void QgsGeometryCheckerResultTab::exportErrors()
  QString initialdir;
  QDir dir = QFileInfo( mFeaturePool->getLayer()->dataProvider()->dataSourceUri() ).dir();
  if ( dir.exists() )
    initialdir = dir.absolutePath();

  QString file = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Select Output File" ), initialdir, tr( "ESRI Shapefile (*.shp);;" ) );
  if ( file.isEmpty() )
  if ( !exportErrorsDo( file ) )
    QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Failed to export errors to shapefile." ) );
void QgsGeometryCheckerResultTab::exportErrors()
  QString initialdir;
  QDir dir = QFileInfo( mChecker->featurePools().first()->layer()->dataProvider()->dataSourceUri() ).dir();
  if ( dir.exists() )
    initialdir = dir.absolutePath();

  QString selectedFilter;
  QString file = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Select Output File" ), initialdir, QgsVectorFileWriter::fileFilterString(), &selectedFilter );
  if ( file.isEmpty() )

  file = QgsFileUtils::addExtensionFromFilter( file, selectedFilter );
  if ( !exportErrorsDo( file ) )
    QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Export Errors" ), tr( "Failed to export errors to %1." ).arg( QDir::toNativeSeparators( file ) ) );