Exemplo n.º 1
	/* FFTPlugin>>#loadFFTFrom: */
static sqInt
loadFFTFrom(sqInt fftOop)
    sqInt oop;

	success((slotSizeOf(fftOop)) >= 6);
	if (failed()) {
		return 0;
	nu = fetchIntegerofObject(0, fftOop);
	fftSize = fetchIntegerofObject(1, fftOop);
	oop = fetchPointerofObject(2, fftOop);
	sinTableSize = stSizeOf(oop);
	/* begin checkedFloatPtrOf: */
	if (failed()) {
		sinTable = 0;
		goto l1;
	sinTable = ((float *) (firstIndexableField(oop)));
l1:	/* end checkedFloatPtrOf: */;
	oop = fetchPointerofObject(3, fftOop);
	permTableSize = stSizeOf(oop);
	/* begin checkedWordPtrOf: */
	permTable = ((unsigned int *) (firstIndexableField(oop)));
	oop = fetchPointerofObject(4, fftOop);
	realDataSize = stSizeOf(oop);
	/* begin checkedFloatPtrOf: */
	if (failed()) {
		realData = 0;
		goto l3;
	realData = ((float *) (firstIndexableField(oop)));
l3:	/* end checkedFloatPtrOf: */;
	oop = fetchPointerofObject(5, fftOop);
	imagDataSize = stSizeOf(oop);
	/* begin checkedFloatPtrOf: */
	if (failed()) {
		imagData = 0;
		goto l4;
	imagData = ((float *) (firstIndexableField(oop)));
l4:	/* end checkedFloatPtrOf: */;
	success((((((1L << nu) == fftSize) && (((fftSize / 4) + 1) == sinTableSize)) && (fftSize == realDataSize)) && (fftSize == imagDataSize)) && (realDataSize == imagDataSize));
	return (failed()) == 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
	sqInt extraObj;
	sqInt length;
	int *matchSpacePtr;
	sqInt matchSpaceSize;
	sqInt result;
	char *searchBuffer;
	sqInt searchObject;

	/* Load Parameters */
	searchObject = stackObjectValue(0);
	searchBuffer = arrayValueOf(searchObject);
	length = byteSizeOf(searchObject);
	/* begin loadRcvrFromStackAt: */
	rcvr = stackObjectValue(1);
	pcrePtr = ((sqInt) (fetchArrayofObject(2, rcvr)));
	/* begin rcvrExtraPtr */
	extraObj = fetchPointerofObject(3, rcvr);
	extraPtr = ((sqInt) ((!(extraObj == (nilObject()))
	? arrayValueOf(extraObj)
	: 0)));
	matchFlags = fetchIntegerofObject(6, rcvr);
	matchSpacePtr = ((int *) (fetchArrayofObject(7, rcvr)));
	matchSpaceSize = (byteSizeOf(fetchPointerofObject(7, rcvr))) / 4;
	if (failed()) {
		return null;
	result = pcre_exec((pcre *)pcrePtr, (pcre_extra *)extraPtr, 
				searchBuffer, length, 0, matchFlags, matchSpacePtr, matchSpaceSize);
		return 0;
	// B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>#primitiveTextureUpload
    sqInt bits;
    sqInt d;
    sqInt form;
    sqInt h;
    sqInt handle;
    sqInt ppw;
    sqInt renderer;
    sqInt result;
    sqInt w;

	if (!((methodArgumentCount()) == 3)) {
		return primitiveFail();
	form = stackValue(0);
	if (!((isPointers(form))
		 && ((slotSizeOf(form)) >= 4))) {
		return primitiveFail();
	bits = fetchPointerofObject(0, form);
	w = fetchIntegerofObject(1, form);
	h = fetchIntegerofObject(2, form);
	d = fetchIntegerofObject(3, form);
	ppw = 32 / d;
	if (!(isWords(bits))) {
		return primitiveFail();
	if (!((slotSizeOf(bits)) == ((((w + ppw) - 1) / ppw) * h))) {
		return primitiveFail();
	bitsPtr = firstIndexableField(bits);
	handle = stackIntegerValue(1);
	renderer = stackIntegerValue(2);
	if (failed()) {
		return null;
	result = b3dxUploadTexture(renderer, handle, w, h, d, bitsPtr);
	if (!result) {
return primitiveFail();
	return pop(3);
Exemplo n.º 4
/* High-priority and synchronous ticker function support. */
void addHighPriorityTickee(void (*ticker)(void), unsigned periodms);
void addSynchronousTickee(void (*ticker)(void), unsigned periodms, unsigned roundms);

#if SPURVM /* For now these are here; perhaps they're better in the VM. */
static sqInt
interceptFetchIntegerofObject(sqInt fieldIndex, sqInt objectPointer)
	if (fieldIndex == 0
	 && isCharacterObject(objectPointer))
		return characterValueOf(objectPointer);

	return fetchIntegerofObject(fieldIndex, objectPointer);
Exemplo n.º 5
	sqInt extraObj;
	sqInt fromInteger;
	sqInt length;
	int *matchSpacePtr;
	sqInt matchSpaceSize;
	sqInt result;
	char *searchBuffer;
	sqInt searchObject;
	sqInt toInteger;

	/* Load Parameters */
	toInteger = stackIntegerValue(0);
	fromInteger = stackIntegerValue(1);
	searchObject = stackObjectValue(2);
	searchBuffer = arrayValueOf(searchObject);
	length = byteSizeOf(searchObject);
	/* begin loadRcvrFromStackAt: */
	rcvr = stackObjectValue(3);
	success(1 <= fromInteger);
	success(toInteger <= length);

	/* Smalltalk offsets are 1-based */
	fromInteger -= 1;
	success(fromInteger <= toInteger);
	length = toInteger - fromInteger;

	/* Load Instance Variables */
	searchBuffer += fromInteger;
	pcrePtr = ((sqInt) (fetchArrayofObject(2, rcvr)));
	/* begin rcvrExtraPtr */
	extraObj = fetchPointerofObject(3, rcvr);
	extraPtr = ((sqInt) ((!(extraObj == (nilObject()))
	? arrayValueOf(extraObj)
	: 0)));
	matchFlags = fetchIntegerofObject(6, rcvr);
	matchSpacePtr = ((int *) (fetchArrayofObject(7, rcvr)));
	matchSpaceSize = (byteSizeOf(fetchPointerofObject(7, rcvr))) / 4;
	if (failed()) {
		return null;
	result = pcre_exec((pcre *)pcrePtr, (pcre_extra *)extraPtr, 
				searchBuffer, length, 0, matchFlags, matchSpacePtr, matchSpaceSize);
		return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
	/* begin loadRcvrFromStackAt: */
	rcvr = stackObjectValue(0);
	patternStrPtr = ((char *) (fetchArrayofObject(0, rcvr)));
	compileFlags = fetchIntegerofObject(1, rcvr);
	if (failed()) {
		return null;
	pcrePtr = (sqInt) pcre_compile(patternStrPtr, compileFlags, &errorStrBuffer, &errorOffset, NULL);
	if (pcrePtr) {
		extraPtr = (sqInt) pcre_study((pcre *)pcrePtr, compileFlags, &errorStrBuffer);
		/* begin rePluginFree: */
		numFrees += 1;
		if ((((void *)pcrePtr)) != null) {
			free(((void *)pcrePtr));
		if (extraPtr) {
			/* begin rePluginFree: */
			numFrees += 1;
			if ((((void *)extraPtr)) != null) {
				free(((void *)extraPtr));
		if (failed()) {
			return null;
		popthenPush(1, nilObject());
	else {
		errorStr = allocateStringAndSetRcvrErrorStrFromCStr(errorStrBuffer);
		/* begin rcvrErrorOffsetFrom: */
		storeIntegerofObjectwithValue(5, rcvr, errorOffset);
		if (failed()) {
			return null;
		popthenPush(1, errorStr);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int primWaveTableSoundmixSampleCountintostartingAtpan(void) {
    int rcvr;
    int n;
    short int *aSoundBuffer;
    int startIndex;
    int pan;
    int lastIndex;
    int channelIndex;
    int i;
    int mySample;
    int sample;
    short int *waveTable;
    int waveTableSize;
    int count;
    int amplitude;
    int increment;
    int index;

	rcvr = stackValue(4);
	n = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(3));
	aSoundBuffer = arrayValueOf(stackValue(2));
	startIndex = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(1));
	pan = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(0));
	waveTable = fetchArrayofObject(1, rcvr);
	waveTableSize = fetchIntegerofObject(2, rcvr);
	count = fetchIntegerofObject(4, rcvr);
	amplitude = fetchIntegerofObject(6, rcvr);
	increment = fetchIntegerofObject(8, rcvr);
	index = fetchIntegerofObject(9, rcvr);
	if (!(successFlag)) {
		return null;
	lastIndex = (startIndex + n) - 1;
	for (i = startIndex; i <= lastIndex; i += 1) {
		mySample = (amplitude * (waveTable[index - 1])) / 1000;
		if (pan > 0) {
			channelIndex = 2 * i;
			sample = (aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1]) + ((mySample * pan) / 1000);
			if (sample > 32767) {
				sample = 32767;
			if (sample < -32767) {
				sample = -32767;
			aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1] = sample;
		if (pan < 1000) {
			channelIndex = (2 * i) - 1;
			sample = (aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1]) + ((mySample * (1000 - pan)) / 1000);
			if (sample > 32767) {
				sample = 32767;
			if (sample < -32767) {
				sample = -32767;
			aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1] = sample;
		index += increment;
		if (index > waveTableSize) {
			index -= waveTableSize;
	count -= n;
	storeIntegerofObjectwithValue(4, rcvr, count);
	storeIntegerofObjectwithValue(9, rcvr, index);
Exemplo n.º 8
int primSampledSoundmixSampleCountintostartingAtpan(void) {
    int rcvr;
    int n;
    short int *aSoundBuffer;
    int startIndex;
    int pan;
    int lastIndex;
    int i;
    int channelIndex;
    int sample;
    int sampleIndex;
    int thisSample;
    short int *samples;
    int samplesSize;
    int incrementTimes1000;
    int count;
    int indexTimes1000;

	rcvr = stackValue(4);
	n = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(3));
	aSoundBuffer = arrayValueOf(stackValue(2));
	startIndex = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(1));
	pan = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(0));
	samples = fetchArrayofObject(1, rcvr);
	samplesSize = fetchIntegerofObject(2, rcvr);
	incrementTimes1000 = fetchIntegerofObject(3, rcvr);
	count = fetchIntegerofObject(5, rcvr);
	indexTimes1000 = fetchIntegerofObject(6, rcvr);
	if (!(successFlag)) {
		return null;
	lastIndex = (startIndex + n) - 1;
	i = startIndex;
	sampleIndex = indexTimes1000 / 1000;
	while ((sampleIndex <= samplesSize) && (i <= lastIndex)) {
		thisSample = samples[sampleIndex - 1];
		if (pan > 0) {
			channelIndex = 2 * i;
			sample = (aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1]) + ((thisSample * pan) / 1000);
			if (sample > 32767) {
				sample = 32767;
			if (sample < -32767) {
				sample = -32767;
			aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1] = sample;
		if (pan < 1000) {
			channelIndex = (2 * i) - 1;
			sample = (aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1]) + ((thisSample * (1000 - pan)) / 1000);
			if (sample > 32767) {
				sample = 32767;
			if (sample < -32767) {
				sample = -32767;
			aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1] = sample;
		indexTimes1000 += incrementTimes1000;
		sampleIndex = indexTimes1000 / 1000;
		i += 1;
	count -= n;
	storeIntegerofObjectwithValue(5, rcvr, count);
	storeIntegerofObjectwithValue(6, rcvr, indexTimes1000);
Exemplo n.º 9
int primPluckedSoundmixSampleCountintostartingAtpan(void) {
    int rcvr;
    int n;
    short int *aSoundBuffer;
    int startIndex;
    int pan;
    int lastIndex;
    int channelIndex;
    int i;
    int sample;
    int mySample;
    int thisIndex;
    int nextIndex;
    int count;
    short int *ring;
    int ringSize;
    int ringIndx;

	rcvr = stackValue(4);
	n = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(3));
	aSoundBuffer = arrayValueOf(stackValue(2));
	startIndex = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(1));
	pan = checkedIntegerValueOf(stackValue(0));
	count = fetchIntegerofObject(2, rcvr);
	ring = fetchArrayofObject(4, rcvr);
	ringSize = fetchIntegerofObject(5, rcvr);
	ringIndx = fetchIntegerofObject(6, rcvr);
	if (!(successFlag)) {
		return null;
	lastIndex = (startIndex + n) - 1;
	thisIndex = ringIndx;
	for (i = startIndex; i <= lastIndex; i += 1) {
		nextIndex = (thisIndex % ringSize) + 1;
		mySample = ((ring[thisIndex - 1]) + (ring[nextIndex - 1])) / 2;
		ring[thisIndex - 1] = mySample;
		thisIndex = nextIndex;
		if (pan > 0) {
			channelIndex = 2 * i;
			sample = (aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1]) + ((mySample * pan) / 1000);
			if (sample > 32767) {
				sample = 32767;
			if (sample < -32767) {
				sample = -32767;
			aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1] = sample;
		if (pan < 1000) {
			channelIndex = (2 * i) - 1;
			sample = (aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1]) + ((mySample * (1000 - pan)) / 1000);
			if (sample > 32767) {
				sample = 32767;
			if (sample < -32767) {
				sample = -32767;
			aSoundBuffer[channelIndex - 1] = sample;
	ringIndx = nextIndex;
	count -= n;
	storeIntegerofObjectwithValue(2, rcvr, count);
	storeIntegerofObjectwithValue(6, rcvr, ringIndx);
Exemplo n.º 10
	/* RePlugin>>#rcvrMatchFlags */
static sqInt
	return fetchIntegerofObject(6, rcvr);
Exemplo n.º 11
	/* RePlugin>>#rcvrCompileFlags */
static sqInt
	return fetchIntegerofObject(1, rcvr);