Exemplo n.º 1
spectral_test (mpf_t rop[], unsigned int T, mpz_t a, mpz_t m)
  /* Knuth "Seminumerical Algorithms, Third Edition", section 3.3.4
     (pp. 101-103). */

  /* v[t] = min { sqrt (x[1]^2 + ... + x[t]^2) |
     x[1] + a*x[2] + ... + pow (a, t-1) * x[t] is congruent to 0 (mod m) } */

  /* Variables. */
  unsigned int ui_t;
  unsigned int ui_i, ui_j, ui_k, ui_l;
  mpf_t f_tmp1, f_tmp2;
  mpz_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
  mpz_t h, hp, r, s, p, pp, q, u, v;

  /* GMP inits. */
  mpf_init (f_tmp1);
  mpf_init (f_tmp2);
  for (ui_i = 0; ui_i < GMP_SPECT_MAXT; ui_i++)
      for (ui_j = 0; ui_j < GMP_SPECT_MAXT; ui_j++)
	  mpz_init_set_ui (U[ui_i][ui_j], 0);
	  mpz_init_set_ui (V[ui_i][ui_j], 0);
      mpz_init_set_ui (X[ui_i], 0);
      mpz_init_set_ui (Y[ui_i], 0);
      mpz_init (Z[ui_i]);
  mpz_init (tmp1);
  mpz_init (tmp2);
  mpz_init (tmp3);
  mpz_init (h);
  mpz_init (hp);
  mpz_init (r);
  mpz_init (s);
  mpz_init (p);
  mpz_init (pp);
  mpz_init (q);
  mpz_init (u);
  mpz_init (v);

  /* Implementation inits. */
    T = GMP_SPECT_MAXT;			/* FIXME: Lazy. */

  /* S1 [Initialize.] */
  ui_t = 2 - 1;			/* NOTE: `t' in description == ui_t + 1
				   for easy indexing */
  mpz_set (h, a);
  mpz_set (hp, m);
  mpz_set_ui (p, 1);
  mpz_set_ui (pp, 0);
  mpz_set (r, a);
  mpz_pow_ui (s, a, 2);
  mpz_add_ui (s, s, 1);		/* s = 1 + a^2 */

  /* S2 [Euclidean step.] */
  while (1)
      if (g_debug > DEBUG_1)
	  mpz_mul (tmp1, h, pp);
	  mpz_mul (tmp2, hp, p);
	  mpz_sub (tmp1, tmp1, tmp2);
	  if (mpz_cmpabs (m, tmp1))
	      printf ("***BUG***: h*pp - hp*p = ");
	      mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, tmp1);
	      printf ("\n");
      if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
	  printf ("hp = ");
	  mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, hp);
	  printf ("\nh = ");
	  mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, h);
	  printf ("\n");
	  fflush (stdout);

      if (mpz_sgn (h))
	mpz_tdiv_q (q, hp, h);	/* q = floor(hp/h) */
	mpz_set_ui (q, 1);

      if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
	  printf ("q = ");
	  mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, q);
	  printf ("\n");
	  fflush (stdout);

      mpz_mul (tmp1, q, h);
      mpz_sub (u, hp, tmp1);	/* u = hp - q*h */

      mpz_mul (tmp1, q, p);
      mpz_sub (v, pp, tmp1);	/* v = pp - q*p */

      mpz_pow_ui (tmp1, u, 2);
      mpz_pow_ui (tmp2, v, 2);
      mpz_add (tmp1, tmp1, tmp2);
      if (mpz_cmp (tmp1, s) < 0)
	  mpz_set (s, tmp1);	/* s = u^2 + v^2 */
	  mpz_set (hp, h);	/* hp = h */
	  mpz_set (h, u);	/* h = u */
	  mpz_set (pp, p);	/* pp = p */
	  mpz_set (p, v);	/* p = v */

  /* S3 [Compute v2.] */
  mpz_sub (u, u, h);
  mpz_sub (v, v, p);

  mpz_pow_ui (tmp1, u, 2);
  mpz_pow_ui (tmp2, v, 2);
  mpz_add (tmp1, tmp1, tmp2);
  if (mpz_cmp (tmp1, s) < 0)
      mpz_set (s, tmp1);	/* s = u^2 + v^2 */
      mpz_set (hp, u);
      mpz_set (pp, v);
  mpf_set_z (f_tmp1, s);
  mpf_sqrt (rop[ui_t - 1], f_tmp1);

  /* S4 [Advance t.] */
  mpz_neg (U[0][0], h);
  mpz_set (U[0][1], p);
  mpz_neg (U[1][0], hp);
  mpz_set (U[1][1], pp);

  mpz_set (V[0][0], pp);
  mpz_set (V[0][1], hp);
  mpz_neg (V[1][0], p);
  mpz_neg (V[1][1], h);
  if (mpz_cmp_ui (pp, 0) > 0)
      mpz_neg (V[0][0], V[0][0]);
      mpz_neg (V[0][1], V[0][1]);
      mpz_neg (V[1][0], V[1][0]);
      mpz_neg (V[1][1], V[1][1]);

  while (ui_t + 1 != T)		/* S4 loop */
      mpz_mul (r, a, r);
      mpz_mod (r, r, m);

      /* Add new row and column to U and V.  They are initialized with
	 all elements set to zero, so clearing is not necessary. */

      mpz_neg (U[ui_t][0], r); /* U: First col in new row. */
      mpz_set_ui (U[ui_t][ui_t], 1); /* U: Last col in new row. */

      mpz_set (V[ui_t][ui_t], m); /* V: Last col in new row. */

      /* "Finally, for 1 <= i < t,
	   set q = round (vi1 * r / m),
	   vit = vi1*r - q*m,
	   and Ut=Ut+q*Ui */

      for (ui_i = 0; ui_i < ui_t; ui_i++)
	  mpz_mul (tmp1, V[ui_i][0], r); /* tmp1=vi1*r */
	  zdiv_round (q, tmp1, m); /* q=round(vi1*r/m) */
	  mpz_mul (tmp2, q, m);	/* tmp2=q*m */
	  mpz_sub (V[ui_i][ui_t], tmp1, tmp2);

	  for (ui_j = 0; ui_j <= ui_t; ui_j++) /* U[t] = U[t] + q*U[i] */
	      mpz_mul (tmp1, q, U[ui_i][ui_j]);	/* tmp=q*uij */
	      mpz_add (U[ui_t][ui_j], U[ui_t][ui_j], tmp1); /* utj = utj + q*uij */

      /* s = min (s, zdot (U[t], U[t]) */
      vz_dot (tmp1, U[ui_t], U[ui_t], ui_t + 1);
      if (mpz_cmp (tmp1, s) < 0)
	mpz_set (s, tmp1);

      ui_k = ui_t;
      ui_j = 0;			/* WARNING: ui_j no longer a temp. */

      /* S5 [Transform.] */
      if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
	printf ("(t, k, j, q1, q2, ...)\n");
	  if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
	    printf ("(%u, %u, %u", ui_t + 1, ui_k + 1, ui_j + 1);

	  for (ui_i = 0; ui_i <= ui_t; ui_i++)
	      if (ui_i != ui_j)
		  vz_dot (tmp1, V[ui_i], V[ui_j], ui_t + 1); /* tmp1=dot(Vi,Vj). */
		  mpz_abs (tmp2, tmp1);
		  mpz_mul_ui (tmp2, tmp2, 2); /* tmp2 = 2*abs(dot(Vi,Vj) */
		  vz_dot (tmp3, V[ui_j], V[ui_j], ui_t + 1); /* tmp3=dot(Vj,Vj). */

		  if (mpz_cmp (tmp2, tmp3) > 0)
		      zdiv_round (q, tmp1, tmp3); /* q=round(Vi.Vj/Vj.Vj) */
		      if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
			  printf (", ");
			  mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, q);

		      for (ui_l = 0; ui_l <= ui_t; ui_l++)
			  mpz_mul (tmp1, q, V[ui_j][ui_l]);
			  mpz_sub (V[ui_i][ui_l], V[ui_i][ui_l], tmp1); /* Vi=Vi-q*Vj */
			  mpz_mul (tmp1, q, U[ui_i][ui_l]);
			  mpz_add (U[ui_j][ui_l], U[ui_j][ui_l], tmp1); /* Uj=Uj+q*Ui */

		      vz_dot (tmp1, U[ui_j], U[ui_j], ui_t + 1); /* tmp1=dot(Uj,Uj) */
		      if (mpz_cmp (tmp1, s) < 0) /* s = min(s,dot(Uj,Uj)) */
			mpz_set (s, tmp1);
		      ui_k = ui_j;
		  else if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
		    printf (", #"); /* 2|Vi.Vj| <= Vj.Vj */
	      else if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
		printf (", *");	/* i == j */

	  if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
	    printf (")\n");

	  /* S6 [Advance j.] */
	  if (ui_j == ui_t)
	    ui_j = 0;
      while (ui_j != ui_k);	/* S5 */

      /* From Knuth p. 104: "The exhaustive search in steps S8-S10
	 reduces the value of s only rarely." */
#ifdef DO_SEARCH
      /* S7 [Prepare for search.] */
      /* Find minimum in (x[1], ..., x[t]) satisfying condition
	 x[k]^2 <= f(y[1], ...,y[t]) * dot(V[k],V[k]) */

      ui_k = ui_t;
      if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
	  printf ("searching...");
	  /*for (f = 0; f < ui_t*/
	  fflush (stdout);

      /* Z[i] = floor (sqrt (floor (dot(V[i],V[i]) * s / m^2))); */
      mpz_pow_ui (tmp1, m, 2);
      mpf_set_z (f_tmp1, tmp1);
      mpf_set_z (f_tmp2, s);
      mpf_div (f_tmp1, f_tmp2, f_tmp1);	/* f_tmp1 = s/m^2 */
      for (ui_i = 0; ui_i <= ui_t; ui_i++)
	  vz_dot (tmp1, V[ui_i], V[ui_i], ui_t + 1);
	  mpf_set_z (f_tmp2, tmp1);
	  mpf_mul (f_tmp2, f_tmp2, f_tmp1);
	  f_floor (f_tmp2, f_tmp2);
	  mpf_sqrt (f_tmp2, f_tmp2);
	  mpz_set_f (Z[ui_i], f_tmp2);

      /* S8 [Advance X[k].] */
	  if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
	      printf ("X[%u] = ", ui_k);
	      mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, X[ui_k]);
	      printf ("\tZ[%u] = ", ui_k);
	      mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, Z[ui_k]);
	      printf ("\n");
	      fflush (stdout);

	  if (mpz_cmp (X[ui_k], Z[ui_k]))
	      mpz_add_ui (X[ui_k], X[ui_k], 1);
	      for (ui_i = 0; ui_i <= ui_t; ui_i++)
		mpz_add (Y[ui_i], Y[ui_i], U[ui_k][ui_i]);

	      /* S9 [Advance k.] */
	      while (++ui_k <= ui_t)
		  mpz_neg (X[ui_k], Z[ui_k]);
		  mpz_mul_ui (tmp1, Z[ui_k], 2);
		  for (ui_i = 0; ui_i <= ui_t; ui_i++)
		      mpz_mul (tmp2, tmp1, U[ui_k][ui_i]);
		      mpz_sub (Y[ui_i], Y[ui_i], tmp2);
	      vz_dot (tmp1, Y, Y, ui_t + 1);
	      if (mpz_cmp (tmp1, s) < 0)
		mpz_set (s, tmp1);
      while (--ui_k);
#endif /* DO_SEARCH */
      mpf_set_z (f_tmp1, s);
      mpf_sqrt (rop[ui_t - 1], f_tmp1);
#ifdef DO_SEARCH
      if (g_debug > DEBUG_2)
	printf ("done.\n");
#endif /* DO_SEARCH */
    } /* S4 loop */

  /* Clear GMP variables. */

  mpf_clear (f_tmp1);
  mpf_clear (f_tmp2);
  for (ui_i = 0; ui_i < GMP_SPECT_MAXT; ui_i++)
      for (ui_j = 0; ui_j < GMP_SPECT_MAXT; ui_j++)
	  mpz_clear (U[ui_i][ui_j]);
	  mpz_clear (V[ui_i][ui_j]);
      mpz_clear (X[ui_i]);
      mpz_clear (Y[ui_i]);
      mpz_clear (Z[ui_i]);
  mpz_clear (tmp1);
  mpz_clear (tmp2);
  mpz_clear (tmp3);
  mpz_clear (h);
  mpz_clear (hp);
  mpz_clear (r);
  mpz_clear (s);
  mpz_clear (p);
  mpz_clear (pp);
  mpz_clear (q);
  mpz_clear (u);
  mpz_clear (v);

Exemplo n.º 2
void TForm1::compute_spring_forces()
    double curtime = g_timer.GetTime();

    if (g_last_iteration_time < 0)
      g_last_iteration_time = curtime;

    double elapsed = curtime - g_last_iteration_time;
    g_last_iteration_time = curtime;

    unsigned int i;

    // Clear the force that's applied to each ball
    for(i=0; i<m_active_balls.size(); i++)

    if (simulationOn)
        CBall* b = m_active_balls[0];
        cVector3d old_p = b->getPos();
        b->m_velocity = cDiv(elapsed,cSub(b->getPos(),old_p));

    // Compute the current length of each spring and apply forces
    // on each mass accordingly
    for(i=0; i<m_active_springs.size(); i++)
        CSpring* s = m_active_springs[i];

        double d = cDistance(s->m_endpoint_1->getPos(),s->m_endpoint_2->getPos());
        s->m_current_length = d;

        // This spring's deviation from its rest length
        // (positive deviation -> spring is too long)
        double x = s->m_current_length - s->m_rest_length;

        // Apply a force to ball 1 that pulls it toward ball 2
        // when the spring is too long
        cVector3d f1 = cMul(s->m_spring_constant*x*1.0,

        // Add the opposite force to ball 2

    // Update velocities and positions based on forces
    for(i=0; i<m_active_balls.size(); i++)
        CBall* b = m_active_balls[i];

        // Certain forces don't get applied to the "haptic ball"
        // when haptics are enabled...
        if (simulationOn == 0 || i != 0) {
          cVector3d f_damping = cMul(DAMPING_CONSTANT,b->m_velocity);

        cVector3d f_gravity(0,GRAVITY_CONSTANT*b->m_mass,0);

        cVector3d p = b->getPos();

        if (p.y - b->m_radius < FLOOR_Y_POSITION) {
          double penetration = FLOOR_Y_POSITION - (p.y - b->m_radius);

        cVector3d f_floor(0,0,0);

        cVector3d a = cDiv(b->m_mass,b->current_force);


        // We handle the 0th ball specially when haptics is enabled
        if (simulationOn == 0 || i != 0) {

    // Set the haptic force appropriately to reflect the force
    // applied to ball 0
    m_haptic_force = cMul(HAPTIC_FORCE_CONSTANT,m_active_balls[0]->current_force);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool TestExtMath::test_floor() {
  VS(f_floor(4.3), 4.0);
  VS(f_floor(9.999), 9.0);
  VS(f_floor(-3.14), -4.0);
  return Count(true);
Exemplo n.º 4
static VALUE
nurat_divmod(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    VALUE val = f_floor(f_div(self, other));
    return rb_assoc_new(val, f_sub(self, f_mul(other, val)));
Exemplo n.º 5
static VALUE
nurat_mod(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    VALUE val = f_floor(f_div(self, other));
    return f_sub(self, f_mul(other, val));
Exemplo n.º 6
static VALUE
nurat_idiv(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    return f_floor(f_div(self, other));