void fall(THING *obj, int pr) { PLACE *pp; coord fpos; if (fallpos(&obj->o_pos, &fpos)) { pp = INDEX(fpos.y, fpos.x); pp->p_ch = obj->o_type; obj->o_pos = fpos; if (cansee(fpos.y, fpos.x)) { if (pp->p_monst != NULL) pp->p_monst->t_oldch = obj->o_type; else mvaddch(fpos.y, fpos.x, obj->o_type); } attach(lvl_obj, obj); return; } if (pr) { if (has_hit) { endmsg(); has_hit = FALSE; } msg("the %s vanishes as it hits the ground", weap_info[obj->o_which].oi_name); } discard(obj); }
void fall(struct linked_list *item, int pr) { struct object *obj; struct room *rp; static coord fpos; obj = (struct object *) ldata(item); if (fallpos(&obj->o_pos, &fpos, TRUE)) { mvaddrawch(fpos.y, fpos.x, obj->o_type); obj->o_pos = fpos; if ((rp = roomin(&hero)) != NULL && !(rp->r_flags & ISDARK)) { light(&hero); mvwaddrawch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER); } attach(lvl_obj, item); return; } if (pr) if (obj->o_type == WEAPON) /* BUGFUX: Identification trick */ msg("Your %s vanishes as it hits the ground.", w_names[obj->o_which]); else msg("%s vanishes as it hits the ground.", inv_name(obj,TRUE)); discard(item); }
/* * fall: * Drop an item someplace around here. */ int fall(struct linked_list *item, int pr) { register struct object *obj ; register struct room *rp ; static coord fpos ; int ret; obj = (struct object *) ldata(item) ; rp = roomin(&hero); if (obj->o_flags & CANRETURN) { add_pack(item, TRUE); return TRUE; } else if (fallpos(&obj->o_pos, &fpos, TRUE)) { if (obj->o_flags & CANBURN && ntraps + 1 < MAXTRAPS + MAXTRAPS) { mvaddch(fpos.y, fpos.x, FIRETRAP); traps[ntraps].tr_type = FIRETRAP; traps[ntraps].tr_flags = ISFOUND; traps[ntraps].tr_show = FIRETRAP; traps[ntraps].tr_pos.y = fpos.y; traps[ntraps++].tr_pos.x = fpos.x; if (rp != NULL) rp->r_flags &= ~ISDARK; discard(item); ret = FALSE; } else { mvaddch(fpos.y, fpos.x, obj->o_type) ; obj->o_pos = fpos ; attach(lvl_obj, item) ; ret = TRUE; } if (rp != NULL && (!(rp->r_flags & ISDARK) || (rp->r_flags & HASFIRE))) { light(&hero) ; mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER) ; } return ret; } if (pr) { if (obj->o_type == WEAPON) addmsg("The %s", weaps[obj->o_which]); else addmsg(inv_name(obj, TRUE)); msg(" vanishes as it hits the ground."); } discard(item) ; return FALSE; }
void missile(int ydelta, int xdelta, struct linked_list *item, struct thing *tp) { struct object *obj; struct linked_list *nitem; if (item == NULL) /* Get which thing we are hurling */ return; obj = OBJPTR(item); if (!dropcheck(obj) || is_current(obj)) return; /* * Get rid of the thing. If it is a non-multiple item object, or if * it is the last thing, just drop it. Otherwise, create a new item * with a count of one. */ if (obj->o_count < 2) { if (tp->t_pack == pack) rem_pack(obj); else detach(tp->t_pack, item); } else { obj->o_count--; nitem = (struct linked_list *) new_item(sizeof *obj); obj = OBJPTR(nitem); *obj = *(OBJPTR(item)); obj->o_count = 1; item = nitem; } switch (obj->o_type) { case ARTIFACT: has_artifact &= ~(1 << obj->o_which); break; case SCROLL: if (obj->o_which == S_SCARE && obj->o_flags & ISBLESSED) obj->o_flags &= ~ISBLESSED; else obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED; } updpack(); obj->o_pos = do_motion(obj->o_type, ydelta, xdelta, tp); /* * AHA! Here it has hit something. If it is a wall or a door, or if * it misses (combat) the monster, put it on the floor */ if (!hit_monster(obj->o_pos.y, obj->o_pos.x, obj, tp)) { if (obj->o_type == WEAPON && obj->o_which == GRENADE) { hearmsg("BOOOM!"); aggravate(); if (ntraps + 1 < 2 * MAXTRAPS && fallpos(obj->o_pos, &traps[ntraps].tr_pos)) { mvaddch(traps[ntraps].tr_pos.y, traps[ntraps].tr_pos.x, TRAPDOOR); traps[ntraps].tr_type = TRAPDOOR; traps[ntraps].tr_flags = ISFOUND; traps[ntraps].tr_show = TRAPDOOR; ntraps++; light(&hero); } discard(item); } else if (obj->o_flags & ISLOST) { if (obj->o_type == WEAPON) addmsg("The %s", weaps[obj->o_which].w_name); else addmsg(inv_name(obj, LOWERCASE)); msg(" vanishes in a puff of greasy smoke."); discard(item); } else { fall(&player, item, TRUE, TRUE); if (obj->o_flags & CANRETURN) msg("You have %s.", inv_name(obj, LOWERCASE)); } } else if (obj->o_flags & ISOWNED) { add_pack(item, NOMESSAGE); msg("You have %s.", inv_name(obj, LOWERCASE)); } mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER); }
void fall(struct thing *tp, struct linked_list *item, int pr, int player_owned) { struct object *obj; struct room *rp; coord fpos; obj = OBJPTR(item); rp = roomin(tp->t_pos); if (player_owned && obj->o_flags & CANRETURN) { add_pack(item, NOMESSAGE); msg("You have %s.", inv_name(obj, LOWERCASE)); return; } else if (fallpos(obj->o_pos, &fpos)) { if (obj->o_flags & CANBURN && obj->o_type == WEAPON && obj->o_which == MOLOTOV && ntraps + 1 < 2 * MAXTRAPS) { mvaddch(fpos.y, fpos.x, FIRETRAP); traps[ntraps].tr_type = FIRETRAP; traps[ntraps].tr_flags = ISFOUND; traps[ntraps].tr_show = FIRETRAP; traps[ntraps].tr_pos = fpos; ntraps++; if (rp != NULL) rp->r_flags &= ~ISDARK; } else { obj->o_pos = fpos; add_obj(item, fpos.y, fpos.x); } if (rp != NULL && (!(rp->r_flags & ISDARK) || (rp->r_flags & HASFIRE))) { light(&hero); mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER); } return; } /* get here only if there isn't a place to put it */ if (pr) { if (cansee(obj->o_pos.y, obj->o_pos.x)) { if (obj->o_type == WEAPON) addmsg("The %s", weaps[obj->o_which].w_name); else addmsg(inv_name(obj, LOWERCASE)); msg(" vanishes as it hits the ground."); } } discard(item); }
/* * missile: * Fire a missile in a given direction */ void missile(int ydelta, int xdelta, struct linked_list *item, struct thing *tp) { register struct object *obj ; register struct linked_list *nitem ; /* * Get which thing we are hurling */ if (item == NULL) { return ; } obj = (struct object *) ldata(item) ; if (!dropcheck(obj) || is_current(obj)) { return ; } /* * Get rid of the thing. If it is a non-multiple item object, or * if it is the last thing, just drop it. Otherwise, create a new * item with a count of one. */ if (obj->o_count < 2) { detach(tp->t_pack, item) ; if (tp->t_pack == pack) { inpack-- ; freeletter(item); } } else { obj->o_count-- ; nitem = (struct linked_list *) new_item(sizeof *obj) ; obj = (struct object *) ldata(nitem) ; *obj = *((struct object *) ldata(item)) ; obj->o_count = 1 ; item = nitem ; } if (obj->o_type == ARTIFACT) has_artifact &= ~(1 << obj->o_which); if (obj->o_type == SCROLL && obj->o_which == S_SCARE) { if (obj->o_flags & ISBLESSED) obj->o_flags &= ~ISBLESSED; else obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED; } updpack (FALSE); do_motion(obj, ydelta, xdelta, tp) ; /* * AHA! Here it has hit something. If it is a wall or a door, * or if it misses (combat) the monster, put it on the floor */ if (!hit_monster(unc(obj->o_pos), obj, tp)) { if (obj->o_type == WEAPON && obj->o_which == GRENADE) { register struct room *rp; static coord fpos; msg("BOOOM!"); aggravate(); rp = roomin(&obj->o_pos); if (ntraps + 1 < MAXTRAPS + MAXTRAPS && fallpos(&obj->o_pos, &fpos, TRUE)) { mvaddch(fpos.y, fpos.x, TRAPDOOR); traps[ntraps].tr_type = TRAPDOOR; traps[ntraps].tr_flags = ISFOUND; traps[ntraps].tr_show = TRAPDOOR; traps[ntraps].tr_pos.y = fpos.y; traps[ntraps++].tr_pos.x = fpos.x; light(&hero); } discard(item); } else if (obj->o_flags & ISLOST) { if (obj->o_type == WEAPON) addmsg("The %s", weaps[obj->o_which].w_name); else addmsg(inv_name(obj, TRUE)); msg(" vanishes in a puff of greasy smoke."); discard(item); } else { if (fall(item, TRUE)) if (obj->o_flags & CANRETURN) msg("You have %s.", inv_name(obj, TRUE)); } } else if (obj->o_flags & ISOWNED) { add_pack(item, TRUE); msg("You have %s.", inv_name(obj, TRUE)); } mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER) ; }