TIFILE_t* ImportZipFile(LPCTSTR filePath, TIFILE_t *tifile) { unzFile uf; TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; uf = unzOpen(filePath); StringCbCopy(path, sizeof(path), _tgetenv(_T("appdata"))); StringCbCat(path, sizeof(path), _T("\\Wabbitemu")); int err = extract_zip(uf, path); unzClose(uf); return err ? NULL: tifile; }
/** Installs or updates (i.e. = install on top of an existing installation) an * addon. It checks for the directories and then unzips the file (which must * already have been downloaded). * \param addon Addon data for the addon to install. * \return true if installation was successful. */ bool AddonsManager::install(const Addon &addon) { bool success=true; const std::string &id = addon.getId(); file_manager->checkAndCreateDirForAddons(id, addon.getTypeDirectory()); //extract the zip in the addons folder called like the addons name std::string base_name = StringUtils::getBasename(addon.getZipFileName()); std::string from = file_manager->getAddonsFile("tmp/"+base_name); std::string to = addon.getDataDir(); success = extract_zip(from, to); if (!success) { // TODO: show a message in the interface std::cerr << "[addons] Failed to unzip '" << from << "' to '" << to << "'\n"; std::cerr << "[addons] Zip file will not be removed.\n"; return false; } if(!file_manager->removeFile(from)) { std::cerr << "[addons] Problems removing temporary file '" << from << "'.\n"; } int index = getAddonIndex(addon.getId()); assert(index>=0 && index < (int)m_addons_list.getData().size()); m_addons_list.getData()[index].setInstalled(true); if(addon.getType()=="kart") { // We have to remove the mesh of the kart since otherwise it remains // cashed (if a kart is updated), and will therefore be found again // when reloading the karts. This is important on one hand since we // reload all karts (this function is easily available) and existing // karts will not reload their meshes. const KartProperties *prop = kart_properties_manager->getKart(addon.getId()); // If the model already exist, first remove the old kart if(prop) kart_properties_manager->removeKart(addon.getId()); kart_properties_manager->loadKart(addon.getDataDir()); } else if (addon.getType()=="track" || addon.getType()=="arena") { Track *track = track_manager->getTrack(addon.getId()); if(track) track_manager->removeTrack(addon.getId()); track_manager->loadTrack(addon.getDataDir()); } saveInstalled(); return true; } // install
void download_main_is_finished(void *data, const char *file, int status){ is_downloading = false; is_running = false; if(status != 200){ override_text(&info, "information_download", "No internet connection"); download_is_failed = true; ecore_main_loop_iterate(); sleep(2); return ; } override_text(&info, "information_download", "Extracting.."); ecore_main_loop_iterate(); sleep(1); extract_zip(file,CACHE_PATH); file_delete(file); override_text(&info, "information_download", "Loading menu.."); ecore_main_loop_iterate(); }
void EasySFML::config(){ string typeCompiler; string compiler; string cmake; bool ok = true; // Type de compiler SetColor(DARKGREEN); cout << "# Enter the number in the list to define your compiler." << endl; cout << "# ex: 1" << endl; XMLNode xMainNode=XMLNode::openFileHelper("conf/compiler.xml","PMML"); XMLNode xcompilers=xMainNode.getChildNode("compilers"); int n=xcompilers.nChildNode("compiler"); for (int i = 0; i < n;i++ ){ XMLNode xcompiler =xcompilers.getChildNode("compiler",i); cout << i << " : " << xcompiler.getChildNode("name").getText() << endl; } SetColor(WHITE); cout << "Compiler >> " ; getline(cin, compiler); cout << endl; int i = atoi(compiler.c_str()); if (!(i >= 0 && i < n) || compiler == ""){ ok = false; SetColor(RED); cout << "ERROR: Impossible to choose compiler '" << compiler << "' ."<< endl << endl; SetColor(WHITE); } else{ _compilertype = compiler; } // Compiler if(ok){ XMLNode xcompiler =xcompilers.getChildNode("compiler",i); SetColor(DARKGREEN); cout << "# Enter your compiler path:" << endl; cout << "# ex: " << xcompiler.getChildNode("example").getText() << endl; SetColor(WHITE); cout << "Compiler path >> " ; getline(cin, compiler); cout << endl; string compExe = compiler+xcompiler.getChildNode("bin").getText(); if (!fileExist(compExe)){ ok = false; SetColor(RED); cout << "ERROR: Impossible to find '"<< compExe <<"' ." << endl << endl; SetColor(WHITE); }else{ _compilerpath = compiler; } } _compilerpath = clean_path(_compilerpath); // Cmake if(ok){ SetColor(DARKGREEN); cout << "# Enter your cmake path or ENTER for automatic download:" << endl; cout << "# ex: C:\\Cmake" << endl; SetColor(WHITE); cout << "Cmake path >> " ; getline(cin, cmake); cout << endl; if (cmake == ""){ XMLNode confxml = XMLNode::openFileHelper("conf/cmake.xml","PMML"); XMLNode xcmake = confxml.getChildNode("cmake"); if (!fileExist(xcmake.getChildNode("zip").getText())){ cout << "Download: "<< xcmake.getChildNode("url").getText() << "..." << endl; get_http_data(xcmake.getChildNode("url").getText(),xcmake.getChildNode("zip").getText()); } if (!fileExist(xcmake.getChildNode("src").getText())){ cout << "Unzip: "<< xcmake.getChildNode("zip").getText() << "..." << endl; extract_zip("download/cmake",xcmake.getChildNode("zip").getText()); cmake = xcmake.getChildNode("path").getText(); } cmake = xcmake.getChildNode("path").getText(); cmake = GetPath()+"\\"+cmake+"\\"; // C:/Users/STEVE/Desktop/Projet/C++/download/cmake/cmake- } cmake = clean_path(cmake); string cmakeExe = cmake+"bin/cmake.exe"; if (!fileExist(cmakeExe)){ ok = false; SetColor(RED); cout << "ERROR: Impossible to find '"<< cmakeExe <<"' ." << endl << endl; SetColor(WHITE); } else{ _cmakepath = cmake; } } // End if (ok){ SetColor(DARKGREEN); save(); cout << "Configuration is succesfully done." << endl; SetColor(WHITE); } }
void EasySFML::install(){ if (checkConfig()){ SetColor(DARKGREEN); string version; bool ok=true; string finalpath; string command = ""; // Final Path if(ok){ SetColor(DARKGREEN); cout << "# Enter where you want to install sfml:" << endl; cout << "# ex: C:/" << endl; SetColor(WHITE); cout << "SFML path >> " ; getline(cin, finalpath); cout << endl; if (finalpath != ""){ finalpath = clean_path(finalpath); if (!dirExist(finalpath)){ SetColor(RED); cout << "ERROR: Impossible to find folder '" << finalpath << "' ."<< endl << endl; SetColor(WHITE); ok = false; } } else{ SetColor(RED); cout << "ERROR: Impossible to find folder '" << finalpath << "' ."<< endl << endl; SetColor(WHITE); ok = false; } } if (ok){ SetColor(DARKGREEN); cout << "# Enter the sfml version to install." << endl; cout << "# ex: 1" << endl; XMLNode xMainNode=XMLNode::openFileHelper("conf/version.xml","PMML"); XMLNode xversions=xMainNode.getChildNode("versions"); int n=xversions.nChildNode("version"); for (int i = 0; i < n;i++ ){ XMLNode xversion =xversions.getChildNode("version",i); cout << i << " : " << xversion.getChildNode("name").getText() << endl; } SetColor(WHITE); cout << "Version >> " ; getline(cin, version); cout << endl; int i = atoi(version.c_str()); if (!(i >= 0 && i < n) || version == ""){ ok = false; SetColor(RED); cout << "ERROR: Impossible to choose version '" << version << "' ."<< endl << endl; SetColor(WHITE); } else{ // _compilertype = version; int i = atoi(version.c_str()); XMLNode xversion =xversions.getChildNode("version",i); string sfmlPath = xversion.getChildNode("path").getText(); if (!dirExist(sfmlPath)){ cout << "Create new dir: '"<< sfmlPath <<"'" << endl; if (!dirExist("download/versions/")) mkdir("download/versions/"); mkdir(sfmlPath.c_str()); } if (!fileExist(xversion.getChildNode("zip").getText())){ cout << "Download: "<< xversion.getChildNode("url").getText() << "..." << endl; get_http_data(xversion.getChildNode("url").getText(),xversion.getChildNode("zip").getText()); } cout << "Delete: "<< xversion.getChildNode("src").getText() << "..." << endl; command = xversion.getChildNode("src").getText(); command = "rd /s /q \""+command+"\""; system( command.c_str() ); cout << "Unzip: "<< xversion.getChildNode("zip").getText() << "..." << endl; extract_zip(xversion.getChildNode("path").getText(),xversion.getChildNode("zip").getText()); // Compilation string mainpath = GetPath(); string compiler = getCompiler(); string src_sfml = xversion.getChildNode("src").getText(); command = ""; command += "cd " + src_sfml + " && "; command += "set PATH=\""+_compilerpath +"bin/\";%PATH%" + " && "; command += "set PATH=\""+_cmakepath +"bin/\";%PATH%" + " && "; command += "cmake -G \""+compiler+"\" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE \"" + mainpath+"/"+src_sfml + "\" && "; command += "mingw32-make &&"; command += "cmake -G \""+compiler+"\" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE \"" + mainpath+"/"+src_sfml + "\" && "; command += "mingw32-make && "; command += "cmake -G \""+compiler+"\" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=FALSE \"" + mainpath+"/"+src_sfml + "\" && "; command += "mingw32-make && "; command += "cmake -G \""+compiler+"\" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=FALSE \"" + mainpath+"/"+src_sfml + "\" && "; command += "mingw32-make"; //cout << command << endl; int resCMD = system(command.c_str()); if (resCMD == 0 && errno == 0) { cout << "Finalize installation..." << endl; command = xversion.getChildNode("name").getText(); command = "xcopy \""+ mainpath+"/"+src_sfml +"\" \""+finalpath+"/"+command+"\" /s /e /y /i"; cout << command << endl; system(command.c_str()); cout << endl << "Installation complete." << endl; } else{ SetColor(RED); cout << "ERROR: Impossible to cmake or compile." << endl; SetColor(WHITE); } } } } }