Exemplo n.º 1
int ethSMBConnect(void) {
	int ret;
	smbLogOn_in_t logon;
	smbEcho_in_t echo;
	smbOpenShare_in_t openshare;

	// open tcp connection with the server / logon to SMB server
	sprintf(logon.serverIP, "%d.%d.%d.%d", pc_ip[0], pc_ip[1], pc_ip[2], pc_ip[3]);
	logon.serverPort = gPCPort;
	if (strlen(gPCPassword) > 0) {
		smbGetPasswordHashes_in_t passwd;
		smbGetPasswordHashes_out_t passwdhashes;
		// we'll try to generate hashed password first
		strncpy(logon.User, gPCUserName, 32);
		strncpy(passwd.password, gPCPassword, 32);
		ret = fileXioDevctl(ethPrefix, SMB_DEVCTL_GETPASSWORDHASHES, (void *)&passwd, sizeof(passwd), (void *)&passwdhashes, sizeof(passwdhashes));
		if (ret == 0) {
			// hash generated okay, can use
			memcpy((void *)logon.Password, (void *)&passwdhashes, sizeof(passwdhashes));
			logon.PasswordType = HASHED_PASSWORD;
			memcpy((void *)openshare.Password, (void *)&passwdhashes, sizeof(passwdhashes));
			openshare.PasswordType = HASHED_PASSWORD;
		} else {
			// failed hashing, failback to plaintext
			strncpy(logon.Password, gPCPassword, 32);
			logon.PasswordType = PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD;
			strncpy(openshare.Password, gPCPassword, 32);
			openshare.PasswordType = PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD;
	} else {
		strncpy(logon.User, gPCUserName, 32);
		logon.PasswordType = NO_PASSWORD;
		openshare.PasswordType = NO_PASSWORD;
	ret = fileXioDevctl(ethPrefix, SMB_DEVCTL_LOGON, (void *)&logon, sizeof(logon), NULL, 0);
	if (ret < 0)
		return -2;

	// SMB server alive test
	strcpy(echo.echo, "ALIVE ECHO TEST");
	echo.len = strlen("ALIVE ECHO TEST");

	ret = fileXioDevctl(ethPrefix, SMB_DEVCTL_ECHO, (void *)&echo, sizeof(echo), NULL, 0);
	if (ret < 0)
		return -3;

	// connect to the share
	strcpy(openshare.ShareName, gPCShareName);

	ret = fileXioDevctl(ethPrefix, SMB_DEVCTL_OPENSHARE, (void *)&openshare, sizeof(openshare), NULL, 0);
	if (ret < 0)
		return -4;

	return 0;	
Exemplo n.º 2
static void hddUpdateInfo()
	iox_dirent_t infoDirEnt;
	int rv;
	int hddFd, hddUsed = 0;

	hddSize = fileXioDevctl("hdd0:", HDDCTL_TOTAL_SECTORS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) * 512 / 1024 / 1024;

/* This seems to give in-accurate results
	fileXioDevctl("hdd0:", HDDCTL_FREE_SECTORS, NULL, 0, &rv, 4);
	hddFree = rv * 512 / 1024 / 1024;
	hddFd = fileXioDopen("hdd0:");
	if(hddFd < 0) // For when a HDD is not connected!

	rv = fileXioDread(hddFd, &infoDirEnt);
	while(rv > 0)
		if(infoDirEnt.stat.mode != FS_TYPE_EMPTY)
			hddUsed += infoDirEnt.stat.size * 512 / 1024 / 1024;

		rv = fileXioDread(hddFd, &infoDirEnt);
	hddFree = hddSize - hddUsed;

	hddMaxPartitionSize = fileXioDevctl("hdd0:", HDDCTL_MAX_SECTORS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) * 512 / 1024 / 1024;

	hddStatusCurrent = 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int ethSMBDisconnect(void) {
	int ret;

	// closing share
	ret = fileXioDevctl(ethBase, SMB_DEVCTL_CLOSESHARE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
	if (ret < 0)
		return -1;

	// logoff/close tcp connection from SMB server:
	ret = fileXioDevctl(ethBase, SMB_DEVCTL_LOGOFF, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
	if (ret < 0)
		return -2;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
//Function to log on to an index selected server
int smbLogon_Server(int Index)
	int ret;
	smbLogOn_in_t logon;


	if (smbServerList[Index].Server_Logon_f == 1) {
		printf("smbLogon_Server: Request for duplicate logon noted.\n");
		return -1;

	if (smbServerList[Index].Username[0] == 0)  //if Username invalid
		strcpy(smbServerList[Index].Username, "GUEST");

	if ((smbServerList[Index].PasswordType > 0)  //if hashing wanted
	    && (smbServerList[Index].PassHash_f == 0)) {
		ret = fileXioDevctl("smb:", SMB_DEVCTL_GETPASSWORDHASHES, (void *)&smbServerList[Index].Password, sizeof(smbServerList[Index].Password), (void *)&smbServerList[Index].PassHash, sizeof(smbServerList[Index].PassHash));
		if (ret) {
			printf("smbLogon_Server: PassHash error %d\n", ret);
			return -1;
		smbServerList[Index].PassHash_f = 1;  //PassHash is now valid for future use

	strcpy(logon.serverIP, smbServerList[Index].Server_IP);
	logon.serverPort = smbServerList[Index].Server_Port;
	strcpy(logon.User, smbServerList[Index].Username);
	if (smbServerList[Index].PasswordType > 0)  //if hashing wanted
		memcpy((void *)logon.Password, (void *)smbServerList[Index].PassHash, sizeof(smbServerList[Index].PassHash));
		strcpy(logon.Password, smbServerList[Index].Password);
	logon.PasswordType = smbServerList[Index].PasswordType;

	ret = fileXioDevctl("smb:", SMB_DEVCTL_LOGON, (void *)&logon, sizeof(logon), NULL, 0);
	if (ret) {
		printf("smbLogon_Server: Logon Error %d\n", ret);
		return -1;
	smbServerList[Index].Server_Logon_f = 1;
	printf("smbLogon_Server: Logon succeeded!\n");
	return 0;  //Here basic Logon has been achieved
Exemplo n.º 5
int hddCheckFormatted()
	int rv;


	rv = fileXioDevctl("hdd0:", HDDCTL_STATUS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
	if((rv >= 1) || (rv < 0))
		return -1;
		return 0;	
Exemplo n.º 6
static void poweroffCallback(void *arg)
#if 0
	/* Close all files and unmount all partitions. */

	/* If you use PFS, close all files and unmount all partitions. */
	fileXioDevctl("pfs:", PDIOC_CLOSEALL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)

	/* Shut down DEV9, if you used it. */
	while(fileXioDevctl("dev9x:", DDIOC_OFF, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) < 0){};

Exemplo n.º 7
static int ethUpdateGameList(void) {
	int result;

	if (gNetworkStartup != 0)
		return 0;

	if (gPCShareName[0]) {
		if((result = sbReadList(&ethGames, ethPrefix, &ethULSizePrev, &ethGameCount)) < 0){
			gNetworkStartup = ERROR_ETH_SMB_LISTGAMES;
	} else {
		int i, count;
		ShareEntry_t sharelist[128];
		smbGetShareList_in_t getsharelist;
		getsharelist.EE_addr = (void *)&sharelist[0];
		getsharelist.maxent = 128;

		count = fileXioDevctl(ethBase, SMB_DEVCTL_GETSHARELIST, (void *)&getsharelist, sizeof(getsharelist), NULL, 0);
		if (count > 0) {
			ethGames = (base_game_info_t*)malloc(sizeof(base_game_info_t) * count);
			for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				LOG("ETHSUPPORT Share found: %s\n", sharelist[i].ShareName);
				base_game_info_t *g = &ethGames[i];
				memcpy(g->name, sharelist[i].ShareName, 32);
				g->name[31] = '\0';
				sprintf(g->startup, "SHARE");
				g->extension[0] = '\0';
				g->parts = 0x00;
				g->media = 0x00;
				g->format = GAME_FORMAT_USBLD;
				g->sizeMB = 0;
			ethGameCount = count;
		}else if(count < 0){
			gNetworkStartup = ERROR_ETH_SMB_LISTSHARES;
	return ethGameCount;
Exemplo n.º 8
static void ethSMBConnect(void) {
	unsigned char share_ip_address[4];
	smbLogOn_in_t logon;
	smbEcho_in_t echo;
	smbOpenShare_in_t openshare;
	int result;

	if (gETHPrefix[0] != '\0')
		sprintf(ethPrefix, "%s%s\\", ethBase, gETHPrefix);
		sprintf(ethPrefix, ethBase);

	// open tcp connection with the server / logon to SMB server
	if(gPCShareAddressIsNetBIOS) {
		if(nbnsFindName(gPCShareNBAddress, share_ip_address) != 0) {
			gNetworkStartup = ERROR_ETH_SMB_CONN;

		sprintf(logon.serverIP, "%u.%u.%u.%u", share_ip_address[0], share_ip_address[1], share_ip_address[2], share_ip_address[3]);
	} else {
		sprintf(logon.serverIP, "%u.%u.%u.%u", pc_ip[0], pc_ip[1], pc_ip[2], pc_ip[3]);

	logon.serverPort = gPCPort;

	if (strlen(gPCPassword) > 0) {
		smbGetPasswordHashes_in_t passwd;
		smbGetPasswordHashes_out_t passwdhashes;

		// we'll try to generate hashed password first
		strncpy(logon.User, gPCUserName, sizeof(logon.User));
		strncpy(passwd.password, gPCPassword, sizeof(passwd.password));

		if (fileXioDevctl(ethBase, SMB_DEVCTL_GETPASSWORDHASHES, (void *)&passwd, sizeof(passwd), (void *)&passwdhashes, sizeof(passwdhashes)) == 0) {
			// hash generated okay, can use
			memcpy((void *)logon.Password, (void *)&passwdhashes, sizeof(passwdhashes));
			logon.PasswordType = HASHED_PASSWORD;
			memcpy((void *)openshare.Password, (void *)&passwdhashes, sizeof(passwdhashes));
			openshare.PasswordType = HASHED_PASSWORD;
		} else {
			// failed hashing, failback to plaintext
			strncpy(logon.Password, gPCPassword, sizeof(logon.Password));
			logon.PasswordType = PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD;
			strncpy(openshare.Password, gPCPassword, sizeof(openshare.Password));
			openshare.PasswordType = PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD;
	} else {
		strncpy(logon.User, gPCUserName, sizeof(logon.User));
		logon.PasswordType = NO_PASSWORD;
		openshare.PasswordType = NO_PASSWORD;

	if ((result=fileXioDevctl(ethBase, SMB_DEVCTL_LOGON, (void *)&logon, sizeof(logon), NULL, 0)) >= 0) {
		// SMB server alive test
		strcpy(echo.echo, "ALIVE ECHO TEST");
		echo.len = strlen("ALIVE ECHO TEST");

		if (gPCShareAddressIsNetBIOS) {
			// Since the SMB server can be connected to, update the IP address.
			pc_ip[0] = share_ip_address[0];
			pc_ip[1] = share_ip_address[1];
			pc_ip[2] = share_ip_address[2];
			pc_ip[3] = share_ip_address[3];

		if (fileXioDevctl(ethBase, SMB_DEVCTL_ECHO, (void *)&echo, sizeof(echo), NULL, 0) >= 0) {
			gNetworkStartup = ERROR_ETH_SMB_OPENSHARE;

			if (gPCShareName[0]) {
				// connect to the share
				strcpy(openshare.ShareName, gPCShareName);

				if (fileXioDevctl(ethBase, SMB_DEVCTL_OPENSHARE, (void *)&openshare, sizeof(openshare), NULL, 0) >= 0) {
					// everything is ok
					gNetworkStartup = 0;
			gNetworkStartup = ERROR_ETH_SMB_ECHO;
Exemplo n.º 9
int hddGetFilesystemList(t_hddFilesystem hddFs[], int maxEntries)
	iox_dirent_t dirEnt;
	int count = 0;
	u32 size = 0;
	int hddFd;
	int rv;


	hddFd = fileXioDopen("hdd0:");
	if(hddFd < 0)
		return hddFd;

	rv = fileXioDread(hddFd, &dirEnt);

	while((rv > 0) && (count < maxEntries))
		int i;
		int partitionFd;
		u32 zoneFree, zoneSize;

		// We only want to know about main partitions (non-empty ones at that :P)
		if((dirEnt.stat.attr & ATTR_SUB_PARTITION) || (dirEnt.stat.mode == FS_TYPE_EMPTY))
			rv = fileXioDread(hddFd, &dirEnt);

		memset(&hddFs[count], 0, sizeof(t_hddFilesystem));
		sprintf(hddFs[count].filename, "hdd0:%s", dirEnt.name);

		// Work out filesystem type
		if((dirEnt.name[0] == '_') && (dirEnt.name[1] == '_'))
			hddFs[count].fileSystemGroup = FS_GROUP_SYSTEM;
			strcpy(hddFs[count].name, &dirEnt.name[2]);
		else if(dirEnt.name[0] == FS_COMMON_PREFIX)
			hddFs[count].fileSystemGroup = FS_GROUP_COMMON;
			strcpy(hddFs[count].name, &dirEnt.name[1]);
			hddFs[count].fileSystemGroup = FS_GROUP_APPLICATION;
			strcpy(hddFs[count].name, dirEnt.name);

			if((hddFs[count].fileSystemGroup == FS_GROUP_SYSTEM) &&
				strcmp(hddFs[count].name, "boot"))
				rv = fileXioDread(hddFd, &dirEnt);

#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("> Filename: %s\n> Name: %s\n> Type: %d\n", hddFs[count].filename, hddFs[count].name, hddFs[count].fileSystemGroup);

		// Calculate filesystem size
		partitionFd = fileXioOpen(hddFs[count].filename, O_RDONLY, 0);

		// If we failed to open the partition, then a password is probably set
		// (usually this means we have tried to access a game partition). We
		// dont want to return un-accessible game partitions in the filesystem list..
		if(partitionFd < 0)
			rv = fileXioDread(hddFd, &dirEnt);

		for(i = 0, size = 0; i < dirEnt.stat.private_0 + 1; i++)
			rv = fileXioIoctl2(partitionFd, HDDIO_GETSIZE, &i, 4, NULL, 0);
			size += rv * 512 / 1024 / 1024;


		hddFs[count].size = size;

		// Get filesystem free space & format status
		hddFs[count].freeSpace = 0;
		hddFs[count].formatted = 0;

		if(dirEnt.stat.mode == FS_TYPE_PFS)
			rv = fileXioMount("pfs0:", hddFs[count].filename, FIO_MT_RDONLY);
			if(rv == 0)

				zoneFree = fileXioDevctl("pfs0:", PFSCTL_GET_ZONE_FREE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
				zoneSize = fileXioDevctl("pfs0:", PFSCTL_GET_ZONE_SIZE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);

				hddFs[count].freeSpace = zoneFree * zoneSize / 1024 / 1024;
				hddFs[count].formatted = 1;


#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("> Formatted: %d\n> Size: %d\n> Free: %d\n", hddFs[count].formatted, (int)hddFs[count].size, (int)hddFs[count].freeSpace);

		rv = fileXioDread(hddFd, &dirEnt);

	rv = fileXioDclose(hddFd);

	return count;