Exemplo n.º 1
     createJDKFontInfo(JNIEnv *env,
                       jobject font2D,
                       jobject fontStrike,
                       jfloat ptSize,
                       jlong pNativeFont,
                       jfloatArray matrix,
                       jboolean aat) {

    JDKFontInfo *fi = (JDKFontInfo*)malloc(sizeof(JDKFontInfo));
    if (!fi) {
       return NULL;
    fi->env = env; // this is valid only for the life of this JNI call.
    fi->font2D = font2D;
    fi->fontStrike = fontStrike;
    fi->nativeFont = pNativeFont;
    fi->aat = aat;
    (*env)->GetFloatArrayRegion(env, matrix, 0, 4, fi->matrix);
    fi->ptSize = ptSize;
    fi->xPtSize = euclidianDistance(fi->matrix[0], fi->matrix[1]);
    fi->yPtSize = euclidianDistance(fi->matrix[2], fi->matrix[3]);
    if (!aat && (getenv("HB_NODEVTX") != NULL)) {
        fi->devScale = fi->xPtSize / fi->ptSize;
    } else {
        fi->devScale = 1.0f;
    return fi;
Exemplo n.º 2
FontInstanceAdapter::FontInstanceAdapter(JNIEnv *theEnv,
                                         jobject theFont2D,
                                         jobject theFontStrike,
                                         float *matrix,
                                         le_int32 xRes, le_int32 yRes,
                                         le_int32 theUPEM,
                                         TTLayoutTableCache *ltables)
    : env(theEnv), font2D(theFont2D), fontStrike(theFontStrike),
      xppem(0), yppem(0),
      xScaleUnitsToPoints(0), yScaleUnitsToPoints(0),
      xScalePixelsToUnits(0), yScalePixelsToUnits(0),
      upem(theUPEM), layoutTables(ltables)
    xPointSize = euclidianDistance(matrix[0], matrix[1]);
    yPointSize = euclidianDistance(matrix[2], matrix[3]);

    txMat[0] = matrix[0]/xPointSize;
    txMat[1] = matrix[1]/xPointSize;
    txMat[2] = matrix[2]/yPointSize;
    txMat[3] = matrix[3]/yPointSize;

    xppem = ((float) xRes / 72) * xPointSize;
    yppem = ((float) yRes / 72) * yPointSize;

    xScaleUnitsToPoints = xPointSize / upem;
    yScaleUnitsToPoints = yPointSize / upem;

    xScalePixelsToUnits = upem / xppem;
    yScalePixelsToUnits = upem / yppem;
Exemplo n.º 3
QPoint Ghost::clydeChaseTarget()
    QPoint clydeTarget = pacman->position();
    if(euclidianDistance(clyde->position(), clydeTarget) < 8)
        clydeTarget = clyde->scatterCorner();
    return clydeTarget;
Exemplo n.º 4
void SOM::adjustWeights(int index, std::vector<double>& inputData)
    long double sigma;
    long double lateralDistance;
    long double h;
    long double eta;

    int xWinner = winnerNeuron / dimension;
    int yWinner = winnerNeuron % dimension;

    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < neurons.size(); x++)
        for (unsigned int y = 0; y < neurons[x].size(); y++)
            sigma = sigma0 * exp(-index / tau);
            lateralDistance = euclidianDistance(xWinner, yWinner, x, y);
            h = exp( -lateralDistance / (2 * pow(sigma, 2)) );

            eta = eta0 * exp( -index /tau );

            if(eta <= 0.01)
                eta = 0.02;

            for (int w = 0; w < neurons[x][y].numSynapses; w++)
                neurons[x][y].weights[w] += eta * h * (inputData[w] - neurons[x][y].weights[w]);
Exemplo n.º 5
computeDimension (struct attractor *at)
    /* An estimate of the correlation dimension: accumulate the values of the distances between
       point p and one of its predecessors, ignoring the points right before p */
    GLdouble n1 = 0.0, n2 = 0.0, d2;
    GLdouble d2max = 4 * at->r * at->r; /* Square of the attractor radius */
    int twod = 1 << at->dimension;
    int i, j;

    if (at->numPoints <= DIM_DEPTH) {
        return -1;

    for (i = DIM_DEPTH; i < at->numPoints; i++) {
        j = i - DIM_IGNORE - (rand () % (DIM_DEPTH - DIM_IGNORE));
        d2 = euclidianDistance (at->array[i], at->array[j]);
        if (d2 < DIM_RADIUS1 * twod * d2max)
        if (d2 > DIM_RADIUS2 * twod * d2max)

    at->correlationDimension = log10 (n2 / n1);
    return at->correlationDimension;
Exemplo n.º 6
void clarke_wright(std::vector<Vertices> vec, float** distances ){
	Vertice hub = vec.front();
	std::vector<Vertices> vh(vec);
	std::vector<Vertice> savings; 
	std::vector<Vertices>::iterator i;
	std::vector<Vertices>::iterator j;
	float a,b,ij;
	for (i= vec.begin(); i < vec.end(); ++i){
		for (j = veg.begin(); j < vec.end(); ++j){
			a = euclidianDistance(hub, vh[i], distances);
			b = euclidianDistance(hub, vh[j], distances);
			ij = euclidianDistance(vh[i], vh[j], distances);
			Vertice vi;
			vi.x = i;
			vi.y = j;


Exemplo n.º 7
// Takes contours and finds circles
// Theory: find the circle and ellipse that fit around a contour. If the contour is circular, the circle and ellipse should be similar
// Also, if the contour is circular, the fit circle should be a good approximation of it
void findCircles(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours, std::vector<struct ColouredCircle> &circles, double centerEpsilon, double radiusEpsilon) {
    // Iterate over each contour
    for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
        std::vector<cv::Point> contour = contours[i];

        // Discard is less than five points in contour
        // Both as can't fit ellipse otherwise and is unlikely to be a circle with five points
        if(contour.size() < 5) {

        // Find minimum enclosing circle
        cv::Point2f center;
        float radius;
        cv::minEnclosingCircle(contour, center, radius);

        // Fit an ellipse around the contour
        cv::RotatedRect ellipse = cv::fitEllipse(contour);
        cv::Point2f eCenter = ellipse.center;
        cv::Point2f eAxesRadius = ellipse.size;
        // Need to half to as currently axes (diameter)
        eAxesRadius.x = eAxesRadius.x / 2;
        eAxesRadius.y = eAxesRadius.y / 2;

        // Compare the circle and ellipse
        // Uses Euclidian distance. Better alternatives?
        double centerDistance = euclidianDistance(center, eCenter);
        double radiusDistance = euclidianDistance(cv::Point2f(radius, radius), eAxesRadius);

        if(centerDistance > centerEpsilon || radiusDistance > radiusEpsilon) {

        // Add the found circle to the output vector
        struct ColouredCircle cc;
        cc.center = cv::Point2f(center.x, center.y);
        cc.radius = radius;
FontInstanceAdapter::FontInstanceAdapter(fontObject *theFontObject, Strike *theStrike,
                                         FontTransform *tx, le_int32 xRes, le_int32 yRes)
    : fFontObject(theFontObject), fStrike(theStrike), xppem(0), yppem(0),
      xScaleUnitsToPoints(0), yScaleUnitsToPoints(0), xScalePixelsToUnits(0), yScalePixelsToUnits(0)
    float upem = (float) fFontObject->GetUnitsPerEM();
    float matrix[4];
    float xPointSize, yPointSize;

    tx->getMatrixInto(matrix, 4);

    xPointSize = euclidianDistance(matrix[0], matrix[1]);
    yPointSize = euclidianDistance(matrix[2], matrix[3]);

    xppem = ((float) xRes / 72) * xPointSize;
    yppem = ((float) yRes / 72) * yPointSize;

    xScaleUnitsToPoints = xPointSize / upem;
    yScaleUnitsToPoints = yPointSize / upem;

    xScalePixelsToUnits = upem / xppem;
    yScalePixelsToUnits = upem / yppem;
Exemplo n.º 9
int Ghost::findNextdirection(QPoint tileTarget, bool ignorePreviousDirection)
    QList<int> availableDirections;
    QList<QPoint> availableMoves;
    QPoint tmpPoint;
    DoublePosition tmpPosition;

    int x,y, collision;

    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
        x = (i/2)*(-1 + 2*(i%2));
        y = (1 - (i/2))*(-1 + 2*(i%2));

        tmpPosition = m_position;
        tmpPosition.increaseX(m_speed * x);
        tmpPosition.increaseY(m_speed * y);
        tmpPoint = m_position.integerPosition() + QPoint(x,y);

        collision = m_grid->collisionAt(tmpPoint);

        if((collision != Grid::CollisionOn)&&((i != m_previousDirection)||(ignorePreviousDirection)))
    if(availableDirections.size() == 1)
        return availableDirections.first();

    int minIdx = -1;
    qreal dist, min = 10000.0;
    for(int i=0; i<availableDirections.size(); i++)
        dist = euclidianDistance(tileTarget, availableMoves.at(i));
            min = dist;
            minIdx = i;
    if(minIdx == -1) return -1;
    return availableDirections.at(minIdx);
Exemplo n.º 10
        JNIEnv *env, jobject scaler, jlong pScaler, jdoubleArray matrix,
        jint aa, jint fm, jfloat boldness, jfloat italic) {
    double dmat[4], ptsz;
    FTScalerContext *context =
            (FTScalerContext*) calloc(1, sizeof(FTScalerContext));
    FTScalerInfo *scalerInfo =
             (FTScalerInfo*) jlong_to_ptr(pScaler);

    if (context == NULL) {
        invalidateJavaScaler(env, scaler, NULL);
        return (jlong) 0;
    (*env)->GetDoubleArrayRegion(env, matrix, 0, 4, dmat);
    ptsz = euclidianDistance(dmat[2], dmat[3]); //i.e. y-size
    if (ptsz < 1.0) {
        //text can not be smaller than 1 point
        ptsz = 1.0;
    context->ptsz = (int)(ptsz * 64);
    context->transform.xx =  FloatToFTFixed((float)dmat[0]/ptsz);
    context->transform.yx = -FloatToFTFixed((float)dmat[1]/ptsz);
    context->transform.xy = -FloatToFTFixed((float)dmat[2]/ptsz);
    context->transform.yy =  FloatToFTFixed((float)dmat[3]/ptsz);
    context->aaType = aa;
    context->fmType = fm;

    /* If using algorithmic styling, the base values are
     * boldness = 1.0, italic = 0.0.
    context->doBold = (boldness != 1.0);
    context->doItalize = (italic != 0);

    return ptr_to_jlong(context);
Exemplo n.º 11
	float getLength(sf::Vector3f x)
		return euclidianDistance(sf::Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), x);
Exemplo n.º 12
getRadius (struct attractor *a)
    return 0.5 * sqrt (euclidianDistance (a->bound[1], a->bound[0]));
Exemplo n.º 13
int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    // Ensure OpenCV is using optimized code

    if(argc < 2) {
        std::cerr << "Named of named pipe required" << std::endl;
        return 1;
    std::ofstream namedPipe(argv[1], std::ofstream::out);

    vision::Config config("config/config.xml");
    vision::Camera camera(0, config.getPitch(0));
    //vision::Camera camera("/home/euan/Downloads/pitch (1).avi", config.getPitch(0));

    cv::Point2f lastBallPos;
    bool seenBall = false;

    bool seenYellowGreen = false;
    cv::Point2f lastYGPos;
    double lastYGO = 0;
    bool seenYellowPink = false;
    cv::Point2f lastYPPos;
    double lastYPO = 0;
    bool seenBlueGreen = false;
    cv::Point2f lastBGPos;
    double lastBGO = 0;
    bool seenBluePink = false;
    cv::Point2f lastBPPos;
    double lastBPO = 0;

    // Main processing loop
    // Grabs, decodes and stores a frame from capture each iteration
    while(camera.update()) {
        cv::UMat frame = camera.getFrame();

        std::vector<std::vector<struct ColouredCircle> > circles = findColouredCirclesInFrame(frame, camera.getBackgroundImage());

        for(size_t r=0;r<circles[0].size();r++) {
            for(size_t c=1;c<circles.size();c++) {
                for(size_t i=0;i<circles[c].size();i++) {
                    double dist = euclidianDistance(circles[0][r].center, circles[c][i].center);
                    if(dist < 20) {
                        circles[0][r].radius = 0;

        cv::Point2f ball;
        double ballSize = 2;
        bool ballFound = false;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < circles[0].size(); i++) {
            if(circles[0][i].radius > ballSize) {
                ballFound = true;
                ball = circles[0][i].center;
                ballSize = circles[0][i].radius;

        std::vector<struct ColouredCircle> pinkAndGreen = circles[3];
        pinkAndGreen.insert(pinkAndGreen.end(), circles[4].begin(), circles[4].end());

        bool ygFound = false;
        bool ypFound = false;
        bool bgFound = false;
        bool bpFound = false;

        std::vector<struct Robot> robots;
        for(size_t blue = 0; blue < circles[1].size(); blue++) {
            sort(pinkAndGreen.begin(), pinkAndGreen.end(), [circles, blue](struct ColouredCircle x, struct ColouredCircle y) {
                double distX = euclidianDistance(circles[1][blue].center, x.center);
                double distY = euclidianDistance(circles[1][blue].center, y.center);
                return (distX < distY);

            size_t len = 4;
            if(pinkAndGreen.size() < len) {

            std::vector<struct ColouredCircle> markers;
            int numG = 0, numP = 0;
            for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if(pinkAndGreen[i].colour == 3) {
                } else {

            bool shouldContinue = true;

            for(size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) {
                double dist = euclidianDistance(circles[1][blue].center, markers[i].center);
                if(dist > 50) {
                    shouldContinue = false;

            if(!shouldContinue) {

            struct Robot r;
            if(numP < numG) {
                r.pos = circles[1][blue].center;

                size_t pindex = 0;
                for(size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) {
                    if(markers[i].colour == 3) {
                        pindex = i;

                cv::Point2f botLeftOrigin = markers[pindex].center - r.pos;
                r.orientation = -atan2(botLeftOrigin.x, botLeftOrigin.y) - 0.4;
                r.team = 0;
                r.colour = 0;
                r.markers = markers;

                bgFound = true;

            } else {
                r.pos = circles[1][blue].center;

                size_t pindex = 0;
                for(size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) {
                    if(markers[i].colour == 4) {
                        pindex = i;

                cv::Point2f botLeftOrigin = markers[pindex].center - r.pos;
                r.orientation = -atan2(botLeftOrigin.x, botLeftOrigin.y) - 0.4;
                r.team = 0;
                r.colour = 1;
                r.markers = markers;

                bpFound = true;


        for(size_t yellow = 0; yellow < circles[2].size(); yellow++) {
            sort(pinkAndGreen.begin(), pinkAndGreen.end(), [circles, yellow](struct ColouredCircle x, struct ColouredCircle y) {
                double distX = euclidianDistance(circles[2][yellow].center, x.center);
                double distY = euclidianDistance(circles[2][yellow].center, y.center);
                return (distX < distY);

            size_t len = 4;
            if(pinkAndGreen.size() < len) {

            std::vector<struct ColouredCircle> markers;
            int numG = 0, numP = 0;
            for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if(pinkAndGreen[i].colour == 3) {
                } else {

            bool shouldContinue = true;

            for(size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) {
                double dist = euclidianDistance(circles[2][yellow].center, markers[i].center);
                if(dist > 50) {
                    shouldContinue = false;

            if(!shouldContinue) {

            struct Robot r;
            if(numP < numG) {
                r.pos = circles[2][yellow].center;

                size_t pindex = 0;
                for(size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) {
                    if(markers[i].colour == 3) {
                        pindex = i;

                cv::Point2f botLeftOrigin = markers[pindex].center - r.pos;
                r.orientation = -atan2(botLeftOrigin.x, botLeftOrigin.y) - 0.4;
                r.team = 1;
                r.colour = 0;
                r.markers = markers;

                ygFound = true;

            } else {
                r.pos = circles[2][yellow].center;

                size_t pindex = 0;
                for(size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) {
                    if(markers[i].colour == 4) {
                        pindex = i;

                cv::Point2f botLeftOrigin = markers[pindex].center - r.pos;
                r.orientation = -atan2(botLeftOrigin.x, botLeftOrigin.y) - 0.4;
                r.team = 1;
                r.colour = 1;
                r.markers = markers;

                ypFound = true;


        std::vector<std::string> jsonKeyObjects;

        if(!ballFound) {
            ball = lastBallPos;
        } else {
            std::stringstream jsonBall;
            jsonBall << "\"b\":{\"x\":" << ball.x << ",\"y\":" << ball.y << "}";

        cv::arrowedLine(frame, ball, ball + (ball-lastBallPos)*10, cv::Scalar(255,255,255), 3);
        cv::circle(frame, ball, 10, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3);
        lastBallPos = ball;

        for(size_t i = 0; i < robots.size(); i++) {
            if(robots[i].team == 0 && robots[i].colour == 0) {
                bgFound = true;
                lastBGPos = robots[i].pos;
                lastBGO = robots[i].orientation;
            } else if(robots[i].team == 0 && robots[i].colour == 1) {
                bpFound = true;
                lastBPPos = robots[i].pos;
                lastBPO = robots[i].orientation;
            } else if(robots[i].team == 1 && robots[i].colour == 0) {
                ygFound = true;
                lastYGPos = robots[i].pos;
                lastYGO = robots[i].orientation;
            } else if(robots[i].team == 1 && robots[i].colour == 1) {
                ypFound = true;
                lastYPPos = robots[i].pos;
                lastYPO = robots[i].orientation;

        if(bgFound) {
            seenBlueGreen = true;
        } else if(seenBlueGreen) {
            seenBlueGreen = false;
            cv::circle(frame, lastBGPos, 10,  cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3);
            cv::circle(frame, lastBGPos, 50,  cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);
            cv::Point2f newPoint(
                float(0 * cos(lastBGO) - (-20 * sin(lastBGO))),
                float(0 * sin(lastBGO) + (-20 * cos(lastBGO)))
            cv::line(frame, lastBGPos, lastBGPos + newPoint, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);

        if(bpFound) {
            seenBluePink = true;
        } else if(seenBluePink) {
            seenBluePink = false;
            cv::circle(frame, lastBPPos, 10,  cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3);
            cv::circle(frame, lastBPPos, 50,  cv::Scalar(255, 0, 255), 3);
            cv::Point2f newPoint(
                float(0 * cos(lastBPO) - (-20 * sin(lastBPO))),
                float(0 * sin(lastBPO) + (-20 * cos(lastBPO)))
            cv::line(frame, lastBPPos, lastBPPos + newPoint, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);

        if(ygFound) {
            seenYellowGreen = true;
        } else if(seenYellowGreen) {
            seenYellowGreen = false;
            cv::circle(frame, lastYGPos, 10,  cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 3);
            cv::circle(frame, lastYGPos, 50,  cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);
            cv::Point2f newPoint(
                float(0 * cos(lastYGO) - (-20 * sin(lastYGO))),
                float(0 * sin(lastYGO) + (-20 * cos(lastYGO)))
            cv::line(frame, lastYGPos, lastYGPos + newPoint, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);

        if(ypFound) {
            seenYellowPink = true;
        } else if(seenYellowPink) {
            seenYellowPink = false;
            cv::circle(frame, lastYPPos, 10,  cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 3);
            cv::circle(frame, lastYPPos, 50,  cv::Scalar(255, 0, 255), 3);
            cv::Point2f newPoint(
                float(0 * cos(lastYPO) - (-20 * sin(lastYPO))),
                float(0 * sin(lastYPO) + (-20 * cos(lastYPO)))
            cv::line(frame, lastYPPos, lastYPPos + newPoint, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);

        for(size_t i = 0; i < robots.size(); i++) {
            struct Robot r = robots[i];
            cv::circle(frame, r.pos, 10,  (r.team == 0 ? cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0) : cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255)), 3);
            cv::circle(frame, r.pos, 50,  (r.colour == 0 ? cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0) : cv::Scalar(255, 0, 255)), 3);
            cv::Point2f newPoint(
                float(0 * cos(r.orientation) - (-20 * sin(r.orientation))),
                float(0 * sin(r.orientation) + (-20 * cos(r.orientation)))
            cv::line(frame, r.pos, r.pos + newPoint, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);

            std::stringstream jsonRobot;

            jsonRobot << '"';
            if(r.team == 0) {
                jsonRobot << 'b';
            } else {
                jsonRobot << 'y';
            if(r.colour == 0) {
                jsonRobot << 'g';
            } else {
                jsonRobot << 'p';
            jsonRobot << "\":{\"x\":" << r.pos.x << ",\"y\":" << r.pos.y << ",\"f\":" << r.orientation * 180 / M_PI << "}";

        namedPipe << '{';

        for(size_t j = 0; j < jsonKeyObjects.size(); j++) {
            namedPipe << jsonKeyObjects[j];
            if(j != jsonKeyObjects.size() - 1) {
                namedPipe << ',';

        namedPipe << "}\n";

        cv::imshow("Frame", frame);

        // Update windows and check if a key has been pressed
        char key = char(cv::waitKey(1));

        // Check if user wants to quit
        if(key == 'q' || key == 'Q' || key == ESC_KEY) {