Exemplo n.º 1
// Print the list of MCParticle keys associated to the specified LHCbID
void PrPixelDebugTool::printKey(MsgStream& msg, LHCb::LHCbID id) {

  LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle> vLink(evtSvc(), msgSvc(),
  LHCb::VPChannelID idV = id.vpID();
  LHCb::MCParticle* part = vLink.first(idV);
  while (part) {
    msg << " " << part->key();
    part = vLink.next();

Exemplo n.º 2
// Check if a given LHCbID is associated to the MCParticle of the specified key
bool PrPixelDebugTool::matchKey(LHCb::LHCbID id, int key) {

  LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle> vLink(evtSvc(), msgSvc(),
  LHCb::VPChannelID idV = id.vpID();
  LHCb::MCParticle* part = vLink.first(idV);
  while (part) {
    if (key == part->key()) return true;
    part = vLink.next();
  return false;

Exemplo n.º 3
//  Check if a given LHCbID is associated to the MCParticle of the specified key
bool PrTStationDebugTool::matchKey ( LHCb::LHCbID id, int key ) {
  if ( id.isOT() ) {
    LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle> oLink( evtSvc(), msgSvc(), LHCb::OTTimeLocation::Default );
    LHCb::OTChannelID idO = id.otID();
    LHCb::MCParticle* part = oLink.first( idO );
    while ( 0 != part ) {
      if ( key == part->key() ) return true;
      part = oLink.next();
  } else if ( id.isFT() ) {    
    LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle> fLink( evtSvc(), msgSvc(), LHCb::FTClusterLocation::Default );
    LHCb::FTChannelID idO = id.ftID();
    LHCb::MCParticle* part = fLink.first( idO );
    while ( 0 != part ) {
      if ( key == part->key() ) return true;
      part = fLink.next();
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
//  Print the list of MCParticle keys associated to the specified LHCbID
void PrTStationDebugTool::printKey( MsgStream& msg, LHCb::LHCbID id ) {
  if ( id.isOT() ) {
    LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle> oLink( evtSvc(), msgSvc(), LHCb::OTTimeLocation::Default );
    LHCb::OTChannelID idO = id.otID();
    LHCb::MCParticle* part = oLink.first( idO );
    if ( 0 != part ) msg << " MC:";
    while ( 0 != part ) {
      msg << " " << part->key();
      part = oLink.next();
  } else if ( id.isFT() ) {
    LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle> fLink( evtSvc(), msgSvc(), LHCb::FTClusterLocation::Default );
    LHCb::FTChannelID idO = id.ftID();
    LHCb::MCParticle* part = fLink.first( idO );
    if ( 0 != part ) msg << " MC:";
    while ( 0 != part ) {
      msg << " " << part->key();
      part = fLink.next();
Exemplo n.º 5
StatusCode PodioInput::initialize() {
  if (GaudiAlgorithm::initialize().isFailure())
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  // check whether we have the PodioEvtSvc active
  m_podioDataSvc = dynamic_cast<PodioDataSvc*>(evtSvc().get());
  if (0 == m_podioDataSvc) return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  m_eventMax = m_reader.getEntries();
  auto idTable = m_reader.getCollectionIDTable();
  for (auto& name : m_collectionNames) {
    debug() << "Registering collection " << name << endmsg;
    if (!idTable->present(name)) {
      error() << "Requested product " << name << "not found in input file " << m_filename << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 6
// Main execution
StatusCode PrTrackAssociator::execute() {

  // Retrieve the MCParticles
  LHCb::MCParticles* mcParts = getIfExists<LHCb::MCParticles> ( LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default );
  if ( NULL == mcParts ) {
    if( msgLevel(MSG::ERROR) ) error() << "MCParticles at " << LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default << "' do not exist" <<endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  // Get the LHCbID to MCParticle linker
  LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle> idLinker( evtSvc(), msgSvc(), "Pr/LHCbID" );

  std::vector<std::string> trackContainers;
  if ( "" != m_singleContainer ) {
    trackContainers.push_back( m_singleContainer );
  } else {
    //== Scan the root directory and make a list of containers to process.
    DataObject* root =  getIfExists<DataObject*>( m_rootOfContainers );
    if ( NULL == root ) {
      if( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "Root-of-Containers directory " <<   m_rootOfContainers << "' does not exist. Skipping." <<endmsg;
      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

    SmartIF<IDataManagerSvc> mgr( eventSvc() );
    typedef std::vector<IRegistry*> Leaves;
    Leaves leaves;
    StatusCode sc = mgr->objectLeaves( root, leaves );
    if ( sc ) {
      for ( Leaves::const_iterator iL = leaves.begin(); leaves.end() != iL; ++iL ) {
        const std::string& id = (*iL)->identifier();
        DataObject* tmp(NULL);
        sc = eventSvc()->findObject( id, tmp );
        if ( sc && NULL != tmp ) {
          for( unsigned int clID : m_containerIDs){
            if ( tmp->clID() == clID ) {
              trackContainers.push_back( id );

  for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itS = trackContainers.begin();
        trackContainers.end() != itS; ++itS ) {
    if( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) 
      debug() << "processing container: " << *itS << endreq ;

    // Create the Linker table from Track to MCParticle
    // Sorted by decreasing weight, so first retrieved has highest weight
    // This has to be done, even if there are no tracks in the event, to satisfy the DST writer
    LinkerWithKey<LHCb::MCParticle,LHCb::Track> myLinker( evtSvc(), msgSvc(), *itS );
    myLinker.reset() ;

    // Retrieve the Tracks
    LHCb::Track::Range tracks = getIfExists<LHCb::Track::Range> ( *itS );
    if ( tracks.empty() ) {
      if( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "No tracks in container " <<  *itS << "' . Skipping." <<endmsg;

    // Loop over the Tracks
    for( auto tr  : tracks ) {

      // Loop over the LHCbIDs of the Track
      unsigned int nMeas = 0;
      for( std::vector<LHCb::LHCbID>::const_iterator iId = tr->lhcbIDs().begin();
           tr->lhcbIDs().end() != iId; ++iId ) {

        if( (*iId).isVelo() || (*iId).isVP() ) {
          m_total.nVelo += 1.;       // Count number of Velo hits
          LHCb::MCParticle* part = idLinker.first( (*iId).lhcbID() );
          while( 0 != part ) {
            if( mcParts == part->parent() ) incrementVelo( part  );
            part = idLinker.next();

        } else if ( (*iId).isTT() || (*iId).isUT() ) {
          m_total.nTT += 1.;       // Count number of TT hits
          LHCb::MCParticle* part = idLinker.first( (*iId).lhcbID() );
          while( 0 != part ) {
            if( mcParts == part->parent() ) incrementTT( part  );
            part = idLinker.next();

        } else if ( (*iId).isIT() || (*iId).isOT() || (*iId).isFT() ) {
          m_total.nT += 1.;       // Count number of T hits
          LHCb::MCParticle* part = idLinker.first( (*iId).lhcbID() );
          while( 0 != part ) {
            if( mcParts == part->parent() ) incrementT( part  );
            part = idLinker.next();

      // If the Track has total # Velo hits > 2 AND total # T hits > 2, cumul mother and daughter
      if( ( 2 < m_total.nVelo ) &&
          ( 2 < m_total.nT    ) ) {
        for ( std::vector<TruthCounter>::iterator it1 = m_truthCounters.begin();
              m_truthCounters.end() != it1; ++it1 ) {
          if ( (*it1).nT == 0 ) continue;
          const LHCb::MCVertex* vOrigin = (*it1).particle->originVertex();
          if ( 0 != vOrigin ) {
            const LHCb::MCParticle* mother = vOrigin->mother();
            if( 0 == mother ) continue; // no ancestor;
            for ( std::vector<TruthCounter>::iterator it2 = m_truthCounters.begin();
                  m_truthCounters.end() != it2; ++it2 ) {
              if( mother == (*it2).particle ) {
                if ( (*it2).nVelo == 0 ) continue;

                if( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) 
                  debug() << "  *** Particle " << (*it1).particle->key()
                          << "[" << (*it1).particle->particleID().pid()
                          << "] (" << (*it1).nVelo << "," << (*it1).nTT << "," << (*it1).nT << ")"
                          << " is daughter of " << (*it2).particle->key()
                          << "[" << (*it2).particle->particleID().pid()
                          << "] (" << (*it2).nVelo << "," << (*it2).nTT << "," << (*it2).nT << ")"
                          << " type " << vOrigin->type()
                          << ". Merge hits to tag both." << endmsg;

                //== Daughter hits are added to mother.
                (*it2).nVelo += (*it1).nVelo;
                (*it2).nTT   += (*it1).nTT;
                (*it2).nT    += (*it1).nT;
                if ( (*it2).nVelo > m_total.nVelo ) (*it2).nVelo = m_total.nVelo;
                if ( (*it2).nTT   > m_total.nTT   ) (*it2).nTT   = m_total.nTT;
                if ( (*it2).nT    > m_total.nT    ) (*it2).nT    = m_total.nT;

                //== Mother hits overwrite Daughter hits
                (*it1).nVelo = (*it2).nVelo;
                (*it1).nTT   = (*it2).nTT;
                (*it1).nT    = (*it2).nT;

      // Association definition
      // Velo matching:
      //      * either less than 2 hits in total (no Velo on track)
      //      * or at least 'm_fractionOK' of the Velo hits are associated to this MCParticle.
      // TT matching:
      //      * this MC particle has at least nTT-2 hits.
      //      * or this track has both Velo and T stations: TT not used for long tracks.
      // T matching:
      //      * either less than 2 hits in total (no T station hits on track)
      //      * or at least 'm_fractionOK' of the T station hits are associated to this MCParticle.
      // A MCParticle matches if all 4 criteria are OK.

      double ratio;
      for ( std::vector<TruthCounter>::iterator it = m_truthCounters.begin();
            m_truthCounters.end() != it; ++it ) {
        bool veloOK = true;
        if( 2 < m_total.nVelo ) {
          veloOK = false;
          ratio = (*it).nVelo / m_total.nVelo;
          if( m_fractionOK <= ratio ) { veloOK = true; }

        bool tOK = true;
        if( 2 < m_total.nT ) {
          tOK = false;
          ratio =  (*it).nT / m_total.nT;
          if( m_fractionOK <= ratio ) { tOK = true; }

        bool ttOK = (*it).nTT > m_total.nTT - 2;
        if( 2 < m_total.nVelo && 2 < m_total.nT ) { ttOK = true; }

        if( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) 
          debug() << "Track " << tr->key()
                  << " MC "   << (*it).particle->key()
                  << " Velo " << (*it).nVelo << "/" << m_total.nVelo
                  << " TT "   << (*it).nTT   << "/" << m_total.nTT
                  << " T "    << (*it).nT    << "/" << m_total.nT
                  << endmsg;

        //=== Decision. Fill Linker
        if( veloOK && tOK && ttOK && (0 < nMeas) ) {
          ratio = ( (*it).nVelo + (*it).nTT + (*it).nT ) / nMeas;
          myLinker.link( tr, (*it).particle, ratio );
    } // End loop over Tracks

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;