Exemplo n.º 1
void QgsWFSTableSelectedCallback::tableSelected( const QString& name )
  QString typeName( QgsSQLStatement::stripQuotedIdentifier( name ) );
  QString prefixedTypename( mCaps.addPrefixIfNeeded( typeName ) );
  if ( prefixedTypename.isEmpty() )
  QgsWFSDataSourceURI uri( mURI );
  uri.setTypeName( prefixedTypename );
  QgsWFSProvider p( uri.uri(), mCaps );
  if ( !p.isValid() )

  QList< QgsSQLComposerDialog::PairNameType> fieldList;
  QString fieldNamePrefix( QgsSQLStatement::quotedIdentifierIfNeeded( typeName ) + "." );
  Q_FOREACH ( const QgsField& field, p.fields().toList() )
    QString fieldName( fieldNamePrefix + QgsSQLStatement::quotedIdentifierIfNeeded( field.name() ) );
    fieldList << QgsSQLComposerDialog::PairNameType( fieldName, field.typeName() );
  if ( !p.geometryAttribute().isEmpty() )
    QString fieldName( fieldNamePrefix + QgsSQLStatement::quotedIdentifierIfNeeded( p.geometryAttribute() ) );
    fieldList << QgsSQLComposerDialog::PairNameType( fieldName, "geometry" );
  fieldList << QgsSQLComposerDialog::PairNameType( fieldNamePrefix + "*", "" );

  mDialog->addColumnNames( fieldList, name );
void timeVaryingFixedDisplacementFvPatchVectorField::updateCoeffs()
    if (this->updated())

    vectorField disp

    if (fieldName() == "DU")
        const fvPatchField<vector>& U =
          patch().lookupPatchField<volVectorField, vector>("U");
        disp -= U;
    else if (fieldName() != "U")
            << "The displacement field should be U or DU"
            << exit(FatalError);


Exemplo n.º 3
String StructureShape::toJSONString() const
    // This returns a JSON string representing an Object with the following properties:
    //     constructorName: 'String'
    //     fields: 'Array<String>'
    //     optionalFields: 'Array<String>'
    //     proto: 'JSON<StructureShape> | null'

    StringBuilder json;


    bool hasAnItem = false;
    for (auto it = m_fields.begin(), end = m_fields.end(); it != end; ++it) {
        if (hasAnItem)
        hasAnItem = true;

        String fieldName((*it).get());

    hasAnItem = false;
    for (auto it = m_optionalFields.begin(), end = m_optionalFields.end(); it != end; ++it) {
        if (hasAnItem)
        hasAnItem = true;

        String fieldName((*it).get());

    if (m_proto)


    return json.toString();
bool QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator::prepareStatement( const QString& whereClause, long limit )
  if ( !mHandle )
    return false;

    QString sql = QString( "SELECT %1" ).arg( mHasPrimaryKey ? quotedPrimaryKey() : "0" );
    int colIdx = 1; // column 0 is primary key

    if ( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::SubsetOfAttributes )
      const QgsAttributeList& fetchAttributes = mRequest.subsetOfAttributes();
      for ( QgsAttributeList::const_iterator it = fetchAttributes.constBegin(); it != fetchAttributes.constEnd(); ++it )
        sql += ',' + fieldName( mSource->mFields.field( *it ) );
      // fetch all attributes
      for ( int idx = 0; idx < mSource->mFields.count(); ++idx )
        sql += ',' + fieldName( mSource->mFields.at( idx ) );

    if ( mFetchGeometry )
      sql += QString( ", AsBinary(%1)" ).arg( QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ) );
      mGeomColIdx = colIdx;
    sql += QString( " FROM %1" ).arg( mSource->mQuery );

    if ( !whereClause.isEmpty() )
      sql += QString( " WHERE %1" ).arg( whereClause );

    if ( limit >= 0 )
      sql += QString( " LIMIT %1" ).arg( limit );

    if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( mHandle->handle(), sql.toUtf8().constData(), -1, &sqliteStatement, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK )
      // some error occurred
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "SQLite error: %2\nSQL: %1" ).arg( sql, sqlite3_errmsg( mHandle->handle() ) ), QObject::tr( "SpatiaLite" ) );
      return false;
  catch ( QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::SLFieldNotFound )
    return false;

  return true;
panzer::GatherBasisCoordinates<EvalT, TRAITS>::
GatherBasisCoordinates(const panzer::PureBasis & basis)
  basisName_ = basis.name();

  basisCoordinates_ = PHX::MDField<ScalarT,Cell,BASIS,Dim>(fieldName(basisName_),basis.coordinates);


  this->setName("Gather "+fieldName(basisName_));
panzer::GatherIntegrationCoordinates<EvalT, Traits>::
GatherIntegrationCoordinates(const panzer::IntegrationRule & quad)
  quadDegree_ = quad.cubature_degree;

  quadCoordinates_ = PHX::MDField<ScalarT,Cell,Point,Dim>(fieldName(quadDegree_),quad.dl_vector);


  this->setName("Gather "+fieldName(quadDegree_));
Exemplo n.º 7
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::amgSolver::solve
    scalarField& x,
    const scalarField& b,
    const direction cmpt
) const
    // Prepare solver performance
    lduSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName());

    scalar norm = this->normFactor(x, b, cmpt);

    // Calculate initial residual
    solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(amg_.residual(x, b, cmpt))/norm;
    solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual();

    if (!stop(solverPerf))
            amg_.cycle(x, b, cmpt);

            // Re-calculate residual
            solverPerf.finalResidual() =
                gSumMag(amg_.residual(x, b, cmpt))/norm;

        } while (!stop(solverPerf));

    return solverPerf;
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::cufflink_DiagPCG_Parallel::solve
    scalarField& x,
    const scalarField& b,
    const direction cmpt
) const
	if (!Pstream::parRun()) {
		FatalErrorIn("cufflink:\nMulti-GPU Solver cannot be run serially.  Choose the serial version of the solver")<< "Fatal Error"<< abort(FatalError);

	OFSolverPerformance OFSP;//container for solver performance

	#include "../CFL_Headers/getGPUStorage.H"

	// --- Setup class containing solver performance data
    lduSolverPerformance solverPerf("cufflink_DiagPCG_Parallel",fieldName());

    register label nCells = x.size();
    register label NFaces = matrix().lower().size();
    OFSP.nCells = nCells;
    OFSP.nFaces = NFaces;
    OFSP.debugCusp = false;
    if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) {
    	OFSP.debugCusp = true;

//interface gathering

	//used when launching kernals in machines with multiple gpus
	int gpusPerMachine = readInt(dict().lookup("gpusPerMachine"));

	//get all the interface information
	#include "../CFL_Headers/getInterfaces.H"

	OFInterfaces.gpusPerMachine = gpusPerMachine;

	if(!OFInterfaces.checkGPUCount(OFInterfaces.gpusPerMachine)) {
		FatalErrorIn("checkGPUCount:\nThe number of GPUs per machine is not correct.\nChange the gpusPerMachine variable in fvSolution")<< "Fatal Error"<< abort(FatalError);
//end interface gathering

	#include "../CFL_Headers/initializeCusp.H"

	//set the device
	cudaError_t cudareturn; 
	cudareturn = cudaSetDevice(Pstream::myProcNo() % (gpusPerMachine));
	if (cudareturn == cudaErrorInvalidDevice){ perror("cudaSetDevice returned  cudaErrorInvalidDevice");  } 

	CFL_DiagPCG_Parallel(&CES, &OFSP, &OFInterfaces);//call the CUDA code to solve the system
	thrust::copy(CES.X.begin(),CES.X.end(),x.begin());//copy the x vector back to Openfoam
	solverPerf.initialResidual() = OFSP.iRes;//return initial residual
	solverPerf.finalResidual() = OFSP.fRes;//return final residual
	solverPerf.nIterations() = OFSP.nIterations;//return the number of iterations
	//solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance(), relTolerance()) ; what should be passed here and does this waste time?
    return solverPerf;
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::gmresSolver::solve
    scalarField& x,
    const scalarField& b,
    const direction cmpt
) const
    // Prepare solver performance
    lduSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName());

    scalarField wA(x.size());
    scalarField rA(x.size());

    // Calculate initial residual
    matrix_.Amul(wA, x, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt);

    // Use rA as scratch space when calculating the normalisation factor
    scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(x, b, wA, rA, cmpt);

    if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2)
        Info<< "   Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl;

    // Calculate residual
    forAll (rA, i)
        rA[i] = b[i] - wA[i];
Exemplo n.º 10
float* Dorade::getRayData(int &ray, const QString& field)

	int fldIndex = -1;
	for (int j=0; j<(rptr->num_param_desc); j++) {
		QString fieldName(pptr[j].parm_name);
		if (fieldName.size() > 8) fieldName.resize(8);
		if (field == fieldName) {
			// Match
			fldIndex = j;
	if (fldIndex < 0) {
		// No match
		return NULL;

	if (ray<(sptr->num_rays)) {
		return dptr[fldIndex][ray].data;
	} else {
		return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 11
UBool CalendarCaseTest::checkField(Calendar *cal, UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t value, UErrorCode &status)
  if(U_FAILURE(status)) return FALSE;
  int32_t res = cal->get(field, status);
  if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    errln((UnicodeString)"Checking field " + fieldName(field) + " and got " + u_errorName(status));
    return FALSE;
  if(res != value) {
    errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Checking field " + fieldName(field) + " expected " + value + " and got " + res + UnicodeString("\n"));
    return FALSE;
  } else {
    logln((UnicodeString)"Checking field " + fieldName(field) + " == " + value + UnicodeString("\n"));
  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 12
QString FLManager::formatAssignValue(FLFieldMetaData *fMD, const QVariant &v, const bool upper)
  if (!fMD)
    return "1 = 1";

  FLTableMetaData *mtd = fMD->metadata();
  QString fieldName(fMD->name());

  if (mtd && mtd->isQuery()) {
    QString prefixTable(mtd->name());
    FLSqlQuery *qry = query(mtd->query());

    if (qry) {
      QStringList fL(qry->fieldList());

      for (QStringList::Iterator it = fL.begin(); it != fL.end(); ++it) {
        prefixTable = (*it).section('.', 0, 0);
        if ((*it).section('.', 1, 1) == fieldName)


    fieldName.prepend(prefixTable + ".");

  return formatAssignValue(fieldName, fMD->type(), v, upper);
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::bicgStabSolver::solve
    scalarField& x,
    const scalarField& b,
    const direction cmpt
) const
    // Prepare solver performance
    lduSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName());

    scalarField p(x.size());
    scalarField r(x.size());

    // Calculate initial residual
    matrix_.Amul(p, x, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt);

    scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(x, b, p, r, cmpt);

    if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2)
        Info<< "   Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl;

    // Calculate residual
    forAll (r, i)
        r[i] = b[i] - p[i];
Exemplo n.º 14
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::cufflink_CG::solve
    scalarField& x,
    const scalarField& b,
    const direction cmpt
) const
	OFSolverPerformance OFSP;//container for solver performance

	#include "../CFL_Headers/getGPUStorage.H"

	// --- Setup class containing solver performance data
    lduSolverPerformance solverPerf("cufflink_CG",fieldName());

    register label nCells = x.size();
    register label NFaces = matrix().lower().size();
    OFSP.nCells = nCells;
    OFSP.nFaces = NFaces;
    OFSP.debugCusp = false;
    if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) {
         OFSP.debugCusp = true;

	#include "../CFL_Headers/initializeCusp.H"

	CFL_CG(&CES, &OFSP);//call the CUDA code to solve the system
	thrust::copy(CES.X.begin(),CES.X.end(),x.begin());//copy the x vector back to Openfoam
	solverPerf.initialResidual() = OFSP.iRes;//return initial residual
	solverPerf.finalResidual() = OFSP.fRes;//return final residual
	solverPerf.nIterations() = OFSP.nIterations;//return the number of iterations
	//solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance(), relTolerance()) ; what should be passed here and does this waste time?
    return solverPerf;
Exemplo n.º 15
void Q3SqlCursor::sync()
    if (isActive() && isValid() && d->lastAt != at()) {
        d->lastAt = at();
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        bool haveCalculatedFields = false;
        for (; i < count(); ++i) {
            if (!haveCalculatedFields && d->infoBuffer[i].isCalculated()) {
                haveCalculatedFields = true;
            if (QSqlRecord::isGenerated(i)) {
                QVariant v = QSqlQuery::value(j);
                if ((v.type() == QVariant::String) &&
                        d->infoBuffer[i].isTrim()) {
                    v = qTrim(v.toString());
                QSqlRecord::setValue(i, v);
                if (QSqlQuery::isNull(j))
        if (haveCalculatedFields) {
            for (i = 0; i < count(); ++i) {
                if (d->infoBuffer[i].isCalculated())
                    QSqlRecord::setValue(i, calculateField(fieldName(i)));
Exemplo n.º 16
 int BSONElement::getGtLtOp() const {
     const char *fn = fieldName();
     if ( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] ) {
         if ( fn[2] == 't' ) {
             if ( fn[1] == 'g' ) {
                 if ( fn[3] == 0 ) return BSONObj::GT;
                 else if ( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) return BSONObj::GTE;
             else if ( fn[1] == 'l' ) {
                 if ( fn[3] == 0 ) return BSONObj::LT;
                 else if ( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) return BSONObj::LTE;
         else if ( fn[2] == 'e' ) {
             if ( fn[1] == 'n' && fn[3] == 0 )
                 return BSONObj::NE;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'i' && fn[2] == 'n' && fn[3] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opIN;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'n' && fn[2] == 'i' && fn[3] == 'n' && fn[4] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::NIN;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'a' && fn[2] == 'l' && fn[3] == 'l' && fn[4] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opALL;
         else if ( fn[1] == 's' && fn[2] == 'i' && fn[3] == 'z' && fn[4] == 'e' && fn[5] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opSIZE;
     return BSONObj::Equality;
Exemplo n.º 17
const IniConfigT::Str *IniConfigT::Section::getValue(const ConstStrA &field, natural index) const {
			if (prefix.empty()) {
				return owner.getValue(section,field,index);
			} else {
				StringA fieldName(prefix+field);
				return owner.getValue(section,fieldName,index);
BSONObj BSONElement::embeddedObjectUserCheck() const {
    if (MONGO_likely(isABSONObj()))
        return BSONObj(value(), BSONObj::LargeSizeTrait{});
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "invalid parameter: expected an object (" << fieldName() << ")";
    uasserted(10065, ss.str());
    return BSONObj();  // never reachable
Exemplo n.º 19
void symbols_init(){
	int i;
	symbols_size = 128;
	symbols = (Symbol*) malloc(symbols_size * sizeof(Symbol));
Exemplo n.º 20
Status ServerSelectionMetadata::upconvert(const BSONObj& legacyCommand,
                                          const int legacyQueryFlags,
                                          BSONObjBuilder* commandBob,
                                          BSONObjBuilder* metadataBob) {
    // The secondaryOK option is equivalent to the slaveOk bit being set on legacy commands.
    BSONObjBuilder ssmBob;
    if (legacyQueryFlags & QueryOption_SlaveOk) {
        ssmBob.append(kSecondaryOkFieldName, 1);

    // First we need to check if we have a wrapped command. That is, a command of the form
    // {'$query': { 'commandName': 1, ...}, '$someOption': 5, ....}. Curiously, the field name
    // of the wrapped query can be either '$query', or 'query'.
    auto swUnwrapped = unwrapCommand(legacyCommand);
    if (!swUnwrapped.isOK()) {
        return swUnwrapped.getStatus();

    BSONObj maybeUnwrapped;
    bool wasWrapped;
    std::tie(wasWrapped, maybeUnwrapped) = swUnwrapped.getValue();

    if (wasWrapped) {
        // Check if legacyCommand has an invalid $maxTimeMS option.
        // TODO: Move this check elsewhere when we handle upconverting/downconverting maxTimeMS.
        if (legacyCommand.hasField("$maxTimeMS")) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions,
                          "cannot use $maxTimeMS query option with "
                          "commands; use maxTimeMS command option "

        // If the command was wrapped, we can write out the upconverted command now, as there
        // is nothing else we need to remove from it.

        auto status = extractWrappedReadPreference(legacyCommand, &ssmBob);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
    } else {
        // If the command was not wrapped, we need to check for a readPreference sent by mongos
        // on the $queryOptions field of the command. If it is set, we remove it from the
        // upconverted command, so we need to pass the command builder along.

        auto status = extractUnwrappedReadPreference(maybeUnwrapped, commandBob, &ssmBob);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

    auto ssm = ssmBob.done();
    if (!ssm.isEmpty()) {
        metadataBob->append(fieldName(), ssm);
    return Status::OK();
Exemplo n.º 21
telldata::tell_var* telldata::user_struct::field_var(char*& fname) {
   std::string fieldName(fname); fieldName.erase(0,1);

   for(recfieldsNAME::const_iterator CI  = _fieldList.begin();
                                     CI != _fieldList.end(); CI++) {
         if (fieldName == CI->first) return CI->second;
   return NULL;
		TITANIUM_FUNCTION(ResultSet, fieldName)
			ENSURE_UINT_AT_INDEX(index, 0);

			const std::string result = fieldName(index);
			if (result.empty()) {
				return get_context().CreateNull();
			return get_context().CreateString(result);
Exemplo n.º 23
Field *Node::getField(const char *fieldString) 
	String fieldName(fieldString);

	int nField = getNFields();
	for (int n=0; n<nField; n++) {
		Field *field = getField(n);
		if (fieldName.compareTo(field->getName()) == 0)
			return field;
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 24
Status ServerSelectionMetadata::downconvert(const BSONObj& command,
                                            const BSONObj& metadata,
                                            BSONObjBuilder* legacyCommand,
                                            int* legacyQueryFlags) {
    auto ssmElem = metadata.getField(fieldName());
    if (ssmElem.eoo()) {
        // slaveOk is false by default.
        *legacyQueryFlags &= ~mongo::QueryOption_SlaveOk;
        return Status::OK();
    } else if (ssmElem.type() != mongo::Object) {
        return {
            str::stream() << "ServerSelectionMetadata metadata element must be an object, but got "
                          << typeName(ssmElem.type())};

    auto ssmObj = ssmElem.Obj();
    BSONElement secondaryOkElem;
    BSONElement readPreferenceElem;

    for (auto&& el : ssmObj) {
        auto fname = el.fieldNameStringData();
        if (fname == kSecondaryOkFieldName) {
            secondaryOkElem = std::move(el);
        } else if (fname == kReadPreferenceFieldName) {
            readPreferenceElem = std::move(el);

    if (!secondaryOkElem.eoo() && secondaryOkElem.trueValue()) {
        *legacyQueryFlags |= mongo::QueryOption_SlaveOk;
    } else {
        *legacyQueryFlags &= ~mongo::QueryOption_SlaveOk;

    if (!readPreferenceElem.eoo()) {
        // Use 'query' to wrap query, then append read preference.

        // NOTE(amidvidy): Oddly, the _isSecondaryQuery implementation in dbclient_rs does
        // not unwrap the query properly - it only checks for 'query', and not
        // '$query'. We should probably standardize on one - drivers use '$query',
        // and the shell uses 'query'. See SERVER-18705 for details.

        // TODO: this may need to use the $queryOptions hack on mongos.
        legacyCommand->append(kQueryWrapper, command);
    } else {

    return Status::OK();
Exemplo n.º 25
     * Suppress the "err" and "code" field if they are coming from a previous write error and
     * are not related to write concern.  Also removes any write stats information (e.g. "n")
     * Also, In some cases, 2.4 GLE w/ wOpTime can give us duplicate "err" and "code" fields b/c of
     * reporting a previous error.  The later field is what we want - dedup and use later field.
     * Returns the stripped GLE response.
    BSONObj BatchSafeWriter::stripNonWCInfo( const BSONObj& gleResponse ) {

        BSONObjIterator it( gleResponse );
        BSONObjBuilder builder;

        BSONElement codeField; // eoo
        BSONElement errField; // eoo

        while ( it.more() ) {
            BSONElement el = it.next();
            StringData fieldName( el.fieldName() );
            if ( fieldName.compare( "err" ) == 0 ) {
                errField = el;
            else if ( fieldName.compare( "code" ) == 0 ) {
                codeField = el;
            else if ( fieldName.compare( "n" ) == 0 || fieldName.compare( "nModified" ) == 0
                      || fieldName.compare( "upserted" ) == 0
                      || fieldName.compare( "updatedExisting" ) == 0 ) {
                // Suppress field
            else {
                builder.append( el );

        if ( !codeField.eoo() ) {
            if ( !gleResponse["ok"].trueValue() ) {
                // The last code will be from the write concern
                builder.append( codeField );
            else {
                // The code is from a non-wc error on this connection - suppress it

        if ( !errField.eoo() ) {
            string err = errField.str();
            if ( err == "norepl" || err == "noreplset" || err == "timeout" ) {
                // Append err if it's from a write concern issue
                builder.append( errField );
            else {
                // Suppress non-write concern err as null, but we need to report null err if ok
                if ( gleResponse["ok"].trueValue() )
                    builder.appendNull( errField.fieldName() );

        return builder.obj();
Exemplo n.º 26
  * A doc is empty if it only contains the fields id and text
 static bool docEmpty( lucene::document::Document* doc ) {
     int cnt = 0;
     lucene::document::DocumentFieldEnumeration* it = doc->fields();
     while ( it->hasMoreElements() ) {
         lucene::document::Field* field = it->nextElement();
         TString fieldName( field->name(), true );
         if ( fieldName != Index::idFieldName() &&
              fieldName != Index::textFieldName() )
     delete it;
     return cnt == 0;
PTPFollowupCorruptionComponent::PTPFollowupCorruptionComponent(ValueTree corruptionTree_, int64 adapterGuid_) :
	PTPCorruptionComponent(corruptionTree_, adapterGuid_)
	titleLabel.setText("Follow_Up field corruption", dontSendNotification);

	for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < PacketFollowUp::NUM_FIELDS; ++fieldIndex)
		String fieldName(PacketFollowUp::getFieldName(fieldIndex));
		PacketPTP::Field field;
		field.index = fieldIndex;
		PacketFollowUp::getField(field, adapterGuid_);
		addFieldComponent(fieldName, field);
Exemplo n.º 28
 int BSONElement::getGtLtOp( int def ) const {
     const char *fn = fieldName();
     if ( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] ) {
         if ( fn[2] == 't' ) {
             if ( fn[1] == 'g' ) {
                 if ( fn[3] == 0 ) return BSONObj::GT;
                 else if ( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) return BSONObj::GTE;
             else if ( fn[1] == 'l' ) {
                 if ( fn[3] == 0 ) return BSONObj::LT;
                 else if ( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) return BSONObj::LTE;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'n' && fn[2] == 'e' ){
             if ( fn[3] == 0 )
                 return BSONObj::NE;
             if ( fn[3] == 'a' && fn[4] == 'r' && fn[5] == 0 )
                 return BSONObj::opNEAR;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'm' ){
             if ( fn[2] == 'o' && fn[3] == 'd' && fn[4] == 0 )
                 return BSONObj::opMOD;
             if ( fn[2] == 'a' && fn[3] == 'x' && fn[4] == 'D' && fn[5] == 'i' && fn[6] == 's' && fn[7] == 't' && fn[8] == 'a' && fn[9] == 'n' && fn[10] == 'c' && fn[11] == 'e' && fn[12] == 0 )
                 return BSONObj::opMAX_DISTANCE;
         else if ( fn[1] == 't' && fn[2] == 'y' && fn[3] == 'p' && fn[4] == 'e' && fn[5] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opTYPE;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'i' && fn[2] == 'n' && fn[3] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opIN;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'n' && fn[2] == 'i' && fn[3] == 'n' && fn[4] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::NIN;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'a' && fn[2] == 'l' && fn[3] == 'l' && fn[4] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opALL;
         else if ( fn[1] == 's' && fn[2] == 'i' && fn[3] == 'z' && fn[4] == 'e' && fn[5] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opSIZE;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'e' ){
             if ( fn[2] == 'x' && fn[3] == 'i' && fn[4] == 's' && fn[5] == 't' && fn[6] == 's' && fn[7] == 0 )
                 return BSONObj::opEXISTS;
             if ( fn[2] == 'l' && fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 'm' && fn[5] == 'M' && fn[6] == 'a' && fn[7] == 't' && fn[8] == 'c' && fn[9] == 'h' && fn[10] == 0 )
                 return BSONObj::opELEM_MATCH;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'r' && fn[2] == 'e' && fn[3] == 'g' && fn[4] == 'e' && fn[5] == 'x' && fn[6] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opREGEX;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'o' && fn[2] == 'p' && fn[3] == 't' && fn[4] == 'i' && fn[5] == 'o' && fn[6] == 'n' && fn[7] == 's' && fn[8] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opOPTIONS;
         else if ( fn[1] == 'w' && fn[2] == 'i' && fn[3] == 't' && fn[4] == 'h' && fn[5] == 'i' && fn[6] == 'n' && fn[7] == 0 )
             return BSONObj::opWITHIN;
     return def;
Exemplo n.º 29
void LogicalTimeMetadata::writeToMetadata(BSONObjBuilder* metadataBuilder) const {
    BSONObjBuilder subObjBuilder(metadataBuilder->subobjStart(fieldName()));
    _clusterTime.getTime().asTimestamp().append(subObjBuilder.bb(), kClusterTimeFieldName);

    BSONObjBuilder signatureObjBuilder(subObjBuilder.subobjStart(kSignatureFieldName));
    // Logical time metadata is only written when the LogicalTimeValidator is set, which
    // means the cluster time should always have a proof.
    _clusterTime.getProof()->appendAsBinData(signatureObjBuilder, kSignatureHashFieldName);
    signatureObjBuilder.append(kSignatureKeyIdFieldName, _clusterTime.getKeyId());

Exemplo n.º 30
    Document::Document(BSONObj *pBsonObj):
        vpValue() {
        BSONObjIterator bsonIterator(pBsonObj->begin());
        while(bsonIterator.more()) {
            BSONElement bsonElement(bsonIterator.next());
            string fieldName(bsonElement.fieldName());
	    intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue(
