Exemplo n.º 1
void ej_dhcp_remaining_time(webs_t wp, int argc, char_t ** argv)
	// tofu12

	if (nvram_invmatch("wan_proto", "dhcp"))

	long exp;
	char buf[128];
	struct sysinfo si;
	long n;

	exp = 0;
	if (file_to_buf("/tmp/udhcpc.expires", buf, sizeof(buf))) {
		n = atol(buf);
		if (n > 0) {
			exp = n - si.uptime;
	websWrite(wp, dhcp_reltime(buf, exp));

Exemplo n.º 2
char attr[NAMEMAXLEN], val[256];
char *line, *lineval;
int nt, lvp;
int first;

int align;
double adjx, adjy;
double x, y;
char textdetails[256];
char fromfile[256];
int fromfilemode;
int nlines, maxlen;
char box[256];
char backcolor[COLORLEN];
int verttext;
double bm;
char mapurl[MAXPATH];
double bevelsize, shadowsize;
char lowbevelcolor[COLORLEN], hibevelcolor[COLORLEN], shadowcolor[COLORLEN];
int ioutline;
char maplabel[MAXTT];
int clickmap_on;
int do_ellipse;
double bd_1, bd_2, bd_3, bd_4;
int backdim;
double cx, cy, px, py;
int clip;

TDH_errprog( "pl proc annotate" );

/* initialize */
strcpy( PL_bigbuf, "" );
strcpy( textdetails, "" );
strcpy( fromfile, "" );
fromfilemode = 0;
x = 3.0;
y = 3.0;
arrowh = arrowt = 0;
arrow2h = arrow2t = 0;
strcpy( arrowdet, "" );
ahsize = 0.1;
strcpy( box, "" );
strcpy( backcolor, "" );
verttext = 0;
bm = 0.0;
strcpy( mapurl, "" );
bevelsize = 0.0;
shadowsize = 0.0;
strcpy( lowbevelcolor, "0.6" );
strcpy( hibevelcolor, "0.8" );
strcpy( shadowcolor, "black" );
strcpy( maplabel, "" );
clickmap_on = 0;
do_ellipse = 0;
backdim = 0;
clip = 0;

/* get attributes.. */
first = 1;
while( 1 ) {
	line = getnextattr( first, attr, val, &lvp, &nt );
	if( line == NULL ) break;
	first = 0;
	lineval = &line[lvp];

	if( stricmp( attr, "location" )==0 ) {
		getcoords( "location", lineval, &x, &y );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "text" )==0 ) 
		getmultiline( "text", lineval, MAXBIGBUF, PL_bigbuf );

	else if( stricmp( attr, "textdetails" )==0 ) strcpy( textdetails, lineval );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "fromfile" )==0 ) {
		strcpy( fromfile, lineval );
		fromfilemode = 1;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "fromcommand" )==0 ) {
		strcpy( fromfile, lineval );
		fromfilemode = 2;

	else if( stricmp( attr, "arrowhead" )==0 ) {
		getcoords( "arrowhead", lineval, &ahx, &ahy );
		arrowh = 1;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "arrowtail" )==0 ) {
		getcoords( "arrowtail", lineval, &atx, &aty );
		arrowt = 1;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "arrowhead2" )==0 ) {
		getcoords( "arrowhead2", lineval, &ah2x, &ah2y );
		arrow2h = 1;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "arrowtail2" )==0 ) {
		getcoords( "arrowtail2", lineval, &at2x, &at2y );
		arrow2t = 1;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "arrowdetails" )==0 ) strcpy( arrowdet, lineval );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "arrowheadsize" )==0 ) {
		ahsize = atof( val );
		if( ahsize <= 0.0 ) ahsize = 0.0; /* no arrow */
		if( PLS.usingcm ) ahsize /= 2.54;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "box" )==0 || stricmp( attr, "outline" )==0 ) strcpy( box, lineval );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "ellipse" )==0 ) {
		if( strnicmp( val, YESANS, 1 )==0 ) do_ellipse = 1;
		else do_ellipse = 0;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "clickmapurl" )==0 ) {
		if( PLS.clickmap ) { strcpy( mapurl, val ); clickmap_on = 1; }
	else if( stricmp( attr, "clickmaplabel" )==0 ) {
		if( PLS.clickmap ) { strcpy( maplabel, lineval ); clickmap_on = 1; }
        else if( stricmp( attr, "clickmaplabeltext" )==0 ) {
                if( PLS.clickmap ) { getmultiline( "clickmaplabeltext", lineval, MAXTT, maplabel ); clickmap_on = 1; }

	else if( stricmp( attr, "boxmargin" )==0 ) {
		bm = atof( val );
		if( PLS.usingcm ) bm /= 2.54;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "verttext" )==0 ) {
		if( strnicmp( val, YESANS, 1 )==0 ) verttext = 1;
		else verttext = 0;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "backcolor" )==0 ) strcpy( backcolor, val );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "bevelsize" )==0 ) bevelsize = atof( val );
        else if( stricmp( attr, "shadowsize" )==0 ) shadowsize = atof( val );
        else if( stricmp( attr, "lowbevelcolor" )==0 ) strcpy( lowbevelcolor, val );
        else if( stricmp( attr, "hibevelcolor" )==0 ) strcpy( hibevelcolor, val );
        else if( stricmp( attr, "shadowcolor" )==0 ) strcpy( shadowcolor, val );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "backdim" )==0 ) {
		PL_getbox( "backdim", lineval, &bd_1, &bd_2, &bd_3, &bd_4 );
		backdim = 1;
        else if( stricmp( attr, "clip" )==0 ) {
		if( strnicmp( val, YESANS, 1 )==0 ) clip = 1;
		else clip = 0;
	else Eerr( 1, "attribute not recognized", attr );

if( fromfilemode > 0 ) file_to_buf( fromfile, fromfilemode, PL_bigbuf, MAXBIGBUF );

textdet( "textdetails", textdetails, &align, &adjx, &adjy, 0, "R", 1.0 );
if( align == '?' ) align = 'C';

px = x + adjx;
py = y + adjy;

/* figure backing box */
measuretext( PL_bigbuf, &nlines, &maxlen );
boxw = (maxlen+2) * Ecurtextwidth;
boxh = (nlines*1.2) * Ecurtextheight;
uly = py + Ecurtextheight;
if( align == 'C' ) ulx = px - (boxw/2.0); 
else if( align == 'L' ) ulx = px;
else if( align == 'R' ) ulx = px - boxw;

if( bm != 0.0 ) {
	ulx -= bm;
	uly += bm;
	boxw += (bm*2);
	boxh += (bm*2);

if( clip ) PLG_pcodeboundingbox( 0 ); /* clip the annotation to the cropped size (by turning off bb) */

if( backcolor[0] != '\0' || ( box[0] != '\0' && strnicmp( box, "no", 2 )!= 0 ) ) {
	if( box[0] != '\0' && strnicmp( box, "no", 2 )!= 0 ) {
		ioutline = 1;
		linedet( "box", box, 0.5 );
	else ioutline = 0;
	if( do_ellipse ) {
		cx = ulx+(boxw/2.0);
		cy = uly-(boxh/2.0);
		if( backdim ) { cx = bd_1; cy = bd_2; boxw = bd_3; boxh = bd_4; }
		do_arrows(); /* do this before ellipse to get abutting edge */
		PLG_ellipse( cx, cy, ((boxw/2.0)*1.3), ((boxh/2.0)*1.3), backcolor, ioutline );
	else	{
		if( backdim ) { ulx = bd_1; uly = bd_2; boxw = bd_3; boxh = bd_4; }
		do_arrows(); /* do this before fill to get abutting edge */
		Ecblock( ulx, (uly-boxh), ulx+boxw, uly, backcolor, ioutline );
		if( bevelsize > 0.0 || shadowsize > 0.0 ) 
			Ecblockdress( ulx, (uly-boxh), ulx+boxw, uly, bevelsize, lowbevelcolor, hibevelcolor, shadowsize, shadowcolor);
else do_arrows();

if( clickmap_on ) {
	if( backdim && do_ellipse ) {
		/* need to solve back to ulx,uly in this case.. */
		ulx = (((boxw/2.0)-cx)*-1.0); 
		uly = (((boxw/2.0)-cy)*-1.0) + boxh; 
	clickmap_entry( 'r', mapurl, 0, ulx, (uly-boxh), ulx+boxw, uly, 1, 0, maplabel );

/* now render the text.. */
textdet( "textdetails", textdetails, &align, &adjx, &adjy, 0, "R", 1.0 ); /* need to do again */
if( align == '?' ) align = 'C';
Emov( x + adjx, y + adjy );
if( verttext ) Etextdir( 90 );
Edotext( PL_bigbuf, align );
if( verttext ) Etextdir( 0 );

if( clip ) PLG_pcodeboundingbox( 1 ); /* restore */

return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 3
void ej_show_status(webs_t wp, int argc, char_t ** argv)
	char *type;
	char *wan_proto = nvram_safe_get("wan_proto");
	char *submit_type = websGetVar(wp, "submit_type", NULL);
	int wan_link = 0;
	char buf[254];

	if (argc > 0) {
		if (!strcmp(argv[0], "adsl")) {
			websWrite(wp, "{dsl_iface_status::%s}\n", nvram_get("dsl_iface_status"));
			websWrite(wp, "{dsl_datarate_ds::%11.2f}\n", atof(nvram_get("dsl_datarate_ds")));
			websWrite(wp, "{dsl_datarate_us::%11.2f}\n", atof(nvram_get("dsl_datarate_us")));
			websWrite(wp, "{dsl_snr_down::%d}\n", atoi(nvram_get("dsl_snr_down")));
			websWrite(wp, "{dsl_snr_up::%d}\n", atoi(nvram_get("dsl_snr_up")));
	if (!strcmp(wan_proto, "pppoe")
	    || !strcmp(wan_proto, "pptp")
	    || !strcmp(wan_proto, "pppoe_dual")
#ifdef HAVE_3G
	    || !strcmp(wan_proto, "3g")
	    || !strcmp(wan_proto, "iphone")
	    || !strcmp(wan_proto, "pppoa")
#ifdef HAVE_L2TP
	    || !strcmp(wan_proto, "l2tp")
	    || !strcmp(wan_proto, "heartbeat")) {

		 * get type [ refresh | reload ] 
		ejArgs(argc, argv, "%s", &type);
		 * get ppp status , if /tmp/ppp/link exist, the connection is enabled 
		wan_link = check_wan_link(0);

		if (!strcmp(type, "init")) {

			 * press [ Connect | Disconnect ] button 
			 * set retry count 
			if (nvram_match("gozila_action", "1"))
				retry_count = STATUS_RETRY_COUNT;	// retry 3 times

			 * set refresh time 
			// submit_type old format is "Disconnect", new format is
			// "Disconnect_pppoe" or "Disconnect_pptp" or
			// "Disconnect_heartbeat"
			if (submit_type && !strncmp(submit_type, "Disconnect", 10))	// Disconnect 
				// always 
				// 60 
				// seconds 
				// to 
				// refresh
				retry_count = -1;

			refresh_time = (retry_count <= 0) ? STATUS_REFRESH_TIME2 : STATUS_REFRESH_TIME1;

		} else if (!strcmp(type, "refresh_time")) {

			websWrite(wp, "%d", refresh_time * 1000);
		} else if (!strcmp(type, "onload")) {
			if (retry_count == 0 || (!submit_type && !wan_link && nvram_match("gozila_action", "1"))) {	// After refresh 2 times, if the status is
				// disconnect, show Alert message.
				websWrite(wp, "ShowAlert(\"TIMEOUT\");");
				retry_count = -1;
			} else if (file_to_buf("/tmp/ppp/log", buf, sizeof(buf))) {
				websWrite(wp, "ShowAlert(\"%s\");", buf);
				retry_count = -1;
			} else {
				websWrite(wp, "Refresh();");

			if (retry_count != -1)