += 24*(int)aTime;
        s = s + 60*m + 3600*h;
        if ( s <= 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        switch ( k )
          case WET_STEP:     WetStep = s;     break;
          case DRY_STEP:     DryStep = s;     break;
          case REPORT_STEP:  ReportStep = s;  break;

      // --- type of damping applied to inertial terms of dynamic wave routing
      case INERT_DAMPING:
        m = findmatch(s2, InertDampingWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        else InertDamping = m;

      // --- Yes/No options (NO = 0, YES = 1)
      case ALLOW_PONDING:
      case IGNORE_GWATER:
      case IGNORE_ROUTING:
      case IGNORE_QUALITY:
      case IGNORE_RDII:                                                        //(5.1.004)
        m = findmatch(s2, NoYesWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        switch ( k )
          case ALLOW_PONDING:     AllowPonding    = m;  break;
          case SLOPE_WEIGHTING:   SlopeWeighting  = m;  break;
          case SKIP_STEADY_STATE: SkipSteadyState = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_RAINFALL:   IgnoreRainfall  = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_SNOWMELT:   IgnoreSnowmelt  = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_GWATER:     IgnoreGwater    = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_ROUTING:    IgnoreRouting   = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_QUALITY:    IgnoreQuality   = m;  break;
          case IGNORE_RDII:       IgnoreRDII      = m;  break;                 //(5.1.004)

      case NORMAL_FLOW_LTD: 
        m = findmatch(s2, NormalFlowWords); 
        if ( m < 0 ) m = findmatch(s2, NoYesWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        NormalFlowLtd = m;

      case FORCE_MAIN_EQN:
        m = findmatch(s2, ForceMainEqnWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        ForceMainEqn = m;

      case LINK_OFFSETS:
        m = findmatch(s2, LinkOffsetWords);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);
        LinkOffsets = m;

      // --- compatibility option for selecting solution method for
      //     dynamic wave flow routing (NOT CURRENTLY USED)
        if      ( strcomp(s2, "3") ) Compatibility = SWMM3;
        else if ( strcomp(s2, "4") ) Compatibility = SWMM4;
        else if ( strcomp(s2, "5") ) Compatibility = SWMM5;
        else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, s2);

      // --- routing or lengthening time step (in decimal seconds)
      //     (lengthening time step is used in Courant stability formula
      //     to artificially lengthen conduits for dynamic wave flow routing
      //     (a value of 0 means that no lengthening is used))
      case ROUTE_STEP:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &tStep) )
            if ( !datetime_strToTime(s2, &aTime) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
                datetime_decodeTime(aTime, &h, &m, &s);
                h += 24*(int)aTime;
                s = s + 60*m + 3600*h;
                tStep = s;
        if ( k == ROUTE_STEP )
            if ( tStep <= 0.0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
            RouteStep = tStep;
        else LengtheningStep = MAX(0.0, tStep);

      // --- safety factor applied to variable time step estimates under
      //     dynamic wave flow routing (value of 0 indicates that variable
      //     time step option not used)
      case VARIABLE_STEP:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &CourantFactor) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        if ( CourantFactor < 0.0 || CourantFactor > 2.0 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);

      // --- minimum surface area (ft2 or sq. meters) associated with nodes
      //     under dynamic wave flow routing 
      case MIN_SURFAREA:
        MinSurfArea = atof(s2);

      // --- minimum conduit slope (%)
      case MIN_SLOPE:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &MinSlope) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        if ( MinSlope < 0.0 || MinSlope >= 100 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        MinSlope /= 100.0;

      // --- maximum trials / time step for dynamic wave routing
      case MAX_TRIALS:
        m = atoi(s2);
        if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        MaxTrials = m;

      // --- head convergence tolerance for dynamic wave routing
      case HEAD_TOL:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &HeadTol) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);

      // --- steady state tolerance on system inflow - outflow
      case SYS_FLOW_TOL:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &SysFlowTol) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        SysFlowTol /= 100.0;

      // --- steady state tolerance on nodal lateral inflow
      case LAT_FLOW_TOL:
        if ( !getDouble(s2, &LatFlowTol) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, s2);
        LatFlowTol /= 100.0;

      case TEMPDIR: // Temporary Directory
        sstrncpy(TempDir, s2, MAXFNAME);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
int  addAction(int r, char* tok[], int nToks)
//  Input:   r = control rule index
//           tok = array of string tokens containing action statement
//           nToks = number of string tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: adds a new action to a control rule.
    int    obj, link, attrib;
    int    curve = -1, tseries = -1;
    int    n;                                                                  //(5.0.010 - LR)
    int    err;
    double values[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};                                         //(5.0.012 - LR)

    struct TAction* a;

    // --- check for proper number of tokens
    if ( nToks < 6 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check for valid object type
    obj = findmatch(tok[1], ObjectWords);
    if ( obj != r_PUMP && obj != r_ORIFICE && obj != r_WEIR && obj != r_OUTLET )
        return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);

    // --- check that object name exists and is of correct type
    link = project_findObject(LINK, tok[2]);
    if ( link < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[2]);
    switch (obj)
      case r_PUMP:
        if ( Link[link].type != PUMP )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[2]);
      case r_ORIFICE:
        if ( Link[link].type != ORIFICE )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[2]);
      case r_WEIR:
        if ( Link[link].type != WEIR )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[2]);
      case r_OUTLET:
        if ( Link[link].type != OUTLET )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[2]);

    // --- check for valid attribute name
    attrib = findmatch(tok[3], AttribWords);
    if ( attrib < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[3]);

    // --- get control action setting
    if ( obj == r_PUMP )
        if ( attrib == r_STATUS )
            values[0] = findmatch(tok[5], StatusWords);                        //(5.0.012 - LR)
            if ( values[0] < 0.0 )                                             //(5.0.012 - LR)
                return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[5]);                 //(5.0.012 - LR)
        else if ( attrib == r_SETTING )
            err = setActionSetting(tok, nToks, &curve, &tseries,               //(5.0.012 - LR)
                                   &attrib, values);                           //(5.0.012 - LR)
            if ( err > 0 ) return err;
        else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[3]);

    else if ( obj == r_ORIFICE || obj == r_WEIR || obj == r_OUTLET )
        if ( attrib == r_SETTING )                                             //(5.0.012 - LR)
        {                                                                      //(5.0.012 - LR)
           err = setActionSetting(tok, nToks, &curve, &tseries,                //(5.0.012 - LR)
                                  &attrib, values);                            //(5.0.012 - LR)
           if ( err > 0 ) return err;
           if (  attrib == r_SETTING                                           //(5.0.012 - LR)
           && (values[0] < 0.0 || values[0] > 1.0) )                           //(5.0.012 - LR)
               return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[5]);                   //(5.0.012 - LR)
        }                                                                      //(5.0.012 - LR)
        else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[3]);
    else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);

    // --- check if another clause is on same line                             //(5.0.010 - LR)
    n = 6;                                                                     //(5.0.010 - LR) 
    if ( curve >= 0 || tseries >= 0 ) n = 7;                                   //(5.0.010 - LR)
    if ( attrib == r_PID ) n = 9;                                              //(5.0.012 - LR)
    if ( n < nToks && findmatch(tok[n], RuleKeyWords) >= 0 ) return ERR_RULE;  //(5.0.010 - LR)

    // --- create the action object
    a = (struct TAction *) malloc(sizeof(struct TAction));
    if ( !a ) return ERR_MEMORY;
    a->rule      = r;
    a->link      = link;
    a->attribute = attrib;
    a->curve     = curve;
    a->tseries   = tseries;
    a->value     = values[0];                                                  //(5.0.012 - LR)
    if ( attrib == r_PID )                                                     //(5.0.012 - LR)
    {                                                                          //(5.0.012 - LR)
        a->kp = values[0];                                                     //(5.0.012 - LR)
        a->ki = values[1];                                                     //(5.0.012 - LR)
        a->kd = values[2];                                                     //(5.0.012 - LR)
        a->e1 = 0.0;                                                           //(5.0.012 - LR)
        a->e2 = 0.0;                                                           //(5.0.012 - LR)
    }                                                                          //(5.0.012 - LR)
    if ( InputState == r_THEN )
        a->next = Rules[r].thenActions;
        Rules[r].thenActions = a;
        a->next = Rules[r].elseActions;
        Rules[r].elseActions = a;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
int  addPremise(int r, int type, char* tok[], int nToks)
//  Input:   r = control rule index
//           type = type of premise (IF, AND, OR)
//           tok = array of string tokens containing premise statement
//           nToks = number of string tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: adds a new premise to a control rule.
    int    node = -1;
    int    link = -1;
    int    obj, attrib, op, n;
    double value;
    struct TPremise* p;

    // --- check for proper number of tokens
    if ( nToks < 5 ) return ERR_ITEMS;

    // --- get object type
    obj = findmatch(tok[1], ObjectWords);
    if ( obj < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);

    // --- get object name
    n = 2;
    switch (obj)
      case r_NODE:
        node = project_findObject(NODE, tok[n]);
        if ( node < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[n]);

      case r_LINK:
      case r_PUMP:
      case r_ORIFICE:
      case r_WEIR:
      case r_OUTLET:
        link = project_findObject(LINK, tok[n]);
        if ( link < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[n]);
      default: n = 1;

    // --- get attribute name
    attrib = findmatch(tok[n], AttribWords);
    if ( attrib < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[n]);

    // --- check that property belongs to object type
    if ( obj == r_NODE ) switch (attrib)
      case r_DEPTH:
      case r_HEAD:
      case r_INFLOW: break;
      default: return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[n]);
    else if ( obj == r_LINK ) switch (attrib)
      case r_DEPTH:
      case r_FLOW: break;
      default: return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[n]);
    else if ( obj == r_PUMP ) switch (attrib)
      case r_FLOW:
      case r_STATUS: break;
      default: return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[n]);
    else if ( obj == r_ORIFICE || obj == r_WEIR ||
              obj == r_OUTLET ) switch (attrib)                                //(5.0.010 - LR)
      case r_SETTING: break;
      default: return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[n]);
    else switch (attrib)
      case r_TIME:
      case r_DATE:
      case r_CLOCKTIME:                                                        //(5.0.014 - LR)
      case r_DAY:                                                              //(5.0.014 - LR)
      case r_MONTH: break;                                                     //(5.0.014 - LR)
      default: return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[n]);

    // --- get operand
    op = findExactMatch(tok[n], OperandWords);
    if ( op < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[n]);
    if ( n >= nToks ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- get value
    switch (attrib)
      case r_STATUS:
        value = findmatch(tok[n], StatusWords);
        if ( value < 0.0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[n]);

      case r_TIME:
      case r_CLOCKTIME:
        if ( !datetime_strToTime(tok[n], &value) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[n]);

      case r_DATE:
        if ( !datetime_strToDate(tok[n], &value) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[n]);

      case r_DAY:
        if ( !getDouble(tok[n], &value) )                                      //(5.0.014 - LR)
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[n]);                      //(5.0.014 - LR)
        if ( value < 1.0 || value > 7.0 )                                      //(5.0.014 - LR)
             return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[n]);                   //(5.0.014 - LR)
        break;                                                                 //(5.0.014 - LR)

      case r_MONTH:                                                            //(5.0.014 - LR)
        if ( !getDouble(tok[n], &value) )                                      //(5.0.014 - LR)
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[n]);                      //(5.0.014 - LR)
        if ( value < 1.0 || value > 12.0 )                                     //(5.0.014 - LR)
             return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[n]);                   //(5.0.014 - LR)
        break;                                                                 //(5.0.014 - LR)
      default: if ( !getDouble(tok[n], &value) )
          return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[n]);

    // --- check if another clause is on same line                             //(5.0.010 - LR)
    n++;                                                                       //(5.0.010 - LR) 
    if ( n < nToks && findmatch(tok[n], RuleKeyWords) >= 0 ) return ERR_RULE;  //(5.0.010 - LR)

    // --- create the premise object
    p = (struct TPremise *) malloc(sizeof(struct TPremise));
    if ( !p ) return ERR_MEMORY;
    p->type      = type;
    p->node      = node;
    p->link      = link;
    p->attribute = attrib;
    p->operand   = op;
    p->value     = value;
    p->next      = NULL;
    if ( Rules[r].firstPremise == NULL )
        Rules[r].firstPremise = p;
        Rules[r].lastPremise->next = p;
    Rules[r].lastPremise = p;
    return 0;
int  addObject(int objType, char* id)
//  Input:   objType = object type index
//           id = object's ID string
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: adds a new object to the project.
    int errcode = 0;
    switch( objType )
      case s_RAINGAGE:
        if ( !project_addObject(GAGE, id, Nobjects[GAGE]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_SUBCATCH:
        if ( !project_addObject(SUBCATCH, id, Nobjects[SUBCATCH]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_AQUIFER:
        if ( !project_addObject(AQUIFER, id, Nobjects[AQUIFER]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_UNITHYD:
        // --- the same Unit Hydrograph can span several lines
        if ( project_findObject(UNITHYD, id) < 0 )
            if ( !project_addObject(UNITHYD, id, Nobjects[UNITHYD]) )
                errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_SNOWMELT:
        // --- the same Snowmelt object can appear on several lines
        if ( project_findObject(SNOWMELT, id) < 0 )
            if ( !project_addObject(SNOWMELT, id, Nobjects[SNOWMELT]) )
                errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_JUNCTION:
        if ( !project_addObject(NODE, id, Nobjects[NODE]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_OUTFALL:
        if ( !project_addObject(NODE, id, Nobjects[NODE]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_STORAGE:
        if ( !project_addObject(NODE, id, Nobjects[NODE]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_DIVIDER:
        if ( !project_addObject(NODE, id, Nobjects[NODE]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_CONDUIT:
        if ( !project_addObject(LINK, id, Nobjects[LINK]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_PUMP:
        if ( !project_addObject(LINK, id, Nobjects[LINK]) ) 
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_ORIFICE:
        if ( !project_addObject(LINK, id, Nobjects[LINK]) ) 
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_WEIR:
        if ( !project_addObject(LINK, id, Nobjects[LINK]) ) 
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_OUTLET:
        if ( !project_addObject(LINK, id, Nobjects[LINK]) )
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_POLLUTANT:
        if ( !project_addObject(POLLUT, id, Nobjects[POLLUT]) ) 
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_LANDUSE:
        if ( !project_addObject(LANDUSE, id, Nobjects[LANDUSE]) ) 
            errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_PATTERN:
        // --- a time pattern can span several lines
        if ( project_findObject(TIMEPATTERN, id) < 0 )
            if ( !project_addObject(TIMEPATTERN, id, Nobjects[TIMEPATTERN]) )
                errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_CURVE:
        // --- a Curve can span several lines
        if ( project_findObject(CURVE, id) < 0 )
            if ( !project_addObject(CURVE, id, Nobjects[CURVE]) )
                errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

            // --- check for a conduit shape curve
            id = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
            if ( findmatch(id, CurveTypeWords) == SHAPE_CURVE )

      case s_TIMESERIES:
        // --- a Time Series can span several lines
        if ( project_findObject(TSERIES, id) < 0 )
            if ( !project_addObject(TSERIES, id, Nobjects[TSERIES]) )
                errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_CONTROL:
        if ( match(id, w_RULE) ) Nobjects[CONTROL]++;

      case s_TRANSECT:
        // --- for TRANSECTS, ID name appears as second entry on X1 line
        if ( match(id, "X1") )
            id = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
            if ( id ) 
                if ( !project_addObject(TRANSECT, id, Nobjects[TRANSECT]) )
                    errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);

      case s_LID_CONTROL:
        // --- an LID object can span several lines
        if ( project_findObject(LID, id) < 0 )
            if ( !project_addObject(LID, id, Nobjects[LID]) )
                errcode = error_setInpError(ERR_DUP_NAME, id);
    return errcode;
int input_countObjects()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads input file to determine number of system objects.
    char  line[MAXLINE+1];             // line from input data file     
    char  wLine[MAXLINE+1];            // working copy of input line   
    char  *tok;                        // first string token of line          
    int   sect = -1, newsect;          // input data sections          
    int   errcode = 0;                 // error code
    int   errsum = 0;                  // number of errors found                   
    int   i;
    long  lineCount = 0;

    // --- initialize number of objects & set default values
    if ( ErrorCode ) return ErrorCode;
    error_setInpError(0, "");
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJ_TYPES; i++) Nobjects[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_TYPES; i++) Nnodes[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_LINK_TYPES; i++) Nlinks[i] = 0;

    // --- make pass through data file counting number of each object
    while ( fgets(line, MAXLINE, Finp.file) != NULL )
        // --- skip blank lines & those beginning with a comment
        strcpy(wLine, line);           // make working copy of line
        tok = strtok(wLine, SEPSTR);   // get first text token on line
        if ( tok == NULL ) continue;
        if ( *tok == ';' ) continue;

        // --- check if line begins with a new section heading
        if ( *tok == '[' )
            // --- look for heading in list of section keywords
            newsect = findmatch(tok, SectWords);
            if ( newsect >= 0 )
                sect = newsect;
                sect = -1;
                errcode = ERR_KEYWORD;

        // --- if in OPTIONS section then read the option setting
        //     otherwise add object and its ID name (tok) to project
        if ( sect == s_OPTION ) errcode = readOption(line);
        else if ( sect >= 0 )   errcode = addObject(sect, tok);

        // --- report any error found
        if ( errcode )
            report_writeInputErrorMsg(errcode, sect, line, lineCount);
            if (errsum >= MAXERRS ) break;

    // --- set global error code if input errors were found
    if ( errsum > 0 ) ErrorCode = ERR_INPUT;
    return ErrorCode;
int input_readData()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads input file to determine input parameters for each object.
    char  line[MAXLINE+1];        // line from input data file
    char  wLine[MAXLINE+1];       // working copy of input line
    char* comment;                // ptr. to start of comment in input line
    int   sect, newsect;          // data sections
    int   inperr, errsum;         // error code & total error count
    int   lineLength;             // number of characters in input line
    int   i;
    long  lineCount = 0;

    // --- initialize working item count arrays
    //     (final counts in Mobjects, Mnodes & Mlinks should
    //      match those in Nobjects, Nnodes and Nlinks).
    if ( ErrorCode ) return ErrorCode;
    error_setInpError(0, "");
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJ_TYPES; i++)  Mobjects[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_TYPES; i++) Mnodes[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_LINK_TYPES; i++) Mlinks[i] = 0;

    // --- initialize starting date for all time series
    for ( i = 0; i < Nobjects[TSERIES]; i++ )
        Tseries[i].lastDate = StartDate + StartTime;

    // --- read each line from input file
    sect = 0;
    errsum = 0;
    while ( fgets(line, MAXLINE, Finp.file) != NULL )
        // --- make copy of line and scan for tokens
        strcpy(wLine, line);
        Ntokens = getTokens(wLine);

        // --- skip blank lines and comments
        if ( Ntokens == 0 ) continue;
        if ( *Tok[0] == ';' ) continue;

        // --- check if max. line length exceeded
        lineLength = strlen(line);
        if ( lineLength >= MAXLINE )
            // --- don't count comment if present
            comment = strchr(line, ';');
            if ( comment ) lineLength = comment - line;    // Pointer math here
            if ( lineLength >= MAXLINE )
                inperr = ERR_LINE_LENGTH;
                report_writeInputErrorMsg(inperr, sect, line, lineCount);

        // --- check if at start of a new input section
        if (*Tok[0] == '[')
            // --- match token against list of section keywords
            newsect = findmatch(Tok[0], SectWords);
            if (newsect >= 0)
                // --- SPECIAL CASE FOR TRANSECTS
                //     finish processing the last set of transect data
                if ( sect == s_TRANSECT )

                // --- begin a new input section
                sect = newsect;
                inperr = error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, Tok[0]);
                report_writeInputErrorMsg(inperr, sect, line, lineCount);

        // --- otherwise parse tokens from input line
            inperr = parseLine(sect, line);
            if ( inperr > 0 )
                if ( errsum > MAXERRS ) report_writeLine(FMT19);
                else report_writeInputErrorMsg(inperr, sect, line, lineCount);

        // --- stop if reach end of file or max. error count
        if (errsum > MAXERRS) break;
    }   /* End of while */

    // --- check for errors
    if (errsum > 0)  ErrorCode = ERR_INPUT;
    return ErrorCode;
Exemplo n.º 27
int  climate_readParams(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads climate/temperature parameters from input line of data
//  Format of data can be
//    TIMESERIES  name
//    FILE        name
//    WINDSPEED   MONTHLY  v1  v2  ...  v12
//    SNOWMELT    v1  v2  ...  v6
//    ADC         IMPERV/PERV  v1  v2  ...  v10
    int      i, j, k;
    double   x[6], y;
    DateTime aDate;

    // --- identify keyword
    k = findmatch(tok[0], TempKeyWords);
    if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[0]);
    switch (k)
      case 0: // Time series name
        // --- check that time series name exists
        if ( ntoks < 2 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        i = project_findObject(TSERIES, tok[1]);
        if ( i < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[1]);

        // --- record the time series as being the data source for temperature
        Temp.dataSource = TSERIES_TEMP;
        Temp.tSeries = i;

      case 1: // Climate file
        // --- record file as being source of temperature data
        if ( ntoks < 2 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        Temp.dataSource = FILE_TEMP;

        // --- save name and usage mode of external climate file
        Fclimate.mode = USE_FILE;
        sstrncpy(Fclimate.name, tok[1], MAXFNAME);

        // --- save starting date to read from file if one is provided
        Temp.fileStartDate = NO_DATE;
        if ( ntoks > 2 )
            if ( *tok[2] != '*')
                if ( !datetime_strToDate(tok[2], &aDate) )
                    return error_setInpError(ERR_DATETIME, tok[2]);
                Temp.fileStartDate = aDate;

      case 2: // Wind speeds
        // --- check if wind speeds will be supplied from climate file
        if ( strcomp(tok[1], w_FILE) )
            Wind.type = FILE_WIND;

        // --- otherwise read 12 monthly avg. wind speed values
            if ( ntoks < 14 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
            Wind.type = MONTHLY_WIND;
            for (i=0; i<12; i++)
                if ( !getDouble(tok[i+2], &y) )
                    return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i+2]);
                Wind.aws[i] = y;

      case 3: // Snowmelt params
        if ( ntoks < 7 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        for (i=1; i<7; i++)
            if ( !getDouble(tok[i], &x[i-1]) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i]);
        // --- convert deg. C to deg. F for snowfall temperature
        if ( UnitSystem == SI ) x[0] = 9./5.*x[0] + 32.0;
        Snow.snotmp = x[0];
        Snow.tipm   = x[1];
        Snow.rnm    = x[2];
        Temp.elev   = x[3] / UCF(LENGTH);
        Temp.anglat = x[4];
        Temp.dtlong = x[5] / 60.0;

      case 4:  // Areal Depletion Curve data
        // --- check if data is for impervious or pervious areas
        if ( ntoks < 12 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        if      ( match(tok[1], w_IMPERV) ) i = 0;
        else if ( match(tok[1], w_PERV)   ) i = 1;
        else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);

        // --- read 10 fractional values
        for (j=0; j<10; j++)
            if ( !getDouble(tok[j+2], &y) || y < 0.0 || y > 1.0 ) 
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[j+2]);
            Snow.adc[i][j] = y;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
int climate_readEvapParams(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads evaporation parameters from input line of data.
//  Data formats are:
//    CONSTANT  value
//    MONTHLY   v1 ... v12
//    TIMESERIES name
//    FILE      (v1 ... v12)
    int i, k;
    double x;

    // --- find keyword indicating what form the evaporation data is in
    if ( ntoks < 2 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    k = findmatch(tok[0], EvapTypeWords);
    if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[0]);

    // --- process data depending on its form
    Evap.type = k;
    switch ( k )
      case CONSTANT_EVAP:
        // --- for constant evap., fill monthly avg. values with same number
        if ( !getDouble(tok[1], &x) )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[1]);
        for (i=0; i<12; i++) Evap.monthlyEvap[i] = x;

      case MONTHLY_EVAP:
        // --- for monthly evap., read a value for each month of year
        if ( ntoks < 13 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        for ( i=0; i<12; i++)
            if ( !getDouble(tok[i+1], &Evap.monthlyEvap[i]) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i+1]);

        // --- for time series evap., read name of time series
        i = project_findObject(TSERIES, tok[1]);
        if ( i < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[1]);
        Evap.tSeries = i;

      case FILE_EVAP:
        // --- for evap. from climate file, read monthly pan coeffs.
        //     if they are provided (default values are 1.0)
        if ( ntoks > 1 )
            if ( ntoks < 13 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
            for (i=0; i<12; i++)
                if ( !getDouble(tok[i+1], &Evap.panCoeff[i]) )
                    return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i+1]);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
int gage_readParams(int j, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   j = rain gage index
//           tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads rain gage parameters from a line of input data
//  Data formats are:
//    Name RainType RecdFreq SCF TIMESERIES SeriesName
//    Name RainType RecdFreq SCF FILE FileName Station Units StartDate
    int      k, err;
    char     *id;
    char     fname[MAXFNAME+1];
    char     staID[MAXMSG+1];
    double   x[7];

    // --- check that gage exists
    if ( ntoks < 2 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    id = project_findID(GAGE, tok[0]);
    if ( id == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- assign default parameter values
    x[0] = -1.0;         // No time series index
    x[1] = 1.0;          // Rain type is volume
    x[2] = 3600.0;       // Recording freq. is 3600 sec
    x[3] = 1.0;          // Snow catch deficiency factor
    x[4] = NO_DATE;      // Default is no start/end date
    x[5] = NO_DATE;
    x[6] = 0.0;          // US units
    strcpy(fname, "");
    strcpy(staID, "");

    if ( ntoks < 5 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
    k = findmatch(tok[4], GageDataWords);
    if      ( k == RAIN_TSERIES )
        err = readGageSeriesFormat(tok, ntoks, x);
    else if ( k == RAIN_FILE    )
        if ( ntoks < 8 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        sstrncpy(fname, tok[5], MAXFNAME);
        sstrncpy(staID, tok[6], MAXMSG);
        err = readGageFileFormat(tok, ntoks, x);
    else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[4]);

    // --- save parameters to rain gage object
    if ( err > 0 ) return err;
    Gage[j].ID = id;
    Gage[j].tSeries      = (int)x[0];
    Gage[j].rainType     = (int)x[1];
    Gage[j].rainInterval = (int)x[2];
    Gage[j].snowFactor   = x[3];
    Gage[j].rainUnits    = (int)x[6];
    if ( Gage[j].tSeries >= 0 ) Gage[j].dataSource = RAIN_TSERIES;
    else                        Gage[j].dataSource = RAIN_FILE;
    if ( Gage[j].dataSource == RAIN_FILE )
        sstrncpy(Gage[j].fname, fname, MAXFNAME);
        sstrncpy(Gage[j].staID, staID, MAXMSG);
        Gage[j].startFileDate = x[4];
        Gage[j].endFileDate = x[5];
    Gage[j].unitsFactor = 1.0;
    Gage[j].coGage = -1;
    Gage[j].isUsed = FALSE;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 30
int subcatch_readSubareaParams(char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns an error code
//  Purpose: reads subcatchment's subarea parameters from a tokenized 
//           line of input data.
//  Data has format:
//    Subcatch  Imperv_N  Perv_N  Imperv_S  Perv_S  PctZero  RouteTo (PctRouted)
    int    i, j, k, m;
    double x[7];

    // --- check for enough tokens
    if ( ntoks < 7 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check that named subcatch exists
    j = project_findObject(SUBCATCH, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- read in Mannings n, depression storage, & PctZero values
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[i+1], &x[i])  || x[i] < 0.0 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[i+1]);

    // --- check for valid runoff routing keyword
    m = findmatch(tok[6], RunoffRoutingWords);
    if ( m < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[6]);

    // --- get percent routed parameter if present (default is 100)
    x[5] = m;
    x[6] = 1.0;
    if ( ntoks >= 8 )
        if ( ! getDouble(tok[7], &x[6]) || x[6] < 0.0 || x[6] > 100.0 )
            return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[7]);
        x[6] /= 100.0;

    // --- assign input values to each type of subarea
    Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV0].N = x[0];
    Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV1].N = x[0];
    Subcatch[j].subArea[PERV].N    = x[1];

    Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV0].dStore = 0.0;
    Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV1].dStore = x[2] / UCF(RAINDEPTH);
    Subcatch[j].subArea[PERV].dStore    = x[3] / UCF(RAINDEPTH);

    Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV0].fArea  = Subcatch[j].fracImperv * x[4] / 100.0;
    Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV1].fArea  = Subcatch[j].fracImperv * (1.0 - x[4] / 100.0);
    Subcatch[j].subArea[PERV].fArea     = (1.0 - Subcatch[j].fracImperv);

    // --- assume that all runoff from each subarea goes to subcatch outlet
    for (i = IMPERV0; i <= PERV; i++)
        Subcatch[j].subArea[i].routeTo = TO_OUTLET;
        Subcatch[j].subArea[i].fOutlet = 1.0;

    // --- modify routing if pervious runoff routed to impervious area
    //     (fOutlet is the fraction of runoff not routed)
    k = (int)x[5];
    if ( Subcatch[j].fracImperv == 0.0
    ||   Subcatch[j].fracImperv == 1.0 ) k = TO_OUTLET;
    if ( k == TO_IMPERV && Subcatch[j].fracImperv )
        Subcatch[j].subArea[PERV].routeTo = k;
        Subcatch[j].subArea[PERV].fOutlet = 1.0 - x[6];

    // --- modify routing if impervious runoff routed to pervious area
    if ( k == TO_PERV )
        Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV0].routeTo = k;
        Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV1].routeTo = k;
        Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV0].fOutlet = 1.0 - x[6];
        Subcatch[j].subArea[IMPERV1].fOutlet = 1.0 - x[6];
    return 0;