static void
fr_command_cfile_list (FrCommand  *comm)
	FrCommandCFile *comm_cfile = FR_COMMAND_CFILE (comm);

	if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-gzip")) {
		/* gzip let us known the uncompressed size */

		fr_process_set_out_line_func (FR_COMMAND (comm)->process,

		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "gzip");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-l");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-q");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, comm->filename);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);
		fr_process_start (comm->process);
	else {
		/* ... other compressors do not support this feature so
		 * simply use the archive size, suboptimal but there is no
		 * alternative. */

		FileData *fdata;
		char     *filename;

		fdata = file_data_new ();

		filename = remove_extension_from_path (comm->filename);
		fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/",
						file_name_from_path (filename),
		g_free (filename);

		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;
		fdata->link = NULL;
		fdata->size = get_file_size_for_path (comm->filename);
		fdata->modified = get_file_mtime_for_path (comm->filename);

		fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
		fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

		if (*fdata->name == 0)
			file_data_free (fdata);
			fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);

		comm_cfile->error.type = FR_PROC_ERROR_NONE;
		comm_cfile->error.status = 0;
		g_signal_emit_by_name (G_OBJECT (comm),
Exemplo n.º 2
void file_list_add(File_t * list, char *path, ssize_t size, unsigned int mode,
		 unsigned int mtime)
	File_t *c = list;

	while (c->next)
		c = c->next;

	if (c->next == NULL)
		c->next = calloc(1, sizeof(File_t));
		if (c->next == NULL)

		c = c->next;
		c->next = NULL;

		char *p = file_name_from_path(path);
		strlcpy(c->path, p, PATH_MAX);
		c->mode = mode;
		c->size = size;
		c->mtime = mtime;
		c->changed = 0x00;
Exemplo n.º 3
std::vector<CountH5Record> count(const std::string chr,
                                 const std::string cell_type,
                                 const unsigned int bin_size,
                                 const size_t length,
                                 const unsigned int extension,
                                 const char strand,
                                 const std::string bam_file)
  const std::string bam_file_name = file_name_from_path(bam_file);

  int bins = std::ceil(length / (double) bin_size);
  int max_base_pair = bins * bin_size;

  const std::vector<double> bin_counts = liquidate(bam_file, chr, 0, max_base_pair, strand, bins, extension);

  CountH5Record record;
  record.bin_number = 0;
  strncpy(record.cell_type,  cell_type.c_str(),     sizeof(CountH5Record::cell_type));
  strncpy(record.chromosome, chr.c_str(),           sizeof(CountH5Record::chromosome));
  strncpy(record.file_name,  bam_file_name.c_str(), sizeof(CountH5Record::file_name));

  std::vector<CountH5Record> records(bin_counts.size(), record);
  for (size_t bin=0; bin < bin_counts.size(); ++bin)
    records[bin].bin_number = bin;
    records[bin].count = bin_counts[bin];

  return records;
Exemplo n.º 4
FileData *
file_data_dup (FileData *source)
	FileData *fd;
	if (source == NULL)
		return NULL;
	fd = g_new0 (FileData, 1);

	fd->ref = 1;
	fd->path = g_strdup (source->path);
	fd->name = file_name_from_path (fd->path);
	fd->display_name = g_strdup (source->display_name);
	fd->mime_type = get_static_string (source->mime_type);
	fd->size = source->size;
	fd->ctime = source->ctime;
	fd->mtime = source->mtime;
	fd->exif_data_loaded = source->exif_data_loaded;
	fd->exif_time = source->exif_time;
	fd->error = source->error;
	fd->thumb_loaded = source->thumb_loaded;
	fd->thumb_created = source->thumb_created;
	fd->comment = (source->comment != NULL) ? g_strdup (source->comment) : NULL;
	fd->comment_data = comment_data_dup (source->comment_data);
	return fd;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void
dlg_add_folder_save_last_used_options (DialogData *data,
			               const char *options_path)
	g_free (data->last_options);
	data->last_options = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (options_path));
Exemplo n.º 6
bool test_file_name_from_path_invalid_operation (Test *test)
	TITLE ();
	CATCH (file_name_from_path (NULL));
	CATCH (error_count () == 0);
	CATCH (error_at (0).error != ErrorInvalidOperation);
	PASS ();
Exemplo n.º 7
static void
list__process_line (char     *line,
		    gpointer  data)
	FileData      *fdata;
	FrCommand     *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
	FrCommandIso  *comm_iso = FR_COMMAND_ISO (comm);
	char         **fields;
	const char    *name_field;

	g_return_if_fail (line != NULL);

	if (line[0] == 'd') /* Ignore directories. */

	if (line[0] == 'D') {
		g_free (comm_iso->cur_path);
		comm_iso->cur_path = g_strdup (get_last_field (line, 4));

	} else if (line[0] == '-') { /* Is file */
		const char *last_field, *first_bracket;

		fdata = file_data_new ();

		fields = split_line (line, 8);
		fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[4], NULL, 10);
		fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[5], fields[6], fields[7]);
		g_strfreev (fields);

		/* Full path */

		last_field = get_last_field (line, 9);
		first_bracket = strchr (last_field, ']');
		if (first_bracket == NULL) {
			file_data_free (fdata);

		name_field = eat_spaces (first_bracket + 1);
		if ((name_field == NULL)
		    || (strcmp (name_field, ".") == 0)
		    || (strcmp (name_field, "..") == 0)) {
			file_data_free (fdata);

		if (comm_iso->cur_path[0] != '/')
			fdata->full_path = g_strstrip (g_strconcat ("/", comm_iso->cur_path, name_field, NULL));
			fdata->full_path = g_strstrip (g_strconcat (comm_iso->cur_path, name_field, NULL));
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path;
		fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
		fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

		fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);
Exemplo n.º 8
bool remote_file_del(char *file)
	char path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
	snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%c%s", directory, SLASH, file);
	if (debugging)
		printf("the path is %s\n", path);

	int sock = Connect(hostname, REMOTE_PORT);
	if (!sock)
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect()\n");
		return false;

	int content_length = 0;

	char *file_from_path = file_name_from_path(path);

	char dirname[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
	snprintf(dirname, sizeof(dirname), "%s", directory);
        char *dir_from_path = file_name_from_path(dirname);

	char post[BUF_MAX] = { 0 };
	char *fmt =
		"POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
		"Host: %s\r\n"
		"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
		"Username: %s\r\n"
		"Password: %s\r\n"
		"Directory: %s\r\n"
		"Filename: %s\r\n"
		"Action: DEL\r\n\r\n";

	snprintf(post, sizeof(post), fmt, REMOTE_URI, hostname,
		 content_length, username, password, dir_from_path, file_from_path);

	Write(sock, post, strlen(post));


	return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
static void
list_command_completed (gpointer data)
	FrCommandUnarchiver *unar_comm = FR_COMMAND_UNARCHIVER (data);
	JsonParser          *parser;
	GError              *error = NULL;

	parser = json_parser_new ();
	if (json_parser_load_from_stream (parser, unar_comm->stream, NULL, &error)) {
		JsonObject *root;

		root = json_node_get_object (json_parser_get_root (parser));

		if (json_object_get_int_member (root, "lsarFormatVersion") == LSAR_SUPPORTED_FORMAT) {
			JsonArray *content;
			int        i;

			content = json_object_get_array_member (root, "lsarContents");
			for (i = 0; i < json_array_get_length (content); i++) {
				JsonObject *entry;
				FileData   *fdata;
				const char *filename;

				entry = json_array_get_object_element (content, i);
				fdata = file_data_new ();
				fdata->size = json_object_get_int_member (entry, "XADFileSize");
				fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (json_object_get_string_member (entry, "XADLastModificationDate"));
				if (json_object_has_member (entry, "XADIsEncrypted"))
					fdata->encrypted = json_object_get_int_member (entry, "XADIsEncrypted") == 1;

				filename = json_object_get_string_member (entry, "XADFileName");
				if (*filename == '/') {
					fdata->full_path = g_strdup (filename);
					fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path;
				else {
					fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", filename, NULL);
					fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;

				fdata->link = NULL;
				if (json_object_has_member (entry, "XADIsDirectory"))
					fdata->dir = json_object_get_int_member (entry, "XADIsDirectory") == 1;
				if (fdata->dir)
					fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path);
					fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
				fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

				fr_command_add_file (FR_COMMAND (unar_comm), fdata);

	g_object_unref (parser);
Exemplo n.º 10
bool test_file_name_from_path (Test *test)
	char *name;

	TITLE ();
	CATCH (!(name = file_name_from_path ("/")));
	CATCH (!string_equals (name, "/"));
	string_destroy (name);
	CATCH (!(name = file_name_from_path ("/a")));
	CATCH (!string_equals (name, "a"));
	string_destroy (name);
	CATCH (!(name = file_name_from_path ("/a/bb")));
	CATCH (!string_equals (name, "bb"));
	string_destroy (name);
	CATCH (!(name = file_name_from_path ("/a/bb/ccc.dddd")));
	CATCH (!string_equals (name, "ccc.dddd"));
	string_destroy (name);
	PASS ();
static void
list__process_line (char     *line,
		    gpointer  data)
	FrCommand  *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
	FileData   *fdata;
	char      **fields;
	char       *filename;

	fdata = file_data_new ();

	fields = split_line (line, 2);
	if (strcmp (fields[1], "-1") != 0)
		fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[1], NULL, 10);
	g_strfreev (fields);

	if (fdata->size == 0)
		fdata->size = get_file_size (comm->filename);

	filename = get_uncompressed_name_from_archive (comm, comm->filename);
	if (filename == NULL)
		filename = remove_extension_from_path (comm->filename);

	fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/",
					file_name_from_path (filename),
	g_free (filename);

	fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;
	fdata->link = NULL;
	fdata->modified = get_file_mtime_for_path (comm->filename);

	fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
	fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

	if (*fdata->name == 0)
		file_data_free (fdata);
		fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);
static char *
get_uncompressed_name_from_archive (FrCommand  *comm,
				    const char *archive)
	GFile        *file;
	GInputStream *stream;
	char         *filename = NULL;

	if (! is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-gzip"))
		return NULL;

	file = g_file_new_for_path (archive);

	stream = (GInputStream *) g_file_read (file, NULL, NULL);
	if (stream != NULL) {
		gboolean filename_present = TRUE;
		char     buffer[10];

		if (g_input_stream_read (stream, buffer, 10, NULL, NULL) >= 0) {
			/* Check whether the FLG.FNAME is set */
			if (((unsigned char)(buffer[3]) & 0x08) != 0x08)
				filename_present = FALSE;

			/* Check whether the FLG.FEXTRA is set */
			if (((unsigned char)(buffer[3]) & 0x04) == 0x04)
				filename_present = FALSE;

		if (filename_present) {
			GString *str = NULL;

			str = g_string_new ("");
			while (g_input_stream_read (stream, buffer, 1, NULL, NULL) > 0) {
				if (buffer[0] == '\0') {
					filename = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (str->str));
#ifdef DEBUG
					g_message ("filename is: %s", filename);
				g_string_append_c (str, buffer[0]);
			g_string_free (str, TRUE);
		g_object_unref (stream);
	g_object_unref (file);

	return filename;
rar_check_multi_vomule (FrCommand *comm)
	GFile *file;
	char   buffer[11];

	file = g_file_new_for_path (comm->filename);
	if (! g_load_file_in_buffer (file, buffer, 11, NULL)) {
		g_object_unref (file);

	if (memcmp (buffer, "Rar!", 4) != 0)

	if ((buffer[10] & 0x01) == 0x01) {
		char   *volume_name = NULL;
		char   *name;

		name = g_filename_to_utf8 (file_name_from_path (comm->filename), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

		volume_name = get_first_volume_name (name, "^(.*\\.part)([0-9]+)(\\.rar)$", FIRST_VOLUME_IS_001);
		if (volume_name == NULL)
			volume_name = get_first_volume_name (name, "^(.*\\.r)([0-9]+)$", FIRST_VOLUME_IS_RAR);
		if (volume_name == NULL)
			volume_name = get_first_volume_name (name, "^(.*\\.)([0-9]+)$", FIRST_VOLUME_IS_001);

		if (volume_name != NULL) {
			GFile *parent;
			GFile *child;
			char  *volume_filename;

			parent = g_file_get_parent (file);
			child = g_file_get_child (parent, volume_name);
			volume_filename = g_file_get_path (child);
			fr_command_set_multi_volume (comm, volume_filename);

			g_free (volume_filename);
			g_object_unref (child);
			g_object_unref (parent);

		g_free (name);

	g_object_unref (file);
Exemplo n.º 14
static void
process_line (char     *line,
	      gpointer  data)
	FileData    *fdata;
	FrCommand   *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
	char       **fields;
	const char  *name_field;

	g_return_if_fail (line != NULL);

	fdata = file_data_new ();

	fields = split_line_lha (line);
	fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[2], NULL, 10);
	fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[4],
	g_strfreev (fields);

	/* Full path */

	name_field = get_last_field_lha (line);

	if (name_field && *name_field == '/') {
		fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name_field);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path;
	} else {
		fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name_field, NULL);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;

	fdata->link = NULL;

	fdata->dir = line[0] == 'd';
	if (fdata->dir)
		fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path);
		fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));

	fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

	if (*fdata->name == 0)
		file_data_free (fdata);
		fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);
Exemplo n.º 15
static void
fr_command_iso_extract (FrCommand  *comm,
			const char *from_file,
			GList      *file_list,
			const char *dest_dir,
			gboolean    overwrite,
			gboolean    skip_older,
			gboolean    junk_paths)
	GList *scan;

	for (scan = file_list; scan; scan = scan->next) {
		char       *path = scan->data;
		const char *filename;
		char       *file_dir;
		char       *temp_dest_dir = NULL;

		filename = file_name_from_path (path);
		file_dir = remove_level_from_path (path);
		if ((file_dir != NULL) && (strcmp (file_dir, "/") != 0))
			temp_dest_dir = g_build_filename (dest_dir, file_dir, NULL);
			temp_dest_dir = g_strdup (dest_dir);
		g_free (file_dir);

		if (temp_dest_dir == NULL)

		make_directory_tree_from_path (temp_dest_dir, 0700, NULL);

		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "sh");
		fr_process_set_working_dir (comm->process, temp_dest_dir);
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, SHDIR "");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-i");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, comm->filename);
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-x");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, path);
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, filename);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);

		g_free (temp_dest_dir);
Exemplo n.º 16
FileData *
file_data_new (const char       *path,
	       GnomeVFSFileInfo *info)
	FileData *fd;

	fd = g_new0 (FileData, 1);

	fd->ref = 1;
	fd->path = add_scheme_if_absent (path);
	fd->name = file_name_from_path (fd->path);
	fd->display_name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string_for_display (fd->name);
	if (info != NULL) {
		if (info->valid_fields | GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FIELDS_SIZE)
			fd->size = info->size;
		if (info->valid_fields | GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FIELDS_CTIME)
			fd->ctime = info->ctime;
		if (info->valid_fields | GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FIELDS_MTIME)
			fd->mtime = info->mtime;
		if (info->valid_fields | GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FIELDS_MIME_TYPE)
			fd->mime_type = get_static_string (info->mime_type);
	else {
		fd->size = (GnomeVFSFileSize) 0;
		fd->ctime = (time_t) 0;
		fd->mtime = (time_t) 0;

	/* The Exif DateTime tag is only recorded on an as-needed basis during
	   DateTime sorts. The tag in memory is refreshed if the file mtime has
	   changed, so it is recorded as well. */

	fd->exif_data_loaded = FALSE;
	fd->exif_time = 0;

	fd->error = FALSE;
	fd->thumb_loaded = FALSE;
	fd->thumb_created = FALSE;
	fd->comment = g_strdup ("");

	return fd;
Exemplo n.º 17
file_data_update (FileData *fd)
	GnomeVFSFileInfo *info;
	GnomeVFSResult    result;

	g_return_if_fail (fd != NULL);

	fd->error = FALSE;
	fd->thumb_loaded = FALSE;
	fd->thumb_created = FALSE;

	info = gnome_vfs_file_info_new ();
	result = gnome_vfs_get_file_info (fd->path,

	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
		fd->error = TRUE;
		fd->size = 0L;
		fd->mtime = 0;
		fd->ctime = 0;
		fd->exif_data_loaded = FALSE;
		fd->mime_type = NULL;

	fd->name = file_name_from_path (fd->path);

	g_free (fd->display_name);
	fd->display_name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string_for_display (fd->name);

	fd->mime_type = get_static_string (info->mime_type);
	fd->size = info->size;
	fd->mtime = info->mtime;
	fd->ctime = info->ctime;
	fd->exif_data_loaded = FALSE;

	gnome_vfs_file_info_unref (info);
Exemplo n.º 18
char *
cache_get_nautilus_cache_name (const char *path)
	char           *parent;
	char           *resolved_parent;
	char           *resolved_path = NULL;
	GnomeVFSResult  result;
	GnomeVFSURI    *uri;
	char           *uri_txt;
	char           *retval;

	parent = remove_level_from_path (path);
	result = resolve_all_symlinks (parent, &resolved_parent);
	g_free (parent);

	if (result == GNOME_VFS_OK)
		resolved_path = g_strconcat (resolved_parent,
					     file_name_from_path (path),
		resolved_path = g_strdup (path);

	uri = new_uri_from_path (resolved_path);

	g_free (resolved_path);
	g_free (resolved_parent);

	uri_txt = gnome_vfs_uri_to_string (uri, GNOME_VFS_URI_HIDE_NONE);
	gnome_vfs_uri_unref (uri);

	if (uri_txt == NULL)
		return NULL;

	retval = gnome_thumbnail_path_for_uri (uri_txt, GNOME_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_NORMAL);
	g_free (uri_txt);

	return retval;
static void
process_line__generic (char     *line,
                       gpointer  data,
                       char     *action_msg)
    FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
    char      *msg;

    if (line == NULL)

    if (line[strlen (line) - 1] == '/') /* ignore directories */

    msg = g_strconcat (action_msg, file_name_from_path (line), NULL);
    fr_command_message (comm, msg);
    g_free (msg);

    if (comm->n_files != 0) {
        double fraction = (double) ++comm->n_file / (comm->n_files + 1);
        fr_command_progress (comm, fraction);
Exemplo n.º 20
std::vector<CountH5Record> count_placeholders(
  const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>>& chromosome_lengths,
  const std::string& cell_type,
  const std::string& bam_file_path,
  const unsigned int bin_size)
  size_t num_records = 0;
  for (auto& chr_length : chromosome_lengths)
    int bins = std::ceil(chr_length.second / (double) bin_size);
    num_records += bins; 
  const std::string bam_file_name = file_name_from_path(bam_file_path);

  CountH5Record empty_record;
  empty_record.bin_number = 0;
  empty_record.count      = 0;
  strncpy(empty_record.cell_type,  cell_type.c_str(),     sizeof(CountH5Record::cell_type));
  strncpy(empty_record.chromosome, "",                    sizeof(CountH5Record::chromosome));
  strncpy(empty_record.file_name,  bam_file_name.c_str(), sizeof(CountH5Record::file_name));

  std::vector<CountH5Record> records(num_records, empty_record);

  size_t i=0;
  for (auto& chr_length : chromosome_lengths)
    int bins = std::ceil(chr_length.second / (double) bin_size);
    for (size_t j=0; j < bins; ++j, ++i)
      records[i].bin_number = j;
      strncpy(records[i].chromosome, chr_length.first.c_str(), sizeof(CountH5Record::chromosome));

  return records;
static char *
get_full_uri (DlgNewData *data)
	char        *full_uri = NULL;
	char        *uri;
	const char  *filename;
	int          idx;

	uri = gtk_file_chooser_get_uri (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (data->dialog));

	if ((uri == NULL) || (*uri == 0))
		return NULL;

	filename = file_name_from_path (uri);
	if ((filename == NULL) || (*filename == 0)) {
		g_free (uri);
		return NULL;

	idx = egg_file_format_chooser_get_format (EGG_FILE_FORMAT_CHOOSER (data->format_chooser), uri);
	if (idx > 0) {
		const char *uri_ext;
		char       *default_ext;

		uri_ext = get_archive_filename_extension (uri);
		default_ext = mime_type_desc[data->supported_types[idx-1]].default_ext;
		if (strcmp_null_tolerant (uri_ext, default_ext) != 0) {
			full_uri = g_strconcat (uri, default_ext, NULL);
			g_free (uri);
	if (full_uri == NULL)
		full_uri = uri;

	return full_uri;
Exemplo n.º 22
gth_sort_by_filename_but_ignore_path (const char *name1,
				      const char *name2)
	/* This sorts by the filename. It ignores the path portion, if present. */

	/* Based heavily on the Nautilus compare_by_display_name (libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c)
	   function, for consistent Nautilus / gthumb behaviour. */

	char     *key_1, *key_2;
	gboolean  sort_last_1, sort_last_2;
	int       compare;
	char     *unesc_name1, *unesc_name2;

	sort_last_1 = file_name_from_path (name1)[0] == SORT_LAST_CHAR1
			|| file_name_from_path (name1)[0] == SORT_LAST_CHAR2;
	sort_last_2 = file_name_from_path (name2)[0] == SORT_LAST_CHAR1
			|| file_name_from_path (name2)[0] == SORT_LAST_CHAR2;

	if (sort_last_1 && !sort_last_2) {
		compare = +1;
	} else if (!sort_last_1 && sort_last_2) {
		compare = -1;
	} else {
		unesc_name1 = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (name1, "");
		unesc_name2 = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (name2, "");

		key_1 = g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename (file_name_from_path (unesc_name1), -1);
		key_2 = g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename (file_name_from_path (unesc_name2), -1);

		compare = strcmp (key_1, key_2);


	return compare;
static void
fr_command_cfile_extract (FrCommand  *comm,
			  const char *from_file,
			  GList      *file_list,
			  const char *dest_dir,
			  gboolean    overwrite,
			  gboolean    skip_older,
			  gboolean    junk_paths)
	char *temp_dir;
	char *dest_file;
	char *temp_file;
	char *uncompr_file;
	char *compr_file;

	/* copy file to the temp dir, remove the already existing file first */

	temp_dir = get_temp_work_dir (NULL);
	temp_file = g_strconcat (temp_dir,
				 file_name_from_path (comm->filename),

	fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "cp");
	fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
	fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, comm->filename);
	fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
	fr_process_end_command (comm->process);

	/* uncompress the file */

	if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-gzip")) {
		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "gzip");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-d");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-n");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);
	else if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-bzip")) {
		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "bzip2");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-d");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);
	else if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-compress")) {
		if (is_program_in_path ("gzip")) {
			fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "gzip");
			fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-d");
			fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-n");
			fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "uncompress");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);
	else if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-lzip")) {
		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "lzip");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-d");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);
	else if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-lzma")) {
		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "lzma");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-d");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);
	else if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-xz")) {
		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "xz");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-d");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);
	else if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-lzop")) {
		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "lzop");
		fr_process_set_working_dir (comm->process, temp_dir);
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-d");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-fU");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "--no-stdin");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);
	else if (is_mime_type (comm->mime_type, "application/x-rzip")) {
		fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "rzip");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-d");
		fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_file);
		fr_process_end_command (comm->process);

	/* copy uncompress file to the dest dir */

	uncompr_file = remove_extension_from_path (temp_file);

	compr_file = get_uncompressed_name_from_archive (comm, comm->filename);
	if (compr_file == NULL)
		compr_file = remove_extension_from_path (file_name_from_path (comm->filename));
	dest_file = g_strconcat (dest_dir,

	fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "cp");
	fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-f");
	fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, uncompr_file);
	fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, dest_file);
	fr_process_end_command (comm->process);

	/* remove the temp dir */

	fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "rm");
	fr_process_set_sticky (comm->process, TRUE);
	fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "-rf");
	fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, temp_dir);
	fr_process_end_command (comm->process);

	g_free (dest_file);
	g_free (compr_file);
	g_free (uncompr_file);
	g_free (temp_file);
	g_free (temp_dir);
static void
process_line (char     *line,
	      gpointer  data)
	FrCommand        *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
	FrCommandUnstuff *unstuff_comm = FR_COMMAND_UNSTUFF (comm);
	const char       *str_start;
	char             *filename, *real_filename;
	int               i;
	FileData         *fdata;

	g_return_if_fail (line != NULL);

	if (strstr (line, "progressEvent - ")) {
		const char *ssize;
		guint size;

		ssize = strstr (line, "progressEvent - ")
			+ strlen ("progressEvent - ");
		if (ssize[0] == '\0')
			size = 0;
			size = g_ascii_strtoull (ssize, NULL, 10);

		if (unstuff_comm->fdata != NULL)
			unstuff_comm->fdata->size = size;


	if (strstr (line, "fileEvent") == NULL)
	if (strstr (line, unstuff_comm->target_dir + 1) == NULL)

	/* Look for the filename, ends with a comma */
	str_start = strstr (line, unstuff_comm->target_dir + 1);
	str_start = str_start + strlen (unstuff_comm->target_dir) - 1;
	if (str_start[0] != '/')
	if (str_start[0] == '.')
	i = 0;
	while (str_start[i] != '\0' && str_start[i] != ',') {
	/* This is not supposed to happen */
	g_return_if_fail (str_start[i] != '\0');
	filename = g_strndup (str_start, i);

	/* Same thing with the real filename */
	str_start = strstr (line, unstuff_comm->target_dir);
	i = 0;
	while (str_start[i] != '\0' && str_start[i] != ',') {
	real_filename = g_strndup (str_start, i);

	fdata = file_data_new ();
	fdata->full_path = filename;
	fdata->original_path = filename;
	fdata->link = NULL;
	fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
	fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

	fdata->size = 0;
	fdata->modified = time (NULL);

	unstuff_comm->fdata = fdata;
	fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);

	unlink (real_filename);
	g_free (real_filename);
Exemplo n.º 25
static void
process_line (char     *line,
	      gpointer  data)
	FileData      *fdata;
	FrCommandAce  *ace_comm = FR_COMMAND_ACE (data);
	FrCommand     *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
	char         **fields = NULL;
	const char    *field_name = NULL;

	g_return_if_fail (line != NULL);

	if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_UNKNOWN) {
		if (g_str_has_prefix (line, "UNACE")) {
			if (strstr (line, "public version") != NULL)
				ace_comm->command_type = FR_ACE_COMMAND_PUBLIC;
				ace_comm->command_type = FR_ACE_COMMAND_NONFREE;

	if (! ace_comm->list_started) {
		if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_PUBLIC) {
			if (g_str_has_prefix (line, "Date"))
				ace_comm->list_started = TRUE;
		else if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_NONFREE) {
			if (g_str_has_prefix (line, "  Date"))
				ace_comm->list_started = TRUE;

	fdata = file_data_new ();

	if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_PUBLIC)
		fields = g_strsplit (line, "|", 6);
	else if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_NONFREE)
		fields = split_line (line, 5);

	if ((fields == NULL) || (fields[0] == NULL) || (n_fields (fields) < 5))

	fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[3], NULL, 10);
	fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[0], fields[1]);

	if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_PUBLIC) {
		field_name = fields[5];
		field_name = field_name + 1;
	else if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_NONFREE)
		field_name = get_last_field (line, 6);

        g_assert (field_name != NULL);
	if (field_name[0] != '/') {
		fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", field_name, NULL);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;
	else {
		fdata->full_path = g_strdup (field_name);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path;

	g_strfreev (fields);

	fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
	fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

	if (*fdata->name == 0)
		file_data_free (fdata);
		fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);
Exemplo n.º 26
static void
list__process_line (char     *line,
		    gpointer  data)
	FileData    *fdata;
	FrCommand   *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
	char       **fields;
	const char  *name_field;
	char        *name;
	int          ofs = 0;

	g_return_if_fail (line != NULL);

	fdata = file_data_new ();

#ifdef __sun
	fields = split_line (line, 9);
	fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[4], NULL, 10);
	fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[5], fields[6], fields[8]);
	g_strfreev (fields);

	name_field = get_last_field (line, 10);
#else /* !__sun */
	/* Handle char and block device files */
	if ((line[0] == 'c') || (line[0] == 'b')) {
		fields = split_line (line, 9);
		ofs = 1;
		fdata->size = 0;
		/* FIXME: We should also specify the content type */
	else {
		fields = split_line (line, 8);
		fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[4], NULL, 10);
	fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[5+ofs], fields[6+ofs], fields[7+ofs]);
	g_strfreev (fields);

	name_field = get_last_field (line, 9+ofs);
#endif /* !__sun */

	fields = g_strsplit (name_field, " -> ", 2);

	if (fields[1] == NULL) {
		g_strfreev (fields);
		fields = g_strsplit (name_field, " link to ", 2);

	fdata->dir = line[0] == 'd';

	name = g_strcompress (fields[0]);
	if (*(fields[0]) == '/') {
		fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path;
	else {
		fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name, NULL);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;

	if (fdata->dir && (name[strlen (name) - 1] != '/')) {
		char *old_full_path = fdata->full_path;
		fdata->full_path = g_strconcat (old_full_path, "/", NULL);
		g_free (old_full_path);
		fdata->original_path = g_strdup (name);
		fdata->free_original_path = TRUE;
	g_free (name);

	if (fields[1] != NULL)
		fdata->link = g_strcompress (fields[1]);
	g_strfreev (fields);

	if (fdata->dir)
		fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path);
		fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
	fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

	if (*fdata->name == 0)
		file_data_free (fdata);
		fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);
Exemplo n.º 27
static void
process_line (char     *line,
	      gpointer  data)
	FileData    *fdata;
	FrCommand   *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
	char       **fields;
	int          date_idx;
	char        *field_month, *field_day, *field_time, *field_year;
	char        *field_size, *field_name;

	g_return_if_fail (line != NULL);

	fdata = file_data_new ();

	date_idx = file_list__get_index_from_pattern (line, "%c%c%c %a%n %n%n:%n%n %n%n%n%n");

	field_size = file_list__get_prev_field (line, date_idx, 1);
	fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (field_size, NULL, 10);
	g_free (field_size);

	field_month = file_list__get_next_field (line, date_idx, 1);
	field_day = file_list__get_next_field (line, date_idx, 2);
	field_time = file_list__get_next_field (line, date_idx, 3);
	field_year = file_list__get_next_field (line, date_idx, 4);
	fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (field_time, field_day, field_month, field_year);
	g_free (field_day);
	g_free (field_month);
	g_free (field_year);
	g_free (field_time);

	/* Full path */

	field_name = ar_get_last_field (line, date_idx, 5);

	fields = g_strsplit (field_name, " -> ", 2);

	if (fields[0] == NULL) {
		g_strfreev (fields);
		g_free (field_name);
		file_data_free (fdata);

	if (fields[1] == NULL) {
		g_strfreev (fields);
		fields = g_strsplit (field_name, " link to ", 2);

	if (*(fields[0]) == '/') {
		fdata->full_path = g_strdup (fields[0]);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path;
	} else {
		fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", fields[0], NULL);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;

	if (fields[1] != NULL)
		fdata->link = g_strdup (fields[1]);
	g_strfreev (fields);
	g_free (field_name);

	fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
	fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

	if (*fdata->name == 0)
		file_data_free (fdata);
		fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);
Exemplo n.º 28
static void
list__process_line (char     *line,
		    gpointer  data)
	FileData    *fdata;
	FrCommand   *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
	char       **fields;
	const char  *name_field;
	gint         line_l;

	g_return_if_fail (line != NULL);

	/* check whether unzip gave the empty archive warning. */

	if (FR_COMMAND_ZIP (comm)->is_empty)

	line_l = strlen (line);

	if (line_l == 0)

	if (strcmp (line, EMPTY_ARCHIVE_WARNING) == 0) {
		FR_COMMAND_ZIP (comm)->is_empty = TRUE;

	/* ignore lines that do not describe a file or a
	 * directory. */
	if ((line[0] != '?') && (line[0] != 'd') && (line[0] != '-'))


	fdata = file_data_new ();

	fields = split_line (line, 7);
	fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[3], NULL, 10);
	fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[6]);
	fdata->encrypted = (*fields[4] == 'B') || (*fields[4] == 'T');
	g_strfreev (fields);

	/* Full path */

	name_field = get_last_field (line, 8);

	if (*name_field == '/') {
		fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name_field);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path;
	} else {
		fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name_field, NULL);
		fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;

	fdata->link = NULL;

	fdata->dir = line[0] == 'd';
	if (fdata->dir)
		fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path);
		fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
	fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

	if (*fdata->name == 0)
		file_data_free (fdata);
		fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);
static void
process_data_line (char     *line,
                   gpointer  data)
        FileData    *fdata;
        FrCommand   *comm = FR_COMMAND (data);
        char       **fields;
        char       **tmfields;
        struct tm    tm = {0, };
        const char  *name;

        g_return_if_fail (line != NULL);

        if (line[0] == ' ') {
                /* This is the output of dpkg-deb -I */
                process_metadata_line (line, comm);

        fdata = file_data_new ();

        fields = split_line (line, 5);
        fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[2], NULL, 10);
        tmfields = g_strsplit(fields[3], "-", 3);
        if (tmfields[2]) {
                tm.tm_year = atoi (tmfields[0]) - 1900;
                tm.tm_mon = atoi (tmfields[1]);
                tm.tm_mday = atoi (tmfields[2]);
        g_strfreev (tmfields);
        tmfields = g_strsplit (fields[4], ":", 2);
        if (tmfields[1]) {
                tm.tm_hour = atoi (tmfields[0]);
                tm.tm_min = atoi (tmfields[1]);
        g_strfreev (tmfields);
        fdata->modified = mktime (&tm);
        g_strfreev (fields);

        name = get_last_field (line, 6);
        fields = g_strsplit (name, " -> ", 2);

        fdata->dir = line[0] == 'd';
        name = fields[0];
        if (g_str_has_prefix (name, "./")) { /* Should generally be the case */
                fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name + 1);
                fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;
        } else if (name[0] == '/') {
                fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name);
                fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path;
        } else {
                fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name, NULL);
                fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1;
        if (fdata->dir && (name[strlen (name) - 1] != '/')) {
                char *old_full_path = fdata->full_path;
                fdata->full_path = g_strconcat (old_full_path, "/", NULL);
                g_free (old_full_path);
                fdata->original_path = g_strdup (name);
                fdata->free_original_path = TRUE;

        if (fields[1] != NULL)
                fdata->link = g_strdup (fields[1]);
        g_strfreev (fields);

        if (fdata->dir)
                fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path);
                fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path));
        fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path);

        if (*fdata->name == 0)
                file_data_free (fdata);
                fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata);
Exemplo n.º 30
static int
file_sel_response_cb (GtkWidget    *widget,
		      int           response,
		      DialogData   *data)
	GtkFileChooser *file_sel = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (widget);
	FrWindow       *window = data->window;
	char           *selected_folder;
	gboolean        update, UNUSED_VARIABLE recursive, follow_links;
	const char     *include_files;
	const char     *exclude_files;
	const char     *exclude_folders;
	char           *dest_dir;
	char           *local_filename;

	dlg_add_folder_save_last_options (data);

	if ((response == GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL) || (response == GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT)) {
		gtk_widget_destroy (data->dialog);
		return TRUE;

	if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_HELP) {
		show_help_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (data->dialog), "engrampa-add-options");
		return TRUE;

	selected_folder = gtk_file_chooser_get_uri (file_sel);

	/* check folder permissions. */

	if (! check_permissions (selected_folder, R_OK)) {
		GtkWidget *d;
		char      *utf8_path;

		utf8_path = g_filename_display_name (selected_folder);

		d = _gtk_error_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
					   _("Could not add the files to the archive"),
					   _("You don't have the right permissions to read files from folder \"%s\""),
		gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (d));
		gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (d));

		g_free (utf8_path);
		g_free (selected_folder);

		return FALSE;

	update = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (data->add_if_newer_checkbutton));
	recursive = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (data->include_subfold_checkbutton));
	follow_links = ! gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (data->exclude_symlinks));

	include_files = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->include_files_entry));
	if (utf8_only_spaces (include_files))
		include_files = "*";

	exclude_files = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->exclude_files_entry));
	if (utf8_only_spaces (exclude_files))
		exclude_files = NULL;

	exclude_folders = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->exclude_folders_entry));
	if (utf8_only_spaces (exclude_folders))
		exclude_folders = NULL;

	local_filename = g_filename_from_uri (selected_folder, NULL, NULL);
	dest_dir = build_uri (fr_window_get_current_location (window),
			      file_name_from_path (local_filename),

	fr_window_archive_add_with_wildcard (window,

	g_free (local_filename);
	g_free (dest_dir);
	g_free (selected_folder);

	gtk_widget_destroy (data->dialog);

	return TRUE;