Exemplo n.º 1
void call_bind_rule
    OBJECT * target_,
    OBJECT * boundname_
    OBJECT * varname = object_new( "BINDRULE" );
    LIST * bind_rule = var_get( varname );
    object_free( varname );
    if ( bind_rule )
        OBJECT * target = object_copy( target_ );
        OBJECT * boundname = object_copy( boundname_ );
        if ( boundname && target )
            /* Prepare the argument list. */
            FRAME frame[1];
            frame_init( frame );

            /* First argument is the target name. */
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, target ) );

            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, boundname ) );
            if ( lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) )
                list_free( evaluate_rule( bind_rule->value, frame ) );

            /* Clean up */
            frame_free( frame );
            if ( boundname )
                object_free( boundname );
            if ( target )
                object_free( target );
Exemplo n.º 2
int LS_jam_evaluaterule(ls_lua_State *L)
    LOL lol;
    int i;
    LIST *list;
    LISTITEM* item;
    int index;
    const char* rule;

    int numParams = ls_lua_gettop(L);
    if (numParams < 1)
        return 0;

    if (!ls_lua_isstring(L, 1))
        return 0;


    rule = ls_lua_tostring(L, 1);
    for (i = 0; i < numParams - 1; ++i)
        lol_add(&lol, luahelper_addtolist(L, L0, 2 + i));
    list = evaluate_rule(rule, &lol, L0);

    index = 1;
    for (item = list_first(list); item; item = list_next(item), ++index)
        ls_lua_pushnumber(L, index);
        ls_lua_pushstring(L, list_value(item));
        ls_lua_settable(L, -3);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void call_timing_rule( TARGET * target, timing_info const * const time )
    LIST * timing_rule;

    pushsettings( root_module(), target->settings );
    timing_rule = var_get( root_module(), constant_TIMING_RULE );
    popsettings( root_module(), target->settings );

    if ( !list_empty( timing_rule ) )
        /* rule timing-rule ( args * : target : start end user system ) */

        /* Prepare the argument list. */
        FRAME frame[ 1 ];
        frame_init( frame );

        /* args * :: $(__TIMING_RULE__[2-]) */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_copy_range( timing_rule, list_next(
            list_begin( timing_rule ) ), list_end( timing_rule ) ) );

        /* target :: the name of the target */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( object_copy( target->name ) ) );

        /* start end user system :: info about the action command */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_push_back( list_push_back( list_push_back( list_new(
            outf_time( &time->start ) ),
            outf_time( &time->end ) ),
            outf_double( time->user ) ),
            outf_double( time->system ) ) );

        /* Call the rule. */
        evaluate_rule( list_front( timing_rule ), frame );

        /* Clean up. */
        frame_free( frame );
Exemplo n.º 4
void call_bind_rule
    OBJECT * target_,
    OBJECT * boundname_
    LIST * bind_rule = var_get( root_module(), constant_BINDRULE );
    if ( !list_empty( bind_rule ) )
        OBJECT * target = object_copy( target_ );
        OBJECT * boundname = object_copy( boundname_ );
        if ( boundname && target )
            /* Prepare the argument list. */
            FRAME frame[1];
            frame_init( frame );

            /* First argument is the target name. */
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( target ) );

            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( boundname ) );
            if ( lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) )
                list_free( evaluate_rule( list_front( bind_rule ), frame ) );

            /* Clean up */
            frame_free( frame );
            if ( boundname )
                object_free( boundname );
            if ( target )
                object_free( target );
Exemplo n.º 5
	const char *rulename,
	LOL	*args, 
	LIST	*result )
	RULE	*rule;
	char	*expanded;
	char	*c;
	int i;
	BUFFER	buff;

	buffer_init( &buff );

	if( (i = var_string( rulename, &buff, 0, args, ' ' )) < 0 )
	    printf( "Failed to expand rule %s -- expansion too long\n", rulename );
	    exit( EXITBAD );
	expanded = buffer_ptr( &buff );
	while ( expanded[0] == ' ' )
	while ( (c = strrchr(expanded, ' ')) )
	    *c = '\0';

	    debug_compile( 1, rulename );
	    if ( strcmp(rulename, expanded) )
		printf( "-> %s  ", expanded );
	    lol_print( args );
	    printf( "\n" );

	rule = bindrule( expanded );
	RULE	*rule = bindrule( rulename );

	    debug_compile( 1, rulename );
	    lol_print( args );
	    printf( "\n" );

	if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure )
		if( ruleexists( "FindMissingRule" ) )
			LOL lol;
			LIST *args = list_append( L0, expanded, 0 );
			LIST *result;

			lol_init( &lol );
			lol_add( &lol, args );
			result = evaluate_rule( "FindMissingRule", &lol, L0 );
			lol_free( &lol );

			if( list_first( result ) ) {
				rule = bindrule( list_value( list_first( result ) ) );

			list_free( result );

	/* Check traditional targets $(<) and sources $(>) */

	if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure && !globs.silence )
	    printf( "warning: unknown rule %s %s\n", rule->name,
	if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure )
	    printf( "warning: unknown rule %s\n", rule->name );

	/* If this rule will be executed for updating the targets */
	/* then construct the action for make(). */

	if( rule->actions )
	    TARGETS	*t;
	    ACTION	*action;

	    /* The action is associated with this instance of this rule */

	    action = (ACTION *)malloc( sizeof( ACTION ) );
	    memset( (char *)action, '\0', sizeof( *action ) );

	    action->rule = rule;
	    action->targets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 0 ), 0 );
	    action->sources = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 1 ), 0 );
	    action->autosettings = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 2 ), 0 );
	    action->targets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 0 ) );
	    action->sources = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 1 ) );
	    action->extratargets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 3 ), 0 );

			TARGETS* targets;
			for ( targets = action->targets; targets; targets = targets->next ) {
				if ( !( targets->target->flags & T_FLAG_NOTFILE ) )
					add_used_target_to_hash( targets->target );
#endif /* OPT_CLEAN_GLOBS_EXT */

	    /* Append this action to the actions of each target */

	    action->pass = actionpass;
	    for( t = action->targets; t; t = t->next ) {
		t->target->progress = T_MAKE_INIT;
		t->target->actions = actionlist( t->target->actions, action );
	    for( t = action->targets; t; t = t->next )
		t->target->actions = actionlist( t->target->actions, action );

	/* Now recursively compile any parse tree associated with this rule */

	if( rule->procedure )
	    PARSE *parse = rule->procedure;
	    SETTINGS *s = 0;
	    int jmp = JMP_NONE;
	    LISTITEM *l;
	    int i;

	    /* build parameters as local vars */
	    for( l = list_first(rule->params), i = 0; l; l = list_next(l), i++ )
		s = addsettings( s, 0, list_value(l), 
		    list_copy( L0, lol_get( args, i ) ) );

	    /* Run rule. */
	    /* Bring in local params. */
	    /* refer/free to ensure rule not freed during use. */

	    parse_refer( parse );

	    pushsettings( s );
	    result = list_appendList( result, (*parse->func)( parse, args, &jmp ) );
	    popsettings( s );
	    freesettings( s );

	    parse_free( parse );

	    debug_compile( -1, 0 );

	buffer_free( &buff );

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
	hcache( TARGET *t, LIST *hdrscan )
	HCACHEDATA	cachedata, *c = &cachedata;
	LIST	*l = 0;
	int		use_cache = 1;
	const char *target;
	char path[ MAXJPATH ];
	char *p;
# endif

	target = t->boundname;

	p = path;

	do *p++ = (char)tolower( *target );
	while( *target++ );

	target = path;
# endif


	c->boundname = target;

	file = hcachefile_get( t );
	//    if ( file )
		if( hashcheck( file->hcachehash, (HASHDATA **) &c ) )
			if( c->time == t->time  &&  md5matchescommandline( t ) )
			if( c->time == t->time )
				LIST *l1 = hdrscan, *l2 = c->hdrscan;
				while( l1 && l2 ) {
					if( l1->string != l2->string ) {
						l1 = 0;
					} else {
						l1 = list_next( l1 );
						l2 = list_next( l2 );
				if( l1 || l2 )
					use_cache = 0;
				use_cache = 0;

			if( use_cache ) {
				if( DEBUG_HEADER )
					printf( "using header cache for %s\n", t->boundname );
				c->age = 0; /* The entry has been used, its young again */
				l = list_copy( 0, c->includes );
					LIST *hdrfilter = var_get( "HDRFILTER" );
					if ( hdrfilter )
						LOL lol;
						lol_init( &lol );
						lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->name, 1 ) );
						lol_add( &lol, l );
						lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->boundname, 0 ) );
						l = evaluate_rule( hdrfilter->string, &lol, L0 );
						lol_free( &lol );
				return l;
			else {
				if( DEBUG_HEADER )
					printf( "header cache out of date for %s\n", t->boundname );
				list_free( c->includes );
				list_free( c->hdrscan );
				c->includes = 0;
				c->hdrscan = 0;
		} else {
			if( hashenter( file->hcachehash, (HASHDATA **)&c ) ) {
				c->boundname = newstr( c->boundname );
				c->next = file->hcachelist;
				file->hcachelist = c;
				c->mtime = 0;
				memset( &c->rulemd5sum, 0, MD5_SUMSIZE );
				memset( &c->currentrulemd5sum, 0, MD5_SUMSIZE );
				memset( &c->contentmd5sum, 0, MD5_SUMSIZE );
				memset( &c->currentcontentmd5sum, 0, MD5_SUMSIZE );

	file->dirty = 1;

	/* 'c' points at the cache entry.  Its out of date. */

	l = headers1( c->boundname, hdrscan );

	l = list_append( list_copy( 0, var_get( "HDREXTRA" ) ), l );

	c->includes = list_copy( 0, l );

		LIST *hdrfilter = var_get( "HDRFILTER" );
		if ( hdrfilter )
			LOL lol;
			lol_init( &lol );
			lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->name, 1 ) );
			lol_add( &lol, l );
			lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->boundname, 0 ) );
			l = evaluate_rule( hdrfilter->string, &lol, L0 );
			lol_free( &lol );

	c->time = t->time;
	c->age = 0;

	c->hdrscan = list_copy( 0, hdrscan );

	return l;