Exemplo n.º 1
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// local function which makes the call to chmod via the resource plugin
int _rsFileChmod(
    rsComm_t*         _comm,
    fileChmodInp_t*   _chmod_inp ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make the call to chmod via the resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            0, 0, 0 ) );
    irods::error chmod_err = fileChmod( _comm, file_obj, _chmod_inp->mode );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // report errors if any
    if ( !chmod_err.ok() ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "fileChmod failed for [";
        msg << _chmod_inp->fileName;
        msg << "] to mode [";
        msg << _chmod_inp->mode;
        msg << "";
        irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), chmod_err );
        irods::log( err );

    return chmod_err.code();
} //_rsChmod
Exemplo n.º 2
int _call_file_modified_for_replica(
    rsComm_t*     rsComm,
    regReplica_t* regReplicaInp ) {
    int status = 0;
    dataObjInfo_t* destDataObjInfo = regReplicaInp->destDataObjInfo;

    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            destDataObjInfo ) );

    char* pdmo_kw = getValByKey( &regReplicaInp->condInput, IN_PDMO_KW );
    if ( pdmo_kw != NULL ) {
        file_obj->in_pdmo( pdmo_kw );

    irods::error ret = fileModified( rsComm, file_obj );
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << __FUNCTION__;
        msg << " - Failed to signal resource that the data object \"";
        msg << destDataObjInfo->objPath;
        msg << "\" was registered";
        ret = PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret );
        irods::log( ret );
        status = ret.code();

    return status;

} // _call_file_modified_for_replica
Exemplo n.º 3
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// local function which makes the call to truncate via the resource plugin
int _rsFileTruncate(
    rsComm_t*      _comm,
    fileOpenInp_t* _trunc_inp ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make the call to rename via the resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            0, 0, 0 ) );
    file_obj->size( _trunc_inp->dataSize );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // pass condInput
    file_obj->cond_input( _trunc_inp->condInput );

    irods::error trunc_err = fileTruncate( _comm, file_obj );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // report errors if any
    if ( !trunc_err.ok() ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "fileTruncate for [";
        msg << _trunc_inp->fileName;
        msg << "]";
        msg << trunc_err.code();
        irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), trunc_err );
        irods::log( err );

    return trunc_err.code();

} // _rsFileTruncate
Exemplo n.º 4
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// local function which makes the call to rename via the resource plugin
int _rsFileRename(
    rsComm_t*         _comm,
    fileRenameInp_t*  _rename_inp,
    fileRenameOut_t** _rename_out,
    rodsServerHost_t* _server_host ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // FIXME: need to check resource permission and vault permission
    // when RCAT is available
    // mkDirForFilePath( _comm, "/", _rename_inp->newFileName, getDefDirMode () ); - The actual file path depends on the resource

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make the call to rename via the resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            0, 0, 0 ) );
    irods::error rename_err = fileRename( _comm, file_obj, _rename_inp->newFileName );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // report errors if any
    if ( !rename_err.ok() ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "fileRename failed for [";
        msg << _rename_inp->oldFileName;
        msg << "] to [";
        msg << _rename_inp->newFileName;
        msg << "]";
        irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), rename_err );
        irods::log( err );
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // compare fco phy path and old file name
    // if they differ then repave for next call
    if ( file_obj->physical_path() == _rename_inp->oldFileName ) {
        file_obj->physical_path( _rename_inp->newFileName );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // percolate possible change in phy path up
    ( *_rename_out ) = ( fileRenameOut_t* ) malloc( sizeof( fileRenameOut_t ) );
        ( *_rename_out )->file_name,
        MAX_NAME_LEN );

    return rename_err.code();

} // _rsFileRename
Exemplo n.º 5
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// local function to handle call to stat via resource plugin
int _rsFileLseek(
    rsComm_t*        _comm,
    fileLseekInp_t*  _lseek_inp,
    fileLseekOut_t** _lseek_out ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make call to lseek via resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            0, 0 ) );

    irods::error lseek_err = fileLseek(
                                 _lseek_inp->whence );
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // handle error conditions and log
    if ( !lseek_err.ok() ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "lseek failed for [";
        msg << FileDesc[_lseek_inp->fileInx].fileName;
        msg << "]";
        irods::error ret_err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), lseek_err );
        irods::log( ret_err );

        return lseek_err.code();

    else {
        ( *_lseek_out ) = ( fileLseekOut_t* )malloc( sizeof( fileLseekOut_t ) );
        memset( ( *_lseek_out ), 0, sizeof( fileLseekOut_t ) );

        ( *_lseek_out )->offset = lseek_err.code();

        return 0;

} // _rsFileLseek
Exemplo n.º 6
int _rsFileRead(
    rsComm_t*      _comm,
    fileReadInp_t* _read_inp,
    bytesBuf_t*    _read_bbuf ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // XXXX need to check resource permission and vault permission
    // when RCAT is available

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // call resource plugin for POSIX read
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            0, 0 ) );

    irods::error ret = fileRead( _comm,
                                 _read_inp->len );
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=
    // log an error if the read failed,
    // pass long read error
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "fileRead failed for ";
        msg << file_obj->physical_path();
        msg << "]";
        irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret );
        irods::log( err );
    else {
        _read_bbuf->len = ret.code();

    return ret.code();

} // _rsFileRead
Exemplo n.º 7
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// local function to handle call to stat via resource plugin
int _rsFileStat(
    rsComm_t*      _comm,
    fileStatInp_t* _stat_inp,
    rodsStat_t**   _stat_out ) {
    struct stat myFileStat;
    memset( &myFileStat, 0, sizeof( myFileStat ) );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make call to stat via resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            0, 0, 0 ) );
    irods::error stat_err = fileStat( _comm, file_obj, &myFileStat );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // log error if necessary
    if ( !stat_err.ok() ) {
//        irods::log(LOG_ERROR, stat_err.result());
        return stat_err.code();

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // convert unix stat struct to an irods stat struct
    *_stat_out = ( rodsStat_t* )malloc( sizeof( rodsStat_t ) );
    int status = statToRodsStat( *_stat_out, &myFileStat );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // manage error if necessary
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        free( *_stat_out );
        *_stat_out = NULL;

    return status;

} // _rsFileStat
Exemplo n.º 8
_rsRegDataObj( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo ) {
#ifdef RODS_CAT
    int status;
    irods::error ret;
    status = chlRegDataObj( rsComm, dataObjInfo );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        char* sys_error;
        char* rods_error = rodsErrorName( status, &sys_error );
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << __FUNCTION__;
        msg << " - Failed to register data object \"" << dataObjInfo->objPath << "\"";
        msg << " - " << rods_error << " " << sys_error;
        ret = ERROR( status, msg.str() );
        irods::log( ret );
    else {
        irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
            new irods::file_object(
                dataObjInfo ) );
        ret = fileRegistered( rsComm, file_obj );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << __FUNCTION__;
            msg << " - Failed to signal resource that the data object \"";
            msg << dataObjInfo->objPath;
            msg << "\" was registered";
            ret = PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret );
            irods::log( ret );
            status = ret.code();
    return status;

Exemplo n.º 9
_l3DataPutSingleBuf( rsComm_t *rsComm, int l1descInx, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp,
                     bytesBuf_t *dataObjInpBBuf ) {
    int status = 0;
    dataObjInfo_t *myDataObjInfo = L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo;

    int bytesWritten = l3FilePutSingleBuf( rsComm, l1descInx, dataObjInpBBuf );
    if ( bytesWritten >= 0 ) {
        if ( L1desc[l1descInx].replStatus == NEWLY_CREATED_COPY &&
                myDataObjInfo->specColl == NULL &&
                L1desc[l1descInx].remoteZoneHost == NULL ) {

            /* the check for remoteZoneHost host is not needed because
             * the put would have done in the remote zone. But it make
             * the code easier to read (similar ro copy).
            status = svrRegDataObj( rsComm, myDataObjInfo );
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE,
                         "l3DataPutSingleBuf: rsRegDataObj for %s failed, status = %d",
                         myDataObjInfo->objPath, status );
                if ( status != CATALOG_ALREADY_HAS_ITEM_BY_THAT_NAME ) {
                    l3Unlink( rsComm, myDataObjInfo );
                return status;
            else {
                myDataObjInfo->replNum = status;

        /* myDataObjInfo->dataSize = bytesWritten; update size problem */
        if ( bytesWritten == 0 && myDataObjInfo->dataSize > 0 ) {
            /* overwrite with 0 len file */
            L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 1;
        else {
            L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = bytesWritten;

        // special case of zero length files, trigger the fileModified
        // operation for execution of coordinating resource logic
        if ( 0 == dataObjInp->dataSize ) {
            irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
                new irods::file_object(
                    myDataObjInfo ) );

            char* pdmo_kw = getValByKey( &myDataObjInfo->condInput, IN_PDMO_KW );
            if ( pdmo_kw != NULL ) {
                file_obj->in_pdmo( pdmo_kw );
            irods::error ret = fileModified( rsComm, file_obj );
            if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "fileModified failed for [";
                msg << myDataObjInfo->objPath;
                msg << "]";
                ret = PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret );
                irods::log( ret );
                status = ret.code();

    L1desc[l1descInx].dataSize = dataObjInp->dataSize;

    return bytesWritten;
Exemplo n.º 10
rsDataObjOpen( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp ) {
    int status, l1descInx;
    int remoteFlag;
    rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost;

    remoteFlag = getAndConnRemoteZone( rsComm, dataObjInp, &rodsServerHost,
                                       REMOTE_OPEN );
    if ( remoteFlag < 0 ) {
        return remoteFlag;
    else if ( remoteFlag == REMOTE_HOST ) {
        openStat_t *openStat = NULL;
        status = rcDataObjOpenAndStat( rodsServerHost->conn, dataObjInp,
                                       &openStat );
        if ( status < 0 ) {
            return status;
        l1descInx = allocAndSetL1descForZoneOpr( status, dataObjInp,
                    rodsServerHost, openStat );
        if ( openStat != NULL ) {
            free( openStat );
        return l1descInx;
    else {
        // dataObjInfo_t linked list
        dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfoHead = NULL;

        // resource hierarchy
        std::string hier;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // determine the resource hierarchy if one is not provided
        if ( getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW ) == NULL ) {

            irods::error ret = irods::resolve_resource_hierarchy(
                                   &dataObjInfoHead );
            if (ret.ok()) {
                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // we resolved the redirect and have a host, set the hier str for subsequent
                // api calls, etc.
                addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW, hier.c_str() );

        else {
            // file object for file_object_factory
            irods::file_object_ptr file_obj( new irods::file_object() );

            // get resource hierarchy from condInput
            hier = getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW );

            // get replicas vector populated
            irods::error fac_err = irods::file_object_factory(rsComm, dataObjInp, file_obj, &dataObjInfoHead);

        }// if ( getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW ) == NULL )

        l1descInx = _rsDataObjOpen( rsComm, dataObjInp, dataObjInfoHead );


    return l1descInx;
Exemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QString file_path = "/home/eveil/src/dev/qt-json/Load-JSON-deep/test.json";
    QFile file_obj(file_path);
        qDebug()<< "Failed to open file: " << file_path;

    QTextStream file_text(&file_obj);
    QString json_string;
    json_string = file_text.readAll();
    QByteArray json_bytes = json_string.toLocal8Bit();

    auto json_doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json_bytes);

        qDebug()<< "Failed to creat json doc from: "

    qDebug() << json_doc;

        qDebug() << "json doc is not object.";

    QJsonObject root_obj=json_doc.object();

    QVariantMap root_map=root_obj.toVariantMap();

    QVariantMap stats=root_map["stats"].toMap();
    QVariantList inv=root_map["inventory"].toList();

        qDebug() << "The stats object is empty.";
        qDebug() << "The inventory array is empty";

    // iterate a json object's members:
    QStringList key_list = stats.keys();
    for(int i=0; i < key_list.count(); ++i){
        QString key=key_list.at(i);
        int stat_val = stats[key.toLocal8Bit()].toInt();
        qDebug() << key << ": " << stat_val;

    qDebug() << "Inventory:";

    for(int i=0; i < inv.count(); ++i){
        qDebug() << inv.at(i).toString();

    return a.exec();
Exemplo n.º 12
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// _rsFileSyncToArch - this the local version of rsFileSyncToArch.
int _rsFileSyncToArch(
    rsComm_t*           _comm,
    fileStageSyncInp_t* _sync_inp,
    fileSyncOut_t**     _sync_out ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // XXXX need to check resource permission and vault permission
    // when RCAT is available

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // prep
    if ( _sync_inp->objPath[0] == '\0' ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << __FUNCTION__;
        msg << " - Empty logical path.";
        irods::log( LOG_ERROR, msg.str() );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make call to synctoarch via resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            _sync_inp->filename, "", 0,
            _sync_inp->flags ) );
    file_obj->resc_hier( _sync_inp->rescHier );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // pass condInput
    file_obj->cond_input( _sync_inp->condInput );

    irods::error sync_err = fileSyncToArch( _comm, file_obj, _sync_inp->cacheFilename );

    if ( !sync_err.ok() ) {

        if ( getErrno( sync_err.code() ) == ENOENT ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // the directory does not exist, lets make one
            int status = mkDirForFilePath(
                             getDefDirMode() );
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkDirForFilePath failed in _rsFileSyncToArch with status %d", status );
                return status;
        else if ( getErrno( sync_err.code() ) == EEXIST ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // an empty dir may be there, make the call to rmdir via the resource plugin
            irods::collection_object_ptr coll_obj(
                new irods::collection_object(
                    0, 0 ) );
            coll_obj->cond_input( _sync_inp->condInput );
            irods::error rmdir_err = fileRmdir( _comm, coll_obj );
            if ( !rmdir_err.ok() ) {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "fileRmdir failed for [";
                msg << _sync_inp->filename;
                msg << "]";
                irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), sync_err );
                irods::log( err );
        else {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileSyncToArch failed for [";
            msg << _sync_inp->filename;
            msg << "]";
            irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), sync_err );
            irods::log( err );
            return sync_err.code();

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // make call to synctoarch via resource plugin
        sync_err = fileSyncToArch( _comm, file_obj, _sync_inp->cacheFilename );
        if ( !sync_err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileSyncToArch failed for [";
            msg << _sync_inp->filename;
            msg << "]";
            msg << sync_err.code();
            irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), sync_err );
            irods::log( err );

    } // if !sync_err.ok()

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // has the file name has changed?
    if ( *_sync_out ) {
        rstrcpy( ( *_sync_out )->file_name, file_obj->physical_path().c_str(), MAX_NAME_LEN );

    return sync_err.code();

} // _rsFileSyncToArch
Exemplo n.º 13
int _rsFileGet(
    rsComm_t*      _comm,
    fileOpenInp_t* _get_inp,
    bytesBuf_t*    _get_buf ) {

    int fd;
    int len;

    len = _get_inp->dataSize;
    fd  = _rsFileOpen( _comm, _get_inp );

    if ( fd < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE,
                 "_rsFileGet: fileGet for %s, status = %d",
                 _get_inp->fileName, fd );
        return fd;

    if ( _get_buf->buf == NULL ) {
        _get_buf->buf = malloc( len );

    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            _get_inp->flags ) );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // pass condInput
    file_obj->cond_input( _get_inp->condInput );

    irods::error read_err = fileRead( _comm,
                                      len );
    int bytes_read = read_err.code();
    if ( bytes_read != len ) {
        if ( bytes_read >= 0 ) {

            _get_buf->len = bytes_read;

        else {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileRead failed for [";
            msg << _get_inp->fileName;
            msg << "]";
            irods::error ret_err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), read_err );
            irods::log( ret_err );
    else {
        _get_buf->len = bytes_read;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // call resource plugin close
    irods::error close_err = fileClose( _comm,
                                        file_obj );
    if ( !close_err.ok() ) {
        irods::error err = PASSMSG( "error on close", close_err );
        irods::log( err );

    return bytes_read;

} // _rsFileGet
    Java_Compiler_Dump_Algorithm::process ( boost::uint32_t compiler_id,
					   std::string filename )

      Trace::write_Trace ( TraceArea::GRNN_OPTIMIZER,
			   "Entering Java_Compiler_Dump_Algorithm::process" );

      std::stringstream output;

	  reverse::io_types::File_ID::ptr_t file_obj ( new reverse::io::File_ID ( filename ) );
	  reverse::java_module::Reader r_obj ( file_obj );

	  reverse::data_types::memory_map::ptr_t mem_ptr = r_obj.get_memory_map();

	  output << boost::format("  <%1%>") % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_FILE << std::endl;

	  output << boost::format ( "    <%1%>%2%</%3%>" )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_TARGET_ID
	    % compiler_id
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_TARGET_ID << std::endl;

	  output << boost::format ( "    <%1%>%2%</%3%>" )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_FILESIZE
	    % ( mem_ptr->size() )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_FILESIZE << std::endl;

	  //   Get class header
	  reverse::java_types::Class_Header::ptr_t hdr_ptr = r_obj.get_Header();

	  //   Grab data
	  std::vector<float> stats(12,0);
	  collect_Constant_Pool_Stats ( stats, hdr_ptr->get_Constant_Pool_Begin(), hdr_ptr->get_Constant_Pool_End() );

	  //   Add entry to output file
	  output << boost::format ( "    <%1%>%2%.%3%</%4%>" )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_VERSION
	    % hdr_ptr->get_Major_Version()
	    % hdr_ptr->get_Minor_Version()
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_VERSION << std::endl;

	  output << boost::format ( "    <%1%>%2%</%3%>" )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_THIS_INDEX
	    % hdr_ptr->get_This_Class()
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_THIS_INDEX << std::endl;

	  output << boost::format ( "    <%1%>%2%</%3%>" )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_SUPER_INDEX
	    % hdr_ptr->get_Super_Class()
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_SUPER_INDEX << std::endl;

	  output << boost::format ( "    <%1%>%2%</%3%>" )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_CONSTANT_POOL_COUNT
	    % hdr_ptr->get_Constant_Pool_Count()
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_CONSTANT_POOL_COUNT << std::endl;

	  float constant_pool_total = hdr_ptr->get_Constant_Pool_Count();
	  print_Constant_Pool_Stats ( output, stats, constant_pool_total );

	  output << boost::format ( "    <%1%>%2%</%3%>" )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_FIELD_COUNT
            % hdr_ptr->get_Field_Count()
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_FIELD_COUNT << std::endl;

	  output << boost::format ( "    <%1%>%2%</%3%>" )
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_METHOD_COUNT
            % hdr_ptr->get_Method_Count()
	    % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_METHOD_COUNT << std::endl;

	  output << boost::format("  </%1%>" ) % classifier::Java_Input_Tag_Names::TAG_FILE << std::endl;
      catch ( std::exception &e )

	  Trace::write_Trace ( TraceArea::GRNN_OPTIMIZER,
			       boost::str ( boost::format("(ERROR) Cannot read %1%. Skipping the file. ") % filename ) );

	  Trace::write_Trace ( TraceArea::GRNN_OPTIMIZER,
			       e.what() );


      Trace::write_Trace ( TraceArea::GRNN_OPTIMIZER,
			   "Exiting Java_Compiler_Dump_Algorithm::process" );

      return output.str();
int main()
	time_t start_time = time(NULL);
	std::string data_path("D:/Zmisc/Github/NLP/Naive-Bayes-Document-Classifier-master/trial/reuters_modified/"); //change this path according to your local data path
	std::ifstream file_cate((data_path+std::string("cats.txt")).c_str());
	//if file can't be opened, we exit
		std::cerr << "Can't open cats.txt to read.\n";
		//exit(1); which is the same as 
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	std::string line;
	std::string token;
	std::string word1;
	std::string word2;
	std::string file_name;
	std::string min_cat;
	std::string train("training");
	std::string tes("test");
	//using the tree map implementation with O(log n) time for insertion, search, deletion etc 
	//because there are no hash table implementations in c++ stl
	std::map<std::string,std::string > test_map; //test file to category map
	std::map<std::string,std::string > train_map; //train file to category map
	std::map<std::string,std::string >::iterator fi_itr;
	std::map<std::string,std::string >::const_iterator cfi_itr;
	std::map<std::string,int > cate_num_docs_map;
	std::map<std::string,int > cate_num_docs_test_map;
	std::map<std::string,int >::iterator itr;
	std::map<std::string,int >::const_iterator citr;
	std::set<std::string> words_set; 
	std::set<std::string>::iterator set_itr;
	std::set<std::string>::const_iterator cset_itr;
	std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string,unsigned int> > word_cates_num_map;
	std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string,unsigned int> >::iterator big_itr;
	std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string,unsigned int> >::const_iterator cbig_itr;
	std::map<std::string,unsigned int>::iterator small_itr;
	std::map<std::string,unsigned int>::const_iterator csmall_itr;
//Create a map with a word as the key and a map as the value
// in the inner map the category as key and number of documents in that category where it occurs as value
	std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned int> > cates_results;
	std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned int> >::iterator res_itr;
	std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned int> >::const_iterator cres_itr;

	unsigned int len_train;
	unsigned int counter;
	unsigned int error_counter;
	unsigned int len_test;
	int nct;
	double time_diff;
	double minimum_neg_log_prob;
	double neg_log_prob;
	double ratio;
	//Format of each line of categs file - filename cate1 cate 2(if any) cate3(if any)
		counter = 0;
		std::istringstream iss(line);
		while(iss >> token)
				word1 = token;
			else if(counter==2)
				word2 = token;
		if(counter>2) //we only consider files which are in 1 category
			file_name = word1.substr(5);
			test_map[file_name] = word2;
		else if(word1.compare(0,8,train)==0)
			file_name = word1.substr(9);
			train_map[file_name] = word2;

	//Removing categories with less than 21 files in either the training set or test set
	for(cfi_itr = train_map.begin();cfi_itr!=train_map.end();++cfi_itr)
		itr = cate_num_docs_map.find(cfi_itr->second);
		//File belongs to a low category
		file_name = data_path+std::string("training/")+cfi_itr->first;
		std::ifstream file_obj(file_name.c_str());
		//if file can't be opened, we exit
			std::cerr << "Can't open training file to read.\n";
			//exit(1); which is the same as 
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		while(file_obj >> token)
		for(cset_itr = words_set.begin();cset_itr!=words_set.end();++cset_itr)
			big_itr = word_cates_num_map.find(*cset_itr);	
	time_diff = difftime(time(NULL),start_time);
	std::cout << "The Classifier is trained and it took "<< time_diff << " seconds.\n" ;

	start_time = time(NULL);
	//Initialize cates_results
	for(cfi_itr = test_map.begin();cfi_itr!=test_map.end();++cfi_itr)
		itr = cate_num_docs_map.find(cfi_itr->second);
		//File belongs to a low category
		file_name = data_path+std::string("test/")+cfi_itr->first;
		std::ifstream file_obj(file_name.c_str());
		//if file can't be opened, we exit
			std::cerr << "Can't open test file to read.\n";
			//exit(1); which is the same as 
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		while(file_obj >> token)
		min_cat = "";
			neg_log_prob = -log(citr->second/(len_train*1.0));
			for(cbig_itr = word_cates_num_map.begin(); cbig_itr!=word_cates_num_map.end();++cbig_itr)
				set_itr = words_set.find(cbig_itr->first);
				nct = word_cates_num_map[cbig_itr->first][citr->first];
				ratio = (nct+1)/(citr->second+2.0);
					neg_log_prob-= log(ratio);
				min_cat = citr->first;
				minimum_neg_log_prob = neg_log_prob;
		for(cres_itr = cates_results.begin();cres_itr!=cates_results.end();++cres_itr)
			word2 = cres_itr->first;

	std::cout << "The fraction of errors is " << error_counter/(len_test*1.0) << "\n";
	//Evaluation by finer measures
	time_diff = difftime(time(NULL),start_time);
	std::cout << "The Classifier has run and it took "<< time_diff << " seconds.\n" ;	
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// local implementation of put
int _rsFilePut(
    rsComm_t*         _comm,
    fileOpenInp_t*    _put_inp,
    bytesBuf_t*       _put_bbuf,
    rodsServerHost_t* _server_host ) {
    int fd = 0;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // NOTE:: this test does not seem to work for i86 solaris
    if ( ( _put_inp->otherFlags & FORCE_FLAG ) != 0 ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // create one if it does not exist */
        _put_inp->flags |= O_CREAT;
        fd = _rsFileOpen( _comm, _put_inp );

    else {
        fd = _rsFileCreate( _comm, _put_inp, _server_host );

    } // else

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // log, error if any
    if ( fd < 0 ) {
        if ( getErrno( fd ) == EEXIST ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1,
                     "_rsFilePut: filePut for %s, status = %d",
                     _put_inp->fileName, fd );
        else if ( fd != DIRECT_ARCHIVE_ACCESS ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG,
                     "_rsFilePut: filePut for %s, status = %d",
                     _put_inp->fileName, fd );
        return ( fd );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // call write for resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            fd, 0, 0 ) );
    file_obj->in_pdmo( _put_inp->in_pdmo );
    file_obj->cond_input( _put_inp->condInput );

    irods::error write_err = fileWrite( _comm,
                                        _put_bbuf->len );
    int write_code = write_err.code();
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // log errors, if any
    if ( write_code != _put_bbuf->len ) {
        if ( write_code >= 0 ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileWrite failed for [";
            msg << _put_inp->fileName;
            msg << "] towrite [";
            msg << _put_bbuf->len;
            msg << "] written [";
            msg << write_code << "]";
            irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), write_err );
            irods::log( err );
            write_code = SYS_COPY_LEN_ERR;
        else {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileWrite failed for [";
            msg << _put_inp->fileName;
            msg << "]";
            irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), write_err );
            irods::log( err );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // close up after ourselves
    irods::error close_err = fileClose( _comm,
                                        file_obj );
    if ( !close_err.ok() ) {
        irods::error err = PASSMSG( "error on close", close_err );
        irods::log( err );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // return 'write_err code' as this includes this implementation
    // assumes we are returning the size of the file 'put' via fileWrite
    return write_code;

} // _rsFilePut
Exemplo n.º 17
_rsChkNVPathPerm( rsComm_t *rsComm, fileOpenInp_t *chkNVPathPermInp ) {
    struct stat myFileStat;
    int sysUid;
    char  tmpPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    int len;
    char *tmpPtr;

    if ( chkNVPathPermInp->objPath[0] == '\0' ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << __FUNCTION__;
        msg << " - Empty logical path.";
        irods::log( LOG_ERROR, msg.str() );
        return -1;

    /* Need to match path's owner uid with sysUid */
    sysUid = rsComm->clientUser.sysUid;
    if ( sysUid < 0 ) {
        /* have tried before */
        return SYS_NO_PATH_PERMISSION;
    else if ( sysUid == 0 ) {
        sysUid = rsComm->clientUser.sysUid =
                     getUnixUid( rsComm->clientUser.userName );

        if ( sysUid < 0 ) {
            rsComm->clientUser.sysUid = sysUid;
            return SYS_NO_PATH_PERMISSION;

    rstrcpy( tmpPath, chkNVPathPermInp->fileName, MAX_NAME_LEN );

    len = strlen( tmpPath );
    irods::error stat_err;
    while ( 1 ) {

        irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
            new irods::file_object(
                0, 0, 0 ) );
        stat_err = fileStat( rsComm, file_obj, &myFileStat );
        if ( stat_err.code() >= 0 ) {
        else if ( errno == EEXIST || getErrno( stat_err.code() ) == EEXIST ) {

            /* go back */
            tmpPtr =  tmpPath + len;

            while ( len > 0 ) {
                len --;
                if ( *tmpPtr == '/' ) {
                    *tmpPtr = '\0';

            if ( len > 0 ) {
                /* give it more tries */
            else {
        else {

    if ( stat_err.code() < 0 ) {
        return SYS_NO_PATH_PERMISSION;

    if ( sysUid != ( int ) myFileStat.st_uid &&
            ( myFileStat.st_mode & S_IWOTH ) == 0 ) {
        return SYS_NO_PATH_PERMISSION;
    else {
        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
int fileChksum(
    rsComm_t* rsComm,
    char*     objPath,
    char*     fileName,
    char*     rescHier,
    char*     orig_chksum,
    char*     chksumStr ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // capture server hashing settings
    std::string svr_hash_scheme;
    irods::server_properties& props = irods::server_properties::getInstance();
    irods::error ret = props.get_property< std::string >(
                           svr_hash_scheme );
    std::string hash_scheme( irods::MD5_NAME );
    if ( ret.ok() ) {
        hash_scheme = svr_hash_scheme;

    // make sure the read parameter is lowercased

    std::string svr_hash_policy;
    ret = props.get_property< std::string >(
              svr_hash_policy );
    std::string hash_policy;
    if ( ret.ok() ) {
        hash_policy = svr_hash_policy;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // extract scheme from checksum string
    std::string chkstr_scheme;
    if ( orig_chksum ) {
        ret = irods::get_hash_scheme_from_checksum(
                  chkstr_scheme );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            //irods::log( PASS( ret ) );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // check the hash scheme against the policy
    // if necessary
    std::string final_scheme( hash_scheme );
    if ( !chkstr_scheme.empty() ) {
        if ( !hash_policy.empty() ) {
            if ( irods::STRICT_HASH_POLICY == hash_policy ) {
                if ( hash_scheme != chkstr_scheme ) {
                    return USER_HASH_TYPE_MISMATCH;
        final_scheme = chkstr_scheme;

        "fileChksum :: final_scheme [%s]  chkstr_scheme [%s]  svr_hash_policy [%s]  hash_policy [%s]",
        hash_policy.c_str() );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // call resource plugin to open file
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            -1, 0, O_RDONLY ) ); // FIXME :: hack until this is better abstracted - JMC
    ret = fileOpen( rsComm, file_obj );
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        int status = UNIX_FILE_OPEN_ERR - errno;
        if ( ret.code() != DIRECT_ARCHIVE_ACCESS ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileOpen failed for [";
            msg << fileName;
            msg << "]";
            irods::log( PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret ) );
        else {
            status = ret.code();
        return status;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // create a hasher object and init given a scheme
    // if it is unsupported then default to md5
    irods::Hasher hasher;
    ret = irods::getHasher( final_scheme, hasher );
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        irods::log( PASS( ret ) );
        irods::getHasher( irods::MD5_NAME, hasher );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // do an inital read of the file
    char buffer[SVR_MD5_BUF_SZ];
    irods::error read_err = fileRead(
                                SVR_MD5_BUF_SZ );
    int bytes_read = read_err.code();

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // loop and update while there are still bytes to be read
#ifdef MD5_DEBUG
    rodsLong_t total_bytes_read = 0;    /* XXXX debug */
    while ( read_err.ok() && bytes_read > 0 ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // debug statistics
#ifdef MD5_DEBUG
        total_bytes_read += bytes_read;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // update hasher
        hasher.update( std::string( buffer, bytes_read ) );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // read some more
        read_err = fileRead( rsComm, file_obj, buffer, SVR_MD5_BUF_SZ );
        if ( read_err.ok() ) {
            bytes_read = read_err.code();
        else {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << __FUNCTION__;
            msg << " - Failed to read buffer from file: \"";
            msg << fileName;
            msg << "\"";
            irods::error result = PASSMSG( msg.str(), read_err );
            irods::log( result );
            return result.code();

    } // while

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // close out the file
    ret = fileClose( rsComm, file_obj );
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        irods::error err = PASSMSG( "error on close", ret );
        irods::log( err );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // extract the digest from the hasher object
    // and copy to outgoing string
    std::string digest;
    hasher.digest( digest );
    strncpy( chksumStr, digest.c_str(), NAME_LEN );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // debug messaging
#ifdef MD5_DEBUG
    rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE,
             "fileChksum: chksum = %s, total_bytes_read = %lld",
             chksumStr, total_bytes_read );

    return 0;

Exemplo n.º 19
/// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/// @brief function to query resource for chosen server to which to redirect
///       for a given operation
    error resolve_resource_hierarchy(
        const std::string&   _oper,
        rsComm_t*            _comm,
        dataObjInp_t*        _data_obj_inp,
        std::string&         _out_hier ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // validate incoming parameters
        if ( !_comm ) {
            return ERROR(
                       "null comm pointer" );
        else if ( !_data_obj_inp ) {
            return ERROR(
                       "null data obj inp pointer" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // cache the operation, as we may need to modify it
        std::string oper = _oper;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // if this is a put operation then we do not have a first class object
        resource_ptr resc;
        file_object_ptr file_obj(
            new file_object( ) );
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // if this is a special collection then we need to get the hier
        // pass that along and bail as it is not a data object, or if
        // it is just a not-so-special collection then we continue with
        // processing the operation, as this may be a create op
        rodsObjStat_t *rodsObjStatOut = NULL;
        int spec_stat = collStat( _comm, _data_obj_inp, &rodsObjStatOut );
        file_obj->logical_path( _data_obj_inp->objPath );
        if ( spec_stat >= 0 ) {
            if ( rodsObjStatOut->specColl != NULL ) {
                _out_hier = rodsObjStatOut->specColl->rescHier;
                freeRodsObjStat( rodsObjStatOut );
                return SUCCESS();

        freeRodsObjStat( rodsObjStatOut );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // extract the resc name keyword from the conditional input
        char* back_up_resc_name  = getValByKey( &_data_obj_inp->condInput, BACKUP_RESC_NAME_KW );
        char* dest_resc_name     = getValByKey( &_data_obj_inp->condInput, DEST_RESC_NAME_KW );
        char* default_resc_name  = getValByKey( &_data_obj_inp->condInput, DEF_RESC_NAME_KW );
        char* resc_name          = getValByKey( &_data_obj_inp->condInput, RESC_NAME_KW );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // assign the keyword in an order, if it applies
        char* key_word    = 0;
        if ( resc_name ) {
            key_word = resc_name;
        else if ( dest_resc_name ) {
            key_word = dest_resc_name;
        else if ( back_up_resc_name ) {
            key_word = back_up_resc_name;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // call factory for given obj inp, get a file_object
        error fac_err = file_object_factory( _comm, _data_obj_inp, file_obj );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // perform an open operation if create is not specificied ( thats all we have for now )
        if ( OPEN_OPERATION  == oper ||
                WRITE_OPERATION == oper ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // factory has already been called, test for
            // success before proceeding
            if ( !fac_err.ok() ) {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "resolve_resource_hierarchy :: failed in file_object_factory";
                return PASSMSG( msg.str(), fac_err );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // consider force flag - we need to consider the default
            // resc if -f is specified
            char* force_flag = getValByKey( &_data_obj_inp->condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW );
            if ( force_flag &&
                    !key_word ) {
                key_word = default_resc_name;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // attempt to resolve for an open
            _out_hier = "";
            error ret = resolve_hier_for_open_or_write(
                            _out_hier );
            return ret;

        else if ( CREATE_OPERATION == oper ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // include the default resc name if it applies
            if ( !key_word && default_resc_name ) {
                key_word = default_resc_name;


            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // if we have valid data objects then this could
            // be actually an open rather than a pure create
            error ret = SUCCESS();
            if ( fac_err.ok() ) {
                ret = resolve_hier_for_create_or_open(
                          _out_hier );

            else {
                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // attempt to resolve for a create
                ret = resolve_hier_for_create(
                          _out_hier );

            return ret;

        } // else

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // should not get here
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "operation not supported ["
            << oper
            << "]";
        return ERROR( -1, msg.str() );

    } // resolve_resource_hierarchy
Exemplo n.º 20
int _call_file_modified_for_modification(
    rsComm_t*         rsComm,
    modDataObjMeta_t* modDataObjMetaInp ) {
    int status = 0;
    dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo;
    keyValPair_t *regParam;
    ruleExecInfo_t rei2;

    memset( ( char* )&rei2, 0, sizeof( ruleExecInfo_t ) );
    rei2.rsComm = rsComm;
    if ( rsComm != NULL ) {
        rei2.uoic = &rsComm->clientUser;
        rei2.uoip = &rsComm->proxyUser;
    rei2.doi = modDataObjMetaInp->dataObjInfo;
    rei2.condInputData = modDataObjMetaInp->regParam;
    regParam = modDataObjMetaInp->regParam;
    dataObjInfo = modDataObjMetaInp->dataObjInfo;

    if ( regParam->len == 0 ) {
        return ( 0 );

    if ( getValByKey( regParam, ALL_KW ) != NULL ) {
        /* all copies */
        dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfoHead = NULL;
        dataObjInfo_t *tmpDataObjInfo;
        dataObjInp_t dataObjInp;

        bzero( &dataObjInp, sizeof( dataObjInp ) );
        rstrcpy( dataObjInp.objPath, dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        status = getDataObjInfoIncSpecColl( rsComm, &dataObjInp, &dataObjInfoHead );

        if ( status < 0 )  {
            rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "%s - Failed to get data objects.", __FUNCTION__ );
            return status;
        tmpDataObjInfo = dataObjInfoHead;
        while ( tmpDataObjInfo != NULL ) {
            if ( tmpDataObjInfo->specColl != NULL ) {

            irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
                new irods::file_object(
                    tmpDataObjInfo ) );

            char* pdmo_kw = getValByKey( regParam, IN_PDMO_KW );
            if ( pdmo_kw != NULL ) {
                file_obj->in_pdmo( pdmo_kw );


            irods::error ret = fileModified( rsComm, file_obj );
            if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << __FUNCTION__;
                msg << " - Failed to signal resource that the data object \"";
                msg << tmpDataObjInfo->objPath;
                msg << " was modified.";
                ret = PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret );
                irods::log( ret );
                status = ret.code();

            tmpDataObjInfo = tmpDataObjInfo->next;
        freeAllDataObjInfo( dataObjInfoHead );
    else {
        irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
            new irods::file_object(
                dataObjInfo ) );

        char* pdmo_kw = getValByKey( regParam, IN_PDMO_KW );
        if ( pdmo_kw != NULL ) {
            file_obj->in_pdmo( pdmo_kw );
        irods::error ret = fileModified( rsComm, file_obj );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << __FUNCTION__;
            msg << " - Failed to signal the resource that the data object \"";
            msg << dataObjInfo->objPath;
            msg << "\" was modified.";
            ret = PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret );
            irods::log( ret );
            status = ret.code();


    return status;
