Exemplo n.º 1
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS  *go      = NULL;	/* command line configuration      */
  struct cfg_s  cfg;     	/* application configuration       */
  char         *basename= NULL;	/* base of the output file names   */
  char         *alifile = NULL;	/* alignment file name             */
  char         *dbfile  = NULL;	/* name of seq db file             */
  char          outfile[256];	/* name of an output file          */
  int           alifmt;		/* format code for alifile         */
  int           dbfmt;		/* format code for dbfile          */
  ESLX_MSAFILE  *afp    = NULL;	/* open alignment file             */
  ESL_MSA      *origmsa = NULL;	/* one multiple sequence alignment */
  ESL_MSA      *msa     = NULL;	/* MSA after frags are removed     */
  ESL_MSA      *trainmsa= NULL;	/* training set, aligned           */
  ESL_STACK    *teststack=NULL; /* test set: stack of ESL_SQ ptrs  */
  int           status;		/* easel return code               */
  int           nfrags;		/* # of fragments removed          */
  int           ntestdom;       /* # of test domains               */
  int           ntest;		/* # of test sequences created     */
  int           nali;		/* number of alignments read       */
  double        avgid;
  /* Parse command line */
  go = esl_getopts_Create(options);
  if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);
  if (esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go)               != eslOK) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Error in app configuration:   %s\n", go->errbuf);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h"))                    cmdline_help(argv[0], go);
  if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go)                  != 3)     cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Incorrect number of command line arguments\n");
  basename = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1); 
  alifile  = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
  dbfile   = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 3);
  alifmt   = eslMSAFILE_STOCKHOLM;
  dbfmt    = eslSQFILE_FASTA;

  /* Set up the configuration structure shared amongst functions here */
  if (esl_opt_IsDefault(go, "--seed"))   cfg.r = esl_randomness_CreateTimeseeded();
  else                                   cfg.r = esl_randomness_Create(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--seed"));
  cfg.abc        = NULL;		          /* until we open the MSA file, below */
  cfg.fragfrac   = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-F");
  cfg.idthresh1  = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-1");
  cfg.idthresh2  = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-2");
  cfg.test_lens  = NULL;
  cfg.ntest      = 0;
  cfg.max_ntest  = (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--maxtest")  ? esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--maxtest")  : 0); 
  cfg.max_ntrain = (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--maxtrain") ? esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--maxtrain") : 0); 

  /* Open the output files */ 
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.msa", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct output MSA file name");
  if ((cfg.out_msafp = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open MSA output file %s\n", outfile);
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.fa",  basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct output FASTA file name");
  if ((cfg.out_seqfp = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open FASTA output file %s\n", outfile);
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.pos", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct pos test set summary file name");
  if ((cfg.possummfp = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open pos test set summary file %s\n", outfile);
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.neg", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct neg test set summary file name");
  if ((cfg.negsummfp = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open neg test set summary file %s\n", outfile);
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.tbl", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct benchmark table file name");
  if ((cfg.tblfp     = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open benchmark table file %s\n", outfile);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--pid")) {
    if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.pid", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct %%id table file name");
    if ((cfg.pidfp   = fopen(outfile, "w"))        == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open %%id table file %s\n", outfile);
  } else cfg.pidfp   = NULL;

  /* Open the MSA file, digital mode; determine alphabet */
  if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--amino"))   cfg.abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--dna"))     cfg.abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA);
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--rna"))     cfg.abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA);

  status = eslx_msafile_Open(&(cfg.abc), alifile, NULL, alifmt, NULL, &afp);
  if (status != eslOK) eslx_msafile_OpenFailure(afp, status);

  if (cfg.abc->type == eslAMINO) esl_composition_SW34(cfg.fq);
  else                           esl_vec_DSet(cfg.fq, cfg.abc->K, 1.0 / (double) cfg.abc->K);

  /* Open and process the dbfile; make sure it's in the same alphabet */
  process_dbfile(&cfg, dbfile, dbfmt);

  /* Read and process MSAs one at a time  */
  nali = 0;
  while ((status = eslx_msafile_Read(afp, &origmsa)) != eslEOF)
      if (status != eslOK) eslx_msafile_ReadFailure(afp, status);

      remove_fragments(&cfg, origmsa, &msa, &nfrags);
      separate_sets   (&cfg, msa, &trainmsa, &teststack);

      if ( esl_stack_ObjectCount(teststack) >= 2) 
	  /* randomize test domain order, and apply size limit if any */
	  esl_stack_Shuffle(cfg.r, teststack);
	  if (cfg.max_ntest) pstack_select_topn(&teststack, cfg.max_ntest);
	  ntestdom =  esl_stack_ObjectCount(teststack);

	  /* randomize training set alignment order, and apply size limit if any */
	  esl_msashuffle_PermuteSequenceOrder(cfg.r, trainmsa);
	  if (cfg.max_ntrain) msa_select_topn(&trainmsa, cfg.max_ntrain);
	  esl_msa_MinimGaps(trainmsa, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
	  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--pid")) write_pids(cfg.pidfp, origmsa, trainmsa, teststack);

	  synthesize_positives(go, &cfg, msa->name, teststack, &ntest);

	  eslx_msafile_Write(cfg.out_msafp, trainmsa, eslMSAFILE_STOCKHOLM);

	  esl_dst_XAverageId(cfg.abc, trainmsa->ax, trainmsa->nseq, 10000, &avgid); /* 10000 is max_comparisons, before sampling kicks in */
	  fprintf(cfg.tblfp, "%-20s  %3.0f%% %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", msa->name, 100.*avgid, (int) trainmsa->alen, msa->nseq, nfrags, trainmsa->nseq, ntestdom, ntest);

  if  (nali == 0) esl_fatal("No alignments found in file %s\n", alifile);
  synthesize_negatives(go, &cfg, esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N"));

  if (cfg.pidfp) fclose(cfg.pidfp);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS  *go      = NULL;	/* command line configuration      */
  struct cfg_s  cfg;     	/* application configuration       */
  char         *basename= NULL;	/* base of the output file names   */
  char         *alifile = NULL;	/* alignment file name             */
  char         *dbfile  = NULL;	/* name of seq db file             */
  char          outfile[256];	/* name of an output file          */
  int           alifmt;		/* format code for alifile         */
  int           dbfmt;		/* format code for dbfile          */
  ESL_MSAFILE  *afp     = NULL;	/* open alignment file             */
  ESL_MSA      *origmsa = NULL;	/* one multiple sequence alignment */
  ESL_MSA      *msa     = NULL;	/* MSA after frags are removed     */
  ESL_MSA      *trainmsa= NULL;	/* training set, aligned           */
  ESL_STACK    *teststack=NULL; /* test set: stack of ESL_SQ ptrs  */
  int           status;		/* easel return code               */
  int           nfrags;		/* # of fragments removed          */
  int           ntestdom;       /* # of test domains               */
  int           ntest;		/* # of test sequences created     */
  int           nali;		/* number of alignments read       */
  double        avgid;
  /* Parse command line */
  go = esl_getopts_Create(options);
  if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);
  if (esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go)               != eslOK) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Error in app configuration:   %s\n", go->errbuf);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h"))                    cmdline_help(argv[0], go);
  if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go)                  != 3)     cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Incorrect number of command line arguments\n");
  basename = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1); 
  alifile  = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
  dbfile   = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 3);
  alifmt   = eslMSAFILE_STOCKHOLM;
  dbfmt    = eslSQFILE_FASTA;

  /* Set up the configuration structure shared amongst functions here */
  if (esl_opt_IsDefault(go, "--seed"))   cfg.r = esl_randomness_CreateTimeseeded();
  else                                   cfg.r = esl_randomness_Create(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--seed"));
  cfg.abc       = NULL;		          /* until we open the MSA file, below */
  cfg.fragfrac  = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-F");
  cfg.idthresh1 = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-1");
  cfg.idthresh2 = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-2");
  cfg.test_lens = NULL;
  cfg.ntest     = 0;

  /* Open the output files */ 
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.msa", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct output MSA file name");
  if ((cfg.out_msafp = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open MSA output file %s\n", outfile);
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.fa",  basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct output FASTA file name");
  if ((cfg.out_seqfp = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open FASTA output file %s\n", outfile);
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.pos", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct pos test set summary file name");
  if ((cfg.possummfp = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open pos test set summary file %s\n", outfile);
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.neg", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct neg test set summary file name");
  if ((cfg.negsummfp = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open neg test set summary file %s\n", outfile);
  if (snprintf(outfile, 256, "%s.tbl", basename) >= 256)  esl_fatal("Failed to construct benchmark table file name");
  if ((cfg.tblfp     = fopen(outfile, "w"))      == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open benchmark table file %s\n", outfile);

  /* Open the MSA file; determine alphabet */
  status = esl_msafile_Open(alifile, alifmt, NULL, &afp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) esl_fatal("Alignment file %s doesn't exist or is not readable\n", alifile);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("Couldn't determine format of alignment %s\n", alifile);
  else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Alignment file open failed with error %d\n", status);

  if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--amino"))   cfg.abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--dna"))     cfg.abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA);
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--rna"))     cfg.abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA);
  else {
    int type;
    status = esl_msafile_GuessAlphabet(afp, &type);
    if (status == eslEAMBIGUOUS)    esl_fatal("Failed to guess the bio alphabet used in %s.\nUse --dna, --rna, or --amino option to specify it.", alifile);
    else if (status == eslEFORMAT)  esl_fatal("Alignment file parse failed: %s\n", afp->errbuf);
    else if (status == eslENODATA)  esl_fatal("Alignment file %s is empty\n", alifile);
    else if (status != eslOK)       esl_fatal("Failed to read alignment file %s\n", alifile);
    cfg.abc = esl_alphabet_Create(type);
  esl_msafile_SetDigital(afp, cfg.abc);

  if (cfg.abc->type == eslAMINO) esl_composition_SW34(cfg.fq);
  else                           esl_vec_DSet(cfg.fq, cfg.abc->K, 1.0 / (double) cfg.abc->K);

  /* Open and process the dbfile; make sure it's in the same alphabet */
  process_dbfile(&cfg, dbfile, dbfmt);

  /* Read and process MSAs one at a time  */
  nali = 0;
  while ((status = esl_msa_Read(afp, &origmsa)) == eslOK)
      remove_fragments(&cfg, origmsa, &msa, &nfrags);
      separate_sets   (&cfg, msa, &trainmsa, &teststack);
      ntestdom = esl_stack_ObjectCount(teststack);

      if (ntestdom >= 2) 
	  esl_stack_Shuffle(cfg.r, teststack);
	  synthesize_positives(go, &cfg, msa->name, teststack, &ntest);

	  esl_msa_MinimGaps(trainmsa, NULL, NULL);
	  esl_msa_Write(cfg.out_msafp, trainmsa, eslMSAFILE_STOCKHOLM);

	  esl_dst_XAverageId(cfg.abc, trainmsa->ax, trainmsa->nseq, 10000, &avgid); /* 10000 is max_comparisons, before sampling kicks in */
	  fprintf(cfg.tblfp, "%-20s  %3.0f%% %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", msa->name, 100.*avgid, (int) trainmsa->alen, msa->nseq, nfrags, trainmsa->nseq, ntestdom, ntest);

  if      (status == eslEFORMAT)  esl_fatal("Alignment file parse error, line %d of file %s:\n%s\nOffending line is:\n%s\n", 
					    afp->linenumber, afp->fname, afp->errbuf, afp->buf);	
  else if (status != eslEOF)      esl_fatal("Alignment file read failed with error code %d\n", status);
  else if (nali   == 0)           esl_fatal("No alignments found in file %s\n", alifile);

  if (nali > 0)
    synthesize_negatives(go, &cfg, esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N"));

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS  *go      = NULL;	               /* application configuration       */
  ESL_ALPHABET *abc     = NULL;      	       /* biological alphabet             */
  char         *alifile = NULL;	               /* alignment file name             */
  int           fmt     = eslMSAFILE_UNKNOWN;  /* format code for alifile         */
  ESLX_MSAFILE *afp     = NULL;		       /* open msa file                   */
  ESL_MSAFILE2 *old_afp = NULL;	               /* open msa file, legacy (--small) */
  ESL_MSA      *msa     = NULL;	               /* one multiple sequence alignment */
  int           nali;		               /* number of alignments read       */
  int           i;		               /* counter over seqs               */
  int64_t       alen;		               /* alignment length                */
  int           nseq;                          /* number of sequences in the msa */
  int64_t       rlen;		               /* a raw (unaligned) seq length    */
  int64_t       small, large;	               /* smallest, largest sequence      */
  int64_t       nres;		               /* total # of residues in msa      */
  double        avgid;		               /* average fractional pair id      */
  int           max_comparisons;               /* maximum # comparisons for avg id */
  int           do_stall;                      /* used to stall when debugging     */
  double      **abc_ct = NULL;                 /* [0..msa->alen-1][0..abc->K] number of each residue at each position (abc->K is gap) */
  double     ***bp_ct  = NULL;                 /* [0..msa->alen-1][0..abc->Kp-1][0..abc->Kp-1] per (non-pknotted) consensus basepair *
						* count of each possible basepair over all seqs basepairs are indexed by 'i' the minimum *
						* of 'i:j' for a pair between i and j, where i < j. */
  double       **pp_ct = NULL;                 /* [0..msa->alen-1][0..11], count of each posterior probability (PP) code, over all sequences, gap is 11 */  
  int  *i_am_rf = NULL;                        /* [0..i..msa->alen-1]: TRUE if pos i is non-gap RF posn, if msa->rf == NULL remains NULL */
  int  *rf2a_map = NULL;                       /* [0..rfpos..rflen-1] = apos,                     
						* apos is the alignment position (0..msa->alen-1) that     
						* is non-gap RF position rfpos+1 (for rfpos in 0..rflen-1) */
  int rflen = -1;                              /* nongap RF length */
  char          errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  int           status;		               /* easel return code               */

  /* optional output files */
  FILE *iinfofp  = NULL; /* output file for --iinfo */
  FILE *pcinfofp = NULL; /* output file for --pcinfo */
  FILE *psinfofp = NULL; /* output file for --psinfo */
  FILE *rinfofp  = NULL; /* output file for --rinfo */
  FILE *icinfofp = NULL; /* output file for --icinfo */
  FILE *listfp   = NULL; /* output file for --list */
  FILE *cinfofp  = NULL; /* output file for --cinfo */
  FILE *bpinfofp = NULL; /* output file for --bpinfo */
  int use_weights;       /* TRUE if --weight, reported weighted counts (using msa->wgt) to all output files */
  int weights_exist;     /* TRUE if at least one msa->wgt value differs from 1.0, FALSE if not (or if msa->wgt==NULL) */ 

   * Parse command line

  go = esl_getopts_Create(options);
  if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK ||
      esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go)               != eslOK)
      printf("Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h") )
      esl_banner(stdout, argv[0], banner);
      esl_usage (stdout, argv[0], usage);
      puts("\n where options are:");
      esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 1, 2, 80);
      puts("\n small memory mode, requires --amino,--dna, or --rna and --informat pfam:");
      esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 2, 2, 80);
      puts("\n optional output files:");
      esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 3, 2, 80);

  if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go) != 1) 
      printf("Incorrect number of command line arguments.\n");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  alifile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);

  if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--informat") &&
      (fmt = eslx_msafile_EncodeFormat(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--informat"))) == eslMSAFILE_UNKNOWN)
    esl_fatal("%s is not a valid input sequence file format for --informat", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--informat")); 
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small") && fmt != eslMSAFILE_PFAM) esl_fatal("--small requires --informat pfam\n"); 

  max_comparisons = 1000;

  do_stall = esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--stall"); /* a stall point for attaching gdb */
  while (do_stall); 

   * Open the MSA file; determine alphabet; set for digital input

  if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--amino"))   abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--dna"))     abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA);
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--rna"))     abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA);

  /* We'd like to get rid of the legacy msafile interface, but it
   * includes small memory functionality for Pfam format which we have
   * to replace first. For now, use both interfaces, new and legacy
  if ( esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small") )
      if (! abc) esl_fatal("--small requires one of --amino, --dna, --rna be specified.");

      status = esl_msafile2_OpenDigital(abc, alifile, NULL, &old_afp);
      if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) esl_fatal("Alignment file %s doesn't exist or is not readable\n", alifile);
      else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("Couldn't determine format of alignment %s\n", alifile);
      else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Alignment file open failed with error %d\n", status);
      if ( (status = eslx_msafile_Open(&abc, alifile, NULL, fmt, NULL, &afp)) != eslOK)
	eslx_msafile_OpenFailure(afp, status);

   * Open optional output files, as nec *
  /* determine name for first list file, if nec */
  if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--list")) {
    if ((listfp = fopen(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--list"), "w")) == NULL) 
      esl_fatal("Failed to open --list output file %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--list"));
  if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--icinfo")) {
    if ((icinfofp = fopen(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--icinfo"), "w")) == NULL) 
      esl_fatal("Failed to open --icinfo output file %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--icinfo"));
  if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--rinfo")) {
    if ((rinfofp = fopen(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--rinfo"), "w")) == NULL) 
      esl_fatal("Failed to open --rinfo output file %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--rinfo"));
  if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--pcinfo")) {
    if ((pcinfofp = fopen(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--pcinfo"), "w")) == NULL) 
      esl_fatal("Failed to open --pcinfo output file %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--pcinfo"));
  if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--psinfo")) {
    if ((psinfofp = fopen(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--psinfo"), "w")) == NULL) 
      esl_fatal("Failed to open --psinfo output file %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--psinfo"));
  if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--iinfo")) {
    if ((iinfofp = fopen(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--iinfo"), "w")) == NULL) 
      esl_fatal("Failed to open --iinfo output file %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--iinfo"));
  if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--cinfo")) {
    if ((cinfofp = fopen(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--cinfo"), "w")) == NULL) 
      esl_fatal("Failed to open --cinfo output file %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--cinfo"));
  if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--bpinfo")) {
    if ((bpinfofp = fopen(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--bpinfo"), "w")) == NULL) 
      esl_fatal("Failed to open --bpinfo output file %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--bpinfo"));

   * Read MSAs one at a time.

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-1")) {
    if(! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small")) { 
      printf("# %-4s %-20s %10s %7s %7s %12s %6s %6s %10s %3s\n", "idx", "name", "format", "nseq", "alen", "nres", "small", "large", "avlen", "%id");
      printf("# %-4s %-20s %10s %7s %7s %12s %6s %6s %10s %3s\n", "----", "--------------------", "----------", "-------", "-------", "------------", "------", "------", "----------", "---");
    else { 
      printf("# %-4s %-20s %10s %7s %7s %12s %10s\n", "idx", "name", "format", "nseq", "alen", "nres", "avlen");
      printf("# %-4s %-20s %10s %7s %7s %12s %10s\n", "----", "--------------------", "----------", "-------", "-------", "------------", "----------");

  nali = 0;
  fmt = (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small") ? old_afp->format : afp->format);

  while ( (status = ( esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small") ? 
		      esl_msafile2_ReadInfoPfam(old_afp, listfp, abc, -1, NULL, NULL, &msa, &nseq, &alen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &abc_ct, &pp_ct, NULL, NULL, NULL) :
		      eslx_msafile_Read        (afp, &msa))) == eslOK)
      nres = 0;

      if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small")) { 
	nseq = msa->nseq;
	alen = msa->alen;
	small = large = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < msa->nseq; i++)
	    rlen  = esl_abc_dsqrlen(msa->abc, msa->ax[i]);
	    nres += rlen;
	    if (small == -1 || rlen < small) small = rlen;
	    if (large == -1 || rlen > large) large = rlen;

	esl_dst_XAverageId(abc, msa->ax, msa->nseq, max_comparisons, &avgid);
      else { /* --small invoked */
	for(i = 0; i < alen; i++) nres += (int) esl_vec_DSum(abc_ct[i], abc->K);

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-1")) 
	  printf("%-6d %-20s %10s %7d %7" PRId64 " %12" PRId64, 
	  if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small")) { 
	    printf(" %6" PRId64 " %6" PRId64 " %10.1f %3.0f\n",
		   (double) nres / (double) msa->nseq,
	  else { 
	    printf(" %10.1f\n", (double) nres / (double) nseq);
	  printf("Alignment number:    %d\n",     nali);
	  if (msa->name != NULL)
	    printf("Alignment name:      %s\n",        msa->name); 
	  printf("Format:              %s\n",          eslx_msafile_DecodeFormat(fmt));
	  printf("Number of sequences: %d\n",          nseq);
	  printf("Alignment length:    %" PRId64 "\n", alen);
	  printf("Total # residues:    %" PRId64 "\n", nres);
	  if(! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small")) { 
	    printf("Smallest:            %" PRId64 "\n", small);
	    printf("Largest:             %" PRId64 "\n", large);
	  printf("Average length:      %.1f\n",        (double) nres / (double) nseq);
	  if(! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small")) { 
	    printf("Average identity:    %.0f%%\n",      100.*avgid); 

      /* Dump data to optional output files, if nec */
      if(esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--list")) {
	if(! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small")) { 
	    /* only print sequence name to list file if ! --small, else we already have in esl_msafile2_ReadInfoPfam() */
	    for(i = 0; i < msa->nseq; i++) fprintf(listfp, "%s\n", msa->sqname[i]);

      /* if RF exists, get i_am_rf array[0..alen] which tells us which positions are non-gap RF positions
       * and rf2a_map, a map of non-gap RF positions to overall alignment positions */
      if(msa->rf != NULL) {
	if((status = map_rfpos_to_apos(msa, abc, errbuf, alen, &i_am_rf, &rf2a_map, &rflen)) != eslOK) esl_fatal(errbuf);
      else i_am_rf = NULL;

      weights_exist = check_msa_weights(msa);
      use_weights   = (weights_exist && esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--weight")) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small")) && 
	  (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--icinfo") || esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--rinfo")  || esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--pcinfo") || 
	   esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--cinfo")  || esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--bpinfo")))  {
	/* collect counts of each residue and PPs (if they exist) from the msa */
	if(esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--weight") && msa->wgt == NULL) esl_fatal("--weight requires all alignments have #=GS WT annotation, but aln %d does not", nali);
	if((status = count_msa(msa, errbuf, nali, 
			       esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--noambig"), /* ignore ambiguous residues? */
			       esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--weight"),  /* use msa->wgt sequence weights? */
			       ((bpinfofp != NULL && msa->ss_cons != NULL) ? &bp_ct : NULL), /* get basepair counts? */
			       (msa->pp != NULL ? &pp_ct : NULL)))   /* get PP counts? */
	   != eslOK) esl_fatal(errbuf);

      if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--icinfo")) {
	if((status = dump_infocontent_info(icinfofp, abc, abc_ct, use_weights, nali, alen, nseq, i_am_rf, msa->name, alifile, errbuf) != eslOK)) esl_fatal(errbuf);
      if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--rinfo")) {
	if((status = dump_residue_info(rinfofp, abc, abc_ct, use_weights, nali, alen, nseq, i_am_rf, msa->name, alifile, errbuf) != eslOK)) esl_fatal(errbuf);
      if(esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--pcinfo")) {
	if(pp_ct == NULL) esl_fatal("Error: --pcinfo requires all alignments have #=GR PP annotation, but alignment %d does not", nali);
	if((status = dump_posterior_column_info(pcinfofp, pp_ct, use_weights, nali, alen, nseq, i_am_rf, msa->name, alifile, errbuf) != eslOK)) esl_fatal(errbuf);
      if(esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--psinfo")) {
	if(msa->pp == NULL) esl_fatal("Error: --psinfo requires all alignments have #=GR PP annotation, but alignment %d does not", nali);
	if((status = dump_posterior_sequence_info(psinfofp, msa, nali, alifile, errbuf) != eslOK)) esl_fatal(errbuf);
      if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--iinfo")) {
	if(msa->rf == NULL) esl_fatal("--iinfo requires all alignments have #=GC RF annotation, but alignment %d does not", nali);
	if(esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--weight") && msa->wgt == NULL) esl_fatal("--weight requires all alignments have #=GS WT annotation, but aln %d does not", nali);
	if((status = dump_insert_info(iinfofp, msa, use_weights, nali, i_am_rf, alifile, errbuf) != eslOK)) esl_fatal(errbuf);
      if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--cinfo")) {
	if((status = dump_column_residue_counts(cinfofp, abc, abc_ct, esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--noambig"), use_weights, nali, alen, nseq, msa->name, alifile, errbuf) != eslOK)) esl_fatal(errbuf);
      if( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--bpinfo")) {
	if(msa->ss_cons == NULL) esl_fatal("--bpinfo requires all alignments have #=GC SS_cons annotation, but alignment %d does not", nali);
	if((status = dump_basepair_counts(bpinfofp, msa, abc, bp_ct, use_weights, nali, nseq, msa->name, alifile, errbuf) != eslOK)) esl_fatal(errbuf);

      if(abc_ct != NULL)   { esl_Free2D((void **) abc_ct, alen);          abc_ct   = NULL; }
      if(bp_ct != NULL)    { esl_Free3D((void ***) bp_ct, alen, abc->Kp); bp_ct    = NULL; }
      if(pp_ct != NULL)    { esl_Free2D((void **) pp_ct, alen);           pp_ct    = NULL; }
      if(i_am_rf != NULL)  { free(i_am_rf);                               i_am_rf  = NULL; }
      if(rf2a_map != NULL) { free(rf2a_map);                              rf2a_map = NULL; }
  /* If an msa read failed, we've dropped out to here with an informative status code. 
   * we have to handle failures from new vs. legacy msa parsing differently 
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--small")) 
      if      (status == eslEFORMAT)  esl_fatal("Alignment file parse error, line %d of file %s:\n%s\nOffending line is:\n%s\n", old_afp->linenumber, old_afp->fname, old_afp->errbuf, old_afp->buf);	
      else if (status != eslEOF)      esl_fatal("Alignment file read failed with error code %d\n", status);
      else if (nali   == 0)           esl_fatal("No alignments found in file %s\n", alifile);
      if (nali == 0 || status != eslEOF) eslx_msafile_ReadFailure(afp, status);

  /* Cleanup, normal return
  if(listfp != NULL) { 
    printf("# List of sequences in %d alignment(s) saved to file %s\n", nali, esl_opt_GetString(go, "--list"));
  if(icinfofp != NULL) { 
    printf("# Information content data saved to file %s.\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--icinfo")); 
  if(rinfofp != NULL) { 
    printf("# Residue data saved to file %s.\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--rinfo")); 
  if(pcinfofp != NULL) { 
    printf("# Per-column posterior probability data saved to file %s.\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--pcinfo")); 
  if(psinfofp != NULL) { 
    printf("# Per-sequence posterior probability data saved to file %s.\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--psinfo")); 
  if(iinfofp != NULL) { 
    printf("# Insert data saved to file %s.\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--iinfo")); 
  if(cinfofp != NULL) { 
    printf("# Per-column counts data saved to file %s.\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--cinfo")); 
  if(bpinfofp != NULL) { 
    printf("# Per-column basepair counts data saved to file %s.\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--bpinfo")); 

  if (afp)     eslx_msafile_Close(afp);
  if (old_afp) esl_msafile2_Close(old_afp);
  return 0;