Exemplo n.º 1
 * For each i in [0, HISTSIZE), hist[i] is the number of occurrences of the
 * value i. Return a value in [0, HISTSIZE) weighted heavily toward the
 * most frequent values in the histogram.
 * Assuming that hist_max is the maximum number of occurrences for any
 * one value in the histogram, the weight given to each value i is
 *         weight = (hist[i] / hist_max)^exponent
 * (i.e. the normalized histogram frequency raised to some power)
static inline guchar
weighted_average_value (gint hist[HISTSIZE], gfloat exponent)
  gint   i;
  gint   hist_max = 1;
  gint   exponent_int = 0;
  gfloat sum = 0.0;
  gfloat div = 1.0e-6;
  gint   value;

  for (i = 0; i < HISTSIZE; i++)
    hist_max = MAX (hist_max, hist[i]);

  if ((exponent - floor (exponent)) < 0.001 && exponent <= 255.0)
    exponent_int = (gint) exponent;

  for (i = 0; i < HISTSIZE; i++)
      gfloat ratio = (gfloat) hist[i] / (gfloat) hist_max;
      gfloat weight;

      if (exponent_int)
        weight = fast_powf (ratio, exponent_int);
        weight = pow (ratio, exponent);

      sum += weight * (gfloat) i;
      div += weight;

  value = (gint) (sum / div);

  return (guchar) CLAMP0255 (value);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * For each i in [0, HISTSIZE), hist[i] is the number of occurrences of
 * pixels with intensity i. hist_rgb[][i] is the average color of those
 * pixels with intensity i, but with each channel multiplied by hist[i].
 * Write to dest a pixel whose color is a weighted average of all the
 * colors in hist_rgb[][], biased heavily toward those with the most
 * frequently-occurring intensities (as noted in hist[]).
 * The weight formula is the same as in weighted_average_value().
static inline void
weighted_average_color (gint    hist[HISTSIZE],
                        gint    hist_rgb[4][HISTSIZE],
                        gfloat  exponent,
                        guchar *dest,
                        gint    bpp)
  gint   i, b;
  gint   hist_max = 1;
  gint   exponent_int = 0;
  gfloat div = 1.0e-6;
  gfloat color[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

  for (i = 0; i < HISTSIZE; i++)
    hist_max = MAX (hist_max, hist[i]);

  if ((exponent - floor (exponent)) < 0.001 && exponent <= 255.0)
    exponent_int = (gint) exponent;

  for (i = 0; i < HISTSIZE; i++)
      gfloat ratio = (gfloat) hist[i] / (gfloat) hist_max;
      gfloat weight;

      if (exponent_int)
        weight = fast_powf (ratio, exponent_int);
        weight = pow (ratio, exponent);

      if (hist[i] > 0)
        for (b = 0; b < bpp; b++)
          color[b] += weight * (gfloat) hist_rgb[b][i] / (gfloat) hist[i];

      div += weight;

  for (b = 0; b < bpp; b++)
      gint c = (gint) (color[b] / div);

      dest[b] = (guchar) CLAMP0255 (c);
Exemplo n.º 3
void imlib_gamma_corr(image_t *img, float gamma, float contrast, float brightness)
    gamma = IM_DIV(1.0, gamma);
    switch(img->bpp) {
        case IMAGE_BPP_BINARY: {
            float pScale = COLOR_BINARY_MAX - COLOR_BINARY_MIN;
            float pDiv = 1 / pScale;
            int *p_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_BINARY_MAX - COLOR_BINARY_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));

            for (int i = COLOR_BINARY_MIN; i <= COLOR_BINARY_MAX; i++) {
                int p = ((fast_powf(i * pDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * pScale;
                p_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(p , COLOR_BINARY_MIN), COLOR_BINARY_MAX);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint32_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(data, x);
                    int p = p_lut[dataPixel];
                    IMAGE_PUT_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(data, x, p);

        case IMAGE_BPP_GRAYSCALE: {
            float pDiv = 1 / pScale;
            int *p_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MAX - COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));

            for (int i = COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MIN; i <= COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MAX; i++) {
                int p = ((fast_powf(i * pDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * pScale;
                p_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(p , COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MIN), COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MAX);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint8_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(data, x);
                    int p = p_lut[dataPixel];
                    IMAGE_PUT_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(data, x, p);

        case IMAGE_BPP_RGB565: {
            float rScale = COLOR_R5_MAX - COLOR_R5_MIN;
            float gScale = COLOR_G6_MAX - COLOR_G6_MIN;
            float bScale = COLOR_B5_MAX - COLOR_B5_MIN;
            float rDiv = 1 / rScale;
            float gDiv = 1 / gScale;
            float bDiv = 1 / bScale;
            int *r_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_R5_MAX - COLOR_R5_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));
            int *g_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_G6_MAX - COLOR_G6_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));
            int *b_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_B5_MAX - COLOR_B5_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));

            for (int i = COLOR_R5_MIN; i <= COLOR_R5_MAX; i++) {
                int r = ((fast_powf(i * rDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * rScale;
                r_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(r , COLOR_R5_MIN), COLOR_R5_MAX);

            for (int i = COLOR_G6_MIN; i <= COLOR_G6_MAX; i++) {
                int g = ((fast_powf(i * gDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * gScale;
                g_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(g , COLOR_G6_MIN), COLOR_G6_MAX);

            for (int i = COLOR_B5_MIN; i <= COLOR_B5_MAX; i++) {
                int b = ((fast_powf(i * bDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * bScale;
                b_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(b , COLOR_B5_MIN), COLOR_B5_MAX);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint16_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(data, x);
                    int r = r_lut[COLOR_RGB565_TO_R5(dataPixel)];
                    int g = g_lut[COLOR_RGB565_TO_G6(dataPixel)];
                    int b = b_lut[COLOR_RGB565_TO_B5(dataPixel)];
                    IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(data, x, COLOR_R5_G6_B5_TO_RGB565(r, g, b));

        default: {