Exemplo n.º 1
// initialize for walking - assume walk ready pose
void walk_init()
	int commStatus = 0;
	// reset walk state and command
	walk_state = 0;
	walk_command = 0;
	// and get ready for walking!
	current_motion_page = COMMAND_WALK_READY_MP;
	// experimental - increase punch for walking
	commStatus = dxl_write_word(BROADCAST_ID, DXL_PUNCH_L, 100);
	if(commStatus != COMM_RXSUCCESS) {
		printf("\nDXL_PUNCH Broadcast - ");
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void)
	// local variables
	int		sensor_flag, command_flag, comm_status, sensor_process_flag, obstacle_flag, wait_flag;
	unsigned long wait_timer = 0; 
	unsigned long wait_time = 0;
	uint8	motion_flag = 0;
	// TIMING: unsigned long timer1, timer2, timer3, timer4;
	// Initialization Routines
	led_init();				// switches all 6 LEDs on
	serial_init(57600);		// serial port at 57600 baud
	buzzer_init();			// enable buzzer melodies
	button_init();			// enable push buttons on CM-510
	delay_ms(200);			// wait 0.2s 
	led_off(ALL_LED);		// and switch them back off
	// initialize the clock
	wait_flag = 0;
	// enable interrupts
	// print welcome message
	printf("\nBioloid C Control V0.8\n");
	printf("Press the START button on the CM-510 to continue.\n");
	// reset the start button variable, something triggers the interrupt on start-up
	start_button_pressed = FALSE;
	// initialize motion pages
	// Wait for the START Button before going any further
		// PLAY LED is flashing at 5Hz
	// Now turn LED solid
	// and reset the start button variable
	start_button_pressed = FALSE;

	// perform high level initialization of Dynamixel bus and servos

	// assume initial pose
	// set the walk state
	obstacle_flag = 0;
	// initialize the PID controller for balancing

	// initialize the ADC and take default readings
	delay_ms(4000);			// wait 4s for gyros to stabilize
	sensor_process_flag = 0;
	sensor_flag = 0;

	// print out default sensor values
	printf("\nBattery = %imV, Gyro X, Y Center = %i %i ", adc_battery_val, adc_gyrox_center, adc_gyroy_center);
	printf("\nBattery, Gyro X, Y Accel X, Y Center = %imV %i %i %i %i", adc_battery_val, adc_gyrox_center, adc_gyroy_center, adc_accelx_center, adc_accely_center);
	// write out the command prompt
	printf(	"\nReady for command.\n> ");

	// TIMING: timer4 = micros();

	// main command loop (takes 28us when idle)
	// keeps executing unless we encounter a major alarm
    while( !major_alarm )
		// Check if we received a new command
		command_flag = serialReceiveCommand();		// takes 4ms if new command (largely because of printf)

		// TIMING: timer1 = micros() - timer4;
		// see if we are in a wait command
		if ( bioloid_command == COMMAND_WAIT_MILLISECONDS || bioloid_command == COMMAND_WAIT_SECONDS )
			// first look if we should continue waiting
			if ( wait_flag == 1 )
				// check timer 
				if ( millis() - wait_timer > wait_time )
					// wait time is finished - reset the wait flag, timer and time
					wait_flag = 0;
					wait_timer = 0;
					wait_time = 0;
					// read next command from command sequence 
					if ( flag_motion_sequence == 1 )
						bioloid_command = command_sequence_buffer[command_sequence_counter][0];
						next_motion_page = command_sequence_buffer[command_sequence_counter][1];
						// update pointer if there are more commands left
						if ( command_sequence_counter < command_sequence_length ) { 
						} else {
							// sequence is finished, reset all sequence related variables
							flag_motion_sequence = 0;
							command_sequence_counter = 0;
							command_sequence_length = 0;
							bioloid_command = COMMAND_STOP;
			if ( command_flag == 1 && wait_flag == 0 ) {
				// wait command has only just been received, calculate wait time
				wait_timer = millis();
				command_flag = 0;
				wait_flag = 1;
				wait_time = next_motion_page;
			else if ( command_flag == 1 && wait_flag == 1 )
				// wait command is still in progress but new command has been received
				// check for STOP, otherwise ignore
				if ( bioloid_command == COMMAND_STOP )
					// reset the wait flag, timer and time
					wait_flag = 0;
					wait_timer = 0;
					wait_time = 0;
		// check if start button has been pressed and we need to do emergency stop
		if ( start_button_pressed && bioloid_command != COMMAND_STOP )
			// disable torque & reset current command
			comm_status = dxl_write_byte(BROADCAST_ID, DXL_TORQUE_ENABLE, 0);
			last_bioloid_command = bioloid_command;
			bioloid_command = COMMAND_STOP;
			command_flag = 1;
			// and reset the start button variable
			start_button_pressed = FALSE;
		} else if ( start_button_pressed && bioloid_command == COMMAND_STOP ) {
			// we are resuming from an emergency stop, restore last command
			bioloid_command = last_bioloid_command;
			last_bioloid_command = COMMAND_STOP;
			command_flag = 1;
			// and reset the start button variable
			start_button_pressed = FALSE;
		// Check if we need to read the sensors 
		sensor_flag = adc_readSensors();      // takes 0.6ms for gyro/accel and 0.9ms including DMS/ultrasonic (156us per channel)
		if ( sensor_flag == 1 ) {
			// new sensor data - process and update command flag if necessary
			sensor_process_flag = adc_processSensorData();
			if ( command_flag == 0 && sensor_process_flag == 1 ) {
				// robot has slipped, front/back getup command has been issued
				command_flag = 1;
			} else if ( sensor_process_flag == 2 ) {
				// if the sensor process flag = 2 it means low voltage emergency stop
				major_alarm = TRUE;
		// obstacle avoidance for walking
		if ( walk_getWalkState() != 0 ) {
			// currently very basic - turn left until path is clear
			obstacle_flag = walk_avoidObstacle(obstacle_flag);
			if ( command_flag == 0 && (obstacle_flag == 1 || obstacle_flag == -1) ) {
				command_flag = 1;
		// set the new command global variable
		if( command_flag == 1 ) {
			new_command = TRUE;
			command_flag = 0;
			// if we are coming out of BAL command, reset joint offsets
			if( last_bioloid_command == COMMAND_BALANCE && bioloid_command != COMMAND_BALANCE ) {
				for (uint8 i=0; i<NUM_AX12_SERVOS; i++)	 { joint_offset[i] = 0; }
		// TEST printf("\n Command %i, New %i, MP %i, Next MP %i ", bioloid_command, new_command, current_motion_page, next_motion_page);
		// TIMING: timer2 = micros() - timer4 - timer1;
		// static balancing
		if ( bioloid_command == COMMAND_BALANCE && major_alarm != TRUE ) {
// static balancing uses Kalman Filter or PID controller depending on availability of accelerometer
			// first make sure the PID is turned on
			if ( pid_getMode() != AUTOMATIC ) { pid_setMode(AUTOMATIC); }
		} else if ( pid_getMode() == 1 ) {

		// execute motion steps
		if ( major_alarm != TRUE ) {
			motion_flag = executeMotionSequence();	// takes 2.1ms when executing a step during walking or 3.3ms if unpacking a new motion page
		// TIMING: timer3 = micros() - timer4 - timer1 - timer2;
		// TIMING: printf("Timer 1 = %lu, 2 = %lu, 3 = %lu, SFlag = %i\n", timer1, timer2, timer3, sensor_flag);
		// TIMING: timer4 = micros();

    } // end of main command loop
