Exemplo n.º 1
uint64_t util_rndGet(uint64_t min, uint64_t max)
    if (min > max) {
        LOG_F("min:%" PRIu64 " > max:%" PRIu64, min, max);

    if (util_urandomFd == -1) {
        if ((util_urandomFd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
            PLOG_F("Couldn't open /dev/urandom for writing");

    if (rndIni == false) {
        if (files_readFromFd(util_urandomFd, (uint8_t *) & rndX, sizeof(rndX)) == false) {
            PLOG_F("Couldn't read '%zu' bytes from /dev/urandom", sizeof(rndX));
        rndIni = true;

    /* MMIX LCG PRNG */
    static const uint64_t a = 6364136223846793005ULL;
    static const uint64_t c = 1442695040888963407ULL;

    rndX = (a * rndX + c);

    return ((rndX % (max - min + 1)) + min);
Exemplo n.º 2
ssize_t files_readFileToBufMax(char *fileName, uint8_t * buf, size_t fileMaxSz)
    int fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd == -1) {
        PLOG_W("Couldn't open '%s' for R/O", fileName);
        return -1;
    defer {

    ssize_t readSz = files_readFromFd(fd, buf, fileMaxSz);
    if (readSz < 0) {
        LOG_W("Couldn't read '%s' to a buf", fileName);
        return -1;

    LOG_D("Read '%zu' bytes from '%s'", readSz, fileName);
    return readSz;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * dstExists argument can be used by caller for cases where existing destination
 * file requires special handling (e.g. save unique crashes)
bool files_copyFile(const char *source, const char *destination, bool * dstExists)
    if (dstExists)
        *dstExists = false;
    if (link(source, destination) == 0) {
        return true;
    } else {
        if (errno == EEXIST) {
            // Should kick-in before MAC, so avoid the hassle
            if (dstExists)
                *dstExists = true;
            return false;
        } else {
            PLOG_D("Couldn't link '%s' as '%s'", source, destination);
             * Don't fail yet as we might have a running env which doesn't allow
             * hardlinks (e.g. SELinux)

    // Now try with a verbose POSIX alternative
    int inFD, outFD, dstOpenFlags;
    mode_t dstFilePerms;

    // O_EXCL is important for saving unique crashes
    dstOpenFlags = O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL;
    dstFilePerms = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH;

    inFD = open(source, O_RDONLY);
    if (inFD == -1) {
        PLOG_D("Couldn't open '%s' source", source);
        return false;
    defer {

    struct stat inSt;
    if (fstat(inFD, &inSt) == -1) {
        PLOG_W("Couldn't fstat(fd='%d' fileName='%s')", inFD, source);
        return false;

    outFD = open(destination, dstOpenFlags, dstFilePerms);
    if (outFD == -1) {
        if (errno == EEXIST) {
            if (dstExists)
                *dstExists = true;
        PLOG_D("Couldn't open '%s' destination", destination);
        return false;
    defer {

    uint8_t *inFileBuf = malloc(inSt.st_size);
    if (!inFileBuf) {
        PLOG_W("malloc(%zu) failed", (size_t) inSt.st_size);
        return false;
    defer {

    ssize_t readSz = files_readFromFd(inFD, inFileBuf, (size_t) inSt.st_size);
    if (readSz < 0) {
        PLOG_W("Couldn't read '%s' to a buf", source);
        return false;

    if (files_writeToFd(outFD, inFileBuf, readSz) == false) {
        PLOG_W("Couldn't write '%zu' bytes to file '%s' (fd='%d')", (size_t) readSz,
               destination, outFD);
        return false;

    return true;