double getFrameSharpnessValue(unsigned char *data, int len)
    int Gpos = 0;
    char c; unsigned short int cnt; int i;
    int cnt2 = 0;
    unsigned char uc;
    assert(sizeof(cnt) == 2);
    assert(sizeof(int) == 4);
    unsigned char *buffer;
    double sumAC[64];
    double sumSqrAC[64];

    int width = -1; int height = -1;
    int huffman_DCY = -1; int huffman_ACY = -1;
    int quant_Y = -1;
    int scaleH_Y = 0; int scaleV_Y = 0;

    unsigned char dht_lookup_bitlen[4][162];
    unsigned int dht_lookup_bits[4][162];
    unsigned int dht_lookup_mask[4][162];
    unsigned char dht_lookup_code[4][162];
    unsigned char dht_lookup_size[4];

    float *QT[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };

    unsigned int mask[17] = { 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000f, 0x0000001f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000007f, 0x000000ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000007ff, 0x00000fff, 0x00001fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00007fff, 0x0000ffff };

    char fgetc_(void) {
        return data[Gpos++];

    while(!(Gpos >= len)) {
        c = fgetc_();
        while(c != '\xff') {
            c = fgetc_();
        c = fgetc_();
        if(c == '\xd8' || c == '\xe0' || c == '\x00') {
        } else if(c == '\xdb') { // read in quantization table
            c = fgetc_(); cnt = (unsigned char)(c) * 256;
            c = fgetc_(); cnt += (unsigned char)(c);
            assert(cnt == 67);
            uc = fgetc_(); if((uc >> 4) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "16bit quantization table not supported\n");
            int tab = uc & 0x0f;
            QT[tab] = (float *)malloc(64 * sizeof(float));
            unsigned char hc = 0; int j;
            for(j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
                uc = fgetc_(); QT[tab][j] = (float)uc;
                hc ^= uc;
        } else if(c == '\xc4') { // read in huffmann table
Exemplo n.º 2
/* return next token from input */
int get_next_token(FILE* in) {
  char current;                        /* current character */
  int i, lexlen = 0;                   /* length of lexeme */

  while (isspace(current = fgetc_(in)))/* skip whitespace */
    if (current == '\n') { ++lineno; charno = 1; }

  while (current == '#') {             /* skip comments */
    while ((current = fgetc_(in)) != '\n');
    ++lineno; charno = 1;
    while (isspace(current = fgetc_(in)))
      if (current == '\n') { ++lineno; charno = 1; }

  if (isalpha(current)) {              /* tokenize names */
    do {
      if (lexlen < 65)                 /* lexeme holds first 64 chars */
        buffer[lexlen++] = current;    /* construct lexeme */
    } while (isalnum(current = fgetc_(in)));
    ungetc_(current, in);              /* ungetc_ current */
    buffer[lexlen] = '\0';             /* terminate string */
    for (i=0; i<num_rids; i++) {       /* check for reserved names */
      if (!strcmp(buffer, rids[i].name))
        return rids[i].type;
    return T_ID;

  switch (current) {                   /* tokenize smbolic operators */
    case ':':                          /* ambiguous symbols */
      if ((current = fgetc_(in)) == '=')
        return T_ASSIGN;
      ungetc_(current, in);
      return T_COLON;
    case '=':
      if ((current = fgetc_(in)) == '>')
        return T_IMPL;
      ungetc_(current, in);
      return T_EQ;
    case '|':
      if ((current = fgetc_(in)) == '|')
        return T_CONCUR;
      ungetc_(current, in);
      return T_OR;
    case ';':                          /* unique symbols */
      return T_SEMI;
    case '!':
      return T_NOT;
    case '&':
      return T_AND;
    case '(':
      return T_L_PAREN;
    case ')':
      return T_R_PAREN;
    case '{':
      return T_L_BRACE;
    case '}':
      return T_R_BRACE;
    case '[':
      return T_L_BRACK;
    case ']':
      return T_R_BRACK;
    case EOF:
      return T_EOF;
    default:                           /* unrecognized symbol */
      fprintf(stderr, "Scan error on line %i:%i invalid character '%c'\n",
lineno, charno, current);
            c = fgetc_(); cnt += (unsigned char)(c);
            assert(cnt == 67);
            uc = fgetc_(); if((uc >> 4) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "16bit quantization table not supported\n");
            int tab = uc & 0x0f;
            QT[tab] = (float *)malloc(64 * sizeof(float));
            unsigned char hc = 0; int j;
            for(j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
                uc = fgetc_(); QT[tab][j] = (float)uc;
                hc ^= uc;
        } else if(c == '\xc4') { // read in huffmann table
            // 0 and 2 are DC tables (0-15), 1 and 3 are AC tables (0-255)
            c = fgetc_(); cnt = (unsigned char)(c) * 256;
            c = fgetc_(); cnt += (unsigned char)(c);
            buffer = data + Gpos; Gpos += cnt - 2;

            // parse huffman table...
            int pos = 0; unsigned short int tab = 0;
            do {
                uc = buffer[pos]; pos++;
                tab = (uc >> 4) + (uc & 0x0f) * 2;
                tab = (uc & 0x0f) * 2 + (uc >> 4);
                int pos2 = pos + 16;
                unsigned char DhtCodesLen[16];
                int i_len; int table_ind = 0;
                int code_val = 0; int ind_code;
                for(i_len = 1; i_len <= 16; i_len++) {
                    DhtCodesLen[i_len-1] = (unsigned char)(buffer[pos+i_len-1]);