Exemplo n.º 1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function loops until cycles <= 0.
// Ignores bad opcodes, doesn't return anything.
asm void N6502_Exec()
	mflr	r14							// save our calling address
entry static __execloop
	subc.	r28,r28,r4					// decrease cycles by r4
	ble		exec_end
	fetchbyte(r5)						// get next instruction from PC

	slwi	r5,r5,2						// use opcode as index into jumptable (r16)
	lwzx	r7,r5,r16
	mtlr	r7
	blr									// jump to opcode handler

entry static __execbad
#ifdef TrapBadOps
	subic	r24,r24,1					// set pc to offending instruction
	b		exec_end
	li		r4,4
	b		__execloop					// ignore, charge nop (?) cycles.

	mtlr	r14							// restore caller address (the LR)

Exemplo n.º 2
uint8 memz80_fetch_mem_byte(uint16 addr)
  return (fetchbyte(cpuz80_bank | (addr - 0x8000)));