Exemplo n.º 1
void DCTFFTW::DCTBytes2D(const uint8_t *srcp, int src_pitch, uint8_t *dctp, int dct_pitch)
    if (bitsPerSample == 8) {
        Bytes2Float<uint8_t>(srcp, src_pitch, fSrc);
        fftwf_execute_r2r(dctplan, fSrc, fSrcDCT);
        Float2Bytes<uint8_t>(dctp, dct_pitch, fSrcDCT);
    } else {
        Bytes2Float<uint16_t>(srcp, src_pitch, fSrc);
        fftwf_execute_r2r(dctplan, fSrc, fSrcDCT);
        Float2Bytes<uint16_t>(dctp, dct_pitch, fSrcDCT);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: dct.cpp Projeto: bbsun/Seis
void DCT::apply(float * in, float * out, int sign)
  static float n2 = n*2;
    for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
      out[i] *=sqrt2;
    for( int i=1;i<n;i++)
      out[i] = in[i]*cd;
    out[0] =in[0]/n2;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: MF.cpp Projeto: mitll/MatchIT
extern "C" void compute_ifft(const Element * const fft1, const Element * const fft2, Element * const ifft_out) {
    char *first;
    char *second;
    int first_offset;
    int second_offset;
// sort them
    if (std::strcmp(fft1->get(filter_filepath), fft2->get(filter_filepath)) < 0) {
        first = fft1->get(filter_filepath);
        second = fft2->get(filter_filepath);
        first_offset = fft1->get(segment_offset);
        second_offset = fft2->get(segment_offset);
    } else {
        first = fft2->get(filter_filepath);
        second = fft1->get(filter_filepath);
        first_offset = fft2->get(segment_offset);
        second_offset = fft1->get(segment_offset);
    first = fft1->get(filter_filepath);
    second = fft2->get(filter_filepath);
    first_offset = fft1->get(segment_offset);
    second_offset = fft2->get(segment_offset);
    IFDEBUGF(output_file, mutex, "computing ifft of " << first << " with offset " << first_offset << " and "
                                 << second << " with offset " << second_offset << std::endl);
    ifft_out->group(fft1, fft2);

    // complex multiplication
    float *fft1_fft = fft1->get(fft);
    float *fft2_fft = fft2->get(fft);
    float buff[fft_size];
    float ifft_buff[fft_size];
    for (size_t real_idx = 1; real_idx < fft_size / 2; real_idx++) {
        unsigned int imag_idx = fft_size - real_idx;
        float real = fft1_fft[real_idx] * fft2_fft[real_idx] - fft1_fft[imag_idx] * fft2_fft[imag_idx];
        float imag = fft1_fft[real_idx] * fft2_fft[imag_idx] + fft1_fft[imag_idx] * fft2_fft[real_idx];
        buff[real_idx] = real;
        buff[imag_idx] = imag;
    // the imaginary part of these is 0, so it is not stored
    buff[0] = fft1_fft[0] * fft2_fft[0];
    buff[fft_size/2] = fft1_fft[fft_size/2] * fft2_fft[fft_size/2];

    // compute inverse FFT and threshold the compared values
    unsigned int idx = 0;
    fftwf_execute_r2r(*ifft_plan, buff, ifft_buff);

    for (size_t i = seg_size - 2; i < fft_size; i++) { // MYSTERY
        float clipped_data = ifft_buff[i] / (float)fft_size * 32767.0;
        if (clipped_data > 32767.0) {
            clipped_data = 32767.0;
        } else if (clipped_data < -32767.0) {
            clipped_data = -32767.0;
        ifft_out->set(clipped, idx++, clipped_data);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: MF.cpp Projeto: mitll/MatchIT
extern "C" void compute_fft(const Element * const input, Element * const output) {
    output->pass_through(input, filter_filepath);
    output->pass_through(input, segment_offset);
    IFDEBUGF(output_file, mutex, "computing FFT for " << output->get(filter_filepath) << " that starts at offset " << output->get(segment_offset) << std::endl);
    output->init(fft, fft_size);
    fftwf_execute_r2r(*fft_plan, &(input->get(audio)[input->get(segment_offset)]), output->get(fft));
Exemplo n.º 5
 *  PADsynth-ize a WhySynth wavetable.
padsynth_render(y_sample_t *sample)
    int N, i, fc0, nh, plimit_low, plimit_high, rndlim_low, rndlim_high;
    float bw, stretch, bwscale, damping;
    float f, max, samplerate, bw0_Hz, relf;
    float *inbuf = global.padsynth_inbuf;
    float *outfreqs, *smp;

    /* handle the special case where the sample key limit is 256 -- these
     * don't get rendered because they're usually just sine waves, and are
     * played at very high frequency */
    if (sample->max_key == 256) {
        sample->data = (signed short *)malloc((WAVETABLE_POINTS + 8) * sizeof(signed short));
        if (!sample->data)
            return 0;
        sample->data += 4; /* guard points */
        memcpy(sample->data - 4, sample->source - 4,
               (WAVETABLE_POINTS + 8) * sizeof(signed short)); /* including guard points */
        sample->length = WAVETABLE_POINTS;
        sample->period = (float)WAVETABLE_POINTS;
        return 1;

    /* calculate the output table size */
    i = lrintf((float)global.sample_rate * 2.5f);  /* at least 2.5 seconds long -FIX- this should be configurable */
    while (N < i) {
        if (N * 5 / 4 >= i) { N = N * 5 / 4; break; }
        if (N * 3 / 2 >= i) { N = N * 3 / 2; break; }
        N <<= 1;

    /* check temporary memory and IFFT plan, allocate if needed */
    if (global.padsynth_table_size != N) {
        if (global.padsynth_ifft_plan) {
            global.padsynth_ifft_plan = NULL;
        global.padsynth_table_size = N;
    if (!global.padsynth_outfreqs)
        global.padsynth_outfreqs = (float *)fftwf_malloc(N * sizeof(float));
    if (!global.padsynth_outsamples)
        global.padsynth_outsamples = (float *)fftwf_malloc(N * sizeof(float));
    if (!global.padsynth_outfreqs || !global.padsynth_outsamples)
        return 0;
    outfreqs = global.padsynth_outfreqs;
    smp = global.padsynth_outsamples;
    if (!global.padsynth_ifft_plan)
        global.padsynth_ifft_plan =
            (void *)rfftw_create_plan(N, FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
            (void *)fftwf_plan_r2r_1d(N, global.padsynth_outfreqs,
                                      FFTW_HC2R, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
    if (!global.padsynth_ifft_plan)
        return 0;

    /* allocate sample memory */
    sample->data = (signed short *)malloc((N + 8) * sizeof(signed short));
    if (!sample->data)
        return 0;
    sample->data += 4; /* guard points */
    sample->length = N;

    /* condition parameters */
    bw = (sample->param1 ? (float)(sample->param1 * 2) : 1.0f); /* partial width: 1, or 2 to 100 cents by 2 */
    stretch = (float)(sample->param2 - 10) / 10.0f;
    stretch *= stretch * stretch / 10.0f;                       /* partial stretch: -10% to +10% */
    switch (sample->param3) {
      case  0:  bwscale = 1.0f;   break;                        /* width scale: 10% to 250% */
      case  2:  bwscale = 0.5f;   break;
      case  4:  bwscale = 0.25f;  break;
      case  6:  bwscale = 0.1f;   break;
      case  8:  bwscale = 1.5f;   break;
      case 10:  bwscale = 2.0f;   break;
      case 12:  bwscale = 2.5f;   break;
      case 14:  bwscale = 0.75f;  break;
    damping = (float)sample->param4 / 20.0f;
    damping = damping * damping * -6.0f * logf(10.0f) / 20.0f;  /* damping: 0 to -6dB per partial */

    /* obtain spectrum of input wavetable */
    YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: analyzing input table\n");
    for (i = 0; i < WAVETABLE_POINTS; i++)
        inbuf[i] = (float)sample->source[i] / 32768.0f;
    rfftw_one((rfftw_plan)global.padsynth_fft_plan, inbuf, inbuf);
    fftwf_execute((const fftwf_plan)global.padsynth_fft_plan);  /* transform inbuf in-place */
    max = 0.0f;
    if (damping > -1e-3f) { /* no damping */
        for (i = 1; i < WAVETABLE_POINTS / 2; i++) {
            inbuf[i] = sqrtf(inbuf[i] * inbuf[i] +
                             inbuf[WAVETABLE_POINTS - i] * inbuf[WAVETABLE_POINTS - i]);
            if (fabsf(inbuf[i]) > max) max = fabsf(inbuf[i]);
        if (fabsf(inbuf[WAVETABLE_POINTS / 2]) > max) max = fabsf(inbuf[WAVETABLE_POINTS / 2]);
    } else {  /* damping */
        for (i = 1; i < WAVETABLE_POINTS / 2; i++) {
            inbuf[i] = sqrtf(inbuf[i] * inbuf[i] +
                             inbuf[WAVETABLE_POINTS - i] * inbuf[WAVETABLE_POINTS - i]) *
                       expf((float)i * damping);
            if (fabsf(inbuf[i]) > max) max = fabsf(inbuf[i]);
        inbuf[WAVETABLE_POINTS / 2] = 0.0f;  /* lazy */
    if (max < 1e-5f) max = 1e-5f;
    for (i = 1; i <= WAVETABLE_POINTS / 2; i++)
        inbuf[i] /= max;

    /* create new frequency profile */
    YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: creating frequency profile\n");
    memset(outfreqs, 0, N * sizeof(float));

    /* render the fundamental at 4 semitones below the key limit */
    f = 440.0f * y_pitch[sample->max_key - 4];

    /* Find a nominal samplerate close to the real samplerate such that the
     * input partials fall exactly at integer output partials. This ensures
     * that especially the lower partials are not out of tune. Example:
     *    N = 131072
     *    global.samplerate = 44100
     *    f = 261.625565
     *    fi = f / global.samplerate = 0.00593255
     *    fc0 = int(fi * N) = int(777.592) = 778
     * so we find a new 'samplerate' that will result in fi * N being exactly 778:
     *    samplerate = f * N / fc = 44076.8
    fc0 = lrintf(f / (float)global.sample_rate * (float)N);
    sample->period = (float)N / (float)fc0;  /* frames per period */
    samplerate = f * sample->period;
    /* YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: size = %d, f = %f, fc0 = %d, period = %f\n", N, f, fc0, sample->period); */

    bw0_Hz = (powf(2.0f, bw / 1200.0f) - 1.0f) * f;

    /* Find the limits of the harmonics to be used in the output table. These
     * are 20Hz and Nyquist, corrected for the nominal-to-actual sample rate
     * difference, with the latter also corrected  for the 4-semitone shift in
     * the fundamental frequency.
     * lower partial limit:
     *   (20Hz * samplerate / global.sample_rate) / samplerate * N
     * 4-semitone shift:
     *   (2 ^ -12) ^ 4
     * upper partial limit:
     *   ((global.sample_rate / 2) * samplerate / global.sample_rate) / samplerate * N / shift
    plimit_low = lrintf(20.0f / (float)global.sample_rate * (float)N);
    /* plimit_high = lrintf(20000.0f / (float)global.sample_rate * (float)N / 1.25992f); */
    plimit_high = lrintf((float)N / 2 / 1.25992f);
    /* YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: nominal rate = %f, plimit low = %d, plimit high = %d\n", samplerate, plimit_low, plimit_high); */

    rndlim_low = N / 2;
    rndlim_high = 0;
    for (nh = 1; nh <= WAVETABLE_POINTS / 2; nh++) {
        int fc, contributed;
        float bw_Hz;  /* bandwidth of the current harmonic measured in Hz */
        float bwi;
        float fi;
        float plimit_amp;

        if (inbuf[nh] < 1e-5f)

        relf = relF(nh, stretch);
        if (relf < 1e-10f)

        bw_Hz = bw0_Hz * powf(relf, bwscale);
        bwi = bw_Hz / (2.0f * samplerate);
        fi = f * relf / samplerate;
        fc = lrintf(fi * (float)N);
        /* printf("...... kl = %d, nh = %d, fn = %f, fc = %d, bwi*N = %f\n", sample->max_key, nh, f * relf, fc, bwi * (float)N); */

        /* set plimit_amp such that we don't calculate harmonics -100dB or more
         * below the profile peak for this harmonic */
        plimit_amp = profile(0.0f, bwi) * 1e-5f / inbuf[nh];
        /* printf("...... (nh = %d, fc = %d, prof(0) = %e, plimit_amp = %e, amp = %e)\n", nh, fc, profile(0.0f, bwi), plimit_amp, inbuf[nh]); */

        /* scan profile and add partial's contribution to outfreqs */
        contributed = 0;
        for (i = (fc < plimit_high ? fc : plimit_high); i >= plimit_low; i--) {
            float hprofile = profile(((float)i / (float)N) - fi, bwi);
            if (hprofile < plimit_amp) {
                /* printf("...... (i = %d, profile = %e)\n", i, hprofile); */
            outfreqs[i] += hprofile * inbuf[nh];
            contributed = 1;
        if (contributed && rndlim_low > i + 1) rndlim_low = i + 1;
        contributed = 0;
        for (i = (fc + 1 > plimit_low ? fc + 1 : plimit_low); i <= plimit_high; i++) {
            float hprofile = profile(((float)i / (float)N) - fi, bwi);
            if (hprofile < plimit_amp) {
                /* printf("...... (i = %d, profile = %e)\n", i, hprofile); */
            outfreqs[i] += hprofile * inbuf[nh];
            contributed = 1;
        if (contributed && rndlim_high < i - 1) rndlim_high = i - 1;
    if (rndlim_low > rndlim_high) {  /* somehow, outfreqs is still empty */
        YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render WARNING: empty output table (key limit = %d)\n", sample->max_key);
        rndlim_low = rndlim_high = fc0;
        outfreqs[fc0] = 1.0f;

    /* randomize the phases */
    /* YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: randomizing phases (%d to %d, kl=%d)\n", rndlim_low, rndlim_high, sample->max_key); */
    YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: randomizing phases\n");
    if (rndlim_high >= N / 2) rndlim_high = N / 2 - 1;
    for (i = rndlim_low; i < rndlim_high; i++) {
        float phase = RND() * 2.0f * M_PI_F;
        outfreqs[N - i] = outfreqs[i] * cosf(phase);
        outfreqs[i]     = outfreqs[i] * sinf(phase);

    /* inverse FFT back to time domain */
    YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: performing inverse FFT\n");
    rfftw_one((rfftw_plan)global.padsynth_ifft_plan, outfreqs, smp);
    /* remember restrictions on FFTW3 'guru' execute: buffers must be the same
     * sizes, same in-place-ness or out-of-place-ness, and same alignment as
     * when plan was created. */
    fftwf_execute_r2r((const fftwf_plan)global.padsynth_ifft_plan, outfreqs, smp);

    /* normalize and convert output data */
    YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: normalizing output\n");
    max = 0.0f;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) if (fabsf(smp[i]) > max) max = fabsf(smp[i]);
    if (max < 1e-5f) max = 1e-5f;
    max = 32767.0f / max;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
         sample->data[i] = lrintf(smp[i] * max);

    /* copy guard points */
    for (i = -4; i < 0; i++)
        sample->data[i] = sample->data[i + N];
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        sample->data[N + i] = sample->data[i];

    YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_SAMPLE, " padsynth_render: done\n");

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
int prep_subbands(float *fdata, float *rawdata, int *delays, int numsubbands,
                  struct spectra_info *s, int transpose, 
                  int *maskchans, int *nummasked, mask * obsmask)
// This routine preps a block of raw spectra for subbanding.  It uses
// dispersion delays in 'delays' to de-disperse the data into
// 'numsubbands' subbands.  It stores the resulting data in vector
// 'fdata' of length 'numsubbands' * 's->spectra_per_subint'.  The low
// freq subband is stored first, then the next highest subband etc,
// with 's->spectra_per_subint' floating points per subband. It
// returns the # of points read if succesful, 0 otherwise.
// 'maskchans' is an array of length numchans which contains a list of
// the number of channels that were masked.  The # of channels masked
// is returned in 'nummasked'.  'obsmask' is the mask structure to use
// for masking.  If 'transpose'==0, the data will be kept in time
// order instead of arranged by subband as above.
   int ii, jj, trtn, offset;
   double starttime = 0.0;
   static float *tmpswap, *rawdata1, *rawdata2;
   static float *currentdata, *lastdata;
   static int firsttime = 1, mask = 0;
   static fftwf_plan tplan1, tplan2;

   *nummasked = 0;
   if (firsttime) {
       if (obsmask->numchan)
           mask = 1;
       rawdata1 = gen_fvect(s->spectra_per_subint * s->num_channels);
       rawdata2 = gen_fvect(s->spectra_per_subint * s->num_channels);
       currentdata = rawdata1;
       lastdata = rawdata2;
       // Make plans to do fast transposes using FFTW
       tplan1 = plan_transpose(s->spectra_per_subint, s->num_channels,
                               currentdata, currentdata);
       tplan2 = plan_transpose(numsubbands, s->spectra_per_subint,
                               fdata, fdata);

   /* Read and de-disperse */
   memcpy(currentdata, rawdata, s->spectra_per_subint * s->num_channels * sizeof(float));
   starttime = currentspectra * s->dt; // or -1 subint?
   if (mask)
      *nummasked = check_mask(starttime, s->time_per_subint, obsmask, maskchans);

   /* Clip nasty RFI if requested and we're not masking all the channels*/
   if ((s->clip_sigma > 0.0) && !(mask && (*nummasked == -1)))
      clip_times(currentdata, s->spectra_per_subint, s->num_channels, s->clip_sigma, s->padvals);

   if (mask) {
      if (*nummasked == -1) {   /* If all channels are masked */
         for (ii = 0; ii < s->spectra_per_subint; ii++)
             memcpy(currentdata + ii * s->num_channels, 
                    s->padvals, s->num_channels * sizeof(float));
      } else if (*nummasked > 0) {      /* Only some of the channels are masked */
         int channum;
         for (ii = 0; ii < s->spectra_per_subint; ii++) {
            offset = ii * s->num_channels;
            for (jj = 0; jj < *nummasked; jj++) {
               channum = maskchans[jj];
               currentdata[offset + channum] = s->padvals[channum];

   // In mpiprepsubband, the nodes do not call read_subbands() where
   // currentspectra gets incremented.
   if (using_MPI) currentspectra += s->spectra_per_subint;
   // Now transpose the raw block of data so that the times in each
   // channel are the most rapidly varying index
   fftwf_execute_r2r(tplan1, currentdata, currentdata);

   if (firsttime) {
       SWAP(currentdata, lastdata);
       firsttime = 0;
       return 0;
   } else {
       dedisp_subbands(currentdata, lastdata, s->spectra_per_subint, s->num_channels,
                       delays, numsubbands, fdata);
       SWAP(currentdata, lastdata);
       // Transpose the resulting data into spectra as a function of time
       if (transpose==0)
           fftwf_execute_r2r(tplan2, fdata, fdata);
       return s->spectra_per_subint;