Exemplo n.º 1
static struct linop_s* linop_fft_create_priv(int N, const long dims[N], unsigned int flags, bool forward, bool center)
	const struct operator_s* plan = fft_measure_create(N, dims, flags, true, false);
	const struct operator_s* iplan = fft_measure_create(N, dims, flags, true, true);

	PTR_ALLOC(struct fft_linop_s, data);
	SET_TYPEID(fft_linop_s, data);

	data->frw = plan;
	data->adj = iplan;
	data->N = N;

	data->center = center;

	data->dims = *TYPE_ALLOC(long[N]);
	md_copy_dims(N, data->dims, dims);

	data->strs = *TYPE_ALLOC(long[N]);
	md_calc_strides(N, data->strs, data->dims, CFL_SIZE);

	long fft_dims[N];
	md_select_dims(N, flags, fft_dims, dims);
	data->nscale = (float)md_calc_size(N, fft_dims);

	lop_fun_t apply = forward ? fft_linop_apply : fft_linop_adjoint;
	lop_fun_t adjoint = forward ? fft_linop_adjoint : fft_linop_apply;

	struct linop_s* lop =  linop_create(N, dims, N, dims, CAST_UP(PTR_PASS(data)), apply, adjoint, fft_linop_normal, NULL, fft_linop_free);

	if (center) {

		// FIXME: should only allocate flagged dims

		complex float* fftmod_mat = md_alloc(N, dims, CFL_SIZE);
		complex float* fftmodk_mat = md_alloc(N, dims, CFL_SIZE);

		// we need fftmodk only because we want to apply scaling only once

		complex float one[1] = { 1. };
		md_fill(N, dims, fftmod_mat, one, CFL_SIZE);
		fftmod(N, dims, flags, fftmodk_mat, fftmod_mat);
		fftscale(N, dims, flags, fftmod_mat, fftmodk_mat);

		struct linop_s* mod = linop_cdiag_create(N, dims, ~0u, fftmod_mat);
		struct linop_s* modk = linop_cdiag_create(N, dims, ~0u, fftmodk_mat);

		struct linop_s* tmp = linop_chain(mod, lop);
		tmp = linop_chain(tmp, modk);


		lop = tmp;

	return lop;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main_bpsense(int argc, char* argv[])
	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// set up conf and option parser
	struct bpsense_conf conf = bpsense_defaults;
	struct iter_admm_conf iconf = iter_admm_defaults;
	conf.iconf = &iconf;
	conf.iconf->rho = 10; // more sensibile default

	bool usegpu = false;
	const char* psf = NULL;
	const char* image_truth_fname = NULL;
	bool im_truth = false;
	bool use_tvnorm = false;

	double start_time = timestamp();

	const struct opt_s opts[] = {

		OPT_FLOAT('e', &conf.eps, "eps", "data consistency error"),
		OPT_FLOAT('r', &conf.lambda, "lambda", "l2 regularization parameter"),
		OPT_FLOAT('u', &conf.iconf->rho, "rho", "ADMM penalty parameter"),
		OPT_SET('c', &conf.rvc, "real-value constraint"),
		OPT_SET('t', &use_tvnorm, "use TV norm"),
		OPT_STRING('T', &image_truth_fname, "file", "compare to truth image"),
		OPT_UINT('i', &conf.iconf->maxiter, "iter", "max. iterations"),
		OPT_SET('g', &usegpu, "(use gpu)"),
		OPT_STRING('p', &psf, "file", "point-spread function"),

	cmdline(&argc, argv, 3, 3, usage_str, help_str, ARRAY_SIZE(opts), opts);

	if (NULL != image_truth_fname)
		im_truth = true;

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// load data and print some info about the recon

	int N = DIMS;

	long dims[N];
	long dims1[N];
	long img_dims[N];
	long ksp_dims[N];

	complex float* kspace_data = load_cfl(argv[1], N, ksp_dims);
	complex float* sens_maps = load_cfl(argv[2], N, dims);

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)	// sizes2[4] may be > 1
		if (ksp_dims[i] != dims[i])
			error("Dimensions of kspace and sensitivities do not match!\n");

	assert(1 == ksp_dims[MAPS_DIM]);

	(usegpu ? num_init_gpu : num_init)();

	if (dims[MAPS_DIM] > 1) 
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "%ld maps.\nESPIRiT reconstruction.\n", dims[4]);

	if (conf.lambda > 0.)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l2 regularization: %f\n", conf.lambda);

	if (use_tvnorm)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "use Total Variation\n");
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "use Wavelets\n");

	if (im_truth)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Compare to truth\n");

	md_select_dims(N, ~(COIL_FLAG | MAPS_FLAG), dims1, dims);
	md_select_dims(N, ~COIL_FLAG, img_dims, dims);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// initialize sampling pattern

	complex float* pattern = NULL;
	long pat_dims[N];

	if (NULL != psf) {

		pattern = load_cfl(psf, N, pat_dims);

		// FIXME: check compatibility
	} else {

		pattern = md_alloc(N, dims1, CFL_SIZE);
		estimate_pattern(N, ksp_dims, COIL_DIM, pattern, kspace_data);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// print some statistics

	size_t T = md_calc_size(N, dims1);
	long samples = (long)pow(md_znorm(N, dims1, pattern), 2.);
	debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Size: %ld Samples: %ld Acc: %.2f\n", T, samples, (float)T/(float)samples); 

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// fftmod to un-center data
	fftmod(N, ksp_dims, FFT_FLAGS, kspace_data, kspace_data);
	fftmod(N, dims, FFT_FLAGS, sens_maps, sens_maps);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// apply scaling

	float scaling = estimate_scaling(ksp_dims, NULL, kspace_data);

	debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Scaling: %f\n", scaling);

	if (scaling != 0.)
		md_zsmul(N, ksp_dims, kspace_data, kspace_data, 1. / scaling);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// create l1 prox operator and transform

	long minsize[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 1 };
	minsize[0] = MIN(img_dims[0], 16);
	minsize[1] = MIN(img_dims[1], 16);
	minsize[2] = MIN(img_dims[2], 16);

	const struct linop_s* l1op = NULL;
	const struct operator_p_s* l1prox = NULL;

	if (use_tvnorm) {

		l1op = grad_init(DIMS, img_dims, FFT_FLAGS);
		l1prox = prox_thresh_create(DIMS + 1, linop_codomain(l1op)->dims, 1., 0u, usegpu);
		conf.l1op_obj = l1op;

	} else {

		bool randshift = true;
		l1op = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims);
		conf.l1op_obj = wavelet_create(DIMS, img_dims, FFT_FLAGS, minsize, false, usegpu);
		l1prox = prox_wavethresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, FFT_FLAGS, minsize, 1., randshift, usegpu);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// create image and load truth image
	complex float* image = create_cfl(argv[3], N, img_dims);
	md_clear(N, img_dims, image, CFL_SIZE);

	long img_truth_dims[DIMS];
	complex float* image_truth = NULL;

	if (im_truth)
		image_truth = load_cfl(image_truth_fname, DIMS, img_truth_dims);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// call recon
	if (usegpu) 
#ifdef USE_CUDA
		bpsense_recon_gpu(&conf, dims, image, sens_maps, dims1, pattern, l1op, l1prox, ksp_dims, kspace_data, image_truth);
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: nlinv.c Projeto: nckz/bart
int main_nlinv(int argc, char* argv[])
    int iter = 8;
    float l1 = -1.;
    bool waterfat = false;
    bool rvc = false;
    bool normalize = true;
    float restrict_fov = -1.;
    float csh[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
    bool usegpu = false;
    const char* psf = NULL;

    const struct opt_s opts[] = {

        { 'l', true, opt_float, &l1, NULL },
        { 'i', true, opt_int, &iter, NULL },
        { 'c', false, opt_set, &rvc, NULL },
        { 'N', false, opt_clear, &normalize, NULL },
        { 'f', true, opt_float, &restrict_fov, NULL },
        { 'p', true, opt_string, &psf, NULL },
        { 'g', false, opt_set, &usegpu, NULL },

    cmdline(&argc, argv, 2, 3, usage_str, help_str, ARRAY_SIZE(opts), opts);


    assert(iter > 0);

    long ksp_dims[DIMS];
    complex float* kspace_data = load_cfl(argv[1], DIMS, ksp_dims);

    long dims[DIMS];
    md_copy_dims(DIMS, dims, ksp_dims);

    if (waterfat)
        dims[CSHIFT_DIM] = 2;

    long img_dims[DIMS];
    md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS|CSHIFT_FLAG, img_dims, dims);

    long img_strs[DIMS];
    md_calc_strides(DIMS, img_strs, img_dims, CFL_SIZE);

    complex float* image = create_cfl(argv[2], DIMS, img_dims);

    long msk_dims[DIMS];
    md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS, msk_dims, dims);

    long msk_strs[DIMS];
    md_calc_strides(DIMS, msk_strs, msk_dims, CFL_SIZE);

    complex float* mask;
    complex float* norm = md_alloc(DIMS, msk_dims, CFL_SIZE);
    complex float* sens;

    if (4 == argc) {

        sens = create_cfl(argv[3], DIMS, ksp_dims);

    } else {

        sens = md_alloc(DIMS, ksp_dims, CFL_SIZE);

    complex float* pattern = NULL;
    long pat_dims[DIMS];

    if (NULL != psf) {

        pattern = load_cfl(psf, DIMS, pat_dims);

        // FIXME: check compatibility
    } else {

        pattern = md_alloc(DIMS, img_dims, CFL_SIZE);
        estimate_pattern(DIMS, ksp_dims, COIL_DIM, pattern, kspace_data);

    if (waterfat) {

        size_t size = md_calc_size(DIMS, msk_dims);
        md_copy(DIMS, msk_dims, pattern + size, pattern, CFL_SIZE);

        long shift_dims[DIMS];
        md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS, shift_dims, msk_dims);

        long shift_strs[DIMS];
        md_calc_strides(DIMS, shift_strs, shift_dims, CFL_SIZE);

        complex float* shift = md_alloc(DIMS, shift_dims, CFL_SIZE);

        unsigned int X = shift_dims[READ_DIM];
        unsigned int Y = shift_dims[PHS1_DIM];
        unsigned int Z = shift_dims[PHS2_DIM];

        for (unsigned int x = 0; x < X; x++)
            for (unsigned int y = 0; y < Y; y++)
                for (unsigned int z = 0; z < Z; z++)
                    shift[(z * Z + y) * Y + x] = cexp(2.i * M_PI * ((csh[0] * x) / X + (csh[1] * y) / Y + (csh[2] * z) / Z));

        md_zmul2(DIMS, msk_dims, msk_strs, pattern + size, msk_strs, pattern + size, shift_strs, shift);

#if 0
    float scaling = 1. / estimate_scaling(ksp_dims, NULL, kspace_data);
    float scaling = 100. / md_znorm(DIMS, ksp_dims, kspace_data);
    debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Scaling: %f\n", scaling);
    md_zsmul(DIMS, ksp_dims, kspace_data, kspace_data, scaling);

    if (-1. == restrict_fov) {

        mask = md_alloc(DIMS, msk_dims, CFL_SIZE);
        md_zfill(DIMS, msk_dims, mask, 1.);

    } else {

        float restrict_dims[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 1. };
        restrict_dims[0] = restrict_fov;
        restrict_dims[1] = restrict_fov;
        restrict_dims[2] = restrict_fov;
        mask = compute_mask(DIMS, msk_dims, restrict_dims);

#ifdef  USE_CUDA
    if (usegpu) {

        complex float* kspace_gpu = md_alloc_gpu(DIMS, ksp_dims, CFL_SIZE);
        md_copy(DIMS, ksp_dims, kspace_gpu, kspace_data, CFL_SIZE);
        noir_recon(dims, iter, l1, image, NULL, pattern, mask, kspace_gpu, rvc, usegpu);

        md_zfill(DIMS, ksp_dims, sens, 1.);

    } else
        noir_recon(dims, iter, l1, image, sens, pattern, mask, kspace_data, rvc, usegpu);

    if (normalize) {

        md_zrss(DIMS, ksp_dims, COIL_FLAG, norm, sens);
        md_zmul2(DIMS, img_dims, img_strs, image, img_strs, image, msk_strs, norm);

    if (4 == argc) {

        long strs[DIMS];

        md_calc_strides(DIMS, strs, ksp_dims, CFL_SIZE);

        if (norm)
            md_zdiv2(DIMS, ksp_dims, strs, sens, strs, sens, img_strs, norm);

        fftmod(DIMS, ksp_dims, FFT_FLAGS, sens, sens);

        unmap_cfl(DIMS, ksp_dims, sens);

    } else {



    if (NULL != psf)
        unmap_cfl(DIMS, pat_dims, pattern);

    unmap_cfl(DIMS, img_dims, image);
    unmap_cfl(DIMS, ksp_dims, kspace_data);
Exemplo n.º 4
struct noir_data* noir_init(const long dims[DIMS], const complex float* mask, const complex float* psf, bool rvc, bool use_gpu)
#ifdef USE_CUDA
	md_alloc_fun_t my_alloc = use_gpu ? md_alloc_gpu : md_alloc;
	md_alloc_fun_t my_alloc = md_alloc;

	PTR_ALLOC(struct noir_data, data);

	data->rvc = rvc;

	md_copy_dims(DIMS, data->dims, dims);

	md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS|COIL_FLAG|CSHIFT_FLAG, data->sign_dims, dims);
	md_calc_strides(DIMS, data->sign_strs, data->sign_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS|COIL_FLAG|MAPS_FLAG, data->coil_dims, dims);
	md_calc_strides(DIMS, data->coil_strs, data->coil_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS|MAPS_FLAG|CSHIFT_FLAG, data->imgs_dims, dims);
	md_calc_strides(DIMS, data->imgs_strs, data->imgs_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS|COIL_FLAG, data->data_dims, dims);
	md_calc_strides(DIMS, data->data_strs, data->data_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS, data->mask_dims, dims);
	md_calc_strides(DIMS, data->mask_strs, data->mask_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS, data->wght_dims, dims);
	md_calc_strides(DIMS, data->wght_strs, data->wght_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	md_select_dims(DIMS, FFT_FLAGS|CSHIFT_FLAG, data->ptrn_dims, dims);
	md_calc_strides(DIMS, data->ptrn_strs, data->ptrn_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	complex float* weights = md_alloc(DIMS, data->wght_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	noir_calc_weights(dims, weights);
	fftmod(DIMS, data->wght_dims, FFT_FLAGS, weights, weights);
	fftscale(DIMS, data->wght_dims, FFT_FLAGS, weights, weights);

	data->weights = weights;

#ifdef USE_CUDA
	if (use_gpu) {

		data->weights = md_gpu_move(DIMS, data->wght_dims, weights, CFL_SIZE);

	complex float* ptr = my_alloc(DIMS, data->ptrn_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	md_copy(DIMS, data->ptrn_dims, ptr, psf, CFL_SIZE);
	fftmod(DIMS, data->ptrn_dims, FFT_FLAGS, ptr, ptr);

	data->pattern = ptr;

	complex float* msk = my_alloc(DIMS, data->mask_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	if (NULL == mask) {

		md_zfill(DIMS, data->mask_dims, msk, 1.);

	} else {

		md_copy(DIMS, data->mask_dims, msk, mask, CFL_SIZE);

//	fftmod(DIMS, data->mask_dims, 7, msk, msk);
	fftscale(DIMS, data->mask_dims, FFT_FLAGS, msk, msk);

	data->mask = msk;

	data->sens = my_alloc(DIMS, data->coil_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	data->xn = my_alloc(DIMS, data->imgs_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	data->tmp = my_alloc(DIMS, data->sign_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	return data;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * NUFFT operator initialization
 * @param N		-	number of dimensions
 * @param ksp_dims      -	kspace dimension
 * @param cim_dims	-	coil images dimension
 * @param traj		-	trajectory
 * @param conf          -	configuration options
 * @param use_gpu       -	use gpu boolean
struct linop_s* nufft_create(unsigned int N, const long ksp_dims[N], const long cim_dims[N], const long traj_dims[N], const complex float* traj, const complex float* weights, struct nufft_conf_s conf, bool use_gpu)

	struct nufft_data* data = (struct nufft_data*)xmalloc(sizeof(struct nufft_data));

	data->N = N;
	data->use_gpu = use_gpu;
	data->traj = traj;
	data->conf = conf;

	data->width = 3.;
	data->beta = calc_beta(2., data->width);

	// get dims

	assert(md_check_compat(N - 3, 0, ksp_dims + 3, cim_dims + 3));

	unsigned int ND = N + 3;

	data->ksp_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->cim_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->cml_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->img_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->trj_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->lph_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->psf_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->wgh_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));

	data->ksp_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->cim_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->cml_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->img_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->trj_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->lph_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->psf_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->wgh_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));

	md_singleton_dims(ND, data->cim_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(ND, data->ksp_dims);

	md_copy_dims(N, data->cim_dims, cim_dims);
	md_copy_dims(N, data->ksp_dims, ksp_dims);

	md_select_dims(ND, FFT_FLAGS, data->img_dims, data->cim_dims);

	assert(3 == traj_dims[0]);
	assert(traj_dims[1] == ksp_dims[1]);
	assert(traj_dims[2] == ksp_dims[2]);
	assert(md_check_compat(N - 3, ~0, traj_dims + 3, ksp_dims + 3));
	assert(md_check_bounds(N - 3, ~0, traj_dims + 3, ksp_dims + 3));

	md_singleton_dims(ND, data->trj_dims);
	md_copy_dims(N, data->trj_dims, traj_dims);

	// get strides

	md_calc_strides(ND, data->cim_strs, data->cim_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(ND, data->img_strs, data->img_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(ND, data->trj_strs, data->trj_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(ND, data->ksp_strs, data->ksp_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	data->weights = NULL;

	if (NULL != weights) {

		md_singleton_dims(ND, data->wgh_dims);
		md_select_dims(N, ~MD_BIT(0), data->wgh_dims, data->trj_dims);
		md_calc_strides(ND, data->wgh_strs, data->wgh_dims, CFL_SIZE);

		complex float* tmp = md_alloc(ND, data->wgh_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		md_copy(ND, data->wgh_dims, tmp, weights, CFL_SIZE);
		data->weights = tmp;

	complex float* roll = md_alloc(ND, data->img_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	rolloff_correction(2., data->width, data->beta, data->img_dims, roll);
	data->roll = roll;

	complex float* linphase = compute_linphases(N, data->lph_dims, data->img_dims);

	md_calc_strides(ND, data->lph_strs, data->lph_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	if (!conf.toeplitz)
		md_zmul2(ND, data->lph_dims, data->lph_strs, linphase, data->lph_strs, linphase, data->img_strs, data->roll);

	fftmod(ND, data->lph_dims, FFT_FLAGS, linphase, linphase);
	fftscale(ND, data->lph_dims, FFT_FLAGS, linphase, linphase);
//	md_zsmul(ND, data->lph_dims, linphase, linphase, 1. / (float)(data->trj_dims[1] * data->trj_dims[2]));

	complex float* fftm = md_alloc(ND, data->img_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfill(ND, data->img_dims, fftm, 1.);
	fftmod(ND, data->img_dims, FFT_FLAGS, fftm, fftm);
	data->fftmod = fftm;

	data->linphase = linphase;
	data->psf = NULL;

	if (conf.toeplitz) {

#if 0
		md_copy_dims(ND, data->psf_dims, data->lph_dims);
		md_copy_dims(3, data->psf_dims, data->lph_dims);
		md_copy_dims(ND - 3, data->psf_dims + 3, data->trj_dims + 3);
		data->psf_dims[N] = data->lph_dims[N];
		md_calc_strides(ND, data->psf_strs, data->psf_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		data->psf = compute_psf2(N, data->psf_dims, data->trj_dims, data->traj, data->weights);

	md_copy_dims(ND, data->cml_dims, data->cim_dims);
	data->cml_dims[N + 0] = data->lph_dims[N + 0];

	md_calc_strides(ND, data->cml_strs, data->cml_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	data->cm2_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	// !
	md_copy_dims(ND, data->cm2_dims, data->cim_dims);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		data->cm2_dims[i] = (1 == cim_dims[i]) ? 1 : (2 * cim_dims[i]);

	data->grid = md_alloc(ND, data->cml_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	data->fft_op = linop_fft_create(ND, data->cml_dims, FFT_FLAGS, use_gpu);

	return linop_create(N, ksp_dims, N, cim_dims,
		data, nufft_apply, nufft_apply_adjoint, nufft_apply_normal, NULL, nufft_free_data);
Exemplo n.º 6
void fftc(unsigned int D, const long dimensions[__VLA(D)], unsigned long flags, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
	fftmod(D, dimensions, flags, dst, src);
	fft(D, dimensions, flags, dst, dst);
	fftmod(D, dimensions, flags, dst, dst);
Exemplo n.º 7
void fftmodk(unsigned int N, const long dimensions[N], unsigned long flags, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
	debug_printf(DP_WARN, "fftmodk is deprecated.");
	fftmod(N, dimensions, flags, dst, src);
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: pics.c Projeto: grlee77/bart
int main_pics(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Initialize default parameters

	struct sense_conf conf = sense_defaults;

	bool use_gpu = false;

	bool randshift = true;
	unsigned int maxiter = 30;
	float step = -1.;

	// Start time count

	double start_time = timestamp();

	// Read input options
	struct nufft_conf_s nuconf = nufft_conf_defaults;
	nuconf.toeplitz = false;

	float restrict_fov = -1.;
	const char* pat_file = NULL;
	const char* traj_file = NULL;
	bool scale_im = false;
	bool eigen = false;
	float scaling = 0.;

	unsigned int llr_blk = 8;

	const char* image_truth_file = NULL;
	bool im_truth = false;

	const char* image_start_file = NULL;
	bool warm_start = false;

	bool hogwild = false;
	bool fast = false;
	float admm_rho = iter_admm_defaults.rho;
	unsigned int admm_maxitercg = iter_admm_defaults.maxitercg;

	struct opt_reg_s ropts;
	ropts.r = 0;
	ropts.algo = CG;
	ropts.lambda = -1.;

	const struct opt_s opts[] = {

		{ 'l', true, opt_reg, &ropts, "1/-l2\t\ttoggle l1-wavelet or l2 regularization." },
		OPT_FLOAT('r', &ropts.lambda, "lambda", "regularization parameter"),
		{ 'R', true, opt_reg, &ropts, " <T>:A:B:C\tgeneralized regularization options (-Rh for help)" },
		OPT_SET('c', &conf.rvc, "real-value constraint"),
		OPT_FLOAT('s', &step, "step", "iteration stepsize"),
		OPT_UINT('i', &maxiter, "iter", "max. number of iterations"),
		OPT_STRING('t', &traj_file, "file", "k-space trajectory"),
		OPT_CLEAR('n', &randshift, "disable random wavelet cycle spinning"),
		OPT_SET('g', &use_gpu, "use GPU"),
		OPT_STRING('p', &pat_file, "file", "pattern or weights"),
		OPT_SELECT('I', enum algo_t, &ropts.algo, IST, "(select IST)"),
		OPT_UINT('b', &llr_blk, "blk", "Lowrank block size"),
		OPT_SET('e', &eigen, "Scale stepsize based on max. eigenvalue"),
		OPT_SET('H', &hogwild, "(hogwild)"),
		OPT_SET('F', &fast, "(fast)"),
		OPT_STRING('T', &image_truth_file, "file", "(truth file)"),
		OPT_STRING('W', &image_start_file, "<img>", "Warm start with <img>"),
		OPT_INT('d', &debug_level, "level", "Debug level"),
		OPT_INT('O', &conf.rwiter, "rwiter", "(reweighting)"),
		OPT_FLOAT('o', &conf.gamma, "gamma", "(reweighting)"),
		OPT_FLOAT('u', &admm_rho, "rho", "ADMM rho"),
		OPT_UINT('C', &admm_maxitercg, "iter", "ADMM max. CG iterations"),
		OPT_FLOAT('q', &conf.cclambda, "cclambda", "(cclambda)"),
		OPT_FLOAT('f', &restrict_fov, "rfov", "restrict FOV"),
		OPT_SELECT('m', enum algo_t, &ropts.algo, ADMM, "Select ADMM"),
		OPT_FLOAT('w', &scaling, "val", "scaling"),
		OPT_SET('S', &scale_im, "Re-scale the image after reconstruction"),

	cmdline(&argc, argv, 3, 3, usage_str, help_str, ARRAY_SIZE(opts), opts);

	if (NULL != image_truth_file)
		im_truth = true;

	if (NULL != image_start_file)
		warm_start = true;

	long max_dims[DIMS];
	long map_dims[DIMS];
	long pat_dims[DIMS];
	long img_dims[DIMS];
	long coilim_dims[DIMS];
	long ksp_dims[DIMS];
	long traj_dims[DIMS];

	// load kspace and maps and get dimensions

	complex float* kspace = load_cfl(argv[1], DIMS, ksp_dims);
	complex float* maps = load_cfl(argv[2], DIMS, map_dims);

	complex float* traj = NULL;

	if (NULL != traj_file)
		traj = load_cfl(traj_file, DIMS, traj_dims);

	md_copy_dims(DIMS, max_dims, ksp_dims);
	md_copy_dims(5, max_dims, map_dims);

	md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, img_dims, max_dims);
	md_select_dims(DIMS, ~MAPS_FLAG, coilim_dims, max_dims);

	if (!md_check_compat(DIMS, ~(MD_BIT(MAPS_DIM)|FFT_FLAGS), img_dims, map_dims))
		error("Dimensions of image and sensitivities do not match!\n");

	assert(1 == ksp_dims[MAPS_DIM]);

	(use_gpu ? num_init_gpu : num_init)();

	// print options

	if (use_gpu)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "GPU reconstruction\n");

	if (map_dims[MAPS_DIM] > 1) 
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "%ld maps.\nESPIRiT reconstruction.\n", map_dims[MAPS_DIM]);

	if (hogwild)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Hogwild stepsize\n");

	if (im_truth)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Compare to truth\n");

	// initialize sampling pattern

	complex float* pattern = NULL;

	if (NULL != pat_file) {

		pattern = load_cfl(pat_file, DIMS, pat_dims);

		assert(md_check_compat(DIMS, COIL_FLAG, ksp_dims, pat_dims));

	} else {

		md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, pat_dims, ksp_dims);
		pattern = md_alloc(DIMS, pat_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		estimate_pattern(DIMS, ksp_dims, COIL_DIM, pattern, kspace);

	if ((NULL != traj_file) && (NULL == pat_file)) {

		pattern = NULL;
		nuconf.toeplitz = true;

	} else {

		// print some statistics

		long T = md_calc_size(DIMS, pat_dims);
		long samples = (long)pow(md_znorm(DIMS, pat_dims, pattern), 2.);

		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Size: %ld Samples: %ld Acc: %.2f\n", T, samples, (float)T / (float)samples);

	if (NULL == traj_file) {

		fftmod(DIMS, ksp_dims, FFT_FLAGS, kspace, kspace);
		fftmod(DIMS, map_dims, FFT_FLAGS, maps, maps);

	// apply fov mask to sensitivities

	if (-1. != restrict_fov) {

		float restrict_dims[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 1. };
		restrict_dims[0] = restrict_fov;
		restrict_dims[1] = restrict_fov;
		restrict_dims[2] = restrict_fov;

		apply_mask(DIMS, map_dims, maps, restrict_dims);
Exemplo n.º 9
void grecon(struct grecon_conf* param,  const long dims1[DIMS], complex float* out1, 
	const long cov1_dims[DIMS], complex float* cov1,
	const long w1_dims[DIMS], const complex float* weights,
	complex float* kspace1, bool usegpu)
	struct sense_conf* conf = param->sense_conf;

	long ksp1_dims[DIMS];
	md_select_dims(DIMS, ~MAPS_FLAG, ksp1_dims, dims1);

	long pat1_dims[DIMS];
	const complex float* pattern;

	if (NULL == weights) {

		md_select_dims(DIMS, ~(COIL_FLAG | MAPS_FLAG), pat1_dims, dims1);
		complex float* tpattern = md_alloc(DIMS, pat1_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		estimate_pattern(DIMS, ksp1_dims, COIL_DIM, tpattern, kspace1);
		pattern = tpattern;

	} else {

		md_copy_dims(DIMS, pat1_dims, w1_dims);
		pattern = weights;

	complex float* sens1;

	if (NULL != param->calib) {

		long img1_dims[DIMS];
		md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, img1_dims, dims1);

		complex float* maps1 = md_alloc(DIMS, img1_dims, CFL_SIZE);

		sens1 = md_alloc(DIMS, dims1, CFL_SIZE);
		caltwo(param->calib, dims1, sens1, maps1, cov1_dims, cov1, NULL, NULL);

		crop_sens(dims1, sens1, param->calib->softcrop, param->calib->crop, maps1);

		fixphase(DIMS, dims1, COIL_DIM, sens1, sens1);


	} else {

		sens1 = cov1;

	if (NOIR == param->algo) {

		assert(NULL == param->calib);
		assert(1 == dims1[MAPS_DIM]);

		sens1 = md_alloc(DIMS, dims1, CFL_SIZE);
		md_clear(DIMS, dims1, sens1, CFL_SIZE);
		fftmod(DIMS, ksp1_dims, FFT_FLAGS, kspace1, kspace1);

	fftmod(DIMS, dims1, FFT_FLAGS, sens1, sens1);
	fftmod(DIMS, ksp1_dims, FFT_FLAGS, kspace1, kspace1);

	complex float* image1 = NULL;

	long img1_dims[DIMS];
	md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, img1_dims, dims1);

	if (param->ksp && (POCS != param->algo)) {

		image1 = md_alloc(DIMS, img1_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		md_clear(DIMS, img1_dims, image1, CFL_SIZE);

	} else {

		image1 = out1;

#ifdef  USE_CUDA
	int gpun = 0;

	if (usegpu) {

		int nr_cuda_devices = MIN(cuda_devices(), MAX_CUDA_DEVICES);
		gpun = omp_get_thread_num() % nr_cuda_devices;

	const struct operator_p_s* thresh_op = NULL;

	if (param->l1wav) {

		long minsize[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 1 };
		minsize[0] = MIN(img1_dims[0], 16);
		minsize[1] = MIN(img1_dims[1], 16);
		minsize[2] = MIN(img1_dims[2], 16);
#ifndef W3
		thresh_op = prox_wavethresh_create(DIMS, img1_dims, FFT_FLAGS, minsize, param->lambda, param->randshift, usegpu);
		unsigned int wflags = 0;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (1 < img1_dims[i])
				wflags = MD_SET(wflags, i);

		thresh_op = prox_wavelet3_thresh_create(DIMS, img1_dims, wflags, minsize, param->lambda, param->randshift);
Exemplo n.º 10
int main_sense(int argc, char* argv[])
	struct sense_conf conf = sense_defaults;

	double start_time = timestamp();

	bool admm = false;
	bool ist = false;
	bool use_gpu = false;
	bool l1wav = false;
	bool lowrank = false;
	bool randshift = true;
	int maxiter = 30;
	float step = 0.95;
	float lambda = 0.;

	float restrict_fov = -1.;
	const char* pat_file = NULL;
	const char* traj_file = NULL;
	const char* image_truth_file = NULL;
	bool im_truth = false;
	bool scale_im = false;

	bool hogwild = false;
	bool fast = false;
	float admm_rho = iter_admm_defaults.rho;

	int c;
	while (-1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "Fq:l:r:s:i:u:o:O:f:t:cT:Imghp:Sd:H"))) {
		switch(c) {

		case 'H':
			hogwild = true;

		case 'F':
			fast = true;

		case 'I':
			ist = true;

		case 'T':
			im_truth = true;
			image_truth_file = strdup(optarg);
			assert(NULL != image_truth_file);

		case 'd':
			debug_level = atoi(optarg);

		case 'r':
			lambda = atof(optarg);

		case 'O':
			conf.rwiter = atoi(optarg);

		case 'o':
			conf.gamma = atof(optarg);

		case 's':
			step = atof(optarg);

		case 'i':
			maxiter = atoi(optarg);

		case 'l':
			if (1 == atoi(optarg)) {

				l1wav = true;
				lowrank = false;

			} else
			if (2 == atoi(optarg)) {

				l1wav = false;
				lowrank = false;

			} else
			if (3 == atoi(optarg)) {

				lowrank = true;
				l1wav = false;

			} else {

				usage(argv[0], stderr);

		case 'q':
			conf.cclambda = atof(optarg);

		case 'c':
			conf.rvc = true;

		case 'f':
			restrict_fov = atof(optarg);

		case 'm':
			admm = true;

		case 'u':
			admm_rho = atof(optarg);

		case 'g':
			use_gpu = true;

		case 'p':
			pat_file = strdup(optarg);

		case 't':

		case 'S':
			scale_im = true;

		case 'h':
			usage(argv[0], stdout);

			usage(argv[0], stderr);

	if (argc - optind != 3) {

		usage(argv[0], stderr);

	long map_dims[DIMS];
	long pat_dims[DIMS];
	long img_dims[DIMS];
	long ksp_dims[DIMS];
	long max_dims[DIMS];

	// load kspace and maps and get dimensions

	complex float* kspace = load_cfl(argv[optind + 0], DIMS, ksp_dims);
	complex float* maps = load_cfl(argv[optind + 1], DIMS, map_dims);

	md_copy_dims(DIMS, max_dims, ksp_dims);
	max_dims[MAPS_DIM] = map_dims[MAPS_DIM];

	md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, pat_dims, ksp_dims);
	md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, img_dims, max_dims);

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {	// sizes2[4] may be > 1
		if (ksp_dims[i] != map_dims[i]) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Dimensions of kspace and sensitivities do not match!\n");

	assert(1 == ksp_dims[MAPS_DIM]);

	(use_gpu ? num_init_gpu : num_init)();

	// print options

	if (use_gpu)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "GPU reconstruction\n");

	if (map_dims[MAPS_DIM] > 1) 
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "%ld maps.\nESPIRiT reconstruction.\n", map_dims[MAPS_DIM]);

	if (l1wav)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1-wavelet regularization\n");

	if (ist)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Use IST\n");

	if (im_truth)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Compare to truth\n");

	// initialize sampling pattern

	complex float* pattern = NULL;
	long pat_dims2[DIMS];

	if (NULL != pat_file) {

		pattern = load_cfl(pat_file, DIMS, pat_dims2);

		// FIXME: check compatibility
	} else {

		pattern = md_alloc(DIMS, pat_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		estimate_pattern(DIMS, ksp_dims, COIL_DIM, pattern, kspace);

	// print some statistics

	size_t T = md_calc_size(DIMS, pat_dims);
	long samples = (long)pow(md_znorm(DIMS, pat_dims, pattern), 2.);
	debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Size: %ld Samples: %ld Acc: %.2f\n", T, samples, (float)T / (float)samples); 

	fftmod(DIMS, ksp_dims, FFT_FLAGS, kspace, kspace);
	fftmod(DIMS, map_dims, FFT_FLAGS, maps, maps);

	// apply fov mask to sensitivities

	if (-1. != restrict_fov) {

		float restrict_dims[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 1. };
		restrict_dims[0] = restrict_fov;
		restrict_dims[1] = restrict_fov;
		restrict_dims[2] = restrict_fov;

		apply_mask(DIMS, map_dims, maps, restrict_dims);