Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: add.c Projeto: jpflori/pari
addui_sign(ulong x, GEN y, long sy)
  long ly;
  GEN z;

  if (!x) return icopy_sign(y, sy);
  if (!sy) return utoipos(x);
  if (sy == 1) return adduispec(x,y+2, lgefint(y)-2);
  if (ly==3)
    const ulong t = y[2];
    if (x == t) return gen_0;
    if (x < t) {
      z[1] = evalsigne(-1) | evallgefint(3);
      z[2] = t - x;
    else {
      z[1] = evalsigne(1) | evallgefint(3);
      z[2] = x - t;
    return z;
  z = subiuspec(y+2,x, ly-2);
  setsigne(z,-1); return z;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: add.c Projeto: jpflori/pari
addsi_sign(long x, GEN y, long sy)
  long sx,ly;
  GEN z;

  if (!x) return icopy_sign(y, sy);
  if (!sy) return stoi(x);
  if (x<0) { sx=-1; x=-x; } else sx=1;
  if (sx==sy)
    z = adduispec(x,y+2, lgefint(y)-2);
    setsigne(z,sy); return z;
  if (ly==3)
    const long d = (long)(uel(y,2) - (ulong)x);
    if (!d) return gen_0;
    if (y[2] < 0 || d > 0) {
      z[1] = evalsigne(sy) | evallgefint(3);
      z[2] = d;
    else {
      z[1] = evalsigne(-sy) | evallgefint(3);
      z[2] =-d;
    return z;
  z = subiuspec(y+2,x, ly-2);
  setsigne(z,sy); return z;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: aprcl.c Projeto: jpflori/pari
static GEN
makepoldeg1(GEN c, GEN d)
  GEN z;
  if (signe(c)) {
    z = cgetg(4,t_POL); z[1] = evalsigne(1);
    gel(z,2) = d; gel(z,3) = c;
  } else if (signe(d)) {
    z = cgetg(3,t_POL); z[1] = evalsigne(1);
    gel(z,2) = d;
  } else {
    z = cgetg(2,t_POL); z[1] = evalsigne(0);
  return z;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: aprcl.c Projeto: jpflori/pari
/* x a non-zero VECSMALL */
static GEN
smallpolrev(GEN x)
  long i,j, lx = lg(x);
  GEN y;

  while (lx-- && x[lx]==0) /* empty */;
  i = lx+2; y = cgetg(i,t_POL);
  y[1] = evalsigne(1);
  for (j=2; j<i; j++) gel(y,j) = stoi(x[j-1]);
  return y;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: gcd.c Projeto: jkeuffer/pari
gcdii(GEN a, GEN b)
  long v, w;
  pari_sp av;
  GEN t;

  switch (absi_cmp(a,b))
    case 0: return absi(a);
    case -1: swap(a,b);
  if (!signe(b)) return absi(a);
  /* here |a|>|b|>0. Try single precision first */
  if (lgefint(a)==3)
    return igcduu((ulong)a[2], (ulong)b[2]);
  if (lgefint(b)==3)
    ulong u = resiu(a,(ulong)b[2]);
    if (!u) return absi(b);
    return igcduu((ulong)b[2], u);
  /* larger than gcd: "avma=av" gerepile (erasing t) is valid */
  av = avma; (void)new_chunk(lgefint(b)+1); /* HACK */
  t = remii(a,b);
  if (!signe(t)) { avma=av; return absi(b); }

  a = b; b = t;
  v = vali(a); a = shifti(a,-v); setabssign(a);
  w = vali(b); b = shifti(b,-w); setabssign(b);
  if (w < v) v = w;
    case  0: avma=av; a=shifti(a,v); return a;
    case -1: swap(a,b);
  if (is_pm1(b)) { avma=av; return int2n(v); }
  /* general case */
  /*This serve two purposes: 1) mpn_gcd destroy its input and need an extra
   * limb 2) this allows us to use icopy instead of gerepile later.  NOTE: we
   * must put u before d else the final icopy could fail.
  GEN res= cgeti(lgefint(a)+1);
  GEN ca = icopy_ef(a,lgefint(a)+1);
  GEN cb = icopy_ef(b,lgefint(b)+1);
  long l = mpn_gcd(LIMBS(res), LIMBS(ca), NLIMBS(ca), LIMBS(cb), NLIMBS(cb));
  res[1] = evalsigne(1)|evallgefint(l+2);
  return shifti(res,v);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: aprcl.c Projeto: jpflori/pari
/* x t_VECSMALL, as red_cyclo2n_ip */
static GEN
u_red_cyclo2n_ip(GEN x, long n)
  long i, pow2 = 1L<<(n-1);
  GEN z;

  for (i = lg(x)-1; i>pow2; i--) x[i-pow2] -= x[i];
  for (; i>0; i--)
    if (x[i]) break;
  i += 2;
  z = cgetg(i, t_POL); z[1] = evalsigne(1);
  for (i--; i>=2; i--) gel(z,i) = stoi(x[i-1]);
  return z;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: anal.c Projeto: jkeuffer/pari
pari_var_create(entree *ep)
  GEN p = (GEN)initial_value(ep);
  long v;
  if (*p) return varn(p);
  if (nvar == max_avail) pari_err(e_MISC,"no more variables available");
  v = nvar++;
  /* set p = pol_x(v) */
  p[0] = evaltyp(t_POL) | _evallg(4);
  p[1] = evalsigne(1) | evalvarn(v);
  gel(p,2) = gen_0;
  gel(p,3) = gen_1;
  varentries_set(v, ep);
  varpriority[v]= min_priority--;
  return v;
Exemplo n.º 8
static GEN
nf_DDF_roots(GEN pol, GEN polred, GEN nfpol, GEN lt, GEN init_fa, long nbf,
             long fl, nflift_t *L)
  long Cltx_r[] = { evaltyp(t_POL)|_evallg(4), 0,0,0 };
  long i, m;
  GEN C2ltpol, C = L->topowden;
  GEN Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
  GEN C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);
  GEN z;

  if (L->Tpk)
    int cof = (degpol(pol) > nbf); /* non trivial cofactor ? */
    z = FqX_split_roots(init_fa, L->Tp, L->p, cof? polred: NULL);
    z = hensel_lift_fact(polred, z, L->Tpk, L->p, L->pk, L->k);
    if (cof) setlg(z, lg(z)-1); /* remove cofactor */
    z = roots_from_deg1(z);
    z = rootpadicfast(polred, L->p, L->k);
  Cltx_r[1] = evalsigne(1) | evalvarn(varn(pol));
  gel(Cltx_r,3) = Clt? Clt: gen_1;
  C2ltpol  = C2lt? gmul(C2lt, pol): pol;
  for (m=1,i=1; i<lg(z); i++)
    GEN q, r = gel(z,i);

    r = nf_bestlift_to_pol(lt? gmul(lt,r): r, NULL, L);
    gel(Cltx_r,2) = gneg(r); /* check P(r) == 0 */
    q = RgXQX_divrem(C2ltpol, Cltx_r, nfpol, ONLY_DIVIDES); /* integral */
    if (q) { 
      C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(Clt,q): q;
      if (Clt) r = gdiv(r, Clt);
      gel(z,m++) = r;
    else if (fl == 2) return cgetg(1, t_VEC);
  z[0] = evaltyp(t_VEC) | evallg(m);
  return z;
Exemplo n.º 9
bezout(GEN a, GEN b, GEN *pu, GEN *pv)
  GEN t,u,u1,v,v1,d,d1,q,r;
  GEN *pt;
  pari_sp av, av1;
  long s, sa, sb;
  ulong g;
  ulong xu,xu1,xv,xv1;                /* Lehmer stage recurrence matrix */
  int lhmres;                        /* Lehmer stage return value */

  s = abscmpii(a,b);
  if (s < 0)
    t=b; b=a; a=t;
    pt=pu; pu=pv; pv=pt;
  /* now |a| >= |b| */

  sa = signe(a); sb = signe(b);
  if (!sb)
    if (pv) *pv = gen_0;
    case  0: if (pu) *pu = gen_0; return gen_0;
    case  1: if (pu) *pu = gen_1; return icopy(a);
    case -1: if (pu) *pu = gen_m1; return(negi(a));
  if (s == 0)                        /* |a| == |b| != 0 */
    if (pu) *pu = gen_0;
    if (sb > 0)
    { if (pv) *pv = gen_1; return icopy(b); }
    { if (pv) *pv = gen_m1; return(negi(b)); }
  /* now |a| > |b| > 0 */

  if (lgefint(a) == 3)                /* single-word affair */
    g = xxgcduu(uel(a,2), uel(b,2), 0, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s);
    sa = s > 0 ? sa : -sa;
    sb = s > 0 ? -sb : sb;
    if (pu)
      if (xu == 0) *pu = gen_0; /* can happen when b divides a */
      else if (xu == 1) *pu = sa < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      else if (xu == 2) *pu = sa < 0 ? gen_m2 : gen_2;
        *pu = cgeti(3);
        (*pu)[1] = evalsigne(sa)|evallgefint(3);
        (*pu)[2] = xu;
    if (pv)
      if (xv == 1) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      else if (xv == 2) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m2 : gen_2;
        *pv = cgeti(3);
        (*pv)[1] = evalsigne(sb)|evallgefint(3);
        (*pv)[2] = xv;
    if      (g == 1) return gen_1;
    else if (g == 2) return gen_2;
    else return utoipos(g);

  /* general case */
  av = avma;
  (void)new_chunk(lgefint(b) + (lgefint(a)<<1)); /* room for u,v,gcd */
  /* if a is significantly larger than b, calling lgcdii() is not the best
   * way to start -- reduce a mod b first
  if (lgefint(a) > lgefint(b))
    d = absi(b), q = dvmdii(absi(a), d, &d1);
    if (!signe(d1))                /* a == qb */
      avma = av;
      if (pu) *pu = gen_0;
      if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      return (icopy(d));
      u = gen_0;
      u1 = v = gen_1;
      v1 = negi(q);
    /* if this results in lgefint(d) == 3, will fall past main loop */
    d = absi(a); d1 = absi(b);
    u = v1 = gen_1; u1 = v = gen_0;
  av1 = avma;

  /* main loop is almost identical to that of invmod() */
  while (lgefint(d) > 3 && signe(d1))
    lhmres = lgcdii((ulong *)d, (ulong *)d1, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, ULONG_MAX);
    if (lhmres != 0)                /* check progress */
    {                                /* apply matrix */
      if ((lhmres == 1) || (lhmres == -1))
        if (xv1 == 1)
          r = subii(d,d1); d=d1; d1=r;
          a = subii(u,u1); u=u1; u1=a;
          a = subii(v,v1); v=v1; v1=a;
          r = subii(d, mului(xv1,d1)); d=d1; d1=r;
          a = subii(u, mului(xv1,u1)); u=u1; u1=a;
          a = subii(v, mului(xv1,v1)); v=v1; v1=a;
        r  = subii(muliu(d,xu),  muliu(d1,xv));
        d1 = subii(muliu(d,xu1), muliu(d1,xv1)); d = r;
        a  = subii(muliu(u,xu),  muliu(u1,xv));
        u1 = subii(muliu(u,xu1), muliu(u1,xv1)); u = a;
        a  = subii(muliu(v,xu),  muliu(v1,xv));
        v1 = subii(muliu(v,xu1), muliu(v1,xv1)); v = a;
        if (lhmres&1) { togglesign(d);  togglesign(u);  togglesign(v); }
        else          { togglesign(d1); togglesign(u1); togglesign(v1); }
    if (lhmres <= 0 && signe(d1))
      q = dvmdii(d,d1,&r);
      a = subii(u,mulii(q,u1));
      u=u1; u1=a;
      a = subii(v,mulii(q,v1));
      v=v1; v1=a;
      d=d1; d1=r;
    if (gc_needed(av,1))
      if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"bezout");
      gerepileall(av1,6, &d,&d1,&u,&u1,&v,&v1);
  } /* end while */

  /* Postprocessing - final sprint */
  if (signe(d1))
    /* Assertions: lgefint(d)==lgefint(d1)==3, and
     * gcd(d,d1) is nonzero and fits into one word
    g = xxgcduu(uel(d,2), uel(d1,2), 0, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s);
    u = subii(muliu(u,xu), muliu(u1, xv));
    v = subii(muliu(v,xu), muliu(v1, xv));
    if (s < 0) { sa = -sa; sb = -sb; }
    avma = av;
    if (pu) *pu = sa < 0 ? negi(u) : icopy(u);
    if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? negi(v) : icopy(v);
    if (g == 1) return gen_1;
    else if (g == 2) return gen_2;
    else return utoipos(g);
  /* get here when the final sprint was skipped (d1 was zero already).
   * Now the matrix is final, and d contains the gcd.
  avma = av;
  if (pu) *pu = sa < 0 ? negi(u) : icopy(u);
  if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? negi(v) : icopy(v);
  return icopy(d);
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: add.c Projeto: jpflori/pari
addrr_sign(GEN x, long sx, GEN y, long sy)
  long lx, ex = expo(x);
  long ly, ey = expo(y), e = ey - ex;
  long i, j, lz, ez, m;
  int extend, f2;
  GEN z;

  if (!sy)
    if (!sx)
      if (e > 0) ex = ey;
      return real_0_bit(ex);
    if (e >= 0) return real_0_bit(ey);
    lz = nbits2prec(-e);
    lx = lg(x); if (lz > lx) lz = lx;
    z = cgetr(lz); while(--lz) z[lz] = x[lz];
    setsigne(z,sx); return z;
  if (!sx)
    if (e <= 0) return real_0_bit(ex);
    lz = nbits2prec(e);
    ly = lg(y); if (lz > ly) lz = ly;
    z = cgetr(lz); while (--lz) z[lz] = y[lz];
    setsigne(z,sy); return z;

  if (e < 0) { swap(x,y); lswap(sx,sy); ey=ex; e=-e; }
  /* now ey >= ex */
  lx = lg(x);
  ly = lg(y);
  /* If exponents differ, need to shift one argument, here x. If
   * extend = 1: extension of x,z by m < BIL bits (round to 1 word) */
  /* in this case, lz = lx + d + 1, otherwise lx + d */
  extend = 0;
  if (e)
    long d = dvmdsBIL(e, &m), l = ly-d;
    if (l <= 2) return rcopy_sign(y, sy);
    if (l > lx) { lz = lx + d + 1; extend = 1; }
    else        { lz = ly; lx = l; }
    if (m)
    { /* shift x right m bits */
      const pari_sp av = avma;
      const ulong sh = BITS_IN_LONG-m;
      GEN p1 = x; x = new_chunk(lx + lz + 1);
      shift_right(x,p1,2,lx, 0,m);
      if (extend) uel(x,lx) = uel(p1,lx-1) << sh;
      avma = av; /* HACK: cgetr(lz) will not overwrite x */
  { /* d = 0 */
    m = 0;
    if (lx > ly) lx = ly;
    lz = lx;

  if (sx == sy)
  { /* addition */
    i = lz-1;
    j = lx-1;
    if (extend) {
      ulong garde = addll(x[lx], y[i]);
      if (m < 4) /* don't extend for few correct bits */
        z = cgetr(--lz);
        z = cgetr(lz);
        z[i] = garde;
      z = cgetr(lz);
      z[i] = addll(x[j], y[i]); j--;
    for (; j>=2; i--,j--) z[i] = addllx(x[j],y[i]);
    if (overflow)
      z[1] = 1; /* stops since z[1] != 0 */
      for (;;) { z[i] = uel(y,i)+1; if (z[i--]) break; }
      if (i <= 0)
        shift_right(z,z, 2,lz, 1,1);
        z[1] = evalsigne(sx) | evalexpo(ey+1); return z;
    for (; i>=2; i--) z[i] = y[i];
    z[1] = evalsigne(sx) | evalexpo(ey); return z;

  /* subtraction */
  if (e) f2 = 1;
    i = 2; while (i < lx && x[i] == y[i]) i++;
    if (i==lx) return real_0_bit(ey+1 - prec2nbits(lx));
    f2 = (uel(y,i) > uel(x,i));
  /* result is non-zero. f2 = (y > x) */
  i = lz-1; z = cgetr(lz);
  if (f2)
    j = lx-1;
    if (extend) z[i] = subll(y[i], x[lx]);
    else        z[i] = subll(y[i], x[j--]);
    for (i--; j>=2; i--) z[i] = subllx(y[i], x[j--]);
    if (overflow) /* stops since y[1] != 0 */
      for (;;) { z[i] = uel(y,i)-1; if (y[i--]) break; }
    for (; i>=2; i--) z[i] = y[i];
    sx = sy;
    if (extend) z[i] = subll(x[lx], y[i]);
    else        z[i] = subll(x[i],  y[i]);
    for (i--; i>=2; i--) z[i] = subllx(x[i], y[i]);

  x = z+2; i = 0; while (!x[i]) i++;
  lz -= i; z += i;
  j = bfffo(z[2]); /* need to shift left by j bits to normalize mantissa */
  ez = ey - (j | (i * BITS_IN_LONG));
  if (extend)
  { /* z was extended by d+1 words [should be e bits = d words + m bits] */
    /* not worth keeping extra word if less than 5 significant bits in there */
    if (m - j < 5 && lz > 3)
    { /* shorten z */
      ulong last = (ulong)z[--lz]; /* cancelled word */

      /* if we need to shift anyway, shorten from left
       * If not, shorten from right, neutralizing last word of z */
      if (j == 0)
        /* stackdummy((pari_sp)(z + lz+1), (pari_sp)(z + lz)); */
        z[lz] = evaltyp(t_VECSMALL) | _evallg(1);
        GEN t = z;
        z++; shift_left(z,t,2,lz-1, last,j);
      if ((last<<j) & HIGHBIT)
      { /* round up */
        i = lz-1;
        while (++((ulong*)z)[i] == 0 && i > 1) i--;
        if (i == 1) { ez++; z[2] = (long)HIGHBIT; }
    else if (j) shift_left(z,z,2,lz-1, 0,j);
  else if (j) shift_left(z,z,2,lz-1, 0,j);
  z[1] = evalsigne(sx) | evalexpo(ez);
  z[0] = evaltyp(t_REAL) | evallg(lz);
  avma = (pari_sp)z; return z;